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Mock Cat 2

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Mock CAT - 02 2018

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Sec 1
Directions for questions (1to 6): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

From blob-like jelly sh to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is di cult to
recognise some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challenge of searching for life
as we don’t know it – the alien biology that might have taken hold on other planets, where conditions could
be unlike anything we’ve seen before. ‘The Universe is a really big place. Chances are, if we can imagine it,
it’s probably out there on a planet somewhere,’ said Morgan Cable, an astrochemist at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. ‘The question is, will we be able to nd it?’

For decades, astronomers have come at that question by con ning their search to organisms broadly
similar to the ones here. In 1976, NASA’s Viking landers examined soil samples on Mars, and tried to
animate them using the kind of organic nutrients that Earth microbes like, with inconclusive results. Later
this year, the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will begin scoping out methane in the
Martian atmosphere, which could be produced by Earth-like bacterial life. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will
likewise scan for carbon-based compounds from possible past or present Mars organisms.

But the environment on Mars isn’t much like that on Earth, and the exoplanets that astronomers are nding
around other stars are stranger still – many of them quite unlike anything in our solar system. For that
reason, it’s important to broaden the search for life. We need to open our minds to genuinely alien kinds of
biological, chemical, geological and physical processes. ‘Everybody looks for “biosignatures”, but they’re
meaningless because we don’t have any other examples of biology,’ said the chemist Lee Cronin at the
University of Glasgow.

To open our minds, we need to go back to basics and consider the fundamental conditions that are
necessary for life. First, it needs some form of energy, such as from volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal
vents. That would seem to rule out any planets or moons lacking a strong source of internal heat. Life also
needs protection from space radiation, such as an atmospheric ozone layer. Many newly discovered Earth-
size worlds, including ones around TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri, orbit red dwarf stars whose
powerful ares could strip away a planet’s atmosphere. Studies by the James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), set to launch next year, will reveal whether we should rule out these worlds, too.
Finally, everything we know about life indicates that it requires some kind of liquid solvent in which
chemical interactions can lead to self-replicating molecules. Water is exceptionally effective in that
regard. It facilitates making and breaking chemical bonds, assembling proteins or other structural
molecules, and – for an actual organism – feeding and getting rid of waste. That’s why planetary scientists
currently focus on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars, the locations where a world could have the right
temperature for liquid water on its surface.

These constraints still leave a bewildering range of possibilities. Perhaps other liquids could take the
place of water. Or a less exotic possibility: maybe biology could arise in the buried ocean on an ice-
covered alien world. Such a setting could offer energy, protection and liquid water, yet provide almost no
outward sign of life, making it tough to detect.

Why is it challenging for humans to nd life beyond earth?

1  The universe is too complex to nd something one has never seen before.

2 The scienti c knowhow and resources on Earth are not ample to nd life beyond earth.

3 Aliens are different from the organisms found on earth and hence can hide effectively.
4 The environment on the other planets might have enabled life to ourish under water and hence

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (1to 6): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

From blob-like jelly sh to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is di cult to
recognise some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challenge of searching for life
as we don’t know it – the alien biology that might have taken hold on other planets, where conditions could
be unlike anything we’ve seen before. ‘The Universe is a really big place. Chances are, if we can imagine it,
it’s probably out there on a planet somewhere,’ said Morgan Cable, an astrochemist at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. ‘The question is, will we be able to nd it?’

For decades, astronomers have come at that question by con ning their search to organisms broadly
similar to the ones here. In 1976, NASA’s Viking landers examined soil samples on Mars, and tried to
animate them using the kind of organic nutrients that Earth microbes like, with inconclusive results. Later
this year, the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will begin scoping out methane in the
Martian atmosphere, which could be produced by Earth-like bacterial life. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will
likewise scan for carbon-based compounds from possible past or present Mars organisms.

But the environment on Mars isn’t much like that on Earth, and the exoplanets that astronomers are nding
around other stars are stranger still – many of them quite unlike anything in our solar system. For that
reason, it’s important to broaden the search for life. We need to open our minds to genuinely alien kinds of
biological, chemical, geological and physical processes. ‘Everybody looks for “biosignatures”, but they’re
meaningless because we don’t have any other examples of biology,’ said the chemist Lee Cronin at the
University of Glasgow.

To open our minds, we need to go back to basics and consider the fundamental conditions that are
necessary for life. First, it needs some form of energy, such as from volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal
vents. That would seem to rule out any planets or moons lacking a strong source of internal heat. Life also
needs protection from space radiation, such as an atmospheric ozone layer. Many newly discovered Earth-
size worlds, including ones around TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri, orbit red dwarf stars whose
powerful ares could strip away a planet’s atmosphere. Studies by the James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), set to launch next year, will reveal whether we should rule out these worlds, too.
Finally, everything we know about life indicates that it requires some kind of liquid solvent in which
chemical interactions can lead to self-replicating molecules. Water is exceptionally effective in that
regard. It facilitates making and breaking chemical bonds, assembling proteins or other structural
molecules, and – for an actual organism – feeding and getting rid of waste. That’s why planetary scientists
currently focus on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars, the locations where a world could have the right
temperature for liquid water on its surface.

These constraints still leave a bewildering range of possibilities. Perhaps other liquids could take the
place of water. Or a less exotic possibility: maybe biology could arise in the buried ocean on an ice-
covered alien world. Such a setting could offer energy, protection and liquid water, yet provide almost no
outward sign of life, making it tough to detect.

Which of the following could not be a solution to the problem of inability to nd life beyond earth?

1  Finding the availability of some source of energy to sustain life

2 Improving the skill set and knowledge about life beyond earth

3 Working on the fundamental conditions that support life

4 Thinking beyond known examples of biosignatures

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (1to 6): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

From blob-like jelly sh to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is di cult to
recognise some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challenge of searching for life
as we don’t know it – the alien biology that might have taken hold on other planets, where conditions could
be unlike anything we’ve seen before. ‘The Universe is a really big place. Chances are, if we can imagine it,
it’s probably out there on a planet somewhere,’ said Morgan Cable, an astrochemist at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. ‘The question is, will we be able to nd it?’

For decades, astronomers have come at that question by con ning their search to organisms broadly
similar to the ones here. In 1976, NASA’s Viking landers examined soil samples on Mars, and tried to
animate them using the kind of organic nutrients that Earth microbes like, with inconclusive results. Later
this year, the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will begin scoping out methane in the
Martian atmosphere, which could be produced by Earth-like bacterial life. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will
likewise scan for carbon-based compounds from possible past or present Mars organisms.

But the environment on Mars isn’t much like that on Earth, and the exoplanets that astronomers are nding
around other stars are stranger still – many of them quite unlike anything in our solar system. For that
reason, it’s important to broaden the search for life. We need to open our minds to genuinely alien kinds of
biological, chemical, geological and physical processes. ‘Everybody looks for “biosignatures”, but they’re
meaningless because we don’t have any other examples of biology,’ said the chemist Lee Cronin at the
University of Glasgow.

To open our minds, we need to go back to basics and consider the fundamental conditions that are
necessary for life. First, it needs some form of energy, such as from volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal
vents. That would seem to rule out any planets or moons lacking a strong source of internal heat. Life also
needs protection from space radiation, such as an atmospheric ozone layer. Many newly discovered Earth-
size worlds, including ones around TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri, orbit red dwarf stars whose
powerful ares could strip away a planet’s atmosphere. Studies by the James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), set to launch next year, will reveal whether we should rule out these worlds, too.
Finally, everything we know about life indicates that it requires some kind of liquid solvent in which
chemical interactions can lead to self-replicating molecules. Water is exceptionally effective in that
regard. It facilitates making and breaking chemical bonds, assembling proteins or other structural
molecules, and – for an actual organism – feeding and getting rid of waste. That’s why planetary scientists
currently focus on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars, the locations where a world could have the right
temperature for liquid water on its surface.

These constraints still leave a bewildering range of possibilities. Perhaps other liquids could take the
place of water. Or a less exotic possibility: maybe biology could arise in the buried ocean on an ice-
covered alien world. Such a setting could offer energy, protection and liquid water, yet provide almost no
outward sign of life, making it tough to detect.

Why have scientists ruled out the presence of life on earth size worlds TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri?

1  JWST doesn't have enough data to be provided to the scientists since it will be launched next year.

2 These worlds don't show the presence of any kind of liquid solvent on their surfaces.
3 There is no form of energy like volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal vents that would support life on
these worlds.

4 These worlds have no protection from space radiations.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (1to 6): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

From blob-like jelly sh to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is di cult to
recognise some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challenge of searching for life
as we don’t know it – the alien biology that might have taken hold on other planets, where conditions could
be unlike anything we’ve seen before. ‘The Universe is a really big place. Chances are, if we can imagine it,
it’s probably out there on a planet somewhere,’ said Morgan Cable, an astrochemist at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. ‘The question is, will we be able to nd it?’

For decades, astronomers have come at that question by con ning their search to organisms broadly
similar to the ones here. In 1976, NASA’s Viking landers examined soil samples on Mars, and tried to
animate them using the kind of organic nutrients that Earth microbes like, with inconclusive results. Later
this year, the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will begin scoping out methane in the
Martian atmosphere, which could be produced by Earth-like bacterial life. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will
likewise scan for carbon-based compounds from possible past or present Mars organisms.

But the environment on Mars isn’t much like that on Earth, and the exoplanets that astronomers are nding
around other stars are stranger still – many of them quite unlike anything in our solar system. For that
reason, it’s important to broaden the search for life. We need to open our minds to genuinely alien kinds of
biological, chemical, geological and physical processes. ‘Everybody looks for “biosignatures”, but they’re
meaningless because we don’t have any other examples of biology,’ said the chemist Lee Cronin at the
University of Glasgow.

To open our minds, we need to go back to basics and consider the fundamental conditions that are
necessary for life. First, it needs some form of energy, such as from volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal
vents. That would seem to rule out any planets or moons lacking a strong source of internal heat. Life also
needs protection from space radiation, such as an atmospheric ozone layer. Many newly discovered Earth-
size worlds, including ones around TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri, orbit red dwarf stars whose
powerful ares could strip away a planet’s atmosphere. Studies by the James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), set to launch next year, will reveal whether we should rule out these worlds, too.
Finally, everything we know about life indicates that it requires some kind of liquid solvent in which
chemical interactions can lead to self-replicating molecules. Water is exceptionally effective in that
regard. It facilitates making and breaking chemical bonds, assembling proteins or other structural
molecules, and – for an actual organism – feeding and getting rid of waste. That’s why planetary scientists
currently focus on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars, the locations where a world could have the right
temperature for liquid water on its surface.

These constraints still leave a bewildering range of possibilities. Perhaps other liquids could take the
place of water. Or a less exotic possibility: maybe biology could arise in the buried ocean on an ice-
covered alien world. Such a setting could offer energy, protection and liquid water, yet provide almost no
outward sign of life, making it tough to detect.

According to the planetary scientists, which of the following could be a ‘habitable zone’?

1  A planet with ozone layer protection

2 A planet with some form of liquid to sustain life

3 A planet with the appropriate temperature

4 A planet with liquid water for sustaining life

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (1to 6): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

From blob-like jelly sh to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is di cult to
recognise some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challenge of searching for life
as we don’t know it – the alien biology that might have taken hold on other planets, where conditions could
be unlike anything we’ve seen before. ‘The Universe is a really big place. Chances are, if we can imagine it,
it’s probably out there on a planet somewhere,’ said Morgan Cable, an astrochemist at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. ‘The question is, will we be able to nd it?’

For decades, astronomers have come at that question by con ning their search to organisms broadly
similar to the ones here. In 1976, NASA’s Viking landers examined soil samples on Mars, and tried to
animate them using the kind of organic nutrients that Earth microbes like, with inconclusive results. Later
this year, the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will begin scoping out methane in the
Martian atmosphere, which could be produced by Earth-like bacterial life. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will
likewise scan for carbon-based compounds from possible past or present Mars organisms.

But the environment on Mars isn’t much like that on Earth, and the exoplanets that astronomers are nding
around other stars are stranger still – many of them quite unlike anything in our solar system. For that
reason, it’s important to broaden the search for life. We need to open our minds to genuinely alien kinds of
biological, chemical, geological and physical processes. ‘Everybody looks for “biosignatures”, but they’re
meaningless because we don’t have any other examples of biology,’ said the chemist Lee Cronin at the
University of Glasgow.

To open our minds, we need to go back to basics and consider the fundamental conditions that are
necessary for life. First, it needs some form of energy, such as from volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal
vents. That would seem to rule out any planets or moons lacking a strong source of internal heat. Life also
needs protection from space radiation, such as an atmospheric ozone layer. Many newly discovered Earth-
size worlds, including ones around TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri, orbit red dwarf stars whose
powerful ares could strip away a planet’s atmosphere. Studies by the James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), set to launch next year, will reveal whether we should rule out these worlds, too.
Finally, everything we know about life indicates that it requires some kind of liquid solvent in which
chemical interactions can lead to self-replicating molecules. Water is exceptionally effective in that
regard. It facilitates making and breaking chemical bonds, assembling proteins or other structural
molecules, and – for an actual organism – feeding and getting rid of waste. That’s why planetary scientists
currently focus on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars, the locations where a world could have the right
temperature for liquid water on its surface.

These constraints still leave a bewildering range of possibilities. Perhaps other liquids could take the
place of water. Or a less exotic possibility: maybe biology could arise in the buried ocean on an ice-
covered alien world. Such a setting could offer energy, protection and liquid water, yet provide almost no
outward sign of life, making it tough to detect.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

1  Once the presence of liquid water is detected on a planet, nding life as we know it will be probable.

2 Life can ourish under uncertain conditions and we have to broaden our belief system to embrace
alien life on our planet.
3 Rede ning our search parameters such as biosignatures will help our quest for alien life.

4 If we are to nd life on other planets, we need to rethink our fundamental beliefs about living.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (1to 6): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

From blob-like jelly sh to rock-like lichens, our planet teems with such diversity of life that it is di cult to
recognise some organisms as even being alive. That complexity hints at the challenge of searching for life
as we don’t know it – the alien biology that might have taken hold on other planets, where conditions could
be unlike anything we’ve seen before. ‘The Universe is a really big place. Chances are, if we can imagine it,
it’s probably out there on a planet somewhere,’ said Morgan Cable, an astrochemist at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California. ‘The question is, will we be able to nd it?’

For decades, astronomers have come at that question by con ning their search to organisms broadly
similar to the ones here. In 1976, NASA’s Viking landers examined soil samples on Mars, and tried to
animate them using the kind of organic nutrients that Earth microbes like, with inconclusive results. Later
this year, the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter will begin scoping out methane in the
Martian atmosphere, which could be produced by Earth-like bacterial life. NASA’s Mars 2020 rover will
likewise scan for carbon-based compounds from possible past or present Mars organisms.

But the environment on Mars isn’t much like that on Earth, and the exoplanets that astronomers are nding
around other stars are stranger still – many of them quite unlike anything in our solar system. For that
reason, it’s important to broaden the search for life. We need to open our minds to genuinely alien kinds of
biological, chemical, geological and physical processes. ‘Everybody looks for “biosignatures”, but they’re
meaningless because we don’t have any other examples of biology,’ said the chemist Lee Cronin at the
University of Glasgow.

To open our minds, we need to go back to basics and consider the fundamental conditions that are
necessary for life. First, it needs some form of energy, such as from volcanic hot springs or hydrothermal
vents. That would seem to rule out any planets or moons lacking a strong source of internal heat. Life also
needs protection from space radiation, such as an atmospheric ozone layer. Many newly discovered Earth-
size worlds, including ones around TRAPPIST-1 and Proxima Centauri, orbit red dwarf stars whose
powerful ares could strip away a planet’s atmosphere. Studies by the James Webb Space Telescope
(JWST), set to launch next year, will reveal whether we should rule out these worlds, too.
Finally, everything we know about life indicates that it requires some kind of liquid solvent in which
chemical interactions can lead to self-replicating molecules. Water is exceptionally effective in that
regard. It facilitates making and breaking chemical bonds, assembling proteins or other structural
molecules, and – for an actual organism – feeding and getting rid of waste. That’s why planetary scientists
currently focus on the ‘habitable zone’ around stars, the locations where a world could have the right
temperature for liquid water on its surface.

These constraints still leave a bewildering range of possibilities. Perhaps other liquids could take the
place of water. Or a less exotic possibility: maybe biology could arise in the buried ocean on an ice-
covered alien world. Such a setting could offer energy, protection and liquid water, yet provide almost no
outward sign of life, making it tough to detect.

According to the author, how can a scientist open his mind away from the traditional basis of nding life
beyond earth?

1   A scientist should keep in mind that life beyond earth could be completely different from what we nd
on earth.
2 A scientist needs to be more patient as the search may take a lot of time because the possibilities are

3 A scientist needs to look for the availability of energy and water on the surface of the planet and
protection from space radiation.

4 A scientist needs to look beyond common biosignatures.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (7 to12): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Not all political thinkers have accepted that ideas and ideologies are of much importance. Politics has
sometimes been thought to be little more than a naked struggle for power. If this is true, political ideas are
mere propaganda, a form of words or slogans designed to win votes or attract popular support. Ideas and
ideologies are therefore simply ‘window dressing’, used to conceal the deeper realities of political life. This
is certainly a position supported by behaviourism, the school of psychology associated with John B.
Watson and B. F. Skinner. From the perspective of behaviourism, human beings are little more than
biological machines, conditioned to act (or, more correctly, react) to external stimuli. The thinking subject,
together with their ideas, values, feelings and intentions, is simply an irrelevance. A very similar view also
informed ‘dialectical materialism’, the crude form of Marxism that dominated intellectual enquiry in the
Soviet Union and other orthodox communist states. This held that political ideas can only be understood in
the light of the economic or class interests of those who express them. Ideas have a ‘material basis’, they
have no meaning or signi cance on their own. Orthodox Marxists therefore analyse politics strictly in
terms of social class and treat political ideologies as nothing more than an expression of the interests of
particular classes.

The opposite argument has also been put. John Maynard Keynes, for example, argued that the world is
ruled by little other than the ideas of economists and political philosophers. As he put it in the closing
pages of his General Theory: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any
intellectual in uences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear
voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Far from dismissing ideas as being conditioned responses to practical circumstances, this position
highlights the degree to which beliefs and theories provide the wellspring of human action. The world is
ultimately ruled by ‘academic scribblers’. Such a view suggests, for instance, that modern capitalism, in
important respects, developed out of the classical economics of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
Soviet communism was signi cantly shaped by the writing of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, and that the history
of Nazi Germany can only be understood by reference to the doctrines advanced in Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In reality, both these accounts of political life are one-sided and inadequate. Political ideas are not merely
a passive re ection of vested interests or personal ambition, but have the capacity to inspire and guide
political action itself and so can shape material life. At the same time, political ideas do not emerge in a
vacuum: they do not drop from the sky like rain. All political ideas are moulded by the social and historical
circumstances in which they develop and by the political ambitions they serve. Quite simply, political
theory and political practice are inseparably linked. Any balanced and persuasive account of political life
must therefore acknowledge the constant interplay between ideas and ideologies on the one hand, and
historical and material forces on the other.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

1  Humans merely react to their surroundings and their thoughts are not pertinent to their existence.

2 According to Marxism, understanding a person’s economic motive and his position in the societal
hierarchy is necessary to understand that person’s ideology.

3 Everything signi cant that a man thinks of has its seeds in the ideas of his predecessor.
4 Political thought arises out of the intermingling of the concerned agent’s interest, social surroundings
and the past writings.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (7 to12): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Not all political thinkers have accepted that ideas and ideologies are of much importance. Politics has
sometimes been thought to be little more than a naked struggle for power. If this is true, political ideas are
mere propaganda, a form of words or slogans designed to win votes or attract popular support. Ideas and
ideologies are therefore simply ‘window dressing’, used to conceal the deeper realities of political life. This
is certainly a position supported by behaviourism, the school of psychology associated with John B.
Watson and B. F. Skinner. From the perspective of behaviourism, human beings are little more than
biological machines, conditioned to act (or, more correctly, react) to external stimuli. The thinking subject,
together with their ideas, values, feelings and intentions, is simply an irrelevance. A very similar view also
informed ‘dialectical materialism’, the crude form of Marxism that dominated intellectual enquiry in the
Soviet Union and other orthodox communist states. This held that political ideas can only be understood in
the light of the economic or class interests of those who express them. Ideas have a ‘material basis’, they
have no meaning or signi cance on their own. Orthodox Marxists therefore analyse politics strictly in
terms of social class and treat political ideologies as nothing more than an expression of the interests of
particular classes.

The opposite argument has also been put. John Maynard Keynes, for example, argued that the world is
ruled by little other than the ideas of economists and political philosophers. As he put it in the closing
pages of his General Theory: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any
intellectual in uences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear
voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Far from dismissing ideas as being conditioned responses to practical circumstances, this position
highlights the degree to which beliefs and theories provide the wellspring of human action. The world is
ultimately ruled by ‘academic scribblers’. Such a view suggests, for instance, that modern capitalism, in
important respects, developed out of the classical economics of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
Soviet communism was signi cantly shaped by the writing of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, and that the history
of Nazi Germany can only be understood by reference to the doctrines advanced in Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In reality, both these accounts of political life are one-sided and inadequate. Political ideas are not merely
a passive re ection of vested interests or personal ambition, but have the capacity to inspire and guide
political action itself and so can shape material life. At the same time, political ideas do not emerge in a
vacuum: they do not drop from the sky like rain. All political ideas are moulded by the social and historical
circumstances in which they develop and by the political ambitions they serve. Quite simply, political
theory and political practice are inseparably linked. Any balanced and persuasive account of political life
must therefore acknowledge the constant interplay between ideas and ideologies on the one hand, and
historical and material forces on the other.

If politics is not a naked struggle for power then which of the following must be false?

A. The world is ruled by the ideas of leading economic and political philosophers.
B. Political ideas are designed to in uence others in order to promote a particular political view.
C. Political ideas are just a veneer to hide the underlying power struggle of politics.

1  Only A

2 Only C
3 Only A and B

4 Only B and C

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (7 to12): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Not all political thinkers have accepted that ideas and ideologies are of much importance. Politics has
sometimes been thought to be little more than a naked struggle for power. If this is true, political ideas are
mere propaganda, a form of words or slogans designed to win votes or attract popular support. Ideas and
ideologies are therefore simply ‘window dressing’, used to conceal the deeper realities of political life. This
is certainly a position supported by behaviourism, the school of psychology associated with John B.
Watson and B. F. Skinner. From the perspective of behaviourism, human beings are little more than
biological machines, conditioned to act (or, more correctly, react) to external stimuli. The thinking subject,
together with their ideas, values, feelings and intentions, is simply an irrelevance. A very similar view also
informed ‘dialectical materialism’, the crude form of Marxism that dominated intellectual enquiry in the
Soviet Union and other orthodox communist states. This held that political ideas can only be understood in
the light of the economic or class interests of those who express them. Ideas have a ‘material basis’, they
have no meaning or signi cance on their own. Orthodox Marxists therefore analyse politics strictly in
terms of social class and treat political ideologies as nothing more than an expression of the interests of
particular classes.

The opposite argument has also been put. John Maynard Keynes, for example, argued that the world is
ruled by little other than the ideas of economists and political philosophers. As he put it in the closing
pages of his General Theory: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any
intellectual in uences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear
voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Far from dismissing ideas as being conditioned responses to practical circumstances, this position
highlights the degree to which beliefs and theories provide the wellspring of human action. The world is
ultimately ruled by ‘academic scribblers’. Such a view suggests, for instance, that modern capitalism, in
important respects, developed out of the classical economics of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
Soviet communism was signi cantly shaped by the writing of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, and that the history
of Nazi Germany can only be understood by reference to the doctrines advanced in Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In reality, both these accounts of political life are one-sided and inadequate. Political ideas are not merely
a passive re ection of vested interests or personal ambition, but have the capacity to inspire and guide
political action itself and so can shape material life. At the same time, political ideas do not emerge in a
vacuum: they do not drop from the sky like rain. All political ideas are moulded by the social and historical
circumstances in which they develop and by the political ambitions they serve. Quite simply, political
theory and political practice are inseparably linked. Any balanced and persuasive account of political life
must therefore acknowledge the constant interplay between ideas and ideologies on the one hand, and
historical and material forces on the other.

According to the passage, which of the following is closest to being an academic scribbler?

1  A well regarded researcher whose ideas are lost in obscurity

2 An amateur researcher who produces a paper that is unconventional and does not follow the rigours
of the research method

3 A thinker whose work goes on to shape the way others think about that particular domain

4 A passionate dilettante dabbling into political research trying to establish his/her own dogma
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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (7 to12): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Not all political thinkers have accepted that ideas and ideologies are of much importance. Politics has
sometimes been thought to be little more than a naked struggle for power. If this is true, political ideas are
mere propaganda, a form of words or slogans designed to win votes or attract popular support. Ideas and
ideologies are therefore simply ‘window dressing’, used to conceal the deeper realities of political life. This
is certainly a position supported by behaviourism, the school of psychology associated with John B.
Watson and B. F. Skinner. From the perspective of behaviourism, human beings are little more than
biological machines, conditioned to act (or, more correctly, react) to external stimuli. The thinking subject,
together with their ideas, values, feelings and intentions, is simply an irrelevance. A very similar view also
informed ‘dialectical materialism’, the crude form of Marxism that dominated intellectual enquiry in the
Soviet Union and other orthodox communist states. This held that political ideas can only be understood in
the light of the economic or class interests of those who express them. Ideas have a ‘material basis’, they
have no meaning or signi cance on their own. Orthodox Marxists therefore analyse politics strictly in
terms of social class and treat political ideologies as nothing more than an expression of the interests of
particular classes.

The opposite argument has also been put. John Maynard Keynes, for example, argued that the world is
ruled by little other than the ideas of economists and political philosophers. As he put it in the closing
pages of his General Theory: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any
intellectual in uences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear
voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Far from dismissing ideas as being conditioned responses to practical circumstances, this position
highlights the degree to which beliefs and theories provide the wellspring of human action. The world is
ultimately ruled by ‘academic scribblers’. Such a view suggests, for instance, that modern capitalism, in
important respects, developed out of the classical economics of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
Soviet communism was signi cantly shaped by the writing of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, and that the history
of Nazi Germany can only be understood by reference to the doctrines advanced in Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In reality, both these accounts of political life are one-sided and inadequate. Political ideas are not merely
a passive re ection of vested interests or personal ambition, but have the capacity to inspire and guide
political action itself and so can shape material life. At the same time, political ideas do not emerge in a
vacuum: they do not drop from the sky like rain. All political ideas are moulded by the social and historical
circumstances in which they develop and by the political ambitions they serve. Quite simply, political
theory and political practice are inseparably linked. Any balanced and persuasive account of political life
must therefore acknowledge the constant interplay between ideas and ideologies on the one hand, and
historical and material forces on the other.

After reading about the two contradictory schools of thought regarding the utility and origin of political
ideas, we can infer that the author:
1  supports the view that political ideas have no value apart from hiding the hunger for political power.

2 believes that political ideas are neither a ploy to hide the struggle for power nor a tool to propagate the
ideas of some dominant academician.

3 believes that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of these two schools of thought.

4 agrees with the Keynes and others on the fact that all political beliefs are based on the work done by
the predecessors.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (7 to12): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Not all political thinkers have accepted that ideas and ideologies are of much importance. Politics has
sometimes been thought to be little more than a naked struggle for power. If this is true, political ideas are
mere propaganda, a form of words or slogans designed to win votes or attract popular support. Ideas and
ideologies are therefore simply ‘window dressing’, used to conceal the deeper realities of political life. This
is certainly a position supported by behaviourism, the school of psychology associated with John B.
Watson and B. F. Skinner. From the perspective of behaviourism, human beings are little more than
biological machines, conditioned to act (or, more correctly, react) to external stimuli. The thinking subject,
together with their ideas, values, feelings and intentions, is simply an irrelevance. A very similar view also
informed ‘dialectical materialism’, the crude form of Marxism that dominated intellectual enquiry in the
Soviet Union and other orthodox communist states. This held that political ideas can only be understood in
the light of the economic or class interests of those who express them. Ideas have a ‘material basis’, they
have no meaning or signi cance on their own. Orthodox Marxists therefore analyse politics strictly in
terms of social class and treat political ideologies as nothing more than an expression of the interests of
particular classes.

The opposite argument has also been put. John Maynard Keynes, for example, argued that the world is
ruled by little other than the ideas of economists and political philosophers. As he put it in the closing
pages of his General Theory: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any
intellectual in uences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear
voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Far from dismissing ideas as being conditioned responses to practical circumstances, this position
highlights the degree to which beliefs and theories provide the wellspring of human action. The world is
ultimately ruled by ‘academic scribblers’. Such a view suggests, for instance, that modern capitalism, in
important respects, developed out of the classical economics of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
Soviet communism was signi cantly shaped by the writing of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, and that the history
of Nazi Germany can only be understood by reference to the doctrines advanced in Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In reality, both these accounts of political life are one-sided and inadequate. Political ideas are not merely
a passive re ection of vested interests or personal ambition, but have the capacity to inspire and guide
political action itself and so can shape material life. At the same time, political ideas do not emerge in a
vacuum: they do not drop from the sky like rain. All political ideas are moulded by the social and historical
circumstances in which they develop and by the political ambitions they serve. Quite simply, political
theory and political practice are inseparably linked. Any balanced and persuasive account of political life
must therefore acknowledge the constant interplay between ideas and ideologies on the one hand, and
historical and material forces on the other.

Believers of dialectical materialism are likely to agree with which of the following?

1  Political ideas go beyond self-centric view or personal ambition of the purveyor of the idea.

2 A person’s political credo can only be understood through the interests of the person or the class that
he belongs to.

3 Ideas are abstract in nature and exist independent of an individual’s a liations.

4 Fairness and equality if what motivates an individual to form a political ideology.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (7 to12): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the
best answer to each question.

Not all political thinkers have accepted that ideas and ideologies are of much importance. Politics has
sometimes been thought to be little more than a naked struggle for power. If this is true, political ideas are
mere propaganda, a form of words or slogans designed to win votes or attract popular support. Ideas and
ideologies are therefore simply ‘window dressing’, used to conceal the deeper realities of political life. This
is certainly a position supported by behaviourism, the school of psychology associated with John B.
Watson and B. F. Skinner. From the perspective of behaviourism, human beings are little more than
biological machines, conditioned to act (or, more correctly, react) to external stimuli. The thinking subject,
together with their ideas, values, feelings and intentions, is simply an irrelevance. A very similar view also
informed ‘dialectical materialism’, the crude form of Marxism that dominated intellectual enquiry in the
Soviet Union and other orthodox communist states. This held that political ideas can only be understood in
the light of the economic or class interests of those who express them. Ideas have a ‘material basis’, they
have no meaning or signi cance on their own. Orthodox Marxists therefore analyse politics strictly in
terms of social class and treat political ideologies as nothing more than an expression of the interests of
particular classes.

The opposite argument has also been put. John Maynard Keynes, for example, argued that the world is
ruled by little other than the ideas of economists and political philosophers. As he put it in the closing
pages of his General Theory: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any
intellectual in uences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear
voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

Far from dismissing ideas as being conditioned responses to practical circumstances, this position
highlights the degree to which beliefs and theories provide the wellspring of human action. The world is
ultimately ruled by ‘academic scribblers’. Such a view suggests, for instance, that modern capitalism, in
important respects, developed out of the classical economics of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
Soviet communism was signi cantly shaped by the writing of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, and that the history
of Nazi Germany can only be understood by reference to the doctrines advanced in Hitler's Mein Kampf.

In reality, both these accounts of political life are one-sided and inadequate. Political ideas are not merely
a passive re ection of vested interests or personal ambition, but have the capacity to inspire and guide
political action itself and so can shape material life. At the same time, political ideas do not emerge in a
vacuum: they do not drop from the sky like rain. All political ideas are moulded by the social and historical
circumstances in which they develop and by the political ambitions they serve. Quite simply, political
theory and political practice are inseparably linked. Any balanced and persuasive account of political life
must therefore acknowledge the constant interplay between ideas and ideologies on the one hand, and
historical and material forces on the other.
Which of the following is not one of the main concerns of the author?

1  Evaluating the contrast between dialectical materialism and orthodox Marxism

2 Understanding the origin of political ideology

3 Evaluating the in uence of the political thinker

4 Understanding the socio-historic origin of political ideology

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (13 to18): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.
The timing was exquisitely ironic: equity markets peaked – and a week later began crashing – just as
pundits left this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where they concluded that the global
economy was on a steady upswing. In the weeks since, experts have divided into two camps.

Some, including new US Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell, believe that economic
fundamentals are strong, and that what stock markets experienced in early February was only a temporary

Then there are those who believe that fundamentals are in fact weak, that the current upswing will prove
unsustainable, and that investors should regard stock-market gyrations as a necessary wakeup call.

Both schools of thought share a focus on fundamentals, unlike a third – and, in my opinion, highly
plausible – view: that the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with
changes in fundamentals.

Fundamentalists claim that faster year-on-year growth in US average hourly earnings was the immediate
trigger for the crash. But the claim that such a slight change – from 2.7% in December to 2.9% in January
(which observers view as an aberration, caused by seasonal factors) – could trigger a stock-market
correction is in itself a strike against the fundamentalist view.

Moreover, whereas the wage growth in question was supposed to be a harbinger of in ation, ten-year
break-even in ation moved down. Also, the ten-year Treasury yields did not break the 3% ceiling, while
exchange rates hardly moved, all suggesting that rumours of in ation have been greatly exaggerated.

The human brain is wired to structure knowledge around narratives in which we can tell if and how A (and
B and C) causes X. We tend to be uncomfortable with the notion that an economy’s fundamentals do not
determine its asset prices, so we look for causal links between the two. But wanting those links does not
make them valid.
The idea that asset-price movements can be unrelated to fundamentals is a part of economic theory.
There are two reasons to hold an equity claim: dividend earning and expected price increase. Price
movements (the expected capital gain) can drive buying and selling decisions even in the absence of
changes to expected dividends (the fundamentals). Therefore, it is perfectly rational to pursue a “keep
buying because the price will keep rising” strategy – until it is not.

But when will such a bubble burst? Economic theory is silent here. Bubbles can persist for decades (real-
estate prices in fashionable cities) or just minutes (hard-to-justify intraday uctuations). The only sure
thing, Keynes has claimed, is that the market can remain misaligned much longer than you or I can remain

It is not just nerdy professors who are skeptical on the importance of fundamentals. There is a rise of a
new breed of oil trader who trades “based on moves in currencies, interest rates, or the price of oil itself.”
rather than focusing on oil’s demand-supply aspects. Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?

There might already be a huge one in the US stock market, with its being the priciest stock market before
the Jan 23 crash. Commenting on this, Robert Shiller said that, “it is impossible to pin down the full cause
of the high price of the US stock market.”

The questions which then arise are ‘Where should the line be drawn? When does a little “good” volatility
turn into excessive “bad” volatility?’ These are di cult questions, and the answers can only be time- and
context-speci c.

A nal disclaimer: believing that fundamentals do not always pin down asset prices is not the same as
believing they are irrelevant, much less that current US fundamentals are in good shape. An additional
scal stimulus at a time of near-full employment and large public debt is exactly what the doctor did not
order. Precisely because of all the offsetting factors, the US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates that the recent tax cuts will add just 0.08 percentage points to the average annual growth rate
over the next decade, and the long-run output effects could be smaller or even negative.

Yet the US business community remains gung-ho on the reform. So it is possible that conservative
American business executives will invest more not because the tax cut will improve the fundamentals of
the US economy and increase demand for their products, but just because they believe it will.

That, too, would be an exquisite irony.

Based on the passage, it could be said that:

1  the US stock market is overpriced, being the priciest of all before the Jan 23 crash.

2 asset prices have little or nothing to do with the perception towards changes in fundamentals.

3 the threshold between good and bad volatility is dynamic.

4 businessmen have increasingly stopped looking at fundamentals while making business decisions.
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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (13 to18): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.
The timing was exquisitely ironic: equity markets peaked – and a week later began crashing – just as
pundits left this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where they concluded that the global
economy was on a steady upswing. In the weeks since, experts have divided into two camps.

Some, including new US Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell, believe that economic
fundamentals are strong, and that what stock markets experienced in early February was only a temporary

Then there are those who believe that fundamentals are in fact weak, that the current upswing will prove
unsustainable, and that investors should regard stock-market gyrations as a necessary wakeup call.

Both schools of thought share a focus on fundamentals, unlike a third – and, in my opinion, highly
plausible – view: that the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with
changes in fundamentals.

Fundamentalists claim that faster year-on-year growth in US average hourly earnings was the immediate
trigger for the crash. But the claim that such a slight change – from 2.7% in December to 2.9% in January
(which observers view as an aberration, caused by seasonal factors) – could trigger a stock-market
correction is in itself a strike against the fundamentalist view.

Moreover, whereas the wage growth in question was supposed to be a harbinger of in ation, ten-year
break-even in ation moved down. Also, the ten-year Treasury yields did not break the 3% ceiling, while
exchange rates hardly moved, all suggesting that rumours of in ation have been greatly exaggerated.

The human brain is wired to structure knowledge around narratives in which we can tell if and how A (and
B and C) causes X. We tend to be uncomfortable with the notion that an economy’s fundamentals do not
determine its asset prices, so we look for causal links between the two. But wanting those links does not
make them valid.

The idea that asset-price movements can be unrelated to fundamentals is a part of economic theory.
There are two reasons to hold an equity claim: dividend earning and expected price increase. Price
movements (the expected capital gain) can drive buying and selling decisions even in the absence of
changes to expected dividends (the fundamentals). Therefore, it is perfectly rational to pursue a “keep
buying because the price will keep rising” strategy – until it is not.

But when will such a bubble burst? Economic theory is silent here. Bubbles can persist for decades (real-
estate prices in fashionable cities) or just minutes (hard-to-justify intraday uctuations). The only sure
thing, Keynes has claimed, is that the market can remain misaligned much longer than you or I can remain

It is not just nerdy professors who are skeptical on the importance of fundamentals. There is a rise of a
new breed of oil trader who trades “based on moves in currencies, interest rates, or the price of oil itself.”
rather than focusing on oil’s demand-supply aspects. Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?

There might already be a huge one in the US stock market, with its being the priciest stock market before
the Jan 23 crash. Commenting on this, Robert Shiller said that, “it is impossible to pin down the full cause
of the high price of the US stock market.”

The questions which then arise are ‘Where should the line be drawn? When does a little “good” volatility
turn into excessive “bad” volatility?’ These are di cult questions, and the answers can only be time- and
context-speci c.

A nal disclaimer: believing that fundamentals do not always pin down asset prices is not the same as
believing they are irrelevant, much less that current US fundamentals are in good shape. An additional
scal stimulus at a time of near-full employment and large public debt is exactly what the doctor did not
order. Precisely because of all the offsetting factors, the US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates that the recent tax cuts will add just 0.08 percentage points to the average annual growth rate
over the next decade, and the long-run output effects could be smaller or even negative.

Yet the US business community remains gung-ho on the reform. So it is possible that conservative
American business executives will invest more not because the tax cut will improve the fundamentals of
the US economy and increase demand for their products, but just because they believe it will.

That, too, would be an exquisite irony.

The author makes the argument regarding in ation to:

1  indicate that the rumours of in ation were exaggerated.

2 substantiate the human tendency to look for cause-effect relationships even where there may be

3 further the argument that the change in wage growth did not cause the crash in equity markets.

4 point out that the asset prices would have risen if in ation had happened.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (13 to18): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.
The timing was exquisitely ironic: equity markets peaked – and a week later began crashing – just as
pundits left this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where they concluded that the global
economy was on a steady upswing. In the weeks since, experts have divided into two camps.

Some, including new US Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell, believe that economic
fundamentals are strong, and that what stock markets experienced in early February was only a temporary

Then there are those who believe that fundamentals are in fact weak, that the current upswing will prove
unsustainable, and that investors should regard stock-market gyrations as a necessary wakeup call.

Both schools of thought share a focus on fundamentals, unlike a third – and, in my opinion, highly
plausible – view: that the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with
changes in fundamentals.

Fundamentalists claim that faster year-on-year growth in US average hourly earnings was the immediate
trigger for the crash. But the claim that such a slight change – from 2.7% in December to 2.9% in January
(which observers view as an aberration, caused by seasonal factors) – could trigger a stock-market
correction is in itself a strike against the fundamentalist view.

Moreover, whereas the wage growth in question was supposed to be a harbinger of in ation, ten-year
break-even in ation moved down. Also, the ten-year Treasury yields did not break the 3% ceiling, while
exchange rates hardly moved, all suggesting that rumours of in ation have been greatly exaggerated.

The human brain is wired to structure knowledge around narratives in which we can tell if and how A (and
B and C) causes X. We tend to be uncomfortable with the notion that an economy’s fundamentals do not
determine its asset prices, so we look for causal links between the two. But wanting those links does not
make them valid.

The idea that asset-price movements can be unrelated to fundamentals is a part of economic theory.
There are two reasons to hold an equity claim: dividend earning and expected price increase. Price
movements (the expected capital gain) can drive buying and selling decisions even in the absence of
changes to expected dividends (the fundamentals). Therefore, it is perfectly rational to pursue a “keep
buying because the price will keep rising” strategy – until it is not.

But when will such a bubble burst? Economic theory is silent here. Bubbles can persist for decades (real-
estate prices in fashionable cities) or just minutes (hard-to-justify intraday uctuations). The only sure
thing, Keynes has claimed, is that the market can remain misaligned much longer than you or I can remain

It is not just nerdy professors who are skeptical on the importance of fundamentals. There is a rise of a
new breed of oil trader who trades “based on moves in currencies, interest rates, or the price of oil itself.”
rather than focusing on oil’s demand-supply aspects. Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?

There might already be a huge one in the US stock market, with its being the priciest stock market before
the Jan 23 crash. Commenting on this, Robert Shiller said that, “it is impossible to pin down the full cause
of the high price of the US stock market.”

The questions which then arise are ‘Where should the line be drawn? When does a little “good” volatility
turn into excessive “bad” volatility?’ These are di cult questions, and the answers can only be time- and
context-speci c.

A nal disclaimer: believing that fundamentals do not always pin down asset prices is not the same as
believing they are irrelevant, much less that current US fundamentals are in good shape. An additional
scal stimulus at a time of near-full employment and large public debt is exactly what the doctor did not
order. Precisely because of all the offsetting factors, the US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates that the recent tax cuts will add just 0.08 percentage points to the average annual growth rate
over the next decade, and the long-run output effects could be smaller or even negative.
Yet the US business community remains gung-ho on the reform. So it is possible that conservative
American business executives will invest more not because the tax cut will improve the fundamentals of
the US economy and increase demand for their products, but just because they believe it will.

That, too, would be an exquisite irony.

The author would agree with all of the following EXCEPT:

1  The asset markets can remain overpriced or underpriced for long durations.

2 Both the camps of experts commenting on the crash are fundamentalists.

3 The timing of the recent crash was ironic.

4 Rationality cannot explain asset price changes without changes in the economic fundamentals.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (13 to18): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.
The timing was exquisitely ironic: equity markets peaked – and a week later began crashing – just as
pundits left this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where they concluded that the global
economy was on a steady upswing. In the weeks since, experts have divided into two camps.

Some, including new US Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell, believe that economic
fundamentals are strong, and that what stock markets experienced in early February was only a temporary

Then there are those who believe that fundamentals are in fact weak, that the current upswing will prove
unsustainable, and that investors should regard stock-market gyrations as a necessary wakeup call.

Both schools of thought share a focus on fundamentals, unlike a third – and, in my opinion, highly
plausible – view: that the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with
changes in fundamentals.

Fundamentalists claim that faster year-on-year growth in US average hourly earnings was the immediate
trigger for the crash. But the claim that such a slight change – from 2.7% in December to 2.9% in January
(which observers view as an aberration, caused by seasonal factors) – could trigger a stock-market
correction is in itself a strike against the fundamentalist view.

Moreover, whereas the wage growth in question was supposed to be a harbinger of in ation, ten-year
break-even in ation moved down. Also, the ten-year Treasury yields did not break the 3% ceiling, while
exchange rates hardly moved, all suggesting that rumours of in ation have been greatly exaggerated.
The human brain is wired to structure knowledge around narratives in which we can tell if and how A (and
B and C) causes X. We tend to be uncomfortable with the notion that an economy’s fundamentals do not
determine its asset prices, so we look for causal links between the two. But wanting those links does not
make them valid.

The idea that asset-price movements can be unrelated to fundamentals is a part of economic theory.
There are two reasons to hold an equity claim: dividend earning and expected price increase. Price
movements (the expected capital gain) can drive buying and selling decisions even in the absence of
changes to expected dividends (the fundamentals). Therefore, it is perfectly rational to pursue a “keep
buying because the price will keep rising” strategy – until it is not.

But when will such a bubble burst? Economic theory is silent here. Bubbles can persist for decades (real-
estate prices in fashionable cities) or just minutes (hard-to-justify intraday uctuations). The only sure
thing, Keynes has claimed, is that the market can remain misaligned much longer than you or I can remain

It is not just nerdy professors who are skeptical on the importance of fundamentals. There is a rise of a
new breed of oil trader who trades “based on moves in currencies, interest rates, or the price of oil itself.”
rather than focusing on oil’s demand-supply aspects. Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?

There might already be a huge one in the US stock market, with its being the priciest stock market before
the Jan 23 crash. Commenting on this, Robert Shiller said that, “it is impossible to pin down the full cause
of the high price of the US stock market.”

The questions which then arise are ‘Where should the line be drawn? When does a little “good” volatility
turn into excessive “bad” volatility?’ These are di cult questions, and the answers can only be time- and
context-speci c.

A nal disclaimer: believing that fundamentals do not always pin down asset prices is not the same as
believing they are irrelevant, much less that current US fundamentals are in good shape. An additional
scal stimulus at a time of near-full employment and large public debt is exactly what the doctor did not
order. Precisely because of all the offsetting factors, the US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates that the recent tax cuts will add just 0.08 percentage points to the average annual growth rate
over the next decade, and the long-run output effects could be smaller or even negative.

Yet the US business community remains gung-ho on the reform. So it is possible that conservative
American business executives will invest more not because the tax cut will improve the fundamentals of
the US economy and increase demand for their products, but just because they believe it will.

That, too, would be an exquisite irony.

What is the central argument of the author of the passage?

1  Financial asset price movements can be unrelated to economic fundamentals.

2 Economic fundamentals are not as important as they are made out to be.

3 Economic fundamentals do not impact the nancial asset market.

4 People’s belief in a cause-effect relation between economic fundamentals and asset prices is self-
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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (13 to18): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.
The timing was exquisitely ironic: equity markets peaked – and a week later began crashing – just as
pundits left this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where they concluded that the global
economy was on a steady upswing. In the weeks since, experts have divided into two camps.

Some, including new US Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell, believe that economic
fundamentals are strong, and that what stock markets experienced in early February was only a temporary

Then there are those who believe that fundamentals are in fact weak, that the current upswing will prove
unsustainable, and that investors should regard stock-market gyrations as a necessary wakeup call.

Both schools of thought share a focus on fundamentals, unlike a third – and, in my opinion, highly
plausible – view: that the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with
changes in fundamentals.

Fundamentalists claim that faster year-on-year growth in US average hourly earnings was the immediate
trigger for the crash. But the claim that such a slight change – from 2.7% in December to 2.9% in January
(which observers view as an aberration, caused by seasonal factors) – could trigger a stock-market
correction is in itself a strike against the fundamentalist view.

Moreover, whereas the wage growth in question was supposed to be a harbinger of in ation, ten-year
break-even in ation moved down. Also, the ten-year Treasury yields did not break the 3% ceiling, while
exchange rates hardly moved, all suggesting that rumours of in ation have been greatly exaggerated.

The human brain is wired to structure knowledge around narratives in which we can tell if and how A (and
B and C) causes X. We tend to be uncomfortable with the notion that an economy’s fundamentals do not
determine its asset prices, so we look for causal links between the two. But wanting those links does not
make them valid.

The idea that asset-price movements can be unrelated to fundamentals is a part of economic theory.
There are two reasons to hold an equity claim: dividend earning and expected price increase. Price
movements (the expected capital gain) can drive buying and selling decisions even in the absence of
changes to expected dividends (the fundamentals). Therefore, it is perfectly rational to pursue a “keep
buying because the price will keep rising” strategy – until it is not.

But when will such a bubble burst? Economic theory is silent here. Bubbles can persist for decades (real-
estate prices in fashionable cities) or just minutes (hard-to-justify intraday uctuations). The only sure
thing, Keynes has claimed, is that the market can remain misaligned much longer than you or I can remain

It is not just nerdy professors who are skeptical on the importance of fundamentals. There is a rise of a
new breed of oil trader who trades “based on moves in currencies, interest rates, or the price of oil itself.”
rather than focusing on oil’s demand-supply aspects. Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?

There might already be a huge one in the US stock market, with its being the priciest stock market before
the Jan 23 crash. Commenting on this, Robert Shiller said that, “it is impossible to pin down the full cause
of the high price of the US stock market.”

The questions which then arise are ‘Where should the line be drawn? When does a little “good” volatility
turn into excessive “bad” volatility?’ These are di cult questions, and the answers can only be time- and
context-speci c.

A nal disclaimer: believing that fundamentals do not always pin down asset prices is not the same as
believing they are irrelevant, much less that current US fundamentals are in good shape. An additional
scal stimulus at a time of near-full employment and large public debt is exactly what the doctor did not
order. Precisely because of all the offsetting factors, the US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates that the recent tax cuts will add just 0.08 percentage points to the average annual growth rate
over the next decade, and the long-run output effects could be smaller or even negative.

Yet the US business community remains gung-ho on the reform. So it is possible that conservative
American business executives will invest more not because the tax cut will improve the fundamentals of
the US economy and increase demand for their products, but just because they believe it will.

That, too, would be an exquisite irony.

What is the ‘exquisite irony’ that the author brings out in the last paragraph?

1  Despite being conservative, US business executives would invest more in the economy.

2 The awed belief regarding improvement in fundamentals would make conservative executives invest
more without any change in the fundamentals.

3 The belief that improvement in fundamentals would result in more demand for the executives’
products would turn out to be false.

4 The tax cut will not result in an improvement in the fundamentals.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (13 to18): The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.
The timing was exquisitely ironic: equity markets peaked – and a week later began crashing – just as
pundits left this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where they concluded that the global
economy was on a steady upswing. In the weeks since, experts have divided into two camps.

Some, including new US Federal Reserve Board chairman Jerome Powell, believe that economic
fundamentals are strong, and that what stock markets experienced in early February was only a temporary

Then there are those who believe that fundamentals are in fact weak, that the current upswing will prove
unsustainable, and that investors should regard stock-market gyrations as a necessary wakeup call.

Both schools of thought share a focus on fundamentals, unlike a third – and, in my opinion, highly
plausible – view: that the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with
changes in fundamentals.

Fundamentalists claim that faster year-on-year growth in US average hourly earnings was the immediate
trigger for the crash. But the claim that such a slight change – from 2.7% in December to 2.9% in January
(which observers view as an aberration, caused by seasonal factors) – could trigger a stock-market
correction is in itself a strike against the fundamentalist view.

Moreover, whereas the wage growth in question was supposed to be a harbinger of in ation, ten-year
break-even in ation moved down. Also, the ten-year Treasury yields did not break the 3% ceiling, while
exchange rates hardly moved, all suggesting that rumours of in ation have been greatly exaggerated.

The human brain is wired to structure knowledge around narratives in which we can tell if and how A (and
B and C) causes X. We tend to be uncomfortable with the notion that an economy’s fundamentals do not
determine its asset prices, so we look for causal links between the two. But wanting those links does not
make them valid.

The idea that asset-price movements can be unrelated to fundamentals is a part of economic theory.
There are two reasons to hold an equity claim: dividend earning and expected price increase. Price
movements (the expected capital gain) can drive buying and selling decisions even in the absence of
changes to expected dividends (the fundamentals). Therefore, it is perfectly rational to pursue a “keep
buying because the price will keep rising” strategy – until it is not.

But when will such a bubble burst? Economic theory is silent here. Bubbles can persist for decades (real-
estate prices in fashionable cities) or just minutes (hard-to-justify intraday uctuations). The only sure
thing, Keynes has claimed, is that the market can remain misaligned much longer than you or I can remain

It is not just nerdy professors who are skeptical on the importance of fundamentals. There is a rise of a
new breed of oil trader who trades “based on moves in currencies, interest rates, or the price of oil itself.”
rather than focusing on oil’s demand-supply aspects. Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?

There might already be a huge one in the US stock market, with its being the priciest stock market before
the Jan 23 crash. Commenting on this, Robert Shiller said that, “it is impossible to pin down the full cause
of the high price of the US stock market.”

The questions which then arise are ‘Where should the line be drawn? When does a little “good” volatility
turn into excessive “bad” volatility?’ These are di cult questions, and the answers can only be time- and
context-speci c.

A nal disclaimer: believing that fundamentals do not always pin down asset prices is not the same as
believing they are irrelevant, much less that current US fundamentals are in good shape. An additional
scal stimulus at a time of near-full employment and large public debt is exactly what the doctor did not
order. Precisely because of all the offsetting factors, the US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation
estimates that the recent tax cuts will add just 0.08 percentage points to the average annual growth rate
over the next decade, and the long-run output effects could be smaller or even negative.

Yet the US business community remains gung-ho on the reform. So it is possible that conservative
American business executives will invest more not because the tax cut will improve the fundamentals of
the US economy and increase demand for their products, but just because they believe it will.

That, too, would be an exquisite irony.

It can be inferred from the line ‘Ready for an oil price bubble, anyone?’ that the author:

1  doesn’t buy the fact that the current oil trading practices would lead to an oil price bubble.

2 believes that the oil price market is misaligned with a bubble gradually building up.

3 is cautioning the reader against an oil price bubble similar to that of the US stock market.

4 is speculating about the formation of a bubble in the oil price market.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions (19 to21): The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.

I love the term ‘politically incorrect’, the word-collective expressing a requirement to adhere to certain
norms of civility and respectability. It is also rather confuddling because of all people notorious for making
statements, which are as far detached from reason as tea leaf reading is from science, most happen to be
politicos and lawmakers, people who one expects to generally display a certain composure of sanity.

But then, given how ‘sensibility’ is not a part of the de nition of ‘politically correct’, I guess it’s only natural
that the most classic gaffes come from the circles that ru(i)n our nation.

Recently we had a politician claim that Darwin had it all wrong, as man certainly didn’t evolve from apes.
For proof, he reproduced hard facts, like folklore of the ‘someone once told a friend who told me’ variety.
It’s hard to refute such gripping evidence. His empirical logic was that since none of our ancestors ever
saw, or mentioned, an ape turn into a man, clearly the theory of evolution was awed at a very basic level
of assumption.

Remember, cannabis was all the legal rage back then, so if you haven’t seen an ape turn into a man even
when stoned, then surely no such thing ever happened. Darwin was clearly a fool who lost his mind
observing birds on remote islands whereas this chap has, instead, completed some unspoken-of doctorate
while also serving in the police force.

This is the same ex-commissioner who criticized any girl who decided to get married in a pair of jeans:
popular claim is that his argument stemmed from sanskaar. I, however, believe that the conglomerate of
top Indian wedding designers — from Sabyasachi to Valaya and Tahiliani — paid this chap to make sure
that lehengas never go out of style.

As if the world is running out of stupid things to make fun of, the foremost citizens of our country offer up
such prime beef for the world’s picking, it’s a social service that no one asked for. For a country that built
the Taj Mahal and the Stupas, gave the world the decimal system and performed the rst cosmetic
surgeries, these ministers and judges are the new wave of evolution. A fetching example really, except that
instead of exhibiting how man gradually yet continually evolved forth from apes, these chaps are proof
that humans can (and do) regress into monkeys!

What is the main idea of the passage?

1  To comment on the deplorable intellectual capacity of the average Indian lawmaker

2 To highlight the lack of intellectual reasoning ability of the Indian police o cers

3 To showcase the ubiquitous nature of political gaffes

4 To criticize the lack of reasoning among certain Indians

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (19 to21): The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.

I love the term ‘politically incorrect’, the word-collective expressing a requirement to adhere to certain
norms of civility and respectability. It is also rather confuddling because of all people notorious for making
statements, which are as far detached from reason as tea leaf reading is from science, most happen to be
politicos and lawmakers, people who one expects to generally display a certain composure of sanity.

But then, given how ‘sensibility’ is not a part of the de nition of ‘politically correct’, I guess it’s only natural
that the most classic gaffes come from the circles that ru(i)n our nation.

Recently we had a politician claim that Darwin had it all wrong, as man certainly didn’t evolve from apes.
For proof, he reproduced hard facts, like folklore of the ‘someone once told a friend who told me’ variety.
It’s hard to refute such gripping evidence. His empirical logic was that since none of our ancestors ever
saw, or mentioned, an ape turn into a man, clearly the theory of evolution was awed at a very basic level
of assumption.

Remember, cannabis was all the legal rage back then, so if you haven’t seen an ape turn into a man even
when stoned, then surely no such thing ever happened. Darwin was clearly a fool who lost his mind
observing birds on remote islands whereas this chap has, instead, completed some unspoken-of doctorate
while also serving in the police force.

This is the same ex-commissioner who criticized any girl who decided to get married in a pair of jeans:
popular claim is that his argument stemmed from sanskaar. I, however, believe that the conglomerate of
top Indian wedding designers — from Sabyasachi to Valaya and Tahiliani — paid this chap to make sure
that lehengas never go out of style.

As if the world is running out of stupid things to make fun of, the foremost citizens of our country offer up
such prime beef for the world’s picking, it’s a social service that no one asked for. For a country that built
the Taj Mahal and the Stupas, gave the world the decimal system and performed the rst cosmetic
surgeries, these ministers and judges are the new wave of evolution. A fetching example really, except that
instead of exhibiting how man gradually yet continually evolved forth from apes, these chaps are proof
that humans can (and do) regress into monkeys!

What’s the main purpose behind the structure of the rst paragraph?

1  The author implicitly builds the case for his subsequent rebuttal of the issue.

2 The author explicitly exposes the loophole in the de nition of a popular term in order to preach his
own stance on the issue.

3 The author rede nes a popular term to expose certain logical fallacies that affect our political domain.
4 The author reinterprets a popular term in order to expose the awed reasoning of the Indian political

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (19 to21): The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.

I love the term ‘politically incorrect’, the word-collective expressing a requirement to adhere to certain
norms of civility and respectability. It is also rather confuddling because of all people notorious for making
statements, which are as far detached from reason as tea leaf reading is from science, most happen to be
politicos and lawmakers, people who one expects to generally display a certain composure of sanity.

But then, given how ‘sensibility’ is not a part of the de nition of ‘politically correct’, I guess it’s only natural
that the most classic gaffes come from the circles that ru(i)n our nation.

Recently we had a politician claim that Darwin had it all wrong, as man certainly didn’t evolve from apes.
For proof, he reproduced hard facts, like folklore of the ‘someone once told a friend who told me’ variety.
It’s hard to refute such gripping evidence. His empirical logic was that since none of our ancestors ever
saw, or mentioned, an ape turn into a man, clearly the theory of evolution was awed at a very basic level
of assumption.

Remember, cannabis was all the legal rage back then, so if you haven’t seen an ape turn into a man even
when stoned, then surely no such thing ever happened. Darwin was clearly a fool who lost his mind
observing birds on remote islands whereas this chap has, instead, completed some unspoken-of doctorate
while also serving in the police force.

This is the same ex-commissioner who criticized any girl who decided to get married in a pair of jeans:
popular claim is that his argument stemmed from sanskaar. I, however, believe that the conglomerate of
top Indian wedding designers — from Sabyasachi to Valaya and Tahiliani — paid this chap to make sure
that lehengas never go out of style.

As if the world is running out of stupid things to make fun of, the foremost citizens of our country offer up
such prime beef for the world’s picking, it’s a social service that no one asked for. For a country that built
the Taj Mahal and the Stupas, gave the world the decimal system and performed the rst cosmetic
surgeries, these ministers and judges are the new wave of evolution. A fetching example really, except that
instead of exhibiting how man gradually yet continually evolved forth from apes, these chaps are proof
that humans can (and do) regress into monkeys!

Which of the following is a key assumption made by the author?

1  All the people making such irrational statements possess low IQ level.

2 All the people making such gaffes are doing a disservice to the nation.
3 All the people making such statements have deliberately tried to be politically incorrect.

4 All the people making such irrational statements have not been quoted out of context.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (22 to24): The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.

The one who uses parrhesia, the parrhesiastes, is someone who says everything he has in mind: he does
not hide anything, but opens his heart and mind completely to other people through his discourse. In
parrhesia, the speaker is supposed to give a complete and exact account of what he has in mind so that
the audience is able to comprehend exactly what the speaker thinks. And he does this by avoiding any kind
of rhetorical form which would veil what he thinks. Instead, the parrhesiastes uses the most direct words
and forms of expression he can nd. Whereas rhetoric provides the speaker with technical devices to help
him prevail upon the minds of his audience, in parrhesia, the parrhesiastes acts on other people's mind by
showing them as directly as possible what he actually believes.

There are two types of parrhesia which we must distinguish. First, there is a pejorative sense of the word
not very far from "chattering" and which consists in saying any or everything one has in mind without
quali cation. This pejorative meaning is also found more frequently in Christian literature where such
"bad" parrhesia is opposed to silence as a discipline or as the requisite condition for the contemplation of
God. As a verbal activity which re ects every movement of the heart and mind, parrhesia in this negative
sense is obviously an obstacle to the contemplation of God.

However, parrhesia does not always have this pejorative meaning in the classical texts, but rather a
positive one. "parrhesiazesthai" means "to tell the truth." But does the parrhesiastes say what he thinks is
true, or does he say what is really true? To my mind, the parrhesiastes says what is true because he knows
that it is true; and he knows that it is true because it is really true. The parrhesiastes is not only sincere
and says what is his opinion, but his opinion is also the truth. He says what he knows to be true.

Which of the following CANNOT be taken as an example of ‘parrhessia’ as de ned in the passage?

1   An interviewee revealing facts about his family background despite these facts being irrelevant to the

2 A contrite believer confessing to a priest about all his wrongdoings in the past.

3 A defendant pleading guilty to crime under an agreement of plea bargaining.

4 A child confessing to his/her teacher about stealing the lunchbox of a classmate.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (22 to24): The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.

The one who uses parrhesia, the parrhesiastes, is someone who says everything he has in mind: he does
not hide anything, but opens his heart and mind completely to other people through his discourse. In
parrhesia, the speaker is supposed to give a complete and exact account of what he has in mind so that
the audience is able to comprehend exactly what the speaker thinks. And he does this by avoiding any kind
of rhetorical form which would veil what he thinks. Instead, the parrhesiastes uses the most direct words
and forms of expression he can nd. Whereas rhetoric provides the speaker with technical devices to help
him prevail upon the minds of his audience, in parrhesia, the parrhesiastes acts on other people's mind by
showing them as directly as possible what he actually believes.

There are two types of parrhesia which we must distinguish. First, there is a pejorative sense of the word
not very far from "chattering" and which consists in saying any or everything one has in mind without
quali cation. This pejorative meaning is also found more frequently in Christian literature where such
"bad" parrhesia is opposed to silence as a discipline or as the requisite condition for the contemplation of
God. As a verbal activity which re ects every movement of the heart and mind, parrhesia in this negative
sense is obviously an obstacle to the contemplation of God.

However, parrhesia does not always have this pejorative meaning in the classical texts, but rather a
positive one. "parrhesiazesthai" means "to tell the truth." But does the parrhesiastes say what he thinks is
true, or does he say what is really true? To my mind, the parrhesiastes says what is true because he knows
that it is true; and he knows that it is true because it is really true. The parrhesiastes is not only sincere
and says what is his opinion, but his opinion is also the truth. He says what he knows to be true.

Which of the following is the most appropriate description of parrhessia and rhetoric as used in the

1   Rhetoric aims at persuading the audience using verbal manoeuvre, while parrhesia aims at depicting
what is universally accepted as true.

2 Parrhessia focuses on presenting precisely what the speaker knows to be true, while rhetoric focuses
on presenting what is politically correct.

3 Parrhessia aims at presenting plainly what the speaker knows to be true, while in rhetoric there is
room for persuasion with the use of manoeuvres.

4 Rhetoric and parrhessia are different ways of presenting the same thing –the truth.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions (22 to24): The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose
the best answer to each question.

The one who uses parrhesia, the parrhesiastes, is someone who says everything he has in mind: he does
not hide anything, but opens his heart and mind completely to other people through his discourse. In
parrhesia, the speaker is supposed to give a complete and exact account of what he has in mind so that
the audience is able to comprehend exactly what the speaker thinks. And he does this by avoiding any kind
of rhetorical form which would veil what he thinks. Instead, the parrhesiastes uses the most direct words
and forms of expression he can nd. Whereas rhetoric provides the speaker with technical devices to help
him prevail upon the minds of his audience, in parrhesia, the parrhesiastes acts on other people's mind by
showing them as directly as possible what he actually believes.

There are two types of parrhesia which we must distinguish. First, there is a pejorative sense of the word
not very far from "chattering" and which consists in saying any or everything one has in mind without
quali cation. This pejorative meaning is also found more frequently in Christian literature where such
"bad" parrhesia is opposed to silence as a discipline or as the requisite condition for the contemplation of
God. As a verbal activity which re ects every movement of the heart and mind, parrhesia in this negative
sense is obviously an obstacle to the contemplation of God.

However, parrhesia does not always have this pejorative meaning in the classical texts, but rather a
positive one. "parrhesiazesthai" means "to tell the truth." But does the parrhesiastes say what he thinks is
true, or does he say what is really true? To my mind, the parrhesiastes says what is true because he knows
that it is true; and he knows that it is true because it is really true. The parrhesiastes is not only sincere
and says what is his opinion, but his opinion is also the truth. He says what he knows to be true.

Why is bad parrhessia taken as an impediment in the contemplation of God?

1  Because it is against the very act of contemplating god.

2 Because it may capture even the insigni cant turns of the mind and heart.

3 Because it incites passion, which interferes with clear focus.

4 Because it is pejorative in nature.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for question 25: The passage given below is followed by four summaries. Choose the option
that best captures the author’s position.

There are ways to improve the talent acquisition process, especially for high-level positions that require a
unique set of skills and abilities to be successful. Outsourcing your recruitment efforts to a rm that has
knowledge of your eld and experience recruiting top candidates can be a great way to streamline your
talent acquisition process. Positions such as CEO, CFO, controller, general manager and others often
require a depth and breadth of skills which the general applicant pool may not be able to ful l. Additionally,
in those high-level positions, cultural t is just as important as the individual’s ability to perform.

1. Outsourcing the recruitment process for high-level positions, which demand a technically and culturally
t candidate, helps to streamline the talent acquisition process.
2. High level positions in an organization demand an individual with not only the right skills and talent but
also the cultural compatibility.
3. The process of nding the candidate who is the right t for organization both technically and culturally
can be streamlined with the help of the specialized recruitment agencies having the experience of
recruiting candidates.
4. An outsourced recruitment engagement can signi cantly simplify and streamline the talent acquisition
process for nearly any employer in any industry.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 26: The passage given below is followed by four summaries. Choose the option
that best captures the author’s position.

Welfare economists and saner voices may cavil at the undue attention a single number — GDP growth rate
— commands among the political class and the intelligentsia alike. But they are the exception. In its ability
to capture both headlines and reactions, ranging from exuberance at one end to despondency at the other,
few macroeconomic numbers come anywhere close to what social scientist Philipp Lepenies describes as
the “most powerful statistical gure in human history”.

1. GDP growth rate is the most powerful statistical gure in human history.
2. Except for welfare economists and some sane people, most of the people pay way too much attention
and importance to GDP growth rate gure.
3. GDP growth rate is the most attractive number as far as capturing headlines and reactions is
4. Philipp Lepenies is of the view that GDP growth rate is a gure that leaves every other gure behind in
the race of getting attention from politicians, economists, and intelligentsia.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 27: The passage given below is followed by four summaries. Choose the option
that best captures the author’s position.

Unity in variety is the plan of creation. However men and women may vary individually, there is unity in the
background. The different individual characters and classes of men and women are natural variations in
creation. Hence we ought not to judge them by the same standard or put the same ideal before them. Such
a course creates only an unnatural struggle, and the result is that a man begins to hate himself and is
hindered from becoming religious and good. Our duty is to encourage everyone in his struggle to live up to
his own highest ideal, and strive at the same time to make that ideal as near as possible to the truth.

1. Judging everyone by the same parameter is a mistake; it makes an individual hateful of himself.
2. One should not judge everyone using a single yardstick; one should encourage others to achieve their
own highest ideal.
3. As nature has itself created a variety of individuals, judging them by the same standards will create an
unnatural struggle of living up to an unrealistic ideal which can have detrimental effect on individuals and
4. Diversity should be accepted; different people can have different ideals.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 28: The ve sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper
order for the sentences and key in this sequence of ve numbers as your answer.


1. In fact, in many cities, childcare can cost more than the average rent.
2. This is particularly challenging for low-income families who often do not make more than minimum
3. Childcare has become one of the most expensive costs that a family bears.
4. In the past, children often engaged in family labor, now children are protected and nurtured.
5. What's more, over the past century, Americans signi cantly shifted the way we see childhood.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 29: The ve sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper
order for the sentences and key in this sequence of ve numbers as your answer.


1. In April of that year, Martin Luther King Jr. and several other civil rights leaders initiated a nonviolent
protest campaign to desegregate public facilities in Birmingham, Alabama.
2. City authorities turned re hoses and police dogs on a large crowd of demonstrators—many of whom
were children from local schools—and hundreds of protesters were beaten and arrested.
3. Nineteen sixty-three was a pivotal year in the history of race relations in the United States.
4. Two months later, President John F. Kennedy appeared on national television to proclaim his support for
pending legislation that would forbid racial discrimination in employment, housing, and public
5. The violent commotion was broadcast in national and world news media, allowing millions to witness
the startling brutality of American racism for the rst time.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 30: The ve sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper
order for the sentences and key in this sequence of ve numbers as your answer.


1. A data le of this type could be sent via email or social media channels.
2. Such cash data les retain the advantages of physical cash but would be able to circulate freely on
electronic networks.
3. If cash data les can be copied and the duplicates used as currency, they cannot serve as a payment
4. An ideal payment system would be one in which monetary value could be transferred electronically via
cash data les.
5. A speci c feature of electronic data is that it can be copied any number of times at negligible cost,
which becomes highly undesirable for money.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 31: The ve sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper
order for the sentences and key in this sequence of ve numbers as your answer.


1. The physics that explains these massive cosmic bodies is equally esoteric and beyond the
comprehension of all but a select few.
2. The study was published in the journal Nature Physics.
3. Black holes are possibly the most mysterious objects in the universe.
4. The most complex physics can, however, be demonstrated by a deceptively simple experiment.
5. Recently, physicists at the University of Nottingham, UK, showed how black holes behave, using a
bathtub and coloured water.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 32: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put
together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.


1. There is no reason to keep women out of certain jobs or prevent them from owning a business.
2. Legal barriers that prevent women from working or limit their opportunities to own a business are
having a negative impact on global growth and economic equality, a World Bank study has found.
3. In 104 economies, women are barred from working at night or in jobs including manufacturing,
construction, energy or agriculture, negatively affecting the choices of more than 2.7 billion women,
according to the women, business and law report, published every two years.
4. Equatorial Guinea is among a number of countries where laws are so regressive that a woman still
needs her husband’s signature, or the blessing of a male relative, to secure a work contract, take out a
loan, or buy a house.
5. The study, which looked at 189 economies, found that women continue to face widespread barriers that
keep them out of jobs and prevent them from owning a business by restricting their access to credit or
control over marital property.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 33: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put
together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.


1. In other words, a lot of ‘baggage’ (or trauma) comes with a habit and it is di cult to address the latter
without being confronted with the limiting effects of the former.
2. If the pain or discomfort persists and we continue to assume the physical shape or behaviour that helps
us to cope on some level, the behaviour becomes both a self-conditioned behaviour.
3. A physical habit (distinct, here, from ‘addiction’) begins with an in-the-moment reaction to a stimulus –
often a physical or emotional discomfort or pain that we learn to numb or avoid by assuming a certain
shape or affecting a certain behaviour.
4. Of course, it is certainly possible to train the body to learn a new behaviour – for example, to develop
greater flexibility in the ribs in the breathing process.
5. And it is reinforced through ‘muscle memory’ and an ongoing, inthe-moment reflection of one’s
relationship with and reaction to the world.

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for question 34: Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put
together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

1. Such rules are designed rst to offer legally binding protections and also redress for those victims of
2. With that de nition as a guide, States are required by the Convention to pass their own laws and to
enforce them so as to prevent and to punish racial discrimination in all aspects of public life.
3. The function of law, both national and international, is to translate the principle of nondiscrimination
into binding norms or rules on how we should behave.
4. Over the past half-century or so extensive efforts at international level have been made to nd effective
uses of law to end racism and racial discrimination.
5. Second, these rules impose obligations on Governments and on all of us not to act in a discriminatory

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 Answer key/Solution

Sec 2
Directions for questions 35 to 38: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Microhard corporation, a leading software manufacturing company developed a word coding machine
namely 'Replocento'. For coding a word, Replocento uses four types of coding operation C0, C1, C2 and C3.
Each word is coded by using at least one of the four coding operations. The output generated by the four
coding operation is as follows:

C0 : Each of the letters at odd place of input word is replaced by succeeding letter while the letters at even
places are replaced by preceding letter and then all letters are reversed.
C1 : Vowels in the input word are replaced by succeeding letter while consonants are replaced by
preceding letter.
C2 : Each horizontally or vertically symmetrical letter ( in capital letters) is replaced by preceding letter
while other letters are replaced by succeeding letter.
C3 : All the letters of the input are reversed, then each of the letters at odd place is replaced by succeeding
letter while the letters at even places are replaced by preceding letter.

[Replacement of letters by succeeding or preceding letters is according to english alphabets]

If operations C0, C2 and again C0 are applied on KIMIL in the given order, then middle letter in the nal
output is

1  F

2 P
3 G

4 N

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 35 to 38: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Microhard corporation, a leading software manufacturing company developed a word coding machine
namely 'Replocento'. For coding a word, Replocento uses four types of coding operation C0, C1, C2 and C3.
Each word is coded by using at least one of the four coding operations. The output generated by the four
coding operation is as follows:

C0 : Each of the letters at odd place of input word is replaced by succeeding letter while the letters at even
places are replaced by preceding letter and then all letters are reversed.
C1 : Vowels in the input word are replaced by succeeding letter while consonants are replaced by
preceding letter.
C2 : Each horizontally or vertically symmetrical letter ( in capital letters) is replaced by preceding letter
while other letters are replaced by succeeding letter.
C3 : All the letters of the input are reversed, then each of the letters at odd place is replaced by succeeding
letter while the letters at even places are replaced by preceding letter.

[Replacement of letters by succeeding or preceding letters is according to english alphabets]

If operations C3, C1 and C2 are applied on VENTERUM in the given order, then how many pairs of letter in
the nal output would have same number of letters between them as they have in English alphabet (both
forward and backward direction)?

1  2

2 1

3 3

4 0

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 35 to 38: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Microhard corporation, a leading software manufacturing company developed a word coding machine
namely 'Replocento'. For coding a word, Replocento uses four types of coding operation C0, C1, C2 and C3.
Each word is coded by using at least one of the four coding operations. The output generated by the four
coding operation is as follows:

C0 : Each of the letters at odd place of input word is replaced by succeeding letter while the letters at even
places are replaced by preceding letter and then all letters are reversed.
C1 : Vowels in the input word are replaced by succeeding letter while consonants are replaced by
preceding letter.
C2 : Each horizontally or vertically symmetrical letter ( in capital letters) is replaced by preceding letter
while other letters are replaced by succeeding letter.
C3 : All the letters of the input are reversed, then each of the letters at odd place is replaced by succeeding
letter while the letters at even places are replaced by preceding letter.

[Replacement of letters by succeeding or preceding letters is according to english alphabets]

If operations C1, C2 and C0 are applied on MISIPESU in the given order, then number of vowels in the nal
output is

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 35 to 38: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Microhard corporation, a leading software manufacturing company developed a word coding machine
namely 'Replocento'. For coding a word, Replocento uses four types of coding operation C0, C1, C2 and C3.
Each word is coded by using at least one of the four coding operations. The output generated by the four
coding operation is as follows:

C0 : Each of the letters at odd place of input word is replaced by succeeding letter while the letters at even
places are replaced by preceding letter and then all letters are reversed.
C1 : Vowels in the input word are replaced by succeeding letter while consonants are replaced by
preceding letter.
C2 : Each horizontally or vertically symmetrical letter ( in capital letters) is replaced by preceding letter
while other letters are replaced by succeeding letter.
C3 : All the letters of the input are reversed, then each of the letters at odd place is replaced by succeeding
letter while the letters at even places are replaced by preceding letter.

[Replacement of letters by succeeding or preceding letters is according to english alphabets]

If operations C2, C3 and C1 are applied on UPENTUK in the given order, then the last letter in the nal
output is

1  O

2 S

3 U

4 V

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 39 to 42: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

There were ten houses in a society. Each of the ten houses has applied for connection of electricity
supplied by state electricity board. Before the connection and installation process, the actual load
valuation of each of the houses are required. So the o cers of state electricity board asked all of them
about the actual maximum load (in kw), but all of them told the value of the load which is 80% of their
actual maximum load (e.g. if actual load was 10kw then they told 8 kw) to reduce their electricity bill by
using wrong means. The sum of total load told by them was 52 kw so the state electricity board provided
connection to all of them and established a transformer with maximum capacity of 52 kw in the society to
supply electricity to these ten houses only. Maximum load of a house means maximum electricity which
that house can consume at any point of time. Actual load (in kw) and load (in kw) told by all the houses
was a positive integer. If at any point of time total consumption by all the ten houses increases more than
the provided load, supply get stopped. Each of the ten houses has a remote which stopped the meter
reading while electricity continues to ow. All of them used remote at the time of their peak consumption.
At the time of peak consumption (using maximum load) each of the ten houses consumed electricity
double to their average consumption per hour in a day. Peak consumption remains for only two hours in a
day and routine for the consumption also remains same for every day. At the end of the month it was found
that supply never stopped

If the actual load (in kw) of N houses of the society was equal, then value of N cannot be more than

1  5

2 6

3 8

4 9
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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 39 to 42: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

There were ten houses in a society. Each of the ten houses has applied for connection of electricity
supplied by state electricity board. Before the connection and installation process, the actual load
valuation of each of the houses are required. So the o cers of state electricity board asked all of them
about the actual maximum load (in kw), but all of them told the value of the load which is 80% of their
actual maximum load (e.g. if actual load was 10kw then they told 8 kw) to reduce their electricity bill by
using wrong means. The sum of total load told by them was 52 kw so the state electricity board provided
connection to all of them and established a transformer with maximum capacity of 52 kw in the society to
supply electricity to these ten houses only. Maximum load of a house means maximum electricity which
that house can consume at any point of time. Actual load (in kw) and load (in kw) told by all the houses
was a positive integer. If at any point of time total consumption by all the ten houses increases more than
the provided load, supply get stopped. Each of the ten houses has a remote which stopped the meter
reading while electricity continues to ow. All of them used remote at the time of their peak consumption.
At the time of peak consumption (using maximum load) each of the ten houses consumed electricity
double to their average consumption per hour in a day. Peak consumption remains for only two hours in a
day and routine for the consumption also remains same for every day. At the end of the month it was found
that supply never stopped

Find the maximum consumption by the ten houses in units in a day, if one unit means 1kw consumption for
one hour.

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 39 to 42: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

There were ten houses in a society. Each of the ten houses has applied for connection of electricity
supplied by state electricity board. Before the connection and installation process, the actual load
valuation of each of the houses are required. So the o cers of state electricity board asked all of them
about the actual maximum load (in kw), but all of them told the value of the load which is 80% of their
actual maximum load (e.g. if actual load was 10kw then they told 8 kw) to reduce their electricity bill by
using wrong means. The sum of total load told by them was 52 kw so the state electricity board provided
connection to all of them and established a transformer with maximum capacity of 52 kw in the society to
supply electricity to these ten houses only. Maximum load of a house means maximum electricity which
that house can consume at any point of time. Actual load (in kw) and load (in kw) told by all the houses
was a positive integer. If at any point of time total consumption by all the ten houses increases more than
the provided load, supply get stopped. Each of the ten houses has a remote which stopped the meter
reading while electricity continues to ow. All of them used remote at the time of their peak consumption.
At the time of peak consumption (using maximum load) each of the ten houses consumed electricity
double to their average consumption per hour in a day. Peak consumption remains for only two hours in a
day and routine for the consumption also remains same for every day. At the end of the month it was found
that supply never stopped

If in the peak hour all the ten houses were using electricity equal to their maximum capacity, nd the
maximum number of houses whose peak consumption can be at same point of time?

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 39 to 42: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

There were ten houses in a society. Each of the ten houses has applied for connection of electricity
supplied by state electricity board. Before the connection and installation process, the actual load
valuation of each of the houses are required. So the o cers of state electricity board asked all of them
about the actual maximum load (in kw), but all of them told the value of the load which is 80% of their
actual maximum load (e.g. if actual load was 10kw then they told 8 kw) to reduce their electricity bill by
using wrong means. The sum of total load told by them was 52 kw so the state electricity board provided
connection to all of them and established a transformer with maximum capacity of 52 kw in the society to
supply electricity to these ten houses only. Maximum load of a house means maximum electricity which
that house can consume at any point of time. Actual load (in kw) and load (in kw) told by all the houses
was a positive integer. If at any point of time total consumption by all the ten houses increases more than
the provided load, supply get stopped. Each of the ten houses has a remote which stopped the meter
reading while electricity continues to ow. All of them used remote at the time of their peak consumption.
At the time of peak consumption (using maximum load) each of the ten houses consumed electricity
double to their average consumption per hour in a day. Peak consumption remains for only two hours in a
day and routine for the consumption also remains same for every day. At the end of the month it was found
that supply never stopped
Find the maximum consumption by the ten houses in units in a day, if one unit means 1kw consumption for
one hour and all the ten houses paid bill of equal number of units.

1  480

2 600

3 780

4 900

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 43 to 46: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Mann invited 8 of his friends – Yash, Aditya, Lakshya, Shivansh, Saarthak, Ishaan, Ansh and Aarush – for
the celebration of his birthday party. He planned to distribute three types of toffees– Melody(M), Eclairs(E)
and Pulse(P) to his friends. Each friend gets at least one toffee of each type and not more than 7 toffees of
any type. The following diagram represents the distribution of three types of toffees to his 8 friends

Moreover Yash, Aditya, Lakshya and Saarthak all received equal number of toffees in total. Interestingly,
Mann distributed the toffees in such a way that the number of Melody(M), Eclairs(E) and Pulse(P) for each
of these four friends are in the form of three distinct natural numbers and the combination of these three
numbers were identical but in any order for all the four friends.
Total number of toffees with Yash is?

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 43 to 46: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Mann invited 8 of his friends – Yash, Aditya, Lakshya, Shivansh, Saarthak, Ishaan, Ansh and Aarush – for
the celebration of his birthday party. He planned to distribute three types of toffees– Melody(M), Eclairs(E)
and Pulse(P) to his friends. Each friend gets at least one toffee of each type and not more than 7 toffees of
any type. The following diagram represents the distribution of three types of toffees to his 8 friends

Moreover Yash, Aditya, Lakshya and Saarthak all received equal number of toffees in total. Interestingly,
Mann distributed the toffees in such a way that the number of Melody(M), Eclairs(E) and Pulse(P) for each
of these four friends are in the form of three distinct natural numbers and the combination of these three
numbers were identical but in any order for all the four friends.

If both Lakshya and Saarthak have 4 Melody toffees, then how many Eclairs toffee does Aditya have?

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 43 to 46: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Mann invited 8 of his friends – Yash, Aditya, Lakshya, Shivansh, Saarthak, Ishaan, Ansh and Aarush – for
the celebration of his birthday party. He planned to distribute three types of toffees– Melody(M), Eclairs(E)
and Pulse(P) to his friends. Each friend gets at least one toffee of each type and not more than 7 toffees of
any type. The following diagram represents the distribution of three types of toffees to his 8 friends

Moreover Yash, Aditya, Lakshya and Saarthak all received equal number of toffees in total. Interestingly,
Mann distributed the toffees in such a way that the number of Melody(M), Eclairs(E) and Pulse(P) for each
of these four friends are in the form of three distinct natural numbers and the combination of these three
numbers were identical but in any order for all the four friends.

If Aarush and Ansh received equal number of toffees, then what is the maximum number of toffees
received by them?

1  16

2 17

3 18

4 19

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 43 to 46: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Mann invited 8 of his friends – Yash, Aditya, Lakshya, Shivansh, Saarthak, Ishaan, Ansh and Aarush – for
the celebration of his birthday party. He planned to distribute three types of toffees– Melody(M), Eclairs(E)
and Pulse(P) to his friends. Each friend gets at least one toffee of each type and not more than 7 toffees of
any type. The following diagram represents the distribution of three types of toffees to his 8 friends

Moreover Yash, Aditya, Lakshya and Saarthak all received equal number of toffees in total. Interestingly,
Mann distributed the toffees in such a way that the number of Melody(M), Eclairs(E) and Pulse(P) for each
of these four friends are in the form of three distinct natural numbers and the combination of these three
numbers were identical but in any order for all the four friends.

If Ishaan received total 14 toffees, then maximum how many of these can be Melody?

1  6

2 12

3 15

4 10

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 47 to 50: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akram, Bimal, Charlie and Diljeet played chess against each other such that every player played exactly
one match against every other player. After all matches were played, they were asked about the results of
the matches. The replies were:
Akram: I won against Bimal. I lost to Charlie.
Bimal: I won two matches. I lost to Diljeet.
Charlie: I lost only one match. I won against Bimal.
Diljeet: I won against Akram. I won against Charlie.
It is also known that any player who lost more than 1 match always lies otherwise always speaks the truth.

The number of matches won by Diljeet is?

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 47 to 50: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akram, Bimal, Charlie and Diljeet played chess against each other such that every player played exactly
one match against every other player. After all matches were played, they were asked about the results of
the matches. The replies were:
Akram: I won against Bimal. I lost to Charlie.
Bimal: I won two matches. I lost to Diljeet.
Charlie: I lost only one match. I won against Bimal.
Diljeet: I won against Akram. I won against Charlie.
It is also known that any player who lost more than 1 match always lies otherwise always speaks the truth.

How many people lost more than 1 match?

1  1

2 2

3 3

4 1 or 2

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 47 to 50: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akram, Bimal, Charlie and Diljeet played chess against each other such that every player played exactly
one match against every other player. After all matches were played, they were asked about the results of
the matches. The replies were:
Akram: I won against Bimal. I lost to Charlie.
Bimal: I won two matches. I lost to Diljeet.
Charlie: I lost only one match. I won against Bimal.
Diljeet: I won against Akram. I won against Charlie.
It is also known that any player who lost more than 1 match always lies otherwise always speaks the truth.

Bimal won against

1  Akram only

2 Akram and Charlie

3 Charlie and Diljeet

4 Charlie only

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 47 to 50: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akram, Bimal, Charlie and Diljeet played chess against each other such that every player played exactly
one match against every other player. After all matches were played, they were asked about the results of
the matches. The replies were:
Akram: I won against Bimal. I lost to Charlie.
Bimal: I won two matches. I lost to Diljeet.
Charlie: I lost only one match. I won against Bimal.
Diljeet: I won against Akram. I won against Charlie.
It is also known that any player who lost more than 1 match always lies otherwise always speaks the truth.
Charlie lost to

1  Akram and Diljeet

2 Diljeet and Bimal

3 All 3

4 Cannot be determined

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 51 to 54: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

In the player’s auction for IPL 2018, four teams RR, DD, SH and MI participated. There were three rounds of
auction where all four teams participated in the 1st round. After the auction in each round, each team has
an option to retain a player from the players sold in that round only and they can take that person back
from the team who purchased that player. At the end of each round, the team with number of players in
double digits will eliminate and will not participate in further rounds. Initially the teams had no players and
SH and DD got eliminated after round 1 and 2 respectively. Further it is known that:

i. 26 players were sold in round1, 12 in round 2 and 7 in round 3.

ii. SH retained a player from MI and 2 players from DD in round 1 whereas DD retained a player each from
RR and MI in round 2. No other player was retained by any team in any round.

iii. The number of players purchased minus the players retained from MI by some other team is same for
MI in each round.

iv. RR purchased 1 more player than SH in round 1 and DD purchased 1 more player in round 1 than in
round 2.

v. At the end of round 3, all teams had at least 10 players.

How many players were purchased by DD in round 2?

1  4

2 5

3 6
4 7

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 Answer key/Solution

Directions for questions 51 to 54: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

In the player’s auction for IPL 2018, four teams RR, DD, SH and MI participated. There were three rounds of
auction where all four teams participated in the 1st round. After the auction in each round, each team has
an option to retain a player from the players sold in that round only and they can take that person back
from the team who purchased that player. At the end of each round, the team with number of players in
double digits will eliminate and will not participate in further rounds. Initially the teams had no players and
SH and DD got eliminated after round 1 and 2 respectively. Further it is known that:

i. 26 players were sold in round1, 12 in round 2 and 7 in round 3.

ii. SH retained a player from MI and 2 players from DD in round 1 whereas DD retained a player each from
RR and MI in round 2. No other player was retained by any team in any round.

iii. The number of players purchased minus the players retained from MI by some other team is same for
MI in each round.

iv. RR purchased 1 more player than SH in round 1 and DD purchased 1 more player in round 1 than in
round 2.

v. At the end of round 3, all teams had at least 10 players.

The number of players with SH at the end of round 3 was?

1  12

2 13

3 10

4 11

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 51 to 54: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

In the player’s auction for IPL 2018, four teams RR, DD, SH and MI participated. There were three rounds of
auction where all four teams participated in the 1st round. After the auction in each round, each team has
an option to retain a player from the players sold in that round only and they can take that person back
from the team who purchased that player. At the end of each round, the team with number of players in
double digits will eliminate and will not participate in further rounds. Initially the teams had no players and
SH and DD got eliminated after round 1 and 2 respectively. Further it is known that:

i. 26 players were sold in round1, 12 in round 2 and 7 in round 3.

ii. SH retained a player from MI and 2 players from DD in round 1 whereas DD retained a player each from
RR and MI in round 2. No other player was retained by any team in any round.

iii. The number of players purchased minus the players retained from MI by some other team is same for
MI in each round.

iv. RR purchased 1 more player than SH in round 1 and DD purchased 1 more player in round 1 than in
round 2.

v. At the end of round 3, all teams had at least 10 players.

The number of players purchased by MI in round 3 is what percent more than those purchased by RR in
round 2?

1  100%

2 75%

3 50%

4 25%

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 51 to 54: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

In the player’s auction for IPL 2018, four teams RR, DD, SH and MI participated. There were three rounds of
auction where all four teams participated in the 1st round. After the auction in each round, each team has
an option to retain a player from the players sold in that round only and they can take that person back
from the team who purchased that player. At the end of each round, the team with number of players in
double digits will eliminate and will not participate in further rounds. Initially the teams had no players and
SH and DD got eliminated after round 1 and 2 respectively. Further it is known that:

i. 26 players were sold in round1, 12 in round 2 and 7 in round 3.

ii. SH retained a player from MI and 2 players from DD in round 1 whereas DD retained a player each from
RR and MI in round 2. No other player was retained by any team in any round.

iii. The number of players purchased minus the players retained from MI by some other team is same for
MI in each round.

iv. RR purchased 1 more player than SH in round 1 and DD purchased 1 more player in round 1 than in
round 2.

v. At the end of round 3, all teams had at least 10 players.

Which two teams had equal number of players at the end of round 3?

1  RR and DD

2 DD and MI

3 DD and SH

4 RR and MI

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 55 to 58: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Basuki, Mutuki, Tutuki, Rushuki, Kifuki, Hanuki and Datuki are seven aliens from seven different planets
named Coozo, Arzoo, Funzoo, Dukzoo, Swapzoo, Puzo and Pazoo, not necessarily in the same order.

The aliens are marching towards planet Earth to attend the Milky Way conference organized by Elou Musk.

The vehicles used by the aliens are of three types – solar powered, hydrogen powered or water powered.

Some additional information is also known:

(i) Two of the seven aliens are using solar powered vehicles, three are using hydrogen powered, and the
rest using water powered vehicles.
(ii) Basuki of planet Coozo, is not using water powered vehicle.
(iii) The one from planet Arzoo is the only alien who marches using same vehicle as Basuki’s.
(IV) Mutuki and Hanuki are not using hydrogen powered vehicle, and they are from planet Pazoo and
Swapzoo respectively.
(V) Tutuki is from planet Funzoo.
(VI) Datuki is neither from Puzo nor from Arzoo.
(VII) Kifuki marches through the same kind of vehicle as that of the alien from planet Dukzoo.

Datuki belongs to which planet?

1  Dukzoo

2 Coozo

3 Swapzoo

4 Funzoo

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 55 to 58: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Basuki, Mutuki, Tutuki, Rushuki, Kifuki, Hanuki and Datuki are seven aliens from seven different planets
named Coozo, Arzoo, Funzoo, Dukzoo, Swapzoo, Puzo and Pazoo, not necessarily in the same order.

The aliens are marching towards planet Earth to attend the Milky Way conference organized by Elou Musk.

The vehicles used by the aliens are of three types – solar powered, hydrogen powered or water powered.

Some additional information is also known:

(i) Two of the seven aliens are using solar powered vehicles, three are using hydrogen powered, and the
rest using water powered vehicles.
(ii) Basuki of planet Coozo, is not using water powered vehicle.
(iii) The one from planet Arzoo is the only alien who marches using same vehicle as Basuki’s.
(IV) Mutuki and Hanuki are not using hydrogen powered vehicle, and they are from planet Pazoo and
Swapzoo respectively.
(V) Tutuki is from planet Funzoo.
(VI) Datuki is neither from Puzo nor from Arzoo.
(VII) Kifuki marches through the same kind of vehicle as that of the alien from planet Dukzoo.

The aliens who travel through hydrogen powered vehicle are

1  Datuki, Kifuki, Rushuki

2 Datuki, Hanuki, Tutuki

3 Hanuki, Kifuki, Tutuki

4 Datuki, Kifuki, Tutuki

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 Answer key/Solution
Directions for questions 55 to 58: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Basuki, Mutuki, Tutuki, Rushuki, Kifuki, Hanuki and Datuki are seven aliens from seven different planets
named Coozo, Arzoo, Funzoo, Dukzoo, Swapzoo, Puzo and Pazoo, not necessarily in the same order.

The aliens are marching towards planet Earth to attend the Milky Way conference organized by Elou Musk.

The vehicles used by the aliens are of three types – solar powered, hydrogen powered or water powered.

Some additional information is also known:

(i) Two of the seven aliens are using solar powered vehicles, three are using hydrogen powered, and the
rest using water powered vehicles.
(ii) Basuki of planet Coozo, is not using water powered vehicle.
(iii) The one from planet Arzoo is the only alien who marches using same vehicle as Basuki’s.
(IV) Mutuki and Hanuki are not using hydrogen powered vehicle, and they are from planet Pazoo and
Swapzoo respectively.
(V) Tutuki is from planet Funzoo.
(VI) Datuki is neither from Puzo nor from Arzoo.
(VII) Kifuki marches through the same kind of vehicle as that of the alien from planet Dukzoo.

Which of the following combinations is correct?

1  Rushuki–solar–Puzo

2 Rushuki–solar–Arzoo

3 Datuki–water–Dukzoo

4 Kifuki–water–Swapzoo

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Directions for questions 55 to 58: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Basuki, Mutuki, Tutuki, Rushuki, Kifuki, Hanuki and Datuki are seven aliens from seven different planets
named Coozo, Arzoo, Funzoo, Dukzoo, Swapzoo, Puzo and Pazoo, not necessarily in the same order.

The aliens are marching towards planet Earth to attend the Milky Way conference organized by Elou Musk.

The vehicles used by the aliens are of three types – solar powered, hydrogen powered or water powered.

Some additional information is also known:

(i) Two of the seven aliens are using solar powered vehicles, three are using hydrogen powered, and the
rest using water powered vehicles.
(ii) Basuki of planet Coozo, is not using water powered vehicle.
(iii) The one from planet Arzoo is the only alien who marches using same vehicle as Basuki’s.
(IV) Mutuki and Hanuki are not using hydrogen powered vehicle, and they are from planet Pazoo and
Swapzoo respectively.
(V) Tutuki is from planet Funzoo.
(VI) Datuki is neither from Puzo nor from Arzoo.
(VII) Kifuki marches through the same kind of vehicle as that of the alien from planet Dukzoo.

Which alien is from planet Arzoo?

1  Datuki

2 Hanuki

3 Rushuki

4 Cannot be determined

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Directions for questions 59 to 62: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The Iron used is of two types:

(i) Tangible
(ii) Intangible
40% of the Iron used in α-steel is Tangible.
55% of the Iron used in β-steel is Intangible.
45% of the Iron used in γ-steel is Tangible.
75% of the Iron used in δ-steel is Tangible.
100% of the Iron used in -steel is Intangible.

What is the total daily consumption of tangible steel?

1  100.25 m3

2 89.25 m3

3 50.35 m3

4 91.20 m3

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Directions for questions 59 to 62: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The Iron used is of two types:

(i) Tangible
(ii) Intangible
40% of the Iron used in α-steel is Tangible.
55% of the Iron used in β-steel is Intangible.
45% of the Iron used in γ-steel is Tangible.
75% of the Iron used in δ-steel is Tangible.
100% of the Iron used in -steel is Intangible.

What percentage of total ultra ash for the day is used for γ-graded steel?

1  29%

2 23%

3 31%

4 42%

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Directions for questions 59 to 62: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The Iron used is of two types:

(i) Tangible
(ii) Intangible
40% of the Iron used in α-steel is Tangible.
55% of the Iron used in β-steel is Intangible.
45% of the Iron used in γ-steel is Tangible.
75% of the Iron used in δ-steel is Tangible.
100% of the Iron used in -steel is Intangible.

The ratio of volume of tangible Iron to that of intangible iron consumed is

1  0.8

2 0.7

3 0.6

4 0.9

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Directions for questions 59 to 62: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The Iron used is of two types:

(i) Tangible
(ii) Intangible
40% of the Iron used in α-steel is Tangible.
55% of the Iron used in β-steel is Intangible.
45% of the Iron used in γ-steel is Tangible.
75% of the Iron used in δ-steel is Tangible.
100% of the Iron used in -steel is Intangible.

Due to the make in India outburst, the manager decides to increase the Nickel content in γ-graded steel by
100% and reduce the Iron content by two thirds and carbon content by 3/4. What will now be the total
volume of the daily consumption (m3) of Nickel and Iron respectively to make the product competitive?

1  62 and 68

2 152 and 64

3 76 and 93

4 81 and 79

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Directions for questions 63 to 66: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akbar called a carpenter to make a special bed for Jodhabai, his beloved wife. When Akbar enquired about
the labour charge of making the bed and time required for the same, the carpenter replied that it will take
seven days and the total labour charges would be equivalent to 140 grams of gold i.e. 20 grams gold for
each day. As Akbar had a gold biscuit of dimension 7cm × 1 cm × 1 cm, weighing exactly 140 grams, he
decided to pay the carpenter with that only. The carpenter requested Akbar to give the whole gold biscuit
on the rst day of work. But it was known to Akbar that the carpenter is defaulter, and if he got advance
payment for even a single day, he would not turn up to work on the next day. So Akbar decided to cut the
biscuit in seven equal pieces and make the payment at the end of each day. But the carpenter told Akbar
that after cutting the biscuit into seven pieces the value of the same will get reduced, as value of the gold
is inversely proportional to its total surface area. Akbar got confused and called Birbal to resolve the issue.
Birbal utilised his wisdom and came up with a plan to solve the above problem by cutting the biscuit in
minimum number of pieces. Finally, the carpenter agreed and started working and nished it in exactly
seven days.

The minimum number of pieces of the gold biscuits made by Birbal is

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Directions for questions 63 to 66: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akbar called a carpenter to make a special bed for Jodhabai, his beloved wife. When Akbar enquired about
the labour charge of making the bed and time required for the same, the carpenter replied that it will take
seven days and the total labour charges would be equivalent to 140 grams of gold i.e. 20 grams gold for
each day. As Akbar had a gold biscuit of dimension 7cm × 1 cm × 1 cm, weighing exactly 140 grams, he
decided to pay the carpenter with that only. The carpenter requested Akbar to give the whole gold biscuit
on the rst day of work. But it was known to Akbar that the carpenter is defaulter, and if he got advance
payment for even a single day, he would not turn up to work on the next day. So Akbar decided to cut the
biscuit in seven equal pieces and make the payment at the end of each day. But the carpenter told Akbar
that after cutting the biscuit into seven pieces the value of the same will get reduced, as value of the gold
is inversely proportional to its total surface area. Akbar got confused and called Birbal to resolve the issue.
Birbal utilised his wisdom and came up with a plan to solve the above problem by cutting the biscuit in
minimum number of pieces. Finally, the carpenter agreed and started working and nished it in exactly
seven days.

The sum of the weights of the heaviest piece and the lightest piece of the gold biscuit was what percent of
total weight of the biscuit?

1  57.14

2 71.42

3 42.85

4 85.71

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Directions for questions 63 to 66: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akbar called a carpenter to make a special bed for Jodhabai, his beloved wife. When Akbar enquired about
the labour charge of making the bed and time required for the same, the carpenter replied that it will take
seven days and the total labour charges would be equivalent to 140 grams of gold i.e. 20 grams gold for
each day. As Akbar had a gold biscuit of dimension 7cm × 1 cm × 1 cm, weighing exactly 140 grams, he
decided to pay the carpenter with that only. The carpenter requested Akbar to give the whole gold biscuit
on the rst day of work. But it was known to Akbar that the carpenter is defaulter, and if he got advance
payment for even a single day, he would not turn up to work on the next day. So Akbar decided to cut the
biscuit in seven equal pieces and make the payment at the end of each day. But the carpenter told Akbar
that after cutting the biscuit into seven pieces the value of the same will get reduced, as value of the gold
is inversely proportional to its total surface area. Akbar got confused and called Birbal to resolve the issue.
Birbal utilised his wisdom and came up with a plan to solve the above problem by cutting the biscuit in
minimum number of pieces. Finally, the carpenter agreed and started working and nished it in exactly
seven days.
The weight of the gold piece handed over by Birbal to the carpenter to make the transaction complete at
the end of the 3rd day was what percent of the total weight of the biscuit?

1  85.71

2 71.42

3 57.14

4 14.28

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Directions for questions 63 to 66: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Akbar called a carpenter to make a special bed for Jodhabai, his beloved wife. When Akbar enquired about
the labour charge of making the bed and time required for the same, the carpenter replied that it will take
seven days and the total labour charges would be equivalent to 140 grams of gold i.e. 20 grams gold for
each day. As Akbar had a gold biscuit of dimension 7cm × 1 cm × 1 cm, weighing exactly 140 grams, he
decided to pay the carpenter with that only. The carpenter requested Akbar to give the whole gold biscuit
on the rst day of work. But it was known to Akbar that the carpenter is defaulter, and if he got advance
payment for even a single day, he would not turn up to work on the next day. So Akbar decided to cut the
biscuit in seven equal pieces and make the payment at the end of each day. But the carpenter told Akbar
that after cutting the biscuit into seven pieces the value of the same will get reduced, as value of the gold
is inversely proportional to its total surface area. Akbar got confused and called Birbal to resolve the issue.
Birbal utilised his wisdom and came up with a plan to solve the above problem by cutting the biscuit in
minimum number of pieces. Finally, the carpenter agreed and started working and nished it in exactly
seven days.

The total weight (in grams) of the pieces of the gold biscuit returned by the carpenter to Birbal on day 4 for
making the transaction possible is

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Sec 3
Find the area (in sq. unit) enclosed by the curve

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In the gure given below, PQRS is a square formed by joining the mid points of the square ABCD.

Find the area occupied by the shaded region as a percentage (approx) of the area of square ABCD.

1  15.25%

2 12.5%

3 37.5%

4 13.5%

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A cake factory has 36 baking machines, 60 lling machines and 144 jacking machines. If the manager of
the factory decides to place equal number of machine in each row such that each row has machines of
same category, then what is the least number of rows required?

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Cersei is selling 100 identical articles at a discount of 34% and making a pro t of 20%. If 20 of these
articles are found faulty and she repairs them at a cost of 9.09% of initial cost price of each article, at what
discount should she sell her articles so as to still make a pro t of 20%?

1  32.2%

2 31.6%

3 32.8%

4 33.2%

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A team of 30 painters was employed by “Asian Paints” to paint a building in 90 days. But while the work
was reviewed after 60 days, only 40% of the work was completed. Find the number of more men to be
employed after those 60 days to meet the deadline.

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If A(3,5) and B(9,7) are two end points of diameter AB of a circle and two tangents AC and BD are drawn to
the circle touching it at points A and B. It is known that AC = 2BD = 12cm, then what is the area (in cm2)
enclosed by the gure ABDC?

1  18/√20

2 18√10

3 12/√10

4 9/√20

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A function is de ned as f(x) = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx2 + e such that (x2 – 1) is a factor of f(x). If f(x) intersects
the y-axis at (0, –10), then nd the value of (b + e).

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Arun’s present age is 25% of Barun’s present age. After some years, Arun’s age will become 70% of Barun’s
age at that time. By what percent will Barun’s age increase during this period?

1  200

2 150

3 100

4 125

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There are 7 students S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7, in a class. The respective ratio of heights of S1,S2,S4 and
S5 is 15 : 16 : 9 : 8, and that of S2, S3, S6 and S7 is 8 : 5 : 11 : 12. If height of S7 is 16 cm more than that of
S2, then nd the sum of height (in cm) of S4, S5 and S6.

1  100

2 120

3 78

4 95

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Angela can buy 3 more apples in Rs. 100 if the price of apples is reduced by 14.28%. How many apples can
she bought in Rs. 200 before reduction?

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A person lends one-third of his money at 15%, while the rest at 18% per annum rate of simple interest.
What would be his annual rate of interest on the whole sum?

1  17.25%
2 17%

3 33%

4 16.5

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If log2 x = log8 y = m, and x and y are positive integers, then nd logx y.

1  m

2 3

3 6

4 m2

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A and B run in opposite direction around a circular track of radius 140 m. The speed of A is 7m/s whereas
speed of B is 3m/s. Whenever they are at a distance of 10 m on the track they say hello or bye to each
other. Find the number of times A said hello or bye to B till the time A has covered a total distance of
12320 m.

1  16

2 20

3 32
4 40

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How many positive integral values of a will satisfy the equation 2a3 + 14a2 – 98a – 686 < 0 ?

1  7

2 14

3 6

4 In nite values

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If P2 x Q3 =1000 and P2n x Q3n = 100 R6n, then nd the value of log10 R.

3 2

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A robbery was discovered 30 minutes after it occurred. Mr. X, the inspector, started chasing the thief who
is absconding on a bike, in his jeep at the speed of 60 kmph. He caught the thief in 4 hrs and 30 minutes.
Find the speed (in km/hr) of the bike.

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If x is real number, then nd the minimum value of

1  –3

4 0

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A dice is rolled three times. What is the probability that the numbers appearing on the top on every
subsequent throw are in increasing order with their sum equal to 9?

1  1/72

2 1/108

3 1/144
4 1/36

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If N = 2197P × 1442 × 2R × 3S is the perfect cube of a natural number, where P, R and S are distinct positive
integers, then nd the minimum value of (P + R + S).

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Find the sum of the series: 3 + 15 + 35 + 63 + … + 9999.

1  161650

2 171700

3 171650

4 None of these

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If f(a + b) = f(a) . f(b – 1), and f(0) = 3, then nd the value of f(1) × f(2) × f(3) × f(4) … × f(100).

1  310109

2 35049
3 35151

4 35150

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How many integral values of x satisfy the inequality (3 – x) (x + 6) ≥ 3x?

1  8

2 11

3 7

4 9

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ABC is an isosceles right angle triangle, right angled at A. One more isosceles right angle triangle, MBC, is
drawn taking BC as its hypotenuse. Now taking M as center and MB as radius a circle is drawn. What
percentage (approx) of area of the triangle ABC lies within the circle?

1  57%

2 67%

3 15%

4 35%

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The average monthly salary of 12 workers and 3 managers in a factory was Rs. 600. When one of the
managers, whose salary was Rs. 720, and a worker, whose salary was Rs 300, were replaced with a new
manager and a new worker, where the salary of the new worker was Rs 200, then the average salary of the
team dropped down to Rs.580. What is the salary (in Rs.) of the new manager?

1  520

2 420

3 690

4 640

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The sum of 3rd and 28th term of an Arithmetic Progression is same as that of 7th, 11th and 18th term of
the Arithmetic Progression. If the sum of the rst N terms of this Arithmetic Progression is zero, then nd
the value of N.

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If a three digit natural number N is increased by 90% , then it becomes a perfect square. Find the sum of all
possible values of remainders when N is divided by 7.

1  4
2 1

3 5

4 6

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Find the number of trailing zeroes in (23! + 24! + 26!).

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A cube of edge 8 cm is given. The mid parts of 3 edges (which converge to a vertex o) are joined forming
the triangle ABC and a cutting plane cuts along the plane ABC. Find the volume of the shape cut out.

1  32/3

2 32/√3

3 16/3

4 32

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Three friends A, B and C bought 5, 6 and 8 articles respectively, from a store. Their individual ranges of
expenses on the ve articles were 200, 240 and 300 respectively. If each one didn’t spend less than 1200
and more than 2000, then what is the difference between the maximum and minimum possible ranges of
all their expenses put together?

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A solution of acid and water contains 20% acid in it. What percentage of water must be evaporated from
the solution to get a 50% acid solution?

1  40%

2 75%

3 60%

4 50%

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In the gure given above , AB is the diameter of the circle, PT and PDC are tangent and secant
respectively. If PT = 10 cm, BP = 4 cm and DP = 5 cm, nd the ratio of length of radius to that of chord CD
of the circle.

1  10 : 7

2 7:5

3 7 : 10

4 5:7

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Sum of two natural numbers A and B is 15, and their HCF is 3. How many ordered pairs of (A, B) are

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A man spends exactly Rs. 810 for buying caps and gloves at Rs. 30 and Rs. 70 respectively. What is the
ratio of number of gloves to that of caps, if he purchased maximum possible number of gloves?
1  3:2

2 4:5

3 2:3

4 5:4

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There is enough food for 10 men to survive for 10 days, if each man eats 600g per day. How many men can
survive on the same quantity of food for 15 days if each eats 500g a day?

1  8

2 12

3 6

4 4

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