Region Calculator User Guide
Region Calculator User Guide
Region Calculator User Guide
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Landmark Region Calculator (RegCalc) Users Guide
Overview ..........................................................................................................................3
Purpose .......................................................................................................................3
Save to Clipboard............................................................................................... 18
Print ....................................................................................................................20
R2003.4 i
Region Calculator (RegCalc) Users Guide Landmark
ii R2003.4
RegCalc is a VIP post-processing application. It is a powerful analysis
tool which lets you generate region reports for areas not initially
defined as IREGIONs. You can obtain reports for selected timesteps
based on the frequency of the WMAP card which is defined in the
simulation file. The region reports in RegCalc contain the following
Define the I, J, K range for the selected grid within the Region
R2003.4 Overview 3
Region Calculator (RegCalc) Users Guide Landmark
4 Overview R2003.4
Landmark Region Calculator (RegCalc) Users Guide
Access RegCalc
The Region Definition window loads the root grid and lets you define
the I, J, K regions and timesteps for calculation. Once defined, regions
can be saved to a Region Definition file.
Open VDB
Open Region Definition file
Save Region Definition File
Timestep(s) for
The Region Report window displays the calculations for the regions
you defined within RegCalc and any IREGIONS defined in the
initialization file. Tabs located on the top of the window let you access
each Region Report for the individual regions, for all regions at once,
or for the total model.
Tabs for RegCalc- Tab for total model
defined regions calculations
Tabs for Init Tab for all
file IREGIONS regions
Procedures are described on the following pages for sorting and saving
the Region Reports to a tab-delimited spreadsheet file and previewing,
editing (show/hide columns), and printing hardcopy Region Reports.
Open VDB
Open Study
The current Study should open by default when you open RegCalc.
Perform the following steps to open a different Study.
1. Open File Selection dialog box. Select the Open Study option on
the Region Calculator File menu, or click the icon on the
toolbar. The File Selection dialog box opens. The Files of Type
menu defaults to the .vdb extension, but can be set to list all files.
2. Select Study. Filter to the directory and highlight the file to select.
Click the Open button to select it. If the selected Study contains
only one Case, the grid data loads to the Region Calculator. If the
selected Study contains multiple Cases, the Case List for the
selected Study opens as described below.
Open Case
Perform the following steps to open a Case.
1. Open Case List. Again, when you select a Study with multiple
cases, the Case List will open automatically. If you want to change
Cases, select the Open Case option on the Region Calculator File
menu. The Case List opens as shown below.
2. Select Case. Highlight the Case Name to select in the Case List
and click the OK button. The grid data for the selected Case loads
to the Region Calculator. Note that IREGION definitions do not
You can open multiple cases for a single study. As you select new cases,
only the latest will display in the region calculator. But multiple Region
Report windows will remain open.
Once you have defined the calculation regions, save the information to
a file for repeated use (refer to Save the Region Definition File on
page 13). The default extension for a Region Definition file is .xreg.
1. Open File Selection dialog box. Select the File Open option on the
Region Calculator File menu, or click the icon on the toolbar.
The File Selection dialog box opens. The Files of Type menu
defaults to the .xreg extension, but can be set to list all files.
Once the grid is open, define any number of gridcell regions for
separate calculations as shown in the illustration below.
Open VDB
Open Region Definition file
Save Region Definition File
Timestep(s) for
1. Open New Region dialog box. Select the New Region option on the
Edit menu. The New Region dialog box opens as shown below.
Stepper buttons
The default grid is the ROOT grid. The I, J, and K ranges for the
ROOT grid display in the entry fields.
The I, J, and K, ranges for the selected LGR grid displays in the
entry fields.
Click the OK button located at the bottom of the New Region dialog box.
The dialog box closes. The gridblock range of the region you defined
displays in the Region Calculator as shown below.
Repeat the above procedures until all the regions are defined. Notice
that the number in the Region column increments for each new region
you define. This number corresponds to the Region tabs in the Region
Report window.
Sequence Action
New File
Perform the following steps to save a new Region Definition file.
1. Open File Save dialog box. Select the Save or Save As option on
the Region Calculator File menu. Or click the icon on the
toolbar. The File Selection dialog box opens. The Files of Type
menu defaults to the .xreg extension, but can be set to list all
2. Name the file. Filter to the directory. Click in the File Name entry
field and enter a file name.
3. Save the file. Click the Save button. The file is saved and the File
Save dialog box closes.
Existing File
Select the Save option on the Region Calculator File menu. You receive
a warning prompt asking if you want to replace the existing file. Click
the Yes button to overwrite the file and close the warning prompt.
Once the regions have been defined, click the Calculate button
located at the bottom of the Region Calculator window. The
calculations are performed and displayed in the Region Report window
as shown in the illustration below.
You can open multiple cases for a single study. As you select new cases, only the
latest will display in the region calculator. But multiple Region Report windows
will remain open.
Click the tab to select the Region Report for display. The display
provides the grid name and range and the following calculations:
Region Report
Click the individual Region tabs to sort, save, or print the reports
separately. Or select the All Regions tab to sort, save, or print all
reports together. Each of these options is described below.
1. Select the region. The displayed Region is saved to file. Click the
Region tab to display the region you want to save, or click the All
Regions tab to display all regions.
2. Open the File Save dialog box. Click the Save button
located on the bottom of the Region Report
window. The File Save dialog box opens. The Files of Type menu
defaults to the .txt extension, but can be set to list all files.
3. Name the Region Report. Filter to the directory. Click in the File
Name entry field and enter a file name.
4. Save the Region Report. Click the Save button. The file is saved
and the File Save dialog box closes.
Save to Clipboard
Perform the following steps to save the Region Report to the clipboard
for pasting into a spreadsheet application. These procedures use the
following MB2 menu options.
Each time you copy to the clipboard, the information in the existing buffer will
be overwritten. Therefore, you must paste the existing Report before copying a
new one to the clipboard.
Information in the clipboard is saved only within the current session.
Layout (show/
hide) button
4. Print the Report. Click the Print button located on the top of the
Preview window to print the Region Report directly from the
Preview window. The Print dialog box opens. Printing procedures
are described below.
Perform the following steps to print the Region Report.
3. Print the Report. Click the OK button when finished to queue the
Region Report to the printer and close the dialog box.
calculate 15
data provided by RegCalc 3
define gridcell range 11
define regions 11
display IREGIONS within RegCalc 5
Open Study and Case 5
Region Definition File 10
Region Report
Create 13
preview and print 19
save as spreadsheet 17
save to clipboard 17, 18
sort 17
view 16
select timestep interval(s) 13
view multiple Cases within a Study 9
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Region Calculator (RegCalc) Users Guide Landmark
ii R2003.4