Zebert File
Zebert File
Zebert File
NO. 2012-CA-01480-COA
1. In 2000, the Rankin County Chancery Court appointed attorney Jason Zebert guardian
over the person and estate of Thomas E. Baker. Zebert posted a bond for $35,000. From
2000 to 2008, Zebert provided the chancery court with required yearly accountings, which
the court approved. However, in early 2009, Zebert failed to provide the chancery court with
the eighth accounting (for the period beginning October 1, 2007, and ending September 30,
2008). An order to show cause for the past-due accounting was issued by Chancellor John
Grant III on April 8, 2009. The order required Zebert to appear before the court on June 1,
2009. Several continuances (in response to Zeberts motions) were granted throughout the
next year. In one of the motions for a continuance, Zebert asked to be replaced as guardian.
Harry Rosenthal was appointed guardian over Baker and his estate on September 2, 2009.
2. On October 4, 2010, two years after the accounting was due, Zebert filed a Petition
Exhibiting Eighth Accounting of Estate. However, the petition only covered the period
from October 1, 2007, to December 31, 2007. For the next several months, three more
continuances for the show cause hearing were entered. On June 27, 2011, Judge Grant
issued another show-cause order, requiring Zebert to appear for a hearing on July 26, 2011.
After the hearing, Judge Grant found that the proper annual accounting had not been filed
and approved. In his order dated July 26, 2011, Judge Grant found Zebert in contempt and
ordered him to be incarcerated; the chancellor suspended the incarceration, however, until
August 4, 2011, to allow Zebert time to fil[e] and hav[e] approved all annual accounting(s)
3. Zebert subsequently filed a motion for the recusal of Judge Grant. On August 4, 2011,
Judge Grant once again stayed Zeberts incarceration, this time until September 8, 2011, to
allow Zebert and his counsel additional time in which to prepare and present to the Court
past due annual accountings that have not been properly filed or approved. A few days
later, on August 8, Judge Grant recused himself, appointing the Honorable Dan Fairly to hear
the matter. The order also sealed the prior orders of contempt (July 26, 2011; August 4,
2011) and the current August 8, 2011 order from public viewing until further order of the
chancery court.
4. On September 8, 2011, Zebert filed another accounting for the period beginning
October 1, 2007, and ending July 27, 2011. It was in this accounting that Zebert noted that
the Estate. It was also noted that at the beginning of the accounting period, Bakers account
at First Commercial Bank held $164,909.93; at the end of the accounting period, the account
only held $6,555.50. Attached as exhibits to the petition for accounting were spreadsheets
of the accounts income/expenses for this period. A short hearing was held before Judge
Fairly, who ordered Zebert to provide all outstanding bank statements for Bakers account.
Zebert told the chancellor that all remaining documentation would be available by September
5. Yet, on that date, Zebert still had not provided bank statements, but merely copies of
the checks for the vouchers. Consequently, Judge Fairly found Zebert in contempt for failure
to present an acceptable accounting and fined him $1,500. The chancellor also continued all
other matters in this cause, including but not limited to the other findings of contempt and
incarceration until the next hearing on October 3, 2011, at which time the chancery court
supplement to the accounting, filed that same day, Zebert explained that without obtaining
the chancery courts approval, he had disbursed funds totaling $133,749.92 from Bakers
estate for three different loans, all at five percent interest: (1) $75,000 to Sherri Baggett and
Jimmie Susan Fowler from January 2008 to January 15, 2012;1 (2) $37,000 to Fowler,
payable January 15, 2012; and (3) $21,749.92 made/advanced to Fowler, payable January
15, 2012. Fowler was Zeberts employee; Baggett was a female acquaintance of Zeberts.
As already noted, these disbursed funds reduced the assets of the estate from approximately
$165,000 to $6,555.50. 2 The supplement also stated that the loans were secured by an
interest in land located in Rankin County, Mississippi, with a value in excess of $350,000.
However, although a description of the property was attached, there was no deed of trust for
6. Another show-cause hearing was held on July 18, 2012. At that hearing, Zebert was
questioned about the unapproved disbursements from the estate, which he claimed involved
loans to an employee and a female acquaintance. Zebert confessed he had not obtained
approval from the court to make the disbursements. He also claimed that documentation
regarding the disbursements had been inadvertently destroyed by water damage to his office
during a storm.3
The record also reflects that check number 1432, dated January 11, 2008, was a
disbursement payable to Zebert for $75,000 the memo line read Transfer For C[ertificate
of Deposit]. It is unclear whether this disbursement corresponds to the loan amount
mentioned. There is no record of a certificate of deposit in Zeberts name.
A memo from First Commercial bank dated September 14, 2011, confirmed the
account balance as of July 27, 2011, was $6,554.95. However, the account number listed
in the memo is different than the account number for Bakers guardianship account.
In July 2008, Zebert wrote two checks payable to himself from the guardianship
account, totaling approximately $8,000, for roofing and miscellaneous repair.
7. Judge Fairly found Zebert in civil contempt. He ordered Zebert to jail until he purges
himself of such contempt. Zebert, who is still incarcerated, appeals the order, claiming that
the order of contempt was criminal in nature, rather than civil, and must be reversed since
it is impossible for him to comply with the chancery courts order.4 Finding no error, we
The only issue on appeal concerns the nature of the chancellors order of contempt.
Zebert admits in his brief that he did not obtain approval from the chancery court for the
aforementioned expenditures. Zebert also notes that he has since received a target letter
from the United States Department of Justice concerning his mismanagement of Bakers
estate. Moreover, counsel for Zebert stated during oral argument before this Court that
federal charges were pending against Zebert and that he anticipated Zebert will be
convicted by pleading guilty to misappropriation of funds. Counsel also submitted that
Zebert acknowledges that these funds were misappropriated and is willing to face up to it
and admits his guilt.
On October 8, 2013, a letter was sent to this Court by the Federal Public Defenders
Office of the Northern and Southern Districts of Mississippi, requesting that this Court take
into account evidence of the anticipated federal charges against Zebert for the
misappropriation of Bakers funds and vacate Zeberts contempt order. The Appellee has
filed a motion to suppress the letter, which this Court has granted as the letter concerns facts
that are not only outside the record, but also occurred after the chancery courts ruling in the
Corporate Mgmt. Inc. v. Greene Cnty., 23 So. 3d 454, 466 (32) (Miss. 2009) (internal
9. At the hearing on July 18, 2012, Judge Fairly found Zebert to be in civil contempt by
You have woefully failed to properly account to this court, Mr. Zebert. This
court has been abundantly patient with you. I cant imagine why . . . Judge
Grant didnt put you in jail [a] long time ago, because thats where you are
going today. Until you properly account to this court for every penny of this
mans money, youre going to sit over there in the Rankin County jail.
Zebert responded, I understand what a proper accounting is, and I certainly can put that
together; however, he later questioned the chancery court as to how he could accomplish
that task while incarcerated. The chancellor said that was Zeberts problem to solve. The
corresponding Order of Contempt and Incarceration stated that Zebert was to present and
10. The purpose of civil contempt is to compel compliance with the courts orders,
McDonald, 98 So. 3d 1040, 1043 (5) (Miss. 2012) (quoting Graves v. State, 66 So. 3d 148,
The order of contempt is entered by the court for the private benefit of the
offended party. Such orders, although imposing a jail sentence, classically
provide for termination of the contemnors sentence upon purging himself of
the contempt. The sentence is usually indefinite and not for a fixed term.
Consequently, it is said that the contemnor carries the key to his cell in his
own pocket.
Jones v. Hargrove, 516 So. 2d 1354, 1357 (Miss. 1987) (citation omitted). A criminal-
contempt penalty [is] designed to punish the contemnor for disobedience of a court order;
punishment is for past offenses and does not terminate upon compliance with the court
order. C.K.B. v. Harrison Cnty. Youth Court, 36 So. 3d 1267, 1273 (16) (Miss. 2010)
(quoting Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. v. McGill, 890 So. 2d 859, 868 (35) (Miss. 2004)).
11. On appeal, Zebert claims that it is factually and legally impossible for him to
present an approved accounting since he admittedly misappropriated funds from the estate
and perpetuated a fraud on the court. He also says compliance with the chancery courts
order is physically impossible since, from jail, he has no access to the necessary
documentation. Zebert therefore contends that since it is impossible for him to comply with
requires the chancery court to provide him with procedural due process safeguards. See
Davis v. Davis, 17 So. 3d 114, 120 (23) (Miss. Ct. App. 2009). Zebert also argues that
Judge Fairly should recuse himself since the record reflects that Judge Fairly had a personal
12. Judge Fairlys reasoning for remanding Zebert into custody was to compel compliance
with his order to present a proper accounting of funds. Judge Fairly never stated during the
hearing that Zebert had to have an approvable accounting; he said that Zebert needed to
provide a proper accounting. However, as already noted, the order for contempt and
incarceration did state that Zebert was required to present and have approved an accounting
While accountings have been presented, none have been approved by the
Court. All of the presented accountings and supplements fall woefully short
of the statutorily required information necessary for the Court to approve
same. Vouchers, presented by Mr. Zebert after being previously ordered by
the Court, showed unauthorized and unapproved expenditures made by Jason
T. Zebert.
This is the basis for Zeberts assertion that he cannot provide an accounting that would be
13. We find no merit to Zeberts claims that the order was criminal in nature and that he
is unable to comply with the order.5 This is not a situation where Zebert owes money that
The dissent notes Zeberts argument that the contempt order should be set aside
because he failed to receive proper notice of the show cause hearing through a Rule 81
summons. M.R.C.P. 81 He claims that the lack of a Rule 81 summons violated his due-
process rights. Criminal-contempt defendants are entitled to notice under Mississippi Rule
of Civil Procedure 81(d), which requires service of process. Corr v. State, 97 So. 3d 1211,
1216 (12) (Miss. 2012) (citing M.R.C.P. 81(d)(2)).
he is not able to pay; he is merely being required to provide a statement of all income and
disbursements to and from Bakers trust account, together with all his paperwork related to
his management of Bakers funds from October 2007 to September 2008. Zebert even stated
at the July 18, 2012 hearing that he would be glad to provide whatever information,
documentation, or accounting the court wishes to be presented. Yet, over one year later, the
record is still devoid of any documentation as to where the misappropriated funds have gone.
Despite the chancery courts language in the order, it is apparent from the record that Judge
Fairly knew there were unapproved expenditures; he merely wanted Zebert to provide the
documentation that would evidence where the funds went. Although Zebert claims nothing
further could be gained by another accounting, we observe that appellate counsel for Zebert
could not state with certainty that Zebert has provided all the documentation that he has. The
fact remains that the only accounting for the period at issue in this case is incomplete and
contains evidence of fraud. Zebert admits to being solely responsible for the missing funds;
appellate counsel emphatically stated to the Court that Zebert was the person who took the
for contempt and who failed to show that he was prejudiced in any way by the lack of
proper notice, had waived any claim of defective service and violation of due process.
(Emphasis added).
At the hearing, Zebert mentioned that his attorney did not get notice, but he never
denied that he received notice of the hearing. Zeberts Rule 81 argument is a matter of form
over substance. Zebert had been dealing with the issue of the defectiveness of the
accounting for two years. He had already been held in contempt and ordered incarcerated
(twice), although his incarceration had been stayed in the hope that he would satisfy the
chancery courts requirements. Moreover, Zebert entered an appearance at the hearing; he
took advantage of the opportunity to explain and defend his actions to the chancellor.
money and had it at his disposal. 6
14. The dissent notes Zebert has a Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself by
admitting to the embezzlement of funds. However, Zebert has invoked no such privilege and
has not raised as an issue on appeal any deprivation of his constitutional rights. Furthermore,
had he wished to invoke this privilege, Zebert should have done so starting with the first
order by Judge Grant requesting the overdue accounting. It is generally held that any
invocation of the privilege must be made at the outset. The privilege [against self-
incrimination is threatened, and a defendant may lose its benefit inadvertently, without
making a knowing and intelligent waiver, simply by failing to invoke it. State v. Richard,
697 A.2d 410, 415 (Me. 1997) (emphasis added) (citing Minnesota v. Murphy, 465 U.S. 420,
427-28 (1984)).7
According to counsel during oral argument, one of the women who allegedly
received the loans was investigated and testified that she did not receive the money.
Counsel for Zebert stated it was apparent that the chancery court determined that the money
did not go to anyone but Zebert. The latest accounting to the chancery court, however,
represents that secured loans were made to the two women.
In Richard, the defendant was sued for selling unregistered securities. The State
sought a complete accounting. Richard, 697 A.2d at 412. Paul Richard objected to the
accounting only on the ground that it was an inappropriate remedy, without mentioning his
Fifth Amendment right. Id. at 412-13. He failed to provide the appropriate accounting, and
the State filed two separate motions for contempt over a six-month period. Id. at 413. After
the State filed its second contempt motion, Richard asserted his Fifth Amendment privilege
and declined to provide the accounting. Id. After a hearing, the lower court found him
to be in contempt and ordered him incarcerated. Richard appealed, claiming that prior to the
second motion for contempt, he had no reasonable apprehension of criminal prosecution.
Id. The Supreme Judicial Court of Maine held:
15. This Court also finds it a bit disingenuous for Zebert to assert that his incarceration
makes it physically impossible to comply. Zebert had hired an attorney, Melissa Gardner
Warren, to represent him at his initial show cause hearings. Judge Grant entered a
that she be allowed to assist Zebert with preparing the accounting. Yet no explanation has
been provided why the accounting was not completed at that time with Warrens assistance.
Rosenthal, counsel for the Appellee and successor guardian to the estate, contends that the
request by the chancellor can be simply done, and would require less than three (3) days to
prepare and present the same . . . for the Court[s] review[.] He also reported during oral
argument before this Court, without objection, that he even visited the jail and offered to help
address the pending federal charges against him, we are obliged to respect the chancery
Given the facts as set forth by the court, we treat this as a finding that Richard
first waived his Fifth Amendment rights when he failed to invoke them in
response to the States requests for an order to provide an accounting, made
in its simultaneous motions for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary
injunction filed in March 1996. Richards argument that he could not have
invoked the privilege because he had no reasonable apprehension at that
juncture that his submission of an accounting could lead to a criminal
prosecution is not persuasive.
Id. at 415 (emphasis added). The Richard court also noted that Richard was notified from
early on that he had violated the statute prohibiting the sale of unregistered securities. In this
case, Zebert was apparently aware from the outset that a full and proper accounting would
make him subject to prosecution.
courts role to act as the superior guardian to those suffering from disability who are unable
to act for themselves. In re Wilhite, 121 So. 3d 301, 305 (11) (Miss. Ct. App. 2013)
The court will take nothing as confessed against them; will make for them
every valuable election; will rescue them from faithless guardians, designing
strangers, and even from unnatural parents[;] and in general[,] will and must
take all necessary steps to conserve and protect the best interest of these wards
of the court.
Id. at 306 (11) (emphasis added) (quoting Carpenter, 58 So. 3d at 1163 (19)).
17. Judge Fairly has aptly summarized Zeberts continuing unwillingness to provide what
the chancery court has requested. At the hearing on September 19, 2011, when Zebert only
provided copies of the checks to the court, instead of the requested bank statements, Judge
Fairly said:
It is just positively clear youve been playing games with the court, Mr. Zebert.
And, you know, you are purposely I made I couldnt have said bank
statements I bet I said it ten times when we were last here in court [on
September 8, 2011], because theres no way I can do a reconciliation of that
without the bank statements.
Subsequently, on November 14, 2012, Judge Fairly submitted a response to a motion for writ
The Court had before it an abundance of evidence to find Zebert in willful and
contumacious contempt of Court and ordered him jailed. Zebert committed a
fraud upon the Court. He stole Bakers money. But that is not why he remains
in jail. He remains in jail and, to the extent this Court has the power, will
remain in jail until he gives the Court a full and complete accounting of all the
funds which he wrongfully expended and, since he has failed to account for the
money, presumably stolen. He offered no explanation as to where the money
went that he transferred electronically to one of his personal accounts. This
Court wants to know: Where did the money go? An accounting will reveal
that. . . . Zeberts incarceration here dealt with his willful disobedience to
account for the missing money.
(Emphasis added).8
18. Consequently, we find nothing to support Zeberts contention that Judge Fairlys order
of contempt was criminal in nature. [A] valid order of civil contempt does not become
punitive simply because the contemnor persists in punishing himself. United States v.
Harris, 582 F.3d 512, 520 (3d Cir. 2009). At some point, Zeberts incarceration for civil
contempt may become unhelpful and punitive in nature; however, there is no indication that
this stage has yet been reached. See Commodity Futures Trading Commn v. Armstrong, 269
F.3d 109, 112 (2d Cir. 2001) (A confinement of more than eighteen months for contempt
d[id] not automatically mean that [the] confinement ha[d] lost all realistic possibility of
having a coercive effect, but it might well affect the degree of deference to be accorded a trial
judges determination.); United States ex rel. Thom v. Jenkins, 760 F.2d 736, 740 (7th Cir.
1985) (The contemnor was imprisoned for fifteen months. If after months, or perhaps even
years, the contemnor steadfastly refuse[s] to yield to the coercion of incarceration, the judge
Zebert filed a motion for writ of habeas corpus on August 28, 2012, requesting
release from custody. The Mississippi Supreme Court denied Zeberts motion on November
19, 2012.
would be obligated to release [him] since incarceration would no longer serve the purpose
of the civil contempt order[.]); Anyanwu v. Anyanwu, 771 A.2d 672, 679-81 (N.J. Super. Ct.
App. Div. 2001) (Since there was no evidence to support the hearing judges determination
that there was no substantial likelihood of compliance, the appellate court reversed the
judges ruling that contemnor should be released from incarceration after four years. No
hard and fast rule or fixed period of time defines when coercive commitment becomes
punitive, but refusal to comply is in itself insufficient for a finding that the commitment has
19. Regarding any personal bias, the chancellor noted that Zebert was actually ordered
to be incarcerated by Judge Grant. It was only due to the mercy shown by Judge Grant on
July 26, 2011, and August 4, 2011, that he was not incarcerated at that time. The chancery
court, as superior guardian of Bakers estate, has not only the authority, but also the
responsibility, to rescue Baker from the fraudulent actions of his faithless guardian here,
by requiring that guardian, Zebert, to provide all information regarding his management of
the estate.
21. Although Zebert was mailed the order to show cause and notice of the hearing on July
18, 2012, the dissent notes Zeberts argument that the contempt order should be set aside
because he failed to receive notice of the show-cause hearing through a Rule 81 summons.
Zebert claims that this was a violation of his due-process rights. However, as we have
concluded that the contempt was civil in nature, this issue is moot. The Mississippi Supreme
Court has held that [c]riminal-contempt defendants are entitled to notice under Mississippi
Rule of Civil Procedure 81(d), which requires service of process. Corr v. State, 97 So. 3d
1211, 1216 (12) (Miss. 2012) (emphasis added) (citing M.R.C.P. 81(d)(2)).
22. We find Zeberts Rule 81 argument unpersuasive. Zebert had been dealing with the
issue of the defectiveness of his accounting for more than two years. The initial order to
show cause was filed on April 8, 2009; the hearing was set for June 1, 2009. Ten
continuances were granted at the request of Zebert over the next two years, delaying the
show-cause hearing until July 26, 2011. At that hearing, Judge Grant found Zebert in
contempt and ordered him incarcerated, but the incarceration was stayed in the hope that
Zebert would satisfy the chancery courts requirements. Judge Grant recused himself shortly
thereafter, and a short hearing was held before the new chancellor, Judge Fairly, on
September 8, 2011. Zebert assured Judge Fairly that he would provide all remaining
documentation on September 19, 2011. However, he failed to do so, and the matter of the
accounting and his contempt was continued until the hearing on July 18, 2012. Zebert was
well aware of the basis for the hearing; Judge Fairly observed at the hearing: Mr. Zebert
fully knows why were here today. Zebert had already been found in contempt on July 26,
2011. The July 18 order of contempt simply reinstated Judge Grants prior order of
23. Additionally, Zebert never objected to service of process at the July 18, 2012 hearing.
At the show-cause hearing, Zebert casually mentioned that his attorney, Warren, did not get
notice, but he never denied that he received notice of the hearing.9 Zebert also entered an
appearance at the hearing; he took advantage of the opportunity to explain and defend his
meaningful manner. Pearson v. Browning, 106 So. 3d 845, 851 (32) (Miss. Ct. App. 2012)
(quoting Vincent v. Griffin, 872 So. 2d 676, 678 (6) (Miss. 2004)). In Dennis v. Dennis, 824
So. 2d 604, 610 (16) (Miss. 2002), the supreme court held that the appellant, who was
given a meaningful opportunity to explain his actions which were the subject of the motion
for contempt and who failed to show that he was prejudiced in any way by the lack of
proper notice, had waived any claim of defective service and violation of due process.
(Emphasis added); see also Chasez v. Chasez, 957 So. 2d 1031, 1037 (15) (Miss. Ct. App.
action without raising the objection in the initial pleadings or attached motions.) (citation
omitted). Consequently, we find no merit to Zeberts issue of notice under Rule 81.
III. Whether the order of July 19, 2012, rescinded the order of
contempt and incarceration at issue on appeal.
24. Zebert also claims that Judge Fairlys July 19, 2012 order rescinded the prior order
of contempt and incarceration filed the previous day. Thus, he claims that he should be
We also note that the majority of the motions for continuances were filed by Zebert
on his own behalf, not by Warren. He was listed in the court filings as fiduciary and
released from incarceration.
25. The July 19, 2012 order states in part: ORDERED THAT the prior Order of August
8, 2011, to the extent that it is sealed the order of that date and any prior orders be and the
same is hereby rescinded. We find that this language merely serves to unseal the chancery
courts August 8 order and rescinds all orders prior to that date. The chancery court, in its
response to the motion for habeas corpus, confirms our finding, noting: To argue that the
Order of July 19, 2012, rescinded the Order of Contempt and Incarceration entered the day
before stretches credulity to its utmost. The Order simply unsealed those Orders previously
in jail because he failed to tell the chancellor what he did with the money he stole or
28. If Zebert is in jail because his accounting is insufficient, he is guilty of civil contempt.
If Zebert is in jail because he will not say what he did with the money he took from the
See Uniform Chancery Court Rules 6.01 through 6.17.
guardianship without approval, he may be guilty of constructive criminal contempt. The
29. I agree with the majority that there is sufficient evidence in the record to conclude that
Zebert misappropriated, stole, or embezzled almost $200,000 from the guardianship. Zebert
has been incarcerated for almost eighteen months now. The chancellor has said that he can
get out of jail when he purges the contempt; said differently by the chancellor, [u]ntil you
properly account to this court for every penny of this mans money, youre going to sit over
30. What does Zebert need to do to get out of jail, i.e., purge the contempt? Certainly, if
he is able to return the money that he disbursed without court authority, the contempt would
be purged. If he tells the court that he squandered the money on wine, women, and song,
would that be a proper account of the money? I do not think so. It is my analysis of the
chancellors contempt order that Zebert must return the money to get out of jail.
31. Hence, my opinion is that Zebert was found not in civil contempt but in constructive
criminal contempt. Although I agree that, ultimately, incarceration is the proper remedy for
Zeberts actions, I find that his actions are criminal, and he is subject to the due-process
respectfully dissent. I would reverse and vacate the chancellors order of contempt and
32. The distinctions between civil and criminal contempt are confusing, difficult, and
often blurred. In Hinds County Board of Supervisors v. Common Cause, 551 So. 2d 107,
(Emphasis added).
33. Recently, in Corr v. State, 97 So. 3d 1211 (Miss. 2012), the supreme court considered
a contempt order that is similar to the one in this case. There, the chancellor found that
process servers were in direct criminal contempt and were sentenced to a term of
incarceration. Id. at 1213 (3). The court considered the due-process protections that were
34. The majority is satisfied that Zeberts contempt was civil. The purpose of civil
contempt is to compel compliance with the courts orders, admonitions, and instructions,
while the purpose of criminal contempt is to punish. In re McDonald, 98 So. 3d 1040, 1043
(5) (Miss. 2012) (quoting Graves v. State, 66 So. 3d 148, 151 (11) (Miss. 2011)). To
determine the type of contempt, we must focus on the character of the sanction itself and
not the intent of the court imposing the sanction. Corr, 97 So. 3d at 1214 (7) (citations
35. This guardianship began in 2000. For approximately seven years, Zebert filed and
presented annual accountings. The assigned chancellor approved each one of the
accountings. In fact, by order dated February 14, 2008, the chancellor held that Zeberts
Petition Exhibiting Seventh Annual Accounting filed herein be, and the same hereby is
approved and allowed as such. Zebert was current on the required guardianship accountings
through September 30, 2007. The guardianship bank account had a balance of $164,909.93.
36. From October 2008 through October 2010, the clerk and the assigned chancellor
issued a number of reminders, orders to show cause, and orders continuing hearings. Each
of these asked Zebert to file the annual accountings required by Uniform Chancery Court
Estate. The chancellor did not approve this accounting. Instead, by order dated July 26,
2011, Zebert was found in contempt and ordered to be incarcerated until he complies with
the Uniform Chancery Court Rules by filing and having approved all annual accountings past
due. Nevertheless, the order suspended Zeberts incarceration until August 4, 2011.
38. Zebert then filed a motion for recusal. The chancellor executed another order, dated
August 4, 2011, that found Zebert in contempt and ordered his incarceration. Again, the
39. On August 8, 2011, the chancellor entered an order that stayed indefinitely the
previous contempt and incarceration order. The chancellor also recused himself from
presiding over this case. The case was transferred to Chancellor Dan Fairly.
Estate. Attached to the petition was a schedule of income and expenses, in a form similar
to the earlier accountings. On the same day, the chancellor entered an order of continuance
41. On September 19, 2011, Zebert filed a Supplement to Eighth Accounting of Estate.
Zebert noted that disbursements, in the form of loans, had made from the guardianship
account. These loans were not authorized. Attached were letters from First Commercial
Bank that stated the balance in the guardianship account was $6,555.50. Also attached were
approximately fifty-five pages of canceled checks (i.e., vouchers) written on the guardianship
42. A hearing was held on September 19, 2011, but there is no transcript in the record.
[A]ll other matters in this cause, including but not limited to other findings of
contempt and incarceration, are hereby continued to October 3, 2011 at 9:00
a.m. at which time the Court expects Jason T. Zebert to present to the Court
bank statements and copies of canceled checks for the Courts review.
43. In January 2012, the chancery clerk served Zebert with yet another notice of a past-
due accounting. On July 5, 2012, the chancellor issued an order to show cause for a past
due-accounting. The order directed Zebert to appear on July 18, 2012, to show cause, if any
Zebert argues that he was not served with proper process. Zebert was served notice
under Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure 5. He was not served with a M.R.C.P. 81
summons. As the attorney of the guardianship, Zebert was ordered to appear and to show
cause, if any they have, why they should not be sanctioned and/or removed. At the hearing,
44. On July 18, 2012, Zebert filed the Petition Exhibiting Ninth Accounting of Estate.
Attached was a schedule of income and expenses, in a form similar to the earlier accountings.
The petition indicated that the guardianship account had a balance of $564.41. Also, on July
18, 2012, Zebert filed an Accounting Supplement that stated: Attached hereto are the
listings of the electronic loan disbursements in the above referenced Estate Account. There
were two pages attached that itemize, by date, loan disbursements in the sum of $48,745.
45. A hearing was held on July 18, 2012. The transcript is in the record. The chancellor
identified each pleading filed in the court file and interrogated Zebert. The chancellor was
not satisfied with Zeberts accountings or Zeberts inability to testify about where the
guardianship funds had been spent. Also, the chancellor was concerned that Zebert had
hearing, the chancellor held Zebert in contempt and incarcerated him. In the order, the
chancellor held:
THIS CAUSE came on for hearing on the Order to Show Cause for failure of
the Fiduciary, Jason T. Zebert, to present and have approved an accounting in
this matter[,] and the Court after finding that it has jurisdiction over the parties
and subject matter herein, further finds that Jason T. Zebert has failed to
present and have approved the accounting in this cause.
Zebert was not removed. Zebert complained at the hearing that he did not have proper notice
of the hearing. Zebert was held in contempt and jailed. A court order that sets a hearing of
contempt, which could result in incarceration, requires that a summons be served on the
defendant under M.R.C.P. 81. Here the defendant is Zebert, the attorney, serving in a
fiduciary capacity in relation to the guardianship. The chancellors failure to ensure proper
service of process, under M.R.C.P. 81, is a violation of Zeberts due-process rights and
requires reversal. See Powell v. Powell, 644 So. 2d 269, 274 (Miss. 1994).
Zebert be and is hereby found in willful and contumacious civil contempt of
this Court's prior orders to present and have approved an accounting in this
46. Harry Rosenthal appeared at the July 18, 2012 hearing as the custodian-in-fact of
Mr. Baker. Rosenthal provided the chancellor with several documents and bank statements.
These documents were included in record. The docket identifies these documents as
Accounting Exhibits filed by D.F, and the table of contents of the record identifies these
as Accounting Exhibits filed by Judge Fairly. The record contains approximately 200
period of September 15, 2011 through October 13, 2011, including
canceled checks.
47. On July 19, 2012, Judge Fairly executed another order that states: Ordered that the
prior Order of August 8, 2011, to the extent that it sealed the order of that date and any prior
48. As stated earlier, the type of contempt is based on the character of the sanction itself
and not the intent of the court imposing the sanction. Corr, 97 So. 3d at 1214 (7).
49. The chancellor has determined, and record evidences, the fact that Zebert made
unauthorized disbursements from the guardianship account for his personal benefit. The
50. My examination of the record finds: (1) several petitions to approve accountings filed
by Zebert;13 (2) the guardianships monthly bank statements that show Zeberts unauthorized
disbursements (these were presented to the chancellor at the July 18, 2012 hearing by
Mississippi Code Annotated section 97-23-19 (Supp. 2013), titled,
Embezzlement; by agents, bailees, trustees, servants and persons generally, provides:
Rosenthal and were in the record before the chancellor entered the July 18, 2012 order);14 (3)
all of the guardianship accounts canceled checks (i.e. vouchers) (also filed by Rosenthal).15
The record before this Court contains sufficient evidence of how the guardianship funds were
spent. This evidence does not show where Zebert spent the money after it was transferred
51. The majority determines that Zebert is merely being required to provide a statement
of all income and disbursements to and from Bakers trust account, together with all his
paperwork related to his management of Bakers funds from October 2007 to September
2008. Maj. Op. at (13). If that is all that is required, such information is in the record
before this Court and was in evidence before the chancellor on July 18, 2012. Yet, I do not
believe this was the reason why Zebert was held in contempt and incarcerated.
Yet, over one year later, the record is still devoid of any documentation as to
where the misappropriated funds have gone. Despite the chancery courts
language in the order, it is apparent from the record that Judge Fairly knew
there were unapproved expenditures; he merely wanted Zebert to provide the
The bank statements, albeit copies, provide the information required by Uniform
Chancery Court Rule 6.03. The presentation of these bank statements appear, in my opinion,
to purge Zeberts contempt finding in the September 19, 2011 order, which found Zebert in
willful and contumacious contempt of this Courts prior oral order to present to this Court
bank statements. Based upon the presentation of these bank statements, Zebert was no
longer in contempt of the September 19, 2011 order.
Based on Uniform Chancery Court Rule 6.04, the vouchers must consist of a
receipt or canceled bank check showing to whom and for what purpose the money was
paid. The checks included in the record certainly show to whom the money was paid, there
are a number of checks written to Zebert and the bank statements show electronic transfers.
documentation that would evidence where the funds went. Although Zebert
claims nothing further could be gained by another accounting, we observe that
appellate counsel for Zebert could not state with certainty that Zebert has
provided all the documentation that he has. The fact remains that the only
accounting for the period at issue in this case is incomplete and contains
evidence of fraud. Zebert admits to being solely responsible for the missing
funds; appellate counsel emphatically stated to the Court that Zebert was the
person who took the money and had it at his disposal.
Id. (emphasis added). This finding makes it clear that both the majority and the chancellor
do not expect Zebert to purge the contempt by filing documents in the nature of the
accounting. Instead, the contempt can only be purged if Zebert confesses to taking the
money and tells the chancellor where the money has gone. This information will assist in the
recovery of the funds that were illegally removed.16 Thus, in my opinion, when the
I rely on the majoritys reference to the chancellors words in response to Zeberts
motion for writ of habeas corpus:
The Court had before it an abundance of evidence to find Zebert in willful and
contumacious contempt of Court and ordered him jailed. Zebert committed a
fraud upon the Court. He stole Bakers money. But that is not why he remains
in jail. He remains in jail and, to the extent this Court has the power, will
remain in jail until he gives the Court a full and complete accounting of all the
funds which he wrongfully expended and, since he has failed to account for
the money, presumably stolen. He offered no explanation as to where the
money went that he transferred electronically to one of his personal accounts.
This Court wants to know: Where did the money go? An accounting will
reveal that . . . .
(Emphasis added).
chancellor held that Zebert is to be incarcerated until he can account for every penny, this
is a criminal contempt.17
53. I cannot find the wrongful conduct here is Zeberts failure to account. Instead, it
appears that the chancellor seeks restitution for the guardianship. The record contains the
information necessary to comply with the accounting requirements of the Uniform Chancery
Court Rules. Instead, it appears to me that the wrongful conduct is the fact that Zebert
contempt order as an effort to find and recover the money unlawfully taken.
The proceedings were for constructive (indirect) criminal contempt, that is,
for acts thatin whole or in partoccurred outside the presence of the judge
not for direct criminal contempt, and, therefore, Appellants were entitled to
due-process protections. A direct criminal contempt is one which takes place
in the very presence of the judge making all the elements of the offense
personal knowledge. This Court has provided that:
I note that the chancellor was correct to order a forensic audit of the guardianship
accounts. Indeed, a claim should be filed against Zebert that would allow the exercise of
subpoena power to follow the funds and seize any and all documents from Zeberts office,
his home, or from others who may have knowledge or information about the monies
wrongfully taken from this guardianship. The record before this Court, however, does not
indicate that Zebert has been discharged as the guardian, a new guardian appointed, or any
efforts made to recover on the surety bond, from Zebert or others who may have received
these monies. If such claim has not been filed, the limitations period may soon preclude
such action or otherwise limit recovery.
Corr, 97 So. 3d at 1214 (8). Here, the wrongful conduct did not occur within the presence
of the chancellor. Instead, the wrongful conduct was the unauthorized expenditures of
guardianship funds. As such, I conclude that the contempt proceedings were for constructive
criminal contempt despite the majoritys and the chancellors characterization of the
55. When the chancellor learns that a fiduciary has misappropriated, stolen, or embezzled
guardianship assets, as the case here, there comes a point that it becomes a criminal matter
and the wrongdoer is entitled to certain inalienable rights protected by the Constitution. In
innocence and basic constitutional protections.18 For example, Zebert may assert his
These constitutional protections include, but are not limited to, the Fifth
Amendment right not to be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,
nor be deprived of . . . liberty . . . without due process of law, and the Sixth Amendment
right[s] to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury . . ., to be informed of the nature
and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of
Counsel for his defence. With a criminal charge against him, Zebert would also be entitled
to a reasonable bail. Zebert has been afforded none of these protections here, and he has
been incarcerated for approximately eighteen months.
constitutional right to remain silent.19 The Fifth Amendment of the United States
Constitution provides that [n]o person shall . . . be compelled in any criminal case to be a
witness against himself. In this action, it appears to me that Zeberts choice is to either
testify against himself and get out of jail on the chancellors contempt and incarceration
order, or assert his constitutional right and remain in jail without the possibility of bond.
56. I commend the chancellor for his efforts in the handling of this matter, and I note the
to conclude that the chancellors finding was one of constructive criminal contempt and not
civil contempt.
The majority responds that Zebert has waived his right to assert his constitutional
rights because he should have asserted these rights when the previous chancellor requested
an overdue accounting. To support this contention, the majority cites a 1997 Maine criminal
court decision. There, at least, the issue of the defendants constitutional rights were
submitted to a court of criminal jurisdiction. State v. Richard, 697 A.2d 410 (Maine 1997).
I do not believe this case supports the majoritys argument. Instead, I used this as an
example to establish that Zeberts actions were recognized by the chancellor to be criminal
in nature, it should have been turned over to the district attorney, and Zeberts incarceration
based on the criminal laws of this State.
[d]ue process includes notice to the alleged contemnor that she was being
considered for criminal contempt.) (citing Mabry v. Howington, 569 So. 2d
1165, 1167 (Miss. 1990), and Cook v. State, 483 So. 2d 371, 375 (Miss.
1986)). The chancellor issued orders in the underlying DHS cases notifying
Appellants of show-cause hearings and instructing them to be prepared to
present evidence as to why they should not be found in contempt of court and
sanctions, including incarceration and/or a fine, should be entered. Thus,
Appellants received a modicum of actual notice of the contempt proceedings.
58. Based on Corr, I conclude that the contempt proceedings here were for constructive
(indirect) criminal contempt. I also find that the chancellor was required to issue process that
would give Zebert notice of the criminal charges against him. The chancellor failed to do
so and violated Zeberts due-process rights. I would vacate the contempt judgments and
59. Because the majority has affirmed this case, I see no reason to address this issue other
than to say that the court in Corr held that recusal is mandatory in a constructive criminal
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