Is Public Administration An Art, A Science or Both? Explain
Is Public Administration An Art, A Science or Both? Explain
Is Public Administration An Art, A Science or Both? Explain
Answer: It is both, Public Administration is a Science when you are teaching the subject.
It is an Art when you implement it. According to M. Ruthnaswamy "As Administration
consist of deeds or acts with a practical end in view, it is an art." Public Administration is
not merely a theory but an art which is learned by practical application of knowledge. It
deals more with actual practice rather than mere theoretical concept. A public
administrator cannot be a success by merely being a theorist. The best knowledge can
be gained over time by constant practice. To the proponents of this view, Public
Administration is an art of getting things done. Public Administration as a Science,
people in this school of thought have identified certain specific and clear principles on
which day-to-day administration of states is being run and managed. These specialists
are also of the opinion that Public Administration has well defined field and sufficient
data for application to arrive at facts and has obtained considerable perfection to claim a
place in the family of physical sciences. Existence of a body of principles in a discipline
entitles it to claim the title and status of science. If Public Administration can prove that it
has developed a set of principles, it obviously qualifies to be rated as science.
2. How does Public Administration differ from Private Administration?
Answer: The following are the difference of Public Administration and Private
Public administration deals with public policies, state affairs, government
functions, and providing of various services to the general public; but private
administration deals with the management and operations of private
organizations usually business entities.
Public administration operates in the governmental set-up; while private
administration operates in the non-governmental set-up.
Public administration is closely related with the political process and often
conducts itself as a part of the larger political process; while private
administration concentrates on the commercial and business activities.
Public administration usually covers all the territory within the jurisdiction of
the government or a nation; while private administration may cover the multi-
country operations or activities of an organization spread over a number of
national jurisdictions, or only a very small office.
Public administration is usually carried out on continuous basis; while private
administration is basically carried out on periodic basis.
Public administration has a bureaucratic approach; whereas private
administration usually has an egalitarian approach.
Public administration involves numerous types of public services and
governmental activities; while private administration may involve only with a
limited set of activities as private organizations function on the basis of
division of labor or core competency.
The public administration is welfare oriented and works with a service motive;
whereas the private administration is typically profit oriented.
Objective of public administration is to provide the best service to the public at
large; while objective of private administration is shareholders’ wealth
The scope of public administration is determined by the government laws or
regulations; while the scope of private administration is determined by the
management of the organization.
Public administration is subjected to many laws and regulations along with a
focus on transparency and equal treatment; but private administration is
subjected to less number of laws and has permissible levels of discretion and
differential treatment to the customers or clients.
Public administration has considerable authority and power over the public
and territories; but private administration has little authority or very limited
authority related to the specific activities and employees of the organization
Decision making in the public administration is typically pluralistic, transparent
and subject to public scrutiny; but decision making in the public private
administration is monopolistic, discretionary and often secretive.
Public administration is accountable to the general public at large or the
representatives of the people; while private administration is accountable to
the owners of the organization.
Public administrators or officials are usually appointed through a competitive
process; while the private administrators may be appointed on the basis of
personal choice or liking.
Revenue or income for the public administration is typically generated through
taxes, duties, fees, penalties and other dues paid by the citizens; while
revenue or income for the private administration is typically generated through
operating profits.