Potential of Rainwater Harvesting in Somalia
Potential of Rainwater Harvesting in Somalia
Potential of Rainwater Harvesting in Somalia
Funded by the European Union and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or of its authorities, or concerning
the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Oduor A.R. Gadain, H. M. 2007: Potential of Rainwater Harvesting in Somalia, A Planning, Design,
Implementation and Monitoring Framework, Technical Report NoW-09, 2007,FAO-SWALIM, Nairobi,
In 2004, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) established
a project entitled Somalia Water and Land Information Management Systems, SWALIM.
SWALIM’s objective is to contribute to improved water and food security in Somalia by:
To achieve these objectives and outputs, two rounds of trips were organized for fact-
finding missions and consultative workshops in April and May 2007. These events took
place in Puntland, Somaliland and Southern Somalia, drawing participants from relevant
line ministries in government, UN agencies, international non-governmental
organizations and community-based organizations. The draft framework was presented in
Nairobi for ratification in June 2007. It is envisaged that the final products that include
the framework document and assessment report on the potentials of RWH technologies
shall act as reference material for policy makers to prioritize and guide community,
government and external support agencies, on RWH investment options.
Table of Contents
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................ i
Preamble ............................................................................................................................. ii
Table of Contents............................................................................................................... iii
List of Plates ...................................................................................................................... vi
List of Annexes ................................................................................................................. vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii
Acronyms........................................................................................................................... ix
Local terms.......................................................................................................................... x
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. xi
1. Introduction................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background and general context................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem statement......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives of the assessment ........................................................................................ 2
1.4 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Challenges, opportunities and benefits of RWH in Somalia ........................................ 4
1.6 Expected outcome......................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Design considerations for berkads ............................................................................. 30
4.3.1 The catchment area .................................................................................................. 31
4.3.2 Conveyance mechanism........................................................................................... 31
4.3.3 Design considerations for storage............................................................................ 32
4.3.4 Abstraction of water for animal or domestic use ..................................................... 33
4.4 Design of roof water harvesting systems: the case of berkad guris............................ 36
4.4.1 Design considerations and aspects for roof catchments .......................................... 37
4.4.2 Conveyance, by pass and filtering mechanisms ...................................................... 37
4.4.3 Storage and abstraction ............................................................................................ 39
4.4.4 Demand-based approach to sizing a berkad guri ..................................................... 40
4.4.5 Total annual available rainwater from roof catchments .......................................... 40
4.4.7 Sizing roof rainwater tanks using nomographs........................................................ 42
References......................................................................................................................... 64
Annexes............................................................................................................................. 66
List of Figures
List of Plates
Plate 1: Participants during consultative workshops in Garowe, Hargeisa and Baidoa .... 3
Plate 2: A typical Berkad guri depicting the catchment, conveyance and storage
components ....................................................................................................................... 19
Plate 3: A typical ephemeral stream with a sandy riverbed in Somalia............................ 20
Plate 4: A balley filled with water during the rainy season .............................................. 22
Plate 5: Runoff conveyance channel during construction................................................. 23
Plate 6: Runoff conveyance channel in north-west Somalia after having developed into a
gully and conveying a lot of silt to the pond..................................................................... 24
Plate 7: A section of a balley embankment destroyed by 2007 Gu rains ......................... 28
Plate 8: A typical berkad in Somalia................................................................................. 30
Plate 9: Siltation of a berkad............................................................................................. 31
Plate 10: Mitigating evaporation losses from berkads using grass covers........................ 33
Plate 12: A Berkad guri showing the roof runoff harvesting components ....................... 36
Plate 13: Current practice of drawing water from the berkad guris.................................. 40
Plate 14: A guide for harvestable domestic roof water..................................................... 41
List of Annexes
Annex 14: Factors to consider in the planning, design, and implementation of agricultural
RWH systems.................................................................................................................... 80
Annex 15: Factors to consider in the planning, design, and implementation of domestic
RWH systems.................................................................................................................... 81
Annex 16 Analysis for Borama 20mm Rainfall threshold................................................ 82
Annex 19: Runoff water harvesting potential for agriculture and rangelands.................. 85
Annex 22: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Garoowe ................................................. 88
Annex 23: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Garowe ................................................... 89
Annex 24: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Hargeisa.................................................. 90
Annex 25: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Borama ................................................... 91
Annex 26: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Borama ................................................... 92
Annex 27: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Bossaso................................................... 93
Annex 28: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Bossaso................................................... 94
Annex 29: Rainwater Harvesting Potential for Jowhar .................................................... 95
Annex 31: Streams feeding into for Somalia.................................................................... 97
List of Tables
Local terms
balli A natural depression on flatter silt soils that collect surface runoff with
water-holding capacity ranging from less than 1000 m3 to more than
100,000 m3.
war A stock pond excavated either by hand, and within the last 15 years by
machinery, in heavy sealing soils whose capacity for holding water ranges
from less than 100 m3 to more than 10,000 m3.
il Natural spring
deshek Flood-diversion techniques used for delivering flood water for irrigation
The authors would like to thank the following for their contributions to the Rainwater
Harvesting Framework Document for Somalia:
Report review:
Zoltan Balint, Flavian Muthusi, Peris Muchiri
GIS support:
Craig von Hagen, Alex Koton and Meshack Nyabenge
Computer graphics
Evans Oduor, Pixiniti Studios
Logistical support:
Pollyne Wangari, Amos Nyaoro and Christine Kenyao
1. Introduction
1.1 Background and general context
Somalia covers an area of 637,657 km2 with the population in 2003 estimated at 7.5
million inhabitants. Somalia’s economy is predominantly agricultural (crops and
livestock, the latter being a major mainstay). The economy depends highly on water
availability, which in turn is reliant on rainfall. Rainfall in Somalia is not only low, below
100 mm per year in some areas, but has a high temporal and spatial variability (annexes 1
to 5). The annual average rainfall ranges from 215 mm in the North-eastern regions to
approximate 550 mm in the South-Central regions (SWALIM, 2007). The water balance
for the country depicts potential evapotranspiration greater than rainfall in the entire
country. In addition, other hydro-physical conditions that negatively impact on the
availability of freshwater include land degradation and siltation of water bodies. The
situation has been compounded by 16 years of civil strife, especially in the southern
regions. A number of local and international organizations have initiated civil
reconstruction, environmental conservation and livelihood-support programmes.
Experts estimate that Somalia is among the 13 African countries that will face water
scarcity by 2025. A country is said to be water scarce when its annual per capita water
availability falls below 1000 m3. Already, Somalia has less than 500 m3/per capita/year
(UNECA, 2000). This is attributed to erratic spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall
with average annual amounts falling between 100 and 800 mm, high evaporation, and
human activities that exacerbate land degradation.
Annexes 6 and 7 show the agro-ecological zones for Somalia. The dry and moist semi-
arid zones in the South, South-Central and North-western regions are conducive to
agricultural production. In these regions the length of crop growing season ranges from
60 to 120 days, and in situ water conservation measures and rainwater harvesting
techniques can be practised.
A survey carried out by FAO-SWALIM in 2006; found that land degradation requires
serious attention. According to the technical report Name and year produced by the
SWALIM land team, rangeland degradation, which constitutes about 50% of land
degradation, is the most serious form of land degradation. Land degradation is
exacerbated by prolonged droughts and the charcoal trade, which is widespread in the
country. The report further states that the rate of soil nutrient loss alone in Somalia is 88
kg ha–1yr–1. Rangelands also constitute the largest runoff water domain. Proper
management of soil and water resources is therefore a big challenge.
The agricultural and livestock sectors play a key role in food security, natural resources
management and environmental protection. Many districts have no permanent sources of
water supply. The human population and livestock depend on surface water harvesting
structures such as dams and berkads. These however dry up in the middle of the dry
season resulting in serious shortage of water that causes deaths of livestock and
sometimes humans. Water trucking is common in such districts during prolonged
droughts. The waters in these reservoirs are polluted with organic matter, silt and
sometimes garbage. There is also high likelihood of biological contamination.
Despite all these problems, Somalia still has potential to harvest rainwater for domestic,
agricultural and livestock use in areas where considerable runoff is generated. The
principles and technologies applicable to rainwater harvesting are discussed in detail in
chapter 3 of this report.
Although many organisations are involved in water-related activities, the capacity of the
community and government is still inadequate to take advantage of the potential that
rainwater harvesting offers in mitigating the effects of water scarcity in most parts of
The Governments of Puntland, Somaliland and South-Central Somalia are still in the
early stages of developing water policy. Rainwater harvesting is not adequately
mainstreamed in policy documents. The governments will need the support of experts to
incorporate RWH in its programmes and projects.
The objective of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Somalia Water and Land
Information Management (FAO-SWALIM), is to improve water and food security and
support the sustainable use of natural resources through information management. In
March 2007, SWALIM signed a memorandum of understanding with The World Agro-
forestry Centre (ICRAF) to collaborate on the production of “A common framework for
planning, designing, implementation and monitoring of rainwater harvesting projects in
Somalia”. The aims of the mission included:
1.4 Methodology
Common water harvesting and related activities currently in place include dam
construction, shallow wells, spring development, watershed management, pasture
development, sinking of boreholes and construction of berkads.
The governments have policies that touch directly or indirectly on rainwater harvesting
but which are still at various stages of development.
Developing the mapping criteria
The original plan was to map development domains for rooftop; ponds, pans and small
earth dams; in situ water conservation; rock catchment systems and sand/sub-surface
dams (see annex 8 for the description of classes for these criteria). However, due to lack
of information on some criteria, mapping was done for rooftop water harvesting potential,
runoff water domains for agricultural areas and runoff water domains for rangelands.
Criteria for mapping rooftop water harvesting potential depended on the availability of
data on settlements (roof area coverage), population density and rainfall as shown in the
classes in annex 8. Owing to lack of demographic data, especially population density,
mapping for rooftop water harvesting potential was instead produced with support of roof
area coverage data provided by UN Habitat. FAO-SWALIM provided rainfall data.
Criteria for mapping agricultural and rangelands development domains depended on the
availability of GIS baseline datasets such as those for climate (rainfall and evaporation)
and elevation models. These were provided by FAO-SWALIM and ICRAF.
Somalia receives low rainfall and very high temperatures, hence high evaporation from
surface reservoirs. This means that large tracks of land are required as catchment areas to
generate adequate runoff for ponds or dams. The other problem is silt deposits along
conveyance channels. After the rains huge deposits of silt are transported to the
reservoirs. This not only reduces the lifespan of the reservoir, but also hikes maintenance
costs through manual or mechanical desiltation. NGOs such as the Agricultural
Development Cooperation in Hargeisa cite costs of desilting ranging from USD 20,000 to
USD 30,000 for ponds with surface areas of approximately 1000 m2.
Most concrete storage structures such as the berkads have cracks. According to Foerch
(2003), the quality of berkad construction changed drastically since the 1950s (see figure
1). This was attributed to the combined effects of war, absence of maintenance during the
displacement years and poor workmanship. Quality declined drastically during the 1970s.
The motto at the time was to build a berkad as fast and as cheaply as possible (15-day
construction period). This resulted in imprecision, carelessness and poor quality of
construction. From the rural water supply assessment carried out by SWALIM, more than
half of the berkads are currently broken. The challenge is to develop standards for their
design, construction and maintenance.
quality index
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
construction period
Unlike other countries in the region that have networks of rainwater harvesting
associations composed of diverse disciples relevant to the technology, Somalia is just
beginning to establish its own structure. So far, government authorities are taking the lead
with the inter-ministerial forums that are looking into policy and regulatory aspects of
water management. There is interest to establish watershed management associations that
would also include rainwater harvesting in their agenda.
In addition to the above, participants at the consultative workshop said there was
insufficient human capacity to implement rainwater harvesting in Somalia. The challenge
is to develop a capacity-building framework that will prepare Somalia in upscaling and
outscaling RWH projects and programmes implemented by governments, international
NGOs and UN agencies.
RWH presents opportunities which communities can take advantage of to enhance their
livelihoods. These include taking advantage of runoff water to boost human health (since
rainwater from roof and rock catchment is fairly clean and safe); boosting agricultural
productivity and thus food security; involving local communities in planning and
implementing RWH projects and creating jobs for local artisans and fabricators. RWH
complements other water sources. It saves energy and time because its infrastructure is
close to its utilization points. RWH mitigates against the devastating effects of climate
change as water stored during floods is stopped from creating havoc in the lowlands, and
it becomes useful for irrigation and livestock production during the dry periods.
Somalia receives approximately 209 km3 of fresh renewable rainwater annually. This
water is unevenly distributed in space and time. Using RWH as a means of addressing
this spatial and temporal rainfall variability would contribute to coping with droughts and
floods, thus enabling communities to invest in livelihood activities. The twin challenges
of droughts and floods can be mitigated by constructing huge reservoirs to store flood
water, which is later availed during the dry periods for irrigation, livestock and domestic
The major output from this exercise is a framework document that policy and decision
makers can use for planning, designing and implementing RWH projects in Somalia.
Climate and hydrophysial factors
Rainfall in Somalia is low and erratic caused primarily by the descending motion of the
air and low humidity. Somalia is also located at the leeward side of the Kenya–Ethiopia
highlands, thus subjecting it to further low rains. Somalia has a bimodal rainfall
distribution—gu and deyr. The timing of the seasons varies across the country. The first
main season, gu, occurs between March and July and the second, deyr, from August to
November (annexes 2 to 5). The months of highest rainfall within these seasons are
generally from April–June and October–November. The two dry seasons in the country
are jilaal and haggai, which occur between December and March and July and August,
Based on the annual average rainfall pattern, Somalia has a desert to dry subhumid
climate. Rainfall is influenced greatly by the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and
the Somali jet. Orographic and coastal influences are also significant and cause a high
degree of variability across the country.
High rainfall areas occur in the Shabelle and Juba Basins with annual averages of
approximately 460 and 427 mm respectively (SWALIM, 2007). Rainfall reduces further
inland to the south with Upper Shabelle (Hiran and surrounding) receiving up to 400 mm
per year while the area between Shabelle and Juba valley receive relatively high rainfall
of about 500–700 mm per year. The amount of rainfall received annually reduces further
to the north except for areas around Sheikh, Hargeisa and Borama that receive between
500 mm and 600 mm per year. The area around Ceerigavo receives up to 400 mm
annually. The northern coastline is characterized by low rains of less than 100 mm per
year. The same is experienced around the inland of north-eastern coast (Lasanod, Qardo
and Scuscuban). The rest of the northern region and central Somalia receive an annual
mean of 200 to 300 mm. This situation is further exemplified in figures 2 to 4. Figure 2
shows the area per region, figure 3 shows the rainwater potential per region computed as
a volumetric product of average annual rainfall depth with the area, while figure 4 shows
the rainwater potential per unit area for every region. From the three charts, it is clear that
the southern regions of Juba, Shebelle, Mogadishu and Bay have the highest rainwater
water potential in Somalia.
Climate and hydrophysial factors
Lower Juba
Lower Shebelle
Re gion
R e gio n
AverageRainwater potential (Litres/m2)
Re gion
Climate and hydrophysial factors
Since its inception, FAO-SWALIM has put together all the available historical rainfall
data of Somalia. In addition, it is facilitating the installation and management of rain
gauges across the country. So far 70 manual 24-hour rain gauges have been installed.
Evaporation in Somalia is very high, exceeding rainfall in all regions. Annual potential
evapotranspiration ranges from 1000 mm around Lower Juba region, to 3000 mm in West
Galbeed and Togdheer regions (see annex 9). The southern regions are thus more suitable
to open surface water reservoirs compared to the northern and north-eastern regions.
Potential evapotranspiration is important especially when designing in situ rainwater
conservation structures. The rainfall potential evaporation ratios help in identifying
suitable locations for sand and subsurface dams which is < 0.6 for drylands and > 0.6 in
Air temperature and wind speed are important especially in designing open RWH
reservoirs or tanks, particularly when considering losses due to evaporation. The mean air
temperatures in Somalia are generally high all the year round throughout the country.
Average monthly temperatures reach as high as 31–330 C in March around Bardheere,
Luuq and Afmadow in the south, and 36–380 C in the north around Berbera (annex 10).
The local communities in some areas have observed higher temperatures. These have not
been recorded and have not been used in this report.
December to March are the hottest months in Southern Somalia. Temperatures are
greatest at the Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia borders (over 300 C) gradually decreasing
towards the ocean (280 C). July and August are the coolest months in Southern Somalia.
The Somali low-level jet is coincidentally strongest over southern Somalia during this
period thus contributing to the cooling effects in the region.
The hottest weather in the north is experienced between June and September especially
around Awdal and Bosasso areas. The North gets cooler in January and February.
Between 1963 and 1990 the highest mean maximum value that was recorded is 420 C in
June and July at Berbera, with the lowest mean minimum temperature being 60 C at
Erigavo in January.
Wind speeds are generally from about 2 m/s to 8.5 m/s on average and strongest during
the south-westerly monsoon (June to August). It is during such times that care needs to be
taken especially on evaporation losses from open surface reservoirs. On average the
lowest values of wind speed occur between April and November in the country
coinciding with the peaks of the two rainy seasons gu and deyr respectively. Losses due
to evaporation are enhanced with increased temperatures and further accelerated with
higher wind speeds. Where possible for open water bodies, the losses due to evaporation
can be reduced by planting wind-breaking trees on the side of the reservoir from whose
Climate and hydrophysial factors
direction the winds emerge. Figure 5 shows the temporal distribution of wind speed from
selected stations across the country.
1 2 3 4 5 6 m onth 7 8 9 10 11 12
The elevation gradient, determined from digital elevation models including the degree
and length of slope, influences the amount of runoff generated from a given rainfall
event. The steeper or longer the slope, the more the runoff. Most of Somalia is made up
of gentle to undulating landforms. Annexes 11 and 12 show the digital elevation model
and landforms for Somalia.
Vegetation cover is determined by the inherent physiographic factors and the type of land
use of a given area. Areas with high rainfall have more biomass and hence dense
vegetation cover. Somalia is largely arid and semi-arid with sparse vegetation. A decrease
in vegetation results in corresponding decrease in interception, retention and infiltration
and increased runoff. Continuous denudation of land through practices such as
deforestation results in less infiltration and more runoff.
Soil type is important in determining whether the water harvesting system will depend on
direct rainfall or runoff. Soils with poor infiltration capacities are can be used with
runoff-based systems while those with good infiltration and water-holding capacities,
whether natural or induced, are good for in situ water conservation systems.
Historical development and technological options
Rainwater harvesting is not the only technique for availing water to Somali communities,
but rather it complements other sources of water. Consultative workshops held in
Puntland, Somaliland and South-Central Somalia in May 2007 identified and developed a
nomenclature of water sources for the three regions. Table 1 shows these water sources
with minor variations in the local names of some technologies.
Cement water tank Berkad Underground water tank Berkad Cement water tank Berkad
Bund Naxaroor/Xadhig Natural water pond Balli Underground reservoir Ceel/Mugsid
Water pond/earth dam Balley Water pond/earth dam Xurfad Water pond/earth dam War
Hand well behind a dam Ceel Well Ceel Natural water course Tog
Spring IL Spring IL Flood diversion Deshek
Roof water harvesting Majaroor Roof water tank Berkad Guri Natural depression Gal
Subsurface dam Doox xidh
Underground reservoir Ceel/Mugsid
Natural ditch Dhiijan
Flood channel Deshek
Plastic pond
Rainwater harvesting is not new to Somalia. It has been in place since time immemorial.
The existence of berkads, waro and xadlings are testimony to a long history of
harnessing rainwater for domestic, livestock and crop use. During jilal (dry season),
people migrate with camels for long distances in search of water and fodder for their
animals. The camels were used to carry water fetching it twice weekly in the dry seasons,
and once monthly in the rainy seasons. Shoats were kept only in areas with adequate
water, for example, in rivers or shallow wells.
With the introduction of berkads, which are privately owned especially in Northwest
region of Somaliland, more and more people are settling down. The first berkads in the
region were built in the 1950s when Somaliland was still under British colonial rule
(Foerch, 2003). The idea was first introduced by one Xaaxi in 1952, who built the first
berkad near Odweyne. It is likely the idea was taken from existing examples in Sudan at
that time. It was not until 1964 when major construction started. Construction continued
even after the Italians occupied the South and the British protectorate in the North
merged and became independent in 1960. More and more people settled in the Haut
region and the demand for water increased tremendously. As a result, an intense period of
construction began. This continued until the civil war broke out between 1988 and 1991
pitting the North and the South of Somalia, and thus halting construction.
Historical development and technological options
Historical development and technological options
as ponds, berkads and dams. Quite often, the stored water is shared for crop production
and domestic use. Areas with shallow groundwater also abstract water for animal use.
All the RWH systems have six components: the catchment area, conveyance mechanism,
storage and treatment, abstraction mechanism and utilization components (see annex 13
for details). Systems with fewer components are more technologically efficient and cost
efficient. Losses are fewer and so are impurities from outside their domain area.
Domestic roof or rock catchment and in situ water conservation systems such as
conservation agriculture, are good examples of short-component systems. In situ systems
are even much better as the hydrologic cycle is closed at very small scales. Storage
mechanisms are the most expensive of all components. This calls for proper planning and
design to reduce the cost without compromising structural strengths.
The agricultural (crop and livestock) systems get their water from direct runoff or flood
(both ex situ) and direct rainfall (in situ). Ex situ rainwater harvesting is the provision of
runoff water from external catchments for supplementary irrigation to sustain crops
through the entire growing period, or for livestock drinking. Runoff water that collects on
the ground in homesteads, farms, paths and rural roads is channelled via mitre drains into
already existing channels with silt traps. Immediately after the silt traps, the runoff water
is conveyed to surface or underground reservoirs. The underground reservoirs are either
closed or open. Closed reservoirs include sausage or spherical tanks while open ones are
either lined or unlined ponds and tanks. Water from these ponds or tanks is abstracted
using simple rope and washer or treadle pumps for supplementary irrigation. Figure 7
shows the components of an ex situ agricultural water harvesting system for crop
production. Livestock systems use mainly surface reservoirs such as ponds.
Siltation is a major problem calling for annual desiltation. Within 2 to 3 years, the
community maintains the structure by providing labour. Only those who contribute to the
maintenance of these structures have rights to the use of water from the balleys. There are
no restrictions on amount or quota for those eligible to use balley water.
Historical development and technological options
In situ rainwater conservation technologies aim at conserving rainfall where it falls in the
cropped or pasture areas by holding rainwater and prolonging the time for infiltration. In
situ water conservation is achieved mainly using conservation agriculture and micro-
catchments. This technology can be practiced in areas with low topography in arid or
semiarid climates such as Somalia. Conservation farming involves minimizing soil
disturbance through reduced or zero tillage, maximizing soil cover, and using crop
rotations or associations. Indeed, conservation farming refers to the simultaneous practice
of all three through ripping, tied ridges, basins, strip tillage, etc., as a gateway to
progressively achieve minimal soil disturbance.
Source: Wilfred Miriithi (2007)
Historical development and technological options
Conservation Entails minimal soil Herbicides Reduces Selective use of USD 4.2 =
tillage disturbance selection based on labour, lost herbicides per 1/4 acre
Agriculture Permanent soil cover type of weed and energy
Crop crop needed to
rotations/associations increase
SWC water.
Historical development and technological options
The benefits of these include improved soil structure and moisture storage. Soil cover is
maximized through cover cropping, intercropping and the use of crop residues or mulch.
Conservation agriculture enhances moisture conservation, suppresses weeds, reduces
erosion and soil temperature variation and also enhances soil fauna and micro-organisms.
Crop rotations and associations enhance nutrient replenishment and uptake; control of
weeds, pests and diseases; integration of livestock, carbon sequestration and food security
(RELMA, 2004). In situ water conservation promotes improved management practices
when cultivating corn, cotton, sorghum and other drought-tolerant crops. In Somalia, it
can be practised in areas with annual rainfall above 200 mm (annex 5). The areas include
Gabiley District of Woqooyi Galbeed region, Bay, Hiram, Galgadud, Middle and Lower
Shebelle. Table 2 profiles of some of the in situ farming practices.
Historical development and technological options
One additional important factor is looking for those agroforestry trees and shrubs, which
have got broader leaves but at the same time are aided either with thin film that covers
the stomata of the leaves or have leathery leaves for reduced evapotranspiration.
Sarcocephalus latifolius, Calotropis procera, Annona senegalensis, Celtis toka,
Piliostigima thonningii, Agave Americana, etc., few examples of such species aided by
The trees and shrubs listed above are among the few of many agroforestry trees and
shrubs that fit the agroclimatic conditions of Somalia. But what t tree or shrub species to
use will depend on the use and purpose of the intervention. These and other species have
varied benefits that range from shade provision, industrial milk production to soil fertility
replenishment medicinal use, and providing nutrition in the form of edible fruits. Bekele
Tesemma (2007) gives detailed information on the species best suited for dry, hot
lowland agroclimatic conditions.
Site preparations can take many shapes depending on the nature of the micro-site where
the agro forestry intervention is to take place. Micro basins, retention ditches, different
types of terraces may be used. In a flat site, circular dish-like micro basins are preferred
to crescent–shaped micro basins, the latter or better suited to sites with gentle to
undulating topography. If the same land is shallow in soil depth, shrubs are preferred
over trees. If the soil of the micro site is weak in organic matter, deciduous trees and
shrubs are more suitable. Knowing the hydro physical conditions of the area is important
to maximize the shading effect of the agro forestry system when it is practised along
irrigation canals to minimize evapotranspiration loss. The same is true when the
agroforestry system is designed to support and benefit from other rainwater harvesting
measures such as hillside reservoirs.
Historical development and technological options
understanding of the different micro-sites so that they can customize lessons and
practicals to real conditions of the area. Similarly there should be an understanding of the
communities’ interests about the main purpose and function of the agroforestry system to
be established and cared by them. Having a thorough understanding of complementary
development efforts such as rainwater management is quite necessary. The impact of
such community support can be effectively rooted if primary and high school teachers are
trained with development facilitators on how to re-tool their teaching syllabus to
accommodate agroforestry interventions that work in the different agroclimatic
conditions of Somalia. I recommend that specific agroforestry innovations be designed
taking into account the specific site conditions and community interests. For the pool of
agroforestry innovations, from which candidate interventions can be selected, read
Bekele-Tesemma (2007).
A successful livestock enterprise requires a good water supply, both in terms of quantity
and quality. There are generic approaches for determining the quantity of water needed
for livestock production, however, the major concern is the quality of water that livestock
consume. The minimum amount of water required to produce feed that can produce one
tropical livestock unit (TLU) is 450 m3 (Peden et al., 2002). This is 50 to 100 times more
than water required for drinking. This information is important in designing livestock
production and water consumption systems. The two components of rainwater for
livestock production are rainwater management for pasture production and rainwater
management for livestock consumption. In the latter case, water quality is a critical issue.
Historical development and technological options
As shown in figure 6, water for domestic use is drawn from rock or roof catchments.
When it rains, runoff water generated on the catchments flow into gutters, which convey
the water to the tanks. The water collected in the tanks is abstracted either by gravity or
using buckets. Plate 2 shows the components of a domestic rainwater harvesting system
using roof catchments. This technological option is viable in urban settlement areas
where rainfall is sufficient to generate runoff. However, roof runoff is not the only source
of water. The Somali community also depends on wells, springs and sandy riverbeds to
access water for domestic use.
Plate 2: A typical Berkad guri depicting the catchment, conveyance and storage
Somalia has ephemeral streams that yield adequate amounts of sand that could be used to
conserve water for domestic, livestock and irrigation purposes (see Plate 3 and annex 31).
Identifying areas whose rainfall to potential evapotranspiration ratio is above 0.6 is
necessary to indicate positions for installing sand dams, sub-surface dams or even
infiltration galleries. The advantage of these systems is that the water is hidden
underneath the sand layers and thus evaporation is reduced. The water also goes through
natural treatment where the schmutzdecke micro-organisms kill harmful bacteria and
other pathogens found in the water.
Infiltration galleries are a low-cost, low-skilled technology that require local construction
materials and labour to abstract groundwater via horizontally perforated pipes. Such
systems are in use in India, the Falkland Island, Barbados, Kenya and the USA. However,
their improvision by MS (Mesfin Shenkut) Consultants in Gambella, Ethiopia, is what
attracted international accolades. According to MS Consultants, the main advantage of
the galleries is the high acceptability of the bacteriological, chemical and physical status
of the infiltrated water devoid of conventional treatment mechanisms. In addition, the
gallery works with only one operator whose job is merely to start and shut off pumps.
Historical development and technological options
Design of RWH systems
• The number of days when rain surpasses threshold values of 5 mm per event for
domestic purposes, or 20 mm for agricultural purposes
• Probability and occurrence of the mean monthly rainfall
• Probability and reoccurrence for the minimum and maximum monthly rainfall
• Distribution frequency of storms of different specific intensities
domestic RWH systems as shown in annexes 14 and 15. Agricultural systems mainly
depend on surface runoff water bodies such as ponds, dams and berkads, and quite often
share the same source for crop, livestock and to some extent human use. Ponds and
berkads are a lot more common and hence this section will dwell on their design aspects.
These are open surface reservoirs constructed by communities (Plate 4). They consist of a
catchment area, an inlet canal and an appropriate live fencing to break the wind and
protect animals and humans. During the consultative workshops, the technology working
groups estimated that surface area for ponds is approximately 1000 m2 with depths
ranging from 2.5 to 6 m. The height of the embankments ranges from 2 to 3 m.
Design of RWH systems
This is the area where runoff is generated before it is conveyed for storage. In ex situ
systems, the catchment, and in some cases, the conveyance mechanisms are located
outside the farming area. A number of issues need to be considered during the risk
analysis in the planning stage. One major issue is the size of the catchment. Arid to semi-
arid regions with low rainfall need large catchments to draw runoff water. Such
expansive areas traverse communal or private property and thus the farmer has no control
with regard to catchment conservation. External problems such as massive siltation have
to be sorted out.
The catchment to cultivated area ratio formula helps determine the size of the catchment
needed to generate runoff that can meet crop water requirements. This ratio is computed
using the formula below:
C A P * Cr * E f
For example, the crop water requirement for a millet crop is 475 mm. To grow millet at
Burhakaba in Bay region with design rainfall of 335 mm, the C/CA ratio is determined as
Design of RWH systems
C 475 − 335
= = 3.34
C A 335 * 0.25 * 0.5
This means that the catchment area should be about three times the size of the cultivated
area to guarantee sufficient water to grow millet.
Generating runoff is important for rainwater harvesting. The average annual rainfall
usually gives a wrong impression if used directly for computing runoff harvesting
potential. For instance, the mean annual rainfall for Borama calculated for 41 years
(between 1925 to 1987) is 536 mm.
However, the annual averages for storms that have threshold of 20 mm, deemed
sufficient to cause runoff is 266 mm, all received on an average of 6 days annually (see
annex 16). The latter value is more dependable when computing runoff for agro-pastoral
Design of RWH systems
Siltating of the waro or balleys can be mitigated by designing shallow but wide
waterways with side slopes of 1:3. Vegetating such waterways with grass would be ideal
but since it is difficult to establish grass given the low rainfall and high evaporation in
most parts of Somalia, stone pitched filter strips would be sufficient wherever possible
(figures 8 and 9).
Design of RWH systems
Determining size, depth and number of ponds based on the Soil Conservation Curve
Number method
Issues to consider when designing pond reservoirs are structural strength, siltation, the
cost of construction and the sizing of its capacity. With runoff already determined, Senay
and Verdin (2004) further developed a methodology for computing the recommended
pond depth, required watershed areas, potential number of ponds in a given area, and
number of ponds per family as shown below.
Design of RWH systems
(P − I a )2 (1)
(P − I a + S )
S= − 254 (2)
A = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5
CN = 1A [ A1 (CN 1 ) + A2 (CN 2 ) + A3 (CN 3 ) + A4 (CN 4 ) + A5 (CN 5 )]
Where A = Area or watershed
An = Area of sub-catchment
Design of RWH systems
The hydrologic soil group A to D in the table refers to the infiltration potential of the soil
after prolonged wetting.
Group A Soils: High infiltration (low runoff). Sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam.
Infiltration rate > 0.75 cm/hr when wet.
Group B Soils: Moderate infiltration (moderate runoff). Silt loam or loam.
Infiltration rate 0.375 to 0.75 cm/hr when wet.
Group C Soils: Low infiltration (moderate to high runoff). Sandy clay loam.
Infiltration rate 0.125 to 0.375 cm/hr when wet.
Group D Soils: Very low infiltration (high runoff). Clay loam, silty clay loam,
sandy clay, silty clay, or clay. Infiltration rate 0 to 0.125 cm/hr
when wet.
Design of RWH systems
D=1+E–P+S (4)
Where D = Recommended pond depth (m);
E = Annual evaporation (m)
P = Average annual rainfall (m), and
S = Annual seepage (m).
Wherever D is negative, it is set to a minimum depth of 1 m.
If we take the case of Baidoa District whose annual rainfall is about 500 mm with an
assumed evaporation of 1900 mm and seepage of 2.5 mm/day for 20 storm events (50
mm). Then recommended pond depth for Baidoa would be
= 1 + 1.9-0.5+0.05
= 2.45 m
To yield a minimum depth of 1 m net supply of pond water in Baidoa region, one would
need a recommended design depth of 2.45 m. Thus 1.45 m is lost to seepage and
evaporation. A map for minimum pond depths can be produced for Somalia if the
rainfall, evaporation and seepage values are known.
WA = D 0.0001 (5)
Design of RWH systems
Continuing with the Baidoa example, the watershed area can be computed by substituting
the values of D and Q in the equation above. Recommended depth has already been
obtained in the previous example as 2.45 m. The map on RWH potential also indicates
that average annual runoff for Baidoa is approximately 0.02 m. From computations, the
watershed area is 12.25 ha.
WA = 2.45 0.0001 (6)
Here again, a map for Somalia can be produced to depict required watershed areas
needed to generate runoff water for the 1000-m3 ponds (see example for Africa in the
annex 17).
NP = (7)
D *1000
NP =
If the total watershed area is 200 ha, then the number of ponds is given by
NP = = 16.33, or approximately 17 ponds.
Design of RWH systems
NPkm − 2
NPf −1 = fs (8)
NPf −1 = 2
The number of ponds per household with a family size of six is thus 2.
Design of RWH systems
The catchment area is usually big enough to generate enough runoff that can fill a berkad.
The size is therefore demand based. However, if the watershed boundary is known, then
the soil conservation curve number method (see formula 1) can be used to compute its
potential runoff generation capacity, which can then be used to design the berkad.
Unlike ponds, the conveyance mechanism for berkads does not use machine excavated
channels. Instead, runoff from upstream catchments or roads is directed via mitre drains
to the reservoirs. Owing to silt being washed into the berkads (Plate 9), silt traps are
constructed just before the entrance. This is an on-stream approach to control siltation,
but it is not a good approach. Instead, an off-stream approach to silt management should
be adopted.
Off-stream design entails converging runoff to a waterway that is positioned besides the
berkad. When the inflow rate is low, a ‘tongue’, constructed at the entrance to the mitre
drain directs water to the berkads via the silt traps (figure 10). The same mitre drain acts
as a spillway and will discharge excess runoff back to the waterway. However, with high
flow rates, most of the runoff simply ‘jumps’ over the tongue, carrying with it heavy silt
away from the berkads.
Design of RWH systems
Design of the berkad capacity or volume could either be supply or demand based. In a
supply-based approach, the soil conservation curve number method could be used as
highlighted in section 4.2.3 and 4.3.1. In a demand-based approach, consideration has to
be made for the dry periods for which this water shall be needed as well as the daily
water requirements for domestic use that includes animals and humans. Table 4 is an
example for determining berkad size based on water demand and a six-month dry period.
Design of RWH systems
require more skill in construction. Again, the surface area should be minimized to reduce
evaporation losses while not compromising the maximum depth for water abstraction.
The current practice to mitigate evaporation losses is to cover the surface of the tanks
using vegetative material such as grass placed over a mesh of wires (Plate 10). There is
need to ensure that all the sides of the tank are reinforced with appropriate wire mesh and
British re-inforced concrete depending on the size to avoid cracking (Plate 11).
Plate 10: Mitigating evaporation losses from berkads using grass covers
The current practice is to abstract water or silt from the berkads using rope and buckets
(figure 11). After the bucket is dipped in water, it is pulled by hand and brought to the
Design of RWH systems
ground level to pour out the water. This technique is not good as it is prone to
contamination. An alternative is to install a rope-and-washer pump, which delivers water
via a spout (figure 12). This pump should be installed at one of the berkad corners as
shown in figure 14, to facilitate easy abstraction. The water drawn using this technique
should be allowed to pass through a layer of quick sand and later to either a tank for
domestic use, or a trough for animal drinking. NB: The current practice by the Somalis
of separating the area where water is drawn to the area where animals drink using live
fences is good and should be adopted and incorporated in the designs. This is also clearly
demonstrated in figure 14.
Figure 11: Use of rope and bucket to desilt or abstract water from berkads2
Adopted from Caritas Switzerland, Luxemburg, COOPI, OXFAM GB & SCF-UK
Design of RWH systems
Design of RWH systems
Figure 13: A Berkad runoff harvesting system depicting trough for animal drinking
4.4 Design of roof water harvesting systems: the case of berkad guris
Plate 11: A Berkad guri showing the roof runoff harvesting components
Design of RWH systems
In designing roof catchment systems, the following factors have to be taken into account:
rainfall, area/size of the roof surface, surface conditions, roof pitch and presence of
settlements. Annex 8 expounds on the criteria for domestic water harvesting.
Areas with rainfall above 200 mm per annum are considered suitable for roof water
harvesting. The nature of roofing material or surface will determine how much runoff is
generated. The smoother the surface, the higher the runoff coefficient. Most buildings
especially in urban areas of Somalia use corrugated galvanised iron sheets for roofing
whose coefficients range from 0.8–0.9. The roof pitch, which denotes the slope defined
by the vertical height of a roof truss to its half-length is gentle, estimated at 4 to 12
(figure 14). The roof pitch factor for such ratio is 1.05. The relationship between roof
pitches and roof runoff losses due to splashing effect is that the sharper the pitch, the
lower the losses due to smooth flow of water and vice versa. For the internally displaced
persons (IDPs) however, canvass and polythene are the preferred roofing materials.
Given their hemi-spherical shapes, it is difficult to determine their roof pitches. However,
since they are vertically oriented towards the ground level, an assumption of 1.2 for the
roof pitch could be used. An issue of concern for the roof is dust blown by wind and
deposited on the roofs.
Runoff generation for roofwater harvesting systems requires lower threshold values as
compared with that for agriculture. The threshold of 5 mm is sufficient to create runoff
from corrugated iron-roofed catchments, which are common in Somalia urban settings.
Using the example of Borama, the mean annual rainfall for Borama calculated between
1925 and 1987 is 500 mm. However, the annual averages for storms that have threshold
of 5 mm, deemed sufficient to cause runoff is 489 mm, all received on an average of 30
days annually (annex 18).
Conveyance mechanisms consist of gutters and down pipes made of poly vinyl chloride
(PVC), galvanised iron sheet (gauge 20–22) or bamboo trunks cut vertically in half. The
Design of RWH systems
Design of RWH systems
Storage tanks collect rainwater for later use. In Somalia, they are often cuboid or
rectangular in shape. Most of the tanks are placed above the ground with overflow
provisions. Stairs are made in some cases to access the top of the tank. This allows for the
use of buckets or jerry cans to draw water. Dipping jerry cans or buckets in and out of the
tanks is an un-hygienic practice that introduces impurities and pathogens in the stored
water (Plate 13). Instead, provisions should be made for a tapping station to draw water
from the tank through gravity (figures 19 and 20).
Design of RWH systems
Plate 12: Current practice of drawing water from the berkad guris
The total annual available rainwater is dependent on the size of the roof. Tank capacity is
computed by getting the product of total roof area with average annual rainfall, the roof
pitch and runoff coefficient. For example, for a house roofed with GI sheets in a town
covering an area of 60 m2, with annual rainfall of 400 mm the tank capacity is calculated
as follows:
Design of RWH systems
Using the formula in Section 4.4.5, it is possible to develop a guide table for estimating
harvestable rainwater from varied roof sizes and rainfall in Somalia.
Design of RWH systems
Cumulative roof water supply vs demand
-5 0 5 10 15
Time (Months)
The monograph is a simple tool that can be understood by most people and can only be
applied in areas with similar rainfall. It helps in determining the mean daily runoff for
particular areas. To determine the tank size using a nomograph, the daily family water
demand should be determined. For instance, for a family of five at a basic water
Design of RWH systems
requirement of 20 litres per day, the total demand for the family will be 100 litres. If the
roof area is 80 m2, then for the example of Moyale town given in figure 19, the MDR is
140 l/d. From the nomograph, this means that there is sufficient water to supply the needs
of the family with a balance still left of 40 litres for other uses.
Somalia too, could develop similar nomographs for selected towns based on the
performance calculator developed by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
15 300
13 250
10 200
8 150
5 100
2 50
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Source: Malesu et al. (2005)
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
In areas that are fairly clean and unpolluted such as rural settings with low
industrialization, rainwater is a clean and safe resource. However, once it hits the roof
surface, the rainwater collects impurities and washes down bacteria, moulds, algae,
protozoa and other contaminants into the tank (UN Habitat, 2005). Health concerns
related to bacteria such as Salmonella, Escherechia coli and Legion ella are the primary
criteria for analysing the quality of drinking water. Rainwater for household use should
be filtered and disinfected.
Virtually all ex situ runoff water is led to open storage structures. As the runoff flows to
the reservoirs, it carries with it silt and organic impurities. If the surrounding areas are
denuded following cutting down of trees to produce charcoal, high siltation and pollution
of the water bodies occur. There is also a danger of such water harbouring mosquitoes or
snails that are hosts to malaria and bilharzia. Typhoid is common when the people,
livestock and other domestic animals use water un-hygienically.
At the roof catchment level, large organic matter such as leaves deposited on the roof
surfaces by wind can be removed using leaf screens (plate 14). These are placed at the
lower edges of the roofs and extended over the gutters. During initial rainfall events,
runoff water flows into the gutters carrying with it minute particles. The leaves cannot
enter the fine mesh covering the gutters and will thus go over the gutters and fall to the
Leaf screening can also be achieved along down pipes. A section of the pipe is cut in a
slanting manner and a fine mesh placed over it. Runoff flowing on the pipe will pass
through the mesh leaving behind the large organic matter such as leaves, which will slide
to the ground.
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
This is a plastic by-pass mechanism which is initially positioned to allow foul flush to
flow away as wastewater. After about five minutes of a rainfall event, it is manually
changed so that clean water is re-routed to the tank (Plate 15). The disadvantage of this
system is that the operator has to be around to re-position the foul flush gadget so that it
receives clean water after a few minutes of the rainfall event.
The alternative to the manual mechanism is the automatic one shown in Plate 16 and
figures 20 and 21. Here, roof runoff is directed to the down pipe which has an extended
pipe that separates the foul flush from on-coming cleaner runoff. The volume of foul
flush is calculated to fill the separator pipe. Thereafter, oncoming runoff is blocked by a
non-return valve and instead re-routed to the treatment chamber. This water is forced
through layers of sponge and sand. A space on the top portion of the chamber acts as a
sump upon which treated pool water collects and discharges into the berkad (see top right
and bottom Plates 16). The advantage of this system is that it takes care of the physical
(using the separator) and biological impurities (using the sand filtration) simultaneously.
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
Figure 19: Use of separator and filtering mechanisms to treat roof runoff water
The alternative to the use of separator extension pipe (figure 18) is the use of a floating
ball technique (figure 19). In this technique, initial runoff flows into a container with
conical ends. The container has a ball that floats and rises with the filling water. When
full, this chamber is automatically blocked by the ball. At this stage, clean water will be
rerouted into the berkad. The advantage of this method is that the operator doesn’t have
to be around during a rainstorm. He can remove the foul flush after the rainfall event.
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
5.2.3 Filtration
A number of filtration mechanisms are in use—gravity, pressure and sand- based filters.
Given the abundance of sand in Somalia, the sand-based filter is highlighted.
Sand-based filters remove turbidity (suspended particles), colour and even micro-
organisms. Depending on availability of different materials, layers of sand are arranged
as shown in figure 21.
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
5.2.4 Disinfection
Disinfection consists of boiling water and using chemicals and ultra-violet light. Boiling
water for 10 to 20 minutes is sufficient to remove all biological contaminants (UN
Habitat, 2005). Chlorination is done using calcium hypochlorite (CaOCl2), known as
bleaching powder, at a mix of 1 g per 200 litres of water to kill all types of bacteria.
Alternatively, chlorine tablets can be used at a mix of 0.5 g to treat 200 litres of water.
Table 5 summarizes water treatment along various components of a domestic roof water
harvesting system.
At the collection conveyance stage, physical treatment through leaf screening is done.
This is followed by a physical and biological stage especially when automatic foul flush
gadgets are used together with sand. Finally, at the storage and utilization stage, water
must be boiled and chemicals applied to kill harmful micro-organisms.
The World Health Organization has developed standard chemical and biological tests that
guide users in monitoring water quality. Chemical tests are carried out for chemical
oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, turbidity, conductivity, iron, manganese,
calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminium, chlorides, fluoride, ammonia, sulphate,
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
phosphorus, total dissolved solids, zinc, cadmium and lead. Biological tests include
bacteriological, viral and protozoa tests. Somalia needs to develop a strategy and
framework for the monitoring of water quality. Since these tests cost money (see table 6
as an example), a study should be carried out to determine the on which parameters are
relevant parameters for monitoring so that appropriate laboratories are set up either in
government, parastatal or university colleges. When establishing monitoring
infrastructure, twinning of a Somali institution with that of a counterpart in a
neighbouring country such as Kenya or Yemen, is desirable especially if the latter have
advanced technologies. The Public Health, Pharmacology and Toxicology Department at
the University of Nairobi undertakes water quality tests.
Table 6: Example of current costs for charges of various parameters for water
testing at the University of Nairobi
Tests Parameter Cost per sample (USD)
Water for agricultural use is polluted from non-point sources, i.e. it is difficult to pin-
point precisely where particular pollutants come from, especially if the catchment is
located in an area with intensive farming or livestock rearing. In Somalia, the major
problem is siltation of water bodies. To mitigate this problem, there is need to come up
with policies that encourage catchment management through soil and water conservation.
Terracing is recommended wherever applicable as noted in parts of Bay region and
Somaliland, as is the use of silt traps and waterway treatment (section 4.2.2).
Given that the origin of all waters is rainwater, livestock have no problem drinking water
drawn from surface or ground reservoirs. However, the water quality of water may be
affected by the presence of nitrates and sulphates, alkalinity, salinity, bacterial
contamination, other toxic elements and stagnant water.
Nitrate poisoning in cattle results from eating forage with a high nitrate content. The
nitrates themselves are not toxic, but bacteria in the rumen reduce the nitrates to nitrites,
which then get into the bloodstream. There, the nitrites convert the red pigment,
haemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, to a
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
dark brown pigment, methaemoglobin, which will not carry oxygen. When this
conversion is about 50% complete, animals become distressed and short of breath, and
when conversion reaches 80% or more, they usually die of suffocation.
Table 6: Guide to the use of water containing nitrates for livestock and poultry
Nitrate content
(ppm nitrate nitrogen) Comments
Experimental evidence to date indicates that this water
Less than 100 should not harm livestock or poultry.
Both sodium and magnesium sulphates are well-known laxatives. Water containing up to
3,000 ppm sulphates has no harmful effects on the rate or efficiency of weight gain or on
faecal consistency, in gestating or lactating sows or on their litters up to 28 days of age.
Water containing above 3,000 ppm, will harm livestock.
Waters with alkalinities of less than 1,000 ppm are considered satisfactory for all classes
of livestock and poultry. Adults may not be harmed at concentrations of less than about
2,500 ppm unless the concentration of carbonates exceeds the concentration of
bicarbonates. Most waters have alkalinities of less than 500 ppm, and are not harmful.
Excessive alkalinity in water can cause physiological problems and digestive upsets in
Bacterial contamination
Bacterial contamination in water for livestock use drinking water does not usually cause
problems. Most water consumed by livestock has some degree of contamination from
being impounded stored in depressions, tracks, dugouts or ponds. However, producers
should be concerned if bacteria contaminate farm water supplies. become contaminated
by bacteria. The source of contamination should be determined and eliminated,
particularly if humans also consume water from the system. Waters with alkalinities of
less than 1,000 ppm are considered satisfactory for all classes of livestock and poultry.
Adults may not be harmed at concentrations of less than about 2,500 ppm unless the
concentration of carbonates exceeds the concentration of bicarbonates.
Quality aspects of stored rainwater
At high salt concentrations, water consumption increases. At very high salinities, animals
may at first refuse to drink water for a few days, then drink large quantities at a go. This
leads to sudden sickness or even death. Below is a table that gives a guide for salinity
levels in water for livestock.
Table 7: Guide to the use of saline water for livestock and poultry
Total dissolved solids Total dissolved solids (parts/million)*
Less than 1,000 This water should is be excellent for all classes of
1,000 to 2,999 This water should be satisfactory for all classes of
livestock. Water approaching the upper limit may
cause some watery droppings in poultry, but should
not adversely affect the health or production of birds.
3,000 to 4,999 This water should be satisfactory for livestock. If not
accustomed to it they may refuse to drink it for a few
days, but they will adapt to it in time. If sulphate salts
predominate, animals may show temporary diarrhoea,
but this should not harm them. It is, however, a poor to
unsatisfactory water for poultry. It may cause watery
faeces and, particularly near the upper limit, it may
cause increased mortality and decreased growth,
especially in turkeys.
5,000 to 6,999 This water can be used for livestock, except those that
are pregnant or lactating, without seriously affecting
their health or productivity. It may have some laxative
effects and animals may be refuse to take it d by the
animals until they become accustomed to it. It is
unsatisfactory for poultry.
7,000 to 10,000 This water should not be used for poultry or swine. It
can be used with reasonable safety for older, low-
producing ruminants or horses that are not pregnant or
Over 10,000 This water is considered unsatisfactory for all classes
of livestock.
* Electrical conductivity expressed in micromhos per centimetre at 25°C can be
substituted for total dissolved solids without introducing a great error in interpretation.
Other factors
Although toxic elements such as arsenic, mercury, selenium and cadmium may harm
animals, the major concern is that their accumulation in meat, milk or eggs makes them
unsafe for human consumption. Occasionally, heavy algal growths occur in stagnant or
slow-flowing water bodies. Under some circumstances, a few of these species can be
toxic. As there are no tests for these toxins at present, stagnant water should not be used
for livestock.
RWH potential for Somalia
Given that at less than 500 m3 per capita per year, Somalia already faces water scarcity,
every effort should be made to use all available and accessible freshwater to sustain
livelihoods. Somalia currently depends on livestock and rainfed and irrigated agriculture
to produce food. To cope with the low and erratic rainfall, the current practice is to grow
drought-resistant crops or to abstract water from ephemeral or permanent rivers for
irrigation. Pastoralists are forced to shift with their animals to new areas in search of
green pasture and water during droughts. The situation is not different for water for
domestic use. In most areas with low annual rainfall, the government and resident
communities use either boreholes or trucking to supply water.
Rainstorms come in short and intense events and usually cause flooding both in the rural
and urban areas. Such untapped potential if under-utilized poses great danger to people
and the environment. Rainwater harvesting could complement and ease not only the
scarcity problem, but contribute to environmental conservation too. Emphasis should be
on the runoff which otherwise goes to waste.
The average rainfall values for Somalia were used to produce three runoff potential maps
of the following ranges; low (0–10 mm), medium (10–20 mm) and high (over 20 mm).
By determining the areas for these regimes using GIS, the product of the runoff and areas
provided an estimate of runoff water harvesting potential (volumes in km3). Annex 19
shows runoff water harvesting potential estimated as follows: desert areas with annual
rainfall below 200 mm having less than 1,393 M m3 (million cubic metres); regimes with
low rainfall (200–400 mm) generating between 2,246 to 4,492 M m3; and medium-
rainfall regimes generating above 5,309 M m3. Using GIS, the runoff harvesting potential
for Somalia is therefore estimated to be 11,194 M m3. FAO-Africover aggregated
rangelands and agriculture data sets were used to extract runoff for the agricultural lands
and rangelands (annexes 19 to 21). By determining the areas covered under these
domains using GIS, the runoff potential for agriculture and rangeland sectors were was
estimated (table 8).
RWH potential for Somalia
Table 8: Runoff potential in volumes for the agriculture and rangeland sectors
Rainwater Harvesting domain Rainfall regimes Area Runoff depth (mm) Runoff volume (M m3)
Rainfed Agriculture Desert 0.15 <10 <15.38
Low 1.77 10 – 20 177.83 - 355.66
Medium 1.15 >20 230.74
TOTAL 3.08 601.78
Irrigated herbaceous fields & tree crops Desert 0.04 <10 <3.95
Low 0.71 10 – 20 70.73 – 141.5
Medium 0.16 >20 32.15
TOTAL 1.01 177.6
Rangelands Desert 14.3 <10 1433
Low 4.67 10 – 20 467 – 935
Medium 1.79 >20 357
TOTAL 7.89 2725
Overall Desert 14.49 <10 1452.33
Low 7.15 10 – 20 1432.16
Medium 3.9 >20 619.89
TOTAL 11.98 3504.38
From table 8, it is clear that at 7.89 Million hectares (M ha), rangelands constitute the
biggest area generating 2,725 M m3 of runoff water. This is in comparison to rainfed
agriculture, covering an area of 3.08 M ha with runoff water harvesting potential of about
602 M m3, and irrigated areas covering 1 M ha with runoff water harvesting potential of
178 M m3. The total amount of runoff generated in the whole of Somalia is thus
approximately 3,504 M m3 (3.5 km3).
According to UNECA (2000), a human ideally requires about 1,700 m3 of freshwater per
year, equivalent to 4,660 litre per day for drinking, dietary and industrial needs. Of these,
the daily domestic water needs alone constitute 3.33%, or 155 litres per capita, with
dietary needs taking 86.7% equivalent to 4,040 litres, and industry the remaining 10%
equivalent to 466 litres. Table 9 shows water needs in comparison to the Somalia
allocations in litres per capita per day.
Table 9: Global water needs in comparison to the Somalia per capita allocation
Amount Domestic water
Category of water situation (m3) 3% of amount (Litres/cap/day)
Ideal global >1700 >155
Water stressed 1000-1700 82 - 155
Water scarce <1000 < 82
Current <500 41
Basic Water Requirement 242 20
RWH potential for Somalia
On average, per capita daily water availability for Somalia is about 41 litres/capita/day.
ICRAF and FAO-SWALIM determined the RWH potential for selected towns. Roof
coverage of these towns is shown in annexes 22 to 30. The formula below was used to
compute roof water harvesting potential (RWHpot) for selected towns (see table 10):
RWHpot = P x Cd x ΣAd x η x Rp
Where P = Average annual rainfall (mm)
Cd = Runoff coefficient dependent on the common roof material used (See
annexes 23 to 31)
ΣAd = The sum of all roof surfaces in a given town (m2)
η = Rainfall reliability (assumed as 0.67 for the East African region
dependent on the monsoons)
Rp = Roof pitch, taken as 1.05 for Somalia buildings
Table 10: Roof water harvesting potential for selected towns in Somalia
Example of RfWHpot Approximate Basic water Duration of
urban (Million population4 requirement supply per
settings litres) (2007) (litre/cap/day) year
Garoowe 33 60,000 20
Hargeisa 1200 500,000 20 3
Hargeisa 1200 500,000 20 2
Jowhar 352 60,000 20 10
Analysis of the results shows that rainwater harvesting alone is not adequate to meet the
basic daily water requirements. Nevertheless, it complements conventional municipal
Population figures are obtained from UN Habitat, Hargeisa office
Institutional and policy aspects
Although the governments have established lead ministries to coordinate other line
ministries in water policy management, RWH has not received adequate attention in
government programmes and projects unlike in irrigation or groundwater resources. In
addition, management capacity to operate and maintain water supply facilities is
inadequate in Somalia (PSAWEN, 2001) following 16 years of civil strife. This has
prompted the governments to start institutional and policy development initiatives. The
policies are still in their development stages and are yet to be implemented. Examples of
the draft policies include:
• The Water Supply Policy Green Paper: a discussion paper for to be reviewed by
Puntland State for Water, Energy and Natural Resources Corporation
• The Draft National Water Plan by Puntland State for Water, Energy and Natural
Resources Corporation
• The Draft Water Act for Somaliland
On-going water policy reforms in Puntland, Somaliland and the Transitional Federal
Government recognise the Ministry of Water as the lead agency in charge of water
resources. Depending on the state or region, the water ministry coordinates a task force
drawing its members from line ministries and key local or external agencies. At the
moment, most of the RWH activities are carried out by international NGOs.
The Ministry of Water and Mineral Resources (MWMR) prepared the Draft Water Act
for Somaliland in collaboration with UNICEF and the Danish Royal Government. The
MWMR is responsible for implementing this water act. Its purpose is to improve water
availability and access in a sustainable and equitable way for all types of uses, in a
manner that is environmentally safe. The specific objectives are to:
• recognise, legitimise, empower, and endorse the Somaliland’s customary laws and
institutions and Somaliland’s traditional leaders in water-related administrative,
fiscal, and judicial affairs;
• manage water resources and provide water services by implementing and
enforcing the Water Code, its laws and regulations;
• develop a national water strategy, and translate it into national water plans;
• enable multi-disciplinary planning and evaluation of water resources, programs
and projects;
• coordinate government ministries and autonomous agencies which are concerned
with the development and administration of water resources and water rights; and,
• define the rights and obligations of persons, both social and economic, and
harmonise them with the general welfare.
Institutional and policy aspects
The objective of the Green Water Paper is to set out the policy for the Puntland State for
Water, Energy and Natural Resources Corporation, (PSAWEN). PSAWEN is positioned
to be the lead technical agency to direct and coordinate sector activities, policy
development, guidelines, standards, monitoring and evaluation, surveys, create database,
training and advice on financing. The green paper and the input from a review process
must be endorsed by parliament for it to be accepted as a white paper on water policy.
The institutional framework for PSAWEN will involve a range of other agencies, notably
provincial and local government as well as other interested parties such as the private
sector and NGOs. PSAWEN has the following institutional goals for water supply
• In the long term, the goal is that services provided to consumers should be based
on full cost recovery.
• In the medium term, the objective of the government is to support institutional
development at local and national and local levels.
• In the short term, the immediate goal is to maintain service delivery to build
institutions and ‘gear’ up to achieve medium-term goals.
Prior to the imposition of colonial rule, each Somali clan was an independent entity,
which owned water sources and exercised grazing rights (PSAWEN, 2001). During the
colonial and UN Trust Territory period (1880–1960), some systems were started to
supply only the small, ruling and wealthy elite of the towns. Since the 1960s, traditional
dug wells and reservoirs have been constructed and then controlled by individual families
along lineage groups or clans. Drilling of boreholes on a large scale begun in the 1970s
under the authority of different government agencies.
A national water committee was formed comprising various ministries and general
managers of the autonomous Water Development Agency (WDA) and the National
Range Agency. One required their approval before constructing a borehole to ensure that
strategic and environmental concerns were addressed. There were four autonomous
centres in the water sector—Mogadishu, Hargeisa, Kismayo and the WDA—responsible
for rural water supply, while responsibility for urban water supply was given to regional
authorities. In 1978, the responsibility for the urban water supply was transferred to
The rate of population growth for humans and livestock far surpasses water supply
capacity from surface and ground water bodies by various governments in Somalia. The
response to this has been the creation of NGOs and the entry of international
organizations to contribute to mitigating water scarcity for various sectoral uses. These
agencies and NGO’s contribute in the mitigation of the problems enumerated above by
Institutional and policy aspects
• strong and enforced policies and regulations relating to water, land use and
• creating a secure environment for humanitarian interventions & investments
• developing a national strategic plan of for integrated water resource management
(IWRM) (rainwater harvesting, ground water and shallow wells) RWH,GW &
SW) for different uses and users
• coordinating different stakeholders
• ensuring sustainability
Planning, implementation & monitoring of RWH projects
The basis for implementing RWH interventions is the principle of integrated water
resources management (IWRM), which states that water is an economic, social and
environmental good, and policies and options that guide water resources management
should be analyzed within a comprehensive framework. IWRM provides a good entry
point for balanced interventions using programmatic rather than project approach to
achieve greater chance of sustainability. Its central objective is to promote efficient,
equitable, and sustainable development using institutional, technical, economical, social
and environmental strategies. The following excerpts adopted from the African
Development Bank (2007) have relevance in the implementation of RWH projects at
various scales.
Having been convinced of the importance of RWH for livelihood support and
environmental conservation, the Governments of Puntland, Somaliland and Southern
Somalia need to develop national masterplans that spell out where, how and what needs
to be done. This can be achieved by engaging expertise drawn locally or abroad. The
experts shall estimate the potential of RWH for given technologies identified here as
RWH for agriculture and livestock, roofwater harvesting, sand and sub-surface dams and
runoff water harvesting; identify suitable areas for implementing such domains; and
advise governments on the investment costs of implementing various RWH programmes
and projects. The governments can use the masterplans as reference documents to solicit
funding through various means such as proposal writing.
The next major step is to establish an institutional structure that will coordinate,
implement and monitor RWH programmes or projects. So far, the Ministries of Water are
taking the lead in streamlining RWH in their programmes. This is a good move that needs
support and strengthening especially in policy formulation, which forms the backbone of
project management. There should be institutional acceptance of RWH as a viable water
supply option in areas with limited water sources. RWH as a water supply option should
feature prominently in national water policies and strategies. Otherwise, the techniques
and use will continue to be restricted to NGOs and sporadic interventions by some
bilateral donors.
Initial RWH interventions should be operationalized from existing policy and consider
legislative, administrative and institutional frameworks. Rainwater harvesting for crop or
animal production should consider providing field extension services, and credit and
marketing facilities, while that for domestic use should consider integrating water supply
sources. Below are examples of specific RWH-related projects at local, national and,
regional levels:
Local level
• Carry out demonstration projects and research on efficiency of RWH
• Integrate RWH in ongoing projects
• Support farmers developing RWH techniques
Planning, implementation & monitoring of RWH projects
In introducing RWH in a given locality, specific sites for scaling up best practices should
be identified using GIS tools. With support of external agencies, the government should
procure a quickbird image to expedite hydrologic delineation of the selected area as well
as develop a digital elevation model and describe its biophysical features. These are
important baseline data for the planning of RWH projects.
Local ownership and participation are important issues when seeking to establish
sustainable RWH measures. Sustainable RWH technologies are those that are developed
and managed by local farmers themselves. These farmers must be involved in identifying
technically feasible, sustainable and acceptable technologies. One of the main
prerequisites is social and economic sustainability that considers cost recovery and
willingness of the community to contribute cash or labour. Central to involving
communities is the inclusion of gender issues in planning and implementing projects.
Women play a crucial role in water provision as they are the ones who fetch water. They
will often have the greatest interest and the most to gain from water supply projects, thus
their views and conditions must be included in the implementation activities.
Planning, implementation & monitoring of RWH projects
Specialists such as engineers will need these baseline data to design particular
interventions identified from the map earlier developed. Technicians and artisans will use
these costed designs to introduce these technologies to community members and provide
them with skills training for future uptake and sustainability.
During the rainy season manual foul flush mechanisms have to be carried out to drain the
dirty runoff water after every each rainfall event.
Storage tanks should be monitored for any leaks that may arise from poor concrete
workmanship or faulty pipes (taps or drainage plugs). If noticed, repairs should be done
immediately. To monitor water quality, random samples should be taken at least once a
year for analysis and where necessary appropriate treatment mechanisms put in place.
Overall, the entire system should be evaluated for its sufficiency and cost effectiveness.
Conveyance mechanisms that include waterways, channels and silt traps should be
closely monitored to ensure that siltation is reduced or impeded. Re-designs and repairs
should be done carried out before the onset of rains.
Planning, implementation & monitoring of RWH projects
water use for irrigation or livestock. The siltation rate should also be evaluated to plan for
frequency of desiltation.
Conclusion and recommendations
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Annex 1: Mean annual, rainfall distribution for Somalia
Annex 13: Rainwater harvesting systems for domestic, agricultural & livestock use
Factors to consider in
RWH Component Planning Design Implementation
Catchment Catchment conservation Catchment area Catchment committees
In-situ vs. Ex-situ systems Runoff coefficient Policy on conservation
Rainfall regime/characteristics Catchment characteristics Community participation
Estimation of the potential Runoff generation in afforestation
Factors to consider in