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TNOU 2016 Prospectus

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Recognised by the University Grants Commission

vide F.No.18-1/2015 (DEB-III) Dated 15.09.2015 &

the Government of Tamil Nadu to offer Programmes in
Formal/Non-Formal (Open) Stream .
12-B Status Granted by UGC

Master Degree Programmes

Post-Graduate Diploma Programmes
Bachelor Degree Programmes
Diploma Programmes
Vocational Diploma Programmes
Certificate Programmes

Shri. Ch. Vidyasagar Rao

Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu

Shri. K.P. Anbalagan

Honble Minister for Higher Education

Prof. Dr. M. Bhaskaran

Vice Chancellor

Prof. Dr. S. Vijayan

Controller of Examinations (FAC)

Dr. Ra. Ramesh

Finance Officer i/c


Heads of Schools Heads of Divisions

Prof. Dr. K. Murugan M.A., PGDTE., M.Litt., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. S. Vijayan M.A., M.Phil., M.B.A.,B.L.,PGDPM & LL, Ph.D.
Head, School of Humanities Controller of Examinations (FAC)
Student Registration and Evaluation Division
Prof. Dr. M. Murugan M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D.
Head, School of Science
Dr. Ra. Ramesh, M.Com.,M.Ed.,M.Phil., PGDJMC, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. S. Balasubramanian M.A.(T).,M.A. (JMC).,B.Ed., Ph.D. Deputy Registrar,
Head, School of Tamil and Cultural Studies & Finance Officer i/c
Head i/c, School of Journalism & New Media Studies

Prof. Dr. P. Thiyagarajan M.A., M.Phil., DDE, MADE, Ph.D. Dr. R.Thangaraj M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Director, School of Continuing Education Head i/c., Student Support Services Division

Prof. Dr. S. Subramanian MBA, M.Phil.,Ph.D.

Director, School of Management Studies
Prof. Dr. S. Balasubramanian M.A.(T).,M.A. (JMC).,B.Ed., Ph.D.
Head i/c Electronic Media Production and Research Centre

Prof. Dr. E. Ravi M.A., M.Phil.,, Ph.D.

Head, School of History and Tourism Studies
Dr. K.S. Premila M.Sc., M.C.A, M.Ed. B.Ed. (SE), M.Phil., Ph.D
Public Information Officer
Dr. M.V. Sudhakaran M.A., B.L., Ph.D.
Head i/c, School of Social Sciences

Er. N. Sivashanmugam B.E., M.Tech.

Head i/c, School of Computer Science

Dr. K.S. Premila M.Sc., M.C.A, M.Ed. B.Ed. (SE), M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Head i/c, School of Education

Dr. S. Prabakaran M.A., M.Phil.,, Ph.D.

Head i/c, School of Politics and Public Administration

Dr. B. Anupama Devi M.A,M.Sc.,B.Ed(HI),M.Ed.,M.Phil.,Ph.D,

Head i/c, School of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Welcome to the Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)!

It is indeed a matter of great satisfaction to invite you, on behalf of all us here at the University, to
enrol yourself in any Programme of Study of your choice at the University.

In this context, may I suggest that you familiarise yourself with the eligibility criteria, etc., that govern
the Programme of Study you opt for. It is with this in view, we have carefully compiled this

Should you have any further clarification, please feel free to contact us. You may also suggest to us
for improving this Prospectus.

May we take this opportunity to wish you success in all your academic endeavours!

Dr. S. Vijayan

Tamil Nadu Open University shall make available innovative, socially relevant educational
provisions that are learner centred, seamless and are of high quality by employing appropriate
technologies to achieve equity in education, sustainable social transformation and composite
national development.
Towards becoming a Centre of Excellence in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) by
offering quality programmes to meet the current and emerging needs of the adult
population, by widening the access to higher education and by functioning as a catalyst to
bridge social, including digital divides and to build a developed India, Tamil Nadu Open
University shall :
evolve flexible and robust curricula to widen educational access, deepen knowledge frontiers

and create entrepreneurial skill sets;

reach the rural communities through lifelong learning programmes for livelihood improvement;

establish networked environments for quality assurance;


foster private public partnerships;


bridge the digital divide and implement anywhere, anytime learning environments;

become a digital repository for ODL in the State facilitating Research and Development for new

knowledge creation;
coordinate and implement standards in ODL.

For appointment/Promotion in Public Services, the Government is adopting only the

University Grants Commissions Regulations, 1985 through Formal Education, which
does not recognize entrance test conducted by Universities in the absence of academic
record 10+2+3 pattern emphasized in G.O.(MS)No.107, Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (M) Department, dated 18.08.2009 alone recognized appointment/promotion in
Public Serivices.

As per G.O. Ms. No. 107, the Tamil Nadu Government recognizes Diplomas/Degrees
awarded through Open Universities for the purpose of employment/promotion in public
services, only if those Diplomas/Degrees are obtained after having succesfully
completed the minimum year of schooling in the 10+2+3 pattern of education.

gs;sp ,Wjpj;Njh;T (gj;jhk; tFg;G) kw;Wk; gs;sp Nky;epiyf; fy;tpj; Njh;T (+2)
Mfpaitfspy; Njh;r;rp ngw;wgpd;> jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofq;fspd; topahfg; ngwg;gLk;
gl;lak;/gl;lk;/ KJfiyg; gl;lq;fis kl;Lk; nghJg;gzpfspy; epakdk;/gjtp cah;T ngw
mq;fPfhpj;J MizapLfpwJ. (murhiz (epiy) vz; 107> ehs;: 18-08-2009

Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Academic Activities 2

3. Admission Process 6

4. Evaluation System 12

5. Dispute Resolution 17

6. Information in Tamil 18

7. Annexure

7.1. List of Programmes 40

7.2. Programme Details 48

7.3. List of Learning Resource Centres 111

7.4. List of Community Colleges 119

7.5. List of Psychotherapy Centres 128

7.6. List of Programme Study Centres 129

7.7 List of Zonal Centres 130

8. Contact Details

9. Forms

9.1. Student Requests

9.2. Application for Admission

9.3. Challan for Remittance of Fees

9.4. Acknowlegment by Study Centre

The Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) was established by an Act (Act No.27) of the
Legislative Assembly of the Government of Tamil Nadu in 2002. As per this Act the
University with its headquarters at Chennai may carry out its academic activities in any
State/Union Territory of the Indian Union as well as in any Country.
1.1 The objectives of the University are
a) To strengthen and diversify the degree, diploma and certificate courses related to the
needs of employment and necessary for the economy of the State and the Country.
b) To provide access to higher education for large segments of population and in particular,
the disadvantaged groups such as those living in remote and rural areas including working
people, housewives and other adults who wish to upgrade or acquire knowledge through
studies in various fields.
c) To promote acquisition of knowledge and to continually offer opportunities for upgrading
knowledge, training and skills in the context of innovations, research and discovery in all
fields of human endeavours.
d) To evolve flexible and robust curricula to widen educational access, deepen knowledge
frontier and create entrepreneurial skill sets.
e) To provide a non formal channel of educational system complementary to the formal
system and encourage transfer of credits
f) To provide education and training in the various arts and crafts and
g) To provide for training of teachers
1.2 As mandated by the Tamil Nadu Open University Act, 2002, the University has taken effective
steps to offer various academic Programmes under Open and Distance Learning (ODL).
As on date the following Programmes are on offer at the University :
No. of Programmes (Medium wise)
S.No Category of Programme
English Tamil English & Tamil Urdu Total

i Master Degree Programmes

( Including MBA and MCA ) 23 1 8 32

ii Bachelor Degree Programmes 15 3 18 1 37

iii Post Graduate Diploma Programmes 11 1 12

iv Diploma Programmes (Including Catering) 6 1 6 13

v Vocational Diploma Programmes 4 27 31

vi Certificate Programmes 1 1 1 3

vii Teacher Training

B.Ed (General) 1 1
B.Ed (Special Education) 1 1

Total 130

1.3 The details of eligibility and other conditions for admission to various programmes are
available in Annexures 7.1 and 7.2 except for B.Ed Courses, M.B.A. Hospital
Administration, M.B.A. Shipping and Logistics Management, M.B.A. Retail Management
and Vocational Programmes the details for which are available in separate Prospectuses
brought out by the University.
1.4 The Programmes conducted by the Tamil Nadu Open University have been recognized by the
following statutory authorities.
i) University Grants Commission [UGC]
ii) Distance Education Bureau [DEB]
iii) National Council for Teacher Education [NCTE]
iv) Rehabilitation Council of India [RCI]

1.5 The University is a Member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)


The University offers Programmes at varius levels leading to Certificates, Diplomas,

Vocational Diplomas, Post-Graduate Diplomas, Bachelor Degrees and Master Degrees. Each
of the Programmes at the University is constituted by a certain number of Courses and each
Course is divided in to a number of Units (of study).

2.1 Schools of Study

With a view to developing inter-disciplinary studies and organizing academic Programmes,
the University has established the following Schools of Study:

School of Social Sciences [SOSS]


School of Management Studies [SOMS]


School of Education [SOE]


School of Humanities [SOH]


School of Continuing Education [SOCE]


School of Science [SOS]


School of Computer Science [SOCS]


School of Tamil and Cultural Studies [SOTCS]


School of Journalism and New Media Studies [SOJNMS]


School of Politics and Public Administration [SOPPA]


School of Criminology and Criminal Justice [SOCCJ)


School of History and Tourism Studies [SOHTS]


School of Special Education and Rehabilitation [SOSER]


2.2 Course Preparation

The learning materials, in print and electronic medium of the Tami Nadu Open University are
self-learning in format. These are specially prepared by teams of experts and faculties drawn
from across the Universities / Institutions of higher learning in the country.

2.3 Credit System
The University follows the Credit system for its Programme. Each credit in the system is
equivalent to 30 hours of student study comprising all learning activities (i.e., reading and
comprehending the print material, attending to face-to-face counselling sessions,
teleconference sessions where available and writing assignment responses/open book
tests). Thus, for example, a four-credit Course expects120 hours of study from the student.
Credit System helps the learners to understand the academic effort they have to put in to
successfully complete a Course/Programme. Completion of an academic Programme
requires successfully clearing the requirements of both Countinuous Assesment and the
Term-End Examination of each Course in a Programme.
2.4 Credit Exchange/Transfer
Under the scheme of Credit Exchange/Transfer in force at the University, students who had
partly completed an approved Programme of study at the Indira Gandhi National Open
University [IGNOU] or other Open Universities in India or at a University in Tamil Nadu
recognized by the University Grants Commission, can carry forward the credits they had
accumulated in the Programme of study concerned and continue the studies at the Tamil Nadu
Open University, subject to the conditions laid down by the University (see Section 2.5 below).
2.5 Conditions for Credit Exchange/Transfer
The Credit Exchange/Transfer shall be allowed by the Tamil Nadu Open University subject to
the following conditions:
a) Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption shall be considered provided the institutions in
which the students have studied earlier practise the system of course credits. In all other
cases subject equivalence shall be considered for course exemption.
b) Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption shall be considered only when the content of the
course(s) for which it is sought is identical to that of the TNOU.
c) Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption shall be considered for the first year or in the first two
years insofar as Undergraduate Programmes are concerned, and for the first year alone
insofar as Post-Graduate Programmes are concerned.
d) Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption for individual Courses shall be considered, provided
such Courses have already been sucessfully completed in conventional universities in
the State of Tamil Nadu and/or in other Open Universities in India.
e) Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption shall not be considered for Course(s) for which
candidates have already been awarded a Degree/Certificate.
f) Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption of individual Courses shall be considered, provided
Credit Credit Transfer or Credit Exemption of one or two Courses will not lead to the
claim of award of a Degree/Certificate from the TNOU.
g) For the award of Degree/Certificate from the TNOU, a student shall be required to
successfully complete no less than five Courses post-Credit Transfer or Credit/Course
h) Credit Transfer or Exemption shall not be considered, if the maximum marks prescribed
for a Course in the previous institution are less than 100.

i) The Equivalence Committee shall look into the merit of the application for Credit Transfer
or Credit/Course Exemption on a case by case basis and advise the Controller of
Examinations accordingly for obtaining the approval from the Competent Authority.
j) Students granted year exemption/subject exemption/credit transfer shall be eligible for
classification (into I Class, II etc.), but shall not be considered for University rank.
k) For the purpose of finalization of results of the candidates granted Credit Transfer or
Exemption or Couse Exemption:
(i) The marks scored by them in the previous institutions in the exempted subects shall
be incorporated in the statement of marks isssued by the TNOU with due indication
to that effect.
(ii) If details of internal marks scored in the subject concerned in the previous
institutions are not available, external marks scored by the candidate shall be
shown in the total marks secured column and the Internal Assessment column in the
Marks Sheet for such subject(s) shall be left blank.
(iii) With reference to (ii) above, when only extenal marks are available, the marks
should be the minimum pass marks stipulated by the University, which include
both the continuous assessment and Term-End Examination marks, for the
Courses concerned.
(iv) If Grades (and not Marks) have been awarded by the previous institution, the
average of the range of Marks assigned to the Grade secured by the candidates
shall be taken as Marks obrained by the candidate. The Student Registration and
Evaluation Division shall arrange for such conversion from Grades to Marks.
(v) On the basis of the clauses at (ii) to (iv) above, the Examination Wing shall award
the marks to the students, whose requests for Credit Transfer or Exemption/Course
Exemption are approved by the Committee.
(vi) The Examination Wing shall obtain the approval for the award of such marks from
the Competent Authority before results are published and/or marked statements
l) Prior to submitting Application Forms to the University, students seeking Credit Transfer
or Credit/Course Exemption shall obtain approval from the Equivalence Committee.
m) Nothing contained above shall restrict the University from modifying the rules and
regulations pertaining to Credit Transfer or Exemption/Course Exemption from time to
2.6 Instruction
The University follows a multi-media approach for instruction including the following :
a) Self-Learning Materials : Printed study materials (written in self-learning style) for both
theory and practical components of the Programme are supplied to the learners.
b) Counselling Sessions: Face-to-face counselling sessions are arranged by the University
at various locations in the State. Counselling sessions for Academic Year and Calendar
Year are generally held during the months of March - May and September-November,
c) Practical / Project Work: Some Programmes have practical / project components.
Practical Examinations are generally held at the designated institutions for which the
schedule is provided by the TNOU.

2.7 Counselling and Practical Sessions
At the face-to-face counselling sessions which are organised at local Study Centres,
Counsellors help the students find solutions for their difficulties during self-study. It is
extremely important for the students to study the materials well before attending the
counselling sessions. Clarifications regarding counselling sessions could be obtained from
the SSSD, TNOU, No. 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015. Students may also visit
the TNOU website www.tnou.ac.in for the same. Details regarding pratical sessions will also
be updated in the web site time to time.
2.8 Bachelors Degree Programmes
2.8.1 The University offers UG Programmes under formal stream, the minimum qualification for
which is a pass in the Higher Secondary examination or equivalent.
2.8.2 Those who do not possess any formal educational qualification or havent successfully
completed the +2 examination may seek admission in to a UG Programme at the University
under the non-formal stream, provided they have completed 21 (Twenty one) years of
age at the time of applications submitted for the Calendar Year/Academic Year Batch.
These students are required to undergo a 6-month Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP).
Only after passing the BPP, applicant will considered for admission to UG Programmes. For
further details, the applicants are requested to check the separate Prospectus meant for
Bachelor Preparatory Programme.
2.9 First Language for UG Programmes
2.9.1 The first year B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.B.A. students must take a 6-credit English language
Course BFEG-11 and any one of the following 6-credit first language Course:
Tamil BFTM 11 Telugu BFTG 111 Malayalam BFML 111
Kannada BFKD 111 Hindi BFHD 111 Urdu BFUR 111
French BFFR 11 English BFEG 111 Arabic BFAR 11
2.9.2 The Second Year B.A. / B.Sc. students shall take a 6-credit English language Course
BFEG-21 and any one of the following 6-credit first language Course :
Tamil BFTM 21 Telugu BFTG 211 Malayalam BFML 211
Kannada BFKD 211 Hindi BFHD 211 Urdu BFUR 211
French BFFR 21 English BFEG 211 Arabic BFAR 21
2.10 Non-formal stream in Vocational Programmes
The University admits students under non-formal stream in certain Vocational Diploma
Programmes.The student should have completed 15-years of age as on 1 January or 1st

July for Calendar Year batch and Academic Year batch, respectively. For further details,
please check the Prospectus for Vocational Programmes.
2.11 Dual Registration
Students who are already enrolled in a Programme of one year or longer duration can
simultaneously register themselves for any one year Diploma Programme or Certificate
Programme of six months duration . The University shall not, however, extend any
concession, if there is clash of dates for counselling or examination schedules for the two

The University has established a number of Study Centres throughout Tamil Nadu to assist
the student in the admission to various Programmes and for coordinating their learning
The following categories of Study Centres have been recognized by the University :

S.No Category of Study Centre For assistance to which programme Annexure


1 Learning Resource Centres All Programmes (other than those 7.3

(LRC) handled by Community Colleges,
Psychotherapy Centres, Catering and
Hotel Administration, Programme
Centres, Programme Study Centre)

2 Community Colleges (VCC) All Vocational Diploma Programmes 7.4

3 Psychotherapy Centres M.Sc. (Counselling and Psychotherapy) 7.5


4 Programme Study Centres B.Sc. (Catering and Hotel Administration), 7.6

Post Graduate Diploma in Export
Marketting, B.A./ M.A Islamic Studies,
B.Sc. Visual Communication /
Multimedia and Certificate in
Community Radio Technology

5. Zonal Centres (ZC) All Programmes (other than those 7.7

handled by Community Colleges,
Psychotherapy Centres, Catering and
Hotel Administration, Programme
Centres, Programme Study Centre)

With a view to coordinating the activities of the Study Centres and to act as a link between the
Study Centres, the students and the University, Zonal Centres have also been established as
listed in Annexure 7.7.
The academic activities of the University are carried out in two admission cycles, viz. Calendar
Year cycle commencing from the month of January and Academic Year cycle commencing
from the month of July. (It may be noted that B.Ed. Programmes are offered only during the
Calendar Year Admission and the Hotel Management and Catering Programmes are offered
only during Academic Year Admission)
3.1. Application Form for Admission
The Application Forms together with the Prospectus are issued separately for the above two
admission cycles. The applicants shall use the application for admission prescribed for the
respective admission cycle only.

The Application Form with Prospectus can be obtained as follows:
i) From the University Sales Counter on payment of Rs.100/- in cash per Application
ii) From the Study Centres on payment of Rs.100/- per Application
iii) From the Zonal Centres on payment of Rs.100/- per Application
iv) From the Deputy Registrar, MPDD, TNOU, 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet,
Chennai 600 015 by post on payment of Rs.150/- by demand draft issued by any
nationalized or scheduled bank drawn in favour of the Tamil Nadu Open University
payable at Chennai. The Application Form along with the Prospectus will be sent by
ordinary post only.
The Application Form once sold shall not be taken back and the cost of Application Form
will not be refunded or adjusted towards any purpose
Note : Applicants who wish to enroll for a Diploma / Certificate Programme under the
scheme of Dual Registration shall submit separate Application Forms.
3.2 Submission of Application Form
3.2.1 Before submitting the Application Form, applicants are asked to read carefully and
thoroughly the Application Form, the OMR Application Form and the instructions for filling up
the Application Form. Before filling in the Application Form, check your eligibility regarding
minimum required age, educational qualification, experience, etc., for the Programmes
applied for.
3.2.2 Copies of the certificates, photo of the applicant and the signature of the applicant should be
attested by any one of the following categories of Officers :
a) Group A or Group B Officers of the Tamil Nadu Government / Government of India.
b) Members of the Syndicate, Academic Council and Boards of Studies of the Tamil Nadu
Open University.
c) Teaching Staff / Non Teaching Staff (Assistant Registrar and above) of the Tamil Nadu
Open University.
d) Prinicipals of Colleges/Headmasters / Headmistresses of Goverment/ Goverment
Recognized Higher Secondary or High Schools.
e) Co-ordinators of respective Study Centres
3.2.3 Applicants possessing Degrees awarded by the Universities not recognized by the
University Grants Commission (UGC) are not eligible for admission to the Programmes for
which the minimum qualification prescribed is a Bachelor Degree.
3.2.4 Only those applicants who have passed the qualifying examination either under the 10+2+3
pattern of education or under the 11+1+3 pattern of education or 11+2+2 pattern of
education or under the Open University system will be eligible for admission to the
Programme for which the minimum qualification prescribed is a Bachelors Degree.
3.2.5 If the copies of the Certificates enclosed are in a language other than Tamil or English, a
true version of the Certificates in Tamil or English duly certified by a person authorised to
attest the Certificates must be enclosed.

3.3 Mode of Payment of Fees
For all the Programmes the fees shall be paid to the University. The fees may be remitted in
any branch of the State Bank of India or Indian Bank. For remitting the fees, the applicant
may use the photocopy of the remittance Challan Form enclosed in the Prospectus. The
Banker will return the challan of TNOU copy and STUDENT copy. The applicant shall
enclose the TNOU copy of the remitted challan with the application for Admission. The
applicants may also consult their Study Centres regarding remittance of fees.
3.4 Submission of Application
Applicants may submit the filled in Application Forms along with the University copy of the
i) In the Study Centre approved by the University for the Programme for which
application is made.
ii) In the Admission Wing of the University in Chennai either in person or by post.
3.4.1 Last date for submission of Application Forms
Application Forms shall be submitted for all Programmes EXCEPT Cerfificate
Programmes, on or before the dates mentioned below :
i) Admission for Calendar Year batch - 30 April

ii) Admission for Academic Year batch - 31 October.


The Application Forms for Certificate Programmes shall be submitted on or before the
dates mentioned below:
i) Admission for Calendar Year batch - 31 March

ii) Admission for Academic Year batch - 30 September


a) The University, however, reserves the right to extend the last date for submission of
Application Forms. If extended the revised dates will be notified in the Newspapers and
in the University website (www.tnou.ac.in).
b) If the last dates specified for submission of Application Forms fall on a holiday for the
University the Applications may be submitted on the next working day.
3.5 Processing of Application Forms and Allotment of Enrollment Number
On submission of the Application Form, the Study Centre concerned shall issue a statement
of acknowledgement to the Applicant and forward the Forms in batches to the Admission
Wing of the University. The Admission Wing shall, after detailed examination of the
Application Forms, allot the Enrollment Number and send the ID Cards to the Study Centres
for distribution to the students. The students shall quote the Enrollment Number in all their
correspondences with the University.
3.5.1 The Admission Wing shall issue the acknowledgement card for applications received
directly from the Applicant.

3.5.2 In respect of cases, where the Applicant has not opted for any Study Centre as required in
the Application, the Admission Wing shall attach the Applicant to the Study Centre nearest to
the address for correspondence furnished by the Applicant, under intimation to the Applicant
and the Study Centre concerned.
3.6 Issue of Identity Cards
The University shall issue the Student Identity Card and send the same to the Study Centres
concerned for distribution to students.
3.7 Issue of Duplicate Identity Card
In case of loss of Identity Card, the student shall apply through the Study Centre to The
Controller of Examinations, TNOU for the issuance of Duplicate Identity Card in the
prescribed Form given in the Prospectus with a Fee of Rs.100/- paid vide State Bank of
India / Indian Bank Core Banking Challan. The University copy of the remitted Challan must
be enclosed along with the Application for Duplicate ID Card.
In case of non-receipt of Identity Card from the Study Centres concerned, students may
write through the Study Centre to The Controller of Examinations, TNOU for issue of
Duplicate Identity Card. The Duplicate Identity Card in such cases will be issued free of cost.
3.8 Re-Registration Fees (i.e. for Second/Third Year of study)
A student shall attach the University copy of the Challan with the Re-Registration Form and
submit it to the Study Centre concerned. The Study Centre shall issue an
acknowledgement to the student on receipt of the Re-Registration Form.
The fees for the Second/Third Year of the study shall be paid within the dates mentioned
Admission Cycle Without Fine With Fine *
Calendar Year 31 March
30 June

Academic Year 30 September

31 December

* A fine of Rs.10 per month upto 3 months shall be paid by the student along with the
regular fee. If the student pays the fees after the last date prescribed for payment with fine,
the student will be Re-Registered only for the next relevant batch.
3.9 Refund of Fees
The Programme fees once paid shall not be refunded. However, if on scrutiny, the Applicant
is found not eligible for admission to his/her Programme of choice, an amount of Rs. 300/-
shall be withheld by the University as processing fee and the balance amount of the fee
already paid to the University shall be refunded to the Applicant.
3.10 Issue of Study Materials
Study materials for all the years of study shall be issued to the students only through the
Study Centres concerned. The students are requested to keep in touch with their Study
Centres for this purpose. In case of non-receipt of Study Materials, the students are
requested to contact The Deputy Registrar, Material Production and Distribution
Division ,TNOU, No.577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai-600 015.

3.11 Change of Address
If the student desires to register a change of address for correspondence, the same may be
informed to The Controller of Examinations, TNOU in the prescribed form given in the
Prospectus with a fee of Rs.50/- paid vide State Bank of India / Indian Bank Core Banking
Challan. The University copy of the remitted Challan should be enclosed along with the
Application Form. (Students shall make their own arrangements with the postal authorities
for redirecting the communications, if any, addressed to them till the changes are effected in
the University records.)
3.12 Change of Programme/Course
The student is permitted a one time change of Programme/Course in the first year of study
only. However, no change of Programme is permitted from Certificate Programme to
other Programmes and the vice versa
A student opting for a change in the Programme/Course should pay
i) The additional amount of Programme fees, if any, over and above the fees already
paid for the original Programme.
ii) 20% of the Programme fee of the original Programme towards the cost of old Study
iii) Rs 300/- towards processing fee.
In case, the Programme fees already paid for the original Programme are more than that of
the newly opted Programme, no refund of the difference in the amount shall be made to the
3.13 Change of Medium
Students are permitted to change the medium of study only in the first year. They should use
the prescribed format given in the Prospectus for Change of Medium along with the fees
mentioned below :
i) 20% of the Programme fee towards the cost of Study Materials in the new medium.
ii) Rs 300/- towards processing fee.
The fees should be paid vide State Bank of India / Indian Bank Core Banking Challan. The
University copy of the remitted Challan must be enclosed with the application for Change of
3.14 Change of Specialization/Electives
Change of Specialization for MBA and MA (Social Work) in the second year of the study and
change of Electives for B.Sc.(Computer Science) in the second and third years of study as
well as for B.Sc.(Catering and Hotel Administration) in the third year of study are permitted.
Students opting for a change of Specialization/Electives shall pay vide State Bank of India /
Indian Bank Core Banking Challan:

i) 10% of the Course fee towards cost of study materials for new Specilization/Electives
ii) Rs.300/- towards processing fee

Application for Change of Specialization/Electives shoud be made in the prescribed format

given in the Prospectus along with the University copy of the remitted Challan.

Note that students can apply for a change in Specialization/ Electives only if they have
remitted the Programme fee for the respective year in the University bank account.

3.15 Procedure for Change of Programme/Course/Medium/Specialization/Electives

Students opting for change in Programme/Course/Medium/Specialization/Elective are

advised to apply in the prescribed format given in the Prospectus through the Study Centre

The Study Centre shall issue an acknowledgement for the receipt of the application for
change. Student are asked to keep in touch with the Study Centre concerned for
obtaining the new Study Materials.

The last date for submission of application for changes in Programmes, Courses, etc., shall
be as follows:

Calendar Year Academic Year

i) Change in the Programme / Course /

in the first year of study 30 September
31 March

ii) Change in the Specialization in the

second year of study 30 June
31 December

iii) Change in the Elective in

second year of study 30 June
31 December

iv) Change in the Elective in

third year of study 30 June
31 December

In case the last dates specified here fall on a holiday for the University, the applications may
be submitted on the next working day.

3.16 Change of Study Centre

Requests in the prescribed format given in the Prospectus for change of Study Centre to
which a student is attached shall be considered only

i) if the said Study Centre is closed or

ii) if the Study Centre does not continue to extend facilities for the Programme chosen
by the student.or

iii) If the student moves out of the District in which he/she was orginally residing and
desires, to be attached to a Study Centre nearer to his/her new address.

3.16.1 In the case of contingencies referred to at (i) and (ii) above the University shall attach the
student to another Study Centre under due intimation to the student and the Study Centre
concerned. No fees are required to be paid.
3.16.2 In the case of the contingency referred to at (iii) students are required to pay a fee of Rs.300/-
vide State Bank of India / Indian Bank Core Banking Challan. The University copy of the
remitted challan must accompany the application. The application shall be sent to the
Director, SSSD, Tamilnadu Open University.
3.17 Change of Name
The Student shall apply for Change of Name in the prescribed format given in the
Prospectus along with the copy of the Gazette Notification and University copy of the State
Bank of India / Indian Bank Core Banking Challan for Rs.500/-.
3.18 Scholarships and Fee Concessions
3.18.1 As per G.O.M/s No 73, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare (ADW) (III) Department dated
14.07.2004, SC / ST students pursuing distance education (formal stream) are eligible for
reimbursement of the non-refundable fees if they are not employed and if the annual income
of their parents does not exceed Rs 1,00,000/. The students should apply for scholarships
in the prescribed form to be obtained from the Offices of Adi Dravidar/Tribal Welfare
Department along with the supporting document required, including the applicants Savings
Bank Account No., Name of the Bank, Branch, etc., to the Director, SSSD,TNOU, after
University fees are paid. After due scrutiny the applications for scholarships will be
forwarded to the respective Government Departments for sanction of the scholarships.The
disbursement of the scholarship is subject to the conditions prescribed by the Government
3.18.2 As per G.O. Ms. No 429, Higher Education Department , dated 16-10-2008, differently-
abled students pursuing a Programme at the University are eligible for tution fee exemption.
The candidate shall apply in the prescribed Application Form, for admission along with the
core banking challan for Rs.300/- enclosing a copy of the disability certificate.
The system of evaluation at the TNOU consists of the following
i) Continuous Assesment mainly through Assignments/Project Work, where applicable.
ii) TermEnd Examinations
4.1 As per the prevailing instructional system at the University students are required to write one
assignment per Course (except those who pursue Certificate Programmes) Assignments
carry 25% of the total weightage. Students shall submit their assignments to the Learning
Resource Centres concerned prior to submission of examination application to write the
Term End Examination. (Where Practical Work/Session is compulsary, students are to
attend to them before they appear for the Examinations). It is a good idea to keep duplicate
copies of assignment responses.

4.1.1 Last Date for submission of Assignments

a) For Academic Year Batch - 30 June


b) For Calendar Year Batch - 31 December


If the above dates are declared as holidays for the Univdersity, the assignments may be
submitted on the next working day. The University reserves the right to change the dates.
Students are advised to visit the Tamil Nadu Open University website/ Study Centre for
getting the assignment topics / questions and also for updates if any.

4.2 Term End Examinations carrying 75% weightage (except Certificate Programmes) are
conducted at various Examination Centres all over the State in June / July for the Academic
Year batch and in December/January for the Calendar Year batch. The duration of the
Examination will be 3.00 hours.

Note: Students of Certificate Programmes are not required to write any assignments. They
must, however, appear for the Term-End Examinations for 100 marks, except CTPM (706)

4.3 Classification of Successful Candidates

4.3.1 Master Degree Programmes, Post Graduate Diploma Programmes and Diploma in

To complete each Course, the learner is required to secure a minimum of 45% (34 marks out
of 75) in Term-End Examination and overall 50% in both Term-End Examination and
Continuous Assessment taken together. A candidate who secures 50% and above but
below 60% in aggregate shall be placed in Second Class. Those securing 60% and above
but below 75% in aggregate shall be placed in First Class. Those securing 75% and above
but below 90% in aggregate shall be placed in First Class with Distinction. Those securing
90% and above in aggregate shall be placed in First Class with Exemplary Performance.

4.3.2 Bachelor Degree Programmes

To complete each Course, the learner is required to secure a minimum of 35% (26 marks
out of 75) in Term-End Examination and overall 40% in both Term-End Examination and
Continuous Assessment taken together. A candidate who secures 40% and above but
below 50% in aggregate shall be placed in Third Class. A candidate who secures 50% and
above but below 60% in aggregate shall be placed in Second Class. Those securing 60%
and above but below 75% in aggregate shall be placed in First Class. Those securing 75%
but below 90% in aggregate shall be placed in First Class with Distinction. Those securing
90% and above in aggregate shall be placed in First Class with Exemplary Performance.

4.3.3 Certificate Programmes

To complete each Course, the learner is required to secure a minimum of 35% (35 marks out
of 100 marks) in Term-End Examination. The candidates who secure 35% and above but
below 50% in aggregate shall be placed in Third Class. Those securing 50% and above but
below 60% in aggregate shall be placed in Second Class. Those securing 60% and above
but below 75% in aggregate shall be placed in First Class. Those securing 75% but below
90% in aggregate shall be placed in First Class with Distinction. Those securing 90% and
above in aggregate shall be placed in First Class with Exemplary Performance.

4.4 Practical Examination

The Term End Practical Examination will be conducted at the Examination Centres notified
by the University. The evaluation will be done on the basis of maintenance of Practical
Manual/Work Book, conduct experiment, viva-voce etc,. The duration of Practical
Examination will be 3.00 hours.

4.5 Submission of Examination Application

Students can submit their examination application form two months in advance along with
the required fee. The Examination application will not be sent to the students. The students
are advised to follow any one of the options given to get the application form and fee details:-

i) Use the application available in the Prospectus

ii) Download the application from the TNOU website: www.tnou.ac.in

iii) Collect it from the Study Centre

4.5.1 Last Date for Submission of Examination Application Form :

a) For Academic Year Batch

Without fine 5 May


With a fine of Rs. 50/- 15 Mayth

b) For Calender Year Batch

without fine 5 November


With a fine of Rs. 50/- 15 November


If the above days are declared as holidays for the University, the applications may be
submitted on the next working day. The University reserves the rights to change the dates.
Students are advised to visit the TNOU website/Study Centres from time to time for updates.

4.5.2 Examination Hall Tickets
The examination hall ticket will not be sent to the students. The students should collect the
hall ticket from the Study Centre concerned, three days prior to the date of examination or
download the hall ticket from the TNOU website: www.tnou.ac.in The Hall Ticket will not be
issued on the day of examination. If the hall ticket is not available in the Study Centre or in the
website, the students must approach/contact the Examination Wing of the University well
before the date of examination.
4.5.3 Remittance of Examination Fee/Arrear Examination Fee
Details of Examination fees prescribed by the University are available in the appendix and
also in the TNOU website www.tnou.ac.in Note that the fee structure may change from time
to time. The University copy of the SBI / IB Core Banking Challan should accompany the
application form.
Students who are in the uniformed services are to pay the Exam fees prescribed for Tamil
Nadu irrespective of where they appear for the Exams in India. Other than uniform service
who wish to attend the examination in other States (other than Tamil Nadu and Puducherry)
have to pay the examination fee prescribed for the Other States.
4.5.4 Fees for individual mark statement
Individual mark statement for every appearance shall be issued to the student. The student
has to pay the prescribed fee along with the examination fee.
4.5.5 Consolidated mark statement
Consolidated mark statement shall be issued to the student after he/she passes in all
Courses prescribed for the Programme. The student has to pay the fee of Rs.500/- after
completing the Degree.
4.5.6 Provisional Certificate Fee
A student has to pay the fees for the issuance of Provisional Certificate at the prescribed
rates along with the examination fee for final year examination.
The details about the fees to be paid for issue of individual mark statements and provisional
certificate are included as part of the examination application.
4.5.7 Revaluation, Retotalling and Photocopy of Answer Scripts
A student has to pay the following fees vide the State Bank of India / Indian Bank Core
Banking Challan.
Revaluation : Rs 400 per Course
Retotalling : Rs 100 per Course
Photocopy : Rs 250 per Course

Students should submit their applications to the Controller of Examinations, TNOU within 21
days from the date of publications of the results. The students can make use of the
prescribed form given in the Prospectus. The request of the students regarding any
clarification on photocopy will be entertained within 15 days from the date of receipt of
4.5.8 Payment of Convocation Fee
The students are requested to watch for the notification issued by the University for the
annual convocation in the Newspapers and in the Universitys website and submit the
application for the convocation, after remitting the fee prescribed.
4.5.9 Issue of Duplicate Copies of Certificates
Applications for duplicate certificates shall be sent to the Controller of Examinations, TNOU
in the prescribed form given in the Prospectus along with the required fees.
The applicant shall enclose the following documents for the purpose :

Event Document to be enclosed

a) Loss of Certificate in transit when posted An affidavit attested by a Notary Public
by Tamil Nadu Open University about the non receipt of the Certificate
while in postal transit.

b) Loss of Certificate due to theft or causes i) Particulars of employment if any, from

other than those mentioned at (c) below the date of issue of the Certificate concerned
ii) An affidavit attested by a Notary Public
to the effect that the Certificate has been
irretrievably lost
iii) Copy of the complaint made to the
Police Station concerned
iv) A non-traceable Certificate issued by the
Officer of the Police Station concerned
v) Copy of the notice about the loss of the
Certificate, issued in a leading Tamil or
English Newspaper having circulation
in the District where the Certificate is
reported to be lost.

c) Loss of Certificate due to natural A Certificate about the loss issued by the
calamities such as fire, flood, tidal waves, Tahsildar or the Revenue Authority in
earth quake, land slides, charge of relief work.
and riots or civil commotion etc.

4.5.10 Fees for issue of Migration, PSTM and Duplicate Copies of Certificates

S.No Particulars Rs.

1 Term End Examination Mark Statement (for each mark statement) 100
2 Consolidated Mark Statement 400
3 Provisional Certificate 400
4 Degree / Diploma / Certificate 500
5 Migration Certificate 300
6 PSTM (Tamil Medium Certificate) 300

The fees shall be paid vide Tamil Nadu Open University State Bank of India Core Banking
Account No. 30843228843 / Indian Bank Core Banking Account No.6051265828 and the
University copy of the challan should be enclosed with the application.

4.5.11 Exemptions from Fee Payment for Duplicate Copies of Certificates

No fees are applicable for obtaining the duplicate copies of Certificates, if the revenue
authorities certify to the effect that original documents are lost due to natural calamities
(such as fire, flood, tidal waves, earth quakes, land slides etc.,) due to riots, civil commotion
etc., and also in cases where the Certificates are lost in transit when sent through the post
office by the University.

4.5.12 Independent Enquiry

Notwithstanding what has been said earlier, the University reserves the rights to make
independent enquires about the authenticity of the claims made by the applicant for issue of
duplicate copies of certificates

4.6 General Instructions

Students are advised to visit the TNOU website: www.tnou.ac.in frequently for updates.

The Registrar, TNOU is the Grievance Redressal Officer. The student is requested to send
the grievances in the prescribed form given in the Prospectus.

All fee payment to the University should be vide the State Bank of India Core Banking
Challan a/c No.30843228843/ Indian Bank CoreBanking Account No.6051265828.


Disputes, if any, on matters relating to admission, examinations, remittance of fees and all
matters incidental to the conduct of the above activities shall fall within the jurisdiction of Civil
Courts/Tribunals in Chennai.

1. mwpKfk;

1.1. jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk;> jkpo;ehL murhy;> 2002-Mk; Mz;bd; (2002-y; 27-
tJ rl;lk;) jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf; fofr; rl;lj;jpd;gb> 2002-k; Mz;by;
Njhw; W tpf; f g; g l; l J. ,e; j r; rl; l j; j pd; g b> ,g; gy; f iyf; f ofk; > nrd; i diaj;
jiyikaplkhff; nfhz;L> ,e;jpah kw;Wk; cyfnkq;Fk; fy;tpr; Nritia toq;Fk.;

1.2. gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; Nehf;fq;fs; gpd;tUkhW:

m) Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fSf;fhd NjitfSld;> khepy kw;Wk; Njrj;jpd; nghUshjhu

mj;jpahtrpaj;ijnahl;b> gl;lg; gbg;G> gl;lag; gbg;G kw;Wk; rhd;wpjo; gapw;rp
tFg;Gfis toq;Fjy;.

M) kf;fs; njhifapd; ngUk; gpuptpdUf;F caH fy;tpia ntF vspjpy; fpl;Lk; tifapy;
toq;Fjy;; Fwpg;ghf> gpd; jq;fpa> kpfTk; gpd;jq;fpa gFjp kf;fs; kw;Wk;
fpuhkg;Gwq;fspy; thOk; njhopyhsHfs;> ,y;yj;jurpfs;> KjpNahHfs; Nghd;w fy;tp
tha;g;Gfs; fpilf;fg;ngwhj gpuptpdHfSf;F gy;NtW jsq;fspy; cs;s gbg;Gfspd;
%yk; fy;tpawpitg; ngwTk; my;yJ tsHj;Jf; nfhs;sTk; topfhl;Ljy.;

,) fy;tpawpitg; ngWtjw;Fj; Jiz epw;gNjhL> kdpj ,dk; KaYk; midj;Jj;

jsq;fspYkhd GJik Kaw;rp> Muha;r;rp> fz;Lgpbg;G Nghd;wtw;wpy; Kidg;Gf;
fhl;bl VJthf> fy;tpawpTg; gapw;rp kw;Wk; jpwikfisj; njhlHe;J jilapd;wp
tsHj;Jf; nfhs;tjw;fhd tha;g;Gf;fis cUthf;fpj; jUjy;.

<) fy;tp tha;g;Gf;fis tpupthf;fplTk;> fy;tp tuk;ig Mog;gLj;jplTk;> epHthfj;jpw;fhd

mwpthw;wy; jpwid cUthf;fpl VJthf> vspjhd> ,zf;fkhd kw;Wk; tYthd ghlj;
jpl;lq;fis cUthf;Fjy;.

c) kughHe;j fy;tpj; jpl;lj;ij epiwthf;Fk; tifapy;> gs;sp rhuhf; fy;tpj;

jpl;lKiwapid toq;Fjy; kw;Wk; jFjp msntz; gyd;fis khw;wpf; nfhs;s
VJthf cupa toptiffs nra;jy;.

C) gyjug;gl;l iftpidg; nghUl;fSf;Fupa fy;tpiaAk;> gapw;rpiaAk; mspj;jy;.

v) MrpupaHfSf;Fg; gapw;rp toq;Fjy;.

1.3 gy;fiyf;fofk; 2002-k; Mz;bd; jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofr; rl;l

topfhl;Ljypd;gb> njhiyepiyf; fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpd;fPo; gyjug;gl;l fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fis
elj;j cupa Kiwapy; eltbf;iffis vLj;Js;sJ. gy;fiyf;fofk; jw;NghJ mspj;J tUk;
ghlj; jpl;lq;fs; gpd;tUkhW:

gs;sp ,Wjpj;Njh;T (gj;jhk; tFg;G) kw;Wk; gs;sp Nky;epiyf; fy;tpj; Njh;T (+2)
Mfpaitfspy; Njh;r;rp ngw;wgpd;> jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofq;fspd; topahfg;
ngwg;gLk; gl;lak;/gl;lk;/ KJfiyg; gl;lq;fis kl;Lk; nghJg;gzpfspy; epakdk;/gjtp
cah;T ngw mq;fPfhpj;J MizapLfpwJ. (murhiz (epiy) vz; 107> ehs; : 18-08-2009

nkhj;j ghlj;jpl;lq;fs; >(gapw;W nkhop thupahf)
t.v. ghlj;jpl;l tpguq;fs; Mq;fpyKk;
Mq;fpyk; jkpo; cUJ nkhj;jk;

1. KJfiyg; gl;lg; gbg;G ghlj; jpl;lq;fs;

vk;.gp.V. / vk;.rp.V. cl;gl 23 1 8 32

2. ,sq;fiyg; gl;lg; gbg;G ghlj; jpl;lq;fs; 15 3 18 1 37

3. KJfiyg; gl;lag; gbg;G ghlj; jpl;lq;fs; 11 1 12

4. gl;lag ; gbg;G ghlj;;jpl;lq;fs; 6 1 6 13

4. njhop;w;rhh;e;j gl;lag; gbg;G 4 27 31

5. rhd;wpjo; gbg;G ghlj;jpl;lq;fs; 1 1 1 3

6. MrpupaH gapw;rp
m. gp.vl;. (Kiwahd) 1 1
M. gp.vl;. rpwg;Gf; fy;tp. 1 1

nkhj;jk; 130

1.4. gp.vl;> kw;Wk; vk;.gp.V (fg;gy; Nghf;Ftuj;J / rpy;yiu tzpfk; / kUj;Jtkid eph;thfk;)
kw;Wk; njhopw; f y; t pg; ghlj; j pl; l q; f s; jtpu> kw; w fy; t pg; g hlj; jpl; l q; f spd; >
NrHf;iff;fhd jFjp kw;Wk; ,ju epge;jidfs;> ,izg;G-I kw;Wk; II Mfpatw;wpy; njupT
nra;ag;gl;Ls;sd. gp.vl;. vk;.gp.V (fg;gy; Nghf;Ftuj;J / rpy;yiu tzpfk;/kUj;Jtkid
eph;thfk;) kw;Wk; njhopw;fy;tpg; ghlj;jpl;lq;fSf;fhd gy;fiyf;fofk; ntspapLk; jdp
jfty; mwpf;iffspy;> NrHf;ifj; njhlHghd tpguq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;syhk;.
1.5. jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jhy; nray;gLj;jg;gLk; ghlj;jpl;lq;fs; ahTk;
gpd;tUk; rl;lg;g+Htkhd mikg;Gfshy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;Ls;sd:

1. gy;fiyf;fof khdpaf; FO (University Grants Commission)

2. njhiyJ}uf; fy;tp kd;wk;; (Distance Education Bureau)
3. MrpupaH fy;tpf;fhd Njrpa kd;wk;; (National Council for Teachers Educational Council)
4. ,e;jpa rPuikg;Gf; fTd;rpy; (Rehabilitation Council of India)
1.6. jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf; fofk; ,e;jpag; gy;fiyf;fofq;fspd; rq;fj;jpy;
(Association of Indian Universities) cWg;gpduhf mq;fk; tfpf;fpwJ.
2. fy;tpr; nray;ghLfs;
2.1 gbg;GfSf;fhd gs;spfs;
gy;NtW ghlj;Jiwfis xUq;fpizj;jplTk; gbg;Gj; jpl;lq;fis cUthf;fplTk;
gy;fiyf;fofk;> gpd;tUk; gs;spfisj; Njhw;Wtpj;Js;sJ.

r%f mwptpay; Gyk;School of Social Sciences [SOSS]

Nkyhz;ikg; Gyk; School of Management Studies [SOMS]


fy;tpapay; Gyk; School of Education [SOE]


,yf;fpag; ghlg; Gyk; School of Humanities [SOH]


njhlH fy;tpg; Gyk; School of Continuing Education [SOCE]


mwptpay; Gyk; School of Science [SOS]


fzpdp mwptpay; Gyk; School of Computer Science [SOCS]


jkpopay; kw;Wk; gz;ghl;Lg; Gyk; School of Tamil and Cultural Studies [SOTCS]

,jopay; kw;Wk; Gjpa Clftpay; Gyk; School of Journalism and New Media Studies [SOJNMS]

murpay; kw;Wk; nghJ epHthftpay; Gyk; School of Politics and Public Administration [SOPPA]

Fw;wtpay; kw;Wk; Fw;wk;rhh; ePjp eph;thfg; Gyk; School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

tuyhW kw;Wk; Rw;Wyhtpay; Gyk; School of History and Tourism Studies [SOHTS]

rpwg;Gf; fy;tpapay; Gyk; School of Special Education and Rehabilitation [SOSER]


2.2. fy;tpg; gbg;Gj; jpl;lq;fs;

gy;fiyf;fofk;> rhd;wpjo;fs;> gl;laq;fs;> KJfiyg; gl;lg; gl;laq;fs;> ,sq;fiyg;
gl;lq;fs;> KJfiyg; gl;lq;fs; Mfpatw;wpw;Ff; FWfpa fhyk; kw;Wk; ePz;lfhyg;
gbg;Gj; jpl;lq;fis mspj;J tUfpd;wJ. mitfs; njhlq;fg;gl;ljd; Nehf;fNk>
fw;Nghh;fspd; Njitfis epiwT nra;tjw;fhfj;jhd;. mitfs;>

jpwikfis tsHj;Jf; nfhs;sy;>

Ntiyf;fhd jFjpapid cUthf;fpf; nfhs;sy;>
gzpaplq;fspy;> fy;tpiaAk; njhopyhHe;j tsHr;rpiaAk; njhlHe;J Nkw;nfhs;sy;>
Rakhd fw;wy; mDgtj;jpidg; ngWjy;>
fy;tpawpitg; gy;tifg;gLj;Jjy;.

2.3 ghlg; Gj;;jfq;fs; jahupg;G

jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ghlg; Gj;;jfq;fs; Rakhfg; gbf;Fk; tifapy;
Fwpg;GfNshL $ba tbtpy; (SLM) cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. ,e;jg; ghlg; Gj;jfq;fs; ehL
KOtjpYk; cs;s gy;NtW gy;fiyf;fofq;fs; / fy;tp epWtdq;fspy; cs;s ty;YeHfs;
kw;Wk; Mrphpah;fs; mlq;fpa FOf;fshy; jdpj;jd;ikAld; cUthf;fg;gl;litahFk;.

2.4 fw;wy; jFjp msntz;Kiw (Credit Systems)

gy;fiyf;fofk; jdJ ghlj;jpl;lj;jpw;nfd fw;wy; jFjp msntz;Kiw (Credit
Systems)iag; gpd;gw;wp tUfpwJ. ,e;jj; jpl;lj;jpYs;s xt;nthU fw;wy; jFjp
msntz;Zk;> mr;rbj;j Gj;jfq;fisg; gbj;jy; kw;Wk; fpufpj;jy;> fye;jha;Tf;
$l;lq;fspy; fye;J nfhs;tJ> xg;gilg;G (Assignment) gzpfis vOjp Kbg;gJ> Gj;jfk;
ghHj;J NjHT vOJtJ> cs;slf;fpa Kg;gJ kzp Neu khztH gbg;Gj; jpl;lj;jpw;Fr;
rkkhFk;. vdNt> xU ehd;F fw;wy; jFjp msntz; fy;tp> 120 gzp Neug; gbg;ig

cs;slf;fpajhFk;. ,JNt> xU ghlj; (gapw;rpj;) jpl;lj;ij ntw;wpfukha; Kbg;gjw;F>
vg;gbnay;yhk; fy;tp Kaw;rpiaf; iff;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; vd;gjw;F> fw;Nghh; Ghpe;J
nfhs;tjw;F ngupJk; cjtpfukha; mike;Js;sJ. fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lj;ij epiwT
nra;tjw;Fj; Njitg;gLtnjy;yhk; xg;gilg;Gg; gzpAld;> xU fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpYs;s
xt;nthU ghlj;jpw;;Fkhd gUt Kbtpyhd NjHT Mfpa ,uz;ilAk;> xU Nru
ntw;wpfukhf epiwT nra;tJjhd;.
2.5. fw;wy; jFjp msntz; khw;wpaikj;jy; / khWjy; nra;jy;
gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy;> jw;NghJ eilKiwapy; cs;s ,e;jj; jpl;lj;jpd;gb> ,e;jpuhfhe;jp
jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpNyh my;yJ ,e;jpahtpYs;s ,ju jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;
fofj;jpNyh my;yJ gy;fiyf;fof khdpaf; FOthy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l jkpo;ehl;bYs;s
gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; Vjhtnjhd;wpNyh> mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l ghlj; jpl;lj;ijg; gFjpastpy;
Kbj;jpUf;Fk; khztH> jhd; rk;ge;jg;gl;l me;jf; fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lj;jpy; (<l;ba)
Nrfupj;jpUe;j fw;wy; jFjp msntz;iz> jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;F
khw;wpf; nfhs;sTk;> mg;ghlj; jpl;lj;ij> gpd;tUk; gj;jpfspy; njupT nra;ag;gl;Ls;s
epge;jidfSf;Fl;gl;L> ,q;Fs;s fy;tpg; ghlj;jpl;lj;jpNyNa njhluyhk;.
2.6 fw;wy; jFjp msntz; khw;WKiw / khWjy; Mfpatw;wpw;fhd epge;jidfs;
fw;wy; jFjp msntz; khw;WKiwia gpd;tUk; epge;jidfSf;Fl;gl;L jkpo;ehL
jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jhy; mKy;gLj;jg;gLk;.
i) ghlj; jpl;lq;fSf;fhd fw;wy; jFjp msntz; khw;WKiwiag; nghUj;jkl;by;> gpw
gy;fiyf; fofq;fspYs;s fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lq;fspy; me;j khztH NjHr;rp
ngw;wpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. mNj rkaj;jpy;> jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk;
me;j fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lq;fSf;F epHzapj;j NrHf;ifj; jFjpfs; midj;Jk;
mk;khztH gapd;w Ke;ija may; gy;fiyf;fofr; NrHf;if tpjpfSf;Fr; rkkha;
,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
ii) ,sq;fiyg; gl;lg; gbg;gpw;fhd ghlj;jpl;lj;ijg; nghUj;jkl;by;> Kjyhz;L my;yJ
Kjy; ,uz;L Mz;LfSf;Fk;> KJfiyg; gl;lg; gbg;Gf; fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fisg;
nghUj;jkl;by;> Kjy; Mz; b y; kl; L Nk fw; w y; jFjp msntz; K iw
khw;wpaikj;Jf; nfhs;s mDkjpf;fg;gLfpwJ.
iii) Vw;fdNt xU Fwpg;gpl;lg; ghlj; jpl;lj;jpy;> gl;lk; ngw;w / rhd;wpjo; ngw;w
khztHfSf;F kPz;Lk; mNj ghlj; jpl;lj;jpd;fPo; ,e;jf; fw;wy; jFjp
msntz;Kiwapy; khWjNyh my;yJ jtpHg;Ngh toq;fg;gl khl;lhJ.
iv) jkpo; e hL jpwe; j epiyg; gy; f iyf; f ofj; j pypUe; J gl; l k; / rhd; w pjo; ngw
Ntz;Lkhdhy;> fw;wy; jFjp khWjy; my;yJ jtph;g;Gf;Fg; gpd;dh; khztH Ie;J ghlj;
jpl;lq;fSf;Ff; Fiwahky; epiwT nra;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;.
v) Ke;ija fy;tp epWtdj;jpy;> xU ghlj;jpl;lj;jpw;F epHzapf;fg;gl;l mjpfgl;r
kjpg;ngz;fs;> 100f;Fk; Fiwthf ,Ue;jhy;> fw;wy; jFjp msntz;Kiwapy;
khWjNyh jtpHg;Ngh mDkjpf;fg;gl khl;lhJ.
vi) Ke; i ja gy; f iyf; f ofj; j pd; ghlj; jpl; l Kk; > jkpo; e hL jpwe; j epiyg;
gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ghlj; jpl;lKk;> xg;gpLk;tifapy; ,izahfTk;> nghUj;jkhfTk;
mike;jpUe;jhy; kl;LNk fw;wy; jFjp msntz;Kiwapy;> khWjNyh/jtpHg;Ngh
toq;FtJ Vw;fg;gLk;.

vii) khztHfs; gbj;j Ke;ija gy;iyf;fofKk;> ,NjNghd;W ghlg; gbg;GfSf;fhd
fw; w y; jFjp msntz; K iwiag; eilKiwg; g Lj; j papUe; j hy; > jFjp
msntz;Kiwapy; khw;wNkh jtpHg;Ngh toq;FtJ Vw;fg;gLk;. Vida ,ju
midj;J ,dq;fspYk; ghlq;fspd; rkjFjpapidg; nghWj;J ghlj; jpl;lq;fspy;
tpyf;fspg;gJ Vw;fg;gLk;.
viii) xd;W my;yJ ,uz;L ghlj; jpl;lq;fspy;> fw;wy; jFjp msntz; Kiwapy; khWjy;fs;
/ jtpHg;G ngw;W> mij itj;J> jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpypUe;J gl;lk;
/ rhd;wpjo; toq;f NfhUtjw;Fz;lhd tha;g;gw;w epiyapUe;jhy; kl;LNk> fw;wy; jFjp
msntz;Kiwapy; khWjy; my;yJ jtpHg;G toq;FtJ ghprPypf;fg;gLk;.
ix) xU khztH> fw;wy; jFjp msntz;Kiw %ykhf khWjNyh my;yJ jtpHg;Ngh
ngw;wpUe;jhy;> gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; jutupirg; gl;baypy; mtuJ ngaH> guprPyidf;F
cl;gLj;jg;gl khl;lhJ.
x) jFjp msntz; Kiwahy; khWjNyh /jtpHg;Ngh ngw;wpUf;Fk; fhuzj;jhNyNa>
gy;fiyf; fofj;jpw;Ff; fl;l Ntz;ba ghlj; jpl;lj;jpw;fhd fl;lzj; njhif my;yJ
Njh;Tf; fl;lzj; njhifia Fiwf;fNth my;yJ tpyf;F mspf;fNth KbahJ.
xi) fw;wy; jFjp msntz; Kiwapy; khWjy; my;yJ jtpHg;G Ntz;b mDg;Gk;
tpz;zg;gj;Jld;> Nrh;f;iff;fhd tpz;zg;gj;ijAk; ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;.
mtw;Wld;> Vw;fdNt NjHr;rpaile;j ghlj; jpl;lj;jpd; efy; (mjhtJ jw;NghJ
khWjNyh my;yJ jtpHg;Ngh Ntz;b epw;Fk; ghlj; jpl;lk;) kw;Wk; Vw;fdNt
NjHr;rpaile;j ghlj; jpl;lq;fspd; kjpg;ngz; gl;baypd; efypidAk; ,izf;f
Ntz;Lk;. fw;wy; jFjp msntz;zpy; khWjy;/ jtpHg;GNfhup mDg;Gk;
tpz;zg;gj;Jld;> ghlj; jpl;l efYk;> kjpg;ngz; gl;bay; efYk; rkHg;gpf;fhj
gl;rj;jpy;> tpz;zg;gjhuupd; Nfhupf;if epuhfupf;fg;gLk;.
xii) ,jw;fhd tpz;zg;g fl;lzj; njhif &. 200/- (&- ,UE}W kl;Lk;) MFk;. ,jid
Vw;fdNt jfty; mwpf;ifapy; njuptpj;jgb> ];Nll; ghq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad;
tq;fpapy; epHtfpf;fg;gl;LtUk; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; fzf;fpy; nrYj;jpl Ntz;Lk;.
Nkw;fz;l jpl;lj;jpd; %yk; khWjy; / jtpHg;G Ntz;b rkHg;gpf;Fk; tpz;zg;gj;Jld;>
];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; nghJthd tq;fpr; ryhd; fzf;F
vz;iz (Core Banking Challan Journal Number) jtwhJ Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;.
ghlj;jpl;lj;jpw;fhd epHzapf;fg;gl;l fl;lzj; njhifia> tq;fpapy; nrYj;jp
Fwpg;gpl;l ghlj;jpl;lj;jpw;fhd Nrh;;f;if tpz;zg;gj;ijr; rkh;g;gpj;j gpd;dNu> fw;wy;
jFjp msntz; Kiwapy; / khWjy; jtpHg;G Ntz;b rkHg;gpf;fg;gl;l tpz;zg;gk;
guprPyidf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLk;.
xiii) fw;wy; jFjp msntz;Kiwapy; khWjy;/ jtpHg;G Ntz;b rkHg;gpj;j tpz;zg;gj;jpd;
kPjhd Kbitg; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; ,af;FeH (NrHf;if) mtHfs;>
tpz;zg;gjhuUf;Fj; njuptpg;ghH.
2.7. ghlj;jpl;lj;ijf; fw;gpf;Fk; Kiw
,e; j g; gy; f iyf; f ofj; j pd; fw; g pf; F k; Kiw> Vida kuGtopapyhd gy; f iyf;
fofq;fspypUe;J Kw;wpYk; khWgl;ljhFk;. jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fy;tp
Kiwnad;gJ> fw;gtH rhHe;jpUf;Fk; fy;tpahFk;. jtpu> fw;gpf;Fk; kw;Wk; fw;Wf; nfhs;Sk;
topKiwfspy;> fw;gtH jPtpug; gq;F nfhs;tNjhL> cs;sgbNa mjpy; MHtk; fhl;bAk;

,Ug;ghH. ngUk;ghyhd mwpTiufs; NeUf;F NeH njhlHGWj;jiytpl> njhiyNehf;Ff;
fy;tp Kiwapy; toq;fg;gLk;. mwpTiufSf;Fk;> fw;gpj;jYf;fhfTk; gy;fiyf;fofk;
gytif Clf mZFKiwfisnay;yhk; gpd;gw;wp tUfpwJ. mit ahnjdpy;>

m) Ra fw;wy; ghlE}y;fs;(SLM): jpl;lj;jpw;fhd ghlk; kw;Wk; nray;Kiw mk;rq;fs;

vd ,uz;Lf;Fkhd mr;rbf;fg;gl;l ghlg; Gj;jfq;fs; (Rafw;wy; Kiwapy;
tiuag;gl;lJ) fw;NghHfSf;F toq;fg;gLk;.
M) fye;jha;T tFg;Gfs;: gy;fiyf;fofj;jhy; ,t;tFg;Gfs;; elj;jg;gLfpd;wd.
fy;tpahz;L kw;Wk; ehl;fhl;b Mz;LfSf;fhd fye;jha;T tFg;Gfs;> nghJthf
KiwNa> khHr; -Vg;uy; kw;Wk; nrg;lk;gH -mf;NlhgH khjq;fspy; eilngWk;.
,) nray;Kiw kw;Wk; jpl;lg;gzp: xU rpy ghlj;jpl;lq;fspy;> nray;Kiw kw;Wk; jpl;l
mk;rq;fs; mlq;fpapUf;Fk;. nray;Kiwj; NjHTfs;> jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg;
gy;fiyf;fofj; jpl;l epuy;gb> Fwpg;gpl;l fy;tp ikaq;fspy; eilngWk;.
2.8 fye;jha;T kw;Wk; nray;Kiwg; gapw;rp tFg;Gfs;
2.8.1. fye;jha;T tFg;Gfspy; MNyhrfh;fs; tof;fkhf tFg;Gfspy; ciuahw;Wtijg; Nghd;W
fw;gpf;f khl;lhh;fs;. khwhf> khztHfs; vjpH nfhs;Sk; rpf;fy;fSf;Fr; Ra gbg;G Kiw kw;Wk;
nray;Kiwg; gapw;rpfs; %yk;> jf;f jPHTfhz MNyhrfh;fs; JizapUg;ghHfs;. ,jid
cWjpg;gLj;jpl VJthf> fye;jha;T tFg;Gfspy; fye;J nfhs;Sk; khztHfspd; vz;zpf;if 50
vd tiuaWf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. fye;jha;T tFg;Gfspy; khztHfs; gq;Nfw;gjw;F Kd;djhfNt>
jq;fs; ghlg; Gj;jfj;jpYs;s rk;ge;jg;gl;l ghlq;fis> ed;whfg; gbj;jwpe;J nfhs;tJ kpfTk;
Kf;fpakhdjhFk;. jtpu xt;nthU khztUk; Fiwe;jgl;rk; epHzapf;fg;gl;l fye;jha;T kw;Wk;
nray; Kiw gapw;rpapy; fz;bg;ghfg; gq;fN;fw;f Ntz;Lk;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l Mz;by; (gUt Kbtpy;)
ele;NjWk; NjHTfSf;F> mg;NghJjhd; mtHfshy; jFjp ngw KbAk;. fye;jha;T kw;Wk;
nray;Kiwg; gapw;rp tFg;Gfs; njhlHghf VNjDk; tpsf;fNkh> Iag;ghNlh Vw;gLk; gl;rj;jpy;>
khztHfs; gpd;tUk; Kftupapy; fz;Ls;s mYtyiuf; fbjk; %yk; njhlHG nfhs;sf; Nfl;Lf;
khzth; Nritg;gphpT
jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk;
577> mz;zh rhiy> irjhg;Ngl;il
nrd;id - 600 015.
2.9. kughHe;j kw;Wk; gs;sp rhuhf; fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lq;fspd; fPo; gl;lg;gbg;G epuy;fs;.
2.9.1 ,g;gy;fiyf;fofk; kughHe;j fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; ,sq;fiyg; gl;lj; jpl;lj;jpyhd fy;tpg;
gbg;Gfis elj;jp tUfpd;wJ. Nky;epiy ,uz;lhk; tFg;G my;yJ mjw;F rkkhd
fy;tpapy; NjwpatHfs; kl;LNk ,e;jg; gl;lg; gbg;gpy; NrHj;Jf; nfhs;sg;gLthHfs;.
2.9.2. jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fof gs;sprhuhf; fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpyhd gbg;igr; nray;gLj;jpl>
jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;F jkpo;ehL muR mDkjp toq;fpAs;sJ.
Nky;epiy ,uz;lhk; tFg;gpy; NjHr;rp ngwhjtHfSk;> mjw;F ,izahd NtW fy;tpj;
jFjp ,y;yhjtHfSk; gs;sprhuhf; fy;tpj; jpl;lk; %yk; > gp.V. / gp.ypl;./gp.fhk;. /gp.gp.V. /

gp.rp.V. / gp.v];.rp. ghlj; jpl;lq;fspy; mDkjpf;fg;gLthHfs;. 21 taJ epuk;gpatuhf
,Ue;jhy; kl;LNk NrHf;iff;F mDkjpf;fg;gLthHfs;. Mdhy;> mtHfs; Kjypy;
gl;lg;gbg;gpw;fhd Maj;jg; gbg;gpy;; (BPP) njhlq;f Ntz;Lk;. ,e;jg; gl;lg; gbg;gpw;fhd
Maj;jg; gbg;gpy; NjHT ngw;w gpd;dNu> ,sq;fiyg; gl;l fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpy; Eiotjw;F
mDkjp toq;fg;gLk;. ,ju tpguq;fSf;F> Maj;jg;gbg;Gj; jpl;lq;fSf;fhd jfty;
; fia (Prospectus)> tpzz
; gg
; jhuH rupghHjJ
; f; nfhss
; NflL
; f; nfhss
; gg
; LfpwhHfs.;
2.10. ,sq;fiyg; gl;l ghlj; jpl;lj;jpy; Kjy; nkhopg; ghlk;
2.10.1 Kjyhk; Mz;L gp.V. / gp.v];.rp. / gp.fhk;./gp.gp.V. khztHfs;> 6 fw;wy; jFjp msntz;;
Mq;fpy nkhopg; ghlj;NjhL> (BFEG-11) jfty; mwpf;ifapy; (Prospectus) njupT nra;ag;gl;lgb>
fPNo Fwpg;gpl;Ls;s 6 fw;wy; jFjp msntz; Kjy; nkhopg; ghlj;ijAk;> NjHe;njLj;Jf; nfhs;s
jkpo; - BFTM-11 njYq;F - BFTG-111 kiyahsk; - BFML-111 fd;dlk; - BFKD-111

,e;jp - BFHD-111 cUJ - BFUR-111 gpnuQ;r; - BFFR-11 Mq;fpyk; - BFEG-111

muhgpf; - BFAR 11

2.10.2 ,uz;lhk; Mz;L gp.V. / gp.v];.rp. / gp.fhk;./ gp.gp.V. khztHfs; 6 fw;wy; jFjp
msntz; M q; f py nkhopg; ghlj; i jAk; > (BFEG-21) jfty; mwpf; i fapy; tiuaiu
nra;ag;gl;Ls;sgb> 6 fw;wy; jFjp msntz; Kjy; nkhopg;ghlj;ijAk;> NjHT nra;a Ntz;Lk;.
jkpo; - BFTM-21 njYq;F - BFTG-211 kiyahsk; - BFML-211 fd;dlk; - BFKD 211

,e;jp - BFHD-211 cUJ - BFUR-211 gpnuQ;r; - BFFR-21 Mq;fpyk; - BFEG-211

muhgpf; - BFAR 21
2.11. gs;sprhuhf; fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpy; cs;s njhopw; fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lk;.
2.11.1. gs;sprhuhf; fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; rpy njhopw; fy;tpg; ghlj; jpl;lq;fspy; gy;fiyf; fofk;>
khztHfspd; NrHf;iff;F mDkjp toq;Ffpd;wJ. ehl;fhl;b Mz;Lg; gpupthf ,Ue;jhy;>
[dtup Kjy; ehspYk;> fy;tpahz;Lg; gpupthf ,Ue;jhy;> [_iy Kjy; ehsd;W> 15 taJ
epuk;gpatuhf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.
2.12. xNu fhyj;jpa gjpT
2.12.1 Xuhz;L my;yJ ePz;l fhyj;jpw;fhd fy;tpj; jpl;lg;gbg;gpy;> Nrh;e;Js;s khztHfs;>
Xuhz;L fhy gl;lag;gbg;G Vjhtnjhd;wpNyh my;yJ MW khj fhyj;jpw;fhd rhd;wpjo;
gbg;gpw;Nfh xNu fhyj;jpy; jq;fisg; gjpT nra;J nfhs;syhk;. ,uz;L fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fSf;Fkhd
fye;jha;T kw;Wk; NjHT ml;ltizfSf;fhd Njjpfspy; ,ilr; nrUfy; (Nkhjy;) Vw;gl;lhy;>
gy;fiyf;fofk;> ve;jr; rYifiaAk; toq;ftpayhJ.
3. NrHf;if topKiw
3.1.1. khztHfSf;F cjtpLk; Kfikfs;
gy;NtW fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fspd; NrHf;iff;Fk;> fy;tpr; nray;ghLfis xUq;fpizg;gjw;Fk;>
khztHfSf;F cjtpLk; tifapy;> gy;fiyf; fofk;> jkpo;ehL KOikf;Fk;>ghlj;jpl;lk; rhh;e;j

fy;tp ikaq;fs; gytw;iwj; Njhw;Wtpj;Js;sJ. gpd;tUk; tifapyhd fy;tp ikaq;fisg;
gy;fiyf;fofk; mq;fPfupj;Js;sJ.
t. ve;jf; fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpw;F
vz;. fy;tp ikaj;jpd; tif MNyhrid mspg;gJ ,izg;G

1. fw;wy; Mjhu ikaq;fs; (LRC) thpir vz; 2>3 kw;Wk; 4 ikaq;fSf;F 7.3
xJf;fg;gl;l ghlj;jpl;lq;fs; jtph;j;j
midj;J ghlj;jpl;lq;fs;
2. NRV LpLs RtNokR ThPVlTlLs 7.4
3. csE}y; ikaq;fs; M.Sc. (fye;jha;T kw;Wk; csE}y;) 7.5
4. ghlj;jpl;l fw;wy; B.Sc. (rikay;> czT tpLjp epHthfk;) 7.6
ikaq;fs;(PSC) DFP., DBC., DFBS.
Vw;Wkjp re;ijapy; KJfiyg; gl;lag; gbg;G>
B.A. ,];yhkpaf; fy;tp & M.A. ,];yhkpaf;
fy;tp> fhl;rp njhlHgpy; kw;Wk; rKjha
thndhyp njhopw;El;gk; gl;lag; gbg;G
5. UiPX UVeLs (ZC) thpir vz; 2>3 kw;Wk; 4 ikaq;fSf;F 7.7
xJf;fg;gl;l ghlj;jpl;lq;fs; jtph;j;j
midj;J ghlj;jpl;lq;fs;

3.1.2 fy; t p ikaq; f spd; nray; g hLfis xUq; f pizf; F k; Nehf; F lDk; Nrh; f ; i f>
ghlg;Gj;jfq;fs; tpepNahfk;> xg;gilg;Gfs; rkh;g;gpj;jy;> jpl;l mwpf;if rkh;g;gpj;jy; Mfpa
nghUs;fs; gw;wpa ikaq;fs;> khztHfs; kw;Wk; gy;fiyf;fofk; vd midj;ijAk;
xd;NwhL xd;Wld; neUf;fkhd njhlHig Vw;gLj;Jk; tifapYk;> kz;ly ikaq;fis>
,izg;G-7.7 -y; cs;sgb> gy;fiyf;fofk; Njhw;Wtpj;Js;sJ.
3.2 NrHf;iff;fhd tpz;zg;gk;
3.2.1. gy;iyf;fofj;jpd; fy;tp eltbf;iffs; ,U fy;tpr; Row;rpapy; eilngw;W tUfpd;wd.
[dtup Kjy; ehspypUe;J njhlq;Fk; ehl;fhl;b Mz;Lr; Row;rpahfTk;> ,uz;lhtjhf>
[_iy Kjy; ehspypUe;J njhlq;Fk; fy;tpahz;Lr; Row;rp vdg; gy;fiyf;fofk; ,U
Row;rpapy;> fy;tp eltbf;iffisg; gpd;gw;wp tUfpwJ. tpz;zg;gg; gbtq;fSk;> jfty;
mwpf;iffSk; NkNy Fwpg;gpl;l fy;tpr; Row;rpfSf;F jdpj;jdpahf tpepNahfpf;fg;
gLfpd;wd. tpz;zg;gjhuHfs;> njhlHGila fy;tpr; Row;rpf;fhd tpz;zg;gq;fis
kl;LNk gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
3.2.2. tpz;zg;g gbtk;> kw;Wk; jfty; mwpf;if fPNo Fwpg;gpl;lgb ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;.

i) gy;fiyf;fof tpw;gid ikaj;jpy;> tpz;zg;gk; xt;nthd;wpw;Fk;> &. 100/-

nuhf;fkhfr nrYj;jp>
ii) fy;tp ikaq;fspy;> xt;nthU tpz;zg;gj;jpw;Fk; &. 100/- nrYj;jp>
iii) kz;ly ikaq;fspy;> xt;nthU tpz;zg;gj;jpw;Fk; &. 100/- nrYj;jp>
iv) nrd;idapy; fhrhf;Fk; tifapy;> jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ngaupy;>
Njrpakakhf;fg;gl;l my;yJ ml;ltizg;gLj;jg;gl;l VjhtnjhU tq;fpapy;> &.
150/-f;fhd tq;fp tiuNthiy ngw;W> gpd;tUk; Kftupf;F mDg;gp itf;f Ntz;Lk;

ghlg;Gj;jfk; jahhpg;G kw;Wk; tpepNahfj; Jiw>
jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk;>
577> mz;zh rhiy> irjhg;Ngl;il>
nrd;id - 600 015.
tpz;zg;g gbtk; rhjhuz mQ;ry;topahf kl;LNk mDg;gp itf;fg;gLk;.
3.2.3. gy; f iyf; f ofk; my; y J fy; t p ikak; my; y J gy; f iyf; f of xUq; f pizg; G
ikaq;fs;/kz;ly ikaq;fs; Mfpatw;why; tpw;gid nra;ag;gl;l NrHf;iff;fhd
tpz;zg;g gbtk; kPsg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;sKbahJ vd;gJld;> tpz;zg;gj;jpw;fhd fl;lzj;
njhifAk; NtW ve;jf; fhupaj;jpw;fhfTk; rup nra;J nfhs;sTk; KbahJ.
3.2.4. xNu fhyg; gjptpw;fhd gbg;Gj; jpl;lj;jpd; fPo;> gl;lag; gbg;G / rhd;wpjo; gbg;G Nghd;wtw;wpy;
NrUtjw;F tpUg;gk; cs;s tpz;zg;gjhuHfs;> mJNghd;w $Ljy; NrHf;iff;F
jdpj;jdpahd tpz;zg;gq;fisNa rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
3.3. NrHf;iff;fhd tpz;zg;gk; rkHg;gpj;jy;
3.3.1. NrHf;iff;fhd tpz;zg;gj;ijg; g+Hj;jp nra;J rkHg;gpg;gjw;F Kd;dH> tpz;zg;g gbtk;
kw;Wk; OMR tpz;zg;g gbtk; Mfpatw;iw KOtJkhf cupa ftdj;Jld; gbj;jwpe;j
gpwNf> g+Hj;jp nra;jtw;F Maj;jkhf Ntz;Lk;. jtpu> jfty; mwpf;ifapy; (Prospectus)
fz;Ls;s mwpTiufisr;> rupahfg; Gupe;J nfhz;l gpd;dNu> tpz;zg;g gbtj;ijg;
gpioapd;wp g+Hj;jp nra;tJ tpz;zg;gjhuUf;fhd Kf;fpa nghWg;ghFk;. epHzapf;fg;gl;l
Fiwe;jgl;r taJj; jFjp> fy;tpj; jFjp> mDgtk; vdj; jq;fisg; gw;wpa fy;tpj; jpl;lg;
gbg;gpw;fhd midj;J mk;rq;fisAk; tpz;zg;gjhuH ftdj;Jld; rhpghh;j;Jf; nfhs;s
3.3.2 rhd;wpjo;fspd; efy;fs;> Gifg;glk;> kw;Wk; tpz;zg;gjhuupd; ifnahg;gk; Mfptw;wpidg;
gpd;tUk; VjhtnjhU mYtyuhy; rhd;W nra;ag;gl Ntz;Lk;.
m) jkpo; ehL muR/ ika murpy; gzpahw;Wk; v my;yJ gp gjtp epiy mYtyHfs;.
M) jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; rpz;bNfl>; mfhlkpf; fTd;rpy; kw;Wk;
ghlj; jpl;lf; FO cWg;gpdHfs;.
,) jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; gzpahw;Wk; Mrphpah;fs; kw;Wk;
mYtyh;fs; (cjtpg; gjpthsh; kw;Wk; mjw;F Nkyhf).
<) muR / murhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l> Nkdpiyg; gs;spfs; / caHepiyg; gs;spfspy;
gzpahw;Wk; jiyik MrpupaHfs; / jiyik Mrpupiafs;.
c) tpz; z g; g jhuhpd; Gifg; g lq; f s; ika xUq; f pizg; g hsh; f shy; rhd; W
3.3.3. fy;tpj;jpl;lg; gbg;Gfspy; Nrh;f;iff;fhd Fiwe;j gl;r fy;tpj;jFjpahf ,sq;fiyg; gl;lg;
gbg; G ,Ue; j hy; gy; f iyf; f of khdpaf; FOthy; mq; f P f huk; nra; a g; g lhj
gy;fiyf;fofq;fspypUe;J gl;lk; ngw;w khztHfs;> ,q;Fs;s fy;tpj; jpl;lg; gbg;Gfspy;
NrHtjw;Fj; jFjp fpilahJ.
3.3.4. fy;tpj;jpl;lg; gbg;Gfspy; Nrh;f;iff;fhd Fiwe;j gl;r fy;tpj;jFjpahf ,sq;fiyg; gl;lg;
gbg;G ,Ue;jhy; 10+2+3 tUlq;fs; my;yJ> 11+1+3 tUlq;fs; my;yJ 11+2+2 tUlq;fs; -
vd;w fy;tp mikg;gpyhd jFjpj; NjHTfs; ngw;w tpz;zg;gjhuh;fs; my;yJ jpwe;jepiyg;
gy;fiyf;foff; fy;tp Kiwapy; NjHr;rp ngw;w khztHfs; kl;LNk Nkw;$wpa fy;tpj; jpl;lg;
gbg;gpy; Nruj; jFjp ngw;wtuhtH.

3.3.5. tpz;zg;gjhuHfs; ,izf;fTs;s rhd;wpjo;fs;> jkpo; my;yJ Mq;fpyk; my;yhj gpw
nkhopfspy; ,Uf;Fk;gl;rj;jpy;> mjd; cz;ik thrfq;fis mg;gbNa Mq;fpyj;jpy; nkhop
ngaHg;G nra;J> mr;rhd;wpjo;fis mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l mYtyH xUtuhy; rhd;nwhg;gk;
ngwg;gl;L> tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;.
3.4. fl;lzk; nrYj;Jk; Kiw
3.4.1. NrHf;if> kW gjpT> NjHT kw;Wk; ,ju fl;lzj; njhiffis ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg;
,e;jpahtpYs;s jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd;> fzf;F vz;.308 432 28843
my;yJ ,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; fzf;F vz;.6051265828 vz;zpl;l fzf;fpy; nrYj;j
Ntz;Lk;. ,e;jf; fl;lzj;ij ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd;; ve;jf;
fpisapYk; nrYj;jyhk;. fl;lzj;ijr; nrYj;Jk;NghJ> jfty; mwpf;ifNahL
(Prospectus) cld; ,izj;jDg;gg;gl;l nrYj;Jr; rPl;bd; (Chalan) Gifg;gl efiy
tpz;zg;gjhuH gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;syhk;. gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;Fupa nrYj;Jr; rPl;L
efiyAk;> tpz;zg;gjhuf;Uf;Fupa nrYj;Jr; rPl;L efiyAk; ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah>
tpz;zg;gjhuuplk; jpUk;g xg;gilf;Fk.; ,jidj; njhlHe;J> gy;fiyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa
nrYj;Jr; rPl;L efYld;> tpz;zg;gjhuH> jdJ tpz;zg;gj;ij ,izj;J> jfty;
mwpf;ifapy; gy;NtW gj;jpfspy; njuptpf;fg;gl;l njhlHGila mYtyHfSf;F mDg;gp
itf;f Ntz;Lk;.
3.4.2. khzth;fs; fl;lzq;fisr; nrYj;Jtjw;F Kd;G ve;jf; fy;tp ikaq;fspy; khzth;fs;
tpz;zg;gj;ijr; rkh;gpf;f tpUk;Gfpwhh;fNsh me;jf; fy;tp ika xUq;fpizg;ghsh;fisj;
njhlh;G nfhz;L mjd; gpwF gbg;Gf;fl;lzj;jpid tq;fpapy; nrYj;jTk;.
3.5. tpz;zg;gq;fs; rkHg;gpj;jy;
3.5.1. g+Hj;jp nra;ag;gl;l tpz;zg;gj;ijg; gy;fiyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa tq;fpr; ryhDld; gpd;tUk;
mYtyfk; Vjhtnjhd;wpy; tpz;zg;gjhuH rkHg;gpf;fyhk;.
m) gy;fiyf;fofk; mq;fPfhuk; nra;Js;s rk;ge;jgl;l ghlj;jpl;lj;jpw;fhd fy;tp
M) nrd;idapy; mike;Js;s gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; NrHf;ifg; gpuptpy;> NeupNyh my;yJ
jghy; %yNkh.
3.6. tpz;zg;gq;fs; rkHg;gpf;fg;gl Ntz;ba ,Wjp ehs;
3.6.1. rhd;wpjo; gbg;Gj; jpl;lk; jtpu> ,ju fy;tpj; jpl;lq;fSf;fhd NrHf;iff;Fupa
tpz;zg;gq;fisf; fy;tp ikaq;fspNyh my;yJ gy;fiyf;fof mYtyfj;jpNyh> fPNo
Fwpg;gpl;l ehl;fSf;F Kd;djhNfNt rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
m) ehl;fhl;b Mz;Lg; gpuptpy; NrHf;if : 30 - Vg;uy;
M) fy;tpahz;Lg; gpuptpy; NrHf;if : 31 - mf;NlhgH
vdpDk;> gy;fiyf;fofk; Nkw;fz;l nfLehl;fis tpupthf;fp> js;sp itj;Jk; Mizfs;
gpwg; g pf; f yhk; . mt; t hW khw; w pa ehl; f s; gw; w pa mwptpg; G ehspjo; f spYk; >
gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ,izajsj;jpYk; (Website: www.tnou.ac.in) ntspaplg;gLk;.
3.6.2. rhd;wpjo; jpl;lg; gbg;GfSf;fhd tpz;zg;gq;fisf; fy;tp ikaq;fspNyh my;yJ
gy;fiyf; fof mYtyfj;jpNyh> NeupNyh my;yJ jghy; topahfNth> fPNo Fwpg;gpl;Ls;s
ehl;fSf;F Kd;djhfNt rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

m) ehl;fhl;b Mz;Lg; gpuptpy; NrHf;if : 31 - khHr;

M) fy;tpahz;Lg; gpuptpy; NrHf;if : 30 - nrg;lk;gH

3.6.3. gj;jpfs; 3.6.1 kw;Wk; 3.6.2y; njuptpf;fg;gl;l nfL ehl;fs; gy;fiyf; fof mYtyfj;jpw;F
tpLKiw ehl;fs; vd mwptpg;G ntspahFk; gl;rj;jpy;> tpz;zg;gj;ijg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd;
mLj;j Ntiy ehspy; rkHg;gpf;fyhk;.

3.7. NrHf;iff;fhd tpz;zg;gq;fs; guprPyid kw;Wk; gjpT vz; xJf;Fjy;

3.7.1. NrHf;iff;fhd tpz;zg;gk; ngw;wTld;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l fy;tp ikaq;fs;> mjw;fhd xg;Gifr;

rPl;il khztHfSf;F mDg;gp itf;Fk;. fy;tp ikaq;fs; gy;fiyf;fof NrHf;ifg;
gpupTf;F mDg;gp itf;Fk;. NrHf;ifg; gpupT> mt;tpz;zg;gq;fisAk;> gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy;
Neubahf ngwg;gl;l tpz;zg;gq;fisAk; jFe;j guprPyidf;F cl;gLj;jpa gpd;dH>
tpz;zg;gjhuupd; ngaH gjpT nra;ag;gl;L> mtUf;fhd Nrh;;f;if vz;; xJf;fg;gLk;.
Nrh;f;if vz; Nghd;w jfty;fs; midj;Jk;> khztHfSf;Fj; njuptpf;Fk; tifapy;>
rk;ge;jg;gl;l fy;tp ikaq;fSf;F mDg;gp itf;fg;gLk;. khztHfs;> gy;fiyf;fofj;Jld;
njhlHG nfhs;Sk; midj;J fbjg; Nghf;Ftuj;JfspYk;> jtwhky; jdf;Fupa Nrh;f;if
vz;izf; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;.

3.7.2. tpz;zg;gjhuHfsplkpUe;J Neubahf tug;ngw;w tpz;zg;gq;fSf;F cupa xg;Gjiy>

gy;fiyf; fofk; mtHfSf;F mDg;gp itf;Fk;.

3.7.3. tpz;zg;gg; gbtj;jpy; Nfhupagb> fy;tp ikak; vijANk tpz;zg;gjhuH Fwpg;gplhjpUf;Fk;

gl;rj;jpy;> tpz;zg;gj;jpy; Fwpg;gpl;Ls;s fbjg; Nghf;Ftuj;Jf;fhd Kftupiaf; nfhz;L>
mk;Kftupf;F mUfhikapy; mike;Js;s fy;tp ikaj;NjhL> me;j khztiug;
gy;fiyf;fofk; ,izj;J mjw;fhd jftiy mtUf;F mDg;gp itf;Fk;.

3.8. milahs ml;ilfs; toq;fy;

3.8.1. gy;fiyf;fofk;> khztUf;fhd milahs ml;ilapid xJf;fPL nra;J> mjid

khztUf;F Nrh;g;gpf;Fk; nghUl;L> rk;ge;jg;gl;l fy;tp ikaj;jpw;F mDg;gp itf;Fk;.

3.9. ,uz;lhk; - %d;whk; Mz;L gbg;Gf;fhd fl;lzq;fs; nrYj;Jjy;.

3.9.1. ,uz;lhk; / %d;whk; Mz;LfSf;fhd fy;tpf; fl;lzj; njhif nrYj;Jtjw;fhd ,Wjp

ehl;fs; gpd;tUkhW:
NrHf;ifr; Row;rp mguhjf; fl;lzkpd;wp mguhjf; fl;lzj;NjhL
1. ehl;fhl;b Mz;Lf;fhd NrHf;if khHr; - 31 [_d; - 30
2. fy;tpahz;Lf;fhd NrHf;if nrg;lk;gH - 30 brk;gH - 31
3.9.2. %d;W khjq;fs; tiu khjk; xd;wpw;F mguhjj; njhifahf &. 10/- tPjk; NrHj;J Kiwahd
fy;tpf; fl;lzj;Jld; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. khzth;> gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;Fhpa nrYj;Jr; rPl;L
efiy kWgjpT tpz;zg;gj;Jld; rk;ge;jg;gl;l fy;tp ikaj;jpy; rkh;g;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
fy;tpikak; kWgjpT tpz;zg;gj;ijg; ngw;W nfhz;ljw;fhd xg;Gjiy toq;Fk;.

3.9.3. mguhjj; njhifNahL fl;lzj; njhif fl;l Ntz;ba ,Wjp ehisAk; jhz;b khztH
fl;lzj; njhifiaf; fl;bapUe;jhy;> njhlHGs;s mLj;j gpuptpy;jhd;> mtuJ ngaH kW
gjpthfr; NrHf;fg;gLk;.
3.10. ghlg; Gj;jfq;fs; tpepNahfk;:
3.10.1.midj;J Mz;LfSf;Fkhd ghlg; Gj;jfq;fSk; rk;ge;jg;gl;l fy;tp ikaj;jpypUe;J
khztHfSf;F toq;fg;gLk;. vdNt> khztHfs; ,J njhlh;ghf fy;tp ikaq;fSld;
njhlh;e;J njhlHig itj;Jf; nfhs;SkhW Nfl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwhHfs;. ghlg;
Gj;jfq;fs; tuhj gl;rj;jpy;> cldbahf gpd;tUk; Kftupf;F fbjk; vOJk;gb khztHfs;
Nfl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwhHfs;.
Jizg; gjpthsH>
ghlg;Gj;jfk; jahhpg;G kw;Wk; tpepNahfj;Jiw
vz;.577> mz;zh rhiy>
nrd;id - 600 015.
3.11. fy;tpf; fl;lzk; kPs toq;Fjy;
3.11.1.fy;tpj; jpl;lf; fl;lzk; xUKiw nrYj;jptpl;lhy;> mj;njhif kPs toq;fg;glkhl;lhJ.
vdpDk;> tpz;zg;gk; guprPyidapd;NghNjh my;yJ NtW ve;jf; fhuzj;jpw;fhfNth>
tpz;zg;gjhuH njhlHGs;s fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpy; NrUtjw;Fj; jFjpapy;yhj epiy
cUthfpapUe;jhy;> nrYj;jpa njhifapy;> &. 300/- kl;Lk; epWj;jp itj;Jf; nfhz;L>
vQ;rpa fl;lzj; njhifia tpz;zg;gjhuUf;Fg; gy;fiyf;fofk; jpUg;gp mspf;Fk;.
3.12. khw;W milahs ml;il toq;Fjy;
3.12.1.fy;tp ikaj;jpw;F mDg;gg;gl;l milahs ml;il fpilf;fhky; Ngha;tpl;lhy;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l
khztH> njhlHGila ikaj;jpd; %ykhf jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd;
Njh;Tf; fl;Lg;ghl;L mjpfhhpf;F vOjp> khw;W milahs ml;iliag; ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;.
,JNghd;w #oypy;> fl;lzk; VJkpd;wp> ,ytrkhfNt> khw;W milahs ml;il
3.12.2.fy;tp ikaj;jpypUe;J ngwg;gl;l milahs ml;il njhiye;J Ngha;tpl;lhy;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l
khztH> njhlHGs;s fy;tp ikaj;jpd; %ykhf> jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd;
Njh;Tf; fl;Lg;ghl;L mjpfhhpf;F vOjp> khw;W milahs ml;iliag; ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;.
,jw;fhd fl;lzj; njhif &. 100/- kl;Lk; MFk;. ,j;njhifia> ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg;
,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; VjhtnjhU fpisapy;> nghJthd tq;fpr; ryhd;; (Core
Banking Challan) Gifg;gl efy; %yk; nrYj;jyhk.; gy;iyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa nrYj;Jr;
rPl;bd; efiy> ,jw;fhd tpz;zg;gj;Jld; tpz;zg;gjhuH ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,e;j
tpz;zg;gj;Jld; mQ;ry;jiy mstpyhd mtuJ Gifg;glj;ijAk; ,izf;f Ntz;Lk;.
3.13. Kftup khw;wk;
3.13.1.jdJ fbjj; njhlHGf;fhd Kftupia khw;wpf; nfhs;s tpUk;gpdhy;> me;j khztH>
jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj; Njh;Tf; fl;Lg;ghl;L mjpfhhpf;F vOjp> khWjy;
ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;. ,jw;fhd fl;lzj; njhif &. 50/- MFk;. ,j;njhifia ];Nll;
Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; VjhtnjhU fpisapy;> nghJthd tq;fpr; ryhd;
(Core Banking Chalan) Gifg;gl efy; %yk; nrYj;jyhk;. gy;fiyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa
nrYj;Jr; rPl;il> tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd;
Mtzq;fspy; Kftup khWjy;fs; gjpthfp> cupa jfty; tUk;tiu> jdf;fhd jghy;fis
khw;wp mDg;gp itf;Fk;gb> mQ;ry; Jiw mYtyHfsplk; jf;f Vw;ghLfisj; jdJ nrhe;j
Vw;ghl;by; khztNu nra;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

3.14. fy;tpj; jpl;lk; / ghlk; khw;wpaikj;jy;
3.14.1.fy;tpj; jpl;lk; / ghlj;jpl;lj;jpy; VjhtJ khWjy; nra;J nfhs;s khztH tpUk;gpdhy;>
Kjyhk; Mz;by; kl;Lk;> mJTk; xUKiw kl;LNk mjw;F mDkjp mspf;fg;gLk;.

3.14.2.rhd;wpjo; ghlj;jpl;lj;jpypUe;J NtW fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpw;fhd kw;Wk; kWjiyahfNth (Vice-

versa) ghlj; jpl;lj;ij khw;wpf; nfhs;s mDkjp ,y;iy.
3.14.3.fy;tpj; jpl;lg; ghlj;jpl;lj;jpy; khWjy; NfhUk; tpz;zg;gjhuH gpd;tUk; fl;lzj;ijr;
nrYj;j nra;a Ntz;Lk;.

(i) Ke;ija fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpw;Ff; fl;ba fl;lzj; njhifiaj; jtpHj;J> Gjpa fy;tpj;
jpl;lj;jpd; fPOs;s Gjpa ghlj; jpl;lj;jpw;fhd epHzapf;fg;gl;l fl;lzj; njhifiaf;
$Ljyhfr; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

(ii) Ke;ija fy;tpf; fl;lzj; njhifapy; 20 tpOf;fhL Ke;ija ghlg;Gj;jfq;fspd;

tpiyahf nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

(iii) guprPyidf; fl;lzkhf &. 300/-kl;Lk;.

xUNtis> Gjpa fy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpd; fPOs;s ghlj; jpl;lj;jpw;fhd fl;lzk; Vw;fdNt
Ke;ijafy;tpj; jpl;lj;jpw;fhd fl;lzj; njhifiatplf; Fiwe;J ,Uf;Fk;gl;rj;jpy;>
jpl;lf; fl;lzj;jpy; Vw;gl;l tpj;jpahrj; njhif kPs toq;fg;glkhl;lhJ.
3.15. gapw;Wnkhopapy; khw;wk;
3.15.1 khztH gapw;W nkhopia khw;wpf; nfhs;s tpUk;Gk; gl;rj;jpy;> mtHfSf;fhd mDkjp>
Kjyhk; Mz;by; kl;LNk toq;fg;gLk;.

jfty; mwpf;ifapy; (Prospectus) ,izf;fg;gl;l tpz;zg;g gbtj;jpy;> khztH 'NrHf;ifg;

gpupT jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk; vd;w Kftupf;F tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;.
3.15.2 ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapYs;s gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fzf;fpy;
,jw;nfdg; gpd;tUk; fl;lzq;fis khztH nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

(i) Gjpa gapw;Wnkhopapy; ghlg;Gj;jfq;fspd; tpiyahf> jpl;lghlf; fl;lzj;jpy; 20

tpOf;fhL nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

(ii) guprPyidf; fl;lzj; njhifahf &gha; 300/- kl;Lk;.

gapw;W nkhopapd; khWjYf;fhd tpz;zg;gj;Jld;> gy;iyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa tq;fpr;
ryhidj; jtwhJ ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;.
3.16. rpwg;Gg; ghlk;/tpUg;gg;ghlk; khw;Wjy;

3.16.1.,uz;lhk; Mz;Lg; gbg;gpd;NghJ> vk;.gp.V.> kw;Wk; vk;.V. (Social Work) Mfpatw;wpd; rpwg;G
ghlk; khWjy; nra;J nfhs;s mDkjpf;fg;gLk;.
3.16.2.gp.v];.rp. (fzpdp mwptpay;) ghlj;jpw;F> ,uz;L kw;Wk; %d;whk; Mz;L gbg;gpd;NghJk;>
gp.v];.rp. (Catering and Hotel Administration) %d;whk; Mz;L gbg;gpd;NghJk;> tpUg;gg;
ghlj;jpy; khWjy; nra;J nfhs;sTk; mDkjp toq;fg;gLk;.

3.16.3. rpwg;Gg; ghlk; (Specialization) / tpUg;gg;ghlq;fs; (Electives) Mfpatw;wpy; khWjy; NfhUk;
khztH gpd;tUk; fl;lzq;fisr; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

(i) Gjpa rpwg;Gg; ghlk; / tpUg;gg; ghlg;Gj;jfq;fspd; tpiyahf> fy;tpj; jpl;lf;

fl;lzj;jpy; 10 tpOf;fhL

(ii) guprPyidf; fl;lzkhf &. 300/- kl;Lk;

3.16.4. rk;ge;jg;gl;l Mz;Lf;Fupa fy;tpj; jpl;lf; fl;lzj; njhifiag; gy;fiyf;fof tq;fpf;
fzf;fpy; nrYj;jpa gpd;dNu rpwg;Gg;ghlk; / tpUg;gg;ghlk; khWjy; Ntz;b khztH
tpz;zg;gpf;f KbAk;.
3.17. fy; t pj; jpl; l k; / ghlk; / gapw; W nkhop / rpwg; G g; g hlk; / tpUg; g g; g hlk; /
khWjYf;fhd topKiw
3.17.1. khWjy; NfhUk; khzth;> jfty; mwpf;ifAld; ,izf;fg;gl;l tpz;zg;gg; gbtj;jpy;
kl;LNk jdJ fy;tp ikak; %ykhf> 'Njh;thizah;> (Nrh;f;ifg;gphpT)> jkpo;ehL
jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpw;F tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l Mz;Lf;fhd
fy;tpj; jpl;lf; fl;lzj; njhif tq;fpapy; nrYj;jpajw;fhd ryhdpd; Gifg;gl efiy
Nkw;fz;l khWjYf;fhd tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izf;f Ntz;Lk;.
tpz;zg;gk; tug;ngw;wjw;fhd xg;Gjiy> fy;tp ikak; khztUf;F mDg;gp itf;Fk;. Gjpa
ghlg; nghUl;fisg; ngWtJ rk;ge;jkhff; fy;tp ikaj;jplk; njhlH neUf;fj;ij itj;Jf;
nfhs;s khztH Nfl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwhH.
3.18. fy;tpj;jpl;lk; / gapw;Wnkhop Mfpait khWjYf;fhd tpz;zg;gk; rkHg;gpf;fg;gl
Ntz;ba ,Wjp ehl;fs;
3.18.1. fy;tpj; jpl;lk; / ghlk; / gapw;Wnkhop Mfpatw;wpw;fhd khWjYf;fhd tpz;zg;gq;fs;
rkHg;gpf;fg;gl Ntz;ba ,Wjp ehl;fs; gpd;tUkhW:
t.v. tpguk; ehl;fhl;b Mz;Lg; gpupT fy;tpahz;Lg; gpupT
1. Kjyhk; Mz;Lg; gbg;G fhyj;jpy;
fy;tpj; jpl;lk; / ghlk; Mfpatw;wpy; 30> nrg;lk;gH. 31> khHr;
2. ,uz;lhk; Mz;L gbg;G fhyj;jpy;
rpwg;Gg; ghlk; (Specialization) 30> [_d; 31> brk;gH
3. ,uz;lhk; Mz;L gbg;gpd;NghJ
tpUg;gg;ghlj;jpy; khWjy; (Electives) 30 [_d; 31> brk;gH
4. %d;whk; Mz;L gbg;gpd; NghJ
tpUg;gg;ghlj;jpy; khWjy;. 30> [_d; 31> brk;gH
NkNy njuptpf;fg;gl;l ,Wjp ehl;fs; gy;fiyf;fof mYtyfj;jpw;F tpLKiw ehl;fshf
mwptpf;fg;gLk; gl;rj;jpy;> gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; mLj;j Ntiy ehl;fspy; tpz;zg;gq;fisr;
rkHg;gpj;Jf; nfhs;syhk;.
3.19. fy;tp ikaj;ij khw;Wjy;:
3.19.1. ve;j khztuhtJ> jhd; rhHe;Js;s fy;tp ikaj;ij khw;wpf; nfhs;s tpUk;gpdhy;> mjw;F
gpd;tUk; #oypy; mDkjpf;fg;gLk;.

(i) me;jf; fy;tp ikak; %lg;gl;L tpl;lhy; (my;yJ)

(ii) khztH NjHT nra;j fy;tpj; jpl;lg; ghlq;fSf;fhd trjpfis me;jf; fy;tp ikak;
njhlHe;J mspf;ftpayhj epiyapy; ,Ue;jhy; (my;yJ)

(iii) jdJ Ke;ija fy;tp ikak; nray;gl;l khtl;lj;jpypUe;J> me;j khztH ntspNawpa
gpwF> jw;Nghija Gjpa Kftupf;F mUfhikapy; mike;Js;s fy;tp ikaj;NjhL
jd;id ,izf;f tpUk;gpdhy;.

3.19.2. Nkw;fz;l gj;jpfs; 3.19.1 (i) kw;Wk; (ii)tpy; njuptpf;fg;gl;l #o;epiyfs; cUthFk;
gl;rj;jpy;> gy;fiyf;fofk; jhdhfNt Ma;T nra;J> gpupnjhU fy;tp ikaj;jpy; khztiur;
NrHg;gjw;F cupa eltbf;iffs; njhLj;J> mr;NrHf;if tpguj;ijr; rk;ge;jg;gl;l khztUf;Fk;>
Gjpa ikaj;jpw;Fk; jfty; mDg;gp itf;Fk;.

3.19.3. NkNy nrhy;yg;gl;l gj;jp 3.19.1 (iii)y; nrhy;yg;gl;l #o;epiy vOk;gl;rj;jpy;> jdJ
,Ug;gpl Kftup khw;wj;jpw;F tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. NkYk; Gjpa khtl;lj;jpYs;s fy;tp
ikaj;jpw;fhd khWjy; Fwpj;Jk;> jfty; mwpf;ifapy; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s gbtj;jpy;> ,af;FeH>
khzth; Nritg;gphpT jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf; fofk; vd;w Kftupf;Fj; jdpNa me;j
khztH tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,jw;fhd fl;lzj; njhif &. 300/-I> gy;fiyf;fofk;
epHtfpj;J tUfpd;w ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; fzf;fpy;> VjhtnjhU
fpisapy; nrYj;jp> gy;fiyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa ryhid> tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;.
3.20. ngaH khw;wk;
3.20.1. khztH> jdJ ngaH khw;wj;ijg; gy;fiyf;fof Mtzq;fspy;

(i) NrHf;ifapd; NghJ

(ii) gbf;fpd;w fhyj;jpNy

(iii) fy;tpg; gbg;ig Kbj;j gpd;dUk;> khWjy; nra;ayhk;.

3.20.2. jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpy; NrUk;NghNjh my;yJ fy;tpiaj; njhlUk;
NghNjh> jfty; mwpf;ifapy; ,izf;fg;gl;l gbtj;jpy; khztH tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;. ,jw;fhd
fl;lzj; njhif &. 500/- MFk;. ,j; njhifia ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd;
gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fzf;fpy;> nghJthd tq;fp ryhd; (Core Banking Chalan) Gifg;gl
efy;%yk; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. gpd;dH gy;fiyf;fofj;Jf;Fupa nrYj;Jr; rPl;bd; (ryhd;) efYld;>
ngaH khw;Wg; gjpT Nfhupa tpz;zg;gj;ij> 'NrHf;ifg; gpupT> jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg;
gy;fiyf;fofk; vd;w Kftupf;F mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ngaH khWjy; gjpT Fwpj;j Kbit>
khztUf;Fg; gpd;dH njuptpf;fg;gLk;.
3.20.3. gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fy;tpj; jpl;lg; gbg;ig Kbj;j ve;j khztUk; jdJ ngaH
khw;wj;ijg; gy;fiyf;fof Mtzq;fspy; gjpT nra;a tpUk;gpdhy;> 500 &gha; fl;lzj;ijr;
nrd;idapy; fhrhf;Fk; tifapy;> Njrpakakhf;fg;gl;l tq;fpapNyh my;yJ
ml;ltizg;gLj;jg;gl;l tq;fpapNyh> jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ngaupy;> xU
tq;fp tiuNthiyia vLj;J> jfty; mwpf;ifapy; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s gbtj;Jld; ,izj;J
tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;> ,e;j tpz;zg;gj;ij 'NrHf;ifg; gpupT> jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg;
gy;fiyf;fofk; vd;w Kftupf;F mDg;g Ntz;Lk;.

3.21. fy;tp cjtpj; njhif - (];fhyH\pg;) kw;Wk; fl;lzr; rYiffs;:
3.21.1. jkpo;ehL murpd; 14.7.2004k; ehspl;l muR Miz vz;. 73 (Mjp jpuhtplH kw;Wk;
kiytho; eyj; Jiw)y; gpwg;gpf;fg;gl;l Mizfspd;gb> njhiyJ}uf; fy;tpiaj;
njhlHe;J tUk; ml;ltizg;gLj;jg;gl;l> ,dj;jtH/ ml;ltizg;gLj;jg;gl;l
kiytho; ,dj;ijr; NrHe;j khztHfs;> NtW ve;jg; gzpapYk; ,y;yhjpUe;jhNyh kw;Wk;
mtHfsJ ngw;NwhHfspd; Mz;L tUkhdk; &. 1/- yl;rj;jpw;F kpfhky; ,Ue;jhNyh>
jpUg;gp toq;fg;gltpayhj fl;lzj; njhifia mtHfs; kPs <L nra;J nfhs;syhk;.
Mjp jpuhtplH / kiytho; kf;fs; eyj; JiwapypUe;J ,jw;nfd epHzapf;fg;gl;l
gbtq;fisg; ngw;W> g+Hj;jp nra;J nfhz;L> ,jw;nfdj; Njitg;gLk; Mtzq;fSld;>
fy;tpj;jpl;lf; fl;lzj; njhifiar; nrYj;jpagpd; > jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;
fofg; gjpthsUf;F fy;tp cjtpj;njhif tpz;zg;gj;ijr; rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJTk;
mguhjkpd;wp epHzapf;fg;gl;l ,Wjp ehSf;F Kd;dNu fy;tpj;jpl;l fl;lzj;
njhifiar; nrYj;jpapUf;f Ntz;Lk;. jf;f guprPyidf;Fg;gpd;> fy;tp cjtpj;njhif
Nfhupa tpz;zg;gq;fs;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l JiwfSf;F xg;gspg;G nra;Ak; tifapy;> gupe;Jiu
nra;J mDg;gp itf;fg;gLk;.
3.21.2. fy;tp cjtpj;njhif tug;ngw;w jftiy> gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; gjpthsH> rk;ge;jg;gl;l
khztUf;F mwptpg;G nra;thH. me;jf; fy;tp cjtpj; njhif ngw Ntz;Lkhdhy;> me;j
ehspy;> 'gzpapy; ,y;iy> vd;w rhd;wpjio me;j khztH rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. elg;G
fhyj;jpa gzpapy; ,y;yhr; rhd;wpjo; fpilf;fg; ngwhj gl;rj;jpy;> mk;khztUf;F
xg;gspf;fg;gl;l fy;tp cjtpj; njhif muR fzf;fpy; jpUk;gr; nrYj;jg;gLk;.
3.21.3. mt;tg;nghOJ murhy; gpwg;gpf;fg;gLk; ,ju epge;jidfSf;Fl;gl;Nl> Nkw;fz;l fy;tp
cjtpj; njhif gl;Lthlh nra;ag;gLk;.
3.21.4. 16.10.2006k; ehspl;l murhiz vz;. 429> (caHfy;tpj; Jiw)apd;gb gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy;
gapYk; gyjug;gl;l khw;Wj; jpwdhspfSf;Ff; fy;tpf; fl;lzq;fs; nrYj;JtjpypUe;J
tpyf;F mspj;J Mizfs; gpwg;gpf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. tpz;zg;gjhuH> NrHf;iff;fhf
epHzapf;fg;gl;l tpz;zg; gbtj;ijg; g+Hj;jp nra;J> &. 300/-f;fhd tq;fpr; ryhDld;>
rhd;nwhg;gk; ngwg;gl;l khw;Wj; jpwdhsp vd;w rhd;wpjo; efiyAk; ,izj;J>
tpz;zg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
3.22. rh;r;ir tpLtpj;jy;
3.22.1. NrHf;if> NjHTfs;> fl;lzk; nrYj;Jjy;> kw;Wk; Nkw;fz;l nray;ghLfs; mKyhf;fk;
njhlHghd midj;Jf; fhupaq;fspYk; Vw;gLk; rh;;r;irfs; midj;jpw;;Fk; nrd;idia
vy;iyahff; nfhz;l rptpy; ePjpkd;wq;fs; my;yJ jPh;g;ghaq;fspy; kl;LNk tof;F njhlu
4. NjHTfs;

4.1.1. kjpg;gPl;L Kiw (Evaluation System)

jkpo; e hL jpwe; j epiyg; gy; f iyf; f of kjpg; g P l ; L Kiw gpd; t Utdtw; i w
(m) mird;nkz;l; (xg;gilg;G) kPjhd njhlH kjpg;gPL kw;Wk; Gj;jfk; ghHj;Jj; NjHT
vOJjy;. (jpwe;j epiyg; Gj;jfj; NjHT)
(M) gUt Kbtpyhd NjHTfs; / jpl;lg; gzp

4.1.2. khztHfspd; nray;ghl;Lj; jpwd;> mtHfs; ifahz;l gy;NtW fy;tp eltbf;ifspd;
mbg;gilapy;jhd; kjpg;gPL nra;ag;gLfpd;wd. gUt KbTj; NjHTfspy; fye;J
nfhs;tjw;F xg;gilg;G kw;Wk; jpwe;jepiyg; Gj;jfj; NjHT> (rhd;wpjo; gbg;Gfs; ePq;fshf)
jpl;l Kiwapidf; fl;lhakhf epiwT nra;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. vdpDk;> gUt KbTj;
Njh;Tfs; ele;J Kbe;j gpwNf> Nkw;fz;l xg;gilg;G kw;Wk; jpwe;j epiyg; Gj;jfj; Njh;T
Mfpatw;iw khztH epiwT nra;jpUe;jhy;> mtuJ ngaH ju tupirg; gl;baypy;
NrHf;fg;;gl khl;lhJ. vdNt> xt;nthU khztUk;> jdf;fhd xg;gilg;G / jpwe;j epiyg;
Gj;jfj; NjHTf;fhd mwpf;iffis> jhd; rhHe;j gy;fiyf;fof xUq;fpizg;G
ikaj;jpd; ,izg;ghsUf;F Neubahf mDg;gp itf;f Ntz;Lk;. mt;twpf;iffspd;
efy;fis mtHfs; jd; trk; itj;Jg; ghJfhj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. jtpu> gUt KbTj;
NjHTfspy; fye;J nfhs;tjw;F Kd;dH Vw;fdNt epHzapf;fg;gl;l Fiwe;jgl;r
tFg;giwg; ghl tFg;Gfs; kw;Wk; nray;Kiwg; gapw;rp tFg;Gfspy; fye;J nfhz;bUf;f

4.1.3. xg;gilg;G (Assignment) kw;Wk; nra;Kiwg; gapw;rpf;F caHe;jgl;rkhf> nkhj;j Fwpapl;l

kjpg;gpy; 25 tpOf;fhl;lstpy;jhd; kjpg;ngz;fs; toq;fg;gLk;. ,e;j kjpg;gPl;L Kiw>
njhlH fzpg;gPl;L Kiw> vd miof;fg;gLfpwJ. njhlH fzpg;G KiwNahL> khzth;>
nkhj;jk; 75 tpOf;fhL nfhz;l (rhd;wpjy; gbg;Gfs; jtpu) gUt KbTj; Njh;TfspYk;
gq;Nfw;f Ntz;Lk;. ,j;Njh;Tfs; khepyk; KOtJk; cs;s gy;NtW Njh;T ikaq;fspy;>
fy;tpahz;L ghlj;jpl;lq;fSf;F [_d; / [_iy khjq;fspYk;> ehl;fhl;b Mz;L
ghlj;jpl;lq;fSf;F brk;gh; / [dthp khjq;fspYk; elj;jg;gLk;.
4.1.4 xg;gilg;G jhs; rkHg;gpf;f filrp Njjp tptuk;
m. fy;tp Mz;L gphptpw;F - [_d; 30-k; Njjp
M. ehl;fhl;b Mz;L gphptpw;F - brk;gH 31-e; Njjp
Nkw;fz;l Njjp gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;F tpLKiw jpdkhf ,Ug;gpd; mLj;j Ntiy ehspy;
ngw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gLk;. filrp Njjpia khw;Wk; chpik gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;F cz;L.
xg;gilg;G jiyg;G/tpdhf;fs; kw;Wk; rk;ke;jkhd mwpf;iffs; clDf;Fld; njhpe;Jf;
nfhs;s khztHfs; jq;fsJ fy;tp ikak; my;yJ gy;fiyf;fof www.tnou.ac.in vd;w
tisj;jsj;jpd; %yk; mwpe;Jf; nfhs;Sk;gb mwpTWj;jg;gLfpwPHfs;.
4.2. NjHr;rp ngw;w khztHfis tifg;gLj;jy;.
4.2.1 Nkyhz;ik / Nkyhz;ikg; gl;lag;gbg;G / KJfiyg; gl;lg; gbg;G / KJfiyg;
gl;lag; gbg;G (Post Graduate Programme)
xt;nthU jpl;lg; ghlg;gbg;igAk; epiwT nra;a Ntz;Lkhdhy;> gUt KbTj; NjHtpy;
Fiwe;jgl;rk; 45 tpOf;fhLk;> (75f;F 34 kjpg;ngz;fs;) gUt KbTj; NjHNthL njhlH
fzpg;G (xg;gilg;G kjpg;ngz;fs;) vd ,uz;Lk; NrHj;J> nkhj;jj;jpy; 50 tpOf;fhL
kjpg;ngz; khztH vLj;jhf Ntz;Lk;. nkhj;jj;jpy; 50 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; NkNy> Mdhy;>
60 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthf khztHfs; vLj;jpUe;jhy;> mtHfs; ,uz;lhk; tFg;gpy;
itf;fg;gLthHfs;. nkhj;jj;jpy; 60 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; NkNy> Mdhy;> 75 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;
Fiwthf vLj;Js;s khztHfs; Kjyhk; tFg;gpy; itf;fg;gLthHfs;. 75 tpOf;fhl;bw;F
NkNy> Mdhy; 90 tpOf;fhl;bw;F fPNo nkhj;jj;jpy; vLj;jpUf;Fk; khztHfs;> Nkd;ik
epiyAld; Kjy; tFg;gpy; itf;fg;gLthHfs;. 90 tpOf;fhLk;> mjw;Fk; NkNyAk;
ngw;Ws;s khztHfs; Kjy; tFg;NghL> rPupa ju tupirapy;> Kd;dpiyg;gLj;jg;gLtH.

4.2.2. ,sq;fiyg; gl;lg;gbg;G (Bachelor Degree Programme)
xt;nthU ghlj; jpl;lj;ijAk; epiwT nra;tjw;F fw;gtH> gUt KbTj; NjHtpy;
Fiwe;jgl;rk; 35 tpOf;fhL (75f;F 26 kjpg;ngz;fs;) vLj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. kw;Wk; gUt
KbTj; NjHtpYk;> njhlH fzpg;gpy; (xg;gilg;G kjpg;ngz;fs;) 40 tpOf;fhl;L mstpy;
nkhj;jkhf vLj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. 40 tpOf;fhl;bw;F NkNy> Mdhy; 50 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;
Fiwthf nkhj;jj;jpy; vLf;Fk; khztHfs;> %d;whk; tFg;gpYk; nkhj;jj;jpy; 50
tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; NkNy> Mdhy;> 60 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthf khztHfs;
vLj;jpUe;jhy;> mtHfs; ,uz;lhk; tFg;gpy; itf;fg;gLthHfs;. 60 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;
NkNy> Mdhy; 75 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthf nkhj;jj;jpy; vLj;jtHfs; Kjyhk;
tFg;gpYk; itf;fg;gLthHfs;. nkhj;jj;jpy; 75 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Nky;> 90 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;
fPOs;stHfs; Nkd;ikepiyAld; Kjy; tFg;gpy; itf;fg;gLthHfs;. 90 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;;
Nky; vLj;j khztHfs; Kjy; tFg;gpy; chpa ju thpirapy; itf;fg;gLthHfs;.

4.2.3. rhd;wpjo; gbg;Gj; jpl;lg; ghlk; (Certificate Programme)

rhd;wpjo; jpl;lg; gbg;Gg; ghlk; xt;nthd;wpYk;> gUt KbTj; NjHtpy; Fiwe;jgl;rk; 35
tpOf;fhl;il (100 kjpg;ngz;fSf;F) khztH ngw;wpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. 35 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;
Nkyhf Mdhy;> 50 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthf nkhj;jj;jpy; vLj;Js;s khztH> %d;whk;
tFg;gpy; itf;fg;gLthH. 50 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Nkw;gl;L> 60 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthf
nkhj;jkhf vLf;Fk; khzth; ,uz;lhk; tFg;gpYk;> 60 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Nkw;gl;L 75
tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthd kjpg;ngz;fs; nkhj;jkhf vLf;Fk; khzth; Kjyhk;
tFg;gpYk; itf;fg;gLtH. 75f;F Nkw;gl;L> 90 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk; Fiwthfg; ngw;w
khzth; Kjyhk; tFg;NghL Nkd;ik epiyAld; itf;fg;gLthH. 90 tpOf;fhl;bw;Fk;
Nkw;gl;L vLj;Js;s khzth; Kjyhk; tFg;NghL> rPupa ju tupirapy; itf;fg;gLthH.
4.2.4. nra;Kiwj; NjHTfs;:
gUt KbT nra;Kiwg; gapw;rpj; NjHTfs;> gy;fiyf;fofk; mwptpf;Fk; NjHT ikaq;fspy;
eilngWk;. nra;Kiwg; Gj;jfk;> Ntiyg; Gj;jfk; epHtfpj;jy;> Nrhjid elj;jp>
mjw;fhd Kbtpd; jd;ik> NeHKfj; NjHT Mfpatw;wpd; mbg;gilapy;> kjpg;gPL
nra;ag;gLk;. ,e;j nra;Kiwj; Njh;Tf;fhd fhy mtfhrk; %d;W kzp Neuk;
4.3. jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj; NjHTfs;
4.3.1. fy;tpahz;L kw;Wk; ehl;fhl;b Mz;LfSf;fhd ,Wjpj; NjHTfs; Njhuhakhf> KiwNa
[_d; kw;Wk; brk;gH jpq;fspd; Kjy; thuj;jpy; eilngWk;. NjHTfSf;fhd rupahd
ehl;fisg; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; (ntg; irl;by;) ,iza js Kftupapy; ghHj;Jj; njupe;J
nfhs;s khztHfs; Nfl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwhHfs;.
4.3.2. NjHTf;fhd tpz;zg;gk; rkHg;gpj;jy;
mwptpf;fg;gl;l fl;lzj; njhifAld;> NjHTf;fhd tpz;zg;gj;ij> ,uz;L
khjq;fSf;F Kd;dNu> khztH rkHg;gpf;fyhk;. NjHT tpz;zg;gq;fs; khztHfSf;F
mDg;gg;gl khl;lhJ. NjHTf;fhd tpz;zg;gk; kw;Wk; fl;lzj; njhiff;fhd
tpguq;fisg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;tjw;Fg; gpd;tUk; VjhtnjhU topiaj; jq;fs; tpUg;gk;Nghy
khztHfs; njupT nra;J nfhs;syhk;.

(m) jfty; Vl;by; ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s Njh;Tf;fhd tpz;zg;gj;ijg; gad;gLj;jpf;
(M) jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ,izajs KftupapypUe;J
(www.tnou.ac.in) gjptpwf;fk; (Download) nra;J nfhs;syhk;.
(,) fy;tp ikaj;jpypUe;J Nrfupj;Jf; nfhs;syhk;.
4.3.3. NjHT tpz;zg;gq;fs; rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;ba ,Wjp ehl;fs; gpd;tUkhW:
(m) [_d;/[_iy NjHTfSf;fhf / mguhjkpd;wp Nk 5
mguhjj; njhif &. 50/-cld; NrHj;J Nk 15
(M) brk;gH/[dtup NjHTfSf;fhf mguhjkpd;wp etk;gH 5
mguhjj; njhif &. 50/- cld; NrHj;J etk;gH 15
Nkw; f z; l ehl; f s; > gy; f iyf; f of mYtyfj; j pw; F tpLKiw ehl; f nsd
mwptpf;fg;gl;lhy;> gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; mLj;j Ntiy ehspy;> tpz;zg;gq;fisr;
rkHg;gpf;fyhk;. eph;thff; fhuzq;fSf;fhfj; Njh;Tj; Njjp khw;wpaikf;fg;gl;lhy; mjd;
tpguk; fy;tp ikak; thapyhf njhptpf;fg;gLk;.
4.3.4. NjHTf;fhd EioTr; rPl;Lfs;
NjHTf;fhd EioTr; rPl;L khztUf;F mDg;gg;glkhl;lhJ. NjHTf;F %d;W
ehl;fSf;F Kd;dNu> rk;ge;jg;gl;l fy;tp ikaj;jpy;; NeubahfNt ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;.
my;yJ jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; ,izajs Kftupapy;
(www.tnou.ac.in) ,Ue;J gjptpwf;fk; (Download) nra;J nfhs;syhk;. NjHT
eilngWk; ehsd;W EioTr; rPl;L toq;fg;glkhl;lhJ. fy;tp ikaj;jpd; %ykhfNth
my;yJ ,iza jsk; %ykhfNth EioTr; rPl;Lf; fpilf;fg; ngwhj gl;rj;jpy;> gy;fiyf;
fofj;jpd; NjHTg; gpupitj; njhlHG nfhz;L> jf;f epthuzk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s> khztH
Nfl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwhH.
4.4. NjHTf; fl;lzk; / epYitj; NjHTf; fl;lzj; njhif nrYj;Jjy;:
4.4.1. gy;fiyf;fofk; mt;tg;NghJ eph;zapf;Fk; NjHTf; fl;lzj;ij khztH rupahff;
fzf;fpl;L cupa Njjpfspy; gy;fiyf; fofj;jpw;Fr; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;. ,e;jf; fl;lzj;
njhifia gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; jfty; mwpf;ifapy; (Prospectus) ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s
ryhd; %yk; ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad; tq;fpapy;; nrYj;jp gy;iyf;fofj;Jf;F
cz;lhd ryhd; efYld; ,izj;J> gUt KbTj;NjHtpw;fhd tpz;zg;gj;ijr;
rkHg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. khzth;fs; Njh;Tf; fl;lzj;ijf; fzf;fpl gy;fiyf;fof
,izajskhd www.tnou.ac.in-I gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;sTk;.
4.4.2. jkpo;ehl;by; cs;s fy;tp ikaq;fspy; Nrh;e;j uhZtk; kw;Wk; rPUilg; gzpahsh;fs; gzp
epkpj;jk; ,e;jpahtpy; NtW khepyq;fspy; gzp Ghpe;jhy; me;je;j khepyj;jpy; cs;s Njh;T
ikaq;fspy;> jkpo;ehl;by; cs;s Njh;T ika mbg;gilapy; Njh;Tf; fl;lzj;ijr; nrYj;jp
Njh;T vOjyhk;.
4.5. jdp kjpg;ngz; gl;baYf;fhd fl;lzk;
4.5.1. gq;Nfw;Fk; xt;nthU NjHTf;Fk; cupa kjpg;ngz; gl;bay; me;je;j khztUf;F mDg;gp
itf;fg;gLk;. NjHTf; fl;lzj;NjhL epHzapf;fg;gl;l fl;lzj; njhifiaAk; khztH
nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.

4.6. njhFg;G kjpg;ngz; gl;bay;
4.6.1. jpl;lg; ghlj;jpy; fz;Ls;s midj;Jg; ghlq;fspYk;> NjHr;rpaile;j khztUf;fhd
(xl;Lnkhj;j) njhFg;G kjpg;ngz; gl;bay; toq;fg;gLk;. njhFg;G kjpg;ngz;
gl;baYf;fhd fl;lzj; njhifia midj;J ghlq;fspYk; Njh;r;rp ngw;wgpd; khztH
nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.
4.7. jw;fhypfr; rhd;wpjo; fl;lzj; njhif
4.7.1. ,Wjpj; NjHtpw;fhd fl;lzj; njhifAld;> jw;fhypfr; rhd;wpjOf;fhf epHzapf;fg;gl;l
fl;lzj; njhifia> rhd;wpjo; toq;Ftjw;fhf> khztH nrYj;j Ntz;Lk;.
4.7.2. jdpj; jdp kjpg;ngz; gl;bay;fs;> jw;fhypfr; rhd;wpjo; Nghd;witfSf;fhfr;
nrYj;jg;gl Ntz;ba fl;lz tptuq;fs; midj;Jk;> NjHTf;fhd tpz;zg;gj;jpy;
mq;fkhfNt mlq;fpAs;sd.
4.8. kWkjpg;gPL> kW$l;ly;> tpilj;jhs;fSf;fhd Gifg;glq;fs;
4.8.1. kjpg;gPl;L Kiwapy;> xspTkiwtw;w> ek;gfj;jd;ikia ntspg;gLj;Jk; Kfj;jhd;>
kWkjpg;gPL> kW $l;ly; Mfpatw;wpw;Fk;> tpilj;jhs;fspd; Gifg;gl efy;fis
toq;fplTk;> gy;fiyf;fofk; cupa toptiffis Nkw;nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,jw;fhf
epHzapf;fg;gl;l gpd;tUk; fl;lzq;fis> ];Nll; Ngq;f; Mg; ,e;jpah/,e;jpad;
tq;fpapYs;s gy;fiyf; fofj;jpd; fzf;fpy; nrYj;jp> gy;fiyf; fofj;Jf;Fupa ryhid>
tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izj;jDg;g Ntz;Lk;. Nkw;fz;l fhupaq;fSf;fhf khztH
nrYj;j Ntz;ba njhif gpd;tUkhW:
m) kWkjpg;gPL ghlk; xt;nthd;wpw;Fk; &. 400/- kl;Lk;
M) kW$l;ly; ghlk; xt;nthd;wpw;Fk; &. 100/- kl;Lk;
,) Gifg;gl efy; ghlk; xt;nthd;wpw;Fk; &. 250/- kl;Lk;
NjHT KbTfs; ntspahd ehspypUe;J 21 ehl;fSf;Fs; tpz;zg;gj;ij jkpo;ehL jpwe;j
epiyg; gy;fiyf;fof 'NjHTf; fl;Lg;ghl;L mYtyUf;F mDg;gp itf;f Ntz;Lk;.
jfty; mwpf;ifAld; (Prospectus) ,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s tpz;zg;gj;ij ,jw;fhf
khztHfs; gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;syhk;. khzth;fsplkpUe;J Gifg;gl efy;gw;wp
njspTiu Ntz;Lk; Nfhhpf;iffs;> Gifg;gl efy; ngwg;gl;l 15 jpdq;fs; tiu kl;Lk;
4.9. gl;lkspg;G tpohtpw;fhd fl;lzj; njhif nrYj;Jjy;
4.9.1. tUlhe;jpu gl;lkspg;G tpoh gw;wpg; gj;jpupf;iffspYk;> gy;fiyf;fof ,izajsj;jpYk;
gy; f iyf; f ofk; mwptpg; G nra; t ijf; ftdpf; f Tk; gl; l kspg; G tpohtpw; f hd
fl;lzj;ijr; nrYj;jpagpd;> mjw;fhd tpz;zgj;ijr; rkHg;gpf;Fk;gb Nfl;Lf;
4.10. rhd;wpjOf;fhd khw;W efy;fs; toq;fy;
4.10.1. gy;fiyf;fofk;> rk;ge;jg;gl;l khztupd; tpz;zg;gj;ij ed;F guprPyid nra;J Kbj;j
gpd;> gUt ,Wjpj; NjHtpw;fhd> kjpg;ngz; gl;bay;> njhFg;G kjpg;ngz; gl;bay;> kw;Wk;
gl;lk; / gl;lar; rhd;wpjo; Mfpatw;wpw;fhd khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fis toq;Fk;. fsT>
mQ;ry; ,ilntspapy; Vw;gl;l ,og;G> neUg;G> nts;sk;> ,ju ,aw;ifg; Ngupog;Gfs;>
fytuq;fs;> cs;ehl;Lf; fpsHr;rpfs;> jP itg;G my;yJ nfhs;is Nghd;wtw;why;> %yr;
rhd;wpjo;fs;> cz;ikapNyNa ,of;fg;gl;ld vd ep&gzk; Md epiyapy; kl;LNk>
khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fs; gy;fiyf;fofj;jhy; toq;fg;gLk;.

4.10.2. khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fs; NfhUk; tpz;zg;gjhuHfs;> tpgu mwpf;if (Prospectus)Ald;
,izf;fg;gl;Ls;s tpzzg;gj;jpy;> cupa fl;lzj; njhifNahL 'gy;fiyf;fofj;
NjHTfs; fl;Lg;ghl;L mYtyUf;F tpz;zg;gpf;fyhk;.
4.11. khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fisg; ngw tpz;zg;gj;Jld; ,izf;f Ntz;ba Mtzq;fs;
4.11.1. tpz;zg;gjhuH> tpz;zg;gj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;ba Mtzq;fs; gpd;tUkhW:
m. jkpo;ehL jpwe;j epiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk; mQ;ry; topahf mDg;gpa rhd;wpjo;fs;
njhiye;J NghapUe;jhy;. mQ; r ypy; mDg; g par; rhd; w pjo; fpilf; f g;
ngwtpy;iy vd;gij cWjpg;gLj;Jk; tifapy;> Nehl;lup gg;spf; tof;fwpQuplkpUe;J
rhd;W nra;ag;gl;l gpukhzg; gj;jpuk;.
M. fsT my;yJ (,)y; nrhy;yg;gl;l epfo;r;rpfs; my;yhj fhuzq;fspdhy; Vw;gl;l
1. rk;ge;jg;gl;l rhd;wpjo; toq;fg;gl;l ehspypUe;J tpz;zg;gjhuH Mw;wptUk;
gzp> epakdq;fs; Fwpj;j tpguq;fs;.
2. rk;ge;jg;gl;l rhd;wpjo;fs; kPl;f Kbahjgb njhiye;J Nghapw;W vd;w mstpy;
Nehl;lup gg;spf; %ykhf rhd;nwhg;gk; nra;j gpukhzg; gj;jpuk;.
3. rk;ge;jg;gl;l fhty; epiyaj;jpy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l GfhH kDtpd; efy;.
4. rk;ge;jg;gl;l fhty; epiya mjpfhupaplkpUe;J 'fz;Lgpbf;f Kbatpy;iy
vd;w rhd;wpjo;.
5. gl;lg;gbg;Gr; rhd;wpjiog; nghUj;jkl;by;> ve;j khtl;lj;jpy; mJ njhiye;J
NghdNjh> me;j khtl;lj;jpy; gpugykhd jkpo; my;yJ Mq;fpy ehspjopy;
rhd;wpjo; fhzhky; NghdJ gw;wpa tpsk;guj;jpd; efy;.
,. neUg;G> nts;sk;> Rdhkp miyfs;> g+fk;gk;> epyr;rupT Nghd;w ,aw;ifg;
NguopTfshy; kw;Wk; cs;ehl;Lf; fpsHr;rpfs;> jP itg;G my;yJ nfhs;is
Nghd;wtw;why; rhd;wpjo;fs; ,oe;J NghapUe;jhy;. e p t h u z g ; gzpfis
Nkw;nfhz;L tUk; tl;lhl;rpaH my;yJ tUtha;j; Jiw mjpfhupaplkpUe;J
rhd;wpjo; ,oe;J Nghapw;W vd;gjw;fhd xU rhd;wpjo;.
4.12. khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fspd; efy;fSf;fhd fl;lzj; njhifapy; tpyf;fspj;jy;.
4.12.1. neUg;G> nts;sk;> Nguiyfs;> g+fk;gk;> epyr;rupT Nghd;w ,aw;ifg; NguopTfs; kw;Wk;
cs;ehl;Lf; fpsHr;rpfs;> jPitg;G my;yJ nfhs;is Nghd;wtw;why; fhzhkw; Ngha;tpl;l
%yr; rhd;wpjo;fs; gw;wp tUtha; mYtyHfshy; rhd;nwhg;gk; nra;ag;gl;bUe;jhNyh>
kw;Wk; gy;fiyf; fofj;jhy; khztUf;F mQ;ryfk; %yk; mDg;gg;gl;l rhd;wpjo;
eLtopapy; fhzhky; Ngha;tpl;lhNyh> mr;rhd;wpjOf;fhd khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fSf;Fupa
fl;lzj; njhifia khztH fl;lj; Njitapy;iy.

4.13. jdp tprhuizf;fhd mjpfhuk;
4.13.1. Nkw;fz;l gj;jp 4.11.1d; fPo; Ntz;lg;gl;l Mtzq;fs; gw;wpj; njuptpf;fg;gl;lijf;
fUj;jpy; nfhs;shky;> khw;Wr; rhd;wpjOf;fhf tpz;zg;gjhuH mDg;gpa Nfhupf;ifapd;
cz;ikj; jd;ik gw;wp> gy;fiyf;fofNk> Neubahf RakhdnjhU tprhuizapid
4.14. khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo;fspd; efy;fs; toq;Ftjw;fhd fl;lzk;
4.14.1. khw;Wr; rhd;wpjo; efy;fs; ngWtjw;F tpz;zg;gjhuh; nrYj;j Ntz;ba fl;lzk;

t.vz;. khw;W rhd;wpjo; tptuk; fl;lzk; &.

1. gUtKbTj; NjHT kjpg;ngz; gl;bay; 100/-
(xt;nthU kjpg;ngz; gl;baYf;Fk;)
2. njhFg;G kjpg;ngz; gl;bay; 400/-
3. jw;fhypfr; rhd;wpjo; 400/-
4. gl;lk; / gl;lak; / rhd;wpjo; 500/-
5. ,lk; ngah;T rhd;wpjo; 300/-
6. jkpo; topapy; gapd;w rhd;wpjo; 300/-

,jw;fhd fl;lzj; njhifia Vw;fdNt jfty; mwpf;ifapy; njuptpj;jgb> ];Nll; ghq;f;

Mg; ,e;jpahtpy; epHtfpf;fg;gl;LtUk; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; fzf;F vz; 30843228843-
y;/,e;jpad; tq;fpapd; fzf;F vz;.6051265828-y; nrYj;jpl Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld;
tpz;zg;gj;jpy; Core Banking Challan Journal Number jtwhJ Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;.
4.15. nghJthd mwpTiufs;
4.15.1. mt;tg;nghOJ cUthFk; khWjy;fs; / md;whl tpisTfs; gw;wp mwpe;J nfhs;tjw;F>
jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofj;jpd; ,iza jsj;ijj; (www.tnou.ac.in)
njhlHe;J ghHitapl;Ltu khztHfs; mwpTWj;jg;gLfpwhHfs;.
5. Fiwfs;
5.1. jkpo;ehL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofg; gjpthsH> FiwjPHf;Fk; mYtyuhthH.
khztHfs; jq;fSf;fhd Fiwfisj; jfty; mwpf;ifAld; ,izf;fg;gl;l
tpz;zg;gg; gbtj;jpy; vOjp gjpthsUf;F mDg;gf; Nfl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gLfpwhHfs;.

Annexure - 7.1
SL- Programme Name Prog.
Total Fees on
Eligibility Years Medium
No Code
jkpo; top English Medium Year-I Year-II Year-III Min Max

Bachelors Degree from any recogised

1 ------ M.B.A 261 10,000 10,000 --- 2 8 English
Any Bachelor's Degree with a duration of
minimum of 3 (three) years from a recognized
University with Mathematics as one of the
2 ------ M.C.A 271 subjects at +2 level or UG level. Students not 14,000 14,000 14,000 3 8 English
studied maths at +2 / UG Level, need to
register and pass BCM-01 of tnou
concurrently with MCA.

Bachelors Degree with PGDCA / Equivalent

with Degree / (or) B.Sc., Computer Science /
3 ------ M.C.A (Lateral Entry - LE) 272 (or) BCA / (or) BE / B.Tech Computer Science --- 14,000 14,000 2 8 English
/ Information Technology from any recognised
Bachelors Degree with Tamil Under Part-I
4 vk;.V jkpo; ------ 208 3000 3000 --- 2 8 Tamil
from any recognised University

jkpo; &
5 vk;.V tuyhW M.A History 201 3000 3000 --- 2 8
jkpo; &
6 vk;.V.nghJ epu;thftpay; M.A Public Administration 206 3000 3000 --- 2 8

jkpo; &
7 vk;.V r%ftpay; M.A Sociology 211 3000 3000 --- 2 8
jkpo; &
8 vk;.V. murpay; mwptpay; M.A Political Science 204 3000 3000 --- 2 8
jkpo; &
9 vk;.V nghUshjhuk; M.A Economics 205 3000 3000 --- 2 8
10 ------ M.A English 202 3000 3000 --- 2 8 English

11 vk;.V nkhop ngah;g;G gbg;Gfs; M.A. Translation Studies 236 Bachelor's Degree from any 2,250 1,950 --- 2 8 English
recognised University
12 vk;.V nkhopapay; M.A. Linguistics 237 2,250 1,950 --- 2 8 English

jkpo; &
13 vk;.v];.lgps;A (MSW) MSW Social Work 212 4,000 4,000 --- 2 8

14 ------ M.A. Tourism and Travel Studies 209 3000 3000 --- 2 8 English

15 ------ M.A. Women Studies 216 3000 3000 --- 2 8 English

M.A Criminology & Criminal Justice

16 ------ 213 3000 3000 --- 2 8 English
jkpo; &
17 vk;.V. kdpj chpikfs; M.A. Human Rights 217 3000 3000 --- 2 8

18 ------ M.A. Development Administration 219 2250 1950 --- 2 8 English

SL- Programme Name Prog. Total Fees
Eligibility Years Medium
No Code
jkpo; top English Medium Year-I Year-II Year-III Min Max

19 ------ M.A. Police Administration 220 2250 1950 --- 2 8 English

20 ------ M.A. International Relations 221 Bachelors Degree from any recognised 2250 1950 --- 2 8 English
21 ------ M.A. Anthropology 223 2250 1950 --- 2 8 English
22 ------ M.A. Gender Studies 224 2250 1950 --- 2 8 English
Bachelor's Degree from any recognised
23 ------ M.A. Islamic Studies 222* 2250 2450 --- 2 8 English
University with Arabic fluency

Graduate in Commerce/ Business

Administration/Corporate Secretaryship/
jkpo; &
24 vk;.fhk;. - tzpftpay; M.Com 251 ACA/ AICWA/ and ACS/ who have studied 3000 3000 --- 2 8
atleast 02 papers in Commerce in their
degree programme
Bachelors Degree from any recognised
25 ------ M.Sc Psychology 233 4000 4000 --- 2 8 English
A. Bachelors / Master Degree in
9000 9000 ---
Psychology (or)
M.Sc Counselling & Psychotherapy

26 ------ 232* B. Other Graduate applicants who have not 2 8 English
* Refer Annexure 7.5
studied psychology should undergo a 9,400 8,450 ---
Bridge Course in Psychology
M.Sc Counselling & Psychotherapy Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological
27 ------ 234 --- 8,750 --- 1 8 English
(Lateral Entry - LE) # Counselling from TNOU
B.Sc. in Mathematics from any recognised
28 ------ M.Sc Mathematics 231 3000 3000 --- 2 8 English
B.Sc. (CS) / BCA /B.Sc. (CT) / B.Sc.(IT) /B.Sc
Information Sciences/B.Sc Information Systems/
B.Sc. Software Systems/ B.Sc Software
29 ------ M.Sc. Computer Science 246 Sciences / B.Sc Applied Sciences (Computer 10,300 10,300 --- 2 8 English
Science/ Computer
Technology)/B.E/B.Tech,(CS/IT)/ and hitherto
equivalent degrees.
Bachelor's Degree from recognised
30 ------ M.Sc. Geography 218 5,300 6,500 --- 2 8 English
Bachelors's Degree in Apparel and Fashion
Design/Costume Desing and Fashion/
31 ------ M.Sc. Apparel and Fashion Design 238 10,300 10,000 --- 2 8 English
Apparel Designing/Textile Designing from
any recognised University
# - Those students who have passsed all the courses in PGDPC only will be permitted to join in the II M.Sc. Counselling & Psychotherapy
Programme through lateral entry.

SL- Prog. Eligibility Duration

Programme Name Total Fees Medium
No Code Years

jkpo; top English Medium Year-I Year-II Year-III Min Max

1 gp.V. jkpo; 108 2000 2000 2000 3 8 jkpo;

2 gp.V. gad;Kiwj; jkpo; 114 2000 2000 2000 3 8 jkpo;

3 ------- B.A Urdu 113 2000 2000 2000 3 8 cUJ

4 ------- B.A English 102 2000 2000 2000 3 8 English

5 ------- B.A English and Communication 103 2000 2000 2000 3 8 English

jkpo; &

6 gp.V. tuyhW B.A History 101 2000 2000 2000 3 8
10th +12th (HSC) Equivalent or PUC
gp.V. Fw;wtpay; Fw;wk; rhu; ePjp B.A Criminology & Criminal Justice
7 115 or 2000 2000 2000 3 8 English
epu;thfk; Administration TNOU BPP or 10th +3 Years Diploma
gp.V. tuyhW kw;Wk; ghuk;gupa or jkpo; &
8 B.A History & Heritage Management 107 11th+2 Years TTC 2000 2000 2000 3 8
Nkyhz;ik English
10th +2 Years ITI
9 -------- B.A Tourism and Travel Studies 109 2,250 1,950 1,950 3 8 English

jkpo; &
10 gp.V. nghUshjhuk; B.A Economics 105 2000 2000 2000 3 8
jkpo; &
11 gp.V. tzpf nghUshjhuk; B.A Business Economics 110 2000 2000 2000 3 8
jkpo; &
12 gp.V. nghJ epu;thftpay; B.A Public Administration 106 2000 2000 2000 3 8
jkpo; &
13 gp.V. murpay; mwptpay; B.A Political Science 104 2000 2000 2000 3 8
jkpo; &
14 gp.V. r%ftpay; B.A Sociology 111 2000 2000 2000 3 8
SL- Programme Name Prog. Eligibility Total Fees Years Medium
No Code
jkpo; top English Medium Year-I Year-II Year-III Min Max

jkpo; &
15 gp.V. kdpj chpikfs; B.A Human Rights 117 1,950 1,650 1,650 3 8

16 ------ B.A Islamic Studies 116* 1,860 1,560 1,560 3 8 English

jkpo; &
17 gp.v];.lgps;A (BSW) BSW Social Work 112 2000 2000 2000 3 8

18 gp.ypl;. - ,yf;fpak; (jkpo); ------ 125 2000 2000 2000 3 8 jkpo;

jkpo; &
19 gp.fhk;. - tzpftpay; B.Com. 151 2000 2000 2000 3 8
10th +12th (HSC) Equivalent
or jkpo; &
20 gp.fhk;. tq;fp Nkyhz;ik B.Com. (Bank Management) 152 2000 2000 2000 3 8
PUC English

or jkpo; &
21 gp.fhk;. epWkr; nrayhz;ik B.Com. (Corporate Secretaryship) 153 TNOU BPP 2000 2000 2000 3 8
gp.fhk;. fzf;fpaYk; 10th +3 Years Diploma jkpo; &
22 B.Com. (Accounting & Finance) 154 2000 2000 2000 3 8
epjpapaYk; or English
11th+2 Years TTC
23 ------ B.Com. (Computer Applications) 155 or 10th +2 Years ITI 3000 3000 3000 3 8 English

jkpo; &
24 gp.gp.V. - Nkyhz;ikapay; BBA 161 3,200 3,200 3,200 3 8

25 ------ BBA (Computer Applications) 162 3,500 3,500 3,500 3 8 English

jkpo; &
26 gp.gp.V. re;ij Nkyhz;ik BBA (Marketing Management) 163 3000 3000 3000 3 8

27 ------ BBA Retail Management 164 3000 3000 3000 3 8 English

SL- Programme Name Prog. Eligibility Total Fees Years
No Code
jkpo; top English Medium Year-I Year-II Year-III Min Max

28 ------ B.Sc Mathematics 131 3000 3000 3000 3 8 English

B.Sc Mathematics with Computer

29 ------ 132 3000 3000 3000 3 8 English

jkpo; &
30 gp.v];.rp cstpay; B.Sc. Psychology 133 3000 3000 3000 3 8
10th +12th (HSC) Equivalent or PUC or
TNOU BPP or 10th +3 Years Diploma or jkpo; &
31 gp.v];.rp Gtpapay; B.Sc. Geography 134 11th+2 Years TTC or 10th +2 Years ITI 3000 3000 3000 3 8

32 ------ B.Sc. Computer Science 146 9,400 9,400 9,400 3 8 English

33 ------ B.Sc. Visual Communication 139* 12,300 12,000 12,000 3 8 English

34 ------ B.Sc. Multimedia 140* 35,300 35,000 35,000 3 8 English

35 ------ BCA 171 8000 8000 8000 3 8 English

Current Year Students Registered Under Lateral

Entry Scheme for Diploma in Information
36 ------ BCA (Simultaneous Registration - SE) 174 Technology and Diploma in Computer Engineering 1,600 5,200 5,200 3 8 English
in Recognised Polytechnic Colleges

Any Diploma from Recognised Polytechnic English

37 ------ BCA (Lateral Entry - LE) 172 --- 8,100 7,800 2 8
10th +12th (HSC) Equivalent or PUC or
38 ------ B.Sc. in Apparel and Fashion Design 135 TNOU BPP or 10th +3 Years Diploma or 7,800 7,800 7,800 3 8 English
11th+2 Years TTC or 10th +2 Years ITI
B.Sc. in Apparel and Fashion Design Three Year Diploma in Textile Technology
39 ------ 145 --- 7,800 7,800 2 8 English
(Lateral Entry - LE) from Polytechnic College (or) TNOU DAFD
SL- Prog. Total
Programme Name Eligibility Medium
No Code Fees
Min Max

1 KJepiyg; gl;lak; jkpo; Ma;T newpKiwfs; 601 jkpopy; KJepiyg; gl;lk; 1,800 1 3 jkpo;

2 PG Diploma in Information Technology Management 603 5,550 1 4 English

Bachelors Degree from any recognised University
3 PG Diploma in Spoken English 604 2,300 1 3 English

A. Bachelors / Master Degree in Psychology (or) 8,750

4 PG Diploma in Psychological Counselling 605 B. Other Graduate applicants who have not studied 1 3 English
Psychology should undergo the Masters Preparatory 9,400
Programme (MPP) in Psychology

5 P G Diploma in Mathematics 613 2000 1 3 English

B.Sc., Mathematics or B.Sc., Applied Mathematics

6 P G Diploma in Applied Mathematics 614 2000 1 3 English

7 P.G.D.C.A. 671 7,300 1 4 English

8 PG Diploma in Software Quality Management 672 7,300 1 4 English

Bachelors Degree from any recognised University
9 PG Diploma In Information Security 673 7,300 1 4 English

PG Diploma in Export Marketing

10 615* 15,300 1 4 English
* Refer Annexure 7.6
UG/PG in Psychology / Education or any other
PG Diploma in Guidance and Counselling Graduate who have studied Psychology (at least
11 616" 4,750 1 3 English
* Refer Annexure 7.5 one paper in UG/PG) from any recognized

12 PG Diploma in Gerontology 617 2,300 1 3 English

Bachelors Degree from any recognised University
13 PG Diploma in Child Rights & Child Protection 618 2,300 1 3 English

PG Degree in Social Sciences from any recognised

14 PG Diploma in Social Welfare Administration 619 2,300 1 3 English

Programme Name Duration

SL- Total
Code Eligibility Medium
No Fees
jkpo; top English Medium Min Max

+2 (HSC) or Equivalent or TNOU

1 Clff;fiy gl;lak; ------ 501 1,800 1 3 jkpo;
BPP(Entrance Test)
Bachelors Degree from any recognised
University (or) +2 (HSC) with 3 years
2 ------ Diploma in Management 502 4,800 1 3 English
Managerial / Supervisory / Professional

3 ------ Diploma in Databases 571 4,800 1 3 English

4 ------ Diploma in Retail Management 551 2,900 1 3 English

+2 (HSC) or Equivalent or TNOU
njhy;ypay; kw;Wk; fy;ntl;L Diploma in Archaeology and BPP(Entrance Test) jkpo;&
5 552 5,300 1 4
gl;lag; gbg;G Epigraphy English

mUq;fhl;rpaftpay; kw;Wk; Diploma in Museology and jkpo;&

6 553 5,300 1 4
ghJfhg;gpay; gl;lag; gbg;G Conservation English


7 jpiug;gl ebg;G gl;lak; Diploma in Film Acting 561 +2 (HSC) or Equivalent or TNOU BPP 20,000 1 3

8 njhiyf;fhl;rp ebg;G gl;lak; Diploma in Television Acting 562 +2 (HSC) or Equivalent or TNOU BPP 15,000 1 3

ehlfk; kw;Wk; muq;ff;fiy Diploma in Drama and Theatre jkpo;&

9 563 +2 (HSC) or Equivalent or TNOU BPP 10,000 1 3
ebg;G gl;lak; Acting English

Diploma in Data Sciences and +2 (HSC) or Equivalent or TNOU BPP or

10 564 10,000 1 4 English
Big Data Analytics PPH

NahfKk; kdpj khz;Gk;- Diploma in Yoga for Human 21 Years of Age and TNOU-BPP or from jkpo;&
11 565 750 1 4
gl;lak; Excellence any University English


njhz;L epWtdk; 10+2 (HSC) or SSLC with atleast 3years

1 ------ 710 1,300 2 jkpo;
Nkyhz;ik rhd;wpjo; gbg;G work experience in NGO sector 6
Certificate in Community Radio 10th +2 (HSC)/ Any UG/PG degree from a
2 ------ 712* 5,300 2 English
Technology recognised University * Refer Annexure 7.7

NahfKk; kdpj khz;Gk;- Certificate in Yoga for Human jkpo;&
3 741 8th Pass/TNOU PPE 500 MON- 2
rhd;wpjo; Excellence THS
Catering and Hotel Administration Programmes
(These Programmes are offered only in ACADEMIC YEAR Cycle)

Total Fees
SL- Programme Name Code Eligibility Medium
Year-I Year-II Year-III Min Max

Diploma in Food Production

1 503 25,300 --- --- 1 4 English
Diploma in Food and Beverage Service
2 504 10th Pass 15,300 --- --- 1 4 English

3 Diploma in Bakery and Confectionary (Off-Campus) 505 25,300 --- --- 1 4 English

B. Sc., in Catering and Hotel Administration (Off-
4 137 +2 or Equivalent 45,800 45,500 45,500 3 8 English
A three Year Diploma in Hotel Management
B. Sc., in Catering and Hotel Administration and Catering Technology from Institutes of
5 144 --- --- 10,440 1 8 English
for Ex- Diploma Holders (Distance Mode) Hotel Management and Catering Technology
approved by Central/State Governments

6 B.Sc., in Catering and Hotel Administration for First Year Students of Hotel Management and 3,680 3,380 3,380 3 8 English
Diploma Students (Dual Mode) Catering Technology studying in the Institutes
approved by AICTE and affiliated to DOTE
--- 7,060 3,380 2 8 English
Dual Mode-1 - First Year 136
Dual Mode-2 - Second Year 142 --- --- 10,440 1 8 English
Dual Mode-3 - Third Year 143
,izg;G - 7.2
2.1 Management Programmes (MBA)

Master of Business Administration (261)


First Year

MSP-10 Management Functions & Behaviour 6

MSP- 11 Managerial Economics 6
MSP-12 Financial and Management Accounting 6
MSP-13 Quantitative Techniques 6
MSP-14 Management Information Systems 4
MSP-15 Marketing Management 4
MSP-16 Financial Management 6
MSP-17 Human Resource Management 4
MSP-18 Operations Research 4
MSP-19 Research Methods 4

Second Year
MSP-20 Operations Management 6
MSP-21 Entrepreneurship 4
MSP-22 Business Law 4
MSP-23 Strategic Management 6
MSP-24 International Business Management 6
Course I
Course II 16
Course III 5 courses from Any one of the Specialisations
Course IV
Course V
MSP-25 Project Work ** 8


The Students may choose ANY ONE of the following areas of specialisations. However, TNOU
reserves the right to offer only specific specialisations during any year based on the enrolment of the students.
The students are not permitted to choose more than one specialisation or choose different courses from


MSP-30 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 4

I - Finance MSP-31 Management of Financial Services 4
MSP-32 Tax Management 4
MSP-33 International Financial Management 4

II - Marketing MSP-40 Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour 4

MSP-41 Advertising and Sales Promotion 4
MSP-42 Services Marketing 4
MSP-43 International Marketing 4

III - Human MSP-50 Human Resource Development 4

Resource MSP-51 Labour Legislations 4
MSP-52 Organisational Development 4
MSP-53 Strategic Human Resource Management 4

IV Operations MSP-60 Project Management 4

MSP-61 Total Quality Management 4
MSP-62 Supply Chain Management 4
MSP-63 Materials Management 4

V - Information MSP-80 Managing Information Technology 4

Technology MSP-81 Information Systems Development 4
MSP-82 Relational Database Management System 4
MSP-83 E-commerce 4


Students can register for the Project Course with course code MSP 25 in the Second Year. The project
course carries a weightage of 8 credits and is evaluated for 200 marks. Students are required to send filled in
Project Proposal Proforma alongwith a copy of the synopsis to the School of Management Studies,
Tamil Nadu Open University, 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015. and get their approval atleast
Two months before submission of the Project Report. Finally one typed copy of the project report is to be
submitted to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai 15 alongwith a copy
of topic approval proforma.
Guidelines for the Project Course (MSP-25) will be issued along with the second year course materials. For
the convenience of the students, it is also uploaded in our website www.tnou.ac.in Students may also
download it for details.

Submission of Projects by M.B.A. Students

Term End Examinations Last date for receipt of MBA Project
December / January 31 January

June / July 31 July


2.2 Master Degree Programmes (M.A./M.Com./M.Sc.)

M.A History (201)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
MHI-11 History of Ancient India (From Ancient times to 1206 A.D.) 6
MHI-12 History of Medieval India (From 1206 A.D. to 1707 A.D.) 6
MHI-13 History of Modern India (From 1707 A.D. to 1947 A.D.) 6
MHI-14 Contemporary India (From 1947 A.D. to 2000 A.D) 6
MHI-15 History of Tamil Nadu (From Ancient times to 2000 A.D.) 8
Second Year
MHI-21 History of Civilization (Excluding India) 6
MHI-22 Studies in Human Rights 8
MHI-23 History of Europe (From 1789 A.D. to 1990 A.D.) 6
MHI-24 History of USA(From 1865 A.D. to 2000 A.D.) 6
MHI-25 Tourism 6

M.A Public Administration (206)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MPA-11 Principles of Management 8

MPA-12 Organisation Theory 6
MPA-13 Indian Administration 6
MPA-14 Comparative Administrative Systems 6
MPA-15 Administrative Thinkers 6
Second Year
MPA-21 Public Personnel Administration 6
MPA-22 Public Financial Administration 6
MPA-23 Development Administration 6
MPA-24 Administrative Law 6
MPA-25 Environmental Administration 8

M.A Sociology (211)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MSO-11 Principles of Sociology 6

MSO-12 Sociology of Indian Society 6
MSO-13 Sociological Theories 8
MSO-14 Social Research and Statistics 6
MSO-15 Rural Society in India 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Second Year

MSO-21 Urban Sociology 6

MSO-22 Population Studies 6
MSO-23 Human Resource Management 6
MSO-24 Medical Sociology 8
MSO-25 Social Psychology 6

M.A Political Science (204)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MPS-11 Elements of Political Theory 8

MPS-12 Western Political Thought 6
MPS-13 Indian Government and Politics 6
MPS-14 Principles of Public Administration 6
MPS-15 International Relations 6
Second Year

MPS-21 Modern Political Analysis 6

MPS-22 Indian Political Thought 6
MPS-23 Human Rights 8
MPS-24 Local Government in India 6
MPS-25 Emerging Issues and Movements 6

M.A Economics (205)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MEC-11 Micro Economics 6

MEC-12 Macro Economics 6
MEC-13 Fiscal Economics 6
MEC-14 Development Economics 8
MEC-15 Monetary Economics 6
Second Year

MEC-21 Indian Economy 6

MEC-22 Managerial Economics 6
MEC-23 Human Resource Management 6
MEC-24 International Economics 8
MEC-25 Statistical Methods 6

M.A Tamil (208)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MAT-11 ,f;fhy ,yf;fpak; 6

MAT-12 ,ilf;fhy ,yf;fpak; 6
MAT-13 ,yf;fzk; : njhy;fhg;gpak;-vOj;jjpfhuk; 6
MAT-14 ,yf;fzk; : njhy;fhg;gpak;-nrhy;yjpfhuk; 8
MAT-15 jkpo; nkhop tuyhWk; jkpo; ,yf;fpa tuyhWk; 6
Second Year

MAT-21 rq;f ,yf;fpak; 6

MAT-22 fhg;gpa ,yf;fpak; 6
MAT-23 ,yf;fzk; : njhy;fhg;gpak;-nghUsjpfhuk; 8
MAT-24 xg;gpyf;fpak; 6
MAT-25 ,yf;fpaj; jpwdha;Tk; gilg;gpyf;fpaKk; 6

M.A English (202)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MEG-11 William Shakespeare 6

MEG-12 Modern English Literature 8
MEG-13 Womens Writing in English 6
MEG-14 American Literature 6
MEG-15 Applied Linguistics (ELT) 6
Second Year

MEG-21 Literary Theories 8

MEG-22 Literary Criticism 6
MEG-23 Translation Studies 6
MEG-24 Creative Writing in English 6
MEG-25 Spoken English 6

M.A Linguistics (237)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MAL-11 Introduction to Linguistics 8

MAL-12 Phonetics and Phonology 6
MAL-13 Morphology and Syntax 6
MAL-14 Sociolinguistics 6
MAL-15 Psycholinguistics 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Second Year

MAL-21 Semantics and Pramatics 6

MAL-22 Stylistics and Discourse Analysis 6
MAL-23 Historical and Comparative Linguistics 6
MAL-24 Computational Linguistics 8
MAL-25 Lexicography 6

M.A Translation studies (236)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
MTS-11 Intruduction to Linguistics 8
MTS-12 Theories of Translation Studies 6
MTS-13 Procedure of Translation 8
MTS-14 Study of Classics in Translation 6
MTS-15 Project Work - 1 (Creation) 6
Second Year
MTS-21 Modern Trends in Translation 6
MTS-22 Problem of Translation 6
MTS-23 Translation of Creative Literature 6
MTS-24 Evaluation of Translation 6
MTS-25 Project Work - 2 (Evaluation) 6

M.A Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration (213)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
MCCJ-11 Principles of Criminology 8
MCCJ-12 Criminal Law and Special Laws 6
MCCJ-13 Criminal Procedure and Evidence 6
MCCJ-14 Police Administration 6
MCCJ-15 Penology and Correctional Administration 6
Second Year
MCCJ-21 Human Rights in Criminal Justice Administration 8
MCCJ-22 Forensic Science & Forensic Medicine 6
MCCJ-23 Investigative Journalism 6
MCCJ-24 Vigilance and Security Management 6
MCCJ-25 Victimology 6

MSW Social Work (212)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
MASW-11 Profession of Social Work 6
MASW-12 Foundation of Sociology & Psychology for Social Work 6
MASW-13 Social work with individuals and groups 6
MASW-14 Social Work Research 6
MASW-15 Field Work Observation Visits 8
Second Year



The Students may choose ANY ONE of the following areas of specialisation. However, TNOU reserves
the right to offer only specific specialisations during any year based on the enrolment of the students. The
students are not permitted to choose more than one specialisation or choose different courses from different


MASW-21 Social Work with Communities & Welfare Administration 6

MASW-CD 22 Rural Community Development 6
MASW-CD 23 Urban Community Development 6
MASW-CD 24 Corporate Social Responsibility 6
MASW- 25 Research Project 8


MASW-21 Social Work with Communities & Welfare Administration 6

MASW-HR 22 Human Resource Managment and Human Resource Development 6
MASW-HR 23 Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations 6
MASW-HR 24 Organization Behaviour and Organization Development 6
MASW-25 Research Project 8

MASW 15:

Students should ensure that all the 5 Institutional Supervisiors to send the internal
assessment (IA) marks for a maximum of 25 separately and one copy of the Field Work report to the
Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai -15 before commencement of the
respective Term End Examination. (IA-25, Observation Evaluation -75, Total -100). Reports submitted
late will be considered for the subsequent Term End Examination only.

MASW 25:
Students should get prior approval for both the Project Topic and Project Guide from the
School of Social Sciences, TNOU in the prescribed format before writing the Project Work. Research
Projects submitted without prior approval from TNOU will not be accepted. Students shall ensure that
their respective Guides to send the internal assesment (IA) marks for a maximum of 25 and one typed
copy of the Project Report to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai -
15 alongwith a copy of topic approval proforma before commencement of the respective Term End
Examination. (IA-25, Project Evaluation -75, Total - 100).Reports submitted late will be considered for the
subsequent Term End Examination only.

M.A Tourism and Travel Studies (209)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
MTTS-11 Basic Concepts of Tourism 6
MTTS-12 Ticketing and Fare Constructions 8
MTTS-13 Front Office Management 6
MTTS-14 Introduction to Travel and Management 6
MTTS-15 Communications and Public Relations 6
Second Year
* Note:
MTTS-21 Tourism and Human Rights The Project work shoud be submitted before 6
the Term-end Examinations begin.
MTTS-22 Eco Tourism The Candidates are required to get appproval 6
from the concerned School.
MTTS-23 Personnel Management 6
MTTS-24 Tourism: Promotion, Publicity and Marketing 6
MTTS-25 Project Work 8

M.A Women Studies (216)

Course Code Course Title Credits

FIrst Year
MWS-11 An Introduction to Womens Studies 6
MWS-12 Womens Movement and Feminism 6
MWS-13 Women and Empowerment 8
MWS-14 Women and Human Rights 6
MWS-15 Women and Environment 6
Second Year
MWS-21 Women and Legal System in India 6
MWS-22 Women and Entrepreneurship 6
MWS-23 Women and Media 6
MWS-24 Women and Psychology 6
MWS-25 Feminism and Research Methodology 8

M.Com (251)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

MCO-11 Business Administration 6

MCO-12 Management and Cost Accounting 6
MCO-13 Advanced Financial Accounting 8
MCO-14 Marketing Management 6
MCO-15 Advanced Business Statistics 6
Second Year

MCO-21 Financial Management 8

MCO-22 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 6
MCO-23 International Marketing 6
MCO-24 Human Resource Management 6
MCO- 25 International Banking and Foreign exchange 6

M.Sc., Psychology (233)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MSY-11 Advanced General Psychology 8

MSY-12 Advanced Social Psychology 6
MSY-13 Life Span Psychology 6
MSY-14 Research Methodology 6
MSY-15 Psychological Testing ( Practical )** 6

**MSY 15 - Psychological Testing (Practical)

Candidates who have attended all the sessions of the first year practical counselling classes only will
be permitted to appear for the practical examination conducted by Tamil Nadu Open University. Students
have to produce the attendance certificate (issued by the counsellors at the venue of practical counselling
classes) in the prescribed format to get admitted for the practical examination (MSY-15) and will be admitted
in the centre where they had attended practical classes. The students have to compulsorily attend the
practical counselling sessions in the (alloted) respective batch only. Practical classes and examination will be
conducted only at the certain designated centres selected by Tamilnadu Open University. Only the students
of the concerned / current batch will be intimated by Tamilnadu Open University and no intimation will be sent
toe arrear candidates, for which thay have to refer the TNOU website only. TNOU will not be responsible for
any postal delay or error (non-delivery). So the students are advised to see the TNOU website constantly. If
failed to attend along with the respective batch, the candidates have to pay an amount of Rs.300/- to attend
the counselling classes alone in the subsequent batches.

Mark components for MSY 15 - Psychological Testing (Practical)
Internal (Record work) 25
External (Conduction, Disscussion & Viva-Voce) 75
The external component consist of the
following categories and marks
i) Materials required Instruction for - 10 Marks
ii) Procedure (10+20) - 30 Marks
iii) Discussion & Conclusion - 25 Marks
iv) Viva-Voce - 10 Marks
Total 100

Course Code Course Title Credits

Second Year
MSY-21 Organizational Behaviour 6
MSY-22 Marketing Psychology and Consumer Behaviour 6
MSY-23 Human Resource Management 6
MSY-24 Counselling and Behaviour Modification 6
MSY-25 Health Psychology / Project Work* 8

* Candidates who have secured 70% and above in all the papers of the first year examination of the
programme alone will be permitted to choose the project with the prior permission from Tamil Nadu Open
University. Others have to study the theory paper Health Psychology (MSY 25) only.
MSY 25: Students should get prior approval for both the Project Topic and Project Guide from the School of
Social Sciences, TNOU in the prescribed format before writing the Project Work. Research Projects
submitted without prior approval from TNOU will not be accepted. Students shall ensure that their respective
Guides to send the internal assesment (IA) marks for a maximum of 25 and one typed copy of the Project
Report to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai -15 alongwith a copy of topic
approval proforma before commencement of the respective Term End Examination. (IA-25, Project
Evaluation -75, Total - 100). Reports submitted late will be considered for the subsequent Term End
Examination only.
M.Sc Counselling & Psychotherapy (232)
(This course will be conducted only in the designated centres which is given in the ANNEXURE - V)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

MCP-11 Fundamentals of Psychology 6

MCP-12 Developmental Psychology 6
MCP-13 Psychopathology & Mental Health 6
MCP-14 Counselling and Health Psychology 6
MCP-15 Counselling Techniques and Assessments 8*
*(Includes Case Reports in the special areas)
Exam for Bridge course is compulsory for Non-Psychology Students

Course Code Course Title Credits
Second Year
MCP-21 Principles and Techniques of Psychotherapy 6
MCP-22 Behaviour Therapies 6
MCP-23 Psychotherapies 6
MCP-24 Clinical Assessment 6
MCP-25 Psychological Tests for Assessment 8**
**(Practical, Record work and Viva voce)

M.Sc Counselling & Psychotherapy - Lateral Entry (234)

# The attendance for all counselling classes, both theory and practicals, is compulsory. The candidates
must attend all the theory and practical (internship) classes. Based on the attendance only the students will
be permitted to appear for the examinations. Practical classes and Examinations will be conducted only at the
Programme Centres. No change of centres will pe permitted. Those students who have passed all the
courses in PGDPC only will be permitted to join in the II M.Sc Counselling & Psychotherapy Programme
through lateral entry.
M.Sc Mathematics (231)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

MMS-15 Algebra 8
MMS-16 Real Analysis 8
MMS-17 Complex Analysis and Numerical Analysis 8
MMS-18 Mathematical Statistics 8
Second Year

MMS-25 Topology and Functional Analysis 8

MMS-26 Operations Research 8
MMS-27 Graph Theory and Algorithms 8
MMS-28 Differential Equations 8

M.A. Human Rights (217)

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

MHR-11 Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on Human Rights and Duties 8

MHR-12 Constitutional Foundations of Human Rights in India 6
MHR-13 International Perspectives on Human Rights 6
MHR-14 Education, Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 6
MHR-15 Research Methodology 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Second Year

MHR-21 Societal Problems and Social Movements in India 6

MHR-22 Development, Globalisation and Human Rights 6
MHR-23 Major Themes and Issues in Human Rights 6
MHR-24 Environment and Human Rights 6
Specialisation Course (Any One of the following Course)
MHR-25A 1. Science, Technology and Human Rights
MHR-25B 2. Marginalised Sections: Human Rights and Duties 8
MHR-25C 3. Working Class and Human Rights
MHR-25D Project Work

M.SC. Geography (218)

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
MGEO-11 Basic Principles of Earth System 8
MGEO-12 Human and Settlement Geography 6
MGEO-13 Environmental Geography 6
MGEO-14 Geographical Thought 8
MGEO-15 Practical: Mapping Techniques - I 6
Second Year
MGEO-21 Geography of India 6
MGEO-22 World Economic Geography 8
MGEO-23 Principles of Geo - Informatics 6
MGEO-24 Practical : Mapping Techniques - II 6
MGEO-25 Project 8

M.A. Anthropology (223)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MAY-11 Introduction to Anthropology 6

MAY-12 Anthropological Theories 6
MAY-13 Anthropological Applications and Research Methods 6
MAY-14 Evolution of Anthropology 6
MAY-15 Biological Anthropology 6
Second Year

MAY-21 Human Genetic 6

MAY-22 Archaeological Anthropology 6
MAY-23 Cultural Anthropology 6
MAY-24 Indian Anthropology 6
MAY-25 Development Anthropology 6

M.A. Gender Studies (224)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
MGS-11 Introduction to Gender Studies 6
MGS-12 Feminist theories and Movements 6
MGS-13 Feminist Research Methodology 6
MGS-14 Gender and Society 6
MGS-15 Gender and Development 6
Second Year
MGS-21 Development and Gender Equality 6
MGS-22 Gender and Governance 6
MGS-23 Gender and Mass Media 6
MGS-24 Gender Management System 6
MGS-25 Women Development Programme and Policies 6

M.A. Islamic Studies (222) *

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

MAIS-11 Sciences of Hadeeth (Prophetic Narrations) 6

MAIS-12 Islamic Jurisprudence 6
MAIS-13 Arabic Language 6
MAIS-14 Principles of Islamic Morals and the Methodology of Propagating 6
MAIS-15 Research Methodology in Islamic & Arabic Studies 6
Second Year

MAIS-21 Islamic Civilization and Contemporary Muslim World 6

MAIS-22 Quranic Sciences 6
MAIS-23 Legal Maxims and Objectives of Islamic Legislation (Shariah) 6
MAIS-24 Comparative Study of Religions and Muslim Sects 6
MAIS-25 Dissertation 8

* This Programme will be conducted only through the Programme Study Centre given in Annexure 7.7

M.A. Development Administration (219)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MADA-11 Introduction to Development Administration 6

MADA-12 Development : Concepts and Principles 6
MADA-13 Indian Administration 8
MADA-14 Administrative Thinkers 6
MADA-15 Gender Issues and Development 6

Course Code Course Title Credits

Second Year

MADA-21 Development Theory 6

MADA-22 Public Policy Analysis 6
MADA-23 Public Service Management 6
MADA-24 Globalisation and Development 6
MADA-25 Administration of Non-Governmental Organisations 8

M.A. Police Administration (220)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MAPA-11 Introduction to Police Administration 6

MAPA-12 Constitution and Administrative System in India 8
MAPA-13 Police Ethics and Integrity 6
MAPA-14 Legal System and Police 6
MAPA-15 Police Personnel Administration 6
Second Year

MAPA-21 Comparative Police Administration ( UK, USA, Franceadn Israel) 6

MAPA-22 Terrorism 6
MAPA-23 Correctional Administration 6
MAPA-24 Police and Functional Agencies 6
MAPA-25 Human Rights 8

M.A. International Relations (221)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MAIR-11 Historical Background to International Relations (1815 - 1945) 6

MAIR-12 Theories of International Relations 6
MAIR-13 Indias Foreign Policy 6
MAIR-14 Diplomacy 6
MAIR-15 Global Issues 8
Second Year
MAIR-21 International Economic Relations 6
MAIR-22 Global Terrorism 6
MAIR-23 Indias External Relations 6
MAIR-24 International Law 6
MAIR-25 The United Nations System 8

2.3 Computer Education Programmes (M.C.A./M.C.A.-LE)
Master of Computer Applications (271)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

MCA-01 Computer Fundamentals 4

MCA-02 Introduction to Software 4
MCA-03 Data Structure through C 4
MCA-04 Elements of System Analysis and Design 4
MCA-05 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems 4
MCA-06 Introduction to Computer Organisation 4
MCA-07 Introduction to Software Engineering 4
MCA-08 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods 4
MCA-09 C++ and Object Oriented Programming 4
MCA-10 Theory of Computer Science 4
MCA-P1 Lab-1: Covering Data Structures through C and
Data Base Management Systems 4
MCA-P2 Lab-2: Covering Software Engineering and C++ and 4
Object Oriented Programming
Second Year
MCA-11 Computer Graphics 4
MCA-12 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
MCA-13 Accounting and Finance on Computers 4
MCA-14 Communication Skills 4
MCA-15 Computer Networks 4
MCA-16 Operation Research 4
MCA-17 Operating Systems 4
MCA-18 Object Oriented Analysis and Design 4
MCA-19 Internet Programming 4
MCA-20 Visual Programming 4
MCA-P3 Lab-3: Covering Computer Graphics, Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
MCA-P4 Lab-4: Covering Internet Programming (JAVA) and Visual Programming 4
Third Year
MCA-21 Relational Data Base Management Systems 4
MCA-22 Client Server Technology 4
MCA-23 Multimedia Systems 4
MCA-24 Distributed Computing 4
MCA-25 Network Programming 4
MCA-26 Project Work 8
MCA-P5 Lab-5: Covering Relational Data Base Management Systems 4
and Multimedia Systems

Master of Computer Applications - Lateral Entry (272)

Candidates with Bachelors Degree with PGDCA / Equivalent (or) B.Sc., Computer Science (or) BCA
(or) BE /B.Tech Computer Science / Information Technology from any recognised University are eligible for
admission to the second year of the MCA programme under lateral entry scheme.

M.Sc. - Computer Science (246)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
MSC-1 Mathematical Structures For Computer Science 5
MSC-2 Data Structures 5
MSC-3 Computer Graphics 5
MSC-5 Advanced DBMS 5
MSC-6 Computer Architecture 5
MSC-7 Mobile Computing 5
MSC-8 Data Warehousing and Data Mining 5
MSC-9 Analysis of Algorithms 5
MSC-10 Advanced Software Engineering 5
MSC-P1 Lab1: Data Structures using C++ 5
MSC-P2 Lab2: DBMS 5
Second Year
MSC-11 Distributed Systems 5
MSC-12 Advanced Web Programming 5
MSC-13 Operating System 5
MSC-14 Artificial Intelligence 5
MSC-15 Network Security 5
MSC-P3 Lab 3: Advanced Web Programming 5
MSC-P4 Project Work 10

M.Sc. Apparel and Fashion Designing (238)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
MAFD 1 Research Methods and Statistics 8
MAFD 2 Historic Costume 4
MAFD 3 Sketching and Fashion illustration 4
MAFD 4 Woven Fabric Structure and Fabric Analysis 6
MAFD 5 Knitting Technology 6
MAFD 6 Advanced Garment Construction 6
MAFD P1 Sketching and Fashion illustration Lab 6
MAFD P2 Advanced Garment Construction Lab 6
Second Year
MAFD 7 Computer application in apparl Industry 6
MAFD 8 Fashion Merchandising 6
MAFD 9 Technical Textiles 4
MAFD 10 Textile Testing and Quality Control 6
MAFD 11 Textile Chemstry and Wet Processing 6
MAFD P3 Textile Testing Lab 4
MAFD P4 Computer Application in Apparel industry Lab 6
MAFD 12 Project Work 8

2.4 Bachelor Degree Programmes (B.A./B.Litt./B.Com./B.B.A./B.C.A./B.Sc)
B.A. Tamil (108)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

BFTM-11 jkpo; (nkhop) 6

BFEG-11 Mq;fpyk; (nkhop) 6
BTM-11 ,f;fhy ,yf;fpak; 6
BTM-12 ,yf;fzk;-1 (ed;D}y;: vOj;J> nrhy;.) 8
BTMAL-11 jkpof tuyhWk; gz;ghLk; (rhh;Gg; ghlk;) 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 jkpo; (nkhop) 6
BFEG-21 Mq;fpyk; (nkhop) 6
BTM-21 ,ilf;fhy ,yf;fpak; 6
BTM-22 ,yf;fzk;-2 (ek;gpafg;nghUs;> Gwg;nghUs; ntz;ghkhiy) 6
BTMAL-21 ,jopay; (rhh;Gg; ghlk;) 6
CCE Rw;Wr;#oy; fy;tp 6
Third Year

BTM-31 rq;f ,yf;fpak; 6

BTM-32 ,yf;fzk;-3 (ahg;gUq;fyf;fhhpif> jz;bayq;fhuk;) 8
BTM-33 jkpo; nkhop tuyhWk; jkpo; ,yf;fpa tuyhWk; 6
BTM-34 ,yf;fpaj; jpwdha;Tk; gilg;gpyf;fpaKk; 6
BTMAO-01 ehl;Lg;Gwtpay; (tho;tpay; njhlh;Gg; ghlk;) 6

B.A. Functional Tamil (114)

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

BFTM-11 jkpo; (nkhop) 6

BFEG-11 Mq;fpyk; (nkhop) 6
BLT-12 jkpo; fw;gpj;jy; 6
BTM-12 ,yf;fzk;-1 (ed;D}y;: vOj;J> nrhy;.) 8
FTM-01 fzpdpj; jkpo; 6
Second Year

BFTM-21 jkpo; (nkhop) 6

BFEG-21 Mq;fpyk; (nkhop) 6
BLT-21 nkhopj;jpwd; 6
BLT-22 thndhyp> njhiyf;fhl;rpf; fiy 6
BTMAL-21 ,jopay; 6
CCE Rw;Wr;#oy; fy;tp 6
Third Year

BTM-32 ,yf;fzk;-3 (ahg;gUq;fyf;fhhpif> jz;bayq;fhuk;) 8

BTM-33 jkpo; nkhop tuyhWk; jkpo; ,yf;fpa tuyhWk; 8
BTM-34 ,yf;fpaj; jpwdha;Tk; gilg;gpyf;fpaKk; 6
FTM-02 nkhop ngah;g;Gf; fiy 6
FTM-03 Ml;rpj; jkpo; 6

B.A. Urdu (113)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

BFUR 111 Foundation in Urdu 6

BFEG 11 Foundation in English 6
BUR 11 Prose 6
BUR 12 Ghazaliyath & Rubaiyath 6
BUR 13 History of Tamil Literature & Text for Translation 6
Second Year
BFUR 211 Foundation in Urdu 6
BFEG 21 Foundation in English 6
BUR 21 Grammar 6
BUR 22 History of Dakni Urdu Literature 6
BUR 23 History of Arabic Literature & Text for Translation 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BUR 31 Manzoomath 6
BUR 32 Novel 6
BUR 33 Literary Criticism 6
BUR 34 Prosody and Rhetoric 8
BUR 35 Urdu Journalism 6

B.A. English (102)

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 6 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BEG-11 Social History of England 6
BEG-12 Age of Chaucer 6
BEG-13 Restoration Age 6
BEGAL-11 Modern Indian Writing in English (Ancillary) 6
Second Year

BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6

BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BEG-21N William Shakespeare 6
BEG-22N Romantic Age 6
BEGAL-21 Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication (Ancillary) 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BEG-31 Victorian Age 6

BEG-32 Modern English Literature 6
BEG-33 American Literature 8
BEG-34 Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theories 6
BEG-35 Introduction to Language and Linguistics 6

B.A. English and Communication (103)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BEGC-11 Social History of England 6
BEGC-12 Age of Chaucer 6
BEGC-13 Introduction to Journalism and Mass Communication 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BEGC-21 Restoration Age 6
BEGC-22 William Shakespeare 6
BEGC-23 Introduction to Communication Studies 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BEGC-31 Romantic Age 6
BEGC-32 Victorian Age 6
BEGC-33 Modern English Literature 6
BEGC-34 Phonetics and Spoken English 8
BEGC-35 Communication Skills 6

B.A. Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration (115)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BCCJ-11 Fundamentals of Criminology 8
BCCJ-12 Correctional Administration 6
BCCJAL-11 Fundamentals of Psychology 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BCCJ-21 Criminal Law 8
BCCJ-22 Police Administration 6
BCCJAL-21 Social Problems 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BCCJ-31 Contemporary Forms of Crime 8
BCCJ-32 Special Laws 6
BCCJ-33 Police Station Management 6
BCCJ-34 Media and Crime 6
BCCJ-35 Computer Applications in Criminal Justice 6

B.A. History (101)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BHI-11 History of India upto 1206 A.D. 6
BHI-12 History of India from 1206 to 1707 A.D. 8
BHIAL-11N Constitutional History of India 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BHI-21 History of India from 1707 to 2000 A.D. 6
BHI-22 Main Currents in the History of Tamil Nadu from Ancient times to 2000 A.D. 8
BHIAL-21 Tourism Perspectives 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BHI-31 History of Modern Europe from 1600 to 1990 AD 6
BHI-32 History of U.S.A from 1775-1960 A.D. 6
BHI-33 History of China from 1839 1990 A.D. 6
BHI-34 Human Rights Perspectives 6
BHI-35N India and Her Neighbours 8

B.A. History and Heritage Management (107)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BHM-11 History of India upto 1206 A.D. 6
BHM-12 Social and Cultural History of India from 1206 AD to 1707 AD. 6
BHMAL-11 Introduction to Tourism 8
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BHM-21 History of India from 1707 to 1947 A.D. 6
BHM-22 Social and Cultural Heritage of the Tamils upto 1600 A.D. 6
BHMAL-21 Indian Archaeology and Museology 8
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BHM-31 Social and Cultural History of Independent India 6
BHM-32 Art and Architecture of India 8
BHM-33 Social and Cultural History of Tamilnadu from 1600 - 1950 6
BHM-34 Principles of Heritage Management 6
BHM-35 Indian Epigraphy and Numismatics 6

B.A. Tourism and Travel Studies (109)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BFTM 11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG 11 Foundation in English 6
TTS 1 Introduction to Tourism 8
TTS 2 Indian Tourism 8
TTSAL-1 Art and Architecture of India 8
Second Year
BFTM 21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG 21 Foundation in English 6
TTS-3 Geography of Tourism 8
TTS-4 Transport system and Tourism 8
TTSAL-2 Communications and Automation 8
CCE Environmental Studies Note: 6
The Project work shoud be submitted
Third Year before the Term-end Examinations
The Candidates are required to get
TTS-5 International Tourism appproval from the concerned School.
TTS-6 Hospitality Management 8
TTS-7 Marketing Management and Tour operations 8
TTS-8 Places of Tourism interest 8
PTTS-1 Project Work 4

B.A. Economics(105)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BEC-11 Micro Economics 8
BEC-12 Monetary Economics 6
BECAL-11 Economics of Marketing 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BEC-21 History of Economic Thought 6
BEC-22 Macro Economics 8
BECAL-21 Economic Statistics 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BEC-31 International Economics 8
BEC-32 Fiscal Economics 6
BEC-33 Indian Economy 6
BEC-34 Environmental Economics 6
BEC-35 Managerial Economics 6

B.A. Business Economics (110)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BBE-11 Micro Economics 8
BBE-12 Monetary Economics 6
BBEAL-11 Principles of Management 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BBE-21 Macro Economics 6
BBE-22 Human Resource Management 8
BBEAL-21 Economic Statistics 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BBE-31 International Economics 8
BBE-32 Fiscal Economics 6
BBE-33 Indian Economy 6
BBE-34 Entrepreneurial Development 6
BBE-35 Managerial Economics 6

B.A. Public Administration (106)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BPA-11 Principles of Public Administration 8
BPA-12 Modern Administrative Systems 6
BPAAL-11 Human Rights Administration 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in Engish 6
BPA-21 Indian Administration 8
BPA-22 Administrative Thoughts 6
BPAAL-21 Environment Administration 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BPA-31 Public Personnel Administration 6
BPA32 Public Financial Administration 6
BPA-33 Development Administration 6
BPA-34 Administrative Law 8
BPA-35 Local Government and Administration in India 6

B.A. Political Science (104)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BPS-11 Political Theory 6
BPS-12 Organs of Government 6
BPSAL-11 Human Rights Administration 8
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BPS-21 Modern Governments 6
BPS-22 Western Political Thought 6
BPSAL-21 Principles of Public Administration 8
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BPS-31 Political Ideologies 6
BPS-32 Asian Political Systems 6
BPS-33 Indian Administration 8
BPS-34 India in World Affairs 6
BPS-35 Local Self Government 6

B.A. Sociology (111)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BSO-11 Foundations of Sociology 8
BSO-12 Social Thought 6
BSOAL-11 Social Psychology 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BSO-21 Social Research and Statistics 8
BSO-22 Indian Social Institutions 6
BSOAL-21 Social Demography 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BSO-31 Rural Sociology 8
BSO-32 Urban Sociology 6
BSO-33 Industrial Sociology 6
BSO-34 Social Movements in India 6
BSO-35 Indian Social Problems 6

BSW Social Work (112)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BASW-11 Introduction to Social Work 8
BASW-12 Indian Social Problems 6
BASWAL-11 Sociology for Social Work 6
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BASW-21 Fields of Social Work and Techniques of Intervention 6
BASW-22 Introduction to Social Work with individuals (Social Casework) 8
BASWAL-21 Human Behaviour and Development 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BASW-31 Introduction to Social Work with groups (social group work ) 8
BASW-32 Introduction to Social Work with communities (Community organization) 6
BASW-33 Social Work Research and Statistics 6
BASW-34 Management of Organization 6
BASW-35 Field Work Practicum (Candidate Shall have to do a field practicum 6
either in a NGO, industrial unit, hospitals, pre-primary schools for a
period of atleast 45 days either continuously or spread across the
second half of the Academic year.

BASW 35:
Students should ensure that all the 3 Institutional Supervisiors to send their internal assessment (IA)
marks for a maximum of 25 separately and one completed copy of the Field Work report to the Controller of
Examinations, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai -15 before commencement of the respective Term End
Examination. (IA-25, Practicum Evaluation -75, Total -100). Reports submitted late will be considered for the
subsequent Term End Examination only.
B.Litt. (125)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BTM-11 ,f;fhy ,yf;fpak; 6
BTM-12 ,yf;fzk;-1 (ed;D}y;: vOj;J> nrhy;.) 8
BLT-11 nkhopapay; 6
BLT-12 jkpo; fw;gpj;jy; 6
BTMAL-11 jkpof tuyhWk; gz;ghLk; (rhh;Gg; ghlk;) 6
Second Year
BTM-21 ,ilf;fhy ,yf;fpak; 6
BTM-22 ,yf;fzk;-2 (ek;gpafg;nghUs;> Gwg;nghUs; ntz;ghkhiy) 6
BLT-21 nkhopj;jpwd; 6
BLT-22 thndhyp njhiyf;fhl;rpf; fiy 6
BTMAL-21 ,jopay; (rhh;Gg; ghlk;) 6
CCE Rw;Wr;#oy; fy;tp 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Third Year
BTM-31 rq;f ,yf;fpak; 6
BTM-32 ,yf;fzk;-3 (ahg;gUq;fyf;fhhpif> jz;bayq;fhuk;) 6
BTM-33 jkpo; nkhop tuyhWk; jkpo; ,yf;fpa tuyhWk; 6
BTM-34 ,yf;fpaj; jpwdha;Tk; gilg;gpyf;fpaKk; 6
BTMAO-01 ehl;Lg;Gwtpay; (tho;tpay; njhlh;Gg; ghlk;) 6

B.A. Human Rights (117)

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages offered in the University-
Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BHR-11 Introduction to Human Rights: Concepts and Theories 6
BHR-12 Historical and Social Movements of Human Rights in India 6
BHRAL-11 Indian Constitution and Human Rights 8
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages offered in the University -
Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in Eglish 6
BHR-21 Global Perspectives and International Instruments for the
Protection of Human Rights 6
BHR-22 Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 6
BHRAL-21 Environmental Administration 8
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BHR-31 Modernity, Science, Technology, Environment and Human Rights 6
BHR-32 Human Rights Activism, NGOs, Judiciary and Media 6
BHR-33 International Trade, Development and Human Rights 6
BHR-34 Police, Criminal Justice System and Human Rights 6
BHR-35 Evolving Trends and Dimensions in Human Rights 8

B.A. Islamic Studies (116)*

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFAR-11 Arabic I 6
BFEG-11 English 6
BAIS-11 Islamic Doctrines 6
BAIS-12 Islamic Jurisprudence I 8
BAIS-13 Islamic History I 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Second Year
BFAR-21 Arabic II 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BAIS-21 Quran Exegesis 6
BAIS-22 Islamic Jurisprudence II 8
BAIS-23 Prophetic Traditions 6
BAIS-24 Psychology & Teaching Methodology 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BAIS-31 Advanced Arabic 6
BAIS-32 Islamic Jurisprudence III 8
BAIS-33 Islamic Philosophy 6
BAIS-34 Business Ethics 6
BAIS-35 Islamic History II 6

* This Programme will be conducted only through the Programme Study Centre given in Annexure 7.7

B.Com (151)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BCO-11 Business Organisaiton 6
BCO-12 Financial Accounting 8
BCO-13 Business Economics 6
Second Year

BCO-21 Business Correspondence and Office Methods 6

BCO-22 Banking Theory, Law & Practice 6
BCO-23 Principles of Management 6
BCO-24 Business Statistics 8
BCO-25 Marketing 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BCO-31 Cost Accounting 6

BCO-32 Commercial Law and Industrial Law 6
BCO-33 Advanced Accounting 8
BCO-34 Auditing 6
BCO-35 Insurance 6

B.Com. Bank Management (152)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BBM-11 Principles of Accounting 8
BBM-12 Business and Corporate Laws 6
BBM-13 Financial Services 6
Second Year
BBM-21 Banking Theory, Law & Practice 6
BBM-22 Regulatory Mechanism of Banking 6
BBM-23 Credit Management 6
BBM-24 International Banking 6
BBM-25 Business Statistics 8
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BBM-31 Income Tax 6
BBM-32 Cost Accounting 8
BBM-33 Marketing of Banking Service 6
BBM-34 Customer Relations Management 6
BBM-35 Treasury Management 6

B.Com. Corporate Secretaryship (153)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BCS-11 Principles of Management 6
BCS-12 Company Law 6
BCS-13 Financial Accounting 8
Second Year
BCS-21 Corporate Accounting 6
BCS-22 Commercial Law & Industrial Law 6
BCS-23 Business Statistics 8
BCS-24 Business Correspondence & Secretarial Practice 6
BCS-25 Banking Theory, Law and Practice 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BCS-31 Business Finance 6
BCS-32 Income Tax 6
BCS-33 Cost Accounting 8
BCS-34 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 6
BCS-35 Principles of Human Resource Management 6

B.COM Accounting and Finance (154)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 6 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BAF-11 Financial Accounting 8
BAF-12 Business Organisation 6
BAF-13 Business Economics 6
Second Year
BAF-21 Corporate Accounting 6
BAF-22 Business Statistics 8
BAF-23 Commercial Law & Industrial Law 6
BAF-24 Banking Theory, Law and Practice 6
BAF-25 Business Environment 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BAF-31 Business Finance 6
BAF-32 Auditing 6
BAF-33 Income Tax 6
BAF-34 Cost Accounting 8
BAF-35 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 6

B.Com. Computer Applications (155)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BBCA-11 Business Organisation 6
BBCA-12 Financial Accounting 6
BBCA-13 Fundamentals of Computers 4
BBCA-P1 LAB I - Office Automation package 4
Second Year
BBCA-21 Banking Theory, Law and Practice 6
BBCA-22 Business Statistics 6
BBCA-23 Marketing 6
BBCA-24 E-Commerce 6
BBCA-25 Internet & Web Designing 4
BBCA-P2 LAB II - Internet & Web Designing 4
CCE Environmental Studies 4
Third Year
BBCA-31 Advanced Accounting 6
BBCA-32 Commercial Law and Industrial Law 6
BBCA-33 Cost Accounting 6
BBCA-34 Business Information Systems 6
BBCA-35 Business Accounting Software 4
BBCA-P3 LAB III - Business Accounting Software 4

Bachelor of Business Administration (161)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BBA-11 Principles of Management 4
BBA-12 Business Organisation 4
BBA-13 Financial and Management Accounting 6
BBA-14 Business Maths and Statistics 6
Second Year
BBA-21 Business Communication 4
BBA-22 Managerial Economics 4
BBA-23 Quantitative Methods 6
BBA-24 Financial Management 6
BBA-25 Marketing Management 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BBA-31 Production Management 6
BBA-32 Personnel Management 6
BBA-33 Business Law 6
BBA-34 Business Environment 4
BBA-35 Marketing Research 4
BBA-36 Fundamentals of Computers 6

BBA Computer Applications (162)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BBAEG Business English 6
BBAC-11 Principles of Management 6
BBAC-12 Business Maths & Statistics 6
BBAC-13 Fundamentals of Computers 4
BBAC-P1 LAB1 Office Automation Package * 4
Second Year
BBAC-21 Financial & Management Accounting 8
BBAC-22 Managerial Economics 4
BBAC-23 Marketing Management 6
BBAC-24 E-Commerce 6
BBAC-25 Internet & Web Designing 4
BBAC-P2 LAB 2 Internet & Web Designing * 4
CCE Environmental Studies 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Third Year
BBAC-31 Production Management 6
BBAC-32 Personnel Management 6
BBAC-33 Financial Management 6
BBAC-34 Business Information Systems 6
BBAC-35 Business Accounting Software 4
BBAC-P3 LAB 3 Business Accounting Software * 4

* Students should obtain atleast 75% of attendance in the practical sessions to appear for the practical

BBA Marketing Management (163)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BBAM-11 Principles of Management 6
BBAM-12 Financial & Management Accounting 8
BBAM-13 Business Communication 6
Second Year

BBAM-21 Elements of Insurance 8

BBAM-22 Managerial Economics 6
BBAM-23 Marketing Management 6
BBAM-24 Personal Selling & Salesmanship 6
BBAM-25 Product Management 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BBAM-31 Sales & Distribution Management 6

BBAM-32 Advertising & Sales Promotion 6
BBAM-33 Services Marketing 6
BBAM-34 Retail Marketing 8
BBAM-35 Marketing Research 6

BBA Retail Management (164)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BBAR-11 Principles of Management 4
BBAR-12 Managerial Economics 4
BBAR-13 Financial and Management Accounting 6
BBAR-14 Introduction to Retailing 6
Second Year
BBAR-21 Business Mathematics & Statistics 6
BBAR-22 Business Communication 4
BBAR-23 Marketing Management 6
BBAR-24 Human Resource Management 6
BBAR-25 Store Layout, Design and Visual Merchandising 4
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BBAR-31 Merchandise Management & Pricing 6
BBAR-32 Retail Store Operations 6
BBAR-33 Consumer Buying Behaviour 6
BBAR-34 Customer Service and Personal Selling in Retailing 4
BBAR-35 Logistics & Supply Chain Management 6
BBAR-36 Information Technology & E-tailing 4

B.Sc. Mathematics (131)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BMS-11 Elements of Calculus 8
BMS-12 Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry (3d) and Vector Calculus 8
BMS-13 Differential Equations 4
Second Year

BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6

BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BMS-21 Groups and Rings 8
BMS-22 Statistics and Mechanics 6
BMS-23 Classical Algebra and Numerical methods 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6

Course Code Course Title Credits
Third Year

BMS-31 Real and Complex Analysis 8

BMS-32 Linear Algebra and Boolean Algebra 8
BMS-33N Optimization Techniques 8
BMS-34 Programming in C and C++ 4
BMS-35 Graph Theory 4

B.Sc. Mathematics with Computer Applications (132)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BMC-11 Elements of Calculus 8
BMC-12 Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry (3d) and Vector Calculus 8
BMC-13 Computer Fundamentals and PC Software 4
BMC-P1 Lab-1: Computer Fundamentals and PC Software 4
Second Year
BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6
BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BMC-21 Groups and Rings 8
BMC-22 Classical Algebra and Numerical methods 6
BMC-23 Programming in C and C++ 6
BMC-P2 Lab-2: C and C++ 4
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BMC-31 Real and Complex Analysis 8

BMC-32 Linear Algebra and Boolean Algebra 8
BMC-33 Linear Programming and Operations Research 8
BMC-34 Graph Theory 4
BMC-35 Introduction to Internet Programming(Java) 4
BMC-P3 Lab-3: Internet Programming (Java) 4

B.Sc. Psychology (133)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BSY-11 Basic Psychology -I 8
BSY-12 Developmental Psychology 6
BSYAL-11N Biological Psychology 6
Second Year

BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6

BFEG-21 Foundation in English 6
BSY-21 Basic Psychology - II 8
BSY-22 Experimental Psychology - I ** 6
BSYAL-21 Guidance and Counselling Psychology 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BSY-31 Abnormal Psychology 8

BSY-32 Social Psychology 6
BSY-33 Human Resource Development 6
BSY-34N Educational Psychology 6
BSY-35 Experimental Psychology - II ** 6

**BSY - 22 & BSY - 35- Experimental Psychology I & II ( Practical)

Candidates who have attended all the sessions of the first year practical counselling classes only will be
permitted to appear for the practical examination conducted by Tamil Nadu Open University. Students have to
produce the attendance certificate (issued by the counsellors at the venue of practical counselling classes) in
the prescribed format to get admitted for the practical examination (BSY- 22 & BSY- 35) and will be admitted
in the centre where they had attended practical classes. The students have to compulsorily attend the
practical counselling sessions in the (alloted) respective batch only. Practical classes and examination will be
conducted only at the certain designated centres selected by Tamilnadu Open University. If failed to attend
along with the respective batch, the candidates have to pay an amount of Rs.300/- to attend the counselling
classes alone in the subsequent batches.Practical Counselling Classes and Practical Examinations will
be conducted only at certain designated centres selected by the TNOU based on the students
Mark Components for BSY - 22 & 35 Experimental Phychology I & II(Practical)

Components Marks
Internal Marks 25
External Marks 75
Total 100

B.Sc. Geography (134)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BGE-11 Physical Geography 6
BGE-12N World Regional Geography 6
BGEAL-11 Statistics 8
Second Year

BFTM-21 Tamil [Or] Any one of the other Languages 6

BFEG-21 Foundation in Eglish 6
BGE-21 Geography of Resources 6
BGE-22N Geography of Tourism 6
BGEAL-21 Bio - Geography 8
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year

BGE-31 Geography of India 6

BGE-32 Fundamentals of Cartography 6
BGE-33 Disaster Management 6
BGE-34 Spatial Information Technologies 8
BGE-35 Practical - Computer assisted diagrams and Maps** 6

**Practical : BGE - 35 (III Year)

Candidates who have attended all the sessions of the Practical Counselling Classes only will be
permitted to appear for the Practical Examination conducted by Taminadu Open University. Students have to
produce the attendance certificate issued by the Counsellors at the venue of Practical Couselling Classes in
the prescribed format to get admitted for the Practical Exanmination (BGE - 35). Therefore attendance is
compulsory for practical Counselling Classes. Only the students of the concerned / current batch will be
intimated by Tamilnadu Open University and no intimation will be sent to the arrear candidates, for which they
have to refer the TNOU website only. TNOU will not be responsible for any postal delay or error (non-
delivery). So the students are advised to see the TNOU wesite constantly. If failed to attend along with the
respective batch, the candidates have to pay an amount of Rs.300/- to attend the counselling classes alone in
the subsequent batches.Practical Counselling Classes and Practical Examinations will be conducted
only at certain designated centres selected by the TNOU based on the students strength.
Mark Components for BGE III Year - Practical
Components Marks
Internal Marks (Record Work) 25
External Marks (Examination) - Answer all the
questions (compulsory) (5x15) 75
Total 100

B.Sc. Computer Science (146)
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year

BFTM-11 Tamil [or] any one of the other language - Refer Page No. 5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BCM-01 Mathematics 4
BSCS-04 Introduction to Computer Organisation 4
BSCS-05 C Programming and Data Structure 4
BSCS-06 Visual Basic Proramming 4
BSCS-P1 Lab 1: VB Programming 4
Second Year

BSCS-07 Applied Operaions Research 6

BSCS-08 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 6
BSCS-09 Object Oriented Programming with C++ 4
BSCS-10 Introduction to Database Management Systems 4
BSCS-11 Accounting and Financial Management 4
BSCS-12 Management Information Systems 4
BSCS-13 Principles of Management 4
BSCS-14 Managing Information Technology 4
CCE Environmental Studies 4
BSCS-P2 Lab 2: C++ Programming & RDBMS 4
Third Year

BSCS-15 Data Communications and Networking 4

BSCS-16 Introduction to Operating Systems 4
BSCS-17 Java Programming 4
BSCS-18 HTML & Web Design 4
BSCS-19 Introduction to Software Engineering 4
BSCS-20 Network Security 4
BSCS-21 Software Testing 4
BSCS-22 Compiler Design 4
BSCS-23 TCP/IP Programming 4
BSCS-24 Intranet Administration 4
BSCS-P3 Lab 3: Java Programming 4
BSCS-P4 Project Work 4

* Choose any one Elective Course from list of Elective I

** Choose any one Elective Course from list of Elective II

Bachelor of Computer Applications (171)

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year
BCA-01 Computer Fundamentals & PC Software 6
BCA-02 C Programming and Data Structure 6
BCA-03 Introduction to System Software 4
BCA-04 Introduction to Computer Organization 4
BCA-05 Elements of System Analysis and Design 6
BCA-06 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems 6
BCA-P1 Lab - 1: Covering Computer Fundamentals and PC Software
and C and Data Structure 4
Second Year
BCA-07 Windows Programming 6
BCA-08 Multimedia 6
BCA-09 Relational Data Base Management System 4
BCA-10 Computer Network 6
BCA-11 Introduction to Software Engineering 4
BCA-12 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods 6
BCA-P2 Lab - 2: Coverig Windows Programming and Software Engineering 4
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BCA-13 TCP / IP Programming 6
BCA-14 C ++ and Object Oriented Programming 6
BCA-15 Theory of Computer Science 6
BCA-16 Introduction to Internet Programming 4
BCA-17 Intranet Administration 4
BCA-18 Management Principles and Technique 6
BCA-P3 Lab - 3: C++, Internet Programming, Java / Activex 4
Bachelor of Computer Applications for Diploma Students of Polytechnic College
(Simultaneous Registration - SE)
Current Year students registered under lateral entry scheme for Diploma in Information Technology
Diploma in Computer Engineering in Recognised Polytechnic Colleges only are eligible to apply for
simultaneous registration. These students will have to study the following Courses as given below.

BCA Simultaneous Registration (SE) (174)

Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BCA - 06 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems 6
Second Year
BCA-09 Relational Data Base Management System 4
BCA-10 Computer Network 6
BCA-11 Introduction to Software Engineering 4
BCA-12 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods 6
BCA-P2 Lab - 2: Coverig Windows Programming and Software Engineering 4
CCE Environmental Studies 6
Third Year
BCA-13 TCP / IP Programming 6
BCA-15 Theory of Computer Science 6
BCA-17 Intranet Administration 4
BCA-18 Management Principles and Technique 6
BCA-P3 Lab - 3: C++, Internet Programming, Java / Activex 4

Bachelor of Computer Applications (Lateral Entry - LE) (172)
Three year Diploma Holders from recognised Polytechnic Colleges are eligible for admission in the
second year of the BCA programme under Lateral Entry System
B.Sc. Visual Communication (139)*
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BFTM-11 Tamil [Or] Any other Language - Refer Page No.5 6
BFEG-11 Foundation in English 6
BVC-01 Introduction to Communication 8
BVC-02 Visual Design To complete each Course, the 8
BVC-03 Lab: Drawing 4
learner is required to secure a
BVC-04 Lab: Visual Design 4
Second Year minimum of 45% (34 marks out
BVC-05 Basic Photography of 75) in Term-End Examination 8
BVC-06 Advertising and Public Relations and overall 50% in both Term- 8
BVC-07 Media, Society and Culture E n d Examination and 6
CCE Environmental Studies Contineous Assessment taken 6
BVC-08 Lab: Photography together. 4
BVC-09 Lab: Advertising 4
Third Year
BVC-10 Script Writing 6
BVC-11 Television Production 6
BVC-12 Film-Making and Film Appreciation 6
BVC-13 Multimedia 6
BVC-14 Lab: Multimedia 4
BVC-15 Lab: Television Production 4
BVC-16 Internship 4
This Programme will be conducted only through Programme Study Centres given in Annexure 7.7
B.Sc. Multimedia (140)*
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BMA-01 Illustration 4
BMA-02 Designing-Visual & Graphics Designing, Layout Designing 4
BMA-03 Anatomy Drawing 2
BMA-04 Audio & Video Editing 4
BMA-05 2D Animation and Basic Scripting 4
BMA-06 E-Publishing 2
BMA-P1 Practical I 6
BMA-P2 Practical II 6
Second Year
BMA-07 Web Designing 2
BMA-08 Enterpreneurship Development I & II 4
BMA-09 3D Animation-Motion graphics, Modelling, Camera, Texture, Lighting
and Rendering 4
BMA-10 Visual Effects To complete each Course, the 2
CCE Environmental Studies learner is required to secure a 6
BMA-P3 Practical III minimum of 45% (34 marks out 6
BMA-P4 Practical IV 6
Third Year
of 75) in Term-End Examination
BMA-11 Character Animation and overall 50% in both Term- 6
BMA-12 Paint Effects & Dynamics E n d Examination and 6
BMA-13 Realistic feature & Riggoing Continuous Assessment taken 6
BMA-P5 Practical V together. 6
BMA-P6 Project 8
This Programme will be conducted only through Programme Study Centres given in Annexure 7.7

B.Sc. Appareal and Fashion Design (135)*

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BFTM - 11 Tamil or Any one of the Language 6

BFEG - 11 Foundation in English 6
BSAD - 01 Textile Science 4
BSAD - 02 Fundamentals of Apparel Designing 4
BSAD - 03 Basic Pattern Making and Grading 4
BSAD - P1 * Practical - 1: Fashion illustration 6
BSAD - P2 * Practical - 2: Fundamentals of Apparel Designing 6

Second Year

BSAD - 04 Embroidery and Surface Ornamentation 4

BSAD - 05 Sewing Technology 4
BSAD - 06 Fashion Designing 4
BSAD - 07 Textile Processing 6
CCE - Environmental Studies 6
BSAD - P3 * Practical - 3: Designing and Manufacturing of Apparel 8
BSAD - P4 * Practical - 4: Textile Processing 6

Third Year

BSAD - 08 Apparel Standard Specification and Quality Control 8

BSAD - 09 Apparel Marketing and Merchandising Management 6
BSAD - 10 Clothing Care 6
BSAD - 11 Computer Application in Apparel Industry 6
BSAD - 12 * Practical - 5: Computer Aided Garment Design 6
BSAD - 13 Project Work 6

*Practical BSAD
Attendance is compusory for practical classes. Only those candidates who have attended all the sessions of
the Practical Classes will be permitted to appear for the Practical Examination conducted by theTamil Nadu
Open University (TNOU). Students have to produce the attendance certificate issued by the Counsellors at
the venue of Practical Classes in the prescribed format to get admitted for the Practical Examination. Only
the Students of the current batch will be intimated by Tamil Nadu Open University and no intimation will be
sent to arrear candidates. for which they have to refer the TNOU website only. TNOU will not be responsible
for any postal delay. Students who have arrears are advised to consult the TNOU website constantly. In
case of failure to attend the practical exam along with the current batch of students, the candidates who
have arrears will have to pay an amount of Rs. 300/- for each paper to attend the practical classes alone in
the subsequent batches. Practical Classes and Practical Examinations will be conducted only at
certain designed centres selected by the TNOU based on student strength.

B.Sc. Appareal and Fashion Design - Lateral Entry (145)

Course Code Course Title Credits

Second Year

BSAD - 04 Embroidery and Surface Ornamentation 4

BSAD - 05 Sewing Technology 4
BSAD - 06 Fashion Designing 4
BSAD - 07 Textile Processing 6
BSAD - P3 * Practical - 3: Designing and Manufacturing of Apparel 8
BSAD - P4 * Practical - 4: Textile Processing 6
CCE Environmental Studies 6

Third Year

BSAD - 08 Apparel Standard Specification and Quality Control 8

BSAD - 09 Apparel Marketing and Merchandising Management 6
BSAD - 10 Clothing Care 6
BSAD - 11 Computer Application in Apparel Industry 6
BSAD - 12 * Practical - 5: Computer Aided Garment Design 6
BSAD - 13 Project Work 6

* Practical BSAD: Refer page No. 85 for Practical Instructions

2.5 Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma In Tamil Research Methodology (601)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDTR -01 Ma;T newpKiwfs; 8
PGDTR -02 jkpo; Muha;r;rpapd; tuyhWk; tsh;r;rpAk; 8
PGDTR -03 jpwdha;T mZFKiwfs; 8
PGDTR -04 jpl;l Ma;NtL 8

Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Applications (671)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDCA-01 Computer Fundamentals 4
PGDCA-02 Data Structures through C 4
PGDCA-03 Elements of System Analysis and Design 4
PGDCA-04 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems 4
PGDCA-05 Introduction to Computer Organisation 4
PGDCA-06 Introduction to Software Engineering 4
PGDCA-07 C ++ and Object Oriented Programming 4
PGDCA-08 Theory of Computer Science 4
PGDCA-P1 Lab-1: Covering Data Structures through C 4
PGDCA-P2 Lab-2: Covering C++ and Object Oriented Programming 4
Post Graduate Diploma In Information Technology Management (603)
Course Code Course Title Credits
MSP-10 Management Functions & Behaviour 6
MSP-14 Management Information Systems 6
MSP-80 Managing Information Technology 4
MSP-81 Information Systems Development 4
MSP-82 Relational Database Management System 6
MSP-83 E-Commerce 4
MSP-84 Internet Marketing 4
Post Graduate Diploma In Spoken English (604)
Course Code Course Title Credits
PGDSE-01 Basics of Language 8
PGDSE-02 Introduction to Linguistics 8
PGDSE-03 Phonetic Transcription and Spoken English 8

Post Graduate Diploma In Psychological Counselling (605)

Course Code Course Title Credits

MCP-11 Fundamentals of Psychology 6
MCP-12 Developmental Psychology 6
MCP-13 Psychopathology & Mental Health 6
MCP-14 Counselling and Health Psychology 6
MCP-15 Counselling Techniques and Assessments 8*
*(Includes Case Reports in the special areas)
Exam for Bridge course is compulsory for Non-Psychology Students

#The attendance for all counselling classes, both theory and practicals, are compulsory. The candidates must
attend all the theory and practical (internship) classes. Based on the attendance only the students will be
permitted to appear for the examinations. Practical classes and Examinations will be conducted only at
certain designated centres selected by the TNOU, based on the student strength.

Post Graduate Diploma In Software Quality Management (672)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDSM-01 Fundamentals of Information Technology 4

PGDSM-02 Data Structures Through C 4
PGDSM-03 Introduction to Database Management Systems 4
PGDSM-04 Introduction to Software Engineering 4
PGDSM-05 Software Testing 4
PGDSM-06 Software Quality Management 6
PGDSM-P1 Lab 1 : Software Development 6
PGDSM-P2 Lab 2: Software Testing 6

Post Graduate Diploma In Information Security (673)

Course Code Course Title Credits
PGDIS-01 Fundamentals of Information Technology 4
PGDIS-02 C# and .NET 4
PGDIS-03 Data Communications and Networking 4
PGDIS-04 Introduction to Information Security 6
PGDIS-05 Network Security 6
PGDIS-06 Cyber Law and Cyber Security 6
PGDIS-P1 Lab1: C# and .Net 4
PGDIS-P2 Lab2: Network Security 4

Post Graduate Diploma In Mathematics (613)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDMAT-11 Algebra 8
PGDMAT-12 Real Analysis 8
PGDMAT-13 Topology and Functional Analysis 8
Post Graduate Diploma In Applied Mathematics (614)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDAM-11 Operations Research 8
PGDAM-12 Graph Theory and Alorithms 8
PGDAM-13 Mathematical Statistics 8
Post Graduate Diploma In Export Marketting (615) *

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDEM-10 Basics of Export Policy and Markets 6
PGDEM-11 Service Exports 6
PGDEM-12 Export Support and Promotion Agencies 6
PGDEM-13 Export Pricing 6
PGDEM-14 Export Documentation 6
PGDEM-15 Export Procedure and Processing 6
PGDEM-16 Project Work 8

This Programme will be conducted only through Programme Study Centres given in Annexure 7.7

Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (616)**

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDGC-11 Developmental Psychology 6

PGDGC-12 Personality and Mental Health 6
DGC-13 Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling 6
DGC-14 Counselling Techniques and Ethics 6
PGDGC-15 Testing and Assessment for Counselling 6\
** (One week compulsory contact programme to be attended by student in the respective batches)
Post Graduate Diploma in Gerontology (617)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDGY-01 Introduction to Aging 6
PGDGY-02 Physiological and Psychological Problems of Elderly 6
PGDGY-03 Policies and Programmes for the aged 6
PGDGY-04 Old Age Care 6
PGDGY-05 Research and Development in Gerontology 6

Post Graduate Diploma in Child Rights and Child Protection (618)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDCPR-01 Introduction to Child Rights and Child Protection 6

PGDCPR-02 Indian Child Rights 6
PGDCPR-03 International Conventions on Child Rights 6
PGDCPR-04 Child Welfare and Protection 6
PGDCPR-05 Methods and Techniques of Intervention 6
Post Graduate Diploma in Social Welfare Administration (619)

Course Code Course Title Credits

PGDSWA-01 Introduction to Social Welfare Administration 6

PGDSWA-02 Establishment and Administration 6
PGDSWA-03 Co-ordinating Agencies at National and International Level 6
PGDSWA-04 Role of NGOs in Social Welfare 6
PGDSWA-05 Programme Implementation 6

2.6 Diploma Programmes
Diploma In Media Art (501)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DMA -01 kf;fs; jfty; njhlh;G mwpKfk; 6

(Introduction to Mass Communication)
DMA -02 ,jopay; (Journalism) 6
DMA -03 thndhyp> njhiyf;fhl;rpf; fiy (Radio, TV Art) 6
DMA -04 jpiug;glf; fiy (Film Art) 6
DMA -05 nkhopj;jpwd;: Clfq;fSf;F vOJjy;
(Language Skills: writing for Media) 6

Diploma in Management (502)

Course Code Course Title Credits

MSP-10 Management Functions & Behaviour 6

MSP-11 Managerial Economics 6
MSP-14 Management Information Systems 4
MSP-15 Marketing Management 4
MSP-16 Financial Management 6
MSP-17 Human Resource Management 4

Diploma in Databases (571)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DDB -01 Fundamentals of Information Technology 4

DDB -02 Introduction to Database Management Systems 4
DDB -03 Oracle 4
DDB -04 Web Databases 4
DDB -05 Database Administration 6
CNS-1 Communication Skills 8
DDB -P1 Lab 1: HTML 4
DDB P2 Lab 2: Oracle using SQL 4

Diploma in Retail Management (551)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DRM-01 Introduction to Retailing 6

DRM-02 Store Layout, Design and Visual Merchandising 4
DRM-03 Merchandise Management & Pricing 6
DRM-04 Retail Store Operations 6
DRM-05 Customer Service and Personal Selling in Retailing 4
DRM-06 Information Technology & E-Tailing 4

Diploma in Archaeology and Epigraphy (552)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DIAE-01 Introduction to Indian Archaeology 8

DIAE-02 Indian Epigraphy 8
DIAE-03 Art and Architecture 8
DIAE-04 Numismatics 8
DIAE-05 Professional Competencies in Archaeology (Project) 8

Diploma in Museology and Conservation (553)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DIMAC-01 Introduction to Museology 8

DIMAC-02 Museum Architecture Display Techniques 8
DIMAC-03 Conservation of Museum objects and Field Conservation Techniques 8
DIMAC-04 Professional Competencies in Museology and Conservation (Project) 8

Diploma Programme in Food and Beverage Service (504)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DFS-01 Food Service 6

DFS-02 Beverage Service 6
DFS-03 Restaurant Hygiene and Work Safety 6
DFS-044 Food Service Practicals 6
DFS-054 Beverage Service Practicals 4
DFS-065 Communication Practicals 4

Diploma in Yoga for Human Excellence (565)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DYHE-01 Yoga for Empowerment 8

DYHE-02 Prosperity of Mind 8
DYHE-03 Human Excellence 8
HYHE-P4 Yoga Practices 8

Diploma in Film Acting (561)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DFA - 01 Introduction of Drama, Film and Television Media 6

DFA - 02 Universal Theory of Acting Methods 6
DFA - 03 Film Medium 6
DFA - P1 Practical - 1: Actor Preparation - Voice - Body - Mind 4
DFA - P2 Practical - 2: Acting Development Trainings 4
DFA - P3 Practical - 3: Film Acting Training 4

Diploma in Television Acting (562)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DTA - 01 Introduction of Drama, Film and Television Media 6

DTA - 02 Universal Theory of Acting Methods 6
DTA - 03 Study of Television Programmes 6
DTA - P1 Practical - 1: Actor Preparation - Voice - Body - Mind 4
DTA - P2 Practical - 2: Acting Development Trainings 4
DTA - P3 Practical - 3: Acting for Television 4

Diploma in Drama and Theatre Acting (563)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DDTA - 01 Introduction of Drama, Film and Television Media 6

DDTA - 02 Universal Theory of Acting Methods 6

DDTA - 03 Styles of World Drama and Theatre 6

DDTA - P1 Practical - 1: Actor Preparation - Voice - Body - Mind 4

DDTA - P2 Practical - 2: Acting Development Trainings 4

DDTA - P3 Practical - 3: Acting for Stage 4

Diploma in Data Sciences and Big Data Analytics (564)

Course Code Course Title Credits

DDS - 01 Data Collection and DBMS 4

DDS - 02 Data Mining Techniques 4
DDS - 03 Big Data Analytics 4
DDS - 04 Programming with Python 4
DDS - 05 Statistical Analysis with R 6
CNS - 01 Communication Skills 8
DDS - P1 Lab1: R Tools 4
DDS - P2 Lab2: Python 4

2.7 Certificate Programmes
Certificate Programme in NGO Management (710)
This Programme is offered by Tamil Nadu Open University in collaboration with UNAIDS (Joint United Nations
Programme on HIV/ AIDS. This is a 16 Credit Programme which comprises of four Courses, namely:
Course Code Course Title Credits
CNM-1 Introduction to NGO Management
(muRrhuh mikg;Gfspd; Nkyhz;ik - mwpKfk;) 4
CNM-2 Management Functions (Nkyhz;ik gzpfs;) 4
CNM-3 Health Care Management (Rfhjhu ghJfhg;G Nkyhz;ik) 4
CNM-4 Contact Programme in identified NGOs
(mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l muRrhuh mikg;Gfspy; fl;lha gapw;rp) 4
7 days, (56 hours)
Certificate in Community Radio Technology (712)*
Course Code Course Title Credits
CCRT-01 Understanding Community Radio 6
CCRT-02 Community Radio Production: System & Technology 8
CCRT-03 Community Radio Transmission: System & Technology 8
CCRT-04 Technical Internship 6

This Programme will be conducted only through Programme Study Centres given in Annexure 7.7

Certificate in Yoga for Human Excellence (741)

Course Code Course Title Credits
CYHE - 1 Yoga for Empowerment 4
CYHE - 2 Prosperity of Mind 4
CYHE - P Yoga Practices 8
2.8 Catering and Hotel Administration Programmes
(These Programmes are offered only in Academic Year Cycle)
B Sc degree programme in Catering and hotel administration - off campus mode
Course Code Course Title Credits
First Year
BHA-101 Basic Culinary Arts 4
BHA-102 Basic Food & Beverage Service 4
BHA-103 Basic Accommodation Operation 4
BHA-104 Basic Front Office Operation 4
BHA-105 Basic Financial Accounting & Costing 4
BHA-106 Food Science & Nutrition 4
BHA-107 Basics of Computers 2
BHA-108 Language Practical (English, French) 2
BHA-109 Hospitality Engineering 1
BHA-110 Foundation Course in Tourism-I 4
BHA-111 Foundation Course in Tourism-II 4
BHA-112 Basic Culinary Arts Practicals 2
BHA-113 Basic Food & Beverage Service Practicals 2
BHA-114 Basic Accomodation Operation Practicals 1
BHA-115 Basic Front Office Operation Practicals 1
BHA-116 Basics of Computers Practicals 1

Course Code Course Title Credits
Second Year
BHA-201 Quantity Food Production 4
BHA-202 Beverage Service 4
BHA-203 Advanced Accommodation Operation 4
BHA-204 Front Office Operation 4
BHA-205 Accountancy 4
BHA-206 Principles of Management 4
BHA-207 Computers Applications 4
BHA-208 Language Practical (Hotel French) 1
BHA-209 Industrial Training 4
BHA-210 Management in Tourism 4
BHA-211 Food Safety and Quality 3
BHA-212 Quantity Food Production Practicals 2
BHA-213 Beverage Service Practicals 1
BHA-214 Advanced Accommodation Operation Practicals 1
BHA-215 Front Office Operation Practicals 1
BHA-216 Computers Applications Practical
Note:Industrial Training for 22 weeks at a stretch is compulsory. They have to obtain the minimal prescribed
percentage of attendance in the Theory classes conducted in the institute.

Third Year
BHA-301 Advanced Culinary Arts 4
BHA-302 Advanced Food and Beverage Service & Controls 4
BHA-303 Accommodation Management 4
BHA-304 Front Office Management 4
BHA-305 Human Resource Management 4
BHA-306 Management Information System 2
BHA-307 Hotel Law 2
BHA-308 Travel and Tourism 4
BHA-309 Electives : BAR MANAGEMENT (or) 4
BHA-310 Project Work** 4
BHA-311 Financial Management 4
BHA-312 Strategic Management 4
BHA-313 Advanced Culinary Arts Practicals 2
BHA-314 Advanced Food and Beverage Service & Controls Practicals 1
BHA-315 Management Information System Practicals 1

**PROJECT WORK - Project Report - 25 Marks, Actual Execution of the Project - 60 Marks and Viva-
Voce - 15 Marks. Total - 100 Marks

B Sc Degree programme in catering and hotel administration - dual mode
For students undergoing three- year diploma

Course Code Course Title Credits

First Year

BHA-110 Foundation Course in Tourism-I 4

BHA-111 Foundation Course in Tourism-II 4
Second Year

BHA-210 Management in Tourism 4

BHA-211 Food Safety and Quality 3
Third Year

BHA-311 Financial Management 4

BHA-312 Strategic Management 4

B.Sc. Degree Programme In Catering And Hotel Administration For Ex- Diploma Holders

Course Code Course Title Credits

BHA-110 Foundation Course in Tourism-I 4
BHA-111 Foundation Course in Tourism-II 4
BHA-210 Management in Tourism 4
BHA-211 Food Safety and Quality 3
BHA-311 Financial Management 4
BHA-312 Strategic Management 4

Diploma programme in food production

Course Code Course Title Credits

DFP-01 Food Production 6
DFP-02 Larder 6
DFP-03 Hygiene and Food Science 6
DFP-04 Cookery Practicals 6
DFP-05 Larder Practicals 4
DFP-06 Communication Practicals 4

Diploma programme in bakery and confectionary

Course Code Course Title Credits

DBC-01 Bakery 6
DBC-02 Confectionary 6
DBC-03 Bakery Hygiene and Work Safety 6
DBC-04 Bakery Practicals 6
DBC-05 Confectionary Practicals 4
DBC-06 Communication Practicals 4

I. Programmes Offered through Community Colleges

1. Preparatory Programmes

The University offers the following Preparatory Programmes through its Community

Prog. Duration
S.No. Eligibility Fee Medium
Name Code Min Max

Preparatory Persons who can

1 Programme for 904 speak read & write 500+300 6 Months 2 Years
Elementary (PPE) English & Tamil

10th Fail / PPE of English/
2 Programme for 901 500+300 6 Months 2 Years Tamil
Secondary (PPS)

Preparatory 12th fail / TNOU

Programme for Vocational Diploma English/
3 902 1000+300 1 Year 2 Years Tamil
Higher for which 10th pass is
Secondary (PPH) eligible

1.1 Preparatory Programme for Elementary (PPE)

The Objective of the PPE Programme is to provide a chance to the school drop-outs in
Tamil Nadu to obtain Vocational Education.

Course Course Marks Distribution

S.No Credits
Code Title Internal External Total
Basic Skills and Basic 8 25 75 100
1 PPE-1
2 PPE-2 Science and Social Sciences 8 25 75 100
Total 16 50 150 200

Students can enroll for the PPE programme at any time in TNOU under Walk-in-Admission. On
admission, study materials will be supplied to them on the spot. There will be Intensive
Counselling Sessions for the PPE students. Examinations will be conducted during the first week
of June/December, every year and students can register for examination under On Demand
examination by last week of May/November, every year.

1.2 Preparatory Programme for Secondary (PPS)
The Objective of the Programme is to provide the basic knowledge about English, Tamil,
Mathematics, Science and Social Science for the following categories:
i) Those who have passed the PPE from TNOU, and
ii) Those who failed in the 10th Standard, conducted by the State Board for Secondary Education,
can join a one year Vocational Diploma Programme conducted at the Community Colleges.
Students who failed in the 10 Standard / passed PPE from TNOU have to do the PPS
concurrently along with the Vocational Diploma Programme for which a pass in the 10
standard is the minimum qualification. The details are as follows:

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Code Credits
Title Internal External Total
1 PPS-1 Tamil and English 8 25 75 100
Mathematics, Basic Science 8 25 75 100
2 PPS-2
and Social Science
Total 16 50 150 200

1.3 Preparatory Programme for Higher Secondary (PPH)

The objective of the Programme is to provide the concepts about English, Tamil, Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Computer Science, Accountancy, Commerce,
Economics and History to Vocational Diploma holders at the higher secondary level. Students
who failed in the 12th Standard have to do the PPH concurrently along with TNOU Vocational
Diploma Programme for which a pass in the 12 Standard is the minimum qualification. The
details are as follows:

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 PPH-1 Tamil 8 25 75 100
2 PPH-2 English 8 25 75 100
Mathematics, Physics and 8 25 75 100
3 PPH-11
4 PPH-12 Botany and Zoology 8 25 75 100
Computer Science and 8 25 75 100
5 PPH-21
Commerce, Economics and 8 25 75 100
6 PPH-22
Total 32 100 300 400

Optional Subjects - Student may choose either Group-1 or Group-2.

2. Vocational Diploma Programmes (Offered through Community Colleges)

Sl. Prog. Fee
Programme Name Eligibility Years Medium
No. Code (Rs.)
Min Max
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
1 Agricultural Marketing 801 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
and Management concurrently
Vocational Diploma in
10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
Bio Fertilizer and Bio English/
2 802 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Control Agents Tamil
Production Technology
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
3 Commercial Cultivation 803 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
of Flowers concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
4 Integrated Farming 804 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Systems concurrently
10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
5 805 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Mushroom Production Tamil
10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
6 806 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Nursery Techniques Tamil
10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
7 807 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Organic Farming Tamil
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
8 Kitchen and Terrace 808 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Garden Management concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
Medicinal and Aromatic PPE Pass with TNOU PPS English/
9 809 3,800/- 1 4
Plants Production concurrently Tamil
Vocational Diploma in
Seed Production of 10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
10 Agricultural Crops and 810 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Supply Chain concurrently
10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
11 811 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Welding Technology Tamil
10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
12 812 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Industrial Fitter Tamil
12th Pass or Equivalent/ 12th
Vocational Diploma in
13 813 Fail with TNOU PPH 6,800/- 1 4 English
Design Thinking
14 Vocational Diploma in 814 10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU +
Beautician PPE Pass with TNOU PPS Con- English/
1 4
concurrently sumables Tamil

Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
15 Fashion Design and 815 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Garments Making concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
16 Refrigeration and Air- 816 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Conditioning Technician concurrently

17 Vocational Diploma in 817 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU 3,800/- 1 4 English/
Automotive Service PPE Pass with TNOU PPS Tamil
Technician concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10 th Fail or TNOU English/
18 818 3,800/- 1 4
Plumbing PPE Pass with TNOU PPS Tamil
Vocational Diploma in 12th Pass or Equivalent/ 12 th
19 Fashion Boutique 819 Fail with TNOU PPH 6,800/- 1 4
Designer concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass or TNOU PPE Pass English/
20 820 3,800/- 1 4
DTP Operator with TNOU PPS concurrently Tamil

Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass or TNOU PPE Pass English/

21 821 3,800/- 1 4
Computer Applications with TNOU PPS concurrently Tamil
Vocational Diploma in 12th Pass or Equivalent/ 12th
22 Computer Hardware 822 Fail with TNOU 3,800/- 1 4 English
Servicing PPH concurrently
10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in
23 823 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 6,800/- 1 4 English/
General Duty Assistant
concurrently Tamil
10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
24 824 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/- 1 4
Multi-Cuisine Cook Tamil
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
Mechanic (Electrical/ PPE Pass with TNOU PPS English/
25 825 3,800/ 1 4
Electronics/ concurrently Tamil
10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU PPE
Vocational Diploma in TV English/
26 826 Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/ 1 4
Repair Technician concurrently Tamil

Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU

27 Smart Phones Repair 827 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 3,800/ 1 4
Technician concurrently
10th Pass/ 10th Fail or TNOU
Vocational Diploma in English/
28 828 PPE Pass with TNOU PPS 8,300/- 1 4
Acupressure Therapist Tamil
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass or TNOU PPE Pass English
29 829 6,800/- 1 4
Animation with TNOU PPS concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 10th Pass or TNOU PPE Pass English
30 830 6,800/- 1 4
Multimedia Systems with TNOU PPS concurrently
Vocational Diploma in 12th Pass or Equivalent/ 12 th 6,800/- 1 4 English/
31 Early Childhood Care and 831 Fail with TNOU PPH Tamil
Education (Kindergarten) concurrently

Programme Structure

2.1 Vocational Diploma in Agricultural Marketing and Management (VDAM)

Sl. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
No. Code Internal External Total
1 VDAM -1 Nature and Scope of Agricultural Marketing 4 25 75 100
2 VDAM - 2 Marketing Efficiencies and Institutions 6 25 75 100
3 VDAM - 3 Agricultural Prices and Risk Analysis 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDAM - P1 Practical-1: Marketing Efficiencies 8 25 75 100
7 VDAM - P2 Practical-2: Risk Analysis 8 25 75 100

Total 44 175 525 700

2.2 Vocational Diploma in Bio Fertilizer and Bio Control Agents Production
Technology (VDBB)

Sl. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
No. Code Internal External Total
1 VDBB -1 Production of Bio Fertilizer 6 25 75 100
2 VDBB - 2 Production of Bio Control Agents 6 25 75 100
3 VDBB - 3 Quality Assurance and Formulation 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDBB - P1 Practical-1 : Production of Bio Fertilizer 8 25 75 100
7 VDBB- P2 Practical-2 : Production of Bio Fertilizer 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.3 Vocational Diploma in Commercial Cultivation of Flowers (VDCC)

Sl. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
No. Code Internal External Total
1 VDCC -1 Scope and Importance of Flower Crops 6 25 75 100
2 VDCC - 2 Cultivation Technologies 6 25 75 100
3 VDCC - 3 Value Addition and Marketing 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDCC - P1 Practical-1 : Cultivation Technologies 8 25 75 100
7 VDCC - P2 Practical-2 : Value Addition 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.4 Vocational Diploma in Integrated Farming Systems (VDIF)

Sl. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
No Code Internal External Total
Scope and Advantages of Integrated Farming
1 VDIF -1 4 25 75 100
2 VDIF - 2 Concept of Integrated Farming Systems 6 25 75 100
Marketing Strategies of Integrated Farming
3 VDIF - 3 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDIF - P1 Practical-1 : Concept of Integrated Farming
8 25 75 100
7 VDIF - P2 Practical-2: Industrial/Farm Visit 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.5 Vocational Diploma in Mushroom Production (VDMP)

Sl. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
No Code Internal External Total

1 VDMP -1 Importance and Types of Mushroom 4 25 75 100

2 VDMP - 2 Production Technology of Oyster Mushroom 6 25 75 100

Cultivation Technology of Milky and Button

3 VDMP - 3 6 25 75 100

4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100

5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100

6 VDMP - P1 Practical-1 : Production Technology of

8 25 75 100
Oyster Mushroom

7 VDMP - P2 Practical-2 : Cultivation Technology of Milky

8 25 75 100

Total 44 175 525 700

2.6 Vocational Diploma in Nursery Techniques (VDNT)

Course Marks Distribution

Sl.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total

1 VDNT -1 Infrastructure for Nursery 6 25 75 100

2 VDNT - 2 Propagation Techniques 6 25 75 100

3 VDNT - 3 Marketing Strategies 4 25 75 100

4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100

5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100

6 VDNT - P1 Practical-1 : Infrastructure for Nursery 8 25 75 100

7 VDNT - P2 Practical-2: Propagation Techniques 8 25 75 100

Total 44 175 525 700

2.7 Vocational Diploma in Organic Farming (VDOF)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDOF -1 Principles of Organic Farming 6 25 75 100
2 VDOF - 2 Organic Production 6 25 75 100
3 VDOF - 3 Organic Protection 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDOF - P1 Practical-1: Organic Production 8 25 75 100
7 VDOF - P2 Practical-2 : Organic Protection 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.8 Vocational Diploma in Kitchen and Terrace Garde n Management (VDKT)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
Infrastructure for Kitchen and Terrace
1 VDKT -1 4 25 75 100
2 VDKT - 2 Crop Production Technologies 6 25 75 100
3 VDKT - 3 Plant Protection Technologies 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDKT - P1 Practical-1: Infrastructure for Kitchen and
8 25 75 100
Terrace Garden
7 VDKT - P2 Practical-2: Crop Production and Protection
8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.9 Vocational Diploma in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production Technology

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDMA -1 Importance of Medicinal and Aromatic
6 25 75 100
2 VDMA - 2 Cultivation Technologies 6 25 75 100
3 VDMA - 3 Value Addition and Marketing 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDMA - P1 Practical-1: Cultivation Technologies 8 25 75 100
7 VDMA - P2 Practical-2 : Value Addition 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.10 Vocational Diploma in Seed Production of Agricultural Crops and Supply Chain
Management (VDSC)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDSC -1 Principles of Quality Seed Production 4 25 75 100
2 VDSC - 2 Seed Production Technologies and Testing 6 25 75 100
3 VDSC - 3 Supply Chain Management 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDSC - P1 Practical-1: Seed Production Technologies
8 25 75 100
and Testing
7 VDSC - P2 Practical-2:Field Visit 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.11 Vocational Diploma in Welding Technology (VDWT)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDWT -1 Welding -Technology and Tools 4 25 75 100
2 VDWT - 2 Electric Arc and Gas Welding 6 25 75 100
Resistance welding, Welding Defects and 6 25 75 100
3 VDWT - 3
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDWT - P1 Practical-1 :Electric Arc and Gas Welding 8 25 75 100
7 VDWT - P2 Practical-2: Resistance welding, Welding 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.12 Vocational Diploma in Industrial Fitter (VDFT)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDFT -1 Fitting -Tools and Usage 4 25 75 100
2 VDFT- 2 Jobs of Fitter 6 25 75 100
3 VDFT - 3 Joints and Welds 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDFT - P1 Practical-1 : Tools and Usage 8 25 75 100
7 VDFT - P2 Practical-2: Joints and Welds 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.13 Vocational Diploma in Design Thinking (VDDT)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDDT -1 Basic Design 4 25 75 100
2 VDDT - 2 Introduction to Art and Interior Design 6 25 75 100
3 VDDT - 3 Interior Design Material and Application 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDDT - P1 Practical-1 : Design Drawing and Graphics-I 8 25 75 100
7 VDDT - P2 Practical-2 : Design Drawing and Graphics-II 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.14 Vocational Diploma in Beautician (VDIB)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDIB -1 Skin Care and Personal Grooming 6 25 75 100
2 VDIB - 2 Hair Care and Body Care 6 25 75 100
3 VDIB - 3 Entrepreneurship Development 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDIB - P1 Practical-1:Skin Care and Personal Grooming 8 25 75 100
7 VDIB - P2 Practical-2 : Hair Care and Styling 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.15 Vocational Diploma in Fashion Design and Garments Making (VDFG)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDFG -1 Basic Garment Construction 6 25 75 100

2 VDFG - 2 Pattern Making and Grading 6 25 75 100

3 VDFG - 3 Fashion Designing and Embroidery 4 25 75 100

4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
Practical-1: Pattern Development and
6 VDFG - P1 8 25 75 100
Garment Construction
7 VDFG - P2 Practical-2 : Fashion Designing and
8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.16 Vocational Diploma in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician (VDRA)

Marks Distribution
S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total

1 VDRA -1 Refrigerator 6 25 75 100

2 VDRA - 2 Air Conditioner 6 25 75 100
3 VDRA - 3 Special Cooling Systems 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
Practical-1: Servicing of Refrigerator and 8 25 75 100
6 VDRA - P1
Special Cooling Systems
7 VDRA - P2 Practical-2 : Servicing of Air Conditioner 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.17 Vocational Diploma in Automotive Service Technician (VDAS)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDAS -1 Automotive Engine and Electricals 6 25 75 100
2 VDAS - 2 Automotive Chassis 6 25 75 100
3 VDAS - 3 Automotive Electronics 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDAS - P1 Practical-1: Engine and Electricals 8 25 75 100
7 VDAS - P2 Practical-2 Chassis and Electronics 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.18 Vocational Diploma in Plumbing (VDIP)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDIP -1 Plumbing Tools and Fixtures 4 25 75 100
2 VDIP - 2 Disposal methods and Water supply 6 25 75 100
3 VDIP - 3 Pumps and Special Plumbing 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100

5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100

6 VDIP - P1 Practical-1 : Plumbing Fixtures and 8 25 75 100

Disposal Methods
7 VDIP - P2 Practical-2 : Water supply and Pumps 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.19 Vocational Diploma in Fashion Boutique Designer (VDFB)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No. Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDFB -1 Apparel Designing and Construction 6 25 75 100
2 VDFB - 2 Fashion Illustration and Design concept 6 25 75 100
3 VDFB - 3 Indian Costume and Fabric Studies 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
VDFB - Practical-1: Apparel Designing and
6 8 25 75 100
P1 Construction
VDFB - Practical-2 : Fashion Illustration and Design
7 8 25 75 100
P2 concept
Total 44 175 525 700

2.20 Vocational Diploma in DTP Operator (VDTP)

Course Marks Distribution
S.No. Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDTP 1 Windows & MS Word 4 25 75 100
2 VDTP 2 Page Maker 6 25 75 100
3 VDTP 3 Corel Draw & Photo Shop 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
Practical-1: Windows & MS Word and Page
6 VDTP -P1 8 25 75 100
Maker Lab
7 VDTP-P2 Practical-2: Corel Draw and Photo Shop Lab 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.21 Vocational Diploma in Computer Applications (VDCA)
S.No. Course Marks Distribution
Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDCA-1 Windows and Internet 6 25 75 100
2 VDCA -2 MS Word & MS Excel 8 25 75 100
3 VDCA -3 MS Power Point & MS Access 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 8 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 8 25 75 100
6 VDCA-P1 Practical-1: MS Word and MS Excel Lab 5 25 75 100
Practical-2: MS Power Point and MS Access
7 VDCA-P2 5 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.22 Vocational Diploma in Computer Hardware Servicing (VDHS)

S.No. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDHS-1 Personal Computer Organization / (PCO) 4 25 75 100
2 VDHS -2 Computer Hardware Servicing 6 25 75 100

3 VDHS -3 Trouble Shooting Data Recovery 6 25 75 100

4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDHS-P1 Practical-1: Hardware and Network Lab 8 25 75 100

7 VDHS-P2 Practical-2: Windows 2000 Administration 8 25 75 100

Total 44 175 525 700

2.23 Vocational Diploma in General Duty Assistant (VDGD)

S.No. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total

1 VDGD -1 Fundamentals of Nursing 4 25 75 100

2 VDGD- 2 Maternal and Child Health 6 25 75 100
3 VDGD- 3 Community Health Nursing 6 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 Practical -1:Fundamental of Nursing, 8 25 75 100
Maternal and Child Health
7 VDGD P2 Practical -2: Community Health Nursing 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.24 Vocational Diploma in Multi-Cuisine Cook (VDMC)
S.No. Course Marks Distribution
Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDMC -1 Basic Principle of Food and Kitchen 6 25 75 100
Basics of Food and Production
2 VDMC - 2 6 25 75 100
Food Planning
3 VDMC - 3 Bakery and Confectionary 4 25 75 100
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 Practical-1: Food Production and Regional 8 25 75 100
Indian Foods
7 VDMC -P2 Practical-2: Bakery and Confectionary 8 25 75 100
Total 44 175 525 700

2.25 Vocational Diploma in Mechanic (Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation)

S.No. Course Marks Distribution
Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
Fundamentals of Electricity, Electrical
1 VDHE -1 6 25 75 100
Machines and Measuring Instruments
2 VDHE - 2 Domestic Electrical Appliances 4 25 75 100
Electrical Equipment Installation,
3 VDHE - 3 6 25 75 100
Maintenance and safety
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
Practical-1: Fundamentals of Electricity,
6 VDHE- P1 Electrical Machines and Measuring 8 25 75 100
Practical-2: Electrical Equipment Installation,
7 VDHE -P2 8 25 75 100
Maintenance and Safety
Total 44 175 525 700

2.26 Vocational Diploma in TV Repair Technician (VDHRS)

S.No. Course Marks Distribution
Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDHRS -1 Basic Electrical and Electronics 4 25 75 100
2 VDHRS -2 Electrical Appliance Repair and Servicing 6 25 75 100
3 Electronic Appliance Installation, Repair
VDHRS -3 6 25 75 100
and Servicing
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
Practical-1: Electrical Appliance Repair and
VDHRS P1 8 25 75 100
6 Servicing
Practical-2: Electronic Appliance Repair
7 VDHRS P2 8 25 75 100
and Servicing
Total 44 175 525 700

2.27 Vocational Diploma Smart Phones Repair Technician (VDMPS)
S.No. Course Marks Distribution
Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 Basic Electronics, Mobile Phone and its 6 25 75 100

2 6 25 75 100
VDMPS-2 Servicing of Mobile Phones

3 Soldering and De-Solidering - Software 4 25 75 100

Installation-Downloading Application
4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 Practical-1: Basic Electronics, Mobile 8 25 75 100
Phone and its Technology
Practical-2: Servicing, Soldering and De
7 VDMPS -P2 Soldering- Software Installation- 8 25 75 100
Downloading Application
Total 44 175 525 700

2.28 Vocational Diploma in Acupressure Therapist (VDAT)

Mark Distribution
S.No. Course
Course Title Credit
Code Internal External Total

1 VDAT-1 Fundamentals of Acupressure / Acupuncture 4 25 75 100

2 VDAT-2 Meridians of Acupressure / Acupuncture 6 25 75 100
3 VDAT-3 Human Anatomy and Physiology 6 25 75 100

4 LCS Life-Coping Skills 6 25 75 100

5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
Practical 1 : Fundamentals of
6 VDAT-P1 Acupressure / Acupuncture 8 25 75 100

Practical 2 : Meridians of 8 25 75 100

7 VDAT-P2 Acupressure / Acupuncture

Total 44 175 525 700

2.29 Vocational Diploma in Multimedia Systems (VDMS)

S.No. Course Marks Distribution

Course Title Credits Internal External
Code Total
1 VDMS - 1 Multimedia Systems 4 25 75 100
2 VDMS - 2 Computer Graphics 6 25 75 100
3 VDMS - 3 Digital Image Processing and Web Design 6 25 75 100

4 LCS Life Coping Skills 6 25 75 100
5 CNS Communication Skills 6 25 75 100
6 VDMS - P1 Practical-1: Web Design Lab 8 25 75 100
7 VDMS P2 Practical -2: Computer Graphics Lab 8 25 75 100

Total 44 175 525 700

2.30 Vocational Diploma in Animation (VDA)

S.No. Course Marks Distribution
Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total

1 VDIA - 1 Adobe Photoshop 4 25 75 100

2 VDIA - 2 Macromedia Flash - Advanced Design 6 25 75 100
Video Editing Process and 3D Computer
3 VDIA - 3 Graphics and Modeling 6 25 75 100

4 LCS Life Coping Skills 8 25 75 100

5 CNS Communication Skills 8 25 75 100
6 VDIA - P1 Practical-1: Animation Lab 6 25 75 100
Practical -2: 3D Computer Graphics and
7 VDIA P2 6 25 75 100
Modeling Lab
Total 44 175 525 700

2.31 Vocational Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (Kindergarten)

Course Marks Distribution

S.No Course Title Credits
Code Internal External Total
1 VDECE - 1 Child Development and Psychology 6 25 75 100
2 VDECE - 2 Early Childhood Education 6 25 75 100
3 VDECE - 3 Nutrition, Health, Hygiene and First Aid 4 25 75 100
4 VDECE - 4 Communication skills and Fundamental 4 25 75 100
Computer Knwledge
5 VDECE - 5 Project Work (Practical in a School) * 8 25 75 100
6 LCS Life Coping Skills 8 25 75 100
Total 36 150 450 600

* Practical Session
Kindergarten (UKG) where the learners may be placed for Project (*20-30 Working
Days in a Pre School).The practical activities will help the learners to understand and gain
new insights about children. It also gives the learners the practical experience of working
with children and provides activity to develop creativity and do various creative activities
and prepare learning and teaching materials. This will help the learners to provide hands on
activities for the children and also create a quality learning environment in the class.

Annexure - 7.3
LIST of Learning Resource Centres (LRC)
01 020501 SITECH, 10 020512 Srivari Technology,
Mohammed Sathak College of Arts and Science No: 51/2 Patel Road,Perambur,
A Division of Mohammed Sathak Trust (Opp. Perambur Railway Station)
13, Medavakkam Road, Chennai - 600011. (M) 9841136440 / 9941520361
Sholinganallur, Chennai - 600119. E - mail: velu.srivari@gmail.com
(M) 9444090466/7708551692/9789067805,
E-mail: sitechchennai@gmail.com 11 020513 ILM Study Centre,
No: 37, Kanagaraya Malayappan Street,
02 020503 Bharath Postgraduate College, Mandavelipakkam. Chennai - 600028.
No: 8, Karpagambal Nagar, Mylapore, Ph: 044 - 24956725 (M) 9884707953. Fax:
Chennai - 600004. 42102902. E - mail: ilmstudycentre@yahoo.co.in
Ph: 044 - 66656665
E-mail: admin@bharatpgcollege.com 12 020514 Naveens Information Centre,
No: 85 A, Srinivasa Perumal Kovil Street,
03 020504 Tamil Nadu Study Centre, Next to Janata Theater, Pallavaram, Chennai -
No: 44, Mookathal Street, 600043.
Opp: New Saravana Stores, 044-22643380/9884495834/64
Annai Institute of Engineering, E-mail: naveen_tnou2012@yahoo.co.in
Purasaiwalkam. Chennai - 600007. Fax: 26428997
Ph: 044 - 26650727,26400842, (M) 9444159499
13 020515 Madras Institute of Engineering
Web site: www.tnoutnsc.org
E - mail: ramshankar07@gmail.com and Technology,
No: 385, Arcot Road (Near Flyover),
04 020505 PS Computer Centre, Kodambakkam. Chennai - 600024. Ph:
5/3 Poonamallee Trunk Road, Porur, 044 - 24726965 / 24723406,
Chennai - 600116. Ph: 044 - 24766681, (M) 9444026120 / 9884626120 / 9962586147
(M) 9445156647 / 9282145312. Fax: 044 - 24728064.
E - mail: pscomputer_centre@gmail.com E - mail: tmgraja@live.in

05 020507 Malar Institute, 14 020516 P.P.A. Aacini Trust,

No: 3, First Floor, Ellai muthamman koil IInd St, No 1, Vadivel Muthali Cross St, Venkatapuram,
100 Feet Road, Near Vadapalani Signal, Ambattur. Chennai - 600053.
(Opp) to Sivan temple back side Chennai - 600026. Ph: 044 - 26570305, (M) 9840866818
(M) 9380620202 / 94443332131 E-mail: aacini@gmail.com

06 020508 National Academy for Technology & 15 020517 CSC Computer Education (P) Ltd,
Rural Development, No: 788 T.H. Road (Opp) Theagaraya College,
No: 16A 1st Floor, Sastri Nagar, 100 Feet Road, Old Washermenpet. Chennai - 600021.
(next to Hotel Ambica Empire) Vadapalani. Ph: 044-25974657 (M) 9444516571.
Chennai-600026.Ph: 044 - 23623678 (M) 98410 E-mail:csc_owp@yahoo.com
73711, 72990 66666. E-mail :
16 020518 Bharat Infotech,
No: 1/416, First Floor, Valayapathi Street,
07 020509 Joel Academy for Higher Education,
Balamurugan Complex, No: 666/12A, T.H.Road, Mogappair East,JJ Nagar. Chennai - 600037.
Thiruvottiyur. Chennai - 600019. Ph: 044 - 43327406, (M) 9840083406.
Ph: 044 - 65421668 (M) 9884022898. E-mail: bharatinfotechmogappair@gmail.com
E-mail : dhana_trust@yahoo.co.in
17 020519 Focus Academy Limited,
08 020510 Dhana College for Higher Studies, 3 rd Floor - T.N.S.C.B Shopping Complex,
384 / 1, East Main Road, Anna Nagar West Extn, (J.J. Complex), Thirumangalam,
Chennai - 600101. Ph: 044 - 65421777 / 26155911 / Anna Nagar West, Chennai - 600040.
26155878, (M) 9884228080. Ph: 044 - 26155686, M: 9843665705 / 9677100179
E-mail : dhana_trust@yahoo.co.in E - mail: focusiasacademyltd@gmail.com

09 020511 Student Study Centre, 18 020520 NICT Education,

No: 1 Mount Road, Little Mount, Saidapet. No: 2nd Floor, New No.7/1, Old No.4/1, Triplicane
Chennai - 600015.(M) 9381255566/9381255567 High Road, Triplicane, (Land Mark - Adam Market
E-mail: studentstudycentre@gmail.com. Bus Stop), Chennai - 600 005, Ph: 044-28512157
(M) 8925500516 / 9840052220
E - mail: nictgroups@yahoo.com
19 020521 Santiago Academy 29 020307 National Academy For Technology and Rd
No: 9 Sourastra Nagar 6th Street, Choolaimedu. No. 149, 100 Feet Road, ( Between kasi theatre
Chennai - 600094. Ph: (o) 044 - 24720363, bridge and Hyundai showroom), Ekkaduthangal,
(M) 9884515891 / 9791093763 Chennai - 600 032, Ph: 044-22253123 (M)
E - mail: santiago_academy@rediffmail.com. 7299066666 / 9841073711E-mail:
20 020523 Velacherry Study Centre,
No: 19,SNB Complex, 2nd Floor, (Natesan Super 30 020310 Alagappa Institute of Technology
Market), Velacherry Main Road, Near No. 49, Gangadeeswarar Koil St, Purasaiwalkam
Dhandeeswaram Bus Stop, Velacherry, Chennai 600 084. Ph: 044-42174904
Chennai - 600 042 /45570122/42174204 (M) 9840701222 /
Ph: 044 - 32461100, ( M ) 9443690011. 9941928948 E-mail: info@aiitech.com

21 020524 Nesam Study Centre 31 020329 NICT Computer Education

No: 9, G.A. Road, Old Washermanpet, No. 23, Saraswathi Square, First floor,
Old Washermanpet Chennai - 600021. Perambur High Road, Perambur, Chennai - 600
Ph: 25980044 / (M) 9444361136 / 7708066077 011. Ph: 044-25522156 (M) 8925500516 /
E-mail: pondichelvam1963@gmail.com 984005220 E-mail: nictgroups@gmail.com

22 020526 Informatics Edu - Art Consultancy, 32 020337 Universal Study Centre

No: 10, First Floor, Ayappan koil Street, No. 1,Ranga Colony, Rajakilpakkam
B.V. Puram, Avadi, Chennai - 600054. Chennai - 600 073. Ph: 044-22271120 (M)
Ph: 26376699 / 26376660 (M) 9884088986 9840663819 E-mail: univstudycentre@outlook.com
E-mail: informatics_avadi@yahoo.co.in
23 020527 Chennai Institute for Higher Studies,
No: 188, NSC-Bose Road, Parry's, 01 030501 Alpha Computers,
Chennai - 600 001. No: 6/A, Abhirami Nagar, Anusham Theatre Road,
Ph: 044-25363611 (M) 9884088986 Near Vani Mahal, Udumalpet. Coimbatore - 642126.
Ph: 04252 - 226469 / 228904 (M) 9965315666.
24 020528 Chennai Study Centre, E - mail: alphacomputers.udumalpet@gmail.com
No: 13 B, 2nd Floor, Elumalai Street,
Tambaram,Chennai-600 045. (M) 9840188776, 02 030502 SISET Academy (SISET)
E-mail: dibohra@gmail.com No: 50 ASP Complex, II Floor, Venkatramanan
Street, Pollachi - 642001. Coimbatore District.
25 020529 Mark Educational Health and Charitable Ph : 04259 - 224032, 232852, (M) 9842223268.
Trust No. 27, Vinayagapuram. Ist Street (Near E - mail: shree.msu@gmail.com
MMDA Colony Bus Terminus) Arumbakkam,
Chennai - 600106, 03 030503 Centre for Entrepreneurship
Ph: 044-23632601, (M) 9841825102/7002020044 Development (TN) CED,
Email: markedu@yahoo.com, No: 367 C, K.K.C. Complex Towers, 3rd Floor
paulpsa10@yahoo.com Near - APR stores, Avinashi Road,
Tirupur - 641602. (M) 9943037000 / 9750437000,
26 020530 Dharani Infotech web: www.studentsupport.co.in / littindia.in
(A Division of Dharani Finance Ltd.,) E - mail: info@cedtirupur.com,cedtirupur@gmail.com
PGP House No. 57, Sterling Road,
Numgambakkam, 04 030504 SIS Educational Trust,
Chennai - 600 034 Ph: 044 - 28254609/ C/o HI-Tech Computer Education,
Fax: 2823207 Email: ews@pgpgroup.in Main Road, Opp: Government Higher Secondary
School, Valparai Post - 642127. Coimbatore District.
27 020531 Brilliant Educational Bureu (BEB) Ph: 04253 - 221654, (M) 9443913841.
New No. 2, Old No 55 Vandikaran Street E - mail: hitechcomputers.vip@gmail.com
West Mambalam, Chennai 600 033.
Ph:044-23713234, (M) 9444172354 / 9444615654 05 030505 Centre for Entrepreneurship & Rural
E-mail: Manoharannava5@gmail.com Development (Trust),
247, Sow - MA Complex, III Floor, II st, Sathy Road,
28 020306 CSC Computer Education (P) Ltd., Gandhipuram, Coimbatore - 641012.
No.22/76, West Jones Road, Ph: 0422 - 2492875 (M) 9443372411,
(near Manthoppe Girls Hr. Sec. School, Saidapet, Fax: 0422 - 2492875.
Chennai - 600 015. E - mail: cerdacademy@g.mail.com
Ph:044-24711541, (M) 9443119345
E-mail: csc.edusaidapet@gmail.com 06 030508 Sethupathi Institute of Higher Studies,
No: 2, Pykara Office Road,
Tatabad, Coimbatore - 641012. Ph:0422-2491779
(M)9047058883 Fax:0422-2495869
E - mail: sethupathi.coimbatore@gmail.com

07 030511 Sai Academy of Global Education, 04 040504 Annai Indirani Charitable Trust
No: 80 Feet Road Corner, Olambus, Upstair of Danish Mission Middle School, ( opp. State Bank of
Amman Pzhamuthir Nilayam, Ramanathapuram, India), Kaspa, Virudhachalam TK.,
Coimbatore-641045. Cuddalore District, Ph: (M) 9944162098
Ph: 0422-2323233 (M) 9750373999
E-mail: annaiindranitrust@gmail.com/bharath2316@gmail.com
E - Mail: iittttirupur@gmail.com,
08 030512 Kumaran Institute of Higher Studies
No: 10 & 11, first floor, Sri Aarvee Hotel Complex, 01 050501 Sreevani Educational Trust (SET),
V.K.K Menon Road, New Siddhapudur, Near No.3 & 4 New Cosmo Complex, LIC Opp,
Thiruvalluvar Bus Stand,Coimbatore - 641044. Kandasamy Vathiyar Street, Dharmapuri - 636701.
Ph: 0422 - 2524656/(M) 9786008841 / 9843358883 Ph: 04342 - 265414 (M) 9843847067 /
E - mail: sethupathi.coimbatore@gmail.com Whats Apps 9443219849
E - mail: 1setstudy@sify.com ,
09 030513 Thavathiru Santhalinga Adigalar Arts Web: www.setstudy.com
Science & Tamil College,
Perur (PO), Coimbatore - 641010. 06 - DINDIGUL DISTRICT
Ph: 0422 - 2607994/ (M) 9894761125 / 9965078223
E-mail: tsadistance@gmail.com/omadhid@yahoo.com 01 060503 PSNA Infosys,
Web: www.tsatamilcas.edu.in Old No: 34 J, New No. 66, AMC Road, (Opp to
Cosmopolitan Club) Dindigul - 624001.
10 030514 Indira Gandhi College of Distance Ph: 0451 - 2422377 (M) 9159047557
Education, E-mail: snainfoys@gmail.com
No 177, Holy Cross Campus, Thadagam Road,
Kanuvai, Coimbatore - 641108. Ph: 0422 - 2404458 02 060504 R.M. Institute of Business Studies,
/ 2404468 / 2404478 (M)9443154510. No.68, New Dharapuram Road
E-mail: indira_spe25@yahoo.com Town Police Station Opposite,
Palani-624601, Dindigul District
11 030515 Kovai Academy, Ph: 04545 - 246858 / 9787724685/9965524685.
549 A, II Floor, Kasthuri Bhavan Building, E - mail: rmedupalani@gmail.com
Dr. Nanjappa Road, Gandhipuram, web: www.rmet.co.in
Coimbatore - 641 018,
Ph: 0422 - 4377366(M) 9443059887 03 060506 JVP Community College,
E-mail: kovaicnccentre @gmail.com 1, Savariyar Palayam, Dindugul - 624 002
Ph: 0451-2400465 (M) 9994301542
12 030516 GES EDU. Systems, E-mail: jvp_nursingcollege@hotmail.com
GES Complex, 401, 7th Street, Gandhipuram,
Coimbatore - 641 012, Ph: 0422 - 2498557 04 060507 Sri Sai Bharath College of Arts and Science
(M) 9894959999/ E-mail: gesvenkatesh@gmail.com Oddanchatram to Vedasandur Highway
Navamarathupatty, Sollerumbu PO
04 - CUDDALORE DISTRICT Dindigul - 624 710.
Ph: 04551-294433 (m) 9488541332
01 040501 MNTN - Madhar Nala Thondu Niruvanam , E.Mail: ssbcas@gmail.com
No.3 Rajavelu Nagar, Thiruvendhipuram Main
Road, Pathirikuppam & (PO),Cuddalore Dist, 07 - ERODE DISTRICT
Cuddalore - 607401.
Ph: 04142 - 288096,(M) 9442210977 01 070502 Vel Educational Trust,
Fax: 04142 - 288251. No: 42B, Main Road, Near Bus Stand,
E - mail: mntn.ngo@gmail.com Kangeyam - 638701. Erode District.
Ph: 04257 - 222107, 224107,
02 040502 TNOU Learning Resource Centre, (M) 9842724107, 9842824107,9865224107.
No: 63, O.P. Road, C. Kothangudi,
E - mail: pacekgm1@rediffmail. com
Annamalai Nagar Post,
Chidambaram (TK), Cuddalore Dist - 608002.
Ph: (O) 04144 - 326212, (M) 9842185534. 02 070503 Karunya Computer Centre,
E - mail: jjjiid1993@yahoo.com NSR Complex First Floor, Opp: ICICI Bank,
Sathyamangalam - 638402. Erode District.
03 040503 Green Movement Forum Ph: 04295 - 222828 / (M) 9443304509.
No.1/4,Saravana Commercial Complex, E - mail: karunya97kcc@gmail.com
Mohan Singh Street, Near police Station.
Cuddalore O.T. , Cuddalore District 03 070504 IFC College,
Ph: 0413-2203610/(M) 9443468310 Bus Stand, Royal Theatre Opp. Road,
Fax: 0413-2203610 Near Nalli Hospital, Erode - 638011.
E-mail:greenmovementforum@gmail.com Ph: 0424 - 2215801 / 2215798,
(M) 9364159955 / 9843919955
E-mail: ifccollegeerodetnou@gmail.com
04 070506 National Institute for Rural Development 09 - KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT
Society (NIRDS),
No: 142, Erode Main Road, Opp: Urban Bank, 01 090501 Abacus Computer College,
Near Bus Stand, Gobichettipalayam - 638476. Attoor Pulimoodu Junction, Thiruvattar Post,
Erode District. Ph: 04285 - 227091, (M) Pincode - 629177. Kanyakumari District.
Ph: 04651 - 283399, (M) 9442461395
9842791005 E-mail: gobitnou@gmail.com
E-mail: abacus.mony@gmail.com
05 070507 National Educational Trust,
02 090502 National Computer College,
No 1, Bus Stand Complex, 1 Floor, Near Sinthamani

15-86-2, Court Road,Kuzhithurai - 629163.

Supermarket, Mettur Road, Erode 638003.
Kanyakumari District.
Ph: 0424 - 6544099, (M) 9788873702
Ph: 04651 - 264020 (M) 9443449201.
E-mail: neterode070507@gmail.com
E-mail: chrispin_ncc@yahoo.com
08 070509 P.Tech Computers,
03 090503 WIIT College of Higher Education,
No: 230, Muthur Road, Vellakovil, Kangayam Tk
No: 14 58A, Pavithiram Buildings, Main Road,
Erode District - 638111.
Mettukadai. Thuckalay, Pincode - 629175,
Kanyakumari District.
(M)9865912567/9944257347 E -mail:
Ph: 04651 - 253761, (M) 9443432804.
E - mail: wiit@sancharnet.in
04 090504 Gandhi Kamaraj Educational & Rural
Development Trust,
01 080501 Kanchi Study Centre
(Opp) Anna Bus Stand, Upstairs Indian Bank
No: 26/83, Annai Indira Gandhi Street,
Nagarcoil - 629001.Kaniyakumari District.
Near Karthikeyan Theatre,
Ph: 04652 - 234748 / 325299 (M) 9345041515
Kancheepuram - 631502.
E - mail: sretnam@hotmail.com
Ph: 044 - 27235355/47201145,
(M) 9791917422/8428046662 / 9894044438
05 090505 Master's College of Higher Education,
E - mail: ksctnou@gmail.com
No: 112/6,1st floor, Thomson Street, Duthie
School Jn, Nagercoil - 1. Kanyakumari Dist.
02 080502 Chengai Study Centre,
Ph: 04652 - 229661 (M) 9443449069, 9789329961
No: 17, Second Floor, V.O.C. Street,
Opp: Kulunthiamman Koil, Chengalpattu - 603001.
Ph: 044 - 67471133, (M) 9840188776.
06 090506 Yogi Kannya Educational Trust,
E - mail: djbohra@gmail.com
"Anugraha" No:10, Parvathavarthini Street,
Web: www.chengaistudycentre.in
Ramavarmapurm. Nagercoil-629001.
Kanyakumari District.
03 080503 Annai Theresa Educational Trust,
Ph: 04652 - 230799, (M) 9442006543.
No.19/37, K.J. Nagar Extn -1, Guduvancherry - 603
202, Chenglepet TK, Kancheepuram District
(M) 9442455815 / 9841957459
E-mail: 9k2006cyr@gmail.com
01 100501 Rescue Technologies,
Municipal Complex Upstairs,
04 080504 St. Mary's Study Centre
Uzhavar Sandhai, (Old Bus Stgand)Karur - 639 002
St. Joseph's College (Arts and Science) Campus,
(M) 04324-322944/45 (M) 9842422924
Kovoor - 600 128. Kancheepuram District.
E - mail: kcvelmurugan@gmail.com
Ph: (M) 9444494722
Email: smca chennai@yahoo.com
02 100502 Bits and Bytes Computers,
KPS Towers Cauvery Nagar, Opp: Govt.Girls Hr.
Sec. School, Kulithalai, Karur District - 639104.
(M) 9843034934, 9442111235 (R)04324 - 234934.
Pudupattinam, Kalpakkam,
E - mail: bbcomohan@yahoo.Com
Kancheepuram - 603 102
Ph: 044-27481441 (M) 9940950069/8438880555
E.mail: clockinstitute@gmail.com
01 110501 Centrak Academy
06 080506 (LRC&CPC) Kirti Computer Education
1st Floor, ASL Plaza, (Opp. Bus Stand,
Hosur - 635109. (M) 9787704316/9787704311
No.2/141, 2nd Floor, Bazaar Road, Ganapathy
E - mail: centrakacademy@gmail.com
Complex, Padappai,
web: www.centrakacademy.in
Kancheepuram - 601 301
(M) 9790967131 What apps: 9282177721
02 110504 Pari Educational and Cultural Trust ,
mail : kirtieducations@gmail.com
Sapthagiri School Road, Venkatesh Nagar
Hosur-635 109 (M) 9443245811 / 7871424220
Email: smschoolhosur@gmail.com

03 110505 Ghanavi Educational and Charitable Trust, 14 - NAMAKKAL DISTRICT
No.16, 1st Floor, Near Check Post, Therpet Road
Denkanikottai - 635 107 Krishnagiri District 01 140501 Global Human Educational &
(M) 8220293560, 9629343484 Entrepreneurship Development Trust,
Email: ghanavinishal1111@gmail.com No: 91/A3, K.S. Complex, IInd Floor,
Opp. Ramesh Theatre,Trichy Main Road,
04 110304 Best Study Centre Ganesha Puram (PO), Namakkal - 637 001
No. 2nd Floor, K.G. Swamy Complex, Bangaur Ph: 04286 - 222196, (M) 9443326196.
Road, Hosur - 635 109. E-mail: guna_lic@yahoo.co.in
(M) 9865112198 / 9788914241 / 42
Email: ghanavinishal1111@gmail.com 02 140505 Set College,
Sri Karthik Complex, II Floor Opp. Velur Super
12 - MADURAI DISTRICT Market, Bye Pass Road, Paramathi Velur - 638182,
Namakkal District. Ph: 04268 - 223006
01 120501 "INDEA" (M)9842753006/9442753006
Munnamalai Ambalam Complex III Floor, E - mail: senthil.saraswathi@gmail.com
Near A.C. Hr. Sec. School, Thallakulam
Madurai - 625002. Ph: 0452-2524454 03 140506 Sri Arumugam Gowri Educational Trust,
(M) 9600610002 E-mail: ravimoon1985@gmail.com Saravana Complex, Opposite Sivakumar Hospital
Anna Salai 1st Floor, Athur Main Road,
02 120502 S.R. College of Higher Studies, Rasipuram - 637408.Namakkal District.
12, K.R. Towers,Usilai Road, Thriumangalam (M) 9442758275 / 9095278275
Madurai - 626706. E-mail: spedeva@g.mail.com, Web: visms@azv.in
Ph: 04549 - 282425/450333 (M) 9442632524.
E - mail: 15 - THE NILGIRIS
01 150502 Rural Development Institute - Trust,
03 120503 V.J. Computer Education, Door.No: 10/81 B3, (Opp) LIC Office,Ooty,
No:152, North Veli Street, Simmakkal, The Nilgris, Gudalur - 643212
Madurai - 625001. PH: 04262-262131 (M) 9626619147 Fax: 04262-
Ph: 0452 - 2330346 (M) 9443717449 / 9487133999. 263661 Whats apps: 9487407727.
E-mail: cscmdu@gmail.com E-mail: rdi.edu.wing@gmail.com
web: www.rdi99.in
04 120504 Padmarajam Educational Academy
Private Ltd.,
No: 10, Kalpalam Road, Goripalayam, 16 - PERAMBALUR DISTRICT
Near: Govt. Meenakshi Womens College,
Madurai 625002. Ph: 0452 - 2537771 /4360664, 01 160501 Bharath Institute for Higher Studies,
(M) 737708771 / 9344108771 No: 46/251-B, East Main Road,
E - mail: padmarajam.balan@yahoo.com Labbaikudikadu (PO) Kunnam TK.
padmarajam@gmail.com Perambalur District - 621108
(M) 9443207129/9443207129/7871024577
06 120506 Rise Ahead, E-mail: ayyappan395@gmail.com
261/68, I Floor, Good Shed Street,
Madurai - 625 001, Ph: 0452-2695444 02 160502 Sri Ramakrishna Academy
(M) 9677911302,E- No: 163, Mathanagopalapuram,
mail:riseaheadcollege@gmail.com Perambalur - 621 212
Ph: 04328 - 329990
07 120511 True Value Management (M)9884300235/236/9486154643 E-mail:
D-73, Chokkanathar Street, Thirunagar 4th Street, ramaraj_2002@yahoo.com
Madurai-625 006 (M) 9843211418
E-mail : truevaluemanagement@gmail.com
13 - NAGAPATTINAM DISTRICT 01 170501 Dev Ashwini Computer Education,
No: 2/3, II Main Road, Venkata Nagar,
01 130501 Alpha Computers,
No: 30/4-A, 3 Floor, Deen Plaza, State Bank Road,
Pondicherry - 605011. Ph: 0413 - 2212543
Mayiladuthurai - 609001. Nagapattinam District. (M) 9843277290 E - mail: ksmpondy@sify.com
Ph: 04364 - 224256 (M) 9443093523 / 9842992085
E-mail: cittnou@gmail.com 02 170503 Green Movement Forums,
No: 76, Savari Padaiachi Street, Nellithoppu,
02 130502 Society for Education Village Action and Pondicherry - 605005.
Improvement (SEVAI), Ph: 0413-2203610, (M) 9443468310.
No: 1, R.V.G. Nagar, Collectors Office Road, E - mail: greenmovementforum@2000.co.uk
Kadambadi, Nagapattinam - 611001.
Ph: 04365 - 247886, Fax: 0436 - 8265566.

18 - PUDUKOTTAI DISTRICT 08 200508 Bright Star Academy
16-1-326-A, Dharmapuri Main Road,
01 180501 National Educational Trust, Mecheri - 636 453, Mettur TK, Salem District.
No: 3690 South 4 Street, Pudukottai - 622001.
Ph:04298-278055, (M) 9790028503
Ph: 04322 - 229484, (M) 9965956746 E.mail: brightstar.ifce@gmail.com
E - mail: nationaleducationaltrust2010@g.mail.com
02 180502 National Educational Trust - NET,
No: 120, N.A. Devar Complex, Arugankulam Road, 01 210501 Thirumalayan Educational Trust,
Aranthangi (PO) - 614616. Pudukottai District. No.9 Subramaniapuram 7th Street North,
Ph: 04371 - 222047, (M) 9788502459 Near ICICI Bank, College Road Branch,
E-mail: netspg888@gmail.com Karaikudi - 630 002, Sivagangai District.
Ph: 04565-227781 (M) 7373733192 / 9894592516
E-mail: yogeshalagu@gmail.com
02 210503 National Academy
01 190501 Vivekananda Educational Institute, (Near Anna Statue) No: 13/1 - 161,
No: 1, Sannathi Street, Ramanathapuram - 623501. Madurai Main Road, Thiruppathur - 630211.
Ph: 04567 - 228170, (M) 9443861540 Sivagangai District,
E-mail: sethubalaucc009@gmail.com Ph: 04577 - 256335, (M) 9842427778
Fax:04577 - 256335.
02 190502 Susai Educational Institution E-Mail: nationalacademy2007@gmail.com
No: 4/7, Pullamadai Road, /nationalacademy.tpn@gmail.com
R.S. Mangalam - 623525. Thiruvadani TK,
Ramanathapuram District. 03 210505 Viveka Arackattalai,
Ph: 04561 - 241053 (M)9443845006. N0.48/49, Thondiyar Street, Sivagangai Town,
E - mail: amalan.jp@gmail.com Devakottai - 630 302, Sivagangai District
Ph: 04561-279279/(M) 97863892406 / 9597457855
20 - SALEM DISTRICT mail:vivekacollege@reddiffmail.com
Web: www.vivekatrustorg.in
01 200501 Amtech Academy,
No: 14, Opp: New Bus Stand, Veerapandiyar 22 - THANJAVUR DISTRICT
Arangam Backside, Salem - 636004.
Ph: 0427 - 2335151, 01 220501 Horizon Academy,
(M) 9842754856 Whats apps: 8903454856 No: 33, 4 Cross, Arulanandha Nagar,

Thanjavur - 613007 Ph: 04362 - 233551 / 231856 /

E - mail: nationalacademysalem@gmail.com
(M) 7598341150, Fax: 04362 - 233551.
02 200502 Sri Devipriya Typewriting Institute, 02 220502 Vel Community College
L.P.N.V. Complex, Near Bus Stand, Ranipet, 100 Big Street, 4-A, Pattu Noolkara Street
Attur 636102.Salem District. Pattukkottai & Taluk Thanjavur District- 614 601
Ph: 04282 - 251204,(M) 9443959877 E-mail: (M) 979047215167/9159453456
sridevipriyatype@gmail.com E-mail: gunasrilathag@gmail.com /
03 200503 San Infotech,
18-A, SNK Complex, Square Market, 03 220503 Sri Mayura Study Centre,
Mettur Dam - 636 401 Salem District No 6, Banadurai Kovil Sannathi Street,
Ph: 04298 - 243350, (M) 94424-17101 / 9566749101 Kumbakonam - 612001.
E-Maill: saninfotecch@yahoo.co.in Ph: 0435 - 2400393, (M) 9442986966.

04 200505 Renaissance Institute of Management Studies, 04 220504 Sri Pragadeeswarar Centre,

5/9-6, NRS Towers, II & III Floor, Gandhi Road, Ammapettai Po,
State Bank Colony Bus Stop, AVR Circle, Papanasam TK, Thanjavur District- 614 401
Mobile : 9698004377, 8695001512
Bangalore Main Road, Salem - 636005.
Ph: 0427-2442385/4055215,
(M) 9364546335/9361865955.
E - mail: rems_salem@rediffmail.com
01 230501 Vikrama College of Higher Studies,
No: 775, Madurai Road, Theni - 625531.
07 200507 Periyar Training Centre, Ph: 04546 - 320743, (M) 9344101169, 9442039654,
Opp Bus Stant, Valappadi PO - 636 115 9865721488, Fax: 2603464.
Salem District, Ph: 04292 - 222922 (M)
9443273922/9600969118 E-mail:

02 230502 Sri Amman Study Centre, 02 260502 Ajay Academy
W.15.1-64 C, Madurai Road, No: 19, M.G.R. Nagar, Mannargudi - 614001.
Uthamapalayam - 625533. Theni District. Thiruvarur District. Ph: 04367 - 220829
Ph: 04554 - 320519, (M) 9944203691 (M) 9443710829 / 9487490829 / 9171120098
E - mail: rameshmug@gmail.com \
03 230503 Genius Social Service Organisation
Old No.2/11, New No.83, Kuttiyal Pillai Street,
Main Road, Cumbum - 625 516.
Ph: 04544-273050 (M) 9344773049/9344773050
E-mail: gsso60@yahoo.com Web: 01 270501 Kovilpatti Study Centre,
www.geniussocialservice.org No: 20&21, Muthananthapuram, II Street,
Bus Stand Back Side, Kovilpatti 628502.
24 - THIRUVALLUR DISTRICT Thuthukudi District. Ph: 04632 - 232425 / 232423,
232420,(M) 9865576751. E-mail:
01 240501 Grace Academy, tnoukvpstudycentre@gmail.com
No: 84, Grace Mansion, Sakthi Nagar,
Ponneri - 601204. Thiruvallur District. 02 270502 Tuticorin Study Centre,
Ph: 044 - 274733, (M) 9443398743 Muthumalai Building, No: 176, Palayamkottai Road,
E-mail: grace84academy@yahoo.com Opp: Rajaji Park, Tuticorin - 628003
Ph: 0461 - 2336226 / 2331221
02 240502 Venus Education Centre, (M) 9344118545 E - mail: vetri_tuti@yahoo.co.in
No: 57, M.P.S. Salai, Opp: State Bank of India,
Tiruttani - 631209. Thiruvallur District. 03 270503 Coordinator, Tamil Nadu Open Uiniversity,
Ph: 044 - 27661134, (M) 9843703006 / 9047043008 Kamaraj College, Tuticorin - 628003.
Fax: 04118 - 6266541 E-mail: venusedu71@gmail.com Ph: 0461-4000289 (M) 9865130815.
Web: www.venuseducationcentre.com E-mail: kcdistanceeducation@gmail.com

03 240503 Toppers Academy, 04 270504 SIS Computer Education (A Unit of SIS

No.26, North Raja Street, Thiruvallur - 602001. Education Trust)
Ph: 044 - 27666174 (M) 9843234234 / 9655525665. No. 7 star Complex, Ettaiyapuram Main Road,
Vilaththikulam, Tuticorin, Pin: 628 907.
04 240504 Venus Education Centre, Ph: 04638 - 233852 (M) 8903780352
No: 30/54, North Raja Street, Thiruvallur - 602001.
E - mail: shree.msu@gmail.com
Ph: 044 - 27661134, (M) 9843234234 / 9843703004
E - mail: venusedu71@gmail.com
05 270505 SIS Education Trust
129/3, Thirupathy Gas Agency Complex, 2nd Floor,
Theppakulam Street, Ettaiyapuram Tuticorin,
01 250501 Ammayees Educational Trust, Pin: 628 902. Ph: 0463 - 2271388
Old No: 80, New No: 40, Sannathi Street, (M) 8903420520 / 8903779742
Opp: Karur Vysya Bank, Thiruvannamalai - 606601. E - mail: shreemsu@gmail.com
Ph: 04175 - 222280 (M) 9443437453
/90801580919791103696 Fax: 04175 - 320410. 28 - TIRUNELVELI DISTRICT
E - mail: varan786@gmil.com
01 280501 TNOU Study & Information Centre,
02 250502 Universal St. George College for Higher Education,
Universal IT Plaza, 10/1, Vanakara Street, Opp: New Bus stand, Behind Pandian Grama Bank,
Thiruvannamalai - 606601. Vallioor - 627117. Tirunelveli District.
Ph: 04175 - 254137 / 251249, (M) 9442943533, Ph: 04637 - 222554 / (M) 9942322791
E-mail: universalbusinessof@gmail.com E-mail: dgsoan16@gmail.com

03 250506 GPC Educational Trust 02 280503 Kalaimagal Kalvi Sangam,

No. 65, Gandhi Market Road, Upstairs & Muthoot 15 College Road, Ambasamudram - 627401.
Finance, Arani - 632 301 Thiruvannamalai District Tirunelveli District. Ph: 04634 -255258 /
Ph: 04173-223141 (M) 9360223140 (M) 9952348366 / 9677611101.
E-mail: gpcgroupofedun@yahoo.com E - mail: nathan255258@gmail.com
Web: www.gpcedun.com Web: www.nellaijobs.com

26 - THIRUVARUR DISTRICT 03 280504 Uvaraj Academy,

Tamil Nadu Open University,
01 260501 The Orbit College, Learning Resource Centre 1&2 Centenary
No: 83/13 II Floor, City Tower, South Main Street, Complex, Opp: Krishna Hospital, High Ground
Thiruvarur District - 610001. Ph: 04366 - 240484 Road, Palayamkottai. Tirunelveli - 627002.
(M) 9443588405 / 9047021555 Ph: 0462 - 2572412, (M) 9366714937.
E-mail : orbit_ramesh@yahoo.com E-mail: uvarajacademy@yahoo.co.in
Web: www.orbiteducation.org
04 280505 Sri Ram Computer Education Centre and 08 290508 Jeyam Educational Trust
Training, Cauvery Complex, 2nd Floor
34/2, North Car Street, State Bank of India Upstairs
Sankarankovil - 627756. Tirunelveli District. Salai Road, Woraiyur, Trichy - 620 003,
Ph: 04636 - 225432 (M) 9994712124 / 9787093456 Ph: 0431-3257958/(M) 9443157958
E-mail: tnousnl@gmail.com What apps: 9443058585
E-mail: jeyameducationaltrust@gmail.com
05 280506 BRYS Academy,
No: 481, Main Bazaar, IOB - ATM - Upstair 30 - VELLORE DISTRICT
Kadayanallur - 627751.Tenkasi Tk, Tirunelveli
District. Ph: 04633-245777 (M) 9443335866. 01 300502 Vellore Study Centre (P) Ltd,
E - mail: brysacademy@gmail.com No: 508/A, 2nd Floor, Vershan Complex,
Govt. Arts College Road, Otteri,
07 280508 Bharath Matha Educational and Vellore - 632 002. Ph: 0416 - 262565,
Charitable Trust (M)9345633365 / 9952662938
Sun Building, Surandai - 627 859, E-mail ID: saravanankpm@rediffmail.com
Tirunelveli District.
Ph: 04633-260594, (M) 9442929986 02 300507 Arakkonam Abdulla Study Centre,
E-mail: bharathmathakalvinilayam@gmail.com NO. 18/55, Railway Police Line Street
Near Old Bus Stand, Arakkonam - 631 001
08 280509 ICR COMPUTER EDUCATION Vellor District Ph: (M) 9444175149/9171166707
Issac Nadar Complex-1st Floor New Bus Stand E-mail: abasha707@gmail.com
Kalakad, Tirunelveli - 627501. 03 300508 Major Study Centre
Ph: 04635-262500 (M) 9489440361 No.1 Madurai Pillai Street
E-mail:bdavisonraja@gmail.com Arakkonam - 631 001. Vellore District
Ph: 04177-232009 (M) 9443284219
29 - TRICHIRAPALLI DISTRICT E-Mail:majorshanmugam1947@gmail.com

01 290501 Visalam Education, 31 - VILLUPURAM DISTRICT

No: 12/2, Cauvery Paalam, Opp: E.R. Hr. Sec.
School, 01 310501 Sri Venkateswara College,
Keela Chinthamani, Trichy - 626002. Tindivanam Road, Gingee - 604202, Villupuram.
Ph: 0431 - 2713900/3293094, (M) 9842463033 / Ph: 04145 - 224040(M) 9488404040
9842449463 / 943555655. Website: www:svcinfo.com
E - mail: visalameducation@yahoo.com Website: www.svcinfo.com
02 290502 JMC Educational Trust,
No: 82, Bishop's Arcade, Bishop's Road, Puthur. 02 310502 Dr. Sri Kanniah Institute of Advance
Trichy - 17. Ph: 0431 - 2770351 (M) 9095150122. Studies,
No: 52/18A, Masilamani Pettai, Kamala Nagar,
03 290503 Trichy Institute of Management Studies Villupuram - 605602. Ph: 04146 - 229671,
Pvt. Ltd., (M) 9443538556
No: 73/12, Annamalai Nagar, Salai Road, 03 310504 Anna Academy,
Behind Lakshmi Complex, Trichy - 620018. No: 88, Marakanam Road, (Opp. Sainttans School)
Ph: 0431 - 2760550 /4025555 (M) 9943555655, Tindivanam - 604001.
Fax: 0431 - 4025516. Ph: 04147-320486, (M) 9442377796
E-mail:akselvaraj@gmail.com/www.gemstims.com E-mail: elumalairam5@gmail.com

04 290504 Society for Education Village Action 32 - VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT

Improvement (SEVAI), Sevai Shanthi School,
Premises, 01 320501 Dolphin Computers
Arumbuhal Nagar, Sirugamani, Pettavaithalai No: 853-A1, Tenkasi road, Rajapalayam - 626 117.
Trichirapalli - 639112. Ph: 0431 - 2742958 Virudhunagar District Ph: 04563 - 225345
(M) 8870003598 Fax: 0431 - 2685227 (M) 9842162884 / 9842462884 / 8925691010
E-mail: trysevai@gmail.com, www.sevaingo.in E-mail: dolphindas@rediffmail.com

05 290505 SIS Computer Centre 02 320503 MVM Infotech

(Bharathi Educational Trust) No.1, Pillaiyar Kovil Street
Mariamman Kovil South, opp Taluk Office Sattur - 626 203, Virudhunagar District
Trichy Road, Manaparai - 621 306. Ph: 04562-260804 (M) 9952763807
Trichy District Ph: 04332-263272, (M) 9788534351 E.mail: mvminfotech@gmail.com
E-mail:sisakthi25@gmail.com Web: www.mvminfotech.in

,izg;G-7.4 : Annexure-7.4
S.No Code No Name and Address of the Community College/ Programme Study Centre

1 020101 IIDA Community College, No. 2,6th Cross Street Collectorate Colony,
Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029
Chennai-600029, 9444018432 / 9442760347 / 43063650
2 020103 Nano Nagle Community College (for Women Only),
216, Anna Salai, Church Park, Chennai 600006, (M) 9790762085
ph: 044-2835 3393.Email: srssudhaa@gmail.com
3 020104 Karunakarya Community College, No.1, Church Road, Eraiyur Village,
Mathur Post - 600 105. Sriperumbuthur T.K., Kanchipuram Dist.,
(M) 9841095954.
4 020105 YWCA Community College (for Women Only), 1086, Poonamallee High Road,
Egmore, Chennai 600 084, Ph: 044- 25324251 / 61.Email: egs@ywcamadras.org

5 020106 Nirmala Community College, 47, Santhome High Road, Chennai 600 004.
Mob: 9442891560. nirmalaccollege@gmail.com / sothypauldhm@gmail.com
06 020108 Marialaya Community College, 57, Pedariyar Koil Street,
George Town,Chennai - 600 001. Ph: 044-25283986 / 9444990331
E-mail: marialayammmm@gmail.com
07 020109 New Life Development Community College, No-6, Anna Salai, Little Mount,
Saidapet,Chennai-600015, Mob: 9962267170. Email: nlagdcc@gmail.com
08 020111 New Life Community College, No. 1/1005, Bharat Street, Pushpa Nagar,
Medavakkam, Chennai-600100, (M):9962882010
09 020112 Assisi Community College, Presentation Convent, Kolapakkam,
Via-Melakottaiyur, Kelambakkam Main Road, Chennai 600 127.
Ph: 044-22751563, 22750244 / (M) 9787524210 / / 9176027827
10 020115 Development Community College, No. 3/35, Maduraiveeran Koil Street,
Senthamil Nagar, Medavakkam,Chennai601 302, Mob: 9841630347
E-mail: riscilla.n.sueb@hotmail.com

11 020116 Nesam Community College, No. 9, G.A.Road, Old Washermenpet,

Chennai - 600 021. Ph: 044-25980044, Mob: 9444361136

12 020119 Mark Community College, No.27, Vinayagapuram 1 Street, Near


MMDA Bus Terminus, Arumbakkam, Chennai 600 106.

Ph: 9841825102 / Ph: 23632601 E-mail: markedu08@yahoo.com

13 020120 Madras Institute of Fashion Technology (MFT) Community College,
16 A, Sastri Nagar, Off 100 Feet Road, Next to Hotel Ambika Empire, Vadapalani,
Chennai-600026. Ph:044-23623678, M:7299066666

14 020122 Annai Community College, No.44, Mookathal Street, (Opp.New Saravana Stores),
Purasawalkam, Chennai-600007. Ph: 044 26428997, M: 9444159499.

15 020123 PS Community College, 13, Bagavathy Road, Sri Chakra Nagar,

Mangadu Chennai-600122. M: 9282158183, 9282145309

16 020125 MIET Community College, 385, Arcot Road,Kodambakkam, Chennai-600024.

M: 9444026120 / 9884626120.

17 020126 SIFT Community College, 16/15- 3rd Cross Street, Kasturba Nagar, Adyar,
Chennai-600020. Ph: 9841421939/9841721939

18 020129 Chennai Community College, No-13-B, Elumalai Street, West Tambaram,

Chennai-600045, M:9840188776 E-mail: djbohra@gmail.com

19 020130 Stanisma Community College, No. 54, Nangooram Nagar, Nandhivaram,

Guduvancheri - 603 202. M: 9941150247, E-mail:antoniamary261955@gmail.com

20 020131 Swami Vivekananda Rural Community College, No.5, Numbal Road,

Vellappanchavadi, Chennai - 600077. M: 9150003330, 9047150239

21 020134 Meenakshi Community College, 12, Vembuliamman Koil Street,

West K.K. Nagar, Virugambakkam, Chennai 600 078. M: 9444177718,
E-mail: mce_edu@yahoo.co.in

22 040101 ALC Community College, Kuttiandavar Koil Bus Stop,

Parangipettai - 608 502, M: 92450 36259, 96298 35181

23 040102 Immaculate Community College, Sacred Heart Middle School Campus,

Pudupalayam, Cuddalore607001. Ph:04142-221226, M: 9443266243.

24 040104 SRS Community College, MNTN No. 3, Rajavel Nagar, Pathirikuppam,

Cuddalore-607401, M:9442210977 E-mail: mntn.ngo@gmail.com

25 040105 Modern Community College, No-10, Srinivasapillai Street, Pudupalayam,

Cuddalore-607 001. Mob: 9442440747 / 8508562829

26 040108 Sri Vekateswara Community College, Anna Nagar,
Trichy-Chennai National High Ways, Kazhudur & Post Tittakudi Taluk,
Cuddalore Dist - 606 304, Ph: 04143-325779, M: 9363325779, 9443445168
27 040109 Sri Krishna Paramedical College, 41, Thiru Nagar, Chidambaram - 608 001,
Mob: 9443481589 / 9043688916
28 080103 IIDA- Community College, 10, Mettu Street, Poonjeri, Mamallapuram,
Kancheepuram District, Pin - 604104, Ph: 9444018432/9442760347/43063650
29 080106 Adaikala Annai Womens Community College, St.Theresas
Hr.Sec. School Campus, No. 2 Rajendra Prasad Street,Pallavaram,
Chennai 600 043. Ph.:044-26640908 (M) 9841356932.
Email: aawcc080106@gmail.com
30 080108 Krupa Community College, 10B, Thiruvalluvar Street, Metha Nagar,
Padappai- 601 301, Chennai - 600 029,Kanchipuram dt
Ph: 044- 23744934, Mob: 9884077450, Email: gracebrowining@hotmail.com
31 080109 IIDA Community College, No. 38, Bharathi Nagar Main Road, Zamin Pallavaram,
Chennai 600 043. Mob: 9444018432/9442760347 Ph: 044-43063650,42613552
32 080111 Siga Community College, No.25, Ramji Nagar, Malliyankaranai Road & Post,
Uthiramerur Block, Kanchipuram Dt., Pin Code - 603 406, Mob: 8754491055,
Email: brosignassg@hotmail.com
33 080112 Cholai Community College, No-5, AR Nagar, Near CTA Gardens, Mangadu,
Ponnamalle, Sriperumputhur Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist-600056, M:9444262546
34 080113 Chengai Community College, 17, V.O.C. Street, Chengalpattu-1,
Ph:044-27423555, 67471133, M:9840188776
35 080114 Hindustan Community College, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Padur,
Chennai 603 103. Ph: 044-27474671, 27475249
36 080117 Narbhavi Community College, (A unit of Sri Ranga Hospital)
No-12, Varada Reddy Street, Vedachala Nagar, Chengalpattu-603001.
Ph: 044-27432240, 27431544, 27432240, M: 9443226736
Email: kppdr@yahoo.com
37 170102 Cluny Community College, No.11, David Pillai Street, Karaikal - 609 602.
Ph: 0413-234048, Email: clunysep@gmail.com
38 260102 Jasper Daniel Community College, 13/10, Mettukuppam Road, Bethal Hall
Maduravoyal , Chennai - 600 095. Mob: 9551855521/9551855525
39 260105 Seva Rural Community College, No. 6&7, Sri Ram Nagar Manali New Town,
Chennai - 600 103 Mob: 8124213938 / 9884518676.

40 260106 Venus Community College, No. 54, North Raja Street, Tiruvallur - 602 001.
Mob: 9843703004 / 9843703005

41 260107 Grace Community College, 84, Grace Mansion Sakthi Nagar, Ponneri - 601204
Mob: 9443398743

42 310102 St. Patricks Community College, Odiyathur Post Kandachipuram via,

Villupuram - 605701, Mob: 8110954533, Ph: 04153-267266

43 310104 Cluny Community College, 55, Pondy Road, Erayanur, Tindivanam - 604 002,
Villupuram Dt. Mob: 9487955192 / 8489934602

44 310105 Swamy Vivekananda Community College, Near PIMS Keezhputhupattu P.O

Via ECR, Villupuram Dt. - 605 014.Mob: 9487955192/8489934602

45 310106 Aravindar Community College, 52/18-A, Kamalan Nagar, Masilamanipettai,

Villupuram - 605 602. Mob: 9443538556 Email; drnkanniah@gmail.com

46 310111 Theivanai Amman Community College, Chennai to Trichy Trunk Road

Salamedu, Kandamanadi TK, Villupuram - 605602.

1 030101 Marialaya Valaragam Community College, 8/1-E/122-Kasthuribai Street,

Anna Nagar, Ammapalayam, Anuparapalayam Post, Thirupur-641652,
Ph:0421-2487957, (M) 9894582925, 9944594429 Email: tirupurssh@gmail.com
2 030102 Ravel Community College, Nirmal College Campus Redfields
Coimbatore - 641 001, Ph: 0422-2220349, 9443939943
Email: ravel1955@gmail.com, rhythemsss@gmail.com
3 030104 CSI Diocese Coimbatore Community College, 259, Race Course Rd,
Coimbatore - 641 018,Ph: 0422-2221655, (M) 8428477000
E-mail: kalaiprabhakaran st.@gmail.com
4 030107 Sethupathi Community College, No. 2, Pykara Office Road, Tatabad,
Coimbatore- 641012. Ph.0422- 2491779 (M) 9047058883
Email: sethupathi.coimbatore@gmail.com
5 030111 IITT Community College, No-17, Sakthi Rice Mill Compound,
Opp to Kumaran College for Women, Mangalam Road, Tirupur-641607,
Ph:0421-2262727,M:9750773999/9943037000 E-mail: iitttirupur@gmail.com
06 030112 Wilpa Community College, (Pandian Matriculation School Campus), 8 Street,

Tatabad,Coimbatore-641012, M:9944777477.
07 030115 Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Community College,
Gandhi Teacher Training Institute, Periyanaickenpalayam, SRKV Post,
Coimbatore- 641 020. Ph: 0422- 2692676, E-mail: srkvgtti@yahoo.com

08 030117 Alpha Community College, No-6, Abirami Nagar, Anusham Theater Road,
Udumalpet - 642126 (M): 9965315666 / 9443113569
09 030118 Kovai Community College, 161/9A, Kovai CNC Building,
Arigner Anna Colony Extn., Kurichi Industrial Estate (P.O), Coimbatore 641 021
Ph: 0422-2679884, M: 8122094952 Email:kovaicnccentre@gmail.com
10 070102 ANNAI COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Annai ITI Campus, Near Old bus Stand
Perundurai 638052 Erode Dt. PH: 04294-22089/220223, (M) 9842472211
Email: sttcet@gmail.com, annaiitc@dataone.in web: www.143.saintthomas.org
11 150102 Ushass Community College, 67, Jawaharpet, Mount Road (Near Bank of India)
Coonoor-643102 Niligiri Dt. Ph: 0423-2204019 (M) 9942077299 / 9487135366

01 140104 Care Community College, No. 6/118, Kalangani Namakkal - 637014
Ph:04286-637014, E-mail: caretrustklg@gmail.com
02 050101 BAF Community College, Backside of Govt. Girls Higher Sec. School,
Chekkumedu, Pennagaram - 636 810. (M) 9578163742 / 9443827681
Email: bafcc2014@gmail.com
03 200101 Sharon Community College, No.18, Tanmag Road, Vinayagampatty,
Kannankurichi, Salem 636 008. M: 9791282382 / 9600399477
04 200104 Balaji Hi-Tech Community College, Balaji ITC Campus,
NH-47 Bhavani Main Road,Sankari Taluk, Salem Dist-637 302. M: 9789502949
E-mail: balajiitiravi@gmail.com,
05 200105 Sun Mathis Beauty Community College, 173/2D CSP Nagar, Periyapudhur
Near Saradha College Bus Stop, Salem - 636 016, Ph: 0427- 2330434
M: 9994700058.
06 250104 Pope Community College, Nambikkai Nagar, Thandarai Road, Thallakulam
Sanipoondi Post, Thiruvannamalai - 606755 (M) 9443227597
E-mail: popeindia.org@mail.com
07 300103 St. Charles Community College, Parsampet, Jolarpet, Vellore - 635851
Mob: 8098958140.
08 300107 Thirumalai Community College, 508/A, Vershan Complex, IIND floor
Muthurungam Govt. Arts College Road, Otteri, Vellore 632 001.
Ph: 0416 4203565, Cell: 9345633365,
09 300109 Doss Community College, No. 22, 1st Town Hall Street, Arakkonam - 631001.
M: 9994797742 / 9489125350,

10 300110 RUHSA Community College, Ruhsa Campus, Vellore - 632209,
(M) 246251, Email: ruhsa@cmvellore.ac.in, ruhsadepartment@gmail.com

11 300112 BPR Community College, No 39/4 Filter Bed Road, Vellore - 632001,
Mob: 9443246403, 0416-2226241 E-mail: bprocommunity@gmail.com

12 300113 Centre for Rural Helath and Social Education (CRHSE) Community College,
No 215/216, Kottaiyur Yelagiri Hills, Tirupattur tk, Tirupattur - 635853
Mob: 9443321464 / 9600688080, Email: bennetben44@gmail.com /
crhsecc@gmail.com / crhsecc@rediffmail.com
1 010101 Anthoni Ammal Community College, Santhana Nagar, Elakurachi Post,
Thirumanur - Via, Ariyalur (Tk) - 621715 Ph: 04362/262855

2 010102 Fathima Community College, T.Palur Road, Fatima Convent, Jayankondam,

Ariyalur - 621 802, Mob: 7373982823 / 9585306223

3 060104 JVP Community College JVP Campus, Savariyar Palayam Begampur (PO)
Dindigul - 624 002. Ph: 0451-2400465 (M) 9500634933
E-mail: ivpcommunitycollege@gmail.com

04 060107 Kodai Grihini Community College, Sacred Heart College Campus,

Shembaganur Kodaikanal - 624 204. Dindigal Dt. E-mail: dencymichael@gmail.com

05 100102 Murugappa Community College, 13-MRS-Plaza, III- Floor, Prathatcham Road,

Near Mini Bus Stand, Karur- 639 001,

06 100104 Sri Kalaimagal Community College, Municipal Complex upstairs,

Uzhavar Sandhai, Old Bus Stand, Karur 639 001.
M: 9842422923 E-mail: kcvelmurugan@gmail.com

07 130106 C.C.C. Community College, 9,10A, Cutcherry Road, Opp. Sub Collector Office,
Mayiladuthurai - 609 001. Nagapattinam Dist, M: 9488550085
E-mail: kameshvidya@yahoo.com.

08 130103 CIIT Community College, 30/4-A, Deen Plaza, 3 Floor, State Bank Road,

Mayiladuthurai 609 001,Nagapattinam Dist. Ph: 04364- 224256


09 160101 Tamil Nadu Christian Revival Mission Organization, 14, Venkatesapuram,

Perambalur 621 212.

10 180101 SMA Community College, Vivekananda Nagar, Keeranur,Pudukottai - 622502

(M) 9943348997 Email: smakeranur2006@gmail.com
11 220101 Vel Community College, 100, Big Street, 4-A, Pattu Noolkara Street,
Pattukkottai & Taluk, Thanjavur Dist 614601.

12 220102 Horizon Academy Community College, No.33,4 Cross, Arulanandah Nagar,

Thanjavur 613 007,

13 220103 Sri Mayura Community College, No-23, Banadurai Koil Sannidhi Street,
Kumbakonam-621001, M:9442986966
14 220104 Best Community College, No. 17, Collector Murugaraj Nagar,
Mathakottai Main Road, Thanjavur - 613 005, M:9443007738
15 240101 Arockia Annai Community College, No-4- Ruckmanipalayam Main Road,
Mannargudi Post, Tiruvarur Dist-614001 Ph: 04367-206107, C: 9789876794
16 240102 AMD Community College, No.1, Bawagopal Samy Street, Thiruvarur.610 001.
17 240103 Tamil Nadu ITI Community College, 1/103, Mayiladuthurai Main Road,
Vandampalai, Nannilam Tk, Thiruvarur-610 101.
Ph: 9865272099. EmailL tnititiruvarur@gmail.com
18 240104 Oviya Community College, 25 A, Chinna Pallivasal Street,
Vijayapuram, Tiruvarur 613 701. M: 9788860372 E-mail: oviyatvr@gmail.com
19 290101 Udayam Rural Community College for Women, Thendral Nagar,
Near E.B. Office, Trichy Road, Thuraiyur 621 010, Trichy Dist, M: 9842456135.
Email: udhayam65@gmail.com
20 290102 Melapudur St. Annes Community College, Melapudur Trichy - 620001,
M: 9489790307.
21 290103 Tamil Nadu Community College, C-125, Zahir Hussain Street, Anna Nagar,
Thennur, Trichy 620 017, Mob: 9841092444, Email: tccjobskilltrg@gmail.com
22 290105 Holy cross Community College, Soc Sead , Devimangalam Post,
Samayapuram Via, Manachanallur Taluk, Trichy-621112,
23 290107 Servite Community College, Servite Social Service Society, 3/3-105 Louis Nagar,
Keela Ambigapuram, Trichy 620 004. Ph: 0431-2447309 Mob: 9894997900
24 290109 JMJ Community College, 2-D, Nagar,Thiruverumbur, Trichy-636013,
Mail: sva.prakash@gmail.com
01 090101 St.Marys Community College, Kundal, Agasteeswaram Road,
Kundal, Kanyakumari-629702, (M) 9443380988 Email: frandrews@rediffmail.com
02 090111 Grace Community College, Grace Nursing Home Complex, P.P.M.Junction,
Kaliakkavilai 629 153, Ph: 04651-264001 M: 9442624260 / 9443124425

03 090119 Holy Heart Community College, Moolachel, Mekamandapam Post,
Kanyakumari Dist 629 166.M: 9865137914, Email: ns310519732gmail.com

04 090121 Sherina Community College, 21-15/6, Kalladimamoodu Junction Cheruppaloor, ,

Kalkulam Tk., Kanyakumari Dist. 629 161. M: 9442301105
Email: scccomputereducation@gmail.com

05 120102 Sahaya Annai Community College, Koodal Nagar, Madurai 625 018.
06 120104 Padma Rajam Community College, No. 10, Kalpalam Road, Goripalayam,
Madurai - 625 002, M:9344108771 / 7373708771
E-mail: padmarajam.balan@yahoo.com

07 120107 VJ Community College, No-152, North Veli Street, Simmakkal,

Madurai - 625 001. M:9994471551

08 120108 Indian Council For Child Welfare Mother and Child Welfare Project,
Muthupandipatti, Nakkalapatti PO, Usilampatti - 625 532, Madurai District
Ph: 04552- 2531422, Email: a_valli@bycos.com

09 120109 True Value Management, 96, 2 Floor, Vakkil New Street,


Madurai-625001. M: 9843211418. E-mail: truvaluemanagement@gmail.com


10 120111 Rise Ahead Community College, C-24 Thirunavukarasar Street,

Alagappan Nagar, Madurai 625 003. Email: riseheadcommunitycollege@gmail.com

11 121701 Suham Clinic Trust, H 104 A Sector I & II TNHB Colony, Aniyur, Madurai - 17,
Mob: 9344102961 / 7708552961 Email: suhamaw@gmail.com
(Diploma in Acupuncture Science)

12 190101 Vivekananda Community College, No-1, Sannathi Street,

Ramanathapuram-623 501. M: 94438-61540. Email: sethubalaucc009@gmail.com

13 190102 Pearl Rural Community College, 7/198 A, Dharmarajapuram Street,

Yemaneswaram 623 701. Paramakudi, Ramnad Dt
Email: pearltrust1@gmail.com

14 190104 Susana Community College, 4/7,Pullamadai Road,R.S.Mangalam-623 525,

Thiruvadanai Tk, Ramnad Dist. M: 9443845006. Email: amalan.jp@gmail.com

15 210103 Sivagangai Community College, 35/11, Lumeris Land, Gokhale Hall Street
Melur Road, Sivagangai - 630561 Mob: 9842441013

16 210110 National Academy Community College, Sri Muthiah Memorial Trust

13/1-161, Madurai Main Road,
Near Anna Statue, Thirupattur - 630 211, Sivagangai District.
Ph: 04577-256335, M: 9842427778 Email: nationalacademy2007@gmail.com

17 230101 Periyakulam St.Annes C\ommunity College, Jayaraj Annapackiam College
for Women Campus, Periyakulam Theni - 625 601. Mob: 9443732428

18 270103 St. Lukes Community College, St. Lukes Hospital Campus,

Nazareth 628 617. Tuticorin Dt. Ph: 04639-279898, M: 94434-58322.
Email: pjeyachandran@hotmail.com

19 270108 Vetri Community College, 176/1, Muthu Maalai Building, Palayamkottai Road,
Opp Rajaji Park, Main Nagar, Tuticorin 628 003. Ph: 04612336226,
M: 9344118545 Email: pkpandian@yahoo.com

20 270110 We Know Community College, 4/47, New No. 5/96, 2 Street, Caldwell Colony,

Thootukudi 628 008.M: 9787748002,Email: rajam.weknow@gmail.com,


21 280117 Er.Sri Palvannan Community College, 91, Balaji Avenue, Thachanallur,

Thachanallur Railway Gate), Tirunelveli Junction, Pin - 627 358.
M: 9366720346 / 9488064032 Email: erspmiet@rediffmail.com

22 280120 Uvaraj Community College, 1 &2 Centenary Complex,

Opp. Krishna Hospital, Highground Road, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli 627 002.
Ph: 0462 - 2572412, M: 9486036701 Email: vinsvg70@gmail.com

23 320101 Jeevan Rural Community College, St. Francis Xavier Convent,

Srivilliputtur 626125, Mob: 9486376249 Email: francisca_icm@yahoo.com

24 320102 Sudar Community College, (Indian Council for Child Welfare),

144, Pettaikadai Street, Srivilliputhur-626125, M: 9790428411,

25 320103 Paul Antony Community College, Enjar Vilakku Srivilliputtur Main Road,
Sivakasi West, 626124, Virudhunagar Dt. M: 9486659839 / 9994467883
Email: jeevakkalpandian@gmail.com

26 320104 Dolphin Community College, No.18, West Car Street, Srivilliputtur 626 125,
Virudhunagar District. M: 8925691010, Email: dolphindas@gmail.com

27 320105 National Academy Community College,1/229 A, Kuraikundu Road,

Virughunagar 626 003.M: 9894702239, Email: thendraltrust@gmail.com

,izg;G - 7.5


S.No. Name of the Centre Contact Nos.
01. 020401 Vidya Health and Educational Trust, 044-65652095
C/o. Elite Asian Hospital
No.5, Second Avenue, Besant Nagar, 9840194489
Chennai - 600 090. 9791041541
Contact Person : Prof.G. Rajamohan

02. 120401 M.S. Chellamuthu Trust and Research Foundation, 0452-4210510

No.34, Krishna Street, T.M. Nagar, 09629911357
(Behing Milan Marbles) Near Mattu Thavani
Madurai - 625 107.
E-mail : mscimhr@gmail.com

03. 030401 Vazhikatti Mental Health Centre and 0422- 5397671

Research Institute, 0422-4397673
No.25, Nehru Street, (Opp. to Tirupur Textiles), 9842006144
Avinashi Road, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore - 641 004.
E-mail : vazhikatti@gmail.com
Web : www.vazhikatti.com

Annexure 7.6

Programme Study Centre

Sl. No. Centre Code Name of the Study Centre Programmes



No 1, Lakshmi Nagar 1st Main Road, Sri Devi Garden,
Valasaravakkam - 87, Ph: 044-24869004/6/7 (M) 9171010224
E-mail: mgrihmct@yahoo.co.in Catering and
2. 021104 TMG HOTEL ACADEMY, Management
Admin Office, No, 385, Arcod Road, Kodambakkam,Chennai - 24, ( These
(M) 9444408047 / 9444026120 / 9884626120, Programmes
E-mail: dmgraja@live.in are offered
only in
Academic Cycle)
Trichy Road, Near New Bus Stand, Thanjavur - 613005.


No. 71/32, Ground Floor, Race View Towers, Annasalai, Guindy and
Chennai - 600 632.Ph. 044-22500057 (M) 7200869156 Logistics
E-mail: nsrini@ekspi.in Management

5. 021409 Exim Academy,

71/32E, Ground Floor, Race View Towers, Annasalai, Post Graduate
Guindy, Chennai - 600 632. Ph: 044-22500057 (M) 9840055020 Diploma in Export
E-mail: eximpaddy@gmail.com Marketing


MANAGEMENT SERVICES)Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641004. M.B.A
Ph. 0422-2570170 (M) 09363100175 ( Hospital
Email: psgohcms@yahoo.co.in/banuindia@yahoo.com Administration)

Annexure 7.7

Zonal Centre & Name of the Zonal

Sl. No. Zonal Address District
Centre Code Co-ordinator i/c

1. Chennai Dr. R.Tamilmaran, Tamil Nadu Open University Chennai

ZC - 022001 Associate Professor, SOMS No.577, AnnaSalai, Saidapet, Villupuram
Mob.No: 9994050582 Chennai 600 015. Kancheepuram
Dr.C.Barathi, Pondicherry
Assistant Professor, Cuddalore
Mob.No: 9976698244
e-mail :chennaizonal@gmail.com

2. Coimbatore Dr. N.Saravanakumar Dr.NGP Arts College, Coimbatore

ZC - 032001 Asst.Professor, SOCE Civil Block. Tirupur
Mob.No.9943375556 2nd Floor, Kalapatty Road, Erode
e-mail :coimbatorezonalcentre@gmail.com Nehru Nagar west, Nilgiris
Coimbatore 641 048.
Ph.No. 0422-2915588
3. Madurai Dr. I.Ambeth, Plot No.300, Madurai
ZC - 122001 Asst.Professor, SOCE. Near T.V. Station Sivagangai
Mob.No. : 9791234586 K.K. Nagar, Theni
e-mail : zone1.tnou@gmail.com Madurai 625 020 Tirunelveli
Ph:0452-2585166 Virudhunagar
4. Trichy Dr.E.Iniyan, No.15D, Mc. Donalds Road, Trichy
ZC - 292001 Asst.Professor, SOHTS. Kalairangam Complex Dindugul
Mob.No.9003139800 Upstairs, Cantonment, Ariyalur
e-mail:trytnou@gmail.com Near Central Bus stand Karur
Trichy - 620 001 Perambalur

5. Dharmapuri Mr.T.Sampath kumar No..17/33, Dr. Dharmalingam Dharmapuri

ZC - 052001 Asst.Professor, SOE. Road, OPP.to Avvaiyar Girls T.V.Malai
Mob.No.9445430215,9840546117 Higher Secondary School, Vellore
Dharmapuri - 636 701. Salem
Ph: 04342-266980 Namakkal

8. Contact Details
TamilNadu Open University
Telephone Numbers
(Long Distance Code: +91 +44+)

SN. Office Direct Line Fax Number

1 Vice-Chancellor 24306634 24356767
2 Registrar 24306645 24306640
3 Controller of Examinations 24306666
4 Finance Officer 24306655
5 Finance Division 24306652 / 51
6 Dy. Director i/c, Student Support Services Division 24306627
7 Student Support Services Division (Assignment & Study Centre) 24306621 / 22
8 Dy.Registrar, Material Production and Distribution Division
(Despatch of Study Material) 24350844
9 Admission Wing (ID, Re-Registration, Change of Address) 24306663/64
10 Asst. Registrar - Admission 24306664
11 Examination Wing (Time-Table, Examinations, Results) 24306661 / 62
12 Asst.Registrar - Examination 24306660
13 Certificate Wing ( Mark sheets, Provisional Certificates, Degree
Certificates, Consolidated Mark sheets) 24306665 / 67
14 Administration Division 24306643
15 Deputy Registrar - Administration 24306646
16 Reception 24306600
17 Spot Admission 24306614


18 School of Management Studies 24306616
19 School of Continuing Education 24306623 / 25
20 School of Education 24306658 / 57
21 School of Special Education & Rehabilitation 24306617
22 School of History & Tourism Studies 24306624
23 School of Tamil & Cultural Studies 24306626
24 School of Humanities 24306611
25 School of Sciences 24306641
26 School of Computer Science 24306642
27 School of Social Sciences 24306654
28 School of Politics & Public Administration 24306656
39 Research Section 24306631
The results of the Term-End Examination and other announcements will be available in Universitys
web site: www.tnou.ac.in


Student Request Forms

Change of Address
Change of Study Centre
Change of Programme / Medium / Course / Elective /
Change / Correction in name of the Student
Duplicate Identity Card
Re-Registration for II & III Year of the Programme
Credit Exchange / Transfer
Grievance Form
Issue of Duplicate Copy of Certificate

Examination Application Form / Fees Structure

Revaluation Application

Application for Admission

Challan for remittance of Fees

Acknowledgement by Study Centre


1. Name of the Student :

2. Enrolment No. :

3. Name of the Programme :

3. Study Centre Name :

4. Study Centre Code :

5. Existing Address :

6. Address to be Changed as:

6. Fee Remittance Details : (Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

Signature of the Student

Contact Number of the Student:
(Please take Photocopy for use)


1. Name of the Student :

2. Enrolment No. :

3. Name of the Programme :

3. Present Study Centre Name :

4. Present Study Centre Code :

5. Study Centre Name to

which transfer is sought for
Centre Code :

6. Fee Remittance Details :(Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

Signature of the Student

Contact Number of the Student :

(Please take Photocopy for use)


1. Name of the Student :

2. Enrolment No. :
3. Study Centre Name :
4. Study Centre Code :
5. Whether the Original ID Card has been Surrendered: Yes No
5. Details of Programme Originally Enrolled
Programme Name & Code Medium Course Elective / Specialisation

6. Change Requested to
Programme Name & Code Medium Course Elective / Specialisation

7. Fee Payment Details (in Rupees) :

Additional Study Material Cost (20% Study Material Cost (10%

Program me of Programme Fee for of Programme Fee for Processi ng
Fee Change of Programme, Change of Elective/ Fee
Medium, Course) Specialisa tion)


8. Fee Remittance Details :(Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

Signature of the Student

Contact Number of the Student:
(Please take Photocopy for use)


1. Name of the Student :

2. Enrolment No. :

3. Name of the Programme :

4. Study Centre Name :

5. Study Centre Code :

6. Name to be Corrected as
In English :
(Block Letters)
In Tamil :

7. Particulars of Document in which change of name has been notified

8. Is a Copy of the Gazette Notification enclosed: Yes No

9. Fee Remittance Details :(Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

Signature of the Student

Contact Number of the Student :

1. Name of the Student :

2. Enrolment No. :

3. Name of the Programme :

3. Study Centre Name :

4. Study Centre Code :

5. Enclose the Stamp size Photo

6. Fee Remittance Details :(Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

7. Reason for issue of a Duplicate Identity Card:

Signature of the Student

Contact Number of the Student :

(Please take Photocopy for use)


1. Name of the Student :

2. Enrolment No. :
3. Name of the Programme :
4. Study Centre Name :
5. Study Centre Code :
6. Address with Phone No. :

7. Specialisation / Elective :

8. Fee Remitted for which Year of Study : Kindly tick [ ] the relevant year of study
(a) UG Programmes (b) PG Programmes

Second Year Third Year Second Year Third Year

M.C.A Only

9. Fee Remittance Details :(Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount (Rs.)

Signature of the Student

(Please take Photocopy for use)


1. Name of the applicant :

2. Application Number : Study Centre Code
3. Academic Cycle : Calendar Year 20...........
Academic Year 20........ 20.......
4. Programme Code : Medium : Stream :
5. Subjects for which exempton is sought :

S.No. TNOU Subjects Degree / University Registration Marks /

Course already Diploma / Number Grade
Course Title Passed Certificate Year of Obtained







Note : i. Copy of the syllabus of the concerned university should be enclosed

ii. Copy of mark statement duly attested should be enclosed.
6. Application fee for credit exchange / transfer remittance details. (Enclose the T.N.O.U copy of remitted Challan)
J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

Signature of the student

Date :
(Please take Photocopy for use)

Application for Re-valuation, Re-totaling and providing of Photo-copy of theAnswer sheets relating to _____________
Term-End Examination.
1. Name of the Candidate :
2. Address for Communication :
3. Enrolment No. :
4. Programme Name & Code :
5. Number of Courses
appeared for the Examination :
6. Exam Centre Name & Code :
7. The Details of Re-valuation/ Re-totaling/ Photo-copy required :

S. No Course Code Course Title Marks Obtained Nature of Request Fee Paid(Rs)

8. Amount of Fee Paid Rs. ____________________________________________ Only

9. Core Banking Chalan Journal No. Date __________ Bank Name

Declaration by the Student

I hereby declare that I have appeared for the ______________ Examination of TNOU and I require Re-valuation/ Re-
totaling/ Photo-copy for the courses as detailed above and I have also paid necessary fees for the above purpose.

Date :
Place : Signature of the Candidate
Note: Students are permitted to apply for Re-valuation/ Re-totaling/ Photo-copy of Answer Scripts for all the courses for
which they appeared.

Details of fees payable on account of Re-valuation/ Re-totaling/ Photo-copy are indicated below. The filled in application
along with necessary fees through Core Banking Chalan/Demand Draft drawn in favour of Tamil Nadu Open University
should be submitted to the Controller of Examinations, TNOU within 21 days from the date of declaration of results.

Re-val uation - Rs. 400 /- Per Subject

Re- totaling - Rs. 100 /- Per Subject
Photo-copy - Rs. 250 /- Per Subject
(Take Photocopy and use it)


The Registrar,
Tamil Nadu Open University,
No. 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet,
Chennai - 600 015.

Name of the Student

Name of the Programme

Enrolment No

Address and Telephone Number

Grievances (specify briefly) :

Signature of the Student

(Take Photocopy and use it)
1. Name of the Applicant :
2. Address with Telephone No. :
(with STD Code) / Cell Phone

3. Programme undergone :
Programme Admission Year of
Stream Medium
with Code Cycle enrollment

4. Enrolment No. :
5. Particulars about the duplicate copies of certificates required
(a) If Term-End Examination marks statement copy is required (please tick)

Appeared for Examination in

SNo Examination
Month Year

1. First Year (Regular)

2. Second Year (Regular)
3. Third Year (Regular)
4. _____ Year (Arrears)
5. _____ Year (Arrears)

(b) i) Whether duplicate copy of consolidated mark statement /

provisional certificate is required Yes / No
ii) If so furnish the month / year in which you passed all the
subjects for the programme Month Year

6. Reasons for seeking duplicate copy of certificate

7. Enclose the following documents

Event Document to be enclosed
a) Loss of certificate in post when sent by An affidavit attested by a Notary Public about the
Tamil Nadu Open University non receipt of the certificate referred to while in
transit in post
b) Loss due to theft or causes other than those i) Particulars of employment from the date of issue
mentioned in the event (c) of the concerned certificate
ii) An affidavit attested by the notary public to the effect
that the concerned certificate has been irretrievably lost
iii) Copy of the complaint to the concerned police station
iv) A non traceable certificate issued by the officer of the
concerned police station
v)In the case of Degree Certificate, a notice about the loss
of the certificate, issued in a leading Tamil or English
newspaper having circulation in the district in which the
certificate is reported to be lost.
c) Loss of certificates due to natural calamities such A certificate about the loss of the certificate issued by the
as fire, flood, tidal waves, earth quake, land slides, Tahsildar or the Revenue Authority in charge of relief work.
and riots or civil commotion etc.

8. Detail about the fee remitted

S.No Category Fee payable

D.D. No / Date Bank / Brach

1. Term End Examination mark statement

for each mark statement
2. Consolidated mark statment
3. Provisional certificate
4. Degree / Diploma Certificate

The demand draft shall be drawn in favour of the Tamil Nadu Open University issued by any nationalized or
schduled bank payable at Chennai.
9. Declaration by the applicant
I, ___________________________________________ who have applied for the issue of a duplicate copy of
the certificate as listed in S.No ______ of this application, hereby declare that the particulars furnished by
me are true and correct and that I shall be liable for any liability, both civil and criminal, that the Tamil Nadu
Open University may be subjected to on future due to the issue of the duplicate copies of the certificates
applied for by me and that the Tamil Nadu Open University reserves the right to make such independent
enquires as it deems fits for issue of the duplicate copies of the cerficates applied for.

Signature of the applicant

( This application should be sent to the Controller of Examination, Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai - 15)
Last Date :
; hL jpwe;jepiyg; gy;fiyf;fofk;
Without Fine :
# 577 ANNASALAI, SAIDAPET, CHENNAI 600 015 With Fine Rs.300/- :
PH: 044-24306661, 24306662.
Applications received after this
last date will not be accepted
; gg
; k;
2) Name of the Student :
1) Enrolment Number :

3) Address with Contact Number : 4) Student E-Mail ID :

5) Month/Year :

6) Write the Examination City (Refer the Instructions to the Students): 7) Programme with Discipline/Specialization:

8) Course Code for which the Student is now appearing (Refer Prospectus/Time Table)

Total No. of Courses Appearing

7) Details of Core Banking Challan / Demand Draft 8) Fee Payment Particulars (Please refer instructions to candidates)

Total Fee per Total Fees

Journal / DD No. Courses Course (`.)

a) Total No. of Courses

Date appearing

Amount `. b) Total No. of Practical /

Project appearing now
Name of the Bank c) Cost of Application 20

For office use only d) Cost of Statement of Marks 100

e) Examination Centre Fee 150

__________________________________________ f) Provisional Certificate 150

( For Final Year Students only )
g) Consolidated Mark Statement 500
Date: Signature of the Applicant ( For Final Year Students only )
h) Late Fee, If applied after last date 300
( Within 5 days from the last date)

Total Amount

For Time Table and Instructions

Please refer the TNOU Website www.tnou.ac.in or Contact the respective Study Centre or the University
1. Before submitting the Application Form, the Students are advised to satisfy themselves that the
eligibility conditions that are laid down by the Uni versity to appear for the Examination are fulfilled.

2. Change of Examination Centre will not be entertained under any circumstances.

3. Filled in Application should be submitted to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Open University,
#577 Annasalai, Saidapet, Chennai-600015, with necessary Fee before the Last Date as prescribed by
the University.

4. Students who are studying in the Final Semester/Final Year should compulsorily pay the Fee for
Provisional Certificate and Consolidated Mark Statement.

5. Those Students who have not paid the Tuition Fees to TNOU for Re-Registration of their Second/Third
Year should pay the prescribed Tuition Fees immediateyl; otherwise the Students will not be permitted
to write the Term End Examination. Please refer the pro spectus for Tuition Fees details or contact
Admission Section over phone (044-24306663/64) or in pe rson.

6. The Name of the Examination Centre will be informed to the Students through Hall-Ticket. The Students
can also view and take the Print Out of Hall-Ticket3 days before the commencement of Exam in Tamil
Nadu Open University website www.tnou.ac.in.

7. The Student of First appearance should pay Examination Fees for all the courses for the
particular Semester/Year irrespective of Number of Pape rs, the individual appearing for.

8. Students are advised to keep the Photo copies of the Examination Application and Demand Draft/
Challan before dispatching to University for future reference.

9. The Students have to submit all the required Assignments to the concerned Study Centre well before
the Examination.

10. Any Application not accompanied with the prescribed Fee shall not be entertained.

11. The Students are advised to calculate the Examination Fees correctly from the Fee Table given below
and remit the Fees through State Bank of India core banking Challan A/c No.30843228843 (OR)
Indian Bank core banking Challan A/c No.6051265828 (OR) Demand Draft drawn in favour of
Tamil Nadu Open University, payable at Chennai.
Examination Fee details ( For Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Exam Centres only)

U.G./ PG/ PG MBA/MCA/ MBA Hosp. Admn/

Certificate/ Diploma M.Sc.Coun./ Ship. & Log.
Fee Particulars Diploma P.G. Diploma
in Counselling
) ) ) )
1. Each Written Paper 75 150 250 350
2. Per Practical Exam 150 175 250 ***
Submission of Project/
3. 125 500 600 850
4. Cost of Application 20
5. Mark Statement 100
6. Centre Fee 150
7. Provisional Certificate 150
Consolidated Mark
8. 500
9. Late Fee 300

The fee mentioned above is applicable only for the S tudents/Exam Centres with in TAMIL NADU.

Controller of Examinations

General Instructions:

(a) Please refer the sample application attached to the Prospectus. The name and details given are samples. Please
fill in your name and other details in the OMR Application Form.

(b) Please do not fold, staple or pin this OMR Form.

(c) Please use black ballpoint pen to shade and to write the information wherever it is necessary. (Use only capital
letters, ensure that you enter the correct code mentioned against the apt choice and shade the oval accordingly)

Follow the instructions strictly to fill in the columns in the OMR application form:
Col No: 1. Application number Bar coded and should not be filled up by the applicant.
Col No: 2. Please write your name in the boxes provided. Shade your name as per the sample. After shading
your name, please check whether you have shaded properly.
Col No: 3. District Code: Shade the appropriate District Code from the list given below.(for Students in TamilNadu
01 Ariyalur 09 Kanyakumari 17 Puduchery 25 Thiruvannamalai 33 Tiruppur
02 Chennai 10 Karur 18 Pudukottai 26 Thiruvarur
03 Coimbatore 11 Krishnagiri 19 Ramanathapuram 27 Tuticorin
04 Cuddalore 12 Madurai 20 Salem 28 Tirunelveli
05 Dharmapuri 13 Nagapattinam 21 Sivagangai 29 Tiruchirappalli
06 Dindigul 14 Namakkal 22 Thanjavur 30 Vellore
07 Erode 15 The Nilgiris 23 Theni 31 Villupuram
08 Kancheepuram 16 Perambalur 24 Thiruvallur 32 Virudhunagar

Col No: 4. Shade either Urban or Rural

Col No: 5. Gender: Shade your Gender
Col No: 6. Nationality: Shade the appropriate one
Col No: 7. Date of Birth: Shade as per sample OMR, first day, then month, then year.
Col No: 8. Programme Code: Refer tables in Annexure- 7.1 and shade accordingly.
Col No: 9. Name of the Programme & Subject: Refer tables in Annexure- 7.1 and use only CAPITAL letters.
Col No: 10. Medium: Select your medium of study andshade it.
Col No: 11. Stream: Candidate who have not completed+2 (HSC) and have completed 18 years of age and
passed BPP opting for Bachelors Degree Programme can shade Non-Formal in the stream of study.
Those who have eligible qualification prescribed in the Prospectus can shade Formal in the stream of
Col No: 12. BA./B.Com/BBA/BSc. Programme: Candidates have to shade any one of the eight languages given in
paragraph 2.9.1.
Col No: 13. Write only one specialization for MBA / MA(Social Work) in the space provided. Use CAPITAL lett ers
Col No: 14. Write your address. Use CAPITAL letters o nly.
Col No: 14a Specify the area of interest such as Sports/Culturals/Fine Arts/Others
Col No: 15. Fathers Name : Use CAPITAL letters only. (Strikeout inapplicable item)
Col No: 16. Write candidates name in Tamil with initial.
Col No: 17. The Candidate has to fill up the Study Centre Code opted by him.
Col No: 18. Use CAPITAL letters for name of the bank. Shade other details as per the space provided.
Col No: 19. Use CAPITAL letters to enter the highest q ualification, which makes you eligible for the Programme
applied, year of passing, percentage of marks and class obtained in the appropriate boxes.
Col No: 20 27. Shade the appropriate boxes properly.
Col No: 28. Check list: Shade the appropriate one
jkpo; e hL jpwe; j epiyg; gy; f iyf; f ofk; > nrd;id Application Number

1. Name of the Applicant : Affix latest

Passport Size
2. khzth; ngah; (jkpopy); Photograph
3. Fathers/Husbands Name :
4. Applicants Date of Birth:

5. Completed age as on : 30th June / 31st December of theYear __

6. Address for Correspondence :

Photograph and Signature
of the Applicant Attested.
Attested by Name /
Designation with Seal

District State

Pin Contact Phone No. 1.

Phone No. 2 e-mail ID
7. Classification of area Urban Rural
8. Nationality : Indian Others
9. Gender : Male Female Transgender

10. Marital Status : Married Unmarried Widowed

11. Religion: Hindu Muslim Christian Others
12. a. Community for Applicant from Tamil Nadu : SC-A SC-Others ST MBC BC Others
b. Community forApplicant from Other State : SC ST OBC Others
13. Special Category : Diffrently Abled Not Applicable
14. Employment Status : Employed Unemployed
15. Employed in : Government Service Public Sector Quasi Government Self Employed
16. Annual Income of the Applicant and Parents : Upto Rs.1,00,000 Above Rs.1,00,000

17. Highest Educational Qualification (For regular admission and lateral entry)
Examination Month / Year of Name of the School Class/Grade/Percentage
Passed Passing College / Institution / Board / University of Marks Obtained

(Candidates seeking admission for P.G./PG Diploma programme must enclose attesed copy of the Degree / Consolidated
mark statement /Provisional Certificate obtained from any recognised University)
18. Eligible Educational Qualification for Simultaneous Registration / Dual Mode
Details of Course Month / Year Total Duration of Year of Study on the Institution in which Institution affiliated to
Presently Pursuing of Enrolment the Course (Year) Date of Application Enrolled which Board / University
19. Work Experience (Where applicable only) : Years Months

20. Programme Applied for : UG PG PG.DIP DIP CERTIFICATE

21. Programme Name :

22. Programme Code :

23. Medium : Tamil English Urdu

24. Stream : Formal Non Formal

25. First Language for UG Course Code

(Tamil / Telugu / Kannada / Malayalam / Urdu/ Hindi / French / English /Arabic)

26. Specialisation / Electives : (Strike out inapplicable item)

Second Year : Description

Third Year : Description

27. Name of the Study Centre Opted:

Study Centre Code:

28. Fees Payment Details :

J.V. No Date Bank Name Amount(Rs.)

29. List of attested copies of documents enclosed : (Pl. tick)

i. Community Certificate : Yes No ii. Special Category Proof: Yes No

iii. Proof of Educational Qualification: Yes No iv. Proof for date of birth: Yes No

30. List of original documents enclosed :

i. Work experience certificate (where applicable) : Yes No

ii. University (TNOU) copy of the SBI/INDIAN BANK :

challan towards fees Yes No

31. Specify the area of interest such as Sports/

Culturals / Fine Arts/Others :
Sports Culturals Fine
Arts Others if any


I hereby declare that I have read and understood the conditions of eligibility for the programme for which I seek
admission. I fulfill the minimum eligiblity criteria and have provided necessary information in this regard. In the event of
any information being found incorrect or misleading after admission, my candidature shall be liable to cancellation by the
University at any time and I shall not be entitled to claim refund of any fee paid by me to the University.

Date : Signature of the Applicant

Application verified and admission confirmed Remarks, if any

Jr.Asst / Asst. Supdt. A.R.


Applicants are informed to send or handover this

portion of the challan to

Particulars Rs.

The Controller of Examinations, 1000 x

Tamil Nadu Open University, 500 x

577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, 100 x

Applicants are advised to keep this portion of the
challan safely till the completion of the 50 x
Chennai - 600 015.
Programme of study 20 x


m YW TjWUL YjdLm. UQYoLs NXu ClTL 10 x
Rod LhThP[o
RrS \kR Xl TpLXdLZLm
Nu] - 600 015. 5x

Gu\ LYd Al YdLm ApX
LiP [ [Ls Xm EV LhPQjPu
. 22 RXL Noj CkR NX]

Applicants are informed to send or handover this

portion of the challan to

Particulars Rs.

The Controller of Examinations, 1000 x

Tamil Nadu Open University, 500 x

577, Anna Salai, Saidapet, 100 x

Applicants are advised to keep this portion of the
challan safely till the completion of the 50 x
Chennai - 600 015.
Programme of study 20 x


m YW TjWUL YjdLm. UQYoLs NXu ClTL 10 x
Rod LhThP[o
RrS \kR Xl TpLXdLZLm
Nu] - 600 015. 5x

Gu\ LYd Al YdLm ApX
LiP IB [Ls Xm EV LhPQjPu
. 22 RXL Noj CkR NX]
Acknowledgement by Study Centre Acknowledgement by Study Centre Acknowledgement by Study Centre
Centre Name : Centre Name : Centre Name :
Centre Code : Date : Centre Code : Date : Centre Code : Date :
The receipt of the documents as noted below is acknowledged The receipt of the documents as noted below is acknowledged The receipt of the documents as noted below is acknowledged
Admission Session Academic Calendar Admission Session Academic Calendar Admission Session Academic Calendar
Year Year Year Year Year Year

Name of the Candidate Name of the Candidate Name of the Candidate

Application Number Application Number Application Number
Enrolment Number Enrolment Number Enrolment Number

Programme Name Programme Name Programme Name

Programme Code Programme Code Programme Code

Programme Medium Programme Medium Programme Medium

Stream of Admission Formal / Non-formal S tream of Admission Formal / Non-formal Stream of Admission Formal / Non-formal
Purpose of Application: Purpose of Application: Purpose of Application:
Date of Receipt of Application Date of Receipt of Application Date of Receipt of Application

Fee Particulars Fee Particulars Fee Particulars

Bank J.V. No Bank J.V. No Bank J.V. No

Date Date Date

Bank Name Bank Name Bank Name

Amount Rs. Amount Rs. Amount Rs.

Signature of the Study Centre Signature of the Study Centre Signature of the Study Centre
Co-ordinator with seal Co-ordinator with seal Co-ordinator with seal

[To be retained by the Study Centre] [To be attached with application form] [To be given to the Candidate]
Preparatory Programme for Elementary
Preparatory Programme for Secondary
Preparatory Programme for Higher Secondary


Vocational Diploma in Agricultural Marketing and Management

Vocational Diploma in Bio Fertilizer and Bio Control Agents Production Technology
Vocational Diploma in Commercial Cultivation of Flowers
Vocational Diploma in Integrated Farming Systems
Vocational Diploma in Mushroom Production
Vocational Diploma in Nursery Techniques
Vocational Diploma in Organic Farming
Vocational Diploma in Kitchen and Terrace Garden Management
Vocational Diploma in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production Technology
Vocational Diploma in Seed Production of Agricultural Crops and Supply Chain Management
Vocational Diploma in Welding Technology
Vocational Diploma in Industrial Fitter
Vocational Diploma in Design Thinking
Vocational Diploma in Beautician
Vocational Diploma in Fashion Design and Garments Making
Vocational Diploma in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician
Vocational Diploma in Automotive Service Technician
Vocational Diploma in Plumbing
Vocational Diploma in Fashion Boutique Designer
Vocational Diploma in DTP Operator
Vocational Diploma in Computer Applications
Vocational Diploma in Computer Hardware Servicing
Vocational Diploma in General Duty Assistant
Vocational Diploma in Multi-Cuisine Cook
Vocational Diploma in Mechanic (Electrical/ Electronics/ Instrumentation)
Vocational Diploma in TV Repair Technician
Vocational Diploma in Smart Phones Repair Technician
Vocational Diploma in Acupressure Therapist
Vocational Diploma in Animation
Vocational Diploma in Multimedia Systems
Vocational Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education

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