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Assignment On BPATC

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that BPATC aims to provide training to civil servants in Bangladesh to improve their skills and performance through various training modules and programs. It discusses the history and importance of civil service training.

The Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) is the apex training organization for civil servants in Bangladesh. Its main purpose is to design and organize various training modules to equip public and private sector officials with the requisite knowledge and skills through programs like the Foundation Training Course.

Some of the core training programs discussed that are conducted by BPATC include the Foundation Training Course (FTC), Advanced Course on Administration and Development (ACAD), Senior Staff Course (SSC), and Policy Planning and Management Course (PPMC). These courses are tailored for different levels of officials.

Assignment on:

Training methods of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre.

Submitted To
MS Romana Kader
Lecturer, Management, School of Business
Bangladesh Open University

Submitted By
Mohammed Helal Uddin Bhuiyan
Student ID: 201530134801-035
Program: EMBA (1st Batch)
Dhaka Campus, BOU

Date of Submission: August 24, 2017


The term civil service was first used in 1785 (Rashid, 2008) and has gained recognition in 18th
century from Indian Subcontinent as colonial regime British East India Company named its civil
servants who managed the civil administration. Basically, there is a distinction between civil
administration and military administration. Those who are employed in civil administration are
called civil servant. However, after the British administration of India, the term civil service was
elsewhere first used in England in 1854 (The Colombia Encyclopedia, 2007). But roots of the civil
service lie in the Han dynasty of China during 206 B.C. to 220 A.D. The Han dynasty is the pioneer
to introduce a merit based recruitment system in the civil service through competitive
examinations. After the Han dynasty other Chinese dynasties too continued the same system in the
bureaucracy. The Sung dynasty (960-1279) expanded the merit based recruitment system for all
important positions (The Colombia Encyclopedia, 2007). Bangladesh civil service is inherited
from British-Indian civil service which was especially of revenue collection, maintaining law and
order situation and general administration. The duties and roles have been enlarged to execute
organs of the state, pursuit of poverty reduction, ensuring food, healthcare, education and some
other basic need; upholding democracy and good governance. Thus, there is a relationship between
efficient civil service and government performance. Successful accomplishment of the government
roles largely depends on the commitment and performance of the civil servants.. Therefore, to
make civil servants efficient and skillful there is immense need for quality training with
appropriate curriculum. In the 21st century performance based management is crucial and to
survive with this knowledge society requires personal skill. However, to make civil servant
efficient for better way of service delivery, since independence, the Bangladesh Government has
taken a number of reform initiatives but failed to bring any significant change in civil service
regarding its effectiveness and improvement. It is a fact that very insignificant emphasis was given
in all most all reform initiatives taken earlier to motivate civil servants, although motivation is
very positively related with performance. Needless to say that there is no short cut way but to make
the civil servants efficient, productive, responsive, and innovative with proper and continuous
training and development approaches for improving their performance. Need based trainings or
civil servants are required for achieving government specific goals efficiently. Particularly in the
public training sector, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) is an apex
training body. BPATC has the following function units that are amalgamated under the Ordinance
of 1984, (Ordinance No XXVI of 1984).

Bangladesh Administrative Staff College (BASC);

National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA);

Civil Officers Training Academy (COTA); and

Staff Training Institute (STI).

From its inception 1984, BPATC has the legacy of designing and organizing various training
modules, imparting administrative and management training to equip public and private sector
officials with the requisite knowledge and skill and conducting research on current burning issues
on public administration, management and development economics as well as social science
having significance to both parishioners and academics. In addition to that it carries out some
consultancies and special activities that are assigned from government. An efficient civil servant
is necessary not just to deliver better services to the citizens more importantly; however, to deal
with the other challenges likely to be posed by the globalization in this century and beyond
(Rashid, 2009). Especially to translate the vision Digital Bangladesh of the present government
of Bangladesh into a reality by 2021, the need for efficient and service oriented civil servants are
overwhelmingly felt (Sayadat, 2009). Here, BPATC can play a pivotal role by inducing need based
training modules and curriculum which could enrich training input, resulting to more efficient and
effective civil servants (Ang & Hosie, 2006). In view of the above this study is undertaken to
assess the level of training modules or curriculum for civil service skill and knowledge
development for achieving national goals and governmental initiatives in an efficient manner.

Objectives of the study:

To develop the competence of employees and improve their performance for increasing the output
of organization. The aim of this study is to empirically identify the training modules impact on
training effectiveness that are linked with achieving Foundation Training Course (FTC)
objectives, and to identify the relationship among the training modules and curriculum used in the
FTC for entry-level young civil servants.
Problems of the study

This study did not make comparison statement among the cadres. Group comparison results were
not carried out for this study. Also, this study did not consider co-curriculum training
modules/curriculum impact on training effectiveness. There were others courses that were held in
BPATC at the same time frame, this study did not consider other courses.

Training Methods at BPATC:

Training modules/methods at BPATC From the very beginning of BPATC and its inception
BPATC organizes three core courses, FTC is one of them. The course curriculum or training
modules are picked up as per threadbare discussion in a faculty meeting and from the
feedback/evaluation of the past participants. With those views methods and modules are designed.
Each of modules consists with variety of units, but has a consistence and relationship with each
and other. This not only motivates the civil servants but also makes the training sessions more
enjoyable and less monotonous. Foundation Training Course is arranged with many modules;
academic modules are discussed below.

Introducing Bangladesh: Entry level civil service under goes Foundation Training at BPATC.
This FTC is formulated in such a manner that the young civil servants know about the county
values, culture, resources and its heritages. This heritage is full of land, river, and lives of common
people. Moreover it helps them to understand about political, social structure and natural resources.
This information strengthens civil servants knowledge about his/her own country. Bangladeshi
way of live is reflected by its extensive tradition of art and culture for example music, dance,
drama, craft, folk etc. In this modules some of the topics are included such as: anthropological
background of Bangladesh; historical background of Bangladesh; history of independence - pain
& gain; social structure; natural resources; tourism industry & its potential; different group of
people; and so on.

Governmental System: This module is included under the core module of public administration.
The objectives of this module are to equip the young civil servants with the knowledge of executive
function, legislative and judicial system/organs of the Bangladesh government. Moreover, aims to
let the young civil servants identify the salient features of constitution, fundamental rights of
citizen, and some essential rules. The topics included in this module are: introduction of
Bangladesh Constitution; executive organs of Bangladesh; national parliament; judiciary system;
rules of business; and local government system and its function.

Leadership Behavior: This module is consists seven items of leadership behavior. The included
topics are: self-analysis; decision making process; mind mapping; leadership style; motivation &
human relations in administration; team building; conflict management; and personal planning.
The specific objective of this module was to identify individual behavioral strengths and
weaknesses and enrich interpersonal relationship at workplace.

New Public Management: This module includes: public administration and its concept;
development administration and its concepts; new public management; decentralization and its
dimensions; civil servants job description & specification; charter for citizen/public; total quality
management for service delivery performance; good governance and its practices at work and
service places for better service to the citizen.

Office Management: This module is very much important especially for the young civil servants,
as they are probationary in service. They must know official rules, regulation, process, procedure,
norms, different forms of notes, letter, memo as an official communication as per governmental
procedure and so on. That is why this module is given more attention for the probationer to know
how to run a government office. This module includes some sub topic such as: general conditions
of government service and joining time; recruitment, promotion and seniority rules; leave rules
and its calculation; dismissal on conviction , special provisions ordinance, punctual attendance
ordinance, administrative tribunal & administrative appellate tribunal act; docketing, filling &
referencing; records management; noting drafting & summary writing; office inspection;
conducting meeting and its procedure etc.

Financial Management: One of the most important training modules for entry level civil
servants. The main objective of this module is to know the financial rules and regulations to apply
correctly in day to day work life. Broadly this module includes: public sector financial
management; budgetary system in Bangladesh; office budget preparation; duties &
responsibilities of drawing & disbursing officer; delegation of financial power; pay fixation;
pension & gratuity of governmental official as well other sector; to know how to prepare
traveling allowance rules, income tax & VAT rules, tax return preparation, general provident fund
& group insurance rules and so on.

Basic Economics for Civil Servants: Economy is the back bone of a nation. Bangladesh economy
is depended on agriculture sector, industry sector, service sector, energy and power section and
some more sub sectors. Private sector is also coming up and putting sign on Bangladesh economy.
All those sectors are playing a very crucial role in the overall socio-economic development of
Bangladesh. Therefore, civil servants must know the indicators for country development and its
strategy for action. This module includes: an overview of micro & macroeconomics of
Bangladesh; market economy and its concept, problem & prospect; an overview of monetary
& fiscal policy of Bangladesh; economic indicators and their implications for country
development and so on.

Social Research Methods: To get the knowledge of social research, FTC consists of an important
module called social research method. This module helps to understand the knowledge of primary
data collection, classification of data and analysis of data & presentation. Moreover, it assists them
to understand how to explain the output of data. This module includes: definition, classification,
uses of research; writing skill of research proposal; research instrument such as questionnaire
preparation, interview tools and techniques; different methods of data collection such as PRA
(participatory rural appraisal), FGD (focus group discussion); techniques of data analyses and
presentation and so on.

Environmental Management and Sustainable Development: In general Bangladesh is called a

country of disaster that affects human life and economic degradation. Cyclone, drought, hurricane
like nargis, the commonly faced by Bangladeshi citizen. To cope up with all sorts of natural
disaster requires good practices of human resources and material resources. To face these kind of
disaster government officials are mostly responsible - both before and after disaster. For example
before disaster they are to announce for awareness, explain the causes and effect and what to do
before disaster; and after disaster civil servants are assigned for settling down effected peoples
livelihood and food security and all. To be familiar with this term and acquire some knowledge
regarding climate, environment and disaster foundation course is incorporated with a module on
environmental management and sustainable development that includes some topics: concept and
issues of sustainable development; environmental policy of Bangladesh; climate change;
environmental impact assessment; disaster and its impact; and some other related topics are there
in this module.

Gender and Child Rights: The major topics of that module are: concept and issues of gender;
reproductive rights & health; international charter, convention & declaration on gender & women
rights; women violence at every sphere; child right and their act; and juvenile delinquency.

English Language Skills: The module curriculum includes: listening, writing and speaking skills;
wording and proof writing skills; using word and enriching vocabulary; debating skills; business
report writing skills etc.

Information and Communication Technology: ICT is the hub for knowledge creation. ICT
creates innovativeness and increase level of thinking as well as decision making intervention. As
Bangladesh has made a statement to digital Bangladesh thus it requires civil service with good
practical knowledge of ICT. Therefore, ICT module is very much important for foundation training
course as well as other courses. Some of the topics are included in this module are: ICT and it
application in day to day life; ICT for citizen service; ICT for service delivery; ICT for good
governance; ICT for stop corruption; ICT for measurement of civil service performance and so on.


Evaluation of any training course is necessary to assess its effectiveness and to improve its quality.
BPATC applies multi-pronged methods to evaluate each of the courses it organizes. Module
director evaluates the academic achievement of his/her module through individual assessment,
group exercise and written examination. The course management team (CMT) evaluates the
behavioral aspects of the trainees such as attitude, discipline, loyalty, mindset, interaction with
others participants etc. Physical instructor observes physical endurance etc. Evaluation department
coordinates the whole process of evaluation of training activities. In addition, evaluation
department assesses the overall effectiveness at individual level and course level through pre-
training test, mid-term evaluation and post-training test for each course. BPATC also emphasizes
the evaluation of the performances of the faculty members, members of a CMT and resource
persons. For that purpose, participants of all courses are given a prescribed format to assess the
qualities and effectiveness of each training session. Recently, the format has been revised to make
it more need-based.

1.1 Evaluation Method

The details of the evaluation method are outlined in the training evaluation policy of the Centre.
Here a brief description of the evaluation process is given.

1.1.1 Assessments

The participants are graded on the basis of their performance. Grade sheets are distributed to all
concerned participants. A report on the performance of the participants is sent to the Ministry of
Public Administration and all participants' concerned ministries for retention in the officers'
dossiers. Assessments of participants are based on the quantitative scale shown in table 1.1:
Grading System Percentage of Marks Grade 90 and above AA (Outstanding) 80 - < 50 Failed

1.2.1 Stages of Evaluation

The evaluation department evaluates the training activities of the Centre in two stages: (a) learning
level where the trainees are evaluated by the Centre, and (b) reaction level where the trainees
evaluate the training activities of the Centre.

1.2.2 Course Evaluation System

The courses are broadly classified into two major groups: (a) core courses and (b) short courses.
The core courses range from 15 to 180 days and are linked to career development of the officers.
These courses focus on development of conceptual issues and practical knowledge. The short
courses range from 1 to 8 weeks. These courses focus on development of skills on specific fields.
Both categories of courses are evaluated three times: pre-term, mid-term and post-term. Besides,
they are also monitored on daily basis.

Core Course

BPATC imparts training to civil servants through four core courses namely the foundation training
course (FTC), the advanced course on administration and development (ACAD), the senior staff
course (SSC) and the policy planning and management course (PPMC).The participants of the
FTC are evaluated on 1200 marks, the ACAD and the SSC on 1000 marks, and the PPMC on 500
marks. Foundation Training Courses

Honorable Prime Minister envisions that the FTC is so designed that the newly recruited civil
servants are prepared to serve the nation professionally and effectively. To this end, the duration
of the FTC has been increased from four months to six months. In the financial year 2015-16,
BPATC organized three batches of the FTC in which 938 officers participated. The government
has decided to organize the FTC in other training institutes as well to reduce the backlog of officers
waiting for doing the FTC as this course is mandatory for the entry level civil servants for
confirming their jobs in their services. The other training institutes that are implementing the FTC
are Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy (BCSAA); Bangladesh Institute of
Administration and Management (BIAM); Bangladesh Customs Excise & VAT Training
Academy (CEVTA); Fisheries Training Academy (FTA); National Agriculture Training Academy
(NATA); Officers Training Institute (OTI); Postal Academy, Rajshahi (PAR); Rural Development
Academy (RDA); and Telecommunication Staff College (TSC). These training institutions have
implemented the 60th and 61st FTC during the same financial year in which 702 officers
participated. These training institutions followed the same curriculum of the FTC developed by
BPATC. The Centre coordinated the FTC training in these institutions to maintain harmony and
uniformity. In total, in the financial year 2015-16, 1640 officers participated in the FTC. Advanced Course on Administration and Development

The ACAD is a sixty-day course for the deputy secretaries and equivalent officers of the defense
services. BPATC has organized seven batches of the ACAD during the financial year 2015-16 in
which 178 officers took part.

2. 2.1.3 Senior Staff Course

The SSC is designed for the joint secretaries to the government and equivalent officers of the
defense services. It is of 45 days and focuses mainly on policies, leadership in public service
management and development. A total of 125 joint secretaries and equivalent officers of the
defense services attended the course in five batches. Policy Planning and Management Course

The PPMC, a 12-day course, is for the additional secretaries to the government. This course
focuses on policies, leadership, management, governance and innovation. Three batches of the
PPMC were organized in the financial year 2015-16 in which 31 officers participated.

Short Courses

BPATC organizes some short-term courses focusing mainly on governance, policy analysis,
project management, procurement management, e-governance, ICT etc. These specialized short-
term courses are offered to cater for the needs of efficiency development for different level of
public and private sector professionals. These courses are designed for enhancing skills and they
differ from the core course in terms of focus, duration and target groups. At present, the Centre
has postponed regular short courses temporarily to accommodate more FTCs to reduce the backlog
of the officials who need to do the FTC for confirming their services.


This study aims to identify the training modules/curriculum impact on training effectiveness and
its correlation. Respondents were more concerned to know more about their country, Coefficient
result revealed that Bangladesh Studies, Leadership Behavior, Social Research Method, and
Financial Management were positive and has significant impact on training effectiveness.

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Sayadat, N 2009, Digital Bangladesh and E-Strategies for Development Memory. Bangladesh
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