Input Rev. NO: L + (c1 + c2) TW
Input Rev. NO: L + (c1 + c2) TW
Input Rev. NO: L + (c1 + c2) TW
Notation Description Value Unit
Lifting lug material ASTM A36
Base material ASTM A36
Lifting angle (with respect to vertical) 30
Sl Ultimate tensile strength of filler material 400 MPa
Sy Yield strength of lifting lug material 248 MPa
Syb Yield strength of base material. 248 MPa
47700 Kg
W Total weight (Tank + Frame + Slings) = 45000 + 500 + 2200
467937 N
N Number of lifting lugs 4 Nos.
H Hole diameter 55 mm
ls End radius 125 mm
tl Thickness of lug 50 mm
tc1 Thickness of Cheek Plate - 1 12 mm
tc2 Thickness of Cheek Plate - 2 12 mm
bl Width of lug at base 250 mm
bw Width of lug at hole diameter 125 mm
La Lever arm for bending moment 125 mm
IV Impact value 2
w' Leg size of the fillet weld at base 12 mm
Sws Allowable shear stress of weld = min ((0.3 x s l ),(0.4xmin(syb,sy)) 99.2 MPa
St Allowable tensile stress of weld = 0.6*S y (Same as base material) 148.8 MPa
Slt Allowable tensile stress of lug =0.6*Sy 148.8 MPa
SCo Allowable Compression stress of lug =0.6*S y 148.8 MPa
Slb Allowable bending stress for lug =0.66*Sy 163.68 MPa
Slb1 Allowable bearing stress for lug =0.9*S y 223.2 MPa
SlS Allowable shear stress of lug =0.4*S y 99.2 MPa
W' Vertical load on each lug = IV x (W/N) 233968.5 N
IW' Impact load on each lug =W' / cos 270164 N
IW o Horizontal impact load on each lug =W' x tan 135082 N
b Weld length of fillet weld 600 mm
Ab Bearing Area = (0.7*D) * (tl + (tc1 + tc2)) 2641.8 mm2
Atw Weld area = (w'*0.707) 8.484 mm2
Td Tensile Force = W' x Sin 71316.084 N
SHFd Shear Force = W' x Cos 82348.72 N
OPFd Out of plane force = W' x 0.05 (5% of actual force) 11698.425 N
As the stress ratio is less than 1 hence lug is OK in combined ratio check
Shearing of weld = IW' / [ ( b x w' x 0.707 ) ] 53.073 MPa
Sw S
Stress ratio = Sws / Sws 0.535
As the stress ratio is less than 1 hence weld is OK in shear check
Tension of weld = IW' / [ ( b x Atw) ] 53.073 MPa
Stress ratio = Swt/St 0.357
As the stress ratio is less than 1 hence weld is OK in tension check
As the stress ratio is less than 1 hence weld is OK in Welding combine stress check
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