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SOLTEQ Equipment for Engineering Education & Research


HE Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Unit (Model: HE 156) has been designed for students

T to determine the thermal conductivities of various liquids and gases. The unit comes complete with a
control panel and a test module which is basically a plug and jacket assembly. With an optional data
acquisition system, students shall be able to automatically collect experimental data and perform all the necessary
calculations to determine the thermal conductivity of the test liquid or gas.

DESCRIPTION and venting the test fluid. A thermocouple is inserted

into the plug near the external surface. The plug is
During the experiment, the fluid (liquid or gas) whose placed in the middle of the water jacket. The jacket is
thermal conductivity is to be determined flows in the machined from brass and has water inlet and drain
small radial clearance between a heated plug and a connections. A thermocouple is also fitted to the inner
water cooled jacket. In order to prevent natural sleeve of the jacket. The positioning of the
convection in the fluid, the clearance is made small in thermocouples and the high thermal conductivities of
size. the materials involved shall allow us to assume that the
temperatures measured are effectively the temperatures
The plug is made of aluminium and contains a cylindrical of the hot and cold faces of the fluid lamina.
heating element. The plug also has ports for introducing

Rev1.0 15/06/2011
SOLTEQ Equipment for Engineering Education & Research

The test module is connected to the control panel for temperature controller/indicator, digital indicators for
the voltage supply. Power input and temperature temperatures and heater power, and thermocouple

readings are digitally displayed on the control panel. A selector switch.
control knob on the control panel allows students to vary
the power input to the heating elements. OPTIONAL ITEMS


Determination of the thermal conductivity of i) A PC with latest Pentium Processor

various liquids and gases. ii) An electronic signal conditioning system
iii) Stand alone data acquisition modules
Calibration of the unit to establish the effect of iv) Windows based software
incidental heat transfers. Data Logging
Signal Analysis
Process Control
Tabulated Results
The complete unit includes the followings: Graph of Experimental Results

a) Test Modules: - CAL

Plug and jacket assembly consists of a cylindrical SOLCAL COMPUTER AIDED LEARNING
plug and a cylindrical water jacket. SOFTWARE

Cylindrical plug: i) Interactive multimedia features

Made of aluminium with built-in heater and ii) Graphical simulation
temperature sensor. iii) Experiment results samples
Mean diameter : 0.04 m iv) Full experiment manuals
Length : 0.12 m
Clearance : approx. 0.3 mm REQUIREMENTS
Heater power : 200 W, with built-in
temperature sensor Electrical : 240 VAC/1-phase/50 Hz
Heater control : 0 to 200 W by means of a Water : Laboratory mains supply
variable transformer.
Safety : High temperature cut-out by OVERALL DIMENSIONS
means of a temperature
controller. Height : 0.91 m
Cylindrical water jacket: Width : 1.22 m
Made of stainless steel and fitted with a Depth : 0.61 m
temperature sensor for measuring inner surface
temperature. MANUAL

b) Control Panel: The unit is supplied with Operating and Experiment

Manuals in English giving full descriptions of the unit,
The control panel includes all necessary electrical summary of theory, experimental procedures and
wiring with variable transformer, power transducer, typical experimental results.

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SOLTEQ Equipment for Engineering Education & Research



Rev1.0 15/06/2011
SOLTEQ Equipment for Engineering Education & Research


Our range of teaching equipment can be complemented with our

SOLDAS and SOLCAL software.

SOLDAS - Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition

- Data Logging
- Signal Analysis
- Process Control
- Real-Time Display
- Tabulated Results
- Graph of Experimental Results

SOLCAL - Computer Aided Learning

- Multimedia Features
- Interactive
- Graphic Simulation
- Experiment Result Samples
- Full Experiment Manuals

Contact us for a catalog CD

(Co. No. 174876-M)
Sales Office :
No.3, Jalan TPK 2/4, Taman Perindustrian Kinrara,
47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel. No. : +(603) 80758000
Fax. No.: +(603) 80755784
R&D Office :
G-2A, Incubator 3, Technology Park Malaysia,
Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel. No. : +(603) 8996 0023
MSC- Status
Email : solution@solution.com.my BUATAN MALAYSIA Company
Web site : http//www.solution.com.my/
Rev1.0 15/06/2011

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