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Part 4 - Topic Part: CSR of Ibbl

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Topic part according to Major

Financial Information: (As on: 31 December 2015)

Particulars BDT (Tk.)

Authorized Capital 20,000.00 Million
Paid-up Capital 16,099.90 Million
Equity 47,199.61Million
Reserve Fund 27,879.72Million
Deposits 615,359.21Million
Investment (Including Investment in Shares) 629,631.27Million
Authorized Capital 20,000.00 Million

Foreign Exchange Business BDT (Tk.)

Import 343,668 Million
Export 224,236 Million
Remittance 321,066 Million
Table no.7: Financial Information

Source: Annual Report-(2015)

4.1.2 Five Years Performance of IBBL

Sl Particulars 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Balance Sheet (Financial Position) (In Million Taka)
1 Authorized Capital 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
2 Paid up Capital 10,007.71 12,509.64 14,636.28 16,099.91 16,099.91
3 Share Premium 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99
4 Reserve Fund 17,792.5 24,116.47 26,512.48 28,097.92 27,879.72
5 Retained Earnings 3,202.47 3,152.25 2,634.53 2,414.99 3,219.98
6 Shareholders 33,716.73 39,780.35 43,760.68 46,612.81 47,199.61
7 Deposits 341,853.6 417,844.14 473,140.96 560,696.30 615,359.21


(including Bills 7
8 Investments
(Including 322,772.8 399,930.79 474,015.95 564,332.00 629,631.27
Investment in 3
Shares and
9 Investments
(Excluding 305,840.5 372,920.72 403,194.80 463,475.47 530,194.50
Investment in 6
Shares and
10 Investment
Deposit Ratio (as 89.47% 85.18% 82.35% 79,88% 83.59%
per BB
11 Total Assets 502,613.0 592,580.50 664,554.96 765,241.27 859,201.05
(Including Contra) 5
12 Total Assets 389,192.1 482,536.32 547,229.63 652,422.04 725,821.12
(Excluding 2
13 Fixed Assets 7,100.19 14,808.23 15,732.81 15,926.36 15,836.48
Capital Measures
14 Total Risk
Weighted Assets 257,564,3 311,511.60 319,215.90 378,742.72 410,332.28
(RWA) 0
15 Core Capital Tier 23,401.24 28,249.95 32,222.40 35,025.95 38,649.85
16 Supplementary 10,315.49 13,803.20 13,189.60 13,543.92 9,195.48
Capital (Tier - II)
17 Regulatory Capital
(Tier I, II & III) 33,716.73 42,053.16 45,487.38 48,569.86 47,845.33
18 Statutory Capital
(Paid up Capital & 20,012.14 24,933.30 29,274.89 32,199.82 32,199.82
Statutory Reserve)
19 Equity/Capi 7,960.24 10,901.96 13,599.40 10,695.59 6,812.10
20 Capital Adequacy Ratio 13.09% 13.49% 14.26% 12.83% 11.66%
Assets Quality


21 Classified Investment 8,292.32 14,212.80 14,941.9 22,807.24 22,541.24

22 Classified Investment to
Total Investment 2.71% 3.81% 3.71% 4.92% 4.22%
23 Provision against
Classified Investment

3,054.00 6,054.35 9,037.80 13,354.72 9,293.11

24 General Provision
against Unclassified 3,996.00 3,935.90 3,371.60 3,625.48 4,169.70
25 General Provision on
Off Balance Sheet Items 1,120.00 1,100.45 1,137.20 1,128.20 1,333.80
Operating Performance (Income Statement)
26 Investment Income 32,019.53 43,672.23 48,145.46 49,109.96 48,152.28
27 Profit Paid on deposit 18,401.22 25,870.43 30,975.19 30,650.27 28,737.87
28 Net Investment Income 13,618.31 17,801.80 17,170.27 18,459.69 19,414.41
29 Non Investment Income 6,381.76 6,345.56 7,972.88 8,937.07 8,399.62
30 Total Income 38,401.29 50,017.79 56,093.75 58,047.03 56,551.90
31 Administrative & other 9,652.76 8,724.65 11,039.15 12,074.13 13,466.17
32 Total Exp. Excluding
Provision 28,053.98 34,595.09 42,014.33 42,724.40 42,204.04
33 Provision for
Investment, Off Balance 2,384.31 3,512.07 3,029.26 4,790.91 5,492.84
Sheet Items & Other
34 Total Expenditure
Including Provision 28,053.98 38,107.16 45,043.59 47,515.31 47,696.88
35 Net Profit before Tax 10,347.31 11,910.65 11,074.76 10,531.71 8,855.02
36 Net Profit after Tax 4,841.45 5,338.91 4,948.58 3,999.06 3,029.08

37 Provision for Income 5,515.56 6,571.74 6,101.57 6532.65 5,825.94

Foreign Exchange Business
38 Import 301,207.0 284,588.0 285,890.0 316,971.0 343,668.00
0 0 0 0
39 Export 178,244.0 197,095.0 205,269.0 222,753.0 224,236.00
0 0 0 0
40 Remittance 236,607.0 300,915.0 286,956.0 308,722.0 321,066.00
0 0 0 0
41 Total Foreign Exchange 716,058.0 782,598.0 778,115.0 848,447.0 888,970.00
Business 0 0 0 0


Distribution Network
42 Number of 313 320 331 597 531
Correspondent Banks
43 Number of Foreign
Correspondents 935 676 690 723 665
44 Number of Shareholders 60,550 60,302 62,772 60,857 47,909
45 Number of Employees 11,465 12,188 12,980 13,574 13,622
46 Number of Branches 266* 276* 286* 294* *304
Shareholders Information
47 Cash Dividend 7% 8% 8% 15% 20%
48 Stock Dividend 25% 17% 10% - -
49 Net Assets Value (NAV)
per Share (Taka) 27.78 27.18 27.18 28.95 29.32
50 Earnings per Share
(Taka) (Original) 4.84 4.42 3.40 2.48 1.88
51 Earnings per Share
(Taka) (Restated) 3.87 3.65 3.07 2.48 1.88
52 Market Value per Share
(Taka) (Highest) 83.98 59.00 45.00 36.80 31.60
Efficiency Ratio
53 Gross Profit Ratio 52.08% 48.28% 44.80% 47.20% 49.18%
54 Cost of Fund 8.86% 9.32% 9.45% 8.55% 7.62%
55 Cost Income Ratio 0.73 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.75
( Per Taka)
56 Return on Equity (ROE) 17.42% 13.42% 11.36% 8.85% 6.28%
57 Return on Assets (ROA) 1.35% 1.27% 0.96% 0.67% 0.44%
58 Price Earnings Ratio 11.27 12.21 12.35 11.24 12.54
59 Spread 4.03% 4.10% 3.79% 4.27% 4.29%
* Including 30 SME/Agriculture Branches
Table no. 8: Five years Performance
Source: Annual Report-(2015)

4.2 Ratio Analysis (2011-2015):

Ratio analysis is the quantitative analysis of financial information from a company's financial
statements or share price. Ratios are keys to financial analysis, as they provide input for
evaluating and comparing a company to its peers, or to an industry benchmark.


4.2.1 Current Ratio:

Current ratio is known as liquidity ratio that measures a banks ability to pay short-term and
long-term obligations.

The formula for calculating a banks Current Ratio is:

Current Assets
Current Ratio=
Current Liabilities

Current Ratio
1.1 1.09 1.09
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Current Ratios of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited was fluctuating over the period of 2011 to
2015. The Current Ratios are 1.09, 1.08, 1.16, 1.14, and 1.09 times in the year of 2011, 2012,


2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. IBBLs current ratio is in this range and it generally indicates
good short-term financial strength.

4.2.2 Earnings per Share (EPS):

Earnings per Share are the portion of a banks profit that is allocated to each outstanding share of
common stock, serving as an indicator of the banks profitability.

The formula for calculating a banks Earnings per Share is:

Net Income Preferred Dividends

Earnings per Share =
Weighted Average Outstanding Shares

Earnings per Share (EPS)

(In Taka)
4.48 4.42
2 1.88
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


The graph shows that, EPS is highest in 2011 and there is a downward trend in EPS from year
2011 to 2015. This downward trend in EPS is bad. Because higher earnings per share are always


better than a lower ratio because this means the bank is more profitable and the bank has more
profits to distribute to its shareholders.

4.2.3 Return on Assets (ROA):

Return on Assets is an indicator of how profitable a bank is relative to its total assets. ROA gives
an idea how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings.

The formula for calculating a banks ROA is:

Net Income
Total assets

Return on Assets (ROA)

1.40% 1.35%
1.00% 0.96%

0.80% 0.67%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Return on Assets (ROA) ratios of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited were fluctuating over the
period of 2011 to 2015. In 2011 the banks return on assets ratio was 1.35% and 2015 was 0.44%


which indicate that return on asset decreased by five years. So, the bank did an excellent
investment business during this period with different types of strategies and policies.

4.2.4 Return on Equity (ROE):

Return on Equity is the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity.
ROE measures a banks profitability by revealing how much profit a bank generates with the
money shareholders have invested.

ROE is expressed as a percentage and calculated as:

Net Income
Shareholders Equity

Return on Equity (ROE)

18% 17%
14% 13%
12% 11%
10% 9%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Return on Equity (ROE) ratios of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited were fluctuating over the
period of 2011 to 2015. In 2011, the banks return on equity ratio was 17.00% and 2015 was


6.00% which indicate that business parameters including significant growth in deposit
mobilization by five years. Higher ratios are almost always better than lower ratios, but have to
be compared to other banks ratios.

4.2.5 Debt / Equity Ratio:

Debt / Equity Ratio is a long-term solvency ratio that indicates the wellness of long-term
financial policies of the bank. It shows the relation between the portion of assets provided by the
stockholders and the portion of assets provided by creditors.

The formula for calculating a banks Debt / Equity ratio is:

Total Liabilities
Debt / Equity Ratio =
Shareholders Equity

Debt / Equity Ratio

5 4.62 4.77
4.03 4.2

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015



The graph shows that debt ratio of IBBL is fluctuating. The IBBL has reduced its debt ratio and
thereby it has reduced financial leverage and financial risk. In 2011 it was 5.34 times and in 2015
it is 4.77 times.

1983-2012 2013 2014 2015

Sector Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of
Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries
Education 643.14 363,984 135.26 7756 161.34 7928 175.24 8930
Health 937.73 6,776,641 71.50 95255 89.47 125079 226.04 99469
Humanitaria 281.67 611,041 140.10 254078 190.16 498768 323.90 606320
& Disaster
Sports 72.83 413,624 78.97 7 40.2 5 26.60 6
Arts & 79.97 229,071 5.86 21 15.21 17 5.12 643
Environment 7.36 14,240 22.94 492722 21.12 723673 21.42 757558

Others 73.18 47,329 21.79 768 7.02 51 22.11 33

Total 1,804.88 8,466,940 476.42 940,607 524.52 1355521 800.43 1472959

4.2.6 Sector wise CSR expenditures up to 2015

Table-9: Sector wise CSR Expenditure (Source: Annual report of 2015)


4.3. Corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship,
social performance, or sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business) refers to the
concept that an enterprise is accountable for its impact on all relevant stakeholders. It is the
continuing commitment by business to behave fairly and responsibly and contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of life of the work force and their families as well as
the local community and society at large. CSR is not about philanthropy or charitable work. It is
about how companies take responsibility for their actions in the world at large. For Islamic
financial institutions corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to all activities carried out by an
Islamic financial institution to fulfill its religious , economic, legal, ethical and discretionary
responsibilities as financial intermediaries for individuals and institutions.

4.4. Concept of CSR

Corporate social responsibility is not a legal obligation rather voluntary initiative to establish the
image of environmentally and socially responsible business organization. CSR is becoming an
integral part of organization due to enhancing the image as a ethically and socially responsible
organization. IBBL is more integrated of CSR into their corporate vision and mission statement
and strategies.

4.5. Components of CSR

Concepts of CSR go beyond charity and require the company to act beyond legal obligations and
integrate social, environmental and ethical concerns into companys business process. Common
key components of CSR include:

Corporate governance: Accountability, transparency and conduct in conformity with the

laws which enable the company to realize its corporate objectives, protect shareholders
rights, meet legal requirements and create transparency for all stakeholders.
Business ethics: Ethics is very essential for every company. CSR relates with value-
based and ethical business practices.


Workplace and labor relationship: Human resource can help in improving the Work place
in terms of health and safety, employee relations as well as result in a healthy balance
between work and non-work aspects of employees life.

Affirmative action or good practices: Equal opportunity employer, diversity of workforce

thats includes with disability, people from the local community etc, gender policy, code
of conduct.

Supply chain: The business process is not just limited to the operations internal to the
company but the entire supply chain involved in goods and services.

Customers: with increased awareness and means of communication, customer

satisfaction and loyalty would depend on how the company has produced the product ans
services, considering the social, environmental, supply chain and other such aspects.

Environment: Company to engage in such a way that goes beyond mandatory

requirements and delivers environmental benefits.

Community: A major stakeholder to the business is community in which the company

operates. The involvement of a company with the community would depend upon its
direct interaction with the community and assessment of issue or risks faced by those
living in the company surrounding areas.

4. 6. Elements of CSR
Core element in implementing CSR from Islamic point of view is Taqwa. Another four elements
i. Human dignity
ii. Free will
iii. Equality and right
iv. Trust and responsibility


4.7. CSR in Historical Perspective

CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their
business operations and in their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. Socially
responsibility means not only fulfilling legal expectations, but also going beyond compliance and
investing more into human capital, the environment and in rapport-building with stakeholders.
It is relevant in all types of companies and in all sectors of activity, from SMEs to Multinational
Enterprises (MNEs).

4.8. Dimension of CSR

There are two vital dimension of CSR which IBBL maintain strongly. These are internal
dimension and external dimension. Internal dimension approach through for its organization and
external dimension approach through for outside of the organization.
Internal dimensions of CSR:
i. Human resources management
ii. Health and safety at work
iii. Adaptation to change and
Iv. Management of environmental impact and natural resource
External dimensions of CSR:
I. Local communities
ii. Business
iii. Partners
iv. Suppliers and consumers
v. Human rights and
vi. Global environmental concerns

4.9. CSR Applications and Realities in Bangladesh

CSR concepts and practices in Bangladesh have a long history of philanthropic activities from
the time immemorial. These philanthropic activities included donations to different charitable
organizations, poor people and religious institutions. Till now, most of the businesses in
Bangladesh are family owned and first generation businesses. They are involved in the


community development work in the form of charity without having any definite policy
regarding the expenses or any concrete motive regarding financial gains in many instances. The
discussions on CSR practices in Bangladesh in its modern global terms, are relatively new, but
not so for the concept itself. Because, being a part of the global market, it is difficult to ignore
CSR standard specifically in the export sector. In general, it is true that in Bangladesh, the status
of labor rights practices, environmental management and transparency in corporate governance
are not satisfactory, largely due to poor enforcement of existing laws and inadequate pressure
from civil society and interest groups like Consumer Forums. A focus on CSR in Bangladesh
would be useful, not only for improving corporate governance, labor rights, work place safety,
fair treatment of workers, community development and environment management, but also for
industrialization and ensuring global market access.

4.10. Prospects and Future of CSR in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a developing country. Because of global competitiveness and demand, the CSR
practices and standards are being implemented in Bangladesh. But we are yet go a long way.
There are challenges to implement CSR properly in Bangladesh. Ultimately CSR practices
should be better practiced in Bangladesh for better and enhanced performance.

4.11. Good Governance and CSR in Bangladesh

CSR has been defined in general terms as the obligation of the firm to use its resources in ways
to benefit society, through committed participation as a member of society, taking into account
the society at large and improving the welfare of society at large independent of direct gains of
the company. CSR, as related to the problems of the agricultural input sector of Bangladesh, is
used to explain the need of the businesses to be socially responsible and focus on economic,
social, legal, ethical and environmental issues. Farmers are being cheated into buying
underweight, low quality inputs sometimes at higher prices, which do not benefit yields. The
contaminated inputs also cause damage to soil fertility, which eventually results in decreased
yields. Lack of effective good governance in Bangladesh has resulted significantly in lack of
business ethics and poor CSR culture. In Bangladesh the private sector seems to focus on earning
profits in the short term, ignoring the issue of responsible behavior and the desirability of earning


the trust of consumers which are important for the long-run success of their operations. The
incidence of selling adulterated low quality products at high prices and with underweight and
above all, hoarding to reap dishonest profit, all confirm this. In the absence of an effective state
intervention in the public interest, private entrepreneurs are less constrained to behave in the
public interest and in conformity with CSR.

4.12. Practice of CSR in Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited

For Islamic Financial Institutions CSR refers to all activities carried out by an Islamic Financial
Institution to fulfill its religious, economic, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities as
financial intermediaries for individuals and institutions.
To establish Islamic banking through the introduction of welfare oriented banking system Islami
Bank Bangladesh Limited created a charitable fund named Sadaqah Tahbil (Charity Fund) on
July 4, 1983, immediately after the inception. Gradually the volume of its activities increased
with the passage of time and the Sadaqah Tahbil was renamed as Islami Bank Foundation on
May 20, 1991. Continuing of this and to follow the instruction of Bangladesh Bank Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited established Corporate Social Affairs Department (CSAD) under Operations
Wing on 16th July, 2009.

4.13. Commitment of IBBL about CSR

As a corporate body, IBBL has a responsibility to its shareholder as well as the communities in
which they work and live. IBBL commitment is built on a deeply ingrained sense of social
responsibility to stakeholders, employees, customer alike and that they grow stronger by serving
the communities, improving business practices and individuals lives around us.

4.14. Policy of IBBL regarding CSR

As a responsible corporate citizen, IBBL has a policy on corporate social and environmental
responsibility which includes community investment and welfare scheme, consumer protection
measure, energy conservation, national donations, education for brilliant and poor students, tree
Plantation, city beautification, health and safety. IBBL believes that responsiveness to all our
stakeholders makes us strong. The CSR program of IBBL aims at the welfare and well-being of


the people of the earth, the planet itself, and all its stakeholders. Keeping that in view, IBBL
design its CSR program in 3Ps. P1-people, P2-planet, and P3-profit.

4.15. Structure of CSR

Corporate Social

P1: People P2: Planet P3: Profit

We value We value Environmental Economic

our our ism at IBBL Developme
Employe communiti nt
es es

We We value our
value our suppliers

Contributing to the Contributing to the Practicing good

prosperity of prosperity of corporate governance
shareholders customers

Table no. 10: Structure of CSR


4.16. P1-People
IBBL strive to enhance the well-being of their employees and the communities in which they live
and work

4.16.1. We value our employees

Our people are our asset- no matter what their title or job. They strive to make IBBL a great
place to work and build a career. Our employees describe the workplace as collaborative and
collegial, where the views the all employees matter. It is data-driven culture, where good ideas
are recognized regardless of the level of the employee proposing them. Our target is to be the
most respected financial institution in the banking industry of the country, and highly spirited
employees of IBBL are devoted to achieving the same.

Employee value proposition

The views of each IBBL employee matter to contribute to our ability to serve the banking
industry of the country. Diverse opinions are encouraged to leverage the depth and breadth of
experiences that our work teams bring to work each day. IBBL expect that our employees to be
accessible and collaborative. IBBL offers a work environment that promotes intellectual
curiosity, analytical rigor and collegiality. Our people uphold our core values of trust in Almighty
Allah, strict observance of Islamic shariah, higher standard of honesty, integrity and morale,
welfare banking, equity and justice, environmental consciousness, personalized service, adoption
of changed technology and roper delegation, transparency and accountability.

Comprehensive training and development shapes

To develop professional knowledge, skill and attitude of the employees, IBBL has got its training
academy Islami Bank Training & Research Academy (IBTRA) where training courses are
conducted round the year. Employees are encouraged to complete Diploma in Islamic Banking
from IBTRA. Besides each of the employees is given cash incentives for completing diplomas.


Remuneration and Benefits

The Bank has developed a comprehensive pay-scale for the employees which is upgraded and
adjusted with the prevailing market after every two/three years. Now the ratio of the highest and
lowest level in the pay-scale has been mentioned at 12:1 (DMD:MCG). The gap between the
same is one of the lowest in the banking industry. Apart from regular pay packages, IBBL has
got policies for its employees to make their life secured during the superannuation period.
Under the policies, Contributory Provident Fund, Superannuation Fund and Gratuity Fund
have been developed. To meet-up housing need and to ensure comfortable life, employees are
provided with investment at a discounted rate against house building and purchasing household
durables under Staff House Building Investment Scheme (SHBIS) and Staff Household
Durable Scheme (SHDS) respectively. The executives of the Bank are provided with car either
from bank management or under Car Scheme for the Employees of the Bank.

Caring Employer
The Bank, as a caring employer stands beside the employees at the events of sadness and
happiness in their life.

In instances of critical illness of the employees and their families, financial

assistances are extended from Benevolent Fund and Employees Welfare Fund.

Arrangements have been made with some medical centers/hospitals for 30% -
40% discount against medical diagnosis and check-up for the employees.

Families of the deceased employees are given a significant amount of cash

instantly after death for burial purpose. Benefits from Superannuation are given to the
families of deceased employees.

In instances of parmanent disability, bank take care significantly


The meritorious children of the employees are awarded every year.

Families of the deceased employees are provided Eid Gift.

Sports and Cultural competitions are also conducted for the family members
of the employees every year.

Human Rights
Human rights are upheld at every aspect of the Banks operations. The Bank also strives to
protect human rights within the Banks areas of influence. The Bank does not employ workers
under the legal minimum age, prohibits the use of all forms of forced labor, respects employees
rights to join, form or not join a labor union, respects the principals of collective bargaining,
provides health & safety at work. The bank does not make any discrimination on the basis of age,
race or sex, prohibit sexual harassment, limits work to standard accepted hours and condemns the
use of corporal punishment.

4.16.2. We value our Customers

Customers are the core of Banks existence. To encourage people, from all economic categories
for becoming banks customer, to ensure improved customer service, to help them run business
efficiently, to encourage them in following Islamic principles in their business entities and to
make them real partners of the Bank, the Bank takes various initiatives:

Responsibility to the depositors

One can open a saving account with TK. 400/-, a current account with TK. 1000/- and special
saving scheme with minimum monthly installment of Tk. 100/- only. The rural poor are allowed
to maintain savings account by depositing weekly installment of TK.10/- only under Banks
Rural Development Scheme.


Responsibility to the investors

IBBL has been discharging its responsibility to safeguard the interest of the shareholders in line
with the objectives of the bank by complying with shariah principles, law of the land strictly
towards building a strong and efficient management and enhancing shareholders value through
good financial performance

Socially concern Investment schemes

The rural poor and the small businessmen are provided with investment
facilities without security under Rural Development Scheme (RDS) and
Small Business Investment Scheme (SBIS) respectively.
The fixed income earner group are provided with investment to meet-up their
housing need and for household durables under Housing Investment Scheme
(HIS)/Real Estate Investment Program (REIP) and Household Durable Scheme
(HDS) respectively.
Unemployed qualified doctors are encouraged to go for self-employment and to
serve in the rural and semi-urban areas by providing investment facilities only
against their original certificates under Investment Scheme for the Doctors
The Bank takes special care to the women entrepreneurs by a separate scheme
for them namely Women Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme (WEIS).
The bank has got other investment schemes namely Micro Industrial
Investment Scheme (MIIS) and Agriculture Implements Investment Scheme
(AIIS) for development in the micro and rural economy.

Financing in SME Sectors

SME is considered as the engine of growth in any economy which generates a huge employment
relative to big industries. Therefore, SME is essentially required to be flourished in the country
like Bangladesh. Keeping this in view, the Bank, from its inception, has been encouraging
investment in SMEs. To expedite SME investment, the Bank has opened 30 SME & Agriculture
Branches especially in the rural areas of the country.

Responsible Customer Services

IBBL screens all contract forms by the Shariah Supervisory Board to avoid
imposition of onerous terms and conditions to the clients, especially whom are
in a weaker bargaining position relative to the Bank.
Every branch of the Bank keeps a Complaint Box to facilitate the customers,
lodging complaints against services of the Bank or against particular
employee(s). A Customers Complaint Cell has been formed with the
Managing Director as convener and the Wings & HRD heads as members.
The clients of RDS, those do not have access to safe drinking water and/or
sanitary latrine, are provided with Quard (cost-free loan) for installation of hand
tube-well and water sealed latrine under RDS Support Program.
To ensure quality and accurate service to the customers, IBBL established
online connectivity with all of its branches throughout the country. The Bank
introduced own ATM, shared ATM, Web Portal, SMS Banking, Mobile Banking
and Spot Cash services.

Relationship with the Customers

IBBL considers the customers as its partners and develops relationship through its employees as
well as by organizing various programs in different occasions:
Bank organizes Service week/fortnight in every year.
All the branches organize Iftar Mahfil during the month of Ramadan every
Every year the Bank distributes New Years souvenir - calendar, diary, card
etc. among the customers.

4.16.3. We value our Suppliers

Suppliers play a fundamental role in the Banks micro environment. As an essential component
of overall business function, suppliers regarded as inclusive partners. The Bank develops its
relationships with suppliers organizations on the basis of value and trust.


Ethical Procurement Practices

The Bank holds ethical conduct as a priority in building suppliers relations. By engaging the
employees involved with procurement functions, the Bank strives to maintain the unimpeachable
standard of integrity in all business relationship. The Bank is of the view that the ethical behavior
must be promoted and supported by appropriate systems and procedures. Bank expects the
highest ethical standard from its suppliers also.

Sustainable Procurement Policy

IBBL recognizes its responsibility to carry out procurement activities in an environmentally and
socially responsible manner.

4.16.4. We value our community

IBBL is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen. We make grants and support
volunteerism in all our communities around the country. We take a several initiatives in
individuals and organizational level for development of the community especially the less
fortunate segments of the community. The Bank always contributes towards changing the quality
of life of the people. IBBL wishes to see them leading their life in a standard way. The Bank
serves by adhering closely the national policies and thereby contributing towards the progress of
the nation. In maintaining its responsibilities to the society where it operates its business
activities. IBBL focuses in the areas of education, health, humanitarian and disaster relief, sports
arts and culture, women empowerment, professional development and contribution to the
underprivileged people.

Education is the backbone of a nation. Human beings are not able to survive without education.
Education tells a man how to think, how to work properly, how to make decision Awareness
building, skill training, access to information-all depends on education. But it is regrettable that
the rate of literacy is still very low in Bangladesh. Most of the children are deprived of the light
of education due to poverty, lack of sufficient educational institutions, non-availability of text
books and equipments etc. In a ward, the unfavorable socio-economic conditions are responsible
for this chaotic situation. Thats why from the very beginning, IBBL engaged with promotion of
education sector of the country. IBBL spent an amount of TK. 983.81 million for 5, 20,526


beneficiaries from 1983-july to 2015 for this purpose. In 2015 IBBL spent amount of TK. 175.24
million in favor of 8,930 students. To improve education sector IBBL taken some steps.
Fig in million



600 This year

200 161.34 175.24

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Table no. 11- CSR expenditure in Education

Source: internship program hand book

A. Scholarship program
Every year IBBL has been providing scholarship to the very poor 800 students (400 in HSC and

400 in Graduation level) securing GPA 4 in SSC and HSC examinations under its direct

scholarship program. The scholarship is provided to the student TK. 1000/- per month for the


HSC until 2 years and 1400/- per month for Graduation level until 4 years. Apart from this, IBBL

provides scholarship and lump-sum financial assistance for education purpose to the meritorious

but poor students under its Special Scholarship Program. Last year 400 students are given special

scholarship of TK. 7.47 million.

B. Support to the Research organization

As part of facilitating research, IBBL has extend support for the establishment of a Committee
for Action Research and Extension Service (CARES), a biotechnological research organization,
1st of its kind in Bangladesh under the leadership of globally recognized scientist Dr. M. A.
Mazid Khan for action research on biotechnology utilizing the expertise of Bangladesh
researchers both at home and abroad.

C. Support to the Disable children

PROYASH is an institute run under the patronization of Bangladesh Army for the well-being of
children with special needs and disability. Proyash started its campus in Jessore Cantonment with
16 students, 1 teacher and 3 employees. At present, there are 40 students with different types of
disability (7 Autistic, 14 mentally disabled, 8 physically disabled, 4 Hearing impaired and 16
Cerebral palsy), 10 teachers and 4 assistant trainers at the Campus. The disabled children are not
liabilities, but asset of the society. In view of the above, the Bank management has decided to
stand beside the authority of proyash for their any kind of need.

D. Founded for Educational sector

As a corporate citizen IBBL has founded many educational institutions which are situated in
different part of the country and keep a major role to increase our education sector.
Islami Bank Institute of Technology (IBIT)
Islami Bank International School and College
Islami Model School and College
Islami Bank Mohila Madrasah
Model Forquania Maktab
Mobile Library in Dhaka City


Health care
Health care is basic need of all societies. But people are facing here a perilous situation due to
hazardous Medicare system of the country. Considering this, IBBL takes several initiatives in
individuals and organizational level for developing health sector of Bangladesh. IBBL spent an
amount of TK. 1364.42 million for 72,43,109 beneficiaries from 1983-2015 for this purpose.
(Fig in million TK)
1200 1138.35
937.73 977.13
800 This year
200 71.75 89.47
24.75 39.4
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Table no. 12: CSR expenditure in Health Care

Source: internship program hand book
A. Founded for Health Care
Islami Bank Hospital
Islami Bank Community Hospital
Islami Bank Medical College
Islami Bank Medical College Hospital Nursing Institute
Islami Bank Institute of Health Technology
Midwifery Training program
Mobile Eye Camp
Charitable Dispensaries
Circumcision program
Humanitarian and Disaster Relief

Disaster can strike anywhere. No country, rich or poor, is immune from risks of accidents.
Disasters causing deaths and injuries, destruction and damage to properties and assets; disrupting


economic activities and livelihoods of individuals and households. Over the year, people of this
land are fighting with poverty and many other natural disasters. Being a corporate citizen, IBBL
always stands beside the distressed humanity. By devising special products, extending financial
inclusion and providing financial assistance, the bank discharge its responsibilities towards the
poor and less fortunate segments of the society. Disaster relief program includes winter cloths
distribution, Donation to PMs Relief fund, distribution of Tohfa-e Ramadan, sacrificial meat
distribution, rehabilitation program etc. An amount of TK. 1045.55 million for 24, 91,001
vulnerable persons was spent by IBBL from 1983 to 2015. During the year 2012-2013, the bank
distributed winter cloths to the poor for an amount of TK. 71.02 million and 1.92 million was
paid up to the families of 4 martyred Army officials killed in BDR mutiny as their annual family


800 721.65

600 531.49 This year

391.39 Cumulative
400 303.46 323.9
200 140.1
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Table no. 13: CSR expenditure in Humanitarian and Disaster Relief

Source: internship program hand book

A. Relief for devastating cyclone SIDOR

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has taken a decision to distribute relief goods of taka 30 million
at the first phase among the helpless people who were affected by the devastating cyclone taken
place on November 14, 2007. It will be fitting to note here that, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
has played significant role by extending its help to the flood-hit people in relief distribution and
rehabilitation program. IBBL called upon the affluent people as well as renowned institutions of


the country to stand by the distressed people in this deplorable moment. Officers and staff of
Islami Bank donated one day salary for the cyclone-victims. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is
continuing relief distribution activities among the distressed people affected by the recent
devastating cyclone.

Pirojpur Branch

Pirojpur Branch of the Bank distributed relief among the 400 distressed family affected by the
devastating cyclone at Zianagar Upazila, Vhandaria & Motbadia of Pirojpur.

Bhola Branch

Bhola Branch of the Bank distributed rice, dal, salt, oil, potato and medicine as relief among the
300 distressed family affected by the recent devastating cyclone at Sadar Upazila of Bhola.

Morrelganj Branch

Morrelgonj Branch of the Bank distributed rice, dal, salt, oil, potato and medicine as relief
among the 700 distressed family affected by the recent devastating cyclone at Morrelganj &
Sharankhola Upazila of Bhola.

Mongla Branch

Mongla Branch of the Bank distributed rice, dal, salt, oil, potato and medicine as relief among
the 300 distressed family affected by the recent devastating cyclone at Mongla Branch of

Sports and arts and cultural program

Sports, Arts and Cultural programs make a nation physically and mentally sound and healthy.
Engaging with this type of works young people could be able to avoid many bad things, as like
taking drugs, involving forbidden underworld parties, hijacking money from innocent people etc.
This is why IBBL sponsors various sports and cultural events in every year. IBBL encourages
sports and cultural activities. The Bank patronizes different cultural activities. A number of
cultural programs encouraging different communities have been sponsored by the Bank. The


Bank has sponsored National Chess Championship, Tennis competition and Swimming
competition in different times. In 2008, the Bank was the Official Sponsor of 23rd National
Swimming Championship Competition arranged by Bangladesh Swimming Federation. BDT 1
(one) million has been donated to celebrate this ceremony. IBBL has sponsored ICC Cricket
World Cup 2011 in locally and donated 3 (three) billion BDT. The Bank also supports the
writers, musicians and other performers in their inventive activities. An amount of TK. 590
million for 6, 44,144 beneficiaries was spent by IBLL from 1983 to 2015.

600 558.72
410.11 420.26
This year
300 255.6 Cumulative

100 55.23
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Table no. 14: CSR expenditure in Sports, Arts and Culture

Source: Internship program hand book

Bangladesh cultural centre

To save our youth force from derailment, it is essential to uphold and promote the culture of our
own. Keeping in view the above, IBBL has established Bangladesh Cultural Centre in Dhaka and
Rajshahi and establishment of 33 centers are under process.

A. Islami Bank Women Rehabilitation Centre


As part of the service to the distressed humanity, IBBL has established a Centre for Training and
Rehabilitation of the vulnerable and shelter less widows and divorced women in the name and
style Islami Bank Women Rehabilitation Centre at Mirpur, Dhaka.

B. Monoram- Islami Bank Crafts and Fashion

3 units of MONORAM -Islami Bank Crafts and Fashion have been operating at Basundhara city,
Mirpur and the Grand Plaza of Moghbazar. It is playing a significant role for uplifting the
condition of the poor and distressed women channeling sales opportunity of their products.

4.16. P2: Planet

4.16.1. Environmentalism at IBBL

The main theme of environmental responsibility is to protect the environment from destruction
with a view to keeping it healthy for future generation. Recently, the issue of climate change is
being considered seriously all over the world. It is identified that Bangladesh being a nation in
southern delta which is under serious threat of natural disaster. IBBL contributed an amount of
TK. 43.26 million for 1,101,787 beneficiaries from 1983 to 2013. IBBL try to reduce impact on
the planet. We took initiatives to reduce carbon emission through installation of solar panels,
introducing measures for savings electricity, water gas and fuel, encouraging double side
printing, use of scrap for note pad etc. we are strict to ensure installation of biomass processing
plants, waste recycling plants and Effluent Treatment Plants in our financed projects. We also
educate and encourage our employees to be sensitive to the environment both inside and outside
of the office.


90 86.09
70 64.67
50 43.55 This year
40 Cumulative

30 22.94
20.61 21.12 21.42
20 12.48
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Table no. 15: CSR expenditure in Environment

Source: Internship program hand book

4.16.2. Environmental policy statement

IBBL is committed to doing its part to protect and care for the environment. This commitment is
demonstrated by the continuous development and implementation of practical and effective
corporate policies and programs that support more efficient use of natural resources and reduce
the impact of our businesses on the environment.

A. Tree plantation week

Due to quick urbanization in the country, forest and agricultural land is becoming squeeze which
hampers ecological balance severely. In view to improve ecological harmony, IBBL takes a
campaign program of one man one plant among the employees and the customers. It observes
plantation week during the rainy season every year. In 2013, the Bank distributed around 6 lac
saplings of indigenous fruit varieties through its 209 RDS affiliated branches under its Rural


Development Scheme. The Bank also planted over 18 thousand saplings in different institutions.
The total expenses of the saplings were Tk. 14.46 million in 2013.

B. Green Banking
IBBL under took numerous Green Banking activities in 2013 show its sincere commitment
towards the protection of environment, social justice and human welfare. As the recognition of
IBBL efforts to the Green Banking activities, Bangladesh Bank declares one of the top ten Green
Banks in Bangladesh, IBBL is in the 1st position. IBBL invested both direct and indirect green
projects were 44,447 million in 2013.

C. Exclusive sponsorship of Beautification

IBBL significantly adopts various city beautification projects in recent times. Total expenses of
the bank in the beautification of the important cities were 18.10 million in 2013.

4.16.3. Economic Development

Sustainability encompasses within itself apart from environmental protection, the idea of human
beings having what they need to survive and thrive. In a country like ours, economic
development projects are crucial to giving people a chance for a better wage, one that provides
food, shelter, clothing and perhaps even more. IBBL, as a policy prioritizes the labor intensive
and import substitute projects to improve the economic wellbeing of the common masses.

Workforce Development

Workforce development is one route to prosperity for individuals in the world, a healthy planet
need people, young and old, who are trained for work that pays a livable wage for them to
provide for themselves and their families. IBBL established institutes like Medical College,
Health Technology Institute, Nursing Training Institute, English Medium School, Bangla
Medium School, Girls Madrasha and 6 Technical Institution to contribute for workforce
development of the country.

IBTRA Internship Program


Every year, Islami Bank Training and Research Academy (IBTRA) welcome interns at BBA &
MBA levels from the public and private universities aiming at acquainting the internees with the
concepts, principles, objectives and distinguishing features of Islam, Islamic Economic, Banking
and Finance, and familiarizing them with the concepts of General Banking, Investment, Foreign
Exchange under the principles of Islamic Shariah and its implementation in the financial system.


In the developing world, the path to prosperity can be challenging. IBBL believes in the power of
microfinance-small loan made to individuals to start or expand their businesses to lift people out
of poverty and to give them a better life. IBBL started its microfinance operation through Rural
Development Scheme (RDS) since 1994. So far, out of 288 branches 209 carry out RDS
activities in 61 district of the country. The launched another microfinance scheme for urban
people in 2012 in the name of Urban Rural Development Scheme (UPDS) on pilot basis under its
10 branches. These two schemes enable IBBL to achieve financial inclusion for poor women of
rural and urban areas.

Women Empowerment

Keeping in view the prevailing conditions of the women in the society, IBBL takes various
programs for empowering the women through awareness building, training and financing etc. the
introduction of the deposit scheme namely Mudaraba Mohor Deposit Scheme is a recognition to
the womens right and husband are now coming toward to fulfilling their religious obligation to
pay Mohor. Rural under privileged women are organized under Rural Development Scheme and
encouraged to make saving at least TK. 10/- per week with the bank. IBBL divided an
investment Scheme exclusively for the women namely Investment Scheme for the women

4.16. P-3: PROFIT


IBBL seeks to make to our country more prosperous through the development of the financial
system based on Islamic principles and become the Global Leader in Islamic Banking

4.16.1. Contributing to the prosperity of Shareholders

In the backdrop of volatile global and national economic scenario as well as regulatory changes,
IBBL could make desired performances in different areas of business. IBBL earned total
operating profit of TK. 14, 104.01 million in 2013. By complying with shariah, law of the land
and building a strong and efficient management the bank has been able to serve the profit of
shareholders and the society at large.

4.16.2. Contributing the prosperity of customers

IBBL considers the customers as partners and develops relationships through day to day
operations as well as by organizing various programs in different occasions. Different need
based schemes like Rural Development Scheme (RDS), Small Business Investment Scheme
(SBIS), Housing Investment Scheme (HIS), Real Estate Investment Program (REIP), Transport
Investment Scheme (TIS), Car Investment Scheme (CIS), Household Durable Scheme (HDS),
Investment Scheme for Doctors (ISD), Women Entrepreneurs Investment Scheme (WEIS),
Micro Industries Investment Scheme (MIIS), Micro Entrepreneur Investment Scheme (MEIS),
Urban Poor Development Scheme (UPDS), Pally Griho Nirman Biniyog Prokolpa (PGNBP),
Solar Panel Investment Scheme (SPIS) and Agriculture Implements investment Scheme (AIIS)
contribute to the well-being of the customers. To encourage financial inclusion, customers can
open a saving account with Tk. 400/-, a current account with Tk. 1,000/- and a special savings
scheme (pension scheme) with minimum monthly installment of Tk. 100/- only. The rural poor
are allowed to maintain savings account by depositing weekly installment of Tk. 10/- only under
Banks Rural Development Scheme.
The most important contribution of the bank is the creation of huge employment opportunities in
its financed projects as well as in its own organization. At present more than 12000 inspired
people are serving in IBBL and million in its financed projects. Through its wide range network
of 288 branches and utilizing mobile phone technology, IBBL serves a huge number of rural
families by challenging foreign remittance. The customers of the bank have by now been


extended online ATM services. The bank has already started Web Portal, SMS banking and Spot
cash services.

4.16.3. Practicing Good Corporate Governance

IBBL follow a structure and transparent corporate governance culture where roles, duties and
scope of policy level and management level are well defined. IBBL are followed meticulously to
make the organization thriving one and moving towards its goal

4.16.4. Service Rules Governs the Employees

Every employee of the bank is expected to adhere to the service rules of the bank. The service
rule guides everything that we do. It governs the behavior of employees and includes corporate
policies on the employee relation, ethical business practices, compliance with laws and
regulations, confidentiality, fair dealings, antitrust and competition, bribery and anti-corruption,
marketing and sponsorships, among other topics. Violation of the service rules are taken
seriously and process are in place to address alleged violations confidentially and systematically.

Sector wise CSR expenditure of IBBL from 1983-2015

1983-2012 2013 2014 2015
Sector Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of Amount No. of
Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Beneficiaries
Education 643.14 363,984 135.26 7756 161.34 7928 175.24 8930
Health 937.73 6,776,641 71.50 95255 89.47 125079 226.04 99469
Humanitaria 281.67 611,041 140.10 254078 190.16 498768 323.90 606320
& Disaster
Sports 72.83 413,624 78.97 7 40.2 5 26.60 6
Arts & 79.97 229,071 5.86 21 15.21 17 5.12 643
Environment 7.36 14,240 22.94 492722 21.12 723673 21.42 757558

Others 73.18 47,329 21.79 768 7.02 51 22.11 33


Total 1,804.88 8,466,940 476.42 940,607 524.52 1355521 800.43 1472959

Table-16: Sector wise CSR Expenditure (Source: Annual report of 2015)

CSR position of IBBL in Banking Sector (Figure in millions)
Sector 2012 2013 2014
Banking % of Banking IBBL % of Banking IBBL % of
sector IBBL IBBL sector IBBL sector IBBL
Education 983.69 83.80 9 1295.18 135.26 10 1508.00 161.34 11
Health 435.43 39.75 9 481.68 71.50 15 1383.70 89.47 6
Humanitarian 788.37 87.93 11 1385.83 140.10 10 949.47 190.16 20
& Disaster Relief
Sports 183.85 1.61 1 384.02 78.97 21 207.37 40.2 19
Arts & Culture 213.31 8.24 4 124.75 5.86 5 407.11 15.21 4

Environment 140.23 12.48 9 106.59 22.94 22 164.55 21.12 13

Others 301.81 75.38 25 693.41 21.79 3 485.24 7.02 1

Total 3046.69 309.19 10 4471.49 476.93 11 5105.46 524.52 10

Table-17: CSR position of IBBL in banking sector (Source: Annual report of 2015)

4.17. Mission 2033 for CSR of IBBL

IBBL take initiatives to more develop of the country. That is why IBBL proposed some important
projects within 2033 for the community.
Establishment of Modern School, Technical Institutions, Engineering College in
every district Head Quarters
Establishment of Universities in every zone of IBBL
Allocation of more funds for the purpose of Research Works
Providing Bus and Mini-bus for teachers and students
Establishment of on-line library
Book shelf in every university libraries and seminar libraries

Inauguration of Islami Bank Hospital Agrabad within short time
Establishment of Islami Bank Community Hospital in every District Head
Quarters of the country


Community Hospital may be established in coastal area

Providing Ambulance to every medical hospital and college
Establishment of Ward in every hospital with the name of Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited

Sports, Arts and culture

Bank may take more initiatives to develop the quality of National Team of
different sports
Establishment of a sports institute for developing moral, ethical and physical skill
of the players
To promote our culture bank may start a 7 days National Cultural Program yearly
Donation to the insolvent cultural personalities
Arranging cultural program for distressed people of the country

Tree plantation program more widely
Arranging Seminars on environmental issues in every year
Establishment of the plant for preservation of Rain Water to mitigate the shortage
of Drinking Water
Providing solar panel in Rural Area

Human rights
IBBL includes Human Rights in CSR activities. Such as IBBL may help the
people to get their legal rights with collaboration of different Human Rights
IBBL may take a public awareness program for the issues of eve-teasing extra-
marital relationship and sending parents to old home etc
IBBL may introduce a program named Sokoler Jonno Islami Bank
IBBL may motivate every officials for spending 10% of their income for CSR

4.18. CSR Budget from 2015 to 2033


Fig in million
SL.N Years Tentative Expenditure
1 2015 400.00
2 2018 804.00
3 2023 1300.00
4 2028 2100.00
4 2033 3400.00
Table- 18: CSR budget from 2015-2033
Source: Internship program hand book


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