Opinion Writing Lesson 4
Opinion Writing Lesson 4
Opinion Writing Lesson 4
c. Write a letter or
letters for most
consonant and
short-vowel sounds
Making the content - The prompt for this writing activity is something that
accessible to all students: all the students in the class will have background
Explain what you are doing to knowledge on. We have spent many days in class
consider how to make the task reading Piggie and Elephant books as a whole class
and the work make sense and and individually.
make it possible for different
students to get into the work.
Identify particular
students/groups of students and
what you are paying attention to
in terms of access as you plan
the lesson.
Anticipating issues that could - This lesson contains things that students will most
arise that might serve to likely have background knowledge about or have seen
reproduce patterns that before.
marginalize some groups of - I will continue to work on calling on a variety of
students: Identify things you students who have a wide range of ideas.
are doing specifically in this - Allowing extra support for students who need it so all
lesson to counter particular students are able to complete the activity for the day.
patterns that are prone to
marginalizing with respect to
particular groups of students.
Instructional Sequence
Materials: -Slides
-Writing Sheet
How will the assessment data you - Looking over students writing from today will
gathered from this lesson inform your help see how quickly we can move on to
planning and enactment of a subsequent writing more than one opinion. Many
lesson? students were able to think of reasons why
during the lesson verbally and I saw many
put it into writing. The next step for all
students is to emphasize how adding
reasons makes our opinions more convincing
and continue to work on the vocabulary of
our sentence stems and the word ‘because.’
Based on what you observed about - My goal is to always give my students time
students’ social, emotional, and academic to share and express their ideas and
needs during this instance of instruction, opinions. My students are the most engaged
what is one goal you have for your when they get to express themselves and
emerging practice? come share the pen.