Analysis of Coupling Between Class Inheritance and Interfaces
Analysis of Coupling Between Class Inheritance and Interfaces
Analysis of Coupling Between Class Inheritance and Interfaces
Analysis of Coupling between Class Inheritance and Interfaces
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-6, June 2014
based design should be used when it's conceivable that the products and process, measurements which are essential in
same object participates in different roles at different times, many fields. Software measurement plays an important role
and inheritance based design should be used when the in finding the software quality, performance, maintenance
common aspects of multiple classes (not objects!) are and reliability of software products. The concept of
factored as superclasses, and do not change with time(fig3). measurement requires appropriate measurement tools to
measure, to collect, to verify and validate relevant metric
In 2005, Marcela Genero et al. [18] proposed about measure
coupling in class diagrams there are three types of metrics
used in this diagram. First CK metric is added to measure
coupling performance. A measure of coupling is more useful
to determine the complexity. The higher the inter object
coupling, the more rigorous the testing needs to be. In this
paper, four metrics are used to validate the proposed
Object oriented programming is more recent and more
important in quality software programming than that of the
old style procedural programming. In the last two decades
object oriented software engineering receives much attention
because object oriented technology is wide spread [19].
The class provides encapsulation and abstraction and the
interface provides abstraction and cannot inherit from one
class but can implement multiple interfaces. The above said
differences are minor and they are very similar in structure,
complexity, readability and maintainability of source code
In 2010, V. Krishnapriya, et al. [21] proposed about the
Fig 3 Inheritance measurement to measure coupling between object (CBO),
number of associations between classes (NASSocC), number
IV. EVOLUTION RECENT SCENARIO of dependencies in metric (NDepIN) and number of
dependencies out metric (NDepOut) in object oriented
programming. A measurement is done for UML class
Object-oriented software is based on the notions of class, diagrams and interface diagrams. The metric values of class
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. These and inheritance diagrams have been compared to prove
notions make it more challenging to design metrics for the which concept is good to use and beneficial for developers.
characterization of OO-based software vis-a-vis what it takes In 2007 , Maria Siniaalto et al. [22] reports the results from a
to do the same for the purely procedural code [10], [11]. An comparative case study of three software development
early work by Coppick and Cheatham [12] attempted to projects where the effect of TDD on program design was
extend the then popular program-complexity metrics,such as measured using objectoriented metrics. The results show that
the Halstead [13] and the McCabe and Watson complexity the effect of TDD on program design was not as evident as
measures [14], to OO software. Subsequently,other works on expected, but the test coverage was significantly superior to
OO software metrics focused mostly on the issue of how to iterative test-last development.
characterize a single class with regard to its own complexity In 2010, Simon Allier et al.[23] express existing definitions
and its linkages with other classes. of coupling metrics using call graphs. We then compare the
In 2003, G. McGraw et al.[15] proposed about extract results of four different call graph construction algorithms
sensitive classes i.e. classes having both data members and with standard tool implementations of these metrics in an
methods attack prone. Hence these classes are suspected to be empirical study. Our results show important variations in
attacked. Second step attempts to secure these sensitive coupling between standard and call graph-based calculations
classes using security mechanisms. At the end, classes are due to the support of dynamic features.
assumed to be secure merely just applying security In 2010, Hongyu Pei Breivold et al.[24] primary studies for
mechanisms. But, as a matter of fact, sensitive classes even this review were identified based on a pre-defined search
after shielded with security mechanisms may not be strategy and a multi-step selection process. Based on their
completely secure. The simple reason is that no mechanism research topics, we have identified four main categories of
can guarantee absolute security. themes: software trends and patterns, evolution process
In 2006, S. Ardi et al. [16] describe about the loss due to Code support, evolvability characteristics addressed in OSS
Red Worm has been estimated to $2.6 billion and due to evolution, and examining OSS at software architecture level.
Nachi Worm, operations at Air Canada and CSX railroad A comprehensive overview and synthesis of these categories
were affected very badly.Efforts in this direction have been and related studies is presented as well.
started but the statistics shows that the problem is still In 2009, Yuming Zhou et al.[25] describe about the OO
growing metrics that are investigated include cohesion, coupling, and
In 2004 Rajib et al.[17] proposed a tool to improve software inheritance metrics. Our results, based on Eclipse, indicate
Analysis of Coupling between Class Inheritance and Interfaces