Lesson D Self Portrait
Lesson D Self Portrait
Lesson D Self Portrait
(Self-portrait Demo)
Teacher candidate: Wilson Do
Grade level: 6th & 7th Subject: Art
Date: Mar 25th, 2020
Unit topic: Self- portrait
What is the focus of this Interesting, challenging and using appropriate skills, and
lesson? create expression through practice and making the
Texas Essential §117.202. Art, Middle School 1, Adopted 2013.
Knowledge and Skills for
Fine Arts (TEKS) (a) General requirements. Students in Grades 6, 7, or 8
enrolled in the first year of art may select Art, Middle School 1.
(b) Introduction.
(C) develop a portfolio.
(a) Introduction.
Day 2:
Teacher will print out the photo for all students so they
can start the project.
Students practice self-portrait by using the new
technique that they learned in class.
Take photos of the work progress and upload it on G-
classroom for evidence and feedback in daily.
Clean up.
Day 3 - 10:
On the day 8th all students expected to be close to finish.
Critique days 9th & 10th and then students will submit
their works onto G-classroom for grade.
Goal: Summary:
To encourage students with Student learn about the gesture drawings
using range of art materials to through observing and practicing the
produce art. techniques used by teacher demonstration.
Be sure all students do not fall Student will have 5 minutes to warm up
behind on the project. before working on their actual project. The
Keep students motivative on project will take up to 7 days until students
their works. get used to the technique. Student will also
To keep students, follow the learn so much after their art through the
class routine, and be success critique in class.
in learning and making art.
Use discussion and ask questions to
confirm students’ knowledge.
Walk around classroom to check on the
student’s progression and provides
feedback on their works.