Exploring Space: Speaking Classes For Intermediate and Advanced Classes by Lindsay Clandfield
Exploring Space: Speaking Classes For Intermediate and Advanced Classes by Lindsay Clandfield
Exploring Space: Speaking Classes For Intermediate and Advanced Classes by Lindsay Clandfield
Give each learner one half of the picture. Explain that they must find the other
half of their picture. They must follow these rules:
1. Do not show your picture to anyone.
2. Describe your picture to different people as specifically as possible and try to
find the other half.
3. Use only English.
Note that this activity requires learners to be quite specific in their descriptions,
as there are two different photos of each thing (2 photos of rockets from
different distances, 2 photos of space shuttles from different distances, 2 photos
of astronauts).
Language points: language for describing and speculating (it looks like it
could be it cant be )
Your country has decided to send its first manned rocket into space. The
National Space Committee is looking for the ideal candidate for the post of first
National Astronaut. It can be a man or a woman. The Committee is looking for
the person with the best qualifications and background to have the honour of
this job.
Now divide the class into groups of three or four. One group is the National
Space Committee. Every other group is made up of a candidate for the post of
first National Astronaut and his (or her) supporters.
Tell the groups they have ten to fifteen minutes. The National Space committee
must decide what kind of candidate they are looking for and what kind of
questions they are going to ask. The candidates and their supporters must plan
their backgrounds with as much detail as possible. After the time is up, have the
committee members split up and interview each of the candidates in turn. At the
end of the interviews, the committee has three minutes to decide who will
receive the job. They must then make their official announcement to the rest of
the class.
Discussion questions
Did you want to be an astronaut when you were a child?
Do you think that there is life on other planets?
If you had the chance to go into space, would you take it?
Imagine you are going on a voyage into space. This voyage will be for
several months. You are allowed to take three personal items with you.
What items would you take?
Do you think that one day a human being will walk on Mars?
Do you think it is a waste of money to explore space?
Do you or anyone in your family remember the Moon landing?
Some people say that the Moon landing was a hoax. What do you think?
Do you think that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials?
Language point: A lot of different language could come up here, but you could
pre-teach/review the second conditional which occurs in a couple of the
If you had the chance to go into space, would you take it?
Some people say that the Moon landing was a hoax. What
do you think?