Bahl Sen
Bahl Sen
Bahl Sen
Hermann Bahlsen was born in Hannover, Germany, in 1859 With a solid means for mass production in place, Bahlsen's
into a family of merchants, teachers, priests, and jewelers. After business took off in the following decade. In 1911 Hermann
learning the trade of an export merchant, the young Bahlsen Bahlsen decided to "translate” the English word "cakes” into
worked as an apprentice in Switzerland and England. In En- German, coining the term "Keks,” which was pronounced
gland he became involved in the sugar trade, and he saw how much the same as its English cognate but had a more German
popular English biscuits and cakes were manufactured on an appeal. One year after Leibnitz Cakes had become Leibnitz
industrial scale. Mass-produced baked specialties were almost Keks, the company was renamed H. Bahlsens Keksfabrik ( "H.
Bahlsen GmbH & Co. KG 39
tributed to a steady stream of revenue for the business during
Company Perspectives: the early 1930s, a time of severe economic depression in Ger-
many. Two years later Salzletten, a new' salty snack, was
Strong brands as a basis for long-term success, hi times of launched. Production, marketing, and distribution processes
saturated markets and excessive supply Bahlsen benefits were streamlined during this time. For example, in 1937
from over a century of expertise in its field. Instead of trying Bahlsen reorganized its logistics system. In 19.39, the com-
to respond to changing trends, the company develops its own pany's 50th anniversary year. Bahlsen had about 2,000 people
concepts to stimulate new markets. Bahlsen 's strategy is on its payroll. However, further progress was again interrupted
based on further developing and improving the company's as World War II started in the fall of that year.
position as a leading supplier of brand-name cakes and
cookies. In order to achieve this goal, the company trusts in During the war. food was rationed and Germans had to use
three of its major brands—Bahlsen. Leibnitz, and Pick their “bread stamps" for cookies. The company also had diffi-
UP!—along with national brands in other countries. With culties securing raw materials, and numerous employees were
the slogan. "We sweeten your life." Bahlsen conveys the drafted into the military. Bahlsen ceased all research and devel-
image of a company whose products and services are asso- opment activities and cut its product range down to just
ciated with spoiling oneself and enjoying life. eleven—including emergency food supplies for German sol-
diers. Between 1943 and 1945 the company employed about
200 forced laborers who were working under the same condi-
tions as Bahlsen's German workers and received the same
Bahlsen’s Keks Factory"). The company founder had a passion
wages and benefits. When Hannover became the target of bomb
for the fine arts and sponsored several artists who. for example,
attacks in 1943. the company established a warehouse in Gera
designed little stamps with picture stories for Bahlsen’s
in the southern state of Thuringia. By the end of the war in
Leibnitz Keks. These commercial artifacts soon achieved the spring 1945, Bahlsen’s production facilities were half de-
status of collector's items. Later, many of the company's pack- stroyed. along with most of the company's warehouses. In April
ages. cookie tins, posters, and print ads were designed by 1945, Bahlsen started making bread for hospitals. Klaus
various artists. Bahlsen also showed a personal concern for his Bahlsen was the driving force behind the company’s recon-
workers, offering them a company health plan and health care struction efforts and behind the establishment of a number of
personnel, spacious dining halls, a company library, music new domestic production facilities. Like his lather, he also
room, and roof-top garden. In addition. Bahlsen workers were focused his efforts on setting high quality standards. In 1950,
allowed to take weekly baths during work hours in one of the Bahlsen established its own laboratories for monitoring product
company's tubs, since most of them could not afford such quality. By 1951. the company’s work force was back to about
luxuries in their homes. By 1914 the company had set up 2,200. Bahlsen’s second factory was opened in 1954 in Lindau.
national distribution, owning warehouses in 26 German cities. The third one followed in Barsinghausen in 1957. A fourth
The company employed 1.7Ü0 people and Bahlsen’s Keks and factory in Varel started operations in 1963, followed by the
other sweets were shipped to 31 countries. opening of a brand-new warehouse in Langenhagen in 1965.
Finally, in 1967. Bahlsen’s fifth factory slatted operations.
Bahlsen ’s Second Generation
Four Decades of Growth: 1950-90
World War I interrupted Bahlsen’s growth in 1914, since
sweets were not among the goods requested by the German After the reconstruction years. Werner Bahlsen was the driv-
military. Raw materials became scarce, domestic consumers cut ing force behind the company’s international expansion.
back on spending, and the company was cut off from its export Bahlsen was the first German manufacturer of sweets to be
markets. By 1918 only one of Bahlsen’s 25 ovens was still in issued an export license after the war. In 1950. the first postwar
operation. After Hermann Bahlsen’s death in 1919. three ot his export shipment with Bahlsen products went to Switzerland.
four sons entered the business. The first was his oldest son Two years later the company began exporting to the United
Hans, who had studied at Hannover’s Technical College and States. By 1956, Bahlsen products were shipped to 74 countries.
entered the company in 1919 at age 18. Three years later he was After the European Common Market had been established, the
followed by his brother Werner who at the same age became the company started setting up its own foreign sales offices, starting
company's new director while Hans took care ot the technical with France and Italy in 1960. During the 1960s and early
side of the family business. Bahlsen managed to survive the 1970s. Bahlsen continued establishing subsidiaries in Western
economic turmoil of the 1920s. including hyper-inflation and European countries, including Austria. Luxembourg, the Neth-
worldwide economic depression starting at the end of the dec- erlands. Belgium. Denmark, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
ade. In 1930 the company founder’s youngest son Klaus joined The company’s American sales office. Bahlsen of North Amer-
the company at age 22. During the following decade the three ica, was set up in 1967. In 1972. all Bahlsen subsidiaries abroad
brothers struggled to bring Bahlsen back on track. T he com- were organized under the umbrella of Bahlsen International
pany's old machines were replaced by modern ones, including Holding AG.
the introduction of steel-belt ovens beginning in 1932. Bahlsen
also introduced new products to the market. In 1933 the com- Besides growing internationally. Bahlsen expanded its salty
pany launched the Express Dose, a one-pound box of wafers snacks division during the 1960s. mainly by acquisitions. In
which sold for a very low price. The product become a popular 1963 the company acquired an interest in the Hamburg-based
item, with about four million boxes sold per year. Despite the Wilhelm Liebelt company, a maker of nut snacks. In the follow-
very small profit per box. the Express Dose significantly con- ing year. Bahlsen bought a majority share in potato-chip maker
40 Bahlsen GmbH & Co. KG