Lesson Plan Template and Rubric: Central Focus
Lesson Plan Template and Rubric: Central Focus
Lesson Plan Template and Rubric: Central Focus
Instructional Location:
Lesson Goals
Lesson Title: Sentence building using recently pretaught vocabulary
The students will focus on new vocabulary and incorporating it into the text in this lesson. They will name, revise, read and spell
grade-level common words. Repeating and using new words helps students to remember them in both spoken and written form.
KRF1a: Follow words from left to the right, top to bottom, and page by page.
KRF2d: Blend and segment individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken one-syllable words.
Цього я не знаю!!!
Lesson Objectives and Language Demands
Content/Skill Objectives:
The students will be able to learn the spelling of recently introduced words.
The students will be able to incorporate words into sentences using visual and written support.
Language Demands:
The student will be able to read and write words such as turtle, crab, swimmer, jellyfish, sea grass, etc.
In the discourse aspect, the teacher will expect the student to read, write and speak. The language will be presented in terms of sounds
and words.
Key Vocabulary:
Match meaning putting the parts of the sentence together in a logical manner.
Vocabulary cards, worksheets, Index cards for commonly used words at grade level, laptop, and projector, white board.
Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills
Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills:
The students might not understand how to complete the task, they may misspell words.
Beginning the Lesson/Introduction What Teacher Will Do: What Students Will Do:
Minutes [5 Minutes ] The teacher will show the pictures or toys The student will look at the pictures.
which carry the meaning of target words The students will answer the questions.
and ask students to name what it is. The student will respond to various
The teacher will ask the students to repeat questions the teacher will be asking.
words. Then the teacher will ask students The students will also write the words they
Introducing New Content/Skills What Teacher Will Do: What Students Will Do:
Minutes [ 5 Minutes ] The teacher will show the students visual The students will listen to the teacher and
The teacher will let the student know the vocabulary cards and ask the student for share their thoughts.
target content and objective of the day. possible definitions of the words.
The teacher will introduce the crossword The teacher will ask students to relate the The student will share possible home
to students. words to their home language. language words they always hear.
The teacher will spread handouts of the The students will complete the task in
crossword. pairs.
The teacher will ask students to work in The students will check their answers.
the students.
Guided Practice What Teacher Will Do: What Students Will Do:
Minutes [ 10 Minutes ] The teacher will divide students into 2 The student will listen and watch the
spread out worksheets. The students will mingle and read each
The teacher will model sentence matching other’s parts of the sentences to find the
teacher will ask the students to pair and The students will share the sentences with
Independent Practice What Teacher Will Do: What Students Will Do:
Minutes [ 10 Minutes ] The teacher will spread new worksheets The student will complete the task
The students will work individually on the and ask the students to unscramble the
The teacher will show an example before The students will work on a worksheet on
Formative Assessment:
The teacher will give a directed task to The teacher will supervise the task as the
Minutes [ 5 Minutes ] The teacher will ask the students what The students will complete the task on
The teacher will engage the learner in a words can they remember from the lesson. their own.
The teacher will ask the students to listen to read, listen and spell the words.
The student will be given more The teacher will ask the learner to make The student will work on making new
opportunities for using new words in their their own sentences with the given words. sentences.
own sentences.
Students with Special Needs or IEPs:
The student with the inability to hold the pen will use word cards to complete the tasks.
English Learners:
For the student who is an English learner, the words may be translated into the local language of the student. It is also possible to
Malarvili & Dhanapal (2016) explain that experiential learning and teaching are critical educational tools in enhancing understanding
Scaffolding through repetitive instruction, home language materials, and modeling helps students learn a new topic. It is also found in
Vygotsky’s spatial metaphor that covers the developmental process, which uses games in learning new aspects.
informal Assessment The lesson goals demand that students recognize words by looking at pictures or
Using revising and repetition activities to test objects, they are able to say, spell and write given target vocabulary. Moreover, the
whether students comprehend the vocabulary students will also use target words to create sentences that are at their level.
helps them to acquire deeper comprehension
Evidence of Student Understanding/Skill:
of the word usage and practice their learning
This assessment enables the learner to demonstrate whether they remember and can
produce the words taught earlier. If a student is proficient at the skill, they can
Students are more susceptible to visual
accurately pronounce and spell words.
learning and enjoy mingling activities,
the activities. The teacher will tell the student the level of achievement they have. If the boy has
accurately given the correct answers, the teacher will appraise, whereas if the student
Summative assessment In the lesson goals, the target is in segmenting and blending words. The activity
Formal Assessment: worksheet “Put-it- requiring a student to represent new vocabulary using triangles and later driving
together” through as they read words then explain the entire process helps attain set goals.
Informal Assessment:
Evidence of Student Understanding/Skill:
Using a reflection of the blending activity in
The student will successfully fill the triangles and drive through letters while blending
closing the lesson using a conversation with
them into words.
the teacher helps the students show what
The student will correctly form sentences using available words and letters.
they know and what they do not know.
Feedback to Students:
The teacher will tell the student promptly about the achievement level and correct in