Analysis Outline
Analysis Outline
Analysis Outline
Dan Murphy
Tyler Peterson
I. Attention Getter- How many of you have used WordPress before? Even if you have used
WordPress I am sure that many of you didnt know that it was a social media platform or all of
the capabilities that it is possible of. WordPress can be whatever you want it to be whether it is a
fandom site, an ecommerce site, gaming, sports site, a DIY, photography, or a cooking website,
the options are endless with what you can do.
II. Central Idea/Thesis- WordPress can be used to be an effective tool to market the CMST
program, if effectively understood and managed.
III. Preview of Main Points- We will first look at the predecessors of WordPress and how
WordPress finally got established and built into what it is today. We will then discuss how
WordPress blogs typically trend and gain popularity. Through this we will figure out how to best
use WordPress to be an effective marketing tool for the CMST department to both current
students and prospective students. Finally we will tell you the dos and donts of WordPress.
Mostly dont use it.
I. Main point- History of WordPress
1. Created by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little in 2003 and created from a precursor
site of b2/cafelog. B2 was a blogging site used before WordPress and was crucial
in the foundation.
2. In 2004, the first plug-ins were installed into WordPress. In 2005, the first theme
systems and static pages are introduced through version 1.5. In 2007, The first
new UI system created which allowed autosave, spell check, and Widgets. Speed
optimization was worked on. Tagging was first introduced, updated notification
system and better URLs.
3. Throughout the years major updates have allowed WordPress to be more user
friendly and allow your site to be what you want it to be. Some of the major
updates were version 3.0 with (Thelonius), this allowed custom menu
management, new APIs for custom headers and backgrounds and a new default
theme. Finally this update allows you to manage multiple websites through a
program Multisite. Some of the other major updates included built-in audio and
video support, improved auto save, better password protection, live widgets and
header previews. WordPress is currently on version 4.5 (coleman) which added
inline links, formatting shortcuts and responsive previews in customizer.
B. None of us had ever had experience with WordPress before this project and we knew
very little about what WordPress is. Through our whats trending report we were able to learn
about how the site is used to gain followers, a personalized website, and creating a platform that
promotes the image you want.
i. Our initial thoughts and research on using WordPress to promote the CMST program
was that you could make applicable tags that students would be likely to look up. This could
include tagging Winona, Lake lodge, Communication studies department, internships, etc. In our
initial research we found that you can use plug-ins to target a specific group. There are multiple
different plug-ins that you can use to reach to a business. One of the plug-ins that is available on
WordPress is google analytics. This can show common trends that are rising or falling.
III. Main Point Proposed platform content the CMST department should use to promote
the program to
prospective and current students
A. Promoting programs in the social media
i. After researching the best practices for using WordPress effectively we found
that there are many things you can do to have the best blog possible and reach the most amount
of people. The first thing is to schedule blogs and posts. This allows you to organize your
thoughts and create a timeline of when you are going to post your content. You can also get
ahead of your blogs and post them when they are scheduled. Another important practice to note
is that checking the metrics of your blog or page allows your to see the feed and what posts and
content you are doing well and what content you may need to get rid of. The next major practice
to help your page grow and reach a larger audience, is to use categories. By categorizing you will
be able to find your audience and allow the audience to find you easily by searching tags.
Publishing regularly is another important way to maintain your audience to so they will be
checking your content often.
When creating your blog or page there are some important things to note in order to
create something your target audience will be attracted to and want to visit often. First, create an
appealing, yet professional design. An effective design rests on propers choice of colors, high
quality imagery, readable fonts, a wise combination of the blank space and paragraphs of text,
informative charts, and graphs. Another key concept is to use obvious, user-friendly navigation
by making reachable in 2 clicks. Keeping your content relevant and easy for your audience
members to scan or skim through is another way to please your audience and gain more viewers.
Using pages on WordPress is an additional tool to use other than an post. Pages allow for posting
content that should stay there for a while and not change all that much. Themes are also an
important tool to use to effectively in WordPress to accomplish the purpose of the content creator
Multi-purpose themes can help diversify a creators ability to use a theme for multiple different
purposes/content. Another important tool to use on your WordPress page are plugins. Plugins add
a lot of functionality and utility to WordPress, and can be useful no matter what content is being
published. Lastly, connecting your WordPress page to other social media is a great way to get
your content circulated and can exponentially grow your following. Following trends on social
media also helps to create relevant content.
ii. After learning this research regarding the best practices for using WordPress,
we carefully constructed a blog that utilizes the plug-ins applicable to our site and target
audience. The first thing we did when creating our blog was find good quality graphics to fill up
our pages in an effort to keep the audience's attention. We picked graphics that were relevant to
our topics, many of which relate to WSUs Communication Studies Program or just the pictures
of the city of Winona. After we chose appealing graphics, we started looking at tags that would
attract students to our website and the communications department. Some of our regular
categories are Winona State University and the communications program. These categories are
broad and give us room to narrow in when selecting certain tags for our blogs. For our tags, they
differed mattering on the blogs we were posting. Some of the tags we used were job skills,
getting a job, and trust. We felt these were simple tags that people would search for when
looking at schools to apply for or skills they hope to gain through their college experience.
B. Ethically doing presentation of self and impression formation of programs in the
i. Research:
1. Actual Self: The actual self is is our backstage, or real self. This type of self is a disputed
2. Ideal Self: The ideal self puts emphasis on positive, meaningful qualities of the self.
3. Ethically presenting self means creating an image that is accurate to the actual self of the
person or company. Someone who is only concerned with presenting their ideal self may
not be ethically presenting themselves, and to some extent can even be lying about their
identity. A balance is required to reach the specific audience, but also be truthful and not
leave out important relevant details.
4. Impression Formation is crucial for ethically presenting oneself because we need to
create positive impressions, while also being truthful and realistic. The accuracy of
impressions will highly affect how successful communication is.
Great for creating any type of content. WordPress has a lot of flexibility and is able to create
blogs, websites, portfolios, so using WordPress to promote the CMST program provides a lot of
different approaches. Great for sharing personal stories and experiences, and creating a site that
has the identity and feel of a Winona State themed site. This is less available on Facebook or
other social media because you can't edit the content and structure to the degree you can in
I. Review of Main Points
We have talked about the history of WordPress and how it became what it is today, how
content on trends on WordPress, what the best practices as well as the things to avoid on
WordPress are and how it could be an effective tool for the CMST department at WSU.
II. Concluding Thoughts Especially noting what you as a group have learned and what
we as the audience should take away as the most important information from your presentation
We have learned that WordPress can be a very frustrating site to initially understand, but if you
are able to be patient and do you research, is an effective social media tool that is unique and
stands out. Understanding how content trends on our site and who you want to be your target
audience is key to build a following. WordPress is an extremely customizable site and you can
make it your own. The next time you are thinking of building a site or trying to build a
following, look into WordPress and what it can do for you.
Brazell, A. (2011). WordPress Bible (Vol. 726). John Wiley and Sons.
Classic Do-It-Yourself WordPress Mistakes To Avoid. (2015, February 18). Retrieved
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Donna Rae, S., Jody, H., & Scott, C. (2008). Social Capital and Our Community. 1-8.
Elliston, R. (2016, March 16). 8 Steps to Create Visually-Appealing Blog Posts. Retrieved
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Ewer, T. (2016, September 20). WordPress Tags: Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved
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Jones, C. M. (2015). How Rover Grew 3500% in One Year through Letting Their
Community Run with the Dogs
Muldoon, K. (2014) How to Optimize Images for your WordPress Website. Retrieved April
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7 ways to use Wordpress more Effectively (2015) retrieved April 3, 2017, from
Zak, M. (2016, July 08). Categories vs Tags: How Do I Use Them On My Blog? Retrieved
April 10, 2017, from
7 ways to use Wordpress more Effectively (2015) retrieved April 3, 2017, from