The Dude 11-18-12
The Dude 11-18-12
The Dude 11-18-12
ndrea angel
Pattern Notes
The Dude was inspired by the movie, The Big Lebowski. The original, as featured in the movie, is a Pendleton sweater
made at Winona Knitting Mills (now closed down) during the sixties and seventies. This version is worked in 1x1 rib. It is
designed to be loose fitting with a long body and long sleeves, which can be rolled up if necessary. It is a heavy, warm cardi-
gan and features a zipper closure and short row shawl collar.
This project is worked entirely in 1x1 rib, (except for the collar) including the color pattern charts. The cuffs and hem are
worked with smaller needles for a tighter gauge for 12 rows.
I recommend working the color charts in a needle one size larger than for the main part of the project to maintain gauge.
The charts are worked in Fair Isle, stranding the yarn not in use behind the work. You may wish to catch the floats because
the color sections are quite long, but be aware that floats may show through if caught because of the black and white color
All of the pieces follow the same color pattern by rows so that the color patterns line up, but the number of stitches varies
depending on which piece is being worked. Read the directions on the chart pages before beginning.
Cascade Yarns Ecological Wool [100% wool; 478yd/437m per 250g skein];
MC: Vanilla #8014; 3[3, 3, 4, 4] skeins
CC1: Latte #8063; 1 [1, 1, 1, 1] skein
CC2: Ebony #8095 1[1, 1, 1, 1] skein
* Needle Sizes are recommendations only. Always use needle size necessary to obtain gauge.
1 US #10/6.00mm 24 32 circular needle
1 US #6/4.00mm 24 32 circular needle
1 US #4/3.55mm 24 32 circular needle
1 US #11/8.00mm 24 32 circular needle (optional to maintain gauge over color charts)
*Note: Circular needles are recommended because the project is quite heavy and circular needles will support this weight more
effectively than straight needles would. The Dude 2
BO bind off
CC contrast color
CO cast on
foll follows
K knit
K2tog knit 2 together
m marker
M1 make 1 st; insert right needle into bar
between sts from front to back; place
this st on left needle with leading leg in
front, K into the back of this st, twist-
ing it; 1 st increased.
M1pw make 1 st purl wise; insert right needle
into bar between sts from back to
front; place this st on left needle, P
into the front of this st, twisting it, 1 st
MC main color
P purl
P2tog purl 2 together
P2togtbl p2tog through back loops; 1 st de-
patt pattern
pu pick up
rem remain(ing)
Rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
slm slip marker
ssk sl 2 sts as if to K, K sts tog through
back loops; 1 st decreased
st(s) stitch(es)
WS wrong side
Color Pattern
Sizes S, M, and L Only: Sizes 1X and 2X Only:
Rows 1-18: MC (18 rows) Rows 1-24: MC (24 rows)
Rows 19-26: CC1 (8 rows) Rows 25-32: CC1 (8 rows)
Rows 27-36: MC (10 rows) Rows 33-42: MC (10 rows)
Rows 37-44: Chart 1 (8 rows) Rows 43-50: Chart 1 (8 rows)
Rows 45-54: MC (10 rows) Rows 51-60: MC (10 rows)
Rows 55-62: CC1 (8 rows) Rows 61-68: CC1 (8 rows)
Rows 63-72: MC (10 rows) Rows 69-78: MC (10 rows)
Rows 73-106: Chart 2 (34 rows) Rows 79-112: Chart 2 (34 rows)
Rows 107-116: MC (10 rows) Rows 113-122: MC (10 rows)
Rows 117-124: CC1 (8 rows) Rows 123-130: CC1 (8 rows)
Rows 125-134 (fronts and back)/125 END (sleeves): Rows 131-140(fronts and back)/ 131 END (sleeves):
Rows 135-142 (fronts and back only): Chart 1 (8 rows) Rows 141-148 (fronts and back only): Chart 1 (8 rows)
Rows 143 END (fronts and back only): MC Rows 148 END (fronts and back only): MC
The Dude 3
Back Left Front
*Work entirely in 1x1 rib, with selvedge sts at both sides. Work entirely in 1x1 rib, with selvedge sts at both sides.
With second-smallest needle (US #6/4.00mm 24 32 With second-smallest needle and MC, CO 43[45, 51, 55,
circular needle) and MC, CO 95 [97, 111, 121, 131] sts. 61] sts.
Row 1(RS): K1, *K1, P1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2. Row 1: K1, *K1, P1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2.
Row 2: P1, *P1, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2. Row 2: P1, *P1, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 throughout for 1x1 rib patt with Repeat rows 1 and 2 throughout for 1x1 rib patt with
selvedge sts. selvedge sts.
Work 12 [12, 12, 16, 16] rows in 1x1 rib. Switch to second Work 12 [12, 12, 16, 16] rows in 1x1 rib. Switch to second
largest needle (US #10/6.00mm 24 32 circular needle) largest needle (US #10/6.00mm 24 32 circular needle)
and continue working according to color pattern, as and continue working according to color pattern, as
above and using charts 1 and 2a (back charts) through above, through row 104[104, 104, 102, 104].
row 104[104, 104, 102, 104] where indicated in Color Pat-
tern. You have already worked the first 12[12, 12, 16, 16] Armhole Shaping:
rows of the color pattern before switching to the larger Next Row (RS): BO 6 sts, work to end in 1x1 rib patt.
needle. WS rows: Work even in 1x1 rib patt.
Next RS Row: BO 2 sts, work to end in 1x1 rib patt.
Armhole Shaping: (35[37, 43, 47, 53] sts rem)
Row 105[105, 105, 103, 105]: BO 6 sts at beg of next 2
rows, then BO 2 sts at the beg of the next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at beg of next 2 RS rows as foll:
(79[81, 95, 105, 115] sts remain) K1, ssk, work in 1x1 rib patt to end.
(After all decreases complete, 33[35, 41, 45, 51] sts rem.)
Dec 1 st at each side on every RS row 2 times as foll:
K1, ssk, work in 1x1 rib patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. Work even through row 134[134, 134, 140, 140].
(After all decreases complete, 75[77, 91, 101, 111] sts
rem. ) Neck Shaping:
Dec for Neck edge every row 10[11, 13, 13, 16] times
Work even through row 141[141, 143, 149, 153]. starting on row 135[135, 135, 141, 141] as foll:
(RS): Work in 1x1 rib patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Neck: (WS): P1, P2tog, work in 1x1 rib patt to end.
Row 142[142, 144, 150, 154] (WS): (Working in MC) (23[24, 28, 32, 35] sts rem after working all dec rows.)
Work 25[26, 30, 34, 37] sts in 1x1 rib. BO 25[25, 31, 33, Last dec row is row 145[146, 148, 154, 157].
37] sts. Work to end in 1x1 rib.
Work 1[0, 0, 0, 1] rows even.
Work both sides of neck separately, the right side first.
Place the sts for the left side of the neck on a holder for BO all sts in 1x1 rib.
later working.
Right Front
Dec for right side of neck: Work as for Left Front through row 105[105, 105, 103,
Rows 1 & 3(RS): Work to last 3 sts in 1x1 rib, K2tog, K1. 105].
Rows 2 & 4(WS): Work even in 1x1 rib. Next Row (WS): BO 6 sts, work to end in 1x1 rib patt.
(23[24, 28, 32, 35] sts rem for shoulder.) Next Row (RS): Work even in 1x1 rib patt.
Next Row: BO 2 sts, work to end in 1x1 rib patt.
BO all sts in 1x1 rib. (35[37, 43, 47, 53] sts rem.)
Dec for left side of neck: Dec 1 st at end of next 2 RS rows (working WS rows even
The Dude 4
Attach yarn at outside edge with WS facing. in 1x1 rib patt) as foll:
Rows 1 & 3 (WS): Work even in 1x1 rib. Work in 1x1 rib patt to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Rows 2 & 4(RS): K1, ssk, work to end in 1x1 rib. (After all decreases complete, 33[35, 41, 45, 51] sts rem)
(23[24, 28, 32, 35] sts rem for left shoulder.)
BO all sts in 1x1 rib.
Switch to middle-sized needle and continue working ac-
cording to color pattern, as above and using charts 1 and
2c (sleeves), through row 103(103, 103, 101, 103)
You have already worked the first 12[12, 12, 16, 16] rows
of the color pattern before switching to the larger needle.
At the same time, work shaping as foll:
Starting with first inc on row 5, Inc at each side every 4
rows 6[8, 8, 7, 6] times, then inc each side every 6 rows
13[11, 11, 12, 13] times. 75[79, 85, 93, 95] sts
(Every other increase should be a M1pw in order to keep
the 1x1 rib pattern. So on row 5, k2, M1, work to last 2
sts in 1x1 rib, M1, K2. Then on row 9, K2, M1pw, work
to last 2 sts in 1x1 rib, M1pw, K2. Continue this pattern
throughout to maintain 1x1 rib patt.)
BO all sts in 1x1 rib. Dec 1 st each side every RS row 7 times as foll:
RS: K1, ssk, work even in 1x1 rib to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Sleeves (make 2 alike) WS: Work even in 1x1 rib.
*Note on Sleeves: In the photos the sleeves are rolled Then dec 1 st at each side every row 7 times as foll:
up, but they still follow the same color pattern as the RS: K1, ssk, work even in 1x1 rib to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
front and back pieces. If you prefer shorter sleeves, WS: P1, P2tog, work even in 1x1 rib to last 3 sts, P2togtbl,
work fewer rows of MC before switching to CC1 in the P1. (31[35, 41, 49, 51] sts rem)
color pattern.
Read all of the instructions before beginning, includ- Starting on the next RS, BO 5 sts at the beg of the next 4
ing those on the sleeve charts. Shaping must be worked rows, working all other sts even in 1x1 rib.
at the same time as working the color pattern. (11[15, 21, 29, 31] sts rem)
CO 37[41, 47, 55, 57] sts in MC with medium-sized BO all rem sts in 1x1 rib.
Row 1: K1, *K1, P1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2. Facings (make 2 alike)
Row 2: P1, *P1, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, P2. With smallest needle, CO 13[13, 13, 15, 15] sts. Work
Repeat rows 1 and 2 throughout for 1x1 rib with selvedge 26[26, 26, 27, 27] inches in 1x1 rib as foll:
The Dude 5
sts. RS rows: K2, *P1, K1, rep from * to last st, K1.
WS rows: P2, *K1, P1, rep from * to last st, P1.
Work 12 [12, 12, 16, 16] rows in 1x1 rib.
BO all sts in established 1x1 rib.
Seaming: First whip stitch the zipper to the WS of the facing, then,
Sew seams carefully, being sure to line up color patterns with RS facing, use back stitch to sew the zipper down
as you go. a second time. Follow one vertical column of stitches to
First sew shoulder seams, then side and sleeve seams. Sew help you sew straight.
facings to front pieces; facings should be sewn so that the
bottom edge lines up with the bottom edge of the front This method of sewing on the zipper will hold it firmly
piece and the top edge lines up with the first neck edge in place and is important since the zipper may get a lot of
dec. strain.
Pin the facings on carefully to properly line them up
before seaming to make sure the color patterns on both Repeat for the other zipper.
front pieces line up with each other.
Final Finishing:
Collar: Weave in all ends.
With MC, using smallest needle, with RS facing, PU and
knit 13[13, 13, 15, 15] sts from top of left side facing, Steam or wet block after all the pieces have been sewn to-
9[10, 11, 11, 13] sts at front left side of neck, 4[3, 4, 4, 4] gether to smooth out stitches. The collar must be blocked
sts at back left side of neck, 34[34, 38, 42, 46] sts at the in order for it to fold over neatly as seen in the photos.
back of neck, 4[3, 4, 4, 4] sts at back right side of neck, Blocking also helps the zipper to lay flat.
9[10, 11, 11, 13] sts at front right side of neck, and13[13,
13, 15, 15] sts from top of right side facing. 86[86, 94,
102, 110] sts.
Row 1(WS): *P2, K2, rep from * to last 2 sts, P2.
*Work in 2x2 rib to last 4 sts. With yarn held in front, slip
the next st to the right needle. Bring yarn to back and slip
st back to left needle. Turn to work back the other direc-
tion. Repeat from * once.
BO all sts.
The Dude 6
Charts: Work 2 stitches at each edge of your work in MC, disregarding
Chart 2a Back
chart in order to maintain a firm edge. The color patterns do not line up
from the front to the back. Chart 1 is always started from the right and
Chart 1
Chart 2b Front
Chart 2c Sleeve
Sleeve Charts: IMPORTANT! Please read this before proceeding with the
Chart 1 on the sleeves should be started at the right side of the chart and
worked across all present stitches. The number of stitches will vary due to
sleeve shaping while working chart. Work increased stitches in color pattern
according to chart 1.
Chart 2c should be worked across the center 67 stitches, regardless of how
many stitches are present. The remaining sts are worked in MC. Place mark-
ers to indicate where to begin and end the chart. No sizing is indicated for the
sleeve charts. Work two stitches at each edge of your work in MC, regardless
of the chart in order to maintain a firm edge, (not shown on charts.)
The color pattern in chart 1 will not line up when sewn together.
The Dude 7
67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7, 9] cm
48.5] cm
Designer Info
Andrea Rangel knits, designs, and teaches in Seattle, WA. See more of her designs
at or visit her on Ravelry, user name andreakr. Pattern sup-
port is happily and freely provided.
Andrea Rangel Knits This pattern, all photographs, and the knitted design are subject to copyright laws,
and are only for personal, non-commercial use.