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Setupand Postprocessing and Labview

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ISSN 2176-5480

22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013)

November 3-7, 2013, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil
Copyright 2013 by ABCM



Gabriela Cristina Cndido da Silva1

Maria Alzira de Arajo Nunes2
Renato Vilela Lopes3
Antnio Boson Almeida Jnior3
Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade UnB Gama, Eng. de Energia1/Eng. Automotiva2/Eng. Eletrnica3, rea Especial de Indstria
Projeo A-UnB, Setor Leste, 72.444-240, Gama-DF, Brasil.
gabrielacandido.s@gmail.com; maanunes@unb.br; rvlopes@unb.br; antoniobosonjr@gmail.com

Abstract. Currently the active techniques for acoustic noise control have received considerable interest in the scientific
area. However the requirement of highly precise control, stability and reliability make the passive techniques still be
the traditional approach to noise control. The passive techniques such as enclosures, barriers and silencers are widely
used and they use the sound-absorbing material as the basis to provide the silencing. Thus the acoustic
characterization of this kind of materials is sorely needed in order to use these data in acoustic projects, even in the
analytical or numerical step. In this context, this work presents the design of an impedance tube (IT) which is
commonly used for determine the normal incidence absorption coefficient and the specific acoustic surface impedance
of acoustic materials. This equipment proves viable when compared to others methods like the reverberant chamber,
such as ease of construction, low cost, its portability and fast results providing. In this paper is described all the design
steps of an IT, since its conception until the final product. Firstly the theoretical background of the transfer function
method is discussed according to ISO 10534-2. The analytical formulation is presented as an important step in the
design of this apparatus mainly in the working frequency range determination. The construction details of the IT
(materials and dimensions) and the design of the electric devices are reported too. Previous experimental results are

Keywords: Acoustic, impedance tube, absorption coefficients, ISO 10534-2.


Noise is characterized as undesired sound without harmony which can actually cause physical harm leading to both
psychological and physiological symptoms, such as hearing loss, increased blood pressure and reduce productivity at
work (Alves, 2011). So, the classical manner to reduce the annoyance caused by the noise is to do a properly acoustic
treatment where can be in the industry, offices or residential environment. Mainly for architectural acoustic or high
frequency noise control the absorbing materials are a good alternative. This kind of noise control is defined like passive
technique and it is encountered in many applications like enclosures, barriers and silencers witch use the sound-
absorbing material as the basis to provide the silencing. Several types of sound absorbing materials are currently
available for noise control applications and plenty of examples can be found in fields of building and acoustics room
ans transportation industry (Lanoye, 2007).
From an acoustic engineers point of view, the absorption coefficient is the most important information about an
acoustic material. According to it, materials are usually classified as absorptive or reflective. Measure methods have
been developed and standardized in order to enable the study of the acoustic properties of different materials in order to
use these data in acoustic projects, making possible to optimize the noise control and the acoustic quality of the
environment (Jaatinen, 2011). The three standardized measurement methods best known are: reverberation chamber
method described in the standards ISO 354, and two impedance tube methods that are described in standards ISO
10534-1 and ISO 10534-2.
Also, there is a fourth method for measuring the absorption curves of the material, called, by some authors, by
reflection method witch measurements are made at the specific site (in situ methods). The samples are subjected to
incidence of waves in free field at a certain angle. This method has been discussed in literature by many authors
(Garai,1993; Mommertz,1995; Stevens, 2003; Mallais, 2009; Carneiro, 2011) and has growing up with the development
of electronic systems, making viable the measurements outside the laboratory. The sound absorption curve is measured
by a portable device that is brought to the object/location to be tested. Using the in situ methodology the ISO 13472-1
standard was published reporting the method for measuring in situ the absorbing of roads surfaces.
If a comparison is made about the four methods cited above, advantages and disadvantages of each one can be
listed. The in situ method has the advantage of it dont destroy the sample (in the other methods the sample needs to be
prepared previously) and it is not necessary a physical space to mount the apparatus measurement. Although the
mathematical approach involved in the method is complex, once the acoustic waves are not planes and mathematical
simplifications are not applicable (Carneiro, 2011).

ISSN 2176-5480

G.C.C.Silva, M.A.A.Nunes, R.V.Lopes and A.B.Almeida Jr.

Design and Construction of an Acoustic Impedance Tube

The reverberation chamber measurement described by ISO 354 is an accurate method for estimating the acoustic
absorption for all sounds incident angles while the impedance tube only considers normal incident angles. So the
reverberation chamber requires a special installation and a considerable spare to locate it, once the related standard
regulates it as a room with a volume of 200 m, at least (Jaatinen, 2011). In order to guarantee an uniform distribution of
natural frequencies, especially in low frequencies bands, the camera should not have two dimensions equal or multiple
to each other. The method is performed as a comparison measurement between the reverberation times of an empty
chamber and with absorptive material arranged on the floor. The sample area most have from 10m to 12m (Oliveira,
Unlike the reverberation chamber, the acoustic absorbing measurements using the impedance tube method are
accurate for normal incident sounds waves only (Beranek and Ver, 1992). So with the methods described by ISO-
10534-1 or ISO- 10534-2 it is possible to determine the normal incidence absorption coefficient and the specific
acoustic surface impedance. Although for low frequencies the impedance tube method may not give accurate results
because an airtight fit of the sample is needed and at the same time the sample has to be able to vibrate freely
(Vissamraju, 2005). The advantage of the IT is its portability once the apparatus consists of a rigid walled tube with a
sound source at one end and the sample of absorbing material to be tested at the other end. All the experimental system
can be placed at a laboratory stand.
As cited above there are two methods which are employed for acoustical impedance measurements using an
impedance tube: the method using standing wave ratio (ISO 10534-1) and the transfer-function method (ISO 10534-2).
The first one uses transient sound excitation to excite a single microphone that can be move lengthwise inside the tube
and the second uses continuous white noise to excite one or two-microphones. The classical acoustics theory must be
used to derive the equations for the two methods. The transfer function (TF) method was presented by Chung and
Blazer (1980) which consists in to obtain the TF between two fixed microphones located at two different positions in
the tube wall. The incident and reflected waves can be recovered mathematically in an easily form. From these the
reflection coefficient of the sample can be calculated for the same frequency band as the broadband exciting signal. The
impedance and absorption coefficient can be calculated as well. The transfer function method has proven to be reliable
and it is widely used in researches and practical applications (Vissamraju, 2005).
Over the years the impedance tube has been proved to be viable when compared to others methods cited above, such
as it is relatively easily constructed, it has low cost, it is portable and it provides fast results. Although the reverberation
chamber requires tests specimens which are rather large, it is not convenient for researches and development work
where only samples of specimens are available. Due to these advantages, this equipment and methodology has been
extensively used in the acoustic characterization of many kinds of materials, even in the analytical or numerical step
(Vissamraju, 2005; Massarane, 2008).
Recently researches and published papers (Good et al, 2013; Dupont et al, 2013) show that even this methodology
been well-known it possibilities many applications and configurations for studies of subjects as characterization of a
wide variety of acoustic media, modeling of sound propagation in porous materials, mastery of computer based data
acquisition and processing, practical problems such as cutting and positioning of the sample in the IT, design of a
multilayer porous medium with desired acoustic properties, etc.
In order to contribute with details description in the IT design this paper describes all steps involved in the IT
construction, since its conception until the final product. The goal was to obtain a low cost experimental setup which be
capable to determinate the acoustic absorption coefficients of different materials in a precise manner using both
techniques, one and two microphones. This one was constructed and practical tests were conducted.
About this paper structure, firstly the theoretical background of the transfer function method is described according
to ISO 10534-2. The analytical formulation is presented as an important step in the design of this apparatus mainly in
the working frequency range determination. The construction details of the IT (geometrical dimensions including
detailed costs and materials) and the design of the electric devices are reported too. Some experimental results using the
method of two microphones are shown, once this technique has ever been implemented in the system designed. The
electronic devices for the one microphone method are still in development and it must be treated in future works.


Due to the development of signal processing techniques the sound absorption coefficient can be determined faster
and with good repeatability, especially when using the transfer function method described in the ISO 10534-2. This
standard describes two methods: one and two-microphone. This work uses the two-microphone method, which is the
most commonly used in researches and practical areas. The following mathematical formulation is based in this
The theory underlying the two-microphone method involves the decomposition of a broadband stationary random
signal (generated by an acoustical driver) into its incident and reflected components by the use of a simple transfer
function relation between the sound pressure at two locations on the tube wall as depicted in Fig. 1. This wave
decomposition is made by a determination of the complex reflection coefficient, from which acoustical properties such
as the acoustical impedance and the sound absorption coefficient are evaluated.

ISSN 2176-5480

22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013)

November 3-7, 2013, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil

Figure 1. Impedance tube setup.

The first aspect of the instrumentation setup (Fig. 1) is to guarantee propagation of only plane waves once the
formulation described in ISO 10534-2 is valid for this condition. This is achieved with the filter indicated in Fig. 1
which its cut frequency is given by Eq. (1).

fc (1)
where c is speed of the sound [m/s] and d is the duct diameter [m].
The usable frequency range depends on the duct internal diameter and the spacing between the microphones. An
extended frequency range may be obtained from the combination of measurements with varying internal diameters and
spacing between the two microphones.
The measurement method is based on the fact that the sound reflection factor, at normal incidence, r, can be
determined from the measured transfer function H12 between two microphone positions in front of the material tested.
The transfer function between the two microphones shown in Fig. 1 is:

H 12 (2)

where S12=p2.p1* is the cross spectrum between the two microphones; S11=p1.p1* is the auto-spectrum of the
Microphone 1.
The reflection factor can be calculated from the measured transfer function:

H12 H I 2 jk o x1
r e (3)
H R H12

where HI is the transfer function for the incident wave alone (Eq. 5) and HR is the transfer function for the reflected
wave alone (Eq. 6); x1 is the distance between the test sample and the first microphone; ko is the wave number defined

ko (4)

where f is the frequency in hertz.

H I e jk o ( x1 x2 ) e jk o s (5)

H R e jk o ( x1 x 2 ) e jk o s (6)

ISSN 2176-5480

G.C.C.Silva, M.A.A.Nunes, R.V.Lopes and A.B.Almeida Jr.

Design and Construction of an Acoustic Impedance Tube

where the separation between the two microphones is s = x1 x2.

The normal incidence sound absorption coefficient is:

1 r

The specific acoustical impedance ratio is:

z R jX 1 r
c c c 1 r

where R is the real component of the impedance, X is the imaginary component of the impedance and c is the
characteristic impedance.


This section presents the main design steps and details of the construction procedure of the impedance tube and the
electronic devices: amplifier and filter. The others commercial equipments as shown in Fig. 1 will be specified.

3.1 Design of the impedance tube and acoustic box

The impedance tube is constituted by five components as illustrated in Fig. 2(a) e 2(b): 1) acoustic box; 2) tube; 3)
tube support; 4) microphones holder and 5) sample holder.


Figure 2(a). Isometric view of the IT. Figure 2(b). Exploded view of the IT.

According to ISO 10543-2, the loudspeaker must be stored in an insulating box in order to avoid airborne flanking
transmission to the microphones. A MDF (12 mm thickness) cabinet was designed and constructed to fit the Markaudio
Alpair-10 Gold 6" Full Range Gen 2 loudspeaker, which has 35 Watts RMS and frequency range of 40 to 23 kHz
(manufacture specification). Figure 3(a) presents the geometrical dimensions in millimeters. As illustrated in Fig. 3(a),
it is possible to note that the bottom wall of the box is lightly inclined in order to prevent the formation of standing
waves. The MDF material was adopted once it was available in the institution (remainder from others applications).
Although it presents to be strong, durable and it has low weight when compared with wood or steel. In order to
minimize internal sound reflections and resonances, the box interior was coated with acoustic foam (Fig. 3(b)), in this
case specifically, the egg crate pattern, increasing the damping factor inside the box.
In order to allow the fit between the acoustic box and the tube a connection between both was developed. This one
was designed like a cover which has an internal conic shape, working like a wave guide conducting the sound from the
loudspeaker to the tube in gradually reduced way. Figure 4(a) illustrates this connection with the dimensions in
millimeters. It was necessary to join two MDF panels (each one of 12 mm thickness) to obtain the required cone depth.
In order to connect the tube in the acoustic box cover it was used a PVC connection with 60 millimeters of internal
diameter which is easily encountered in commercial stores and commonly applied for cold water system in edifications.
In the cases where the diameter of the tube is lower than the PVC connection, a PVC reducer coupler can be used as
shown in Fig. 4(b). In this case, with these two kinds of PVC connection it is possible to use two impedance tubes with
different diameters.

ISSN 2176-5480

22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013)

November 3-7, 2013, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil

Figure 3(a). Acoustic box dimensions in mm. Figure 3(b). Acoustic foam.

Figure 4(a). Acoustic box cover dimensions in mm. Figure 4(b). Detail of PVC reducer coupler.

The choice of the appropriate internal diameter of the impedance tube was done evaluating its cut off frequency
according Eq. (1). It was selected two tubes with distinct internal diameter in order to reach different frequencies range.
One has internal diameter of 53.4 mm, wall thickness of 3.3 mm and it is appropriate to evaluate frequencies until 3762
Hz. The other has internal diameter of 26.6 mm, wall thickness of 3.4 mm and it is appropriate to evaluate higher
frequencies until 7552 Hz. The upper working frequency is chosen to avoid the occurrence of non-plane wave mode
propagation and the lower frequency is limited by the accuracy of the signal processing equipment.
Different size of samples can be used depends on the availability. Both are commercial PVC tubes with 1 meter of
length. The IS0 10543-2 recommends that the tube length should be at least 3 times the diameter.
A microphone holder was designed in order to pin the microphones to the PVC tube, as shown in Fig. 5(a). Pure
wood was used for each microphone holder which was attached in each one impedance tube. The height of this
microphone support should guarantee the vertical position of the sensor and the tangency of it with the inner surface of
the tube. No sound leaks are permitted between the hole and the sensor. Silicone sticks were used to close the holes
without microphones during the measurements. Commercial PVC termination was used as sample holder. Reflective
material (foil paper) was glued inside it in order to increase the reflexive characteristic of the material, as shown in Fig.

Loudspeaker Silicone Sample

end Stick holder

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Foil paper

Figure 5(a). Microphone holder Figure 5(b). Sample holder (side view) and foil paper coating.

As shown in Fig. 5(a), in each tube was made 8 holes to place the microphones. The distances (s) between them
were determined according to Eq. (9). Firstly a frequency array was defined from 50Hz to 7500Hz with increment of
500 Hz. Using the Eq. (9) the microphone spacing was estimated for each frequency. Seven microphone spacing was
selected in the whole considered range frequency. For this choice was considered: limiting manufacturing aspects,
maximum length of the duct, dimensions recommended by ISO 10543-2, to try covering a wide range frequency as
possible and to obtain a fideal nearly of the central frequency considering the octave bands. For each microphone spacing

ISSN 2176-5480

G.C.C.Silva, M.A.A.Nunes, R.V.Lopes and A.B.Almeida Jr.

Design and Construction of an Acoustic Impedance Tube

it is possible to determine the lower, upper and ideal frequency which the acoustic absorption curve presents the lowest
variance (Bson, 1984). The frequency range which the measurements have acceptable accuracy can be determined
using Eq. (10). Table 1 shows the microphone spacing estimated (sestimated) from Eq. (9) and the same parameter
(smeasured) measured directly in the large duct after its construction. The smeasured shown in the Tab. 1 is narrowly different
of the sestimated due to manufacturing error (precision error). The other columns of the Tab. 1 are estimated using Eq. (10)
and smeasured. The same fact occurred with the small duct, where its microphone spacing is close to the smeasured mentioned
in the Tab. 1.

s (9)
2 f

0.1 c 0.8 c c (10)

f lower f upper f ideal
2s 2 s 4s
Table 1. Microphone spacing and recommended frequency range.

Positions sestimated [m] smeasured [m] flower [Hz] fupper [Hz] fideal [Hz]
1-2 0,021 0,020 857 6860,0 4287,5
1-8 0,343 0,347 49 395,4 247,1
2-3 0,026 0,024 715 5716,7 3572,9
4-8 0,171 0,183 93,7 749,7 468,6
5-8 0,085 0,097 176,8 1414,4 884,0
6-8 0,043 0,046 372,8 2982,6 1864,1
7-8 0,017 0,022 779,5 6236,4 3897,7

Due to microphones spacing shown in Tab. 1 it can be defined the working frequency range of the IT setup: 50 to
6800 Hz. The lower frequency was defined mainly in function of the loudspeaker response. The small-tube setup is
indicated to measure parameters in the frequency range from 50Hz to 6.8 kHz and the large-tube setup is indicated to
measure parameters in the frequency range from 50 Hz to 3.8 kHz (this upper frequency is limited by non-plane wave

3.2 Design of the electronic devices

The electronics devices of the impedance tube system include the signal generator, filter, power amplifier,
loudspeaker, microphones (sensors) and the data acquisition system (acquisition board and software). In order to reduce
the cost of the whole IT set up the circuits of the power amplifier and the filter were design and these were constructed.
The others electronics devices listed were purchased commercially and they were already available in the acoustic
laboratory. In the next topic they will be specified.
Firstly the power amplifier was designed once it was necessary to supply the loudspeaker with the required electrical
current. As observed in Fig. 1 the signal generator sends the desired signal to the loudspeaker, but it doesnt have the
current required by the loudspeaker. So, the power amplifier can solve this trouble. The design of the power amplifier
was made in order to guarantee some requirements: the relationship between the input and output signals must be as
linear as possible and the frequency response must be stable throughout the working frequency range. After a
bibliographic review about electronic devices applied in acoustic equipments the power amplifier circuit described in
Delfino (2005) was used as an initial proposition.
For this case, the original circuit (Delfino, 2005) was adapted to work with unitary gain. The main component of the
electronic project is the TDA2030A which is a monolithic integrated circuit (IC) intended for use as low frequency
class AB amplifier. It provides high output current and it has very low harmonic and cross-over distortion. Others
advantages are low cost and easy commercial availability. However this IC is high influenced by noise from supply
voltage, so two capacitors were introduced in parallel with the supply voltage in order to avoid this problem. The power
amplifier circuit design to the IT set up is shown in Fig. (6).
The next step was to design the filter which is connected between the signal generator and the power amplifier as
shown in Fig. 1. This was designed in order to limit the upper frequency of the broadband signal which is sent to the
loudspeaker from the signal generator. As described previous only plane waves propagating inside the duct is of
interest, so the cut off frequency of the filter is defined in function of Eq. (1).

ISSN 2176-5480

22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013)

November 3-7, 2013, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil

Figure 6. Power amplifier circuit.

The choice of the appropriate filter model was made after a literature analysis. It was designed an Inverse
Chebyshev low-pass filter with unitary DC gain due to its flat response in the pass band and a small transition band. The
main parameters are: maximum passband attenuation of 3 dB, minimum stopband attenuation of 20 dB, passband
frequency of 12 kHz and stopband frequency of 15.6 kHz. The circuit of the designed filter is shown in Fig. 7.

Figure 7. Filter circuit.

3.3 Specifications of sensors and equipments

The complete setup of the acoustic impedance measurement system is shown in Fig. 8. It is constituted of the follow
equipments: 1) Waveform Generator Agilent 33220A 20MHz; 2) USB Data Acquisition System NI cDAQ-9172; 3)
Four-channel signal acquisition module NI 9234; 4) Two ICP prepolarized precision condenser 1/2" microphones
(PCB Model 377B02) and preamplifiers (PCB Model 426E01) and 5) Sound level calibrator for microphones Type
1251 Norsonic. The software LabVIEW was used as interface with the computer in the data acquisition and the
software MATLAB was used to process the data (post-processing and estimative of the impedance and absorption

Figure 8. Acoustic impedance tube measurement setup: Two microphones technique.

As mentioned in the objectives of this work the cost of construction of this IT setup was an important design
parameter which was aiming to reduce it when compared with commercial available IT (Fig. 9).

ISSN 2176-5480

G.C.C.Silva, M.A.A.Nunes, R.V.Lopes and A.B.Almeida Jr.

Design and Construction of an Acoustic Impedance Tube

Figure 9. Commercial acoustic impedance tube measurement setup (Source: Bruel & Kjaer).

The Tab. 2 shows the cost of the IT proposed in this work considering that the materials of the acoustic box (MDF),
tube support and microphone holder (wood) were recycled. The cost of the manufacturing process wasn't considered
because it was accomplished in the laboratory of the institution.

Table 2. Cost of the designed equipments.

Description Price (R$) Price ($)*

Acoustic box and tubes 208,50 98,81
Loudspeaker 326,65 154,81
Power Amplifier 86,20 40,85
Filter 90,60 42,94
Total 711,95 337,41
*US Dollar Quote: 27/05/2013 (R$ 1,00 = $ 2,11)

In order to compare costs a commercial impedance tube costs on average R$ 8.000,00 (considering discount for
academic institution), which is comprised the parts: acoustic box, tubes and the loudspeaker. The same parts from the
project described in this paper cost R$ 535,15 as observed in Tab. 2 (lines 1 and 2). It was possible to achieve a saving
of R$ 7.464,85.


Acoustic measurements were done with the setup shown in Fig. 8. It is important to highlight that these first
measurements were done in order to check the designed setup, without to follow all regulations criteria. It was only a
first check. So, the microphones were calibrated before and after the measures using the sound level calibrator specified
in the previous topic and the temperature inside the duct was measured using a digital thermometer.
An acoustic foam was chosen to have its acoustic parameters (impedance and absorption coefficient) estimated
using the impedance tube. This choice is justified by available of this material in the laboratory. This acoustic material
is denominate of egg crate pattern acoustic foam with 15 mm thickness. A sample of this foam was just fit in the
sample holder with care avoiding crushing it. The test samples used in both ducts was shown in Fig. 10.

Small Large
tube tube

Figure 10. Test sample of egg crate pattern

The loudspeaker was turn on 10 minutes before starting the measurements (ISO 10534-2 recommendation) allowing
temperature stabilization. The same regulation recommends that the temperature inside the duct keep constant during all
measurement time with a tolerance of 1 K. The measured temperature was used to estimate the speed of the sound.
For the two microphones technique, the complex sound pressures p1 and p2 were acquired using two channels of the
data acquisition system. The data were processed in Matlab and the absorption coefficient was estimated according Eq.
(7). So, firstly the transfer function between the two microphones is estimated as Eq. (2). In order to estimate the
reflection factor (Eq. 3) is necessary to know the distance between the two microphones once this parameter is input to
Eq. (5) and Eq. (6). Then the Eq. (7) can be used.

ISSN 2176-5480

22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2013)

November 3-7, 2013, Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil

The measurement procedure was accomplished for each position pair described in Tab. 1 (each line) for each tube,
the small and the large. In this manner, a wide frequency range can be covered with these combinations.
In order to verify and validate the IT setup constructed, two conditions were considerate: with and without sample
test. For the latter it was considered an approximation of a rigid termination.
It was acquired 10 continuous frames of data with sampling rate of 16384 Hz and number of samples of 163840. So,
the total time acquired for each data is 60 s.
Using Matlab the transfer function of each measurement was analyzed taking into account the coherence between
the data from the two microphones in the frequency range specified in the Tab. 1. Then, the better position
combinations which have good coherences (between 0.9 and 1) are chosen in order to cover the working frequency
range for each tube. As an example Fig. 11 shows the absorption coefficient curves estimated for the large tube for the
mean positions in the recommended frequency range for the acoustic foam test sample. Fig. 11(a) shows the absorption
coefficient curve estimated for the position 1_8 (Fig. 5(a)) in the frequency range 50 to 200 Hz (according to Tab. 1).
Fig. 11(b) shows the same parameter estimated for the position 5_8 in the frequency range 201 to 750 Hz. Finally the
Fig. 11(c) shows the estimative for the position 2_3 in the frequency range 751 to 3800 Hz (this upper frequency is the
cut-off frequency of the large-tube).
Position 1-8 Position 5-8 Position 2-3
1 1 1
Absorption Coefficient
Absorption Coefficient

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
50 100 150 200 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
Frequency [Hz]
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11. Absorption coefficients curves estimated for the egg crate pattern acoustic foam using the large-duct.

Figure 12 and Figure 13 presents the preliminary results obtained with the designed setup. The difference between
both figures is that the Fig. 12 presents the absorption coefficient estimated by measurements with the large tube in
octave band frequency and the Fig. 13 is the same parameter measured with the small duct.

Figure 12. Absorption coefficient estimated with the large tube.

Figure 13. Absorption coefficient estimated with the small tube.

ISSN 2176-5480

G.C.C.Silva, M.A.A.Nunes, R.V.Lopes and A.B.Almeida Jr.

Design and Construction of an Acoustic Impedance Tube

Analyzing Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 we can note that the curves trend is in agreement with the acoustic theory specifically
about porous acoustic material. For this kind of material the absorption coefficient has high value in the high
frequencies than in the lower ones (Beranek and Ver, 1992). However we can note a high value of the absorption
coefficient in the 125 Hz octave band frequency when compared with the others, which is not so common. Bellow 150
Hz the coherence between the two microphone data is not so good (there are values between 0.4 and 0.9) and it is
possible to note the strong presence of noise in the transfer function (Fig. 11(a)). This fact can be explain by the
electronic devices limitations including the loudspeaker once its response frequency curve is plane linear after 100 Hz
despite the manufacturer specify the frequency range as 40Hz to 23kHz.
In each figure (Fig. 12 and Fig.13) is possible to see the difference between the absorption coefficient estimated with
the sample and without it. In fact the absorption coefficient obtained with the rigid termination is small but the results
reveal that it is not a perfect rigid termination.
Comparing Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 we can observe that there are differences between both results (absorption coefficient
values) once each one was obtained from different tubes. Comparing the results for the same octave band frequency
these should be closest if this frequency range is recommended (considered of precision) for the considered tube.
However this fact is not a rule when Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 are analyzed.
Indeed the experimental results need to be better investigated. More measurements need to be accomplished,
including experimental tests with more samples of the same material, in order to compute the mean absorption
coefficient. There are many parameters which can influence in this estimation and needs to be studied as future
working: the test specimen mounting, correction for microphone mismatch, signal-to-noise ratio, pressure-release
termination of test sample, microphone mounting influence, modifications in the sample holder in order to improve its
rigid and reflexive termination, like using a metal plate instead the foil paper.
As said before these are only preliminary tests only to verify the initial performance of the impedance tube setup.
The aim of this work is to show the design procedure of a low cost impedance tube and the final product as well the
preliminary experimental tests. In this way the research will continue in order to obtain precise results with this setup.
The possible error sources listed before will be investigated. Other future work is to implement the one microphone


This paper described all steps involved in a low cost impedance tube setup design, since its conception until the final
product. The regulation ISO 10534-2 was used in order to implement the two microphone technique. The construction
details of the IT and the design of the some electric devices were reported too. Experimental results using acoustic foam
and rigid termination were presented as preliminary tests.
The IT setup constituted of acoustic box, tubes and the loudspeaker has a cost of R$ 535,15 against R$ 8.000,00 of a
commercial IT (average price for academic user). A save of R$ 7.464,85 was achieved.
The absorption coefficient of an acoustic foam type egg crate pattern was estimated using the described setup and
the two microphone technique, as well the same parameter for the rigid termination. The curves trend obtained is in
agreement with the theory of porous acoustic material, in other words, the absorption coefficient has high value in the
high frequencies than in the lower ones. It was possible to note that the electronic devices limitations introduce
deviation at low frequencies (bellow 150 Hz). Differences between the results obtained from both tubes were
In order to continue this work the experimental results need to be better investigated and possible error sources be
identified. More measurements should be accomplished and many parameters which can influence in this estimation
must be studied: the test specimen mounting, selection of the number averages correction for microphone mismatch,
signal-to-noise ratio, pressure-release termination of test sample, modifications in the sample holder in order to improve
its rigid and reflexive termination. Other future work considered is to implement the one microphone technique.


The authors would like to thanks the Faculty UnB Gama for manufacturing support (materials and equipments),
mainly the technical staff of the related laboratories. For financial support they thank FAPDF and DPP/UnB.


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The authors are the only responsible for the printed material included in this paper.


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