Lesson: Two Unit Overview
Lesson: Two Unit Overview
Lesson: Two Unit Overview
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Unit will learn what adjectives are, and Students will take a final exam at the end
use them to describe common nouns. This of the term on describing common nouns
is under the topic parts of speech. using adjectives. There will be fill in the
blank sentence questions, as well as
choice questions, where the student will
need to choose the most appropriate
adjective for the image given on the test.
Developing the The content learned and the strategies The teacher then asks students to
Lesson employed towards that end brainstorm verbs for the different
letters of the alphabet.
Closing the Lesson A conclusion or review of what was Teacher encourages the students
learned, providing closure to the lesson. to reflect upon the lesson by
sharing what they learned.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that Sheet should be submitted after
Assessment provides feedback that can be used to plan filling and the teacher will go
or alter instruction. Should prepare through each.
students for the summative assessment.
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet Each student fills in the verb
the needs of diverse learners according to a letter of the
alphabet which they are assigned
Rebecca Wambui Action ABCs: Creating A Verb Alphabet Book Lesson
Kindergarten 1-2
Resources any texts, materials, technology, Blank sheets and book, class act
people, places or other resources that
have informed the unit and learning