Lubricating Oils Test Methods
Lubricating Oils Test Methods
Lubricating Oils Test Methods
Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils
Test Method
Foaming of lubricating oils in applications involving turbulence, high speed
gearing or high volume pumping can cause inadequate lubrication,
cavitation, overflow and premature oxidation. The sample is blown with a
controlled volume of air at different specified temperatures, including a
newer high temperature test at 150C. The resultant foam is measured at
the end of each aeration period and at different intervals afterward. In the
high temperature test, the amount of time required for the foam to collapse
to 0 after the aeration period is also measured.
Foaming Characteristics Test Baths
Dual-twin models for standard foaming characteristics tests
High temperature liquid bath for Sequence IV tests
Automatic time sequence models for both tests
Custom configurations for specialized applications
Dual Twin Foaming Characteristics Test ApparatusPerforms two
tests at 75F (24C) and two tests at 200F (93.5C). Consists of two 12x18"
(30.5x45.7cm) constant temperature baths with 1000mL test cylinders, certified
diffusers, air delivery tubes, and flowmeters (94mL/min.) for each sample.
Baths are equipped with microprocessor temperature controls, copper
immersion heaters and 120hp circulation stirrers to maintain temperature
uniformity of 1F (0.5C). Microprocessor PID control provides quick
temperature stabilization without overshoot and the bath is protected by an
overtemperature control circuit that interrupts power should bath temperature K43041
exceed a programmed cut-off point. Dual LED displays provide actual and Sequence IV
setpoint temperature values in C/F format. Test cylinders are held securely in Liquid Foaming
place by quick-locking cams in the bath cover assembly. A separate stainless Characteristics
steel support rack is provided to hold the test cylinders after removal from the Apparatus
bath. Cold bath (24C) has built-in coils for circulating exit air from the high
temperature test cylinders prior to passing to a volume meter, and a separate High Temperature Sequence IV Liquid Foam Test BathFor two tests
coil for circulating cooling water or refrigerant when the ambient temperature at 150C with a flow rate of 200mL/min. in accordance with ASTM D6082
exceeds the test temperature. Supplied with rubber stoppers and glass air specifications. Consists of a constant temperature bath with 1000mL test
outlet tubes for each cylinder. Bath controls are enclosed in a finished steel cylinders, certified diffusers, air delivery tubes and flowmeters.
base with chemical resistant polyurethane enamel finish. Communications Microprocessor PID control provides quick temperature stabilization without
software as seen on page 110 (RS232, etc.), ramp-to-set and other overshoot and the bath is protected by an overtemperature control circuit that
enhanced features are available as extra cost options. Contact your Koehler interrupts power should bath temperature exceed a programmed cut-off point.
representative for information. Dual LED displays provide actual and setpoint temperature values in C/F
FTM 791-3213 Aircraft Lubricants TestEmploys more severe format. Quick response copper immersion heaters provide efficient high
conditions, smaller sample, increased air flow, and longer aeration period to temperature operation, and a stirrer unit provides complete circulation for
test the foaming characteristics of aircraft-turbine lubricants. All models are temperature uniformity of better than 1F (0.5C). Locking cams hold the
available on special order for FTM 791-3213 testing. Please call or write for test cylinders in a vertical position, and a separate rack is provided to hold the
specifications and ordering information. cylinders after removal from the bath. For operator safety, an acrylic heat shield
surrounds the Borosilicate Glass bath jar. Communications software (RS232,
Specifications Included Accessories etc.), ramp-to-set and other enhanced features are available as extra cost
Conforms to the specifications of: Test Cylinders, 1000mL (4) options. Contact your Koehler representative for information.
ASTM D892; IP 146; DIN 51566; Diffuser Stones, calibrated and
FTM 791-3211, 791-3213*; NF T certified (4) Specifications
60-129 Air Delivery Tube Assemblies (4) Conforms to the specifications of: ASTM D6082
Temperature Control: Air Outlet Tubes (4) Temperature Control:
Digital Setpoint and Displays C/F Rubber Stoppers (4) Digital Setpoint and Displays C/F switchable
switchable Bath Jars (2) Built-in Overtemperature Cut-off Protection
Built-in Overtemperature Cut-off Support Rack (1) Included Accessories
Protection Acrylic Safety Shield, 18" Test Cylinders, 1000mL (2) Bath Jar (1)
Diffuser Stones, calibrated and certified (2) Support Rack (1)
*Requires modifications to standard equipment.
Air Delivery Tube Assemblies (2) Rubber Stoppers (2)
This equipment is available with a digital-indicating mass flow controller in place of the Air Outlet Tube (2) Acrylic Safety Shield, 18"
standard flowmeter. Please call or write for specifications and/or ordering information.
Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils
Ordering Information
Catalog Electrical Bath Air Bath Dimensions Shipping
Model No. Requirements Temperature Flow Rate Capacity lxwxh,in.(cm) Information
Dual- K43002 115V 24C
Twin 60Hz (75F) 3214x15x3114 Shipping Wgt.
15.6A (82x38x79.4) 217 lbs
K43092 220-240V and 9 gal Net Weight: (98.4kg)
50/60Hz (38.5L) 108 lbs (49kg) Dimensions
8.1A 93.5C 94mL/min each 29.6 Cu. ft.
Automatic K43003 115V (200F) bath
Time 60Hz 3214x15x3114 Shipping Wgt.
Sequence 16A (82x38x79.4) 227 lbs
K43093 220-240V (Operator Net Weight: (103kg)
50/60Hz variable) 118 lbs (53.5kg) Dimensions:
8A 33 Cu. ft.
Sequence K43041 115V 150C
IV 60Hz (302F) 1634x15x3114 Shipping Wgt.
Liquid 14A 200mL/min 9 gal (42.5x38x79.4) 89 lbs
(Operator (38.5L) Net Weight: (40.4kg)
K43049 220-240V variable) 62 lbs (28.1kg) Dimensions
50/60Hz 16.3 Cu. ft.
Ordering Information
Catalog Electrical Bath Air Bath Dimensions Shipping
Model No. Requirements Temperature Flow Rate Capacity lxwxh,in.(cm) Information
D892/D6082 K43005 115V Left (Cold) Bath: Ambient to 93.5C
Dual Twin 60Hz (200F) External Chiller required to 3214x15x3114 Shipping Wgt.
15.6A perform Sequence I and III at 24C 94mL/min and 9 gal (82x38x79.4) 217 lbs
K43095 220-240V 200mL/min (38.5L) Net Weight: (98.4kg)
50/60Hz Right (Hot) Bath: Ambient to 150C each 108 lbs (49kg) Dimensions:
8.1A (302F) 29.6 Cu. ft.
Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils
Catalog No.
387-115-001 Air Pump, oil-less. Delivers 100% oil-free air. 115V 60Hz
387-230-001 Air Pump, oil-less. 220-240V 50/60Hz
K43026 Wet Test Gas Meter
For volume measurements of air leaving the test cylinders.
Note: One meter is required for each test cylinder.
Not required for the Alternative Procedure - Section 9.1.
332-005-005 Drying Tower. 300mm
K43025 Diffuser Stone Test Apparatus
For maximum pore diameter and permeability tests on
diffuser stones. Consists of 90cm manometer, 500mL flask,
flowmeter, graduate, delivery tube assembly and control valve.
K33031 Refrigerated Recirculator
Use with foam test baths for 24C tests (Sequence I and III).
Microprocessor based digital control and quiet running
compressor provide reliable operation and accurate control
within 0.5C. For complete specifications, please contact
Koehler Customer Service. 115V 60Hz, 8A
Advanced Communications Software Package for Data Management
K33032 Refrigerated Recirculator, 220-240V 50Hz, 4A
250-000-12F ASTM 12F Thermometer. Range: 5 to +215F
Test apparatus for ASTM D892 Sequence I, II and III 250-000-12C ASTM 12C Thermometer. Range: 20 to +102C
Catalog No. Order Qty 250-000-41C ASTM 41C Thermometer. Range: 98 to 152C
K43002 Dual Twin Foam Test Apparatus 1 344-100-01C Certified Diffuser Stone. Calibrated and certified for
(or K43003 Automatic Time Sequence Model) compliance with ASTM specifications for pore diameter
387-115-001 Air Pump 1 and permeability
K43025 Diffuser Stone Test Apparatus 1 344-100-001 Diffuser Stone, non-calibrated
250-000-12F ASTM 12F Thermometer 2 344-005-001 Stainless Steel Mott Diffuser
(or 250-000-12C ASTM 12C Thermometer) 344-005-01C Stainless Steel Mott Diffuser Certified
K43026 Wet Test Gas Meter 1 K43012 Test Cylinder
(not required for Alternative Procedure) Replacement 1000mL cylinder. Includes retaining ring.
332-005-005 Drying Tower 1
For NIST traceable certified thermometers, please refer to the ASTM Thermometers sections
on pages 184 through 191.
Water Separability of Petroleum Oils and Synthetic Fluids
Test Method
The ability of a lubricating oil to separate from water and resist
emulsification is an important performance characteristic for applications
involving water contamination and turbulence. Water separability is
determined by stirring equal volumes of water and sample together at a
controlled temperature to form an emulsion and observing the time
required for separation of the emulsion to occur. This method is suitable for
petroleum oils and synthetic fluids.
Water Separability Tester
Tests emulsion characteristics of lubricating oils
Seven sample capacity
Movable digital stirrer with microprocessor control incorporates advanced
features for flexibility and ease of operation
Clear, illuminated heating bath provides excellent visibility
Microprocessor temperature control with digital display and built-in
protection against overtemperature and low liquid level hazards
Conforms to ASTM, ISO and related standards for water separability testing
Optional sensor for direct measurement of sample temperature
With built in drain for convenient draining of bath medium
Seven-sample Water Separability Tester provides full visibility and K39400 Water
Separability Tester
microprocessor control of all functions for simplified, accurate testing of up to
seven samples at a time. Use for specification of new oils and monitoring of
in-service petroleum oils and synthetic fluids.
Seven position heating bathA full visibility bath immerses seven 100mL
Conforms to the specifications of: ASTM D1401, D6074, D6158; ISO 6614;
cylinders at the proper depth per ASTM and ISO specifications. Sample
cylinders are held securely in place by stainless steel supports inside the bath. DIN 51599; FTM 791-3201; NF T 60-125
A microprocessor based heater controls bath operating controls bath fluid Stirrer Range: 0-2000rpm
temperature with greater than 1C accuracy and stability throughout the Accuracy: 1.0rpm
operating range of 25C to 84C. Large LED readouts display setpoint and Drive: 110hp (75W), high torque
actual temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit scale at the operators option. For Bath Temperature Range: 25C to 84C
most samples, ASTM/ISO sample temperatures of 54C and 82C are attained Control Stability: 0.05C
within 10 minutes after placement of the test cylinders into the stabilized bath. Capacity: seven (7) 100mL graduated cylinders
Clear polycarbonate tank has backlighting for excellent visibility when viewing Construction: Clear polycarbonate tank 10"x11.25"x9.5" (25.5x28x24cm)
emulsion separations in the test cylinders. Cut-off circuits for low water level Medium: Water or white technical oil
and over-temperature conditions provide protection in the event of equipment Medium Capacity: 15.15L (4 gal)
malfunction. Easy removal of top plate for filling or cleaning the bath. Electrical Requirements:
Polycarbonate jar is encased in a Polyester-Epoxy finished steel housing with 115V 60Hz, Single Phase, 12A
a protective distortion-free viewing window and a solid foundation. 220-240V 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, 12A
Microprocessor sample stirrerTo avoid sample movement, the sample stirrer
Dimensions lxwxh, in.(cm) Included Accessories
housing pivots to each test position in the bath and locks securely in place
20.75x15.25x29.5 Seven 100mL Cylinders
at the required position in relation to the 100mL sample cylinder. The digital
stirrer offers complete flexibility for test duration and stirring speed at the push (52.7x38.75x 74.9)
of a button. Operating speed and count down time are prominently displayed Net Weight: 78 lbs (35.5kg)
on a large backlit LCD panel. A wide operating range of 0-2000rpm permits Ordering Information
in-house customized testing with 1rpm accuracy, and the operator may select
a stirring time of up to 99.99 minutes. At the end of the selected interval, the Catalog No. Order Qty
stirrer automatically shuts off and alerts the operator with audible and visual K39400 Water Separability Tester, 115V 60Hz 1
K39496 Water Separability Tester, 230V 50/60Hz
signals that the settling period has commenced. For added convenience, all test
parameters are stored in memory and repeated in subsequent tests until they Accessories
are changed by the operator. Engaging the stirrer mechanism is visible to the 332-002-018 Cylinder 100mL, graduated from 5 to 100mL
operator and housed in a clear tube for added safety. with 1.0mL divisions
250-000-19F ASTM 19F Thermometer. Range: 120 to 134F 1
For NIST traceable certified thermometers, please refer to the ASTM Thermometers sections 250-000-19C ASTM 19C Thermometer. Range: 49 to 57C
on pages 184 through 191. 250-000-21F ASTM 21F Thermometer. Range: 174 to 188F 1
250-000-21C ASTM 21C Thermometer. Range: 79 to 87C
Demulsibility Characteristics of Lubricating Oils
Test Method
Tests the ability of medium to high viscosity oils to separate from water
when water contamination and turbulence are encountered. The sample is
stirred together with distilled water for 5 min. at constant temperature. After
a specified settling period, the degree of separation is measured by volume
and the percentage of water in oil is determined. For lighter oils and
synthetic fluids, the ASTM D1401 Water Separability Test is used.
Demulsibility Apparatus
Conforms to the specifications of ASTM D2711
Variable stirrer speed
Choice of digital or analog bath models
StirrerComplete stirrer assembly per Fig. 1 and 2 of ASTM D2711,
including variable high speed drive motor, stainless steel propeller shaft,
top, center and bottom bearings, and steel motor housing with positioning
plate. Entire assembly mounts vertically in K39190/K39199 Constant
Temperature Bath. Built-in tachometer disc allows for precise stirrer
speed adjustment.
Constant Temperature BathsStandard model holds two K39103 Stirrers
and two K39120 Separatory Funnels in proper alignment for demulsibility
characteristics testing. Stirrers mount securely on a stainless steel support
plate having brackets for testing and drainage positions. Separate motor speed
controls are provided for each stirrer. All wetted parts are constructed of
stainless steel.
Microprocessor digital temperature control with dual LED displays for
K39190 Demulsibility Bath With Stirrers and Funnels
setpoint and actual temperatures and an illuminated bath interior with window
for viewing sample cylinders. Digital LED speed control is provided for each
Accessories stirrer.
Catalog No. Order Qty Specifications
K39120 Separatory Funnel 2 Conforms to the specifications of: ASTM D2711
With 0-500mL graduations. Meets ASTM specifications.
Capacity: Two (2) sample-water mixtures
K39130 Solvent Tank. Immerses stirrer assembly for 1
Maximum Temperature: 212F (100C)
convenient cleaning after testing.
Temperature Control: Microprocessor digital control with LED display
K39140 Forced Warm Air Dryer, 115V 60Hz
Bath Medium: 9 gal (38.5L) water
High output 1400W dryer and brass cylinder
Electrical Requirements:
mounted on a sturdy base. Rapidly dries
115V 60Hz
stirrer assembly after cleaning.
220-240V 50/60 Hz
K39149 Forced Warm Air Dryer, 220-240V 50/60Hz 1
K39150 Sampling Gauge and Centering Device 1 Dimensions: WxDxH in (cm) Shipping Information
Per Fig. X1.1 of ASTM D2711. Aids in accurately 1514x15x37(39x38x94) Shipping Weight 133 lbs (60.3kg)
obtaining 50mL samples from separatory funnels Net Weight: 72 lbs (32.6kg) Dimensions: 25.4 Cu. ft.
for the percent water in oil determination.
360-000-003 Digital Tachometer 1 Ordering Information
Hand held non-contact LCD tachometer
takes measurements up to 3 ft away with 1rpm Catalog No. Order Qty
accuracy. Supplied with four 1.5V AA batteries. K39190 Demulsibility Bath, 115V, 60Hz
250-000-09F ASTM 9F Thermometer K39199 Demulsibility Bath, 220-240V, 50/60Hz
Range: 20 to 230F 1 K39103 Stirrer** 2
250-000-09C ASTM 9C Thermometer **Suitable for use with K39190 & K39199
Range: 5 to +110C
For NIST traceable certified thermometers, please refer to the ASTM Thermometers sections
K39170 Conditioning Bath, 115V 60Hz 1
on pages 184 through 191.
Constant temperature water bath holds 8 separatory
funnels in two removable 4-unit racks for conditioning
prior to testing in Demulsibility Apparatus.
Includes microprocessor digital temperature control,
automatic water level control and gabled cover.
Conditioning Bath, 220-240V 50/60Hz
! Software compatible, inquire
with Koehler Customer Service.
Air Release Properties of Petroleum Oils
Oxidation Stability RPVOT & TFOUT
Oxidation Stability of Steam
Turbine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel (Bomb)
Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral
Insulating Oil by Rotating Pressure Vessel (Bomb)
Oxidation Stability of Gasoline
Automotive Engine Oils by Thin
Film Oxidation Uptake (TFOUT)
Test Method
The RPVOT (RBOT) procedure employs severe oxidation conditions to
rapidly determine oxidation stability. Suitable for both new and in-service
oils, the RPVOT (RBOT) method is applicable to many types of petroleum
oils. The sample is oxidized in the presence of water and a copper
catalyst in a stainless steel pressure vessel under an initial pressure of
90psi (620kPa). Pressure inside the vessel is recorded electronically or
mechanically while the vessel is rotated at 100rpm at constant
temperature, and the amount of time required for a specified drop in
pressure is the oxidation stability of the sample. A variation of the RPVOT Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
(RBOT) method is the Thin Film Oxidation Uptake Test (TFOUT) for
gasoline automotive engine oils.
Oxidata Pressure Measurement Systems
RPVOT (RBOT) Test Apparatus Electronic pressure measurement systems exclusively designed for RPVOT
2, 3 and 4-unit systems (RBOT), TFOUT and other ASTM oxidation test methods
Oxidata Pressure Measurement System Powerful Oxidata software for Windows and Windows 95
Conforms to ASTM D2112, D2272 and IP 229 specifications for RPVOT environments
(RBOT) testing Monitors up to twelve pressure and four temperature channels
Conforms to ASTM D4742 specifications for TFOUT testing Can be installed to most manufacturers RPVOT(RBOT)/TFOUT
test apparatus
For product specifications and ordering information:
Oxidation Pressure Vessels Page 114 Complete electronic measurement systems for plotting pressure versus
Oxidation Baths Page 116 time and temperature in RPVOT (RBOT) and TFOUT testing. Each system
Beakers and Accessories Page 117 includes transducers, bomb couplings, RTD probe assembly, multiplexer, data
Catalysts Page 117 acquisition card, software, and mounting and connecting hardware. Systems
Pressure Recorder Page 117 are available in two, three and four pressure vessel configurations, and
Oxidata Pressure Measurement System Page 115 additional channels can be added for up to a total of twelve pressure and four
Complete Systems, 2, 3 and 4-Unit Page 118 temperature channels.
Oxidation Pressure Vessel Koehler pressure measurement systems for RPVOT (RBOT) and TFOUT
feature Oxidata, a high accuracy pressure measurement software package
Polished stainless steel construction designed exclusively for ASTM oxidation test methods. Designed to run in
Can be converted for use in the Thin Film Oxidation Uptake Test (TFOUT) a Windows or Windows 95 environment, Oxidata monitors up to twelve
Consists of pressure vessel body, cap and stem with inlet needle valve in samples simultaneously, with graphical or tabular display of results.
accordance with ASTM specifications. Vessel holds one borosilicate glass Each channel can be independently configured for any of the applicable
sample container between two PTFE discs. Closure ring tightens by hand to ASTM standard test methods without compromising the independence or
seal cap to pressure vessel body. Vessel connects to pressure recorder or accuracy of the other channels. Independent start and stop times and user
rotary transducer and rotates on magnetic carriage in RBOT bath. Withstands programmable end points add even greater flexibility.
working pressure of 500psi (3450kPa) per ASTM specifications. Stainless The software plots your data on screen on line, real time, and automatically saves
steel construction ensures proper rate of heat transfer. Closure ring is your data on disk or to the hard drive during the test to prevent loss of valuable
constructed of chrome plated steel. Includes PTFE fluorocarbon wear disc and data. Multiple display options include the ability to view the status of all twelve
sample container cover disc. pressure channels on screen simultaneously and then click on any one channel
for a graph display; or to view four channels in graphical format simultaneously.
Ordering Information Powerful program features allow you to change axes, have colored plot lines and
Catalog No. zoom in on a specific plot sector to view data in greater detail.
K70000 Oxidation Pressure Vessel
K70092 Aluminum Insert
Converts standard K70000 Oxidation Pressure Vessel
for use in the TFOUT method
Oxidation Stability RPVOT & TFOUT
Oxidata Features and Specifications
On-line, real time monitoring of up to twelve samples simultaneously -
results plot directly to the screen for instant monitoring or printout of results
Menu options for RPVOT (RBOT) or TFOUT testing, as well as for other
ASTM fuel and lubricant oxidation tests
Programmable automatic end point detection with graphical and tabular
Each channel can be configured and operated independently with different
start/stop times and different ASTM test methods
Zoom in feature allows for magnification of any plot sector on any channel
for a more detailed study
Monitors and reports temperatures of as many as four baths
simultaneously using accessory RTDs, and calculates and displays average
temperature for each bath. Exports data to spreadsheet programs
such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, etc.
Temperature and pressure calibration capability
Data is saved directly to the hard drive during testing to prevent loss of
Oxidata Software automatically calculates and displays the endpoint of RPVOT
valuable data
(RBOT)/TFOUT test methods.
Operates in Windows 2000 or higher
Simple upgrade from existing Koehler data acquisition systems
Computer Requirements
Processor: Intel Pentium II or similar (minimum)
Memory (RAM): 256MB or higher
Speed: 500 MHz or higher
Windows 2000 or higher
Disk Space: 15 MB free space (minimum)
Communications Port: One USB port
Other Software: Microsoft Excel (97 or above)
One RS232 port for temperature controller (optional)
Real-time plot screen displays pressure versus time for up to twelve samples
Ordering Information
The ordering information below is for installation to Koehler equipment. Oxidata Retrofit Kits
For other makes of equipment, a few basic hardware items may also be To upgrade your existing Koehler electronic pressure measurement system to
required - please contact your Koehler representative for assistance. the Oxidata software, please refer to page 118.
Catalog No.
RBOT/TFOUT Electronic Pressure Measurement System
K70502-XP Two-Unit System, 115V 60Hz
K70592-XP Two-Unit System, 220-240V 50/60Hz
K70503-XP Three-Unit System, 115V 60Hz
K70593-XP Three-Unit System, 220-240V 50/60Hz
K70504-XP Four-Unit System, 115V 60Hz
K70594-XP Four-Unit System, 220-240V 50/60Hz
Oxidation Stability RPVOT & TFOUT
Oxidation Baths
Two, three and four-pressure vessel models
Conforming to ASTM requirements for RPVOT (RBOT) and TFOUT testing
Constant temperature bath rotates oxidation pressure vessels at 100rpm at an
angle of 30 in accordance with ASTM specifications. Includes drive system
and oil bath with electronic solid state temperature control. Meets ASTM
requirements for heat transfer capability and temperature control precision.
Ordering Information
Catalog No Capacity Electrical Requirements Bath Capacity, gal (L) Dimensions, lxwxh,in.(cm) Net Weight Shipping Weight
K70200 2 oxidation 220-240V 60Hz, 17.17A 18 (68) 28x26x33 237 lbs 356 lbs (161.5kg)
K70290 vessels 220-240V 50Hz, 17.17A (71x66x84) (107.5kg) 25.3 Cu. ft.
K70300 3 oxidation 220-240V 60Hz, 17.17A 25 (95) 37x26x33 284 lbs 416 lbs (188.7kg)
K70390 vessels 220-240V 50Hz, 17.17A (94x66x84) (129kg) 32 Cu. ft.
K70400 4 oxidation 220-240V 60Hz, 21.5A 32 (121) 46x26x33 375 lbs 542 lbs (245.9kg)
K70490 vessels 220-240V 50Hz, 21.5A (117x66x84) (170kg) 40.3 Cu. ft.
Oxidation Stability RPVOT & TFOUT
Oxidation Pressure Vessel Accessories Pressure Vessel Support Racks
Sample beakers for RBOT and TFOUT methods For convenient handling of oxidation pressure vessel during assembly
Oxygen charging accessories and disassembly
Ordering Information Securely holds vessel-recorder assembly in an upright position. Convenient for
assembling and disassembling vessel. Equipped with drainage trough for bath
Catalog No.
oil remaining on the vessel exterior after testing.
Sample Beakers
K70040 RPVOT (RBOT) Sample Beaker Ordering Information
Borosilicate glass, 175mL
Catalog No.
Meets ASTM D2112, D2272 specifications
K70017 Pressure Vessel Support Rack, 2-Unit
K70091 TFOUT Sample Container
K70011 Pressure Vessel Support Rack, 3-Unit
Borosilicate glass. Meets ASTM D4742 specifications
K70012 Pressure Vessel Support Rack, 4-Unit
Oxygen Charging Accessories
K70080 Charging Hose. 6 ft (1.8m), with connections Catalysts
K70082 Female Quick Disconnect Coupling, for charging hose For Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test (RPVOT)
K70081-1 Male Quick Disconnect Coupling, 14" NPT, For Thin Film Oxidation Uptake Test (TFOUT)
for oxidation pressure vessel
K70013 Oxygen Pressure Regulator Ordering Information
Oxidation RPVOT & TFOUT
2 Unit RBOT System: 4-Unit RBOT System:
K70200 Oxidation Bath (or K70290) K70400 Oxidation Bath (or K70490)
K70000 Oxidation Pressure Vessel (2) K70000 Oxidation Pressure Vessel (4)
K70502-XP Oxidata Pressure Measurement System (or K70592-XP) K70504-XP Oxidata Pressure Measurement System (or K70594-XP)
K70002 Winding Mandrel K70508 Mounting Bracket for Four-Unit XP System
K70003 Drive Unit (or K70004) K70002 Winding Mandrel
K70017 Pressure Vessel Support Rack K70003 Drive Unit (or K70004)
250-001-37C IP 37C Bath Thermometer K70012 Pressure Vessel Support Rack
K70080 Charging Hose 250-001-37C IP 37C Thermometer
K70082 Female Quick Disconnect Coupling for charging hose K70080 Charging Hose
K70082 Female Quick Disconnect Coupling for charging hose
K70081-1 Male Quick Disconnect Coupling for oxidation
K70081-1 Male Quick Disconnect Coupling for oxidation
pressure vessel (2)
pressure vessel (4)
K70013 Oxygen Pressure Regulator
} }
K70013 Oxygen Pressure Regulator
K70030 Copper Catalyst Coils Order sufficient
K70030 Copper Catalyst Coil Order sufficient
K70090 Copper Catalyst Wire, 500 ft. quantity to K70090 Copper Catalyst Wire, 500 ft. quantity to
K70040 Sample Container meet anticipated K70040 Sample Container meet anticipated
K70050 Silicone O-ring testing requirements. K70050 Silicone O-ring testing requirements.
3-Unit RBOT System: For TFOUT testing, make the following substitutions:
K70300 Oxidation Bath (or K70390) K70091 Sample Beaker (replaces K70040)
K70000 Oxidation Pressure Vessel (3) K70092 Aluminum Insert (2, 3 or 4)
Oxidata Pressure Measurement System (or K70593-XP)
Winding Mandrel
Drive Unit (or K70004)
K70095 }TFOUT Catalyst Package (in lieu of K70030, K70090,
K70002, K70003)
K70011 Pressure Vessel Support Rack 250-000-100C ASTM 100C Thermometer (replaces 250-001-37C)
250-001-37C IP 37C Thermometer
K70080 Charging Hose Oxidata Retrofit Kits
K70082 Female Quick Disconnect Coupling for charging hose To upgrade existing DOS-based Koehler electronic pressure measurement
K70081-1 Male Quick Disconnect Coupling for oxidation systems to the Oxidata system. Kits include Oxidata software, data
pressure vessel (3) acquisition card, multiplexer board, RTD probe assembly and connecting
K70013 Oxygen Pressure Regulator cables. Does not include rotary transducers or bath mounting bracket.
K70030 Copper Catalyst Coils Order sufficient For information on upgrading other makes of equipment to the Oxidata
K70090 Copper Catalyst Wire, 500 ft. quantity to system, please contact your Koehler representative.
K70040 Sample container meet anticipated
K70050 Silicone O-ring testing requirements. Ordering Information
Catalog No.
K70502RETRO 2-Unit Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
without Transducers, 115V 60Hz
K70592RETRO 2-Unit Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
without Transducers, 220-240V 50/60Hz
K70503RETRO 3-Unit Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
without Transducers, 115V 60Hz
K70593RETRO 3-Unit Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
without Transducers, 220-240V 50/60Hz
K70504RETRO 4-Unit Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
without Transducers, 115V 60Hz
K70594RETRO 4-Unit Oxidata Pressure Measurement System
without Transducers, 220-240 50/60Hz
K70500 Rotary Transducer
Includes electronic transducer and rotating stainless
steel housing
K70519 RTD Kit, for monitoring the temperature
of an additional bath
For NIST traceable certified thermometers, please refer to the ASTM Thermometers sections
on pages 184 through 191.
Oxidation Stability and Corrosiveness of Petroleum Oils
Test Method
Various methods are available for testing the resistance to oxidation and/or
the corrosiveness of lubricants, insulating oils, hydraulic oils and distillate
fuel oils. The samples are subjected to a metered flow of air at elevated
temperatures, sometimes in the presence of a metal catalyst. Each of the
tests referenced on this page are also represented on other pages in this
section of the catalog.
Oxidation Characteristics of
Inhibited Mineral Oils
Sludging and Corrosion Tendencies of Inhibited
Mineral Oils
Oxidation Stability of Distillate
Fuel Oil (Accelerated Method)
Oxidation Characteristics of
Extreme-Pressure Lubrication Oils
Test Method
Evaluates oxidation stability by subjecting the sample to a temperature of 95C
in the presence of oxygen or dry air. For inhibited mineral oils, the sample is
reacted with oxygen in the presence of water and an iron-copper catalyst.
30- and 60-Place Oxidation Baths
Convenient operation and servicing of thirty or sixty test cells
Complete bath temperature, water level, air flow and condenser water systems
Constant temperature water baths for high volume oxidation stability
applications. Provides temperature control, metered air flow and condenser
water supply controls for as many as thirty or sixty cells in a single system,
eliminating the need for multiple water and electrical feeds and oxygen supply
tanks. Microprocessor PID control provides quick temperature stabilization
without overshoot, and the bath is protected by a redundant overtemperature
control circuit that interrupts power should bath temperature exceed a
programmed cut-off point. Display provides actual setpoint temperature
values in C/F format. Communications software (RS232, etc.),
ramp-to-set and other enhanced features are available as extra cost options.
A 6 or 12kW heat exchanger with heavy duty magnetic drive circulation pump
provides rapid and uniform heat transfer throughout the bath. Bath liquid
depth is automatically maintained within ASTM specified tolerances by an
electronic water level control system. Two banks of individually controlled
flowmeters maintain the required oxygen flow rate to each test cell, and Advanced Communications Software Package for Data Management
condenser water control valves for each cell are mounted on manifolds along
the sides of the bath. A centrally mounted trough collects condenser waste 12-Place Solid-Block Oxidation Bath
water for convenient disposal or recirculation through an external cooling Accommodates twelve oxidation cells
device. Bath interior is constructed of heavy gauge welded stainless steel. All Microprocessor digital temperature control
components are easily accessible for servicing if required. Supplied with a Constant temperature aluminum block oxidation bath with flowmeters and
sturdy finished angle-iron frame for floor standing installation. Order oxidation condenser water manifold for twelve cells. Insulated solid block design
cell glassware and accessories separately. provides efficient operation at temperatures of up to 450F (232C).
Specifications Microprocessor temperature control unit features digital setpoint and display
Conforms to the specifications of: and built-in overtemperature protection. Includes individual flowmeters and
ASTM D943, D2274, D2893*, D4310, D6158; ISO 4263, 12205 control valves for each cell, delivering air flow at the rate of 3L/h. Condenser
AOCS CD12-57*; DIN 51586, DIN 51587; NF M 07-047; NF T 60-150 water manifold has individual control valves for each cell. Order oxidation cell
Temperature Control Stability: 0.1C (0.2F) glassware and accessories separately.
Oxygen Flow Rate: 3L/h to each test cell, individually controlled Specifications
Bath Capacity: Conforms to the specifications of:
30-place model: 60 gal (227L) ASTM D943, D2274, D2893*, D4310, D6158; AOCS CD12-57*;
60-place model: 114 gal (432L) DIN 51586, 51587; ISO 4263, 12205; NF M 07-047; NF T 60-150
Electrical Requirements: Testing Capacity: 12 oxidation cells
30-place model: 220-240V 50/60Hz, Single Phase, 28A Maximum Temperature: 450F
60-place model: 220-240V 50/60Hz, Single Phase, 54A Temperature Control Stability: 0.2F (0.1C)
Other electrical configurations are available upon request. Air Flow Rate: 3L/h
Dimensions lxwxh,in.(cm) Electrical Requirements: 220-240V 50/60Hz, Single Phase, 16A
30-place model: 43x55x52 (109x140x132)
60-place model: 43x78x52 (109x198x132) Dimensions lxwxh,in.(cm) Shipping Information
30x10x43 (76x25x109) Shipping Weight: 440 lbs (199.6kg)
Shipping Information Net Weight: 345 lbs (156.5kg) Dimensions: 12 Cu. ft.
Shipping Weight: Dimensions:
30-place model: 892 Ibs (404.6kg) 30-place model: 94 Cu. ft. Solid block baths meet temperature control and other requirements of ASTM
60-place model: 995 lbs (451.3kg) 60-place model: 148 Cu. ft. and related methods. While the aluminum block design offers operating
advantages over the standard oil bath, it should be noted that many applicable
Ordering Information specifications for this test call for a liquid bath medium.
Catalog No.
K12330 30-Place Oxidation Stability Bath, 220-240V 60Hz Ordering Information
K12339 30-Place Oxidation Stability Bath, 220-240V 50Hz Catalog No.
K12300 60-Place Oxidation Stability Bath, 220-240V 60Hz K12201 12-Place Solid Block Oxidation Bath,
K12395 60-Place Oxidation Stability Bath, 220-240V 50Hz 220-240V 50/60Hz
Photograph, thermometers, and additional accessories for
oxidation stability testing appear on page 122. *Modified versions of this equipment are available for ASTM D2893
Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Pressure Oils and AOCS CD12-57 Fat
*Modified versions of this equipment are available for ASTM D2893 Oxidation Stability-Active Oxygen Method. Information will be furnished upon request.
Characteristics of Extreme Pressure Lubricating Oils and AOCS CD12-57 Fat
Stability Active Oxygen Method. Information will be furnished upon request.
Available option for 30- and 60-place Oxidation Bathstemperature/pressure Digital Flowmeter option
is available for this unit.
recorder with built-in alarms for low pressure and over/under temperature.
Please call or write for specifications and ordering information.
K12300 60-Place Oxidation Bath
Shown with optional pressure-temperature recorder
Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulating Oils
Test Method
Determines oxidation stability of mineral transformer oils by measuring
the amount of sludge and acid formed under prescribed accelerated
aging conditions.
Ordering Information
Catalog No. Order Qty
K12100 Oxidation Stability Bath,
115V 60Hz 1
K12100 Oxidation Stability Bath
K12190 Oxidation Stability Bath,
220-240V 50/60Hz
Conforms to the specifications of: Accessories
ASTM D2440 K12130 Copper Catalyst Coils 1
Capacity: Six samples Sealed in a glass jar with a nitrogen
Temperature Range: ambient to 260F (127C) atmosphere. Pack of 24 (12 sets)
Circulator: 120hp impeller 332-005-010 Drying Tower 1
Bath Capacity/Medium: 2.5 gal (9.5L) white technical oil 250mL with ground glass stopper
Electrical Requirements: and side tubes
115V 60Hz, Single Phase, 8.1A 332-005-011 Glass Filter Crucible 1
220-240V 50/60Hz, Single Phase, 4.2A 250-000-95C ASTM 95C Thermometer 1
Included Accessories Range: 100 to 130C
Oil Receptacle and Head (6) 355-001-001 White Technical Oil 3
1 gal container. See page 8 for specifications.
Dimensions lxwxh,in.(cm) 355-001-003 White Technical Oil 1
14x15x22 (36x38x56) 5 gal container. See page 8 for specifications.
Net Weight: 31 lbs (14.1kg)
Shipping Information For NIST traceable certified thermometers, please refer to the ASTM Thermometers sections
Shipping Weight: 61 lbs (27.7kg) on pages 184 through 191.
Dimensions: 14.4 Cu. ft.
Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability
Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability of
Hydraulic Oils, Aircraft Turbine Engine Lubricants,
and Other Highly Refined Oils
Test Method
Evaluates the ability of a lubricant to resist oxidation and the formation
of corrosive acid compounds by subjecting a sample to accelerated
oxidation conditions in a catalytic environment. The sample is
maintained at elevated temperature and subjected to a controlled air
flow while in the presence of a series of test specimens made of
metals commonly found in actual service conditions.
Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability
Glassware, Test Specimens and Accessories Metal Test Specimens
Catalog No. Order Qty Catalog No.
ASTM D4636, D5968, D6594 and FTM 791-5307 Washer Shaped Specimens for ASTM D4636 Standard Procedure
K351-0-1 Sample Tube 6 and for FTM 791-5307
K351-0-2 Sample Tube Head 6 K35110 Bronze
K351-0-3 Air Tube 6 K35120 Mild Steel
K351-0-4 Thermocouple Tube 6 K35130 Aluminum Alloy
K351-0-5 Condenser, Allihn Type 6 K35140 Magnesium
K351-0-6 Oil Sampling Tube (for D4636) 6 K35150 Steel M50
K351-0-7 Spacer 36 K35160 Silver
K351-0-8 PTFE Adapter 6 K35170 Titanium
K351-0-13 Oil Sampling Tube (for D5968 and FTM 791-5307)
K351-0-14 Specimen Hanger (for D6594) Square Shaped Specimens for ASTM D4636 Alternate Procedure
K293-0-12 Thermocouple, Type J 6 and for FTM 791-5308
K29319 Digital Thermometer, 220-240V 1 K35010 Copper
Microprocessor based digital thermocouple K35020 Mild Carbon Steel
thermometer with ten-channel input. K35030 Aluminum Alloy
Monitors Type J thermocouples from sample tubes. K35040 Magnesium Alloy
K35090 Test Panel Assembly Fixture 1 K35050 Cadmium Plated Steel
Holds square-shaped metal specimens K35060 Silver
for tying with cord (for ASTM D4636 Alternate K35070 Solid Cadmium (non standard)
Procedure and FTM 791-5308) K35080 Titanium (non standard)
K35095 Test Panel Assembly Fixture 1
Holds square-shaped metal specimens Square Shaped Specimens for ASTM D5968 and D6594
for tying with cord (for ASTM D5968) K35010 Copper
K35011 Lead
FTM 791-5308 K35012 Tin
K350-0-23 Test Tube 6 K35013 Phosphor Bronze
K350-0-24 Air Tube 6
K350-0-25 Condenser 6 Rectangular Shaped Specimens for IHC BT-10
K35090 Test Panel Assembly Fixture 1 K353-0-5 Aluminum
Holds square-shaped metal specimens K353-0-6 Copper
for tying with cord. K353-0-7 Steel
K353-0-8 Brass
K353-0-1 Test Cell 6 Polishing Materials
K353-0-2 Condenser 6 380-150-001 Silicone Carbide Paper, 150-grit, Pack of 50 sheets
K353-0-3 Air Tube 6 380-240-001 Silicone Carbide Paper, 240-grit, Pack of 50 sheets
K353-0-4 Ring Rod 6 380-150-000 Silicone Carbide Grain, 150-grit, 1 lb package
Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Turbine Oils
Oxidation Stability of Straight Mineral Oil
Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulating Oil
Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral
Insulating Oils
Oxidation Test For Lubricating Oil
Test Method
Oxidation stability is determined by exposing the sample to a measured
oxygen flow at elevated temperature in the presence of metal catalysts.
Thermal Oxidation Stability of Automotive Gear Lubricants
Test Method Ordering Information
The L-60-1 Performance Test determines the deterioration of gear Catalog No.
lubricants under severe thermal oxidation conditions. The sample K18660 L-60-1 Performance Test Apparatus, 220-240V 60Hz
lubricant is tested for 50 hours in a standardized gear box operating under K18650 L-60-1 Performance Test Apparatus, 220-240V 50Hz
a predetermined load. An elevated temperature and controlled air flow
are maintained throughout the test and a copper catalyst is employed to
K18661 Test Kit, for one test. Includes GA34 test gear, GA50
accelerate the breakdown. At the end of the test period, various lubricant
test gear, R-14 test bearing, viton shaft seals (2),
properties are determined by standard testing methods, and the weight
O-ring seal, copper test strips (2)
loss of the catalyst is measured. The deposits that are formed on the gear
380-150-001 Silicone Carbide Paper, 150-grit (pack of 50)
box surfaces and the catalyst are examined and reported.
K18660 L-60-1
Performance Test
Rust Preventing Characteristics
Rust Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited
Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water
(Standard and Horizontal Disc Methods)
Test Method
Determines a lubricants ability to prevent rusting of metal surfaces.
Suitable for steam turbine oils, gear oils, hydraulic oils and other types of
inhibited mineral oils. A steel test specimen is immersed in a heated
mixture of sample oil and water which is stirred continuously during the
test. After the test period the specimen is examined for rusting. The
standard (ASTM D665) method uses a vertical specimen; the horizontal
disc method (ASTM D3603) uses both horizontal and vertical test surfaces.
Rust Preventing Characteristics
K30800 Horizontal Disk Assembly K30101 Specimen with Holder K30130 Chuck
Corrosion of Lead by Lubricating Oils
Test Method Specifications
Measures the corrosiveness of lubricating oils to lead in the presence Conforms to the specifications of:
of a copper catalyst. Lead and copper test panels are rotated in the test FTM 791-5321
lubricant under specified test conditions, and the degree of corrosion Testing Capacity: 6 lubricant samples
is determined by the change in weight of the lead panel. Maximum Temperature: 199C (390F)
Temperature Control Stability: 0.05C (0.1F)
Lead Corrosion Test Apparatus Air Flow Control: 0.940.047L/min.
(20.1 Cu. ft./hr) six (6) flowmeters
Conforms to FTM 791-5321 specifications mounted on a common manifold
Six-sample capacity Electrical Requirements:
Microprocessor programmable high accuracy temperature control 220-240V 60Hz, Single Phase, 14.5A
Constant temperature apparatus rotates copper and lead test panels in 220-240V 50Hz, Single Phase, 14.5A
lubricant samples to determine corrosiveness to lead per FTM specifications. Included Accessories Dimensions lxwxh,in.(cm)
Panels are rotated at 600rpm in samples maintained at 163C (325F) and Copper Test Panels (6) 39x25x47 (99x64x119)
aerated at 0.94L/min. (2.0 Cu. ft./hr.). Lead Test Panels (6) Net Weight: 214 lbs (97kg)
Test panel shafts ride on ball bearing spindles driven by a 115hp motor. A Mounting Hardware for Panels
Shipping Information
counterbalanced support bar positions the drive shaft for testing or for Shipping Weight: 330 lbs (150kg)
mounting and removal of test panels. When the support bar is raised, Dimensions: 33.5 Cu. ft.
a safety microswitch automatically stops the drive motor to prevent
splashing of hot oil. Ordering Information
Fully insulated bath features double-wall stainless steel construction, with Catalog No. Order Qty
a built-in support rack to suspend test cells vertically at the proper depth. K29900 Lead Corrosion Apparatus,
Microprocessor PID control provides quick temperature stabilization without 220-240V 60Hz 1
overshoot, and the bath is protected by an overtemperature control circuit that K29990 Lead Corrosion Apparatus.
interrupts power should bath temperature exceed a programmed cut-off point. 220-240V 50Hz
Dual LED displays provide actual and setpoint temperature values in C/F
format. Communications software (RS232, etc.), ramp-to-set and other Accessories
enhanced features are available as extra cost options. Contact your Koehler K29910 Borosilicate Glass Sample Tube 6
representative for information. A 120hp stirrer thoroughly circulates the bath 250-000-16F ASTM 16F Thermometer
medium for temperature uniformity. Redundant overtemperature Range: 85 to 392F 1
protection is provided by a built-in backup thermostat. Flowmeters and 250-000-16C ASTM 16C Thermometer
valves mounted on a convenient manifold provide individual air flow Range: 30 to 200C
control for each test cell. K29920 Lead Test Panels
K29930 Copper Test Panels
Digital Flowmeter option For NIST traceable certified thermometers, please refer to the ASTM Thermometers sections
is available for this unit. on pages 184 through 191.
Copper Corrosion from Petroleum Products
Test Method Ordering Information
The Copper Strip Tarnish Test assesses the relative degree of corrosivity of Catalog No. Order Qty
petroleum products, including lubricating oils. A polished copper strip is K25330 Copper Strip Test Tube Bath, 115V 60Hz 1
immersed in 30mL of sample at elevated temperature. After the test K25339 Copper Strip Test Tube Bath, 220-240V 50/60Hz
period, the strip is examined for evidence of corrosion and a classification
K25312 Vented Cork
number from 1-4 is assigned based on a comparison with the ASTM Copper
Strip Corrosion Standards. Accessories
K25080 Copper Test Strips 17
Copper Strip Tarnish Test Apparatus 12.5x1.5-3.0mmx75mm to ASTM specifications
Conforms to ASTM D130, D6074, D6158 and related specifications
332-004-004 Test Tube, 25x150mm 17
The complete apparatus for the Copper Strip Tarnish Test for lubricating oils
332-004-002 Viewing Test Tube 17
consists of:
Test Tube Bath Protects copper strip during inspection or storage
Copper Strips K25100 ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard 1
Test Tubes Colored reproductions of tarnished strips encased
ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Test Standard in a plastic plaque
Surface Preparation Accessories 380-220-001 Silicone Carbide Paper, FEPA Grade, 220 grit
For polishing of copper strips prior to testing
Test Tube Bath Pack of 50 sheets
Accommodates 17 test tubes 380-150-003 Silicone Carbide Grain, FEPA grade, 150 grit
Temperature range to 190C (374F) For final polishing of copper strips prior to testing
Microprocessor temperature control with digital display and 1 lb package
overtemperature protection. K25000 Polishing Vise 1
Constant temperature bath immerses 16 test tubes for copper strip tarnish tests Holds copper strip firmly in place without marring the
of products not requiring a test bomb. Microprocessor temperature control has
edges. Stainless steel. mounted on a composition base
C/F switchable digital setpoint and display. Operator and equipment are
K25090 Multi-Strip Polishing Vise. Similar to K25000 but 1
protected by an overtemperature control circuit which automatically interrupts
capable of holding four strips at a time
power to the unit should bath temperature exceed a programmed cut-off point.
Welded stainless steel double-wall construction with built-in support rack. Fully 250-000-12F ASTM 12F Thermometer, Range: 5 to +215F 1
insulated. For complete specifications, please refer to page 90. 250-000-12C ASTM 12C Thermometer, Range: 20 to +102C
Cloud Point and Pour Point of Petroleum Products
Test Method
Cloud point and pour point are indicators of the lowest temperature of
utility for petroleum products. The sample is periodically examined while
it is being cooled in the cloud and pour point apparatus. The highest
temperature at which haziness is observed (cloud point), or the lowest
temperature at which movement of the oil is observed (pour point),
is reported as the test result.
Automated Cloud Point and Pour Point of Petroleum Products
Test Method
For Petroleum Products, cloud point and pour point of a petroleum product
is an index of the lowest temperature of its utility for certain applications.
The specimen is cooled at a specified rate and examined periodically. The
highest temperature at which a cloud is first observed at the bottom of the test
jar is recorded as the cloud point. The lowest temperature at which movement
of the specimen is observed is recorded as the pour point.
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils
Test Method
The majority of high-voltage transformers, cables, switchgears,
transducers, capacitors, and rectifiers use insulating oils for insulating
electrically live parts and to carry off thermal energy. The quality of
the insulating oil must be checked at regular intervals to ensure a
long equipment service life. The most important requirement of an
insulating oil is a high dielectric strength. Determination of the
dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating oils provides an early
detection method for any reduction in the insulating properties.
Conforms to the specifications of:
ASTM D877, D1816; BS EN 60156; CEI EN 60156; IEC 156; VDE 0370 Pt. 5 K16175 Automatic Portable Dielectric Tester
Output Voltage: Up to 75kV rms symmetrical
Voltage measurement accuracy: 0 - 75kV 1kV Dimensions WxHxD,in.(cm)
Voltage slew rate: 0.5 - 10kV/s 16.9x11x9.85 (43x28x25)
Resolution (displayed): 0.1kV Net Weight: 48.5 lbs (22kg)
Power Supply: 85V - 264V, 47Hz - 63Hz, 12V external supply
Power consumption: 60VA Shipping Information
Internal rechargeable battery: 1 x 12V / 7.2Ah Shipping Weight: 54.5 lbs (24.7kg)
Switch-off time on flashover: < 5s Dimensions: 25x21x19in. (63.5x53.4x48.3cm)
Measurement of oil temperature: 0 - 100C / 32 - 212F
Temperature Resolution: 1C / 1.8F Ordering Information
Display: 2.8 color (ultra bright)
Catalog No.
Selectable Programs: ASTM D1816-04-1mm, ASTM D1816-04-2mm,
K16175 Automatic Dielectric Breakdown Tester, 0-75kVAC,
ASTM D877-02A, ASTM D877-02B, IEC 156/95
100-240V 50/60Hz
Customer-specific programs: Unlimited
PC Software: Included Accessories
Printer: Dot Matrix Hard Copy Output K16175-4 Transport Case
Interface: Bluetooth K16175-5 Test Vessel complete with electrodes for ASTM D1816
USB: USB memory stick K16175-6 Test Vessel complete with electrodes for ASTM D877
Operating Temperature: -5C - 45C (23F - 113F) K16175-23 IEC156 Test Cell with VDE Electrode
Storage Temperature: -20C - 60C (-4F K16175-24 IEC156 Test Cell with Sphere Electrode
K16175-12 Spacer Gauge, 1mm
Included Accessories K16175-13 Spacer Gauge, 2mm
Calibration Sheet AC Power Cable Integrated Battery K16175-14 Spacer Gauge, 2.5mm
User Manual PC Software Integrated Printer
Coking Tendency of Oil
safety interlock switch that interrupts power to the drive motor when the
cover is lifted.
Ordering Information
Catalog No. Order Qty
K50100 Panel Coking Test Apparatus,
115V 60Hz
K50110 Panel Coking Test Apparatus,
with cyclic timer 115V 60Hz
K50119 Panel Coking Test Apparatus,
with cyclic timer 220-240V 50/60Hz
K50190 Panel Coking Test Apparatus,
220-240V 50/60Hz
K50101 Aluminum Test Panel 1
K50102 Stainless Steel Test Panel (Type 321) 1
Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Oils by the Noack Method
Test Method
For determining the evaporation loss of lubricating oils, particularly engine
oils. High temperatures can evaporate oil which may contribute to oil
consumption in an engine and can lead to a change in the properties of an
oil. A measured quantity of sample is placed in an evaporation crucible that
is then heated to 245.2C with a constant flow of air drawn through it for 60
minutes. The loss in mass of the oil is determined.
Additional Accessories
Additional equipment, materials and/or reagents are required to perform some Sludging Tendencies of Inhibited Mineral Oils............Pages 119-122
of the test procedures in the preceding pages. Please refer to the applicable
ASTM D4310
test method for further information, or contact Koehler for assistance.
Syringe, 50mL Flexible Tubing
Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils................Pages 108-110 Acetone Detergent
n-Heptane Hydrochloric Acid
ASTM D892; IP 146; DIN 51566; FTM 791-3211, 791-3213
Chromic Acid Oxygen
Air Supply Toluene Filter Holder Membrane Filters
Acetone Isopropanol Separatory Funnel Weighing Bottle, 60mL
Desiccant Cotton Forceps Drying Oven
Water Separability of Petroleum Oils Nitrogen Vacuum Source
and Synthetic Fluids................................................................Page 111 Desiccant Bags Flushing Tube
Isopropanol Rubber Policeman
ASTM D1401; ISO 6614; DIN 51599; FTM 791-3201
Oxidation Characteristics of Extreme Pressure
Precipitation Naphtha Acetone Lubricating Oils...............................................................Pages 119-122
Nochromix Distilled Water
Cotton ASTM D2893
Additional Accessories (Continued)
Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulating Oil ........................Page 126 Rust Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil
IP307 in the Presence of Water
(Standard and Horizontal Disc Methods) .....................Pages 128-129
Filtering Crucibles Porcelain Crucibles
Burette Oxygen ASTM D665, D3603; NACE TM-01-72; IP 135; ISO 7120; DIN 51355,
Alkali Blue Indicator Phenolphthalein DIN 51585; FTM 791-4011, 791-5315
Heptane Hydrochloric Acid Oven Naphtha
Potassium Hydroxide Toluene Isooctane Synthetic Sea Water
Chloroform Ethanol Distilled Water Precipitation Naphtha
Sulfuric Acid Acetone Petroleum Spirit 60/80
Isopropanol Membrane Filters Corrosion of Lead by Lubricating Oils...................................Page 130
Forceps Petri Dishes FTM 791-5321.1
Filtration Apparatus Oven
Air Supply Analytical Balance
Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Insulating Oils ......Page 126 Forceps Petroleum Naphtha
IP 335 Acetone Steel Wool
Porcelain Crucibles Burette Cotton
Oxygen Alkali Blue Indicator Bearing Compatibility of Turbine Oils ...................................Page 131
Phenolphthalein Solution n-Heptane FTM 791-3452
Hydrochloric Acid Potassium Hydroxide
Toluene Chloroform Test Equipment for:
Ethanol Membrane Filters, 5.0 m ASTM D445 Kinematic Viscosity (refer to Viscosity Section)
Forceps Petri Dishes ASTM D524 Ramsbottom Carbon Residue (refer to Page 53)
Filtration Apparatus Oven ASTM D974 Total Acid Number
Sulfuric Acid Acetone Copper Corrosion From Petroleum Products........................Page 131
Thermal Oxidation Stability of Automotive
Filter Paper Cotton Wool
Gear Lubricants .......................................................................Page 127
Isooctane Stainless Steel Forceps
ASTM 5704; STP12A L-60-1 Performance Test (formerly CRC L-60 Test); Stoddard Solvents
FTM 791B Method 2504
Cloud Point and Pour Point of Petroleum Oils.............Pages 132-133
Oakite 811 Pentane
ASTM D97, D2500; IP 15, 219; ISO 3015, 3016; DIN 51597; FTM 791-201
Stoddard Solvent Toluene
Reference Oils Air Supply Methanol Sodium Sulfate
Absorbent Cotton Tweezers Solid Carbon Dioxide Petroleum Naphtha
Heptane Organic Cleaning Solvent Calcium Chloride Acetone
Ethanol Sodium Chloride
Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability of Hydraulic Oils,
Aircraft Turbine Engine Lubricants Coking Tendency of Oil ...........................................................Page 135
and Other Highly Refined Oils.......................................Pages 124-125 FTM 791-3462
ASTM D4636; FTM 791-5307, FTM 791-5308; IHC BT-10, DIN 51394 Emery Paper
Air Supply Cotton Petroleum Ether
Analytical Balance n-Heptane Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Oils (Noack Test) ..............Page 136
Centrifuge and Tubes Acetone
ASTM D5800; DIN 51581; IP 421
Microscope Nitric Acid
Oven (optional) Sodium Hydroxide Balance Naphtha
Forceps Sodium Phosphate Toluene
Sodium Dichromate Sulfuric Acid
Brush Distilled Water