Anasthesa Unit
Anasthesa Unit
Anasthesa Unit
Anesthesia Units
Used For:
Anesthesia Units [10-134]
Commonly Used In: Operating rooms (ORs), emergency departments, trauma rooms, delivery
rooms, any areas where anesthetic agents are used
Scope: Applies to anesthesia units; includes leak testing of vaporizers and should be used in
conjunction with Anesthesia Unit Vaporizers Procedure 436 (in the very rare case where an
anesthesia unit may still use flammable anesthetic agents, refer to Conductive Furniture and Floors
Procedure/Form 441); does not apply to oxygen monitors with an alarm, spirometers, other
monitors, or ventilators that might be part of the breathing system (see Anesthesia Unit Ventilators
Procedure 461)
Improperly modified or inadequately maintained
Most surgical procedures are performed while anesthesia units have injured patients and
the patient is under general anesthesia. Usually, hospital personnel, sometimes fatally. Gas leaks
the patient is anesthetized by a narcotic or can adversely affect the accuracy of gas delivery
barbiturate injection followed by administration to the patient, as well as add anesthetic agents
of an inspired gas mixture of oxygen, nitrous to the OR atmosphere. Trace levels of
oxide, and the vapor of a volatile liquid anesthetics have been implicated as a health
anesthetic, typically a halogenated hydrocarbon. hazard to chronically exposed OR personnel and
The anesthesia unit administers this mixture of their unborn children. Inadvertent switching of
anesthetic gases and life-sustaining oxygen, gas supplies, failure of an alarm to respond to an
varying the proportions to control the patient's excessively low oxygen pressure, and
level of consciousness. If respiratory assist is misconnected or improperly calibrated
necessary (e.g., in cases of muscular blockade), flowmeters have also caused anesthesia-related
a ventilator may be connected to the patient accidents.
breathing system to force the gas mixture into
the patient's lungs. Because mishandling and mistakes can have
severe consequences, life-support devices such
as anesthesia units should be operated and
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
inspected only by qualified personnel who have a and other gases at high pressure (see Table 1)
thorough knowledge of the units and their are connected to the high-pressure system of the
functions. If you are unsure of any aspect of the anesthesia unit by yoke fittings that comply with
procedure, consult the manufacturer before the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) pin-index
inspecting an anesthesia unit. safety system (see Figure 1). Unique placements
of pins and mating holes on the pin-index fittings
The anesthesia unit consists of four systems: the prevent connection of a gas cylinder to the
gas supply system, the gas control, the wrong inlet. Inside the unit, each high-pressure
vaporizers, and the breathing system. gas flows through a filter, a check valve (for one-
way flow), and a regulator that reduces the
Gas Supply. This system delivers a variety of pressure to approximately 45 psi.
gases to the patient. Cylinders containing oxygen
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
the scrubbed gases back toward the patient. En Monitoring and anesthesia systems: integration
route, the scrubbed gases become mixed with and a new option. 1991 Mar-Apr;20:131-2.
fresh gases. Use of inadequate (old) anesthesia scavenger
interfaces [Hazard], 1993 Dec;22:592.
A scavenging system should be included to Anesthesia systems [Evaluation], 1996 May-
remove waste gas from the vent port of a T- Jun;25:158-211.
piece breathing system or from the adjustable Anesthesia systems [Evaluation], 1998 Jan;27:4-
pressure-limiting (APL) valve and relief valve of a 27.
ventilator of a circle system to reduce the Carbon monoxide exposures during inhalation
quantity of gas that escapes into the OR. Such a anesthesia: the interaction between halogenated
scavenging system is necessary because trace anesthetic agents and carbon dioxide absorbents
levels of anesthetics are believed to cause an [Hazard], 1998 Nov;27:402-4.
increased incidence of spontaneous abortion,
congenital anomalies in offspring, and neoplastic
disease and may affect the mental and physical
Test Apparatus, Supplies,
abilities of exposed personnel. The breathing Parts
system should be checked before each use for
leaking gases. The concentration of waste Pressure gauge or meter, -10 to +80 cm H2O
anesthetic gas should also be routinely surveyed; (accuracy 2 cm H2O at 30 cm H2O)
the facility's environmental survey program must
document the survey interval, which should be
Gas-specific flowmeters or air flowmeters with
based on past findings. The scavenging system
ranges of approximately 0.1 to 1.0 L/min
must include pressure-relief mechanisms so that
and 1 to 20 L/min, 2% accuracy, and one
abnormal pressures cannot develop in the
flowmeter for 10 to 100 L/min (10% of
scavenging system and interfere with operation
of the breathing system.
Gas correlation table(s) (to correct flow
Anesthesia units either come with physiological
measurements of gases and gas mixtures
monitors integrated into the unit or provide
other than air made with air flowmeters)
shelving to support such monitors. Most also
provide mounting for a suction regulator and
canister and other accessories, along with
storage for drugs, supplies, and related items.
Stopwatch or watch with a second hand
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
Fresh CO2 absorbent (if procedure or Check that the anesthesia unit is suitably
investigation results in excessive gas flow constructed to withstand normal hospital use and
through the carbon dioxide absorber) abuse. For instance, a unit with venting on the
top of the housing or poorly protected or sealed
controls and indicators may be prone to fluid
entry. (Such design deficiencies should usually
Special Precautions be recognized during prepurchase evaluation.
However, if any are evident, discuss corrective
ECRI is aware of a number of incidents in which action with the manufacturer. If not correctable,
improperly serviced ventilation or anesthesia warn users or take other preventive measures.)
equipment was implicated in patient injury or
death. Do not perform any procedures, Examine the exterior of the anesthesia unit for
adjustments, repairs, or modifications unless you cleanliness and general physical condition.
thoroughly understand the unit and have verified Ensure that plastic housings are intact, that all
the appropriateness of the intended actions. assembly hardware (e.g., screws, fasteners) is
Resolve any questions or uncertainties with the present and tight.
manufacturer, the anesthetist, or ECRI before
placing a unit into use. Carbon Dioxide Absorber. Check the
carbon dioxide absorber housing for general
To avoid the adverse effects of exposure to
physical condition. Verify proper operation of the
anesthetic gases, all testing should be done with
elevating mechanism and clamps. Remove the
an operating scavenging system in place or an
canister from its holder, without inverting it, and
alternative means to vent excess gases from the
check the gaskets.
vicinity of inspecting personnel. If a flammable
anesthetic is used, be sure all traces of the gas
are cleared away before performing any Labeling. Check that all necessary placards,
electrical tests. Check that all valves, including labels, conversion charts, and instruction cards
the gas cylinder valves, are turned off at the are present and legible. Check for proper color-
beginning of the inspection. Turn all valves off coding for corresponding parts (e.g., green for
again when the inspection is complete. oxygen, blue for nitrous oxide).
When testing cyclopropane flowmeters, observe Mount. Ensure that the assembly and weight
noted procedures to avoid a buildup of explosive distribution is stable and that the anesthesia unit
levels of cyclopropane. will not tip over when pushed or when a caster is
jammed on an obstacle (e.g., line cord,
When cleaning parts of the anesthesia unit with threshold), as may occur during transport.
any organic solvent, allow time for the solvent to
evaporate. When the parts appear dry, take the If the anesthesia unit has a heating element,
added precaution of briefly flushing them with a keep hoses, wires, and cables away from the unit
high oxygen flow rate. and place the unit so that patients and staff are
protected against contact with hot surfaces.
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
Right-angle plugs are unacceptable for devices are the proper current rating and type. If the
that are moved frequently. A good quality two- value and type are not labeled, check the manual
prong plug is acceptable for double-insulated for the proper current rating and type and
devices. Replace the plug or have the supplier permanently mark this information on the
replace it if it is not Hospital Grade or otherwise anesthesia unit housing near the fuse holder. If
suitable. Hospital Grade molded plugs are no spare fuse is provided, attach a fuse clip and
acceptable. spare fuse.
Examine the AC power plug for damage. Attempt Verify that accessory outlets have independent
to wiggle the blades to determine if they are overcurrent protection (fuse or circuit breaker)
secure. Shake nonmolded plugs and listen for so that a short in a device plugged into the
rattles that could indicate loose screws. accessory outlet or an accessory overload will
not disable the anesthesia unit. If this is not
If the anesthesia unit has electrical accessory available, then consider labeling the primary
outlets, inspect them for damage and insert an device to clearly indicate where the unit's fuse or
AC plug into each to check that it is held firmly. circuit breaker is located, and/or install a fused
If the outlets are used for critical devices or Hospital Grade (or similar quality) plug on any
devices are plugged and unplugged frequently, commonly used accessories that are not already
consider more extensive testing. Use a tension provided with suitable overcurrent protection.
tester to measure the tension of each contact.
With the anesthesia unit plugged in, use an Tubes/Hoses. Check the condition of all
outlet test fixture to verify that the accessory tubing and hoses. Check that they are correctly
outlet is energized and correctly wired. See connected and positioned so they will not kink,
Electrical Receptacles Procedure/Form 437 for interfere with the operator, or be damaged
more information. during operation. Verify that color-coded hoses
are the correct color for the gas that the hose
Line Cord. Ensure that the line cord is long carries.
enough for the unit's intended application; an
extension cord should not be required. (A length Cables. Inspect the cables (e.g., sensor,
of 10 ft [3 m] is suitable for most applications, electrode) and their strain reliefs for general
although 18 ft [5.5 m] has been suggested for condition. Examine cables carefully to detect
OR equipment.) breaks in the insulation and to ensure that they
are gripped securely in the connectors of each
The cord should be of suitable quality and end to prevent rotation or other strain. Where
current-carrying capacity. Hard Service (SO, ST, appropriate, verify that there are no intermittent
or STO), Junior Hard Service (SJO, SJT, or SJTO), faults by flexing electrical cables near each end
or an equivalent-quality cord should be used. and looking for erratic operation or by using an
Verify that the anesthesia unit has adequate
protection against power loss (e.g., from Fittings/Connectors. Verify appropriate
accidental disconnection of a detachable power
connectors are supplied. Devices that connect to
cord, disconnection of the power cord from the
the central piped medical gas system should
wall, or depleted battery if a battery-powered
have the matching DISS or quick-connect fitting
device is not plugged in). Equipment having a
for the appropriate gas. Verify that suitable
detachable power cord should also have
connectors are supplied with the anesthesia unit
adequate capture devices, cleats, or channels to
so that adapters are not required.
hold the cord in place. If these are absent,
request that the supplier provide suitable means
Examine all gas and liquid fittings and
of securing the cord. Verify that the anesthesia
connectors, as well as all electrical cable
unit has adequate alarms or indicators for line-
connectors and sockets, for general condition.
power loss and battery depletion and an
Electrical contacts should be straight, clean, and
adequate battery-charging indicator. Also check
bright. Gas and liquid fittings should be tight and
line cords of battery chargers.
should not leak. If keyed connectors are used
(e.g., pin-indexed gas connectors), ensure that
Strain Reliefs. Examine the strain reliefs at no pins are missing and that the keying is
both ends of the line cord. Be sure that they hold correct. Keying pins should be securely seated in
the cord securely. "blind" holes so that they cannot be forced in
farther. Check the yoke clamping screw, and
Circuit Breaker/Fuse. If the anesthesia make sure empty yokes have plugs.
unit has a switch-type circuit breaker, check that
it moves freely. If the anesthesia unit is Filters. Check the presence and condition of
protected by an external fuse, verify that the all compressed-gas filters.
fuse type is labeled and that all fuses and spares
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
flow is always greater than the flow of the other transmitted to other parts of the unit where they
gases. All gas flow should cease when the could affect the accuracy of gas delivery and the
oxygen flow reaches zero; however, air may be concentration of anesthetic gases.
an exception. (Flow of cyclopropane normally
falls more slowly than other gases.) To test this check valve, attach the -10 to +80
cm H2O pressure gauge or meter to the common
In addition to the automatic shutoff or reduction gas outlet. Turn off all vaporizers. Adjust the
of gas flow, audible or visual alarms signifying oxygen flow control valve to maintain an outlet
low oxygen pressure should have been activated, pressure of 30 cm H2O. Turn on the vaporizer,
if the anesthesia unit is so equipped. Silence the
and readjust, if necessary, to maintain 30 cm
alarm by raising the oxygen pressure above the
H2O. Carefully open the vaporizer filler cap (to
preset alarm limit. If the unit has an alarm that
does not respond, check for exhausted batteries prevent a sudden flow of oxygen into the
or another source of the malfunction. vaporizer), and observe the outlet gauge
pressure. A sudden pressure drop suggests a
leaky check valve. If the check valve is missing
Directional Valves. Check the general or defective, contact the manufacturer for
physical condition of the inspiratory and
replacement. Note: This method may not be
expiratory valve disks and be sure that they fit
possible on newer units that always maintain a
smoothly against the valve seats. The valve disks
minimum flow of oxygen. On such devices, follow
should flutter up and down and should not stick
the manufacturer's instructions for testing the
to their seats.
common outlet back-pressure check valve.
Connect a disposable breathing circuit to the
inspiratory and expiratory ports of the absorber Accessories. Verify that all necessary
manifold. Attach an adult reservoir bag to the features and accessories (e.g.,
unit's bag mount and the test lung bag at the sphygmomanometers, ventilators, vaporizers,
wye (or elbow) piece of the breathing circuit. respiratory gas monitors) have been supplied
With the APL valve closed, increase the O2 flow with the anesthesia unit. Inspect these
accessories separately using the appropriate
to 2 L/min and allow the reservoir bag to fill;
inspection procedures, and record on separate
then reduce the flow to its minimum. Repeatedly
forms. At least one copy each (two are generally
squeeze the bag to ventilate the test lung while
preferred) of the instruction and service
observing the action of the inspiratory and
manuals, including schematics, should be
expiratory valves.
shipped with the anesthesia unit and filed in the
central equipment file. A copy of the instruction
Remove the breathing hose from the expiratory
manual should be kept with the unit and read by
port and cap both the port and the end of the
all operators before the device is put in use.
hose. With the test lung bag inflated, turn off the
unit to stop gas flow; then squeeze (or
compress) the lung. The gauge on the absorber
should not fluctuate. If substantial pressure Quantitative Tasks
fluctuation is observed, or if the test lung bag
gradually empties, the inspiratory valve is Grounding Resistance. Use an
permitting reverse flow and should be replaced ohmmeter, electrical safety analyzer, or
by the manufacturer. Disconnect the breathing multimeter to measure and record the resistance
circuit from the unit, cap the expiratory port, and between the grounding pin of the power cord
cap the inspiratory port. Connect the -10 to +80 and exposed (unpainted and not anodized) metal
cm H2O gauge to the expiratory port. Turn on on the chassis. The grounding resistance should
the unit and fill the reservoir bag. Then, turn off not exceed 0.5 .
the unit and squeeze the reservoir bag to
produce increased pressure fluctuations in the If the device has an accessory outlet, check its
absorber while monitoring for pressure changes grounding to the main power cord.
at the expiratory port. If substantial pressure
changes can be measured at the expiratory port, Chassis Leakage Current. Note: Some
the valve is permitting reverse flow and should devices (especially devices incorporating a
be replaced by the manufacturer. microprocessor, motor, or compressor) may be
damaged by switching polarity while the device
Common Outlet Back-Pressure is on. If you perform reverse polarity testing,
Check Valve. Most anesthesia units turn off the anesthesia unit until the motor stops
manufactured after 1968 with mounted bubble- or for at least 10 sec before switching polarity.
through vaporizers have a check valve in the gas Although reversed polarity testing is not
delivery system to prevent pressures at the required, it may be advisable on an anesthesia
outlet (e.g., produced by a ventilator) from being unit of questionable quality.
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Procedure No. 400-20010301 Anesthesia Units (Acceptance)
H2O with a sphygmomanometer squeeze bulb. If N2O meter can be indirectly tested by measuring
the pressure falls below 25 cm H2O in 30 sec, the accuracy of a known mixture of O2 and N2O.
the leakage rate is excessive. Contact the For example, if a 1:1 mixture is delivered, the
manufacturer for repair or replacement. total flow should be the sum of the flow for each
meter when measured using a flowmeter
Breathing System. Turn the anesthesia correlation table for 1:1 N2O:O2, when the O2
unit off, and connect the -10 to +80 cm H 2O flowmeter is accurate.
pressure gauge to a piece of breathing hose that
connects the inspiratory port to the expiratory The following procedure applies to each
port. Close the APL valve. In place of the flowmeter on the anesthesia unit. Connect the 1
reservoir bag, insert a one-hole stopper with a to 20 L/min flowmeter to the common gas outlet,
fitting for the sphygmomanometer squeeze bulb. with its discharge directed into the scavenging or
Use the bulb to pressurize the breathing system other gas evacuation system. Starting with
to 50 cm H2O. If the pressure falls below 30 cm oxygen, then for each gas in turn, set the flow
rate at the highest and 1 L/min settings for each
H2O within 30 sec, there is a leak in the
of the unit's flowmeters. Record the setting
breathing system that should be corrected. versus the reading of the test flowmeter.
Contact the manufacturer for repair or
replacement. During this test, verify the The readings on the unit's flowmeters should
accuracy of the breathing system pressure gauge agree with those of the test flowmeter to within
by comparing its readings with those of the test 10% of set values or 20% when operating two
pressure gauge. flowmeters together (e.g., O2 and N2O). If the
error is excessive, contact the manufacturer for
APL Valve. Leave the setup as in the repair or replacement.
previous task, but replace the breathing bag,
and restore the original pressure-limiting valve
Minimum Oxygen Flow and
Percentage. Close, as far as possible, the
Turn on the unit and fill and squeeze the bag to valve to the anesthesia unit's oxygen flowmeter.
verify that the valve holds pressure until the set Connect the 0.1 to 1.0 L/min flowmeter to the
pressure is exceeded and that it then opens. common gas outlet. The test flowmeter should
Check that the opening pressure is adjustable indicate the minimum flow specified by the
from approximately 1 to at least 30 cm H2O. manufacturer (usually 100 to 250 mL/min).
Remove the flowmeter and, in its place, attach
Other valves, such as the Georgia and Drager
an O2 monitor. Set the flow of oxygen to around
valves, may operate in a different manner and at
a higher pressure and should be tested according 200 mL/min. Starting with the flow of nitrous
to manufacturer procedure and specifications. oxide off, gradually increase the flow of N2O.
Verify that at least the minimum percentage of
Scavenging System. Connect the oxygen (specified by the manufacturer) is
pressure gauge between the APL valve exhaust delivered as the flow of nitrous oxide is
port and the scavenging system intake hose. increased. Gas from the common gas outlet
Leave the setup as in the previous test, with the should be scavenged.
APL valve closed. With the scavenging system
operating at maximum suction, the pressure PEEP Valve. Using a disposable breathing
gauge reading should be between -0.5 and 0 cm circuit and a test lung bag or lung simulator, use
H2O. Fully open the APL valve, and set a 10 the -10 to +80 cm H2O pressure gauge to
L/min oxygen flow rate. With the scavenging measure the airway pressure at the test lung bag
system at the minimum vacuum, the gauge or lung simulator. The gauge can be connected at
reading should not exceed 2 cm H2O. the Luer connector on the patient elbow or wye
of the circuit. Manually ventilate the test lung
Repeat the last measurement with the APL valve bag with the PEEP valve set at 0 cm H2O water
fully open while occluding the APL valve outlet pressure. The end-exhalation pressure in the
and activating the flush valve for 5 sec. The breathing system should be less than 1 cm H2O
pressure should remain 10 cm H2O. at a fresh gas flow of 4 L/min and APL valve
setting of 30 cm H2O.
Flowmeters. In most cases, N2O cannot be
measured independently because of hypoxic If the PEEP valve is calibrated, set it to deliver 5
mixture safety features. Correlation tables for cm H2O water pressure. The pressure in the
gas mixtures (e.g., 1:1 N2O:O2) can be obtained breathing system at the end of exhalation should
from the air flowmeter manufacturer. Once the be within 1.5 cm H2O of the set value. Repeat
accuracy of the O2 flowmeter is determined, the the test with the PEEP valve set at 10 cm H2O.
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