Administrative Accountability
Administrative Accountability
Administrative Accountability
Administrative accountability
means making the civil servants
answerable for their actions.
Administrative accountability has
to be understood in relation to
making of public policies and their
implementation. It means
accountability of those
administrators who in some ways
or the other contribute to the
decision making process. And this
accountability is to the political
system as a whole.
2. Legislative accountability:
The dimension of administrative
accountability becomes larger if we take
into account the parliamentary
institution of interpellation. It is the
basic right of the members of
parliament to ask questions about the
state of public administration. When the
minister is asked to answer a question
put by MP, the questions are really
directed to the department concerned.
Every top administrator knows that
whatever policy decision his department
takes is likely to be questioned in
Judicial Accountbility:
In a democratic political system, citizens
are provided with the necessary legal
means to challenge the policy decisions
as well as administrative decisions of
the government. In most democracies
the machinery of public administration
includes organisations for adjudicating
on disputes between citizens and the
administration in matters like taxation
and compensation. If dispute still
persists, citizens can approach regular
courts of law challenging the decisions
of the government.