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Lrdi 13

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Arrangement - 2

LRDI - 13

Number of Questions : 27

Directions for question 1 to 4: Answer the questions 1. Who purchased Jeans?

on the basis of the information given below. (1) Pranav (2) Mayank
(3) Sameer (4) Ashutosh
Five friends, namely Pranav, Mayank, Sameer,
Ashutosh and Sumit with their surnames being 2. Suit is from which Brand?
Sharma, Mahajan, Gemini, Singh and Tiwari (1) Raymonds (2) Color plus
(not necessarily in that order), went for shopping. (3) Pepe (4) Numero Uno
Each friend prefer an apparel of a particular brand.The
brands are Colour plus, Pepe, Numero Uno, Levis, 3. Mayank’s surname is
and Raymonds (not necessarily in that order). They (1) Singh (2) Mahajan
purchased Jeans, T-shirt, Shirt, Suit and Pant. The (3) Tiwari (4) Gemini
amounts spent by each of them is Rs. 300, Rs.
800, Rs. 900, Rs. 1600 and Rs. 2100 (not necessarily 4. How much money was spent by Ashutosh?
in that order). (1) Rs. 2,100 (2) Rs. 800
i. Mr Singh spent Rs. 1300 more than Pranav (3) Rs. 900 (4) Rs. 1,600
Sharma but less than the man who purchased
the brand Numero Uno. Directions for questions 5 to 8: Answer the
ii. Sameer spent thrice as much as man who questions on the basis of the information given below.
purchased the T-shirt.
iii. The Numero Uno item purchased cost seven Five friends Pankaj, Purushottam, Pulkit, Parinita
times as much as the Levis item. and Prerna wrote test in Zoology, Botany and
iv. The person who purchased Jeans spent less Chemistry. They got different ranks according to the
than the man who buys brand Raymonds but performance by them in their respective test. Rank
more than the man who bought Color plus 1 is best rank followed by rank 2, 3, 4 and 5.
brand. No two persons got the same rank in same test
v. Mr Gemini spent more than man who bought taken and got different ranks in different subjects.
brand Levis or one who bought Shirt but less (i) Pulkit got better rank than Parinita in Zoology
than both Ashutosh or Mr. Tiwari. and Pankaj in Chemistry
vi. Suit was the costliest item. (ii) Prerna didn’t get the best rank in any of the
vii. One person is having the name and surname subject taken and she got third rank in
starting with same alphabet. Zoology.

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(iii) Person with rank 5 in Chemistry got rank 2 in (iii) Difference in the number of chocolates with A
Botany. and C is equals to the difference in the number
(iv) Purushottam got rank 5 in Botany and his of chocolates with D and B.
best possible rank is 3. (iv) B and C like TV shows starting with the same
(v) Parinita and Pankaj both got best rank and alphabet.
worst rank. (v) The person receiving the maximum number
(vi) Pankaj got rank 1 in Zoology and Parinita got of chocolates likes a sports show.
rank 4 in Chemistry.
9. The sum of the number of chocolates with B
5. Who got rank 3 in Botany? and D is
(1) Pulkit (2) Purushottam (1) 3 (2) 4
(3) Parinita (4) Pankaj (3) 5 (4) 6

6. Who got best rank in Chemistry? 10. Who likes Wrestlemania?

(1) Pulkit (2) Prerna (1) A (2) E
(3) Purushottam (4) Either (2) or (3) (3) D (4) Cannot be determined

7. Who got rank 2 in Botany? 11. If the person with 3 chocolates likes Raw,
(1) Pankaj (2) Prerna then how many chocolates does the person
(3) Purushottam (4) Parinita who like Wrestlemania have?
(1) 1 (2) 2
8. Who got lowest rank in Zoology? (3) 3 (4) 4
(1) Pulkit (2) Prerna
(3) Purushottam (4) Parinita 12. D likes
(1) Raw (2) Wrestlemania
Directions for questions 9 to 12: Answer the (3) Hitz (4) Cannot be determined
questions on the basis of the information given below.
Directions for questions 13 to 16: Answer the
Five friends A, B, C, D and E bought 10 chocolates questions on the basis of the information given below.
and distributed those among themselves such that
each of them received a distinct integral number of Four friends - Pawan, Qureshi, Radhika and Sameer
chocolates. Each of them also likes to watch a TV - practise Lawn Tennis from Monday to Saturday
show among Sportscenter, Raw, Wrestlemania, every week. Exactly two friends practice every day.
Smackdown and Hitz (not necessarily in that order). A different pair practices on each day of a week and
Sportscenter and Hitz are sports shows and rest no two pairs practice for an equal number of hours
are wrestling shows. No two persons like the same during a week. The number of hours for which any
TV show. pair practices is a natural number less than 10.
Following informations are also given: It is also known that:
(i) C, who didn’t receive any chocolate, does not (i) Pawan doesn't practice on Monday. Also,
like any wrestling show. he doesn't practice on any two consecutive
(ii) A received more chocolates than B, whereas days.
E did not receive the maximum number of (ii) The number of hours for which Sameer
chocolates. practices on any day is a multiple of 3.

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(iii) Radhika practices on three consecutive days Directions for questions 17 to 19: Answer the
but not on Monday. questions on the basis of the information given below.
(iv) Sameer doesn't practice on Wednesday and
A group of college friends went to a discotheque.
The boys were Ammy, Swapi, Yeshu, Rajju, Siddhu,
(v) The number of hours for which Qureshi
Hemlu, and Anshu. The girls were Apara, Nishthu,
practices on any day is an odd prime number.
Sisha, Teenu and Jyoti.
(vi) The distinct values of the number of hours for
which different pairs practice during a week The entry charges for a couple (boy and a girl) are
contain two odd perfect squares. Rs. 500. The entry for a single girl is free whereas a
(vii) The sum of the number of hours for which stag (single boy) has to pay Rs. 400 for an entry.
practice is done on Friday and Saturday is 1 The group had two couples. People having boyfriends/
more than the sum of the number of hours for girlfriends make entry together as couples.
which practice is done on Tuesday and However, those not having a boyfriend or a girlfriend
Wednesday. can form a couple with any available person and
gain entry.
13. For how many hours in a week does Radhika I. Apara and Jyoti have boyfriends in the group.
practice? II. Sisha formed a couple with either Ammy or
(1) 17 Anshu.
(2) 16 III. No girl made a single entry.
(3) 15 IV. Teenu made couple entry with Yeshu or
(4) 14 Siddhu.
V. Rajju has a girlfriend in the group.
14. On which of the following days does Qureshi VI. Nishthu formed a couple with either Rajju or
practice with Pawan? Ammy.
(1) Saturday
17. Nishthu made couple entry with
(2) Thursday
(1) Ammy (2) Rajju
(3) Wednesday
(3) Swapi (4) Anshu
(4) Tuesday
18. If Swapi has a girlfriend, then who made stag
15. Which of the following combinations of pair of
friends-day-number of hours of practice is (1) Two out of the four Yeshu, Siddhu, Hemlu,
correct? Anshu
(1) Radhika and Qureshi-Wednesday-5 hours (2) Siddhu and Hemlu
(2) Radhika and Sameer-Friday-9 hours (3) Definitely Hemlu and either Siddhu or
(3) Pawan and Sameer-Thursday-6 hours Anshu
(4) None of these (4) Definitely Hemlu and either Yeshu or
16. On which day Radhika’s partner on
Wednesday and Radhika’s partner on Friday 19. If all the given restrictions are waived and the
play together? group wants to minimize overall expenditure,
(1) Monday then how many couples, stags and single girls
(2) Tuesday should make entry?
(3) Thursday (1) 0, 7, 5 (2) 5, 2, 0
(4) Saturday (3) 2, 5, 3 (4) 2, 4, 4

LRDI - 13 Page 3
Directions for questions 20 to 23: Answer the Directions for questions 24 to 27: Answer the
questions on the basis of the information given below. question on the basis of the information given below.
BCCI has to select a committee of five persons to
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are 10 friends. serve as their representative on the board of ICC.
These 10 friends are divided into three different groups The committee must have two coaches and three
namely group X, group Y and group Z. Each group players. There are three coaches namely A, B, and
must contain at least two friends.
C and five players namely D, E, F, G, and H that are
available for selection.
Additional Information Given:
1. B and J are in the same group.
2. D, E and F are in different groups. Additional information given:
3. A is in group X. • B and H cannot be selected simultaneously.
4. C is not in group Y and D is not in group Z. • F and G cannot be selected simultaneously.
5. H, I and C are in the same group. • E and H cannot be selected simultaneously.

20. If C and D are in the same group, then which 24. For every possible acceptable selection of the
of the following can never be in the group committee representing BCCI on the board
which has exactly three friends? of ICC, which of the following replacement will
(1) B (2) E always result in another acceptable selection
(3) F (4) G of the committee representing BCCI on the
board of ICC?
21. If F is in group X and G is not in group Y, then
(1) B for C (2) F for E
how many of the following pairs of friends
cannot be in the same group? (3) F for G (4) B for A
I. (J, F) II. (D, G)
III. (C, E) IV. (D, I) 25. If A is always selected in the committee,
V. (B, E) VI. (A, H) who else will definitely be selected in the
(1) 5 (2) 4 (1) C (2) E
(3) 3 (4) 2 (3) D (4) None of these

22. If one of the groups has exactly six friends, 26. If A is always selected in the committee,
then which of the following people can never in how many ways can the committee be
be in that group? selected?
(1) A (2) G
(1) 6 (2) 4
(3) D (4) A, G and D
(3) 7 (4) 5
23. If there are exactly five friends in group Z, then
which of the following people is definitely in 27. The number of different committees in which
group Y? both C and D are present is
(1) J (2) D (1) 8 (2) 6
(3) E (4) G (3) 4 (4) 2

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LRDI - 13 CEX-D-0285/22
Answers and Explanations

1 3 2 4 3 2 4 4 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 4 9 3 10 4
11 2 12 3 13 1 14 1 15 2 16 1 17 1 18 4 19 1 20 4
21 2 22 4 23 1 24 3 25 3 26 1 27 2

For questions 1 to 4: For questions 5 to 8:

From statement (i), Mr. Singh must have spent Rs. 1600 From statements (ii), (iv) and (vi) following table can be made
(as, 1600-300 = 1300) and Numero Uno is the costliest item
Nam e Zoology Botany Chem istry
costing Rs. 2100 and it is the suit (statement-vi). From statement
(ii), Sameer must have spent Rs. 900 (as, only 900 = 3 × 300). Pankaj 1
The T-shirt must have cost Rs. 300 which is from Levis brand Purushottam 5
(statement-iii). According to statement (v), Mr. Gemini spent
more than two pers ons and less than two persons. Pulkit
So, he must would have spent Rs. 900 and the person paying Parinita 4
800, bought shirt.
Prerna 3

Now, from statement (vii), Mayank must be Mahajan (because Now, from statement (iv) Purushottam’s best possible rank is
two people cannot have surname starting with same letter. 3, so he must be at rank 4 in Zoology and at rank 3 in Chemistry
So, Sumit can not be Singh) (as he cannot be at 3rd rank in Zoology and 4th rank in
Hence, Ashutosh must be Singh and Sumit must be Tiwari. From statement (v) Parinita must be at rank 5 in Zoology and at
rank 1 in Botany (as she canno be at rank 1 in Zoology).
Now, with the help of statement (vi) following table can be Hence, Pulkit is at rank 2 in Zoology. Further, Pankaj would be
formed: at rank 5 in Chemistry and he got rank 2 in Botany (statement
Now, Prerna has already got rank 3 in Zoology. So, she cannot
Pranav Sharma Levis T-Shirt 300 get rank 3 in Botany.
Mayank Mahajan Colour Plus Shirt 800 Hence, she is getting rank 4 in Botany and Pulkit is getting rank
3 in Botany.
Sameer Gemini Pepe Jeans 900 So, following conclusion can be made:
Ashutosh Singh Raymonds Pant 1600
Nam e Zoology Botany Chem istry
Sumit Tiw ari Numero Uno Suit 2100
Pankaj 1 2 5
Purushottam 4 5 3
1. 3 Sameer purchased jeans.
Pulkit 2 3 1

2. 4 Suit is from Numero Uno brand. Parinita 5 1 4

Prerna 3 4 2
3. 2 Mayank’s surname is Mahajan.

4. 4 Ashutosh spent Rs. 1600. 5. 1 Pulkit got rank 3 in Botany.

6. 1 Pulkit got rank 1 in Chemistry.

LRDI - 13 Page 1
7. 1 Pankaj got rank 2 in Botany. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nor on Thursday, Friday,
Saturday because practice days of P will become consecutive,
8. 4 Pranita got lowest rank in Zoology. which violates statement (i).

For questions 9 to 12: So, R will practice on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and P has
The chocolates can be divided as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 among to practice on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
themselves. Since, S doesn’t practice on Wednesday and Saturday, the
From statements (i) and (iv), C must be liking Sportscentre and only days left for S are Tuesday and Friday which implies that
B likes Smackdown. Q will practice on Wednesday and Saturday. So we get the
From statement (ii), B must be receiving 1 or 2 or 3 chocolates following arrangement
(because it must be more than 0, as C gets 0 chocolates, and Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
less than the maximum number of chocolates, as A is getting
more than B). Whereas, A can get 2 or 3 or 4 chocolates. S–Q P– S R– Q P– R R– S P-Q
From statement (iii),
No. of chocolates with D – No. of chocolates with B = number From the statements (ii), (v) and (vi) the possible hours are 1,
of chocolates with A. 3, 5, 6, 7, 9.

Now, following cases can be made: The pair of S and Q must be playing for 3 hours. From statement
No. of Chocolate No. of Chocolate No. of Chocolate (iii), Sameer must practice for 6 or 9 hours.
w ith A w ith B w ith D
From statement (v), Q will play for 7 or 5 hours on Wednesday
Cas e I. 2 2 4
or Saturday.
Cas e II. 2 1 3
Cas e III. 3 1 4 Hence, from statement (vii), the only possible combination is
Case-I is not possible because two people cannot get same Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
number of chocolates. SQ PS RQ PR RS PQ

Case-II is also not possible because in this case, E would be 3 6 7 1 9 5

getting 4 chocolates, which is maximum and it will violate 13 hours 14 hours
statement (ii).

Now, with the help of statement, (v), we can made the table 13. 1 Radhika practices for 7 + 1 + 9 = 17 hours
14. 1 Saturday
Nam es No. of chocolates TV show s
15. 2 Radhika played with Sameer for 9 hours on Friday.
A 3 Raw /Wrestlemania
B 1 Smackdow n 16. 1 Radhika’s partner on Wednesday is Quraishi, and on
Friday is Sameer. Hence, Sameer and Quraishi play
C 0 Sportscentre together on Monday.
D 4 Hitz
For questions 17 to 19:
E 2 Wrestlemania/Raw From statements (i) and (v), Rajju is boyfriend of Apara or
Jyoti. From statement (vi), Nishthu must form couple with Ammy
9. 3 1 + 4 = 5 i.e. 5 chocolates. (as Rajju cannot be with Nishthu) which implies Sisha must
form a couple with Anshu (statement ii).
10. 4 Either A or E anyone c an like wrestlemania.
So, it can’t be determined uniquely. On combining rest statements, we get the following two
11. 2 Person liking Wrestlemania gets 2 chocolates.
Pssibility (1) Pssibility (2)
12. 3 D likes Hitz. Girls Boys Girls Boys

For questions 13 to 16: Apara Rajju Apara

We denote Pawan, Quraishi, Radhika and Sameer as P, Q, R Jyoti Jyoti Rajju
and S respectively.
Nishthu Ammy Nishthu Ammy
So, the couples can be formed as PQ, PR, PS, QR, QS, RS.
Teenu Yeshu/Siddhu Teem Yeshu/Siddhu
From statements (i) and (iii), P and R do not play on Monday.
So, Q and S must be playing on Monday. R neither can practice Sisha Anshu Sisha Anshu

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17. 1 Nishthu made entry with Ammy.
Hence, following arrangements are possible.

18. 4 If Swapi has a girlfriend, which means Hemlu is Group containing Group contains
definitely making stag entry and either Siddhu or Yeshu 2 people 6 people
is making stag entry. Group X Group Y Group Z

19. 1 From option 1, 0 × 500 + 7 × 400 + 5 × 0 = 2800 1 AD EG FHICBJ

rupees 2 AD FG EHICBJ
From option 2, 5 × 500 + 2 × 400 + 0 × 0 = 3300
From option 3, 2 × 500 + 5 × 400 + 3 × 0 = 3000 Hence, A, G and D cannot be in the group containing 6
rupees people.
From option 4, 2 × 500 + 4 × 400 + 4 × 0 = 2600
23. 1 Since one of D, E or F is already present in group X
(statement 2) and A is also in group X (statement 3).
But in option (4), we are not sure about the 7th person Thus, group X already contains two people, and groups
(whether it is a boy or a girl). Hence, 1st option gives Y and Z have exactly one people each(statement 2).
the minimum expenditure. Now, BJ cannot be in group X because group X will
become a group with four people and group Z contains
20. 4 From statement (iv) and additional informations given 5 people (given), which implies that group Y contains
in the question, C and D both are in group X and from
only one person, which is not possible.
statement (v), H and I will also be in group X.
Similarly, HIC cannot be in group X or group Y.
So, we are sure that A, H, I, C and D all are in group X.
Hence, HIC must be in group Z and group Z also
Now, E and F has to be in different group (statement
contains another person (statement 2) i.e. total four
2) and B and J are together (statement 1).
Hence, only two combinations are possible for group
Hence, BJ cannot be in group Z (as it will become a
Y and Z which are EBJ, FG or EG, BJF.
group with six people).
So, G cannot be in the group of three.
So, BJ must be in group Y.
21. 2 Since, F is in group X, and D is not in group Z (statement Hence, option (1) is correct.
4) and D, E, F are in different groups (statement 2),
so D and E must be in group Y and Z respectively. For questions 24 to 27:
Since, out of the three coaches, we have to select any two,
Now, from statements (4) and (5), HIC can be in group the possible cases are AB, BC or AC.
X or group Z and since G is not in group Y, following
arrangements are possible. Following the conditions given in the question, these selections
are possible.
Group X Group Y Group Z ABDEF
Hence, (J, F), (D, G), (D, I) and (B, E) cannot be in the ACHDF
same group. ACHDG

24. 3 F and G are related to themselves only and F and G

22. 4 Since one of the groups has exactly six friends,
are mutually exclusive i.e. options (1), (2) and (4) are
other two groups must contain two friends each.
not possible. Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.
Since, A is in group X (statement iii) and DEF are in
different groups (statement ii). Hence, group X has 25. 3 If A is always selected, D is definately in that group.
two people. W hile groups Y and Z have one person
each. 26. 1 There are 6 possible arrangements with A is in the
So, HIC and BJ must be together and in the same group.
group. Since, C is not in group Y and group X already
contains two people, HFC and BJ must be in group Z. 27. 2 C and D both are present in 6 groups.

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