Christmas Lesson Plan 5 8
Christmas Lesson Plan 5 8
Christmas Lesson Plan 5 8
Timing: 50 minutes
Level: Intermediate
Specific aims:
O5: to improve the pupils knowledges with general information about Christmas and Saint
Warm-up Informal conversation concerning who is missing. After that the teacher
presents to pupils the subject of the new lesson Waiting for Christmas.
The teacher introduces the students into the Christmas atmosphere telling them about this
holiday, the meaning and the celebration of Christmas.
related to this event, which they already knows. Then they have to
come and write around this main word all the words which are
ACTIVITY 2: The teacher gives the students some worksheets containing a few
advi ses that they would give to people at Christmas time and to
write them down. They work in groups of three or four and one of
Timing: 4 minutes each group will read two or three advises for the Christmas days.
Cards. They have to imagine that they write some wishes to their
HOMEWORK: The teacher asks the students to complete a Santa Claus crosword and worksheets
in which they should to fill in the blanks with specific adjectives.
A SHORT CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME: The teacher tells the story of the be-
Timing:15 minutes pils in singing this carol. The pupils will act some role-plays in a