Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Q. 1 For steady, fully developed flow inside a straight pipe of diameter D , neglecting
gravity effects, the pressure drop Dp over a length L and the wall shear stress tw
are related by
DpD DpD2
(A) tw = (B) tw =
4L 4L2
DpD 4DpL
(C) tw = (D) tw =
2L D
Q. 2 In order to have maximum power from a Pelton turbine, the bucket speed must
(A) equal to the jet speed
(B) equal to half of the jet speed.
(C) equal to twice the jet speed
(D) independent of the jet speed.
Q. 3 Water is coming out from a tap and falls vertically downwards. At the tap opening,
the stream diameter is 20 mm with uniform velocity of 2 m/s. Acceleration due
to gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . Assuming steady, inviscid flow, constant atmospheric
pressure everywhere and neglecting curvature and surface tension effects, the
diameter in mm of the stream 0.5 m below the tap is approximately.
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 20 (D) 25
Q. 4 A hinged gate of length 5 m, inclined at 30c with the horizontal and with water
mass on its left, is shown in the figure below. Density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . The
minimum mass of the gate in kg per unit width (perpendicular to the plane of
paper), required to keep it closed is
(A) 5000
(B) 6600
mywbut.com (C) 7546
(D) 9623
Q. 5 Oil flows through a 200 mm diameter horizontal cast iron pipe (friction factor,
f = 0.0225 ) of length 500 m. The volumetric flow rate is 0.2 m3 /s . The head loss
(in m) due to friction is (assume g = 9.81 m/s2 )
(A) 116.18
(B) 0.116
(C) 18.22
(D) 232.36
Q. 6 The velocity triangles at the inlet and exit of the rotor of a turbomachine are
shown. V denotes the absolute velocity of the fluid, W denotes the relative
velocity of the fluid and U denotes the blade velocity. Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to
inlet and outlet respectively. If V2 = W1 and V1 = W2 , then the degree of reaction
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 0.5 (D) 0.25
Q. 7 An incompressible fluid flows over a flat plate with zero pressure gradient. The
boundary layer thickness is 1 mm at a location where the Reynolds number is
1000. If the velocity of the fluid alone is increased by a factor of 4, then the
boundary layer thickness at the same location, in mm will be
(A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 0.5 (D) 0.25
Q. 8 A large tank with a nozzle attached contains three immiscible, inviscide fluids as
shown. Assuming that the change in h1, h2 and h 3 are negligible, the instantaneous
discharge velocity is
r1 h1 r2 h2
2gh 3 c1 +
r3 h 3 r3 h 3 m
(A) + (B) 2g (h1 + h2 + h 3)
r1 h1 + r2 h2 + r3 h 3 r1 h2 h 3 + r2 h 3 h1 + r3 h1 h2
(C) 2g c m (D) 2g
r1 + r2 + r3 r1 h1 + r2 h2 + r3 h 3
Q. 10 Figure shows the schematic for the measurement of velocity of air (density
= 1.2 kg/m3 ) through a constant area duct using a pitot tube and a water tube
manometer. The differential head of water (density = 1000 kg/m3 ) in the two
columns of the manometer is 10 mm. Take acceleration due to gravity as 9.8 m/s2
. The velocity of air in m/s is
Q. 11 A pump handing a liquid raises its pressure from 1 bar to 30 bar. Take the density
of the liquid as 990 kg/m3 . The isentropic specific work done by the pump in kJ/
kg is
(A) 0.10 (B) 0.30
(C) 2.50 (D) 2.93
Q. 12 For the stability of a floating body, under the influence of gravity alone, which of
the following is TRUE ?
(A) Metacenter should be below centre of gravity.
(B) Metacenter should be above centre of gravity.
(C) Metacenter and centre of gravity must lie on the same horizontal line.
(D) Metacenter and centre of gravity must lie on the same vertical line.
Q. 17 A smooth pipe of diameter 200 mm carries water. The pressure in the pipe at
section S1 (elevation : 10 m) is 50 kPa. At section S2 (elevation : 12 m) the
pressure is 20 kPa and velocity is 2 ms-1 . Density of water is 1000 kgm-3 and
acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 ms-2 . Which of the following is TRUE
(A) flow is from S1 to S2 and head loss is 0.53 m
(B) flow is from S2 to S1 and head loss is 0.53 m
(C) flow is from S1 to S2 and head loss is 1.06 m
(D) flow is from S2 to S1 and head loss is 1.06 m
Q. 20 You are asked to evaluate assorted fluid flows for their suitability in a given
laboratory application. The following three flow choices, expressed in terms of the
two dimensional velocity fields in the xy -plane, are made available.
P: u = 2y, v =- 3x
Q: u = 3xy, v = 0
R: u =- 2x, v = 2y
Which flow(s) should be recommended when the application requires the flow to
be incompressible and irrotational ?
(A) P and R (B) Q
(C) Q and R (D) R
Q. 21 Water at 25c C is flowing through a 1.0 km long. G.I. pipe of 200 mm diameter
at the rate of 0.07 m3 /s . If value of Darcy friction factor for this pipe is 0.02 and
density of water is 1000 kg/m3 , the pumping power (in kW) required to maintain
the flow is
(A) 1.8 (B) 17.4
(C) 20.5 (D) 41.0
Q. 22 The velocity profile of a fully developed laminar flow in a straight circular pipe,
as shown in the figure, is given by the expression
dp 2
u (r) =- R b lc1 - r 2 m
4m dx R
Where is a constant. The average velocity of fluid in the pipe is
dp 2
(A) - R b l (B) - R b l
8m dx 4m dx
dp 2
(C) - R b l (D) - R b l
2m dx m dx
Q. 24 Water, having a density of 1000 kg/m3 , issues from a nozzle with a velocity of
10 m/s and the jet strikes a bucket mounted on a Pelton wheel. The wheel rotates
at 10 rad/s. The mean diameter of the wheel is 1 m. The jet is split into two equal
mywbut.com streams by the bucket, such that each stream is deflected by 120c as shown in the
figure. Friction in the bucket may be neglected. Magnitude of the torque exerted
by the water on the wheel, per unit mass flow rate of the incoming jet, is
Q. 27 Consider an incompressible laminar boundary layer flow over a flat plate of length
L, aligned with the direction of an incoming uniform free stream. If F is the ratio
of the drag force on the front half of the plate to the drag force on the rear half,
mywbut.com then
(A) F < 1/2 (B) F = 1/2
Q. 28 In a steady flow through a nozzle, the flow velocity on the nozzle axis is given
by v = u 0 (1 + 3x/L), where x is the distance along the axis of the nozzle from its
inlet plane and L is the length of the nozzle. The time required for a fluid particle
on the axis to travel from the inlet to the exit plane of the nozzle is
(A) L (B) L ln 4
u0 3u 0
(C) L (D) L
4u 0 2.5u 0
Q. 29 Consider steady laminar incompressible anti-symmetric fully developed viscous
flow through a straight circular pipe of constant cross-sectional area at a Reynolds
number of 5. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force on a fluid particle is
(A) 5 (B) 1/5
(C) 0 (D) 3
Q. 30 The inlet angle of runner blades of a Francis turbine is 90c. The blades are so
shaped that the tangential component of velocity at blade outlet is zero. The flow
velocity remains constant throughout the blade passage and is equal to half of the
blade velocity at runner inlet. The blade efficiency of the runner is
(A) 25% (B) 50%
(C) 80% (D) 89%
Q. 31 A model of a hydraulic turbine is tested at a head of 1/4 th of that under which the
full scale turbine works. The diameter of the model is half of that of the full scale
turbine. If N is the RPM of the full scale turbine, the RPM of the model will be
(A) N/4 (B) N/2
(C) N (D) 2N
Q. 33 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists :
List-I List-II
P. Centrifugal compressor 1. Axial flow
Q. Centrifugal pump 2. Surging
R. Pelton wheel 3. Priming
S. Kaplan turbine 4. Pure impulse
Codes :
(A) 2 3 4 1
(B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 1 2 3 4
The velocity profile is uniform with a value of U 0 at the inlet section A. The
velocity profile at section B downstream is
Z y
]Vm d , 0#y#d
u = [Vm, d # y # H-d
] H-y
]Vm , H-d # y # H
\ d
Q. 34 The ratio Vm /U 0 is
(A) 1 (B) 1
1 - 2 (d/H)
(C) 1 (D) 1
1 - (d/H) 1 + (d/H)
p - pB
Q. 35 The ratio A (where pA and pB are the pressures at section A and B )
1 rU 2
respectively, and r is the density of the fluid) is
1 1
(A) 2 -1 (B)
81 - ^ d/ H hB [ 1 - (d /H )] 2
1 1
(C) 2 -1 (D)
61 - ( 2 d/ H )@ 1 + (d/H )
Q. 39 A two-dimensional flow field has velocities along the x and y directions given by
u = x2 t and v =- 2xyt respectively, where t is time. The equation of stream line
(A) x2 y = constant (B) xy2 = constant
(C) xy = constant (D) not possible to determine
Q. 43 A horizontal-shaft centrifugal pump lifts water at 65cC . The suction nozzle is one
meter below pump center line. The pressure at this point equals 200 kPa gauge
and velocity is 3 m/s. Steam tables show saturation pressure at 65cC is 25 kPa,
and specific volume of the saturated liquid is 0.001020 m3 /kg . The pump Net
Positive Suction Head (NPSH) in meters is
(A) 24 (B) 26
(C) 28 (D) 30
Q. 52 The following data about the flow of liquid was observed in a continuous chemical
process plant :
Flow Rate 7.5 to 7.7 7.7 to 7.9 7.9 to 8.1 8.1 to 8.3 8.3 to 8.5 8.5 to 8.7
(litres / sec)
Frequency 1 5 35 17 12 10
Mean flow rate of the liquid is
(A) 8.00 litres/sec (B) 8.06 litres/sec
(C) 8.16 litres/sec (D) 8.26 litres/sec
Q. 53 For a fluid flow through a divergent pipe of length L having inlet and outlet radii
of R1 and R2 respectively and a constant flow rate of Q , assuming the velocity to
be axial and uniform at any cross-section, the acceleration at the exit is
2Q (R1 - R2) 2Q2 (R1 - R2)
(A) (B)
pLR 23 pLR 23
2Q2 (R1 - R2) 2Q2 (R2 - R1)
(C) (D)
p2 LR 25 p2 LR 25
Q. 54 A closed cylinder having a radius R and height H is filled with oil of density r
. If the cylinder is rotated about its axis at an angular velocity of w, then thrust
at the bottom of the cylinder is
rw2 R2
(A) pR2 rgH (B) pR2
rw2 R2
(C) pR2 (rw2 R2 + rgH) (D) pR2 c + rgH m
Q. 55 For air flow over a flat plate, velocity (U) and boundary layer thickness (d) can
be expressed respectively, as
U = 3y - 1 y 3 ; d = 4.64x
U3 2d 2 a d k Re x
If the free stream velocity is 2 m/s, and air has kinematic viscosity of 1.5 # 10-5 m2 /s
and density of 1.23 kg/m3 , the wall shear stress at x = 1 m, is
Q. 57 The pressure gauges G1 and G2 installed on the system show pressure of pG1 = 5.00
bar and pG2 = 1.00 bar. The value of unknown pressure p is
Q. 58 At a hydro electric power plant site, available head and flow rate are 24.5 m
and 10.1 m3 /s respectively. If the turbine to be installed is required to run at 4.0
revolution per second (rps) with an overall efficiency of 90%, the suitable type of
turbine for this site is
(A) Francis (B) Kaplan
(C) Pelton (D) Propeller
Q. 59 Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists :
List-I List-II
P. Reciprocating pump 1. Plant with power output below 100 kW
Q. Axial flow pump 2. Plant with power output between 100 kW
to 1 MW
R. Microhydel plant 3. Positive displacement
S. Backward curved vanes 4. Draft tube
5. High flow rate, low pressure ratio
6. Centrifugal pump impeller
Codes :
(A) 3 5 6 2 (B) 3 5 2 6
(C) 3 5 1 6 (D) 4 5 1 6
Q. 62 A centrifugal pump running at 500 rpm and at its maximum efficiency is delivering
a head of 30 m at a flow rate of 60 litres per minute. If the rpm is changed to
1000, then the head H in metres and flow rate Q in litres per minute at maximum
efficiency are estimated to be
(A) H = 60, Q = 120
(B) H = 120, Q = 120
(C) H = 60, Q = 480
(D) H = 120, Q = 30
Q. 63 Match List-I with the List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists :
List-I List-II
P Curtis 1. Reaction steam turbine
Q Rateau 2. Gas turbine
R Kaplan 3. Velocity compounding
S Francis 4. Pressure compounding
5. Impulse water turbine
6. Axial turbine
7. Mixed flow turbine
8. Centrifugal pump
Codes :
(A) 2 1 1 6
(B) 3 1 5 7
(C) 1 3 1 5
(D) 3 4 7 6
Q. 64 Assuming ideal flow, the force F in newtons required on the plunger to push out
the water is
mywbut.com (A) 0 (B) 0.04
(C) 0.13 (D) 1.15
Q. 65 Neglect losses in the cylinder and assume fully developed laminar viscous flow
throughout the needle; the Darcy friction factor is 64/Re. Where Re is the
Reynolds number. Given that the viscosity of water is 1.0 # 10-3 kg/s-m, the
force F in newtons required on the plunger is
(A) 0.13 (B) 0.16
(C) 0.3 (D) 4.4
Q. 66 Air flows through a venturi and into atmosphere. Air density is r ; atmospheric
pressure is pa ; throat diameter is Dt ; exit diameter is D and exit velocity is U .
The throat is connected to a cylinder containing a frictionless piston attached to
a spring. The spring constant is k . The bottom surface of the piston is exposed
to atmosphere. Due to the flow, the piston moves by distance x . Assuming
incompressible frictionless flow, x is
Q. 68 If x is the distance measured from the leading edge of a flat plate, the laminar
boundary layer thickness varies as
(A) 1 (B) x 4/5
(C) x2 (D) x1/2
Q. 70 The value of Biot number is very small (less than 0.01) when
(A) the convective resistance of the fluid is negligible
(B) the conductive resistance of the fluid is negligible
(C) the conductive resistance of the solid is negligible
(D) None of the above
Q. 71 The properties of mercury at 300 K are; density = 13529 kg/m3 , specific heat at
constant pressure = 0.1393 kJ/kg -K , dynamic viscosity = 0.1523 # 10-2 N-s/m2
and thermal conductivity = 8.540 W/m -K . The Prandtl number of the mercury
at 300 K is
(A) 0.0248 (B) 2.48
(C) 24.8 (D) 248
Q. 75 The horizontal and vertical hydrostatic forces Fx and Fy on the semi-circular gate,
having a width w into the plane of figure, are
(A) Fx = rghrw and Fy = 0 (B) Fx = 2rghrw and Fy = 0
(C) Fx = rghrw and Fy = rgwr2 /2 (D) Fx = 2rghrw and Fy = prgwr2 /2
Q. 77 Water (Prandtl number = 6 ) flows over a flat plate which is heated over the
entire length. Which one of the following relationships between the hydrodynamic
boundary layer thickness (d) and the thermal boundary layer thickness (dt) is
(A) dt > d (B) dt < d
(C) dt = d (D) cannot be predicted
or u = Vi 2rQ ! 0
Hence bucket speed ^u h must be equal to half of the jet speed.
Sol. 3 Option (B) is correct.
Applying the bernoullis equation at the tap opening and the 0.5 m below the tap
p1 V 12 p 2
+ + Z1 = 2 + V 2 + Z 2
pg 2g pg 2g
2 2
V 2 - V1 = Z - Z
2g 1 2 ^ p 1 = p 2h
or V 22 - V 12 = ^Z1 - Z2h 2g Z1 - Z2 = 0.5 m
or V 22 = 2 # 9.81 # 0.5 + ^2 h2 V1 = 2 m/ sec
or V2 = 3.72 m/ sec
Now applying the continuity equation
A1 V1 = A2 V2
p d 2V = p d 2V
4 1 1 4 2 2
or d 22 = V1 d 12 = 2 # ^20h2
V2 3.72
d2 = 15 mm
Sol. 4 Option (D) is correct.
In equilibrium condition
Torque due to pressure of water = Torque due to weight of the plate
Now Torque due to pressure at distance s for infinitesimal length (pressure
force acts normal to the surface)
T0 = ^pgy ds h s = rgs2 sin qds = rg sin qs2 ds
Torque due to weight of the gate is
= mg # L cos q
rg sin qs2 ds = mg # L cos q
# 2
2rL tan q
or m = = 2 # 103 # ^5 h2 # tan 30c = 9623 kg
3 3
Sol. 5 Option (A) is correct.
From Darcy Weischback equation head loss
h = f # L #V ...(1)
D 2g
Given that h = 500 m, D = 200 = 0.2 m , f = 0.0225
Since volumetric flow rate
no = Area # velocity of flow (V)
V = n = 0.2
= 6.37 m/s
Area p (0.2) 2
4 #
(6.37) 2
Hence, h = 0.0225 # 500 #
0.2 2 # 9.81
h = 116.33 m - 116.18 m
Sol. 6 Option (C) is correct.
Degree of reaction
(V12 - V22)
R = 1-
(V12 - V22) + (U12 - U22) + (W22 - W12)
where V1 and V2 are absolute velocities
W1 and W2 are relative velocities
U1 and U2 = U for given figure
Given W2 = V1, W1 = V2
(V12 - V22)
Hence R = 1- 2
(V1 - V22) + (U 2 - U 2) + (V12 - V22)
(V12 - V22)
= 1- = 1 - 1 = 0.5
2 (V12 - V22) 2
Sol. 7 Option (C) is correct.
For flat plate with zero pressure gradient and Re = 1000 (laminar flow).
Boundary layer thickness
d (x) = 4.91x = 4.91x = 4.91x
Re x Vx V
u u
& x
d \ 1/2 For a same location (x = 1)
d \ (V ) -1/2
d1 = V1 -1/2
d2 bV2 l
d2 = bV1 l # d1 = b V1 l # 1
1/2 1/2
V2 = 4V1 (Given)
V2 4V1
= b 1 l # 1 = 1 = 0.5
4 2
Sol. 8 Option (A) is correct.
Takes point (1) at top and point (2) at bottom
By Bernoulli equation between (1) and (2)
V 2 (p + p2 + p 3) 2
p1 + r1 gh1 + r2 gh2 + r3 gh 3 + 1 1 = patm. + V 2
2g 2g
At Reference level (2) z2 = 0 and V1 = 0 at point (1)
& p1 + r1 gh1 + r1 gh2 + r3 gh 3 = patm. + V 2 ...(1)
Since p1 = atmospheric pressure (because tank is open)
Hence p1 = p atm.
Therefore V2 = 2g # [r1 gh1 + r2 gh2 + r3 gh 3]
r gh r gh
= 2g # ; 1 1 + 2 2 + h 3E
r3 g r3 g
r1 h1 r2 h2 r1 h1 r2 h2
2g # ; + h 3E = 2gh 3 # ;1 +
r3 h 3 r3 h 3 E
= + +
r3 r3
Sol. 9 Option (B) is correct.
For Equipotential line, =- u = Slope of equipotential line ...(i)
dx v
For stream function,
= v = Slope of stream line ...(ii)
dx u
It is clear from equation (i) and (ii) that the product of slope of equipotential line
and slope of the stream line at the point of intersection is equal to - 1.
- u # v =- 1
v u
And, when m1 m2 =- 1, Then lines are perpendicular, therefore the stream
line and an equipotential line in a flow field are perpendicular to each other.
Sol. 10 Option (C) is correct.
Given : pa = 1.2 kg/m3 , rw = 1000 kg/m3 , x = 10 # 10-3 m , g = 9.8 m/ sec2
If the difference of pressure head h is measured by knowing the difference of the
level of the manometer liquid say x . Then
. w - 1 = x rw - 1
h = x :SG
. a D : ra D
As shown in figure above. If point Bl is sufficiently far from B , these two forces
(Gravity force and Buoyant force) create a restoring moment and return the body
to the original position.
A measure of stability for floating bodies is the metacentric height GM , which
is the distance between the centre of gravity G and the metacenter M (the
intersection point of the lines of action of the buoyant force through the body
before and after rotation.)
A floating body is stable if point M is above the point G , and thus GM is
positive, and unstable if point M is below point G , and thus GM is negative.
Stable equilibrium occurs when M is above G .
Sol. 13 Option (C) is correct.
In case of two parallel plates, when flow is fully developed, the ratio of Vmax and
Vavg is a constant.
Vmax = 3 Vmax = 6 m/ sec
Vavg 2
Vavg = 2 # Vmax = 2 # 6 = 4 m/ sec
3 3
Sol. 14 Option (C) is correct.
From Buckinghams p-theorem
It states If there are n variable (Independent and dependent variables) in a
physical phenomenon and if these variables contain m fundamental dimensions
(M, L, T), then variables are arranged into (n - m) dimensionless terms.
Here n = dimensional variables
k = Primary dimensions (M, L, T)
So, non dimensional variables, & n - k
Sol. 15 Option (B) is correct.
mywbut.com Given : P1 = 103 kW , H1 = 40 m , H2 = 40 - 20 = 20 m
If a turbine is working under different heads, the behavior of turbine can be easily
So Pu = P3/2
P1 = P2
H 13/2 H 23/2
P2 = b H2 l # P1 = b 20 l # 1000 = 353.6 . 354 kW
3/2 3/2
H1 40
Sol. 16 Option (D) is correct.
Given : V = 2xyi - x2 zj P (1, 1, 1)
The vorticity vector is defined as,
i j k
Vorticity Vector = 2x 2y 2z
2 2 2
u v w
Substitute, u = 2xy , v =- x2 z , w=0
i j k
So, = 2x 2 2
2xy - x2 z 0
= i :- 2 ^- x2 z hD - j :- 2 (2xy)D + k ; 2 (- x2 z) - 2 (2xy)E
2z 2z 2x 2y
= x2 i - 0 + k [- 2xz - 2x]
Vorticity vector at P (1, 1, 1), = i + k [- 2 - 2]= i - 4k
Sol. 17 Option (C) is correct.
Given : p1 = 50 kPa , Z1 = 10 m , V2 = 2 m/ sec , p2 = 20 kPa , Z2 = 12 m ,
r = 1000 kg/m3 , g = 9.8 m/ sec2
Head at section S2 ,
p2 3
H2 = + Z2 = 203# 10 + 12 = 14.04 m
rg 10 # 9.8
From H1 and H2 we get H1 > H2 . So, flow is from S1 to S2
Sol. 18 Option (D) is correct.
Here type of flow is related to the dimensionless numbers (Non-dimensional
numbers). So
P. Compressible flow Y. Mach number
Q. Free surface flow W. Weber number
R. Boundary layer Z. Skin friction coefficient
S. Pipe flow U. Reynolds number
T. Heat convection V. Nusselt number
So, correct pairs are P-Y, Q-W, R-Z, S-U, T-V
Sol. 19 Option (B) is correct.
150 - 50 = 16V 12 - V 12
5 5 2g 2g
20 = 15V 1
V 12 = 40 # 9.81 = 5.114 m/sec
And V2 = 4V1 = 4 # 5.114 = 20.46 m/ sec
Maximum discharge,
Q max = A2 V2 = p (d2) 2 V2 = p (10 # 10-2) 2 # 20.46
4 4
= p # 10-2 # 20.46 = 0.16 m3 / sec
Sol. 20 Option (D) is correct.
Given :
P: u = 2y,V =- 3x
Q: u = 3xy,V = 0
R: u =- 2x,V = 2y
For incompressible fluid,
2u + 2v + 2w = 0 ...(i)
2x 2y 2z
For irrotational flow z z = 0 ,
z z = 1 c2v - 2u m
2 2x 2y
1 2v - 2u = 0
2 c2x 2y m
2v - 2u = 0 ...(ii)
2x 2y
From equation (i) and (ii), check P, Q and R
For P : u = 2y , 2u = 0 , 2u = 2
2x 2y
v =- 3x , 2v = 0 , 2v =- 3
2y 2x
2u + 2v = 0 & 0+0 = 0 (Flow is incompressible)
2x 2y
Or, 2v - 2u = 0
2x 2y
-3 - 2 = 0 & -5 ! 0 (Rotational flow)
For Q : u = 3xy 2u = 3y , 2u = 3x
2x 2y
v =0 2v = 0 , 2v = 0
2y 2x
2u + 2v = 0 & 3y =
Y 0 (Compressible flow)
2x 2y
Or, 2v - 2u = 0
2x 2y
0 - 3x = 0 & - 3x =
Y 0 (Rotational flow)
mywbut.com For R : u =- 2x 2u =- 2 , 2u = 0
2x 2y
2v , 2v
2u + 2v = 0
2x 2y
-2 + 2 = 0 & 0=0 (Incompressible flow)
Or, 2v - 2u = 0
2x 2y
0-0 = 0 & 0=0 (Irrotational flow)
So, we can easily see that R is incompressible and irrotational flow.
Sol. 21 Option (A) is correct.
Given : L = 1 km = 1000 m , D = 200 mm = 0.2 m , Q = 0.07 M3 / sec
f = 0.02 , r = 1000 kg/m3
Head loss is given by,
fLV 2 fL 4Q 2 16fLQ2 8fLQ2 2
hf = = c m = = Q = pD # V
D # 2g D # 2 g pD 2 2 5
p D # 2g 2
pDg5 4
8 # 0.02 # 1000 # (0.07) 2
(3.14) 2 # (0.2) 5 # (9.81)
= 0.784 = 2.61 m of water Pumping power required,
P = rgQ # h f = 1000 # 9.81 # 0.07 # 2.61
= 1752.287 = 1.752 kW . 1.8 kW
Sol. 22 Option (A) is correct.
dp 2
u (r) =- R b lc1 - r 2 m
4m dx R
Therefore, the velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a pipe is parabolic
with a maximum at the center line and minimum at the pipe wall.
The average velocity is determined from its definition,
R 2
dp 2
Vavg = u (r) rdr =- 22 # R b lc1 - r 2 m rdr
#0 R 0 4m dx R
dp R 3
=- 1 b l # cr - r 2 m dr
2m dx 0 R
dp 2 4
dp 2 4
=- 1 b l;r - r 2 E =- 1 b l;R - R 2 E
2m dx 2 4R 0 2m dx 2 4R
dp 2 2
=- 1 b l # R =- R b l
2m dx 4 8m dx
Alternate Method :
Now we consider a small element (ring) of pipe with thickness dr and radius r .
mywbut.com We find the flow rate through this elementary ring.
dQ = (2pr) # dr # u (r) Put the value of u (r)
2 2
Now for total discharge integrate both the rides within limit.
Q & 0 to Q and R & 0 to R
Q 2
dp R 2
# dQ =- 2p 4Rm b dx l#
r c1 - r 2 m dr
4 R
R dp r
2 2
6Q@0 =- 2p 4m b dx l; 2 - 4R2 E
Now put the limits, we have
dp 2 4 2
dp 2 2
Q =- 2p R b l;R - R 2 E =- 2p R b l:R - R D
4m dx 2 4R 4m dx 2 4
dp 2 4
=- 2p c R mb l:R D =- pR b l
4m dx 4 8m dx
Now Q = Area # Average velocity = A # Vavg.
Q 4
dp 2
Vavg. = = - pR b l # 1 2 =- R b l
A 8m dx pR 8m dx
Sol. 23 Option (D) is correct.
The continuity equation in three dimension is given by,
2 (ru) + 2 (rv) + 2 (rw) = 0
2x 2y 2z
For incompressible flow r =Constant
r ;2u + 2v + 2w E = 0
2x 2y 2z
2u + 2v + 2w = 0
2x 2y 2z
d : V =0
So, the above equation represents the incompressible flow.
Sol. 24 None of these is correct.
Here Gap between moving and stationary plates are continuously reduced, so we
can say that
Volume of fluid moving out radially
= Volume of fluid displaced by moving plate within radius r
Volume displaced by the moving plate
= Velocity of moving plate # Area = V # pr2 ...(i)
Volume of fluid which flows out at radius r
= Vr # 2pr # h ...(ii)
Equating equation (i) and (ii),
V # pr2 = Vr # 2prh
Vr = 2Vr h & Vr = Vr
Alternate Method :
Apply continuity equation at point (i) and (ii),
A1 V1 = A2 V2
V # pr2 = Vr # 2prh
Vr = Vr
Sol. 26 Option (B) is correct.
From previous part of question,
Vr = Vr
Acceleration at radius r is given by
ar = Vr # dVr = Vr # d :Vr D = Vr # V ...(i)
dr dr 2h 2h
At r = R ar = VR # V = V R
2h 2h 4h2
Sol. 27
mywbut.com Option (D) is correct.
rAV 2 rAV 2
FD = CD # = 1.33 # CD = 1.33
2 2
= 1.33 1 r bLV 2
rV # 2 #
Re L =
= rV # 1 rbV 2 L
1 . 33 ...(i)
So from equation (i) FD \ L ...(ii)
Drag force on front half of plate
FD/2 = L = FD From Equation (ii)
2 2
Drag on rear half,
FlD/2 = FD - FD/2 = c1 - 1 m FD
Now ratio of FD/2 and FlD/2 is
FD/2 1
F = = 2
= >1
FlD/2 _1 - 1
2 i FD 2 -1
Sol. 28 Option (B) is correct.
Given : v = u 0 b1 + 3x l
dx = u 1 + 3x = u 0 (L + 3x)
dt Ll L
dt = L # 1 dx
u 0 (L + 3x)
On integrating both the sides within limits t & 0 to t and x & 0 to L , we get
#0 dt = uL0 #0 (L +1 3x) dx
t L
6t @t0 = 3u 0 6ln (L + 3x)@ 0
t = L 6ln 4L - ln L@ = L ln 4
3u 0 3u 0
Sol. 29 Option (A) is correct.
rAV 2 rVL
Re = Inertia force = = = 5 = I .F .
Viscous force m# #AV m V.F.
Sol. 30 Option (C) is correct.
Given figure shows the velocity triangle for the pelton wheel.
Given :
Flow velocity at Inlet Vf 1 = flow velocity at outlet Vf 2
Vf1 = Vf 2 = u1 (blade velocity)
V2 = Vf2
u1 = Vw1 q = 90c
V 12 = (Vf1) 2 + (Vw 1) 2 = a u1 k + (u1) 2 = 5 u 12
From Inlet triangle,
2 4
5 2
2 2
u - 1 u2
Blade efficiency = V 1 -2V 2 # 100 = 4 15 24 1 # 100 = 80%
V1 4 u1
or U 0 # H = Vm d + Vm (H - 2d) + Vm d
2 2
U 0 # H = Vm d + Vm (H - 2d) = Vm (d + H - 2d)
or Vm = H = H = 1 d
U0 d + H - 2d H-d 1- H
Sol. 35 Option (A) is correct.
Applying Bernoullis Equation at the section A and B .
pA V A2 p 2
+ + zA = B + V B + zB
rg 2g rg 2g
Here, zA = zB = 0
pA - pB V B2 - V A2
So, =
rg 2g
pA - pB V B2 - V A2 V m2 - U 02
= = VB = Vm and VA = U 0
r 2 2
U 02 ;V m2 - 1E
pA - pB V m2
= 2 - 1 = bVm l - 1
2 rU 0
U0 U0
Substitute, Vm = 1 From previous part of question
U0 1 - Hd
pA - pB 1
= 2 -1
61 - d/H @
2 rU 0
From the Newtons law of Viscosity, the shear stress (t) is directly proportional
to the rate of shear strain .
So, t \ du = m du
dy dy
Where m = Constant of proportionality and it is known as coefficient of Viscosity.
Sol. 37 Option (C) is correct.
Convective Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity due to the
change of position of fluid particles in a fluid flow.
In Cartesian coordinates, the components of the acceleration vector along the x
-direction is given by.
ax = 2u + u2u + v2u + w2u
2t 2x 2y 2z
In above equation term 2u/2t is known as local acceleration and terms other then
this, called convective acceleration.
Hence for given flow.
Convective acceleration along x -direction.
ax = u2u + v2u [w = 0]
2x 2y
Sol. 38 Option (C) is correct.
The velocity triangle for the pelton wheel is given below.
R 0
# c R R 2 4R 0
2 4 R 2
= 2u2o ;R - R 2 E = 2u2o :R D
R 2 4R 0 R 4
u = uo
Substitute the value of u in equation(1)
32mL uo 16muo L
So, Dp = 2 # 2 =
mywbut.com D D2
Note : The average velocity in fully developed laminar pipe flow is one-half of the
maximum velocity.
In a steady and ideal flow of incompressible fluid, the total energy at any point of
the fluid is constant. So applying the Bernoullis Equation at section (1) and (2)
p1 V 12 p 2
+ + Z1 = 2 + V 2 + Z 2
rg 2g rg 2g
V1 = 0 = Initial velocity at point (1)
Z2 = 0 = At the bottom surface
p1 = p2 = patm
And z1 = h 2 - h1
So, h 2 - h1 = V 2
V 22 = 2g (h2 - h1)
V2 = 2g (h2 - h1)
So, velocity of fluid is same inside the tube
Vp = V2 = 2g (h2 - h1)
Sol. 42 Option (A) is correct.
Given : P1 = 300 kW , N1 = 1000 rpm , H1 = 40 m
d2 = 1 , H = 10 m
d1 4
Specific power for similar turbine is same. So from the relation, we have
P = Constant
d H 3/2
d1 H1 4 40
Sol. 43 Option (A) is correct.
Net positive suction head, (NPSH) = Pressure head + static head
Pressure difference, Dp = 200 - (- 25)= 225 kPa
(Negative sign shows that the pressure acts on liquid in opposite direction)
Dp = 225 # 103 Pa = 2.25 bar = 2.25 # 10.33 m = 22.95 m of water
Static head = 1 m (Given)
Now, NPSH = 22.95 + 1 = 23.95 - 24 m of water
d l
2 d
6mo @m0 = rUB ;y E
d 2 0
o = r UB d 2 = 1 rUBd
m #
d 2 2
So, o rs = 1 # 10-2 # 10 # 1 # 1 = 5 # 10-2 = 0.05 kg/ sec
Mass leaving from qr
oqr = m
m o rs = 0.1 - 0.05 = 0.05 kg/ sec
o pq - m
Sol. 45 Option (D) is correct.
Von Karman momentum Integral equation for boundary layer flows is,
to = 2q
rU 2 2x
u 1 - u dy
and q = momentum thickness =
0 U 9 UC #
to = 2 d
u 1 - u dy u =y
rU 2 2x ; Uk E
mywbut.com So, #0 Ua U d
2 d y y 2 d y y2
d1 40 4
V2 = 4V1 ..(i)
Now applying Bernoullis equation at section (1) and (2),
p1 V 12 p 2
+ + z1 = 2 + V 2 + z 2 For horizontal pipe z1 = z2
rg 2g rg 2g
p1 - p2 V 22 - V 12
rg 2g
Dp V 22 - V 12
r 2
2 2
30 # 103 = (4V1) - V 1 From equation (i)
1000 2
2 2 2
30 = 16V 1 - V 1 = 15V 1
2 2
V 12 = 30 # 2 = 4 & V1 = 2 m/ sec
6ln r @120
=- 1 6q@ 0p
ln r - ln 120 =- 1 [p - 0] =- p
5 5
ln r =- p
120 5
r = e- p/5 = 0.533
r = 0.533 # 120 = 64 meter
Sol. 50 Option (B) is correct.
Flow rate, Q = AV
Inlet velocity, V1 = = = A1 = p d 12
A1 p (2R1) 2 pR 12 4
Q 4Q
Outlet Velocity, V2 = =
A2 pR 22
Therefore, resultant velocity will be,
dV = V2 - V1 = ; 12 - 12 E
p R 2 R1
Acceleration at the exit section,
a = dV = V dV
dt dx
In this case dV = V2 - V1
V = V2 and dx = L
Q Q 1 1 = Q R 12 - R 22
pL ;R 22 R 12 E p 2 R 22 L ; R 12 R 22 E
So, a = # -
pR 22
Q 2 (R1 + R2) (R1 - R2)
p R 22 L = G
= 2
R 12 R 22
Considering limiting case R1 " R2
Q 2 (R1 - R2) 2R2 2Q 2 2Q2 (R1 - R2)
Then, a = 2 2 =
p R2 L R 22 R 22 G = p2 R 5 L 6R1 - R2@ = p2 R 25 L
Sol. 54 Option (D) is correct.
2p rV 2 rr2 w2
For rotating motion, = = = rw2 r p = Pressure, V = rw
2r r r
And 2p = rw2 rdr
Integrating both the sides within limits p between 0 to p and r between 0 to r ,
p r
#0 2p = #0 rw2 rdr
2 r
2 r
6p@0p = rw : 2 D
For calculating the total pressure on the cylinder,
rw2 r2
p = rw2 # :r - 0D =
2 2
Dividing whole area of cylinder in the infinite small rings with thickness dr ,
Force on elementary ring
rw2 r2
Pressure intensity # Area of ring = 2prdr
2 #
Total force,
rw2 r2 4 R 4
r3 dr = prw2 :r D = prw2 R
F = #0 2 #
2prdr = prw2 #0 4 0 4
Weight of water = mg = rng m = rn
= rpR2 # Hg = rgHpR2 A = pR 2
rw2 R2
So, Net force = rgHpR2 + rw2 pR = pR2 ; + rgH E
4 4
Sol. 55 Option (C) is correct.
Given relation is,
U = 3 y - 1 y 3 and d = 4.64x
U3 2 d 2 a d k
Re x
U3 = U = 2 m/ sec , v = 1.5 # 10-5 m2 /s , r = 1.23 kg/m3 , L = x = 1
Kinematic viscosity,
u =
m = u # r = 1.5 # 10-5 # 1.23 = 1.845 # 10-5 kg/m sec
Reynolds Number is given as,
rUx 1.23 # 2 # 1
Re x = = = 1.33 # 105
m 1.845 # 10-5
d = 4.64 # 1 5 = 0.0127
1.33 # 10
U = 3y - 1 y 3
2 d 2a d k
dU = U d 3 y - 1 y 3 = U 3 1 - 3y
dy 3
dy :2 d 2 a d k D 3 ;2 d 2 d3 E
We know that shear stress by the Newtons law of viscosity,
t0 = m c dU m = 1.845 # 10-5 # 3U3
dy y = 0 2d
DN \ H & N\ H
Centrifugal pump is used for both the cases. So D1 = D2
N\ H
H1 = N 12
H2 N 22
H2 = N 22 # H1 = # 30 = 120 m
N1 (500) 2
The specific speed will be constant for centrifugal pump and relation is,
Ns = = Constant
H 3/4
N1 Q1 N Q
So, 3/4 = 2 3/4 2 For both cases
H1 H2
Q2 = N1 # b H2 l # Q1 = 500 # b 120 l # 60
3/4 3/4
N2 H1 1000 30
= 1 # (2) 3/2 # 60
Squaring both sides
Q2 = 1 # 8 # 60 = 120 litre/ min
Alternate :
From unit quantities unit speed
N u = N1 = N 2 N1 = N 2
H1 H2 H1 H2
H 2 = N 2 H1
(1000) # 30
or H2 = N 2 #2 H1 = = 120 m
N1 (500) 2
Q Q2
Unit discharge Qu = 1 =
H1 H2
Q1 Q2
H1 H2
Q H2
or Q2 = 1 = 60 # 120 = 120 litre/ min
H1 30
Sol. 63 None of these is correct.
List-I List-II
P. Curtis 3. Velocity compounding
Q. Rateau 4. Pressure compounding
R. Kaplan 6. Axial flow turbine
mywbut.com S. Francis 7. Mixed flow turbine
So, correct pairs are P-3, Q-4, R-6, S-7.
F = p1 # A1 = 3702.915 # p # (0.01) 2
= 0.3 N
V1 = b D l # U
Substitute the value of V1 from equation (ii) into the equation (i),
r r
p1 - p2 = ;U 2 - b D l U 2E = U 2 ;1 - b D l E
4 4
2 Dt 2 Dt
From the figure, we have
Spring force = Pressure force due to air
- kx = As (p1 - p2) = p D s2 # (p1 - p2)
= p D s2 # U 2 ;1 - b D l E
From equation (iii)
4 2 Dt
kx = p D s2 rU 2 ;b D l - 1E
8 Dt
rU 2 D 4
8k ;b Dt l
x = - 1E pD s2
Due to decrease of velocity, the pressure increases in the direction of flow and
pressure gradient dp/dx is positive or >0
mc p
Prandtl Number Pr =
-2 3
Pr = 0.1523 # 10 # 0.1393 # 10
Pr = 0.0248
Sol. 72 Option (A) is correct.
The SI unit of kinematic viscosity is m2 / sec .
m t du
u = = t = m du
r r dy
F dy
A # du
u =
Substitute the units of all the parameters
Newton m
m 2
/ sec kgm
u = 3 N=
kg/m sec3
kgm m sec kg
= sec m3 = m
2 2
= sec m 3
kg/m kg/m sec
Sol. 73 Option (C) is correct.
Fluid static deals with problems associated with fluids at rest. In static fluid,
there is no relative motion between adjacent fluid layers and thus there are no
shear (tangential) stresses in the fluid trying to deform it.
The only stress in static fluid is the normal stress, which is the pressure and the
variation of pressure is due only to the weight of the fluid and it is always positive.
Therefore, the topic of fluid statics has significance only in gravity field.
Sol. 74 Option (A) is correct.
Biot number gives an indication of internal (conduction) resistance to the surface
(convection) resistance.
Bi = hl
If the value of Biot number is less than 0.1, then lumped that transfer analysis
is valid.
i.e. Biot Number < 0.1.
Sol. 75 Option (D) is correct.