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Big Data and Analytics Challenges and Solutions in Cloud

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American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) 2017

American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)

e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936
Volume-6, Issue-4, pp-46-51
Research Paper Open Access

Big Data and Analytics Challenges and Solutions in Cloud

Manju Sharma
College of Computer Science & Information Systems, Jazan University Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT: Cloud Computing is a technology getting popularity in the field of sharing of data, hardware
and software resources. Its all about sharing of computing resources rather than getting local servers or
personal devices. Cloud is a service provided or available through Internet Cloud Computing is a computing in
which services are delivered through the Internet. The goal of Cloud Computing is to make use of unite the
millions of data and its user into single platform. Cloud computingwe are using huge group of servers with
specialized connections to distribute data processing among the servers. Big Data is a collection of huge volume
of data structured and unstructured data that are so large and difficult to get process using traditional
databases and software technologies. In big data massive volume of distributed data can be handled or stored in
clouds. Cloud computing is the best solution for storage of massive amount of data.
Keywords: Big data, cloud computing, Hadoop, cloud computing environments, RDBMS, delimitation.

Cloud computing, the word Cloud (also phrased as "the cloud") is used as a metaphor for "the
Internet," so the phrase cloud computing means "a type of Internet-based computing," where different services
such as servers, storage and applications are delivered to an organization's computers and devices through
the Internet[18]. Instead of installing a software suite for each computer, this technology requires to install
single software in each computer that allows users to log into a Web-based service and which also hosts all the
programs required by the user. There's a significant workload shift, in a cloud computing system [10].
The term Big Data [11] is believed to be originated from the Web search companies who had to
query loosely structured very large distributed data.With large and complex data, computation becomes difficult
to be handled by the traditional data processing applications which trigger the development of big data
applications [12]. Googles map reduce framework and apache Hadoop are the defacto software systems [13]
for big data applications, in which these applications generates a huge amount of intermediate data.
Manufacturing and Bioinformatics are the two major areas of big data applications. Another important
application for Hadoop is Bioinformatics which covers the next generation sequencing and other biological
domains. Bioinformatics [14] which requires a large scale data analysis, uses Hadoop. Cloud computing gets the
parallel distributed computing framework together with computer clusters and web interfaces.
In the Journal of Science 2008, Big Data is defined as the representation of the progress of human
cognitive processes, which usually includes data sets with sizes beyond the ability of current technology,
method and theory to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. So also , the
definition of big data as given by the Gartner defined it as high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety
information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery
and process optimization [2]. Big Data can be described as a massive volume of structured and unstructured
data which are so large and very difficult to process this data using traditional methods and recent software
technologies. [3]. Furthermore, Big data is the elusive, all-encompassing name given to enormous datasets
stored on enterprise servers for example, data stored in Google (which organizes 100 trillion Web pages),
Facebook (with 1 million gigabytes of disk storage, its data keep increasing on a daily basis), and YouTube
(which contains 20 petabytes of new video content per year).
Big data is also used in science, for scientific applications such as weather forecasting, earthquake
prediction, seismic processing, molecular modeling, and genetic sequencing. Many of these applications require
servers to run with tens of petabytes of storage, such as the Sequoia (Lawrence Livermore) and Blue Waters
(NCSA) supercomputers [4]. The three main terms that generally signify Big Data are:
The three main terms that generally signify Big Data are:
i. Volume: This has to do with the amount of data generated on a daily basis which is so large and keeps
increasing with time.

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ii. Variety: Today data is created in different type, form and formats such as emails, video, audio, transactions
iii. Velocity: This has to do with the speed it takes to produce data and how fast this data produced needs to be
processed on time to meet individual demand.

The other two properties that need to be critically consider when talking about Big Data are Variability and
Complexity as depicted by [31].
i. Variability: this goes along with velocity, and it has to do with how inconsistent the flow of data can be
with respect to time and far it can go.
ii. Complexity: the complexity of the data must be considered especially when we have multiple source of
data. The data must be rearranged in such a format that will be suitable for processing[1].

Fig. 1 Properties of Big Data[2]

Hadoop(a cloud computing framework) isa Java based distributed system, is a new framework in the
market. Since Hadoop is new and still being developed to add more features, there are many security issues
which need to be addressed. Researchers have identified some of the issues and started working on this. Some of
the notable outcomes, which are related to our domain and helped us to explore, are presented below.The World
Wide Web consortium has identified the importance of SPARQL which can be used in diverse data sources.
Later on, the idea of secured query was proposed in order to increase privacy in privacy/utility tradeoff. Here,
Jelena, of the USC Information Science Institute, has explained that the queries can be processed according to
the policy of the provider, rather than all query processing. Bertino et al published a study on access control for
XML Documents [15]. In the study, cryptography and digital signature technique are explained, and techniques
of access control to XML data document is stressed for secured environment. Later on, he published another
study on authentic third party XML document distribution [16] which imposed another trusted layer of security
to the paradigm.

Figure 2: Big Data [29]

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Hadoop is a tool used by many organizations for managing and analysing the data. Hadoop uses
parallel execution of data using large clusters of tiny machines or nodes which results in faster execution. And
even data is distributed among the nodes so the node failure can be easily handled. MapReduce is a
programming style, for Distributed processing on Hadoop. It contains the two functions; Map function will take
the input as key/value pair and splits the data on several nodes for processing. Reduce function combines the
results from Map function. The architecture and algorithm are implemented using Hadoop[25]
Kevin Hamlen and et al proposed that data can be stored in a database encrypted rather than plain text.
The advantage of storing data encrypted is that even though intruder can get into the database, he or she cant
get the actual data. But, the disadvantage is that encryption requires a lot of overhead. Instead of processing the
plain text, most of the operation will take place in cryptographic form. Hence the approach of processing in
cryptographic form added extra to security layer.IBM researchers also explained that the query processing
should take place in a secured environment. Then, the use of Kerberos has been highly effective. Kerberos is
nothing but a system of authentication that has been developed at MIT. Kerberos uses an encryption technology
along with a trusted third party, an arbitrator, to be able to perform a secure authentication on an open network.
To be more specific, Kerberos uses cryptographic tickets to avoid transmitting plain text passwords over the
wire. Kerberos is based upon Needham-Schroeder protocol.
Airavat [17] has shown us some significant advancement security in the Map Reduce environment. In
the study, Roy and et al have used the access control mechanism along with differential privacy. They have
worked upon mathematical bound potential privacy violation which prevents information leak beyond data
providers policy. The above works have influenced us, and we are analyzing various approaches to make the
cloud environment more secure for data transfer and computation.


In current scenario, thechallenges of security in cloud computing environments can be categorized into
network level, user authentication level, data level, and generic issues.These Cloud computing technology
comes with numerous security issues and this could be due to the fact that it encompasses many technologies
which may include networks, databases, operating systems, virtualization, resource allocation, containerization,
resource scheduling, transaction management, load balancing, concurrency control, managing contents
distribution in a content delivery network (CDN) and memory management. Hence, security issues of these
systems and technologies exist in cloud computing. For example, the security of the network that interconnects
the systems in the cloud must be much secured. Also, containerization and virtualization paradigm in cloud
computing bring about several security concerns. For example, the mapping of containers and virtual machines
to the physical machines has to be done in a secured way . The security issues associated with cloud computing
devices and environments can be categorized into the following: network level, user authentication level, data
level, and generic issues as depicted by [28], [29].
Network level: The challenges associated with network level will include issues with network protocols
and network security, such as distributed nodes, distributed data, Internode communication.
User Authentication level: The issues and challenges associated with user authentication level includes
encryption/decryption techniques, authentication methods which may include issues with administrative rights
for nodes, authentication of applications and nodes, logging etc.
Data level: The issues and challenges associated with data level will include data integrity and
availability issues such as data protection and the distribution of data.

Figure 3: Cloud computing scenario [29] [30]

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The issues and challenges associated with general level security issues includes issues with traditional
security tools, and use of different technologies On the other hand, for big data security challenges, they are
overblown by the three key characteristics of big data which are volume, variety, and velocity. Some of the
unique treats that causes security vulnerabilities in big data are: Large-scale cloud infrastructures, diversity of
data sources and formats, as well as the streaming nature of data acquisition and high volume inter-cloud
migration.[1],[28].Cloud computing has become one of the hottest buzzwords in the IT area. Many companies
and institutions are rushing to define clouds and provide cloud solutions in various ways. However, there is still
no widely accepted definition for Cloud computing. A cloud is a type of distributed data center which delivers
infrastructures as services. It consists of massive resources, and provides some mechanisms to provide, reimage,
workload rebalance, de-provide, and monitor those resources. It represents as one or more unified resource
entities, and renders users/applications with services to access those resources without knowing the detailed


Cloud computing has been revolutionizing the IT industry by adding flexibility to the way IT is
consumed, enabling organizations to pay only for the resources and services they use [9]. In an effort to reduce
IT capital and operational expenditures, organizations of all sizes are using Clouds to provide the resources
required to run their applications. Clouds vary significantly in their specific technologies and implementation,
but often provide infrastructure, platform, and software resources as services [5-6].Society is becoming
increasingly more instrumented and as a result, organizations are producing and storing vast amounts of data.
Managing and gaining insights from the produced data is a challenge and key to competitive advantage [13].
Analytics solutions that mine structured and unstructured data are important as they can help organizations gain
insights not only from their privately acquired data, but also from large amounts of data publicly avail-able on
the Web [10]. The ability to cross-relate private information on consumer preferences and products with
information from tweets, blogs, product evaluations, and data from social networks opens a wide range of
possibilities for organizations to understand the needs of their customers, predict their wants and demands, and
optimize the use of resources. This paradigm is being popularly termed as Big Data [12].In todays competitive
market, being able to explore data to understand customer behavior, segment customer base, offer customized
services, and gain insights from data provided by multiple sources is key to competitive advantage. Although
decision makers would like to base their decisions and actions on insights gained from this data [9], making
sense of data, extracting non obvious patterns, and using these patterns to predict future behavior are not new
Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD) [10] aims to extract non obvious information using careful and
detailed analysis and interpretation. Data mining [12], more specifically, aims to discover previously unknown
interrelations among apparently unrelated attributes of data sets by applying methods from several areas
including machine learning, database systems, and statistics. Analytics comprises techniques of KDD, data
mining, text mining, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and advanced and
interactive visualization to drive decisions and actions [7, 8, and 10].
RDBMS: The first and probably most obvious way of dealing with Big Data is by using traditional
data warehousing architectures based on standard RDBMS. In this case, data are extracted from various internal
and external sources, selected, aggregated, and loaded into a data warehouse. Different business intelligence
tools can then be used to analyze and access the data. As volume and velocity of the data to be processed
steadily increased since the 1980 [36].most contemporary companies revert to parallelized RDBMS to handle
the large amounts of data [37].Consequently, data are stored on multiple machines, tables are partitioned over
the nodes in a cluster, andan application layer allows for accessing the different data portions on the different
nodes. The goal of such an architecture is to provide linear speed-up as well as scale-up [35][37].

The baseline to evaluate the effectiveness of big data and analytics platform which provides
organizations a solution stack that is designed specifically for enterprise use. The Big Data and Analytics
platform provides the ability to start small with one capability and easily add others over the big data journey
because the pre-integration of its components reduces implementation time and cost.To find out the key insights
we identify possible gaps in technology and frame work like cloud-supported, big data computing and analytics,
challenges in big data computing and analytics and their solutions were not thoroughly discussed in previous
Cloud computing comes with numerous big data challenges because it encompasses many technologies
including networks, databases, operating systems, virtualization, resource scheduling, transaction management,
load balancing, concurrency control and memory management. Hence, the security challenges of these systems
and technologies are applicable to cloud computing. For example, it is very important for the network which

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interconnects the systems in a cloud to be secure. Also, virtualization paradigm in cloud computing results in
several security concerns. For example, mapping of the virtual machines to the physical machines has to be
performed very securely. Data security not only involves the encryption of the data, but also ensures that
appropriate policies are enforced for data sharing. In addition, resource allocation and memory management
algorithms also have to be secure. The big data issues are most acutely felt in certain industries, such as
telecoms, web marketing and advertising, retail and financial services, and certain government activities. The
data explosion is going to make life difficult in many industries, and the companies will gain considerable
advantage which is capable to adapt well and gain the ability to analyze such data explosions over those other
companies. This study will highlight these challenges and proposed techniques to get the solutions in the cloud.
Massive data sets are hard to understand, and models and patterns hidden within them cannot be
identified by humans directly, but must be analyzed by computers using data mining techniques. The world of
big data present rich cross-media contents, such as text, image, video, audio, graphics and so on. For cross-
media applications and services over the Internet and mobile wireless networks, there are strong demands for
cross-media mining because of the significant amount of computation required for serving millions of Internet
or mobile users at the same time. On the other hand, with cloud computing boom-ing, new cloud-based cross-
media computing paradigm emerged, in which users store and process their cross-media application data in the
cloud in a distributed manner. Cross-media is the outstanding characteristics of the age of big data with large
scale and complicated processing task. Cloud-based Big Data plat-forms will make it practical to access massive
compute resources for short time periods without having to build their own big data farms. We propose a frame-
work for cross-media semantic understanding which contains discriminative modeling, generative modeling and
cognitive modeling. In cognitive modeling, a new model entitled CAM is proposed which is suitable for cross-
media semantic understanding. A Cross-Media Intelligent Retrieval System (CMIRS), which is managed by
ontology-based knowledge system KMSphere, will be illustrated[33].

The purpose of the present study is big data and analytics challenges and solutions in the cloud. The
researcher will identify its influences regardingframework and technical challenges like Data variety, Data
storage, Data integration, Data Processing and Resource Management. Hence the purpose of this study is
illuminating the big Data processing, analytics and resource management.This study covers title of the study,
significance of the study, aims and objectives of the study, research hypothesis and research design. This study
is designed based upon descriptive study as it aims to study the big data and analytics challenges and elaborate
itssolutions in the cloud. The research design contains the Literature review Theoretical and experimental
analysis.Architectural factors impacts on big data and analytics on the cloud.The Data preparation and data
alignment is a good solution for big data and analytics challenges.This study combines both primary and
secondary research methods. Thus, gathering and analyzing the data will be done on the basis of existing

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