Visual and Performing Arts, Grade 9-12, Proficient
Visual and Performing Arts, Grade 9-12, Proficient
Visual and Performing Arts, Grade 9-12, Proficient
2.1 Solve a visual arts problem that involves the effective use of the elements of art and the principles of design.
2.3 Develop and refine skill in the manipulation of digital imagery (either still or video).
3.1 Identify similarities and differences in the purposes of art created in selected cultures.
3.3 Identify and describe trends i the visual arts and discuss how the issues of time, place, and cultural influence are reflected in selected
works of art.
4.1 Articulate how personal beliefs, cultural traditions, and current social, economic, and political contexts influence the interpretation of the
meaning or message in a work of art.
4.2 Compare the ways in which the meaning of a specific work of art has been affected over time because of changes in interpretation and
4.3 Formulate and support a position regarding the aesthetic value of a specific work of art and change or defend that position after
considering the views of others.
What does a portrait say about the culture and timeframe in which that person lived?
How can a portrait be constructed to make the audience perceive the subject the way the artist intends?
Unit Summary:
Students will study explore the purpose of portraiture and their uses and styles over time by constructing a portrait or self-
portrait that conveys a sense of identity and fluency of visual language. Students will display knowledge of art historical
conventions , ability in creative expression, skill in digital photography and photo-editing software, and proficiency in aesthetic
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
A r t Te r m s S u r v e y : Guided Notes for Teacher Lecture Digital Portrait
Students will be assessed on their knowledge of Students will use guided notes to scaffold their Students will create a portrait that displays
learning when viewing the lecture knowledge of digital tools and follows the
art terms that will be pertinent to the unit. assignment rubric.
Students will also build background knowledge Portrait Detective
for the subject of portraiture In groups, they will discuss portraits by Graphic Organizer for Critique
well-known artists, searching for visual Students will display knowledge of digital tools
clues as to the subject and style of each and awareness of how the elements of art and
the principles of design are used when
constructing a depiction of a person.
Students will be assessed on their ability to
follow directions. Students will gain a greater
understanding of the process of creating a
digital portrait.
Study Sketch
Students will sketch ideas of their portrait in
each of the three mandated styles
Useful Websites:
Activities for Understanding Portraiture:
Portrait Detectives:
Cambridge in Colour
Photoshop Online