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is a series that takes into consideration
learners needs and interests.

the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference
the modular approach and is organized into six modules


Five lessons, a closing activities section (Workbook) A wide variety of reading and listening tasks
and a revision section Pairwork and groupwork communication activities
Lively dialogues A step-by-step guide to writing
Motivating and contemporary topics Culture and Cross-curricular pages with web links
with multicultural and cross-curricular information Songs
Clear grammar presentations and practice Useful learning tips



Recordings of stories, texts and dialogues
from the Students Book for practice at home
Web projects
The CD/CD-ROM works on both a CD player and
a computer.

Students Book
including Workbook


Class CDs
Tests are also included

Teachers Book Whiteboard
including tests and web projects Material
Topics Structures Topics Structures Topics Structures
What...? Present Simple


Thats me

Module 1
a/an Revision Present Progressive
Possessive adjectives
School days The verb to be In the Present Simple / Present
Who am I?

Our past
Module 1
Module 1

may (permission)
Where ... from? Progressive (Revision)
How...? beginning Past Simple of the verb Possessive pronouns
to be Possessive case
There was / There were
Past Simple of regular /
irregular verbs Science Future going to

Module 2
Possessive adjectives
Module 2

People Adverbs of manner Future will

Possessive case matters
The verb to have At school Past Simple

Module 2
Plural forms (regular/ (negative, questions,
irregular) short answers)
Adjectives Past Simple (irregular
verbs) Problems The verb must

Module 3
Past Simple The verb have to
and The verb could
(Yes/No questions, Wh-
My home Prepositions of place
Module 3
The world around me

questions) solutions The verb should

There is/There are
This/That These/ The verb could
Those (polite requests,
Thats life Past Simple (irregular
Module 3

verbs) Going Past Simple

Module 4
The verb could (ability) Past Progressive
Present Simple vs. Past places The verb could (ability)
Imperative / Simple Time clauses (when,
My city
Module 4

Instructions The verb used to while)

Prepositions of time Habits Countable / Uncountable
Our Experiences
Module 4

How much? / How
many? Present Perfect Simple
Module 5
much/many/a lot of
Time expressions (ever,
Irregular plurals
never, just, always,
Fact or Past Progressive
Module 5

Present Simple etc.)

My activities
Module 5

Time out Past Simple vs. Past

Adverbs of frequency fiction Conditional Sentences
(always, usually, often, Progressive Type 1
sometimes, never)
The verb can Feeling Present Simple vs.
Module 6

At work Present Perfect Simple

Module 6

Like, love hate, cant Present Progressive

stand + -ing
(affirmative, negative) good Adverbs of manner
Present Perfect Simple
(interrogative, short be able to
Special days Present Progressive How much? / How
Module 6

Comparative forms Time expressions many?
Superlative forms (ever, never, just, always, much/many/a lot of/
etc.) lots of

Culture page 1: School prom

Culture page 1: Everyday life Culture page 1: Puerto Rican Paradise Cross-Curricular page 1: Amazing
Cross-Curricular page 1: Different Cross-Curricular page 1: Quiz: Astronauts
cultures, one country English-Speaking Countries Song 1: Dont call me lazy
Song 1: Best friends Song 1: Gadget freak

Culture page 2: National dishes

Culture page 2: Hanging out at the Culture page 2: Quiz: The art of buying
mall Cross-Curricular page 2: A day in D.C
used goods
Cross-Curricular page 2: Money, Song 2: Around the globe
Cross-Curricular page 2: Macaroni and
money, money cheese
Song 2: Its my life Song 2: Wonderful world

Culture page 3: The dangers of

Culture page 3: Halloween shopping online
Culture page 3: Roller Coaster rides
Cross-Curricular page 3: California Cross-Curricular page 3: Smart dogs
Cross-Curricular page 3: First-aid
Song 3: Come on, get ready Song 3: Unlucky day Song 3: Danger

Topics Structures Topics Structures
Men vs. Women Present Simple vs. Present Progressive Youth Present Simple - Present Progressive
Module 1

Module 1
Stative verbs Stative verbs
Comparison of adjectives Past Simple used to
Past Simple Present Perfect Simple
some-any compounds

Traveling around Future will On the move Past Simple and Past Progressive
Module 2

Module 2
Time clauses Past Perfect Simple
Conditional Sentences Type 1 Comparisons
Conditional Sentences Type 2

H2O Question Tags Team work Future tenses

Module 3

Module 3
Present Simple Passive Time clauses
Past Simple Passive Conditional sentences
Passive vs. Active Voice (Types 1 and 2)
Relative Clauses

Get active Present Perfect Simple Competition Passive Voice

Module 4

Module 4

Present Perfect Simple vs. Past Simple Clauses of result

For-since Clauses of concession
Clauses of purpose

The unexplained Past Simple vs. Past Progressive Body and mind Modal verbs I (may, might, could, must,
Module 5

Module 5

Past Perfect Simple cant)

Used to Modal verbs II (must, have to, need)
Prepositions of time and place Would rather
Had better

Stand by me Conditional Sentences Type 3 Time Nouns

Module 6

Module 6

Wish / If only

Culture page 1: The US of A! Color Infinitive and -ing forms

Module 7

Cross-Curricular page 1: Gestures Reported Speech I (Statements)

Song 1: Boys or Girls? Reported Speech II (questions,
commands and requests)
Culture page 2: Fancy a game of soccer?
Cross-Curricular page 2: Fantastic fish tanks
Song 2: Give me a break Revision of grammatical structures
Module 8

Culture page 3: What is the right age to start driving a car?

Cross-Curricular page 3: The art of hiding a message
Song 3: Feel the flow



My home

a house?
Do you live in an apartment or in
What do/dont you like abo ut it?

Whats in this module? Objectives:

My room To say where things
are located
The White House
To describe ones roo
A new place to stay
To discuss rooms an
d houses
My dream house

introduction to the topic of the module through brief discussion objectives of module clearly presented

2b People and pets 2 Read

A. Listen and read. Who are Lee, Terry and Polly? Match.
Lee parrot
1 Vocabulary Terry
Listen and repeat.


spider arm

vocabulary leg
through visual



nose ear

rabbit Hello, Im Lee and I

have a pet tarantula,
Terry. Hes a spider
and he has eight legs
and eight eyes. Dont
tail worry, hes not a
dangerous pet.




Hi, Im Terry and my owners

name is Lee. Hes a teenage boy
and he has two legs and two
arms. He doesnt have eight eyes.
He only has two!

grammar box focusing on key grammatical structures

Hi, Im Diana and

Kim is my sister. 3 Grammar
We have a pet
parrot. Her name
is Polly and shes the verb to have
three years old. NEGATIVE
She has two blue I
I dont have
wings and a yellow You
have You
body. Parrots are He He
great pets. She has She doesnt have
It It
We We
You have You dont have
They They

Circle the correct words.

1. My best friend has / have two dogs.

2. Parrots doesnt have / dont have four legs.
3. We has / have a new Geography teacher.
4. I am / have a pet snake. It doesnt have /
dont have legs.

Hello, my names Polly. My owners

4 Listen grammar practice

are two teenage girls. They have two Listen to two people talking about their pets and
legs and two arms but they dont have check the correct picture.
wings. How strange!

1. a b
B. Read again and write T for true or
F for false.
1. Terry has eight legs.
2. Terry has two eyes.
3. Lee has a dangerous pet.
4. Polly is three years old.
5. Polly has yellow wings.
6. Diana doesnt have wings.
2. a b


4a Eating out 2 Read

A. Read the interview quickly and match the questions a-d with the

answers 1-4. Then, listen and check your answers.
a. Does this mean there arent any meat dishes?
Look at the pictures and put the b. What about drinks?
words in the correct food group. c. Do any vegetarians come here?
Then, listen and check your answers. d. What kind of people come to Corkys?
meat vegetables fruit dairy

This week we went to a very popular restaurant in
the city, Corkys on Main Street. We interviewed
Corky and asked him what makes his place so
garlic pear

onion cheese

pineapple lettuce

All kinds. Businessmen and women, families, teenagers... We
have three-course meals, snacks and drinks for the young and
lamb mushroom
old. People come because they know what good food is.
Of course. We have some great vegetarian dishes. You can
order a baked potato with one of our tasty toppings. And
of course theres our vegetarian lasagna with garlic and
strawberry yogurt mushrooms.
Are you kidding? We have beef, chicken and lots of seafood
dishes. And lamb, of course. Our roast lamb with orange and
pineapple sauce is very popular.
We have a lot, but people usually want to try our juices. We
butter beef have pineapple, pear, strawberry... The Corky Special is very
popular. It has orange, pineapple and strawberry.
abular Put word s in groups or use
to learn new vocabulary.
Voc P diag rams

8 various types of texts: an interview

3 Grammar
a(n) - some - any
a pear a pear
some pears any pears
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS some garlic any garlic

There is a sandwich on the table.

There are some strawberries in the refrigerator.
Would you like some iced tea?
Corkys seafood special
Are there any carrots in the lasagna?
There isnt any soup left.

Complete with a, some or any.

1. Would you like drink?
2. There arent mushrooms in this soup.
3. Heres warm milk. Would you like
cake with that?
4. I need small pineapple for the cake.
Please go to the grocery store.
Lamb with orange and pineapple sauce
a variety of
listening activities
4 Listen
Listen to a man and a woman ordering food. Decide which
of the following dishes they order and how many.
Write 1, 2 or _.

garlic bread 2
Pasta with fresh vegetables
mushrooms with cheese
B. Read the interview again and write T for beef with onion sauce
True or F for False.
1. A lot of people know Corkys restaurant.
lamb with potatoes
2. Only adults go to Corkys restaurant.
3. Corkys is for meat lovers and vegetarians.
4. There are lots of different juices to drink at vegetable lasagna
5. The Corky Special is a vegetarian dish. chefs salad



6c Whats wrong with you?

1 Vocabulary
Look at the
picture. Listen, 1
read and find 4
who is who in
the picture.

The people in the picture are sick. Theyre waiting for the doctor.
Kevin is sitting next to Amanda. He has an earache. Helen is next to Tom. She has a headache.
Lisa is sitting next to Kevin. She has a toothache. Amanda is next to Helen. She has a
Tom has a son named David. David has a cough. stomachache.
Tom has a fever.

2 Read and listen

Read the statements below. Do you think they are true or false?
Write T for True or F for False in the boxes. Then, listen and
check your answers.

1. If you laugh for at least three minutes, three

times a day, you will be a happier person.
2. When you take a shower, its a bad idea to
change the temperature of the water from
hot to cold and back to hot again.
3. Fresh pineapple juice mixed with low-fat milk
is a great energy drink.
4. If you eat your food too fast, you wont feel
full, and youll still be hungry.
5. When you have a toothache, you dont need
to bite on an ice cube, just take a painkiller.
6. If you study hard and dont stay up too late,
it will be easier to get up early for exams.
7. The smell of flowers can cheer you up and
make you feel happy.
8. The hot air from a hairdryer can help an
earache go away.
9. If you go swimming right after you eat, you
wont have a problem.


3 Grammar 4 Speak
Adverbs of manner Talk in pairs.
nice nicely Choose one of the situations below and ask your
careful carefully
partner for advice. Then, listen to your partners
happy happily Shes a terrible singer.
She sings terribly. advice.
terrible terribly
good well Theyre very good artists.
fast fast They paint well.
early early
late late I have a terrible
hard hard headache.

Complete the sentences with adjectives or adverbs. Use the

adjectives in parentheses to form adverbs.
1. This portrait is . Judy can paint really
. (beautiful)
2. Maria usually has an class on
Wednesdays. She wakes up very . (early)
3. John is a student. He always studies
. (quiet)
4. This tree isnt to climb but my sister I want to have
always climbs it . (easy) healthy teeth.

G E T!
Student B
Listen to your partner and
give him/her advice. Use
should/shouldnt and the I have a terrible
ideas in the box below. headache. What
should I do?
listen to loud music You should/
visit the dentist shouldnt...
every six months
drink lots of water
eat lots of candy
go to bed
take a painkiller tips promoting
brush your teeth learner
three times a day autonomy
and helping
students to
peakin Look at the example and
use the prompts given.
acquire good
S IP learning habits


6e I need some advice

1 Read A. Below is part of an advice column page from a magazine. Look at the pictures of the three
people and their pseudonyms. What problems might Chubby girl, Worried friend and Lonely
guy have? Listen, read and check your answers.

What would you do? Write to Carol Bishop for advice

Im 20 years old, Im 52 tall and I I moved to a new town about

weigh 155 lbs. and Im overweight a month ago for my new job
for my size. I dont feel very good
and its nice here. However,
about myself because of it, and I
feel embarrassed. Ive been on a my coworkers are all much
diet twice, but when I stop, I just older than me. In addition, its
put on more weight than before difficult for me to meet people
and I get very upset. What should because Im a very shy guy.
I do?
I feel very lonely and I dont
Chubby girl in Charleston
know what to do. What do you
You shouldnt go on a diet without suggest?
talking to a dietitian first. Thats I have a problem with my best Lonely guy in Lexington
probably why you put more weight friend and I need some advice.
on when you stop. You should try He used to like hanging out with
to eat healthy, balanced meals with Well, I think it would be a
his friends and having lots of
lots of fruit, vegetables and water. fun. Now, he just wants to be good idea to join a gym in
Another thing you can do is join a alone. He doesnt go out much your area. You will meet lots of
gym or take up a sport. It will help and he never calls. Hes down in young people who have similar
you lose weight quicker. the dumps. What do you think I interests. Dont be afraid to
should do?
talk to them. Maybe youll
Worried friend from Wilmington
meet great people there, too.

First of all, you should try talking

to him to find out what his
problem is. If he doesnt want to
tell you, dont worry about it too
much. If I were you, Id go and see
him more. That will show him
that you care. Im sure he will talk
to you as soon as hes ready. Just
try to be there for him and Im
sure everything will be fine.


a detailed plan providing guidance and focusing
on significant aspects of the writing task

B. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Who has tried to do something about his/her
4 Write
When youre writing a letter to a friend asking
2. Why cant Lonely guy hang out with the people at for advice, follow the plan below.
3. Who should see someone for help? GREETING
4. Who should take up a sport?
5. What should Worried friend do for his friend? Begin your letter and say why youre writing.
Use phrases like:
I have a problem and Id like your advice.

I hope you can help me with a problem.
Listen I need your advice because I dont know what
to do.
A. Listen to a woman calling a hotline and answer
the question below. Choose a, b or c.
Explain the problem, say how you feel and ask
What is the womans main problem? for advice. Use phrases like:
a. She doesnt give her son enough allowance. What should I do?
b. She didnt get paid yet. I feel helpless and dont know what to do.
c. She doesnt want her son to get a job. If you were me, what would you do?
What do you suggest?
B. Listen again and write T for True or F for False. CLOSING PARAGRAPH
1. The woman wants a new job. State anything you want to emphasize and
2. Her son needs the money to buy something. end your letter. Use phrases like:
3. The son has a new job. I hope I havent troubled you too much.
Let me know what you think as soon as
4. The woman will give her son some work.
5. The son will get the computer. I look forward to hearing from you.

3 Speak A. Read the text below and circle the correct linking
Talk in pairs.
I need help. I planned a surprise party for my sister,
Student A
Think of a problem you might have and describe it to Karen, last night, (1) because / but it didnt go
Student B. Say how you feel and ask him/her for advice. well. All our friends were at our house on time, I
Use some of the expressions given. Then swap roles. had a lovely cake, it was perfect. (2) However, / In
addition, when Karen came home and we shouted
I need some advice. Surprise!, she ran to her room and didnt want to
I have a problem with see anyone. (3) On top of that, / Thats why, she
I feel hasnt spoken to me since. Karen is shy and doesnt
Can you please help me?
I dont know what to do. have many friends. (4) Because / Thats why I
wanted to have a party just for her. What should I do
to fix things?
Student B
rases to add
Listen to Student As problem and give him/her advice. When writing, use linking words/ph
ting addition, wha t is more, also),
Wri P
Use some of the expressions given. Then swap roles. something (e.g. in
but, how ever ) and to
to express contrast (e.g.
TI give reas on (e.g. beca use, that s why ). This will

I think you should make your writing flow.

If I were you, Id
First of all
B. Imagine that you have a problem and need advice.
Dont worry. writing
Everything will be fine. Write a letter to a friend asking for advice. Follow the
plan above. activities for
further practice


6b A long time ago

1 Read
A. Discuss the questions below in groups. Then read the text and check your answers.
How did people trade before money was invented?
What are some of the oldest forms of money?
When and where was paper money first used?
What is smart money?

Money from Past

to Present
1 Would you feel that you were getting your money's worth if you went to the
market to get a dozen eggs and paid in apples? It may sound outrageous, but
if you had lived in ancient times, thats how you would have traded. In regions

where farming had developed, various agricultural products were used as a
means of payment.

2 The money which was used in these transactions didn't just come in a variety
of forms, but in a variety of sizes, too. For example, in the 13th century BC, the
Chinese used shells, knives and even spades to pay for goods. Around the same
time, some societies were using, believe it or not, stone money! The people
of Yap, an island in the Pacific Ocean, used stones which measured up to 12ft

3 The Chinese developed the earliest forms of coins. These were round pieces
of cheap metal and had little value. In fact, it was not until the 7th century BC
in the kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor that the first real coins were made. These
coins were also made of metal, and their value was determined by their weight.
By that time, money had become so important that the developing societies
started circulating their own coins with an identifying mark stamped on them as a
sign of authenticity.

4 In fact, people had been using coins for about 1,600 years until bills made
their historic appearance. Paper currency was first introduced in China in the
9th century AD. In the beginning, simple handwritten receipts were used, but by
the early 11th century, these receipts had been given fixed values and became
official. The new craze spread rapidly in the East. However, it only reached the
West in the 16th century.

5 These days hard cash is no longer our only payment option. Plastic money,

in the form of credit cards, has become essential. Credit cards originated in the
United States in the 1930s, but they didnt become popular until the 1950s.
These cards have changed our perception of money, as it is no longer necessary
to pay up front. Plus, they are convenient in an emergency and very easy to use.

6 Undoubtedly, the evolution of money isnt going to stop here. It is widely

believed that smart money in the form of smart cards will revolutionize
financial transactions one day. Smart cards will contain microchips that will store
personal data and be able to take care of all your financial obligations without
you having to lift a finger!


useful tips enabling students to
develop reading skills and strategies

B. Read paragraphs 1-3 of the text and decide which 2 Vocabulary

sentence a or b best summarizes each paragraph.
Read the notes and complete the tables below.
Some verbs are derived from nouns by adding the
A sentence that summarizes a suffix -ize.
paragraph, reflects its gist or main noun verb = noun + -ize
TI P point just like a heading does but in
more words. A good summary sentence
revolution revolutionize
summarizes the whole paragraph and not only symbol
part of it, expresses the main point of the
paragraph clearly and accurately, and does not
overgeneralize. apology
Some nouns form two adjectives, one ending in -ic
and the other in -ical. Sometimes the meanings are
Paragraph 1.
noun adjective = noun ending in
a. People exchanged farm products in order to
-ic or -ical
carry out their transactions.
b. Ancient economies were organized according to history historic/historical
the prices of food stuffs. economy
Paragraph 2.
a. Stones were the oldest and most inconvenient
form of money.
b. Payments were made with various objects that
people considered valuable.
3 Write A summary
A. Use the summary sentences that you chose for paragraphs
Paragraph 3. 1-3 of the text and the words/phrases in the box to write a
summary of the three paragraphs.
a. Coins originated in Asia and they became an

acceptable and recognizable form of payment. also later on thousands of years ago
b. Metal coins were invented by the Chinese.
When youre writing a summary of a text,
write at least one sentence for each
TI P paragraph which reflects the main point. Try
to paraphrase, that is use words and phrases
which are different from those used in the paragraph
but express the same meaning. Use linking words/
phrases to add something (e.g. also), to express contrast
(e.g. however), to express cause/result (e.g. therefore),
and to express time relations (e.g. afterwards). This way,
the sentences in your summary will be well-linked and it
C. Read the whole text (paragraphs 1-6) and decide if the will be easier to understand.
following statements are true, false or not mentioned in
the text. Write T, F or NM in the boxes. B. Expand on the prompts given to write summary sentences for
paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of the text.
1. In ancient times, apples and eggs were used
people / begin / see / advantages / have money
instead of money.
4 / form / printed paper
2. Stone money was widely used in China in
the 15th century BC. with credit cards / we have / luxury / buy now /
5 pay later writing
3. Metal coins were used for the first time in practice
Asia Minor. cards / built-in microchips / bring / major changes linked with
6 / world of finance the reading
4. Europeans started using paper money section
hundreds of years after its invention by the C. Now use the summary sentences that you wrote and the
words/phrases in the box below to write a summary of
paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of the text.
5. Nowadays most people prefer using credit
nowadays in future however
cards to cash. about 1,000 years ago


a variety of activities practising listening, reading , speaking and writing skills

15e Closing Activities
Best wishes D. Complete with the Present Progressive of the verbs
in parentheses.

matching A. Write.
1. I (help) my dad clean the house at
activity for
1 Vocabulary
1. three adjectives describing feelings:
the moment.
2. A: Wheres Sally?
presentation Match the pictures 1-6 with the phrases a-f.
through the Then, listen and check your answers. B: She is in her room. She (play)
use of realistic 2. three wild animals: the guitar.
a. Good luck! d. Merry Christmas!
3. A: you (watch) a
b. Have a nice trip! e. Happy New Year!
a wide range three
3. c. Get kinds of jobs:
well soon! f. Congratulations!
of activities 1 B: Yes. Its very interesting.
providing 4. A: Why Beth (wear)
systematic that red dress?
practice in
B: Its new. She bought it yesterday.
vocabulary B. Complete with the words in the box.
and grammar
bored angry become surprised E. Write the Past Simple of the verbs below.
role born
3 4 5 6
1. play 5. do
1. Charlie was in 2001. He was a
2. stop 6. decide
little baby. 3. perform 7. buy
A. My
2. Listen andwants
sister choosetothe correct card. a famous 4. have 8. say
3. Tina was to see all her friends at F. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in the box.

her party. go see stay not be play

4. Karen was very because her
brother was late again. 1. Im very excited because I my sister

5. Lets go to the movies. Im . after 6 months.

2. Shelly to Carlas party last
6. Jack played his very well.
3. James and Mark in Italy last summer.
C. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple They were in Spain.
of the verbs in parentheses and the boxes with the 4. Yesterday, Sally home and
prepositions on, in and at.
computer games.
1. Lucy (not watch) TV the
afternoon. a
G. Complete with the correct adverbs.
2. Bill (play) computer 1. Robert was very angry. He walked into the
. Listen again and answer the questions.
games Saturdays? room .
3. tening Whil
We sometimes
e listening, try to understand
ral idea, not ever thele
toy sing
1. Where are the people?
2.Where fastgoing?
animals. They run .
Lis IP word.
the gene 2. Linda
amusement park weekends.
3.3.Who lives there?
Kevin and Roger are terrible dancers. They
4. What time does Lindas train leave?
dance .
84 John
4. often (not work)
4. Melanies performance last night was very
Speed up 1_Mod 5.indd 84-85
good. She always performs .

reading activities focusing on the development
of reading comprehension skills and sub-skills
writing explanations providing useful advice for the
completion of the writing task

H. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-d. J. Look at the pictures and use the prompts to write

I sat and waited for her, but after an hour I left. 4

3 . Read what happened to Thomas last night. Then, listen
and check your answers.
. WasisJulia
A. bBelow with
Peters you?to his friend Steve. Listen,
e-mail Talk in pairs. Imagine its New Years Eve and that you
and your partner are in different towns/cities/countries
c. Where was she? correct meaning of the words
read and choose the
in red. and are talking on the phone.
be / at home
d. Where were you yesterday morning?
1. mate 2. Down Under 3. barbie Where are you? suddenly /
a. friend a. Canada a. yard ..........................
Jack (1) Whats the weather like there?
hear / a noise
b. brother b. Australia b. barbeque ..........................
Greg I was at the park with Carol. What are you doing?
Jack (2) Are you getting ready for a party?
Greg No. She stayed at home. Are you out in the streets celebrating?
.......................... go / to the
Jack Are you sure? I went to her house yesterday Who are you with?
.......................... kitchen
morning and she wasnt there. What are they doing? see / a snake
Greg (3) Are you having a good time?
Jack I dont know. (4)
Greg I dont understand.
5 Write run / outside /
Set phrases for letters and e-mails and / scream
Hi Steve! When you write a letter or an e-mail/toHelp!
a friend,
I. Read the text and complete the sentences. dont forget:
Hows life in Canada, mate? Hows your
family? Are you getting ready for another to start with Dear or Hi/Hello + first name
cold New Years Eve? Is it snowing there writing activity for
Last Saturday, Dear Jane, Hi Betty, Hello Max,
tonight? Were allmy friend Sally
preparing and I decided to
for our further practice
go toYears Day lunch
the bowling - Down
alley. We gotUnder
at seven to use a set phrase.
The weathers fine here. Its hot and sunny
Last night,
How are you? I hope youre fine. Hows life?
because All summer
our friends
herewere there and we had
in Australia, Im writing to tell you about...
ofacourse. MomAfter
great time. and Dad
about are outside
three in we got
hours, to end with a set word/phrase. Write your first name
the yard at the moment. Theyre cooking
really hungry
hamburgers andsochicken
we left.because
We wentwere
to a Mexican under this.
having across
a barbie from
for all ourthe bowling
family alley. We
and friends. Yours, Love, Bye for now,
Nicole and Mike are in the swimming pool. See you soon, Best wishes, Write back soon,
had our meal and got ready to leave. Suddenly,
Well, have a lot of fun tonight!
a waiter
out of the kitchen and screamed,
A. Complete the phrases 1-4 with the words in the box.
Fire! Everyone started running out of the
Best wishes,
1. Bye now, 3. you soon,
restaurant. We were all very scared. The waiter
Peter see
write Emily
called the fire department, but they got there Tony
half an hour later. When they arrived, there was 2. Brian, 4. back soon,
B. Read again andrestaurant
match. Then, How are you? Sam
no fast food to say what the people
save. for
are doing.
get ready for New B. Imagine its New Years Eve. Write an e-mail to
a friend/cousin. Answer some of the questions in activity 4.
1. The girls went to the the Years
bowling alley
Peter swim
2. They left at oclock. ri
W P Hi...!
3. The Mexican restaurantwas
Peters parents
send an e-mail TI t
Hows life in ...?
bowling alley. Think about what you wan
cook food on a to include in your e-mail.
4. A fire started in the of the Mexican Make some notes before
Nicole and Mike
barbeque you start writing.

5. All the people in the restaurant were . 85

23/1/2008 1:29:29


writing activities 17
regular revision and consolidation through
vocabulary, grammar and communication activities

1 Revision E. Complete with the Present Progressive of the verbs

in the box.
laugh do wear get
1. A: Jenny, what you ?
Vocabulary B: I ready for the party.
A. Cross out the odd word. Then, add one more. 2. A: Nat her new pair of glasses today.
B: Yes. Theyre nice.
1. musician - actress - nurse - visitor 3. A: Why you ?
2. scared - baby - excited - angry B: Because you look very funny in this photo.
3. monkey - parrot - tiger - smart SCORE 4

F. Write the Past Simple of the verbs.
B. Circle the correct words. 1. see
1. My favorite TV show/performance is The 2. do
Office. I watch it every Thursday night. 3. live
4. hear
2. I love buying souvenirs/bands for my friends
5. know
when I go on vacation. SCORE 5
3. During the summer there are so many
tourists/tigers on this beach. G. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in
4. Dont wear jeans to the theater. Wear that
1. Dennis was in Barcelona last weekend and
dress/coat instead.
he (visit) many places.
5. People are very happy here because the
2. My brother (see) a turtle in our
neighborhood/camera is very quiet and
backyard two weeks ago.
3. My mother (not work) as a nurse
when she was young. She was a police officer.
C. Form adverbs using the adjectives in parentheses and SCORE 3
complete the sentences. Communication
H. Choose a or b.
1. Janice is never on time for work. She always
1. This is my friend Sally.
arrives at the office (late).
a. Nice to meet you. b. Let me see.
2. My grandmother gets tired (easy).
2. Can you please help me?
3. Blake can draw very (good).
a. Thats cool. b. Sure.
SCORE 3 3. Are you going to the bowling alley tonight?
a. I think so. b. Here you go.
D. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs in SCORE 3
1. you (want) to
come to the movies with us? Now I can...
2. We (go) to our favorite talk about habitual actions and routines
restaurant every Friday night. talk about current activities
3. Becky (sit) around the house talk about activities in the past
and (watch) TV after school. describe feelings
narrate a story and write about past events
refer to the time events happened

18 self-evaluation chart promoting learner autonomy

factual texts introducing students to the SAMPLE PAGE FRoM NEW LETS SPEED UP 2 - STUDENTS BOOK
culture of the English-speaking world

Culture page 1 A. Look at the pictures and the title of the text.
What do you know about Puerto Rico?
Read, listen and check your answers.

Puerto Rican !
radis e

B. Read again and complete the sentences.

1. Puerto Rico is in the .
2. The capital city of Puerto Rico is .
3. is very important for the people there and is a very popular sport.
4. The is a kind of frog.
You can find more information on this topic at:


Speed up 2_Culture page 1.indd 43 11/9/2008 12:04:10

web links 19

Do the quiz.
Cross-Curricular page 1
How much do
you know?
1 About one in five people in the world can
speak English at some level, and there
are around 70 countries where English is
an official language. Which of the following
countries is not an English-speaking
a. Jamaica
b. New Zealand
c. Honduras

2 The South African flag is the only national flag with

six colours. Which of the following is the correct
6 You probably know that London is the capital
of England and Washington D.C. is the capital
flag? of the U.S.A., but what is the capital of the
Republic of Ireland?
a. Belfast b. Dublin c. Edinburgh
a. b. c.

Kangaroos and koalas live only in Australia.

7 The U.S.A. is home to the NBA (National
Basketball Association). It has some of the
3 There is one kind of animal living there with a best players in the world. But where was the
population of 140,000,000. Thats 20 for every inventor of basketball, James Naismith, from?
person! But which animal is it?
a. Scotland
a. b. c. b. New Zealand
c. Canada

sheep emus cows

4 There are four countries which make up the UK. 8 The Queen of England
and the UK is Elizabeth II.
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...
She became Queen when
a. Wales

song 3
she was 25 years old. But
b. Republic of Ireland
where was she when she
c. New England
became Queen?

a. At Buckingham Palace
5 The American flag is also called the Stars and
Stripes. There are red and white stripes and one b. Up a tree in Kenya
Read the song and choose the correct words.
Then, listen and check your answers.
star for every state. So, how many states are
there in the U.S.A.? c. On holiday in South
a. 48 Africa
b. 50
1- c, 2- a, 3- a, 4- a, 5- b, 6- b, 7- c, 8- b
c. 52 You can find more information on this topic at ANSWERS

Speed up 2_Cross curricular_1.in44 44 10/9/2008 12:38:45

web links


Unlucky day
I woke up this morning
One hour late for (1) breakfast / school
I missed the (2) taxi / bus so I walked
Oh, Im such a fool!

While I was walking

I saw a big black (3) bird / cat
I slipped and fell down
Ouch! I (4) broke / hurt my back.
Its an unlucky day
Oh, when will it end?
Please tell me soon
Or Ill go crazy my friend!

I asked my dad for the (5) car / bike

And he gave it to me
But when I was (6) driving / riding home
I crashed into a tree!

a song accompanied
by an activity

Speed up 2_Song 3.indd 43 10/9/2008 12:20:48


Culture page 1
Look at the pictures. Do you know anything about the places in them? Listen,
read and check your answers.

THE US OF A! factual texts introducing students to the

Alaska is bigger than any other state in the
U.S. It is located in the northwestern corner The US flag is called culture of the English-speaking world
of North America, west of Canada. It is the Stars and Stripes
bigger than France, Spain, Italy and the UK or sometimes Old
combined. The U.S. bought this land from Glory. There are fifty
Russia in 1867 for a little over $7 million. stars on it, for each
state, and 13 stripes
for the 1st 13 states.

Mount Rushmore, in South

Dakota, is a mountain Chicago is the third
with a sculpture of four largest city in the U.S. It
presidents cut into the side lies on the shore of Lake
of it! From left to right they Michigan, which is one
are George Washington, of the 5 Great Lakes. It
Thomas Jefferson, can get very cold there in
Theodore Roosevelt and the winter. Its nickname
Abraham Lincoln. is the windy city.

California is on the west New York City is the

coast of the U.S. There are countrys largest city with
two main cities, Los Angeles, a population of over 8
famous for the Hollywood million. It is very popular
movie studios and San with tourists who go to the
Francisco, famous for the theaters and museums and
Golden Gate Bridge. Its 4200 visit sights like the Statue
feet long and goes from one of Liberty. The statue was
side of San Francisco Bay to a gift from France in the

Cross-curricular page 2
the other. late 19th century.

B. Read the texts again and write T for true, F for false or NM for Not Mentioned.
A. Read the title of the text and look at the pictures below.
1. The U.S. bought Alaska from Canada. 4. California usually has good weather.
Have you ever visited an aquarium?

Fantastic Fish Tanks

2. Old Glory is another name for the U.S. flag. 5. The Golden Gate Bridge is in Los Angeles.

3. You can see the heads of four presidents on 6. 8 million tourists visit New York City every
Mount Rushmore. year.

You can find more information on this topic at http://www.mmpi.net/letsspeedup/letsspeedupindex.htm

One of the most
interesting ways 33 that water
is used is in an aquarium.
Many of us have small
Speed up 4_ Culture page 1.indd 33
aquariums 9/9/2008
or fish2:06:20
our homes for our favorite
web links goldfish, but what about
public aquariums?
Public aquariums are very
large buildings that have
many aquariums of all
sizes. Some are the same
size as you might find in
your house, and some
others might be bigger
than your whole house!
These can fit large species
of sharks, whales, jellyfish,
dolphins, etc.
The Georgia Aquarium,
in Atlanta, is the largest
aquarium in the world. It The Georgia Aquarium is
has more than 8 million best known for its collection
gallons of water, with about of whale sharks. These sharks
120,000 sea creatures in it. were only kept in Asian
aquariums, until now. The
aquarium is also the only
one in the U.S. to have a
Great Hammerhead shark on
One of the best ways to see
the species in an aquarium
these days is through an
aquarium tunnel. They are
B. Read the text again and answer the questions. especially popular for viewing
1. How big can an aquarium be? sharks. Visitors can walk
through the water under a
cross-curricular 2. How many sea creatures are there in the Georgia
clear acrylic glass tunnel. This
information 3. Where can you find the Great Hammerhead Shark?
gives you the opportunity
to see the sea life all around
4. What is an interesting way that visitors in an aquarium you, and makes you feel like
can see sharks? you are swimming with the
5. What is an aquarium tunnel made of?

You can find more information on this topic at:


Speed up 2_Cross curricular 2.in2 2 9/9/2008 2:11:06

web links 21

5c Are you superstitious? Are you superstitious? 5c

Teachers notes Teachers notes (continued)
Functions 2 Read (Track 15) 3 Grammar LISTENING TRANSCRIPT
A. Draw Ss attention to the examples in the grammar box. Jennifer Well, Friday has been unlucky for hundreds
Talking about past actions and events Draw Ss attention to the picture and ask them what is Explain that this is the negative form, question form as of years. There are many well-known sayings
Structures hanging on the wall (a dreamcatcher). well as the short answers of the Past Perfect Simple. like, never change your bed on a Friday
Elicit answers but dont correct Ss at this stage. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference (p. 106). because youll have bad dreams, or dont
Past Perfect Simple (Negative, questions and short answers) start a trip on a Friday because something
Play the CD and have Ss follow in their books. Tell them to Have Ss read through the sentences 1-4 in the activity
Vocabulary find unknown words at the same time. and check understanding. bad will happen.
Words/phrases Check Ss predictions and ask them some comprehension Get Ss to do the activity individually or in pairs. Host Yes, Ive heard that.
Jennifer Probably the most well-known story is about
carry clover culture decoration dream questions, such as: Check the answers with the class.
a ship called the HMS Friday. You see,
hang horseshoe luck mirror path What is a dreamcatcher? It is a Native American
1. had written men working on ships were very scared of
playoffs sis = sister smell (v) sock superstition decoration. Native Americans believe that it keeps bad
2. Hadfinished Fridays so the Royal Navy tried to stop the
superstitious wall dreams away. superstition. The HMS Friday was finished
3. hadnt realized
Is Charlotte superstitious? Yes, she is. on a Friday and the captain was called Jim
Expressions 4. Hadtraveled
Why? Because she kept a four-leaf clover she had Friday. Its first journey started on a Friday
Give me a break! found for weeks and has a pair of socks that she and it was never seen again.
It takes for ever. believes are special. 4 Listen (Tracks 16, 17) Host Very interesting. So, what about the number
Why does Charlotte think her socks are special? A.
13? I know that most people think its
Because her team won all the games in which she Explain to Ss that they will listen to part of a radio
1 Warm-up interview with an expert on superstitions. They should
wore those socks. Jennifer Thirteen is an unlucky number in many
BACKGROUND NOTES find out in which country Monday 13th is unlucky.
Divide Ss into pairs and have them act out the dialogue Play the CD. cultures. So much so, that some buildings
A superstition is a belief that a certain action or in class. You can choose to do this activity after B. dont have a thirteenth floor because
Check the answer with the class.
event will bring good or bad luck. As they are socially its unlucky, and many streets dont have
constructed, they can differ from culture to culture. One B. Russia houses with the number 13.
of the most well-known superstitions is breaking a mirror, Ask Ss to read through the questions 1-5 and check Host So, they go from 12 to 14?
which is said to bring 7 years bad luck. Walking under understanding. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Jennifer No, usually they have 12, 12a, then 14.
a ladder is also considered unlucky, whereas finding a Refer Ss to the dialogue and have them do the activity Host Welcome back. Its time now for Meet the Host Ah, I see.
four-leaf clover or having a horseshoe above a door are individually or in pairs. expert. As you probably know, tomorrow is Jennifer Also, 13 letters in your name is supposed to
thought to be lucky. Check the answers with the class. Friday the 13th. So, this week we have with be very unlucky.
us, Jennifer Fry, an expert on superstitions. Host ...3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! No, Im OK.
Black cats were associated with witchcraft and evil. In 1. They are in Jackies bedroom. Shes going to tell us all about this Jennifer Good.
the U.K., black cats can be a sign of good luck; however, 2. It is a Native American decoration. unluckiest of days. Hi there, Jennifer. Host So if you put together Friday with thirteen,
a black cat crossing your path is bad luck. 3. No, she hadnt. Jennifer Hello. you have a very unlucky day. But can we
A Friday falling on the 13th day of any month is 4. She kept it for weeks. Host So, tell us, whats so unlucky about Friday prove any of this?
considered to be a day of bad luck in many cultures 5. They won two times. the 13th? Jennifer Well, its a fact that people prefer not to
around the globe. In Greece and Spain, Tuesday the 13th Jennifer Well, first of all, let me say that Friday the drive on Friday the 13th. So, there arent as
is considered unlucky. 13th isnt unlucky in all countries. many cars on the roads.
These beliefs are irrational and cannot be explained Host Really? Host So, there arent as many accidents.
by reason or science; nevertheless, many people hold Jennifer Yes, in Greece and Spain Tuesday the 13th is Jennifer Thats what youd think. But actually, there
superstitious beliefs. an unlucky day and in Russia its Monday. are more accidents than on other Fridays.
Host I didnt know that. So why is Friday so Host Did you hear that listeners? Dont drive to
Draw Ss attention to the title of the lesson and ask unlucky for us? work tomorrow, take the bus or walk, or
them to guess what superstitious means. better still, stay at home. OK, Jennifer, lets
Help Ss deduce the meaning of the word by asking take a break now and...
them to look at the pictures in the warm-up section and B.
telling them that they show things that superstitious Ask Ss to read through the sentences 1-5 and make
people believe bring good/bad luck. sure they dont have any unknown words.
Explain to Ss that they will listen to the rest of the
Elicit the answer that someone is superstitious when
interview and they should decide if the sentences are
he/she believes that particular events happen in a way true or false.
that cannot be explained by reason or science or that Play the CD twice.
particular events bring good or bad luck. Check the answers with the class.
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the prompts Ask students if anything unlucky has happened to them
given. Explain any unknown words if necessary. on a Friday 13th, if they believe that its an unlucky day,
Ask Ss the questions in the warm-up section. etc.
Elicit answers and initiate a short discussion. Initiate a short discussion.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

64 teachers book teachers book 65

teachers notes
Module 1

Men vs. Women

Write a paragraph about your dream job and what it requires.
You can find links at:
In the U.S., students have to take college prep (C.P.) classes, which help prepare them for college. How
do schools in your country prepare students for higher education?
What college studies / qualifications do you need in order to find a job?
What do employers usually look for in an employee?

web projects



My dossier Lets speed up 3

Module 6 Feeling good

Healthy eating
1. Make a poster showing people how to have
a healthy diet.
2. Think of healthy or unhealthy foods and
draw or stick pictures of them.
3. Think of a good title for your poster and
write a few things about each food. Are
they healthy or not and how much should
we eat? Hamburgers arent very Vegetables are very healthy.
healthy. You shouldnt eat You should eat vegetables
them every day. every day.

portfolio projects


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CEF level B1
CEF level A2.2
CEF level A2.1
CEF level A1

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with the

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