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Christmas Lesson Plan 5 8

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Lesson plan

Subject of lesson: Waiting for Christmas

Timing: 50 minutes

Level: Intermediate

Lesson aims: General

O1: to develop and activate the students in the process of writing;

O2: to develop speaking abilities;

Specific aims:

O3: to acquire new words related to Christmas vocabulary;

O4: to involve the pupils in writing and making up Christmas cards;

O5: to improve the pupils knowledges with general information about Christmas and Saint

SKILLS: speaking, writing, reading.

MATERIALS: CD-player, CD, worksheets, copybooks, envelopes, colouring paper, Christmas

pictures and ornaments, scissors, glue, needle and cotton.

INTERACTION: student-student, student-group, teacher- students.

STRATEGIES- METHODS: brain storming, task-sheets, self discovery, role reading,

conversation, explanation.

CLASS MANAGEMENT: classroom- bright, clean, adapted to each stage of activity;

Teacher: eye-contact, adequate voice modulation, friendly attitude,

appropriate sequencing of instructions to students, appro-priate movement and body language.



Warm-up Informal conversation concerning who is missing. After that the teacher
presents to pupils the subject of the new lesson Waiting for Christmas.


The teacher introduces the students into the Christmas atmosphere telling them about this
holiday, the meaning and the celebration of Christmas.

ACTIVITY 1: The teacher writes on the middle of a cardboard the word

CHRISTMAS and asks the pupils to focus on all the words

related to this event, which they already knows. Then they have to

come and write around this main word all the words which are

Timing:5 min. connected to Christmas.

ACTIVITY 2: The teacher gives the students some worksheets containing a few

nouns related to this holiday. The pupils have to use a specific vo

cabulary to fill in the blanks a conversation. After that they will

Timing:8 minutes read and translate the dialogue.

ACTIVITY 3: The students are demanded to brainstorm and make up some

advi ses that they would give to people at Christmas time and to

write them down. They work in groups of three or four and one of

Timing: 4 minutes each group will read two or three advises for the Christmas days.

ACTIVITY 4: The teacher involves the students in working up some Christmas

Cards. They have to imagine that they write some wishes to their

favourite teacher. They will use colouring paper,pictures ,orna-

Timing: 10 minutes ments, glue, red ribbons, scissors and cotton.

HOMEWORK: The teacher asks the students to complete a Santa Claus crosword and worksheets
in which they should to fill in the blanks with specific adjectives.

A SHORT CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME: The teacher tells the story of the be-

loved Christmas carol Silent Nightand then she involves the pu

Timing:15 minutes pils in singing this carol. The pupils will act some role-plays in a

short Christmas programme.

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