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CEX 5231 Ass 2 2015 - 2016

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1) A horizontal pipe has a section where the radius varies linearly such that  k where
r(x) is the radius of the pipe, x the distance along the pipe and k is a constant. Water is
discharged through small holes in the pipe wall at a rate q(x) per unit length, where q(x) is a
function of x.

a) Using the law of conservation of mass for a fluid control volume and Bernoulli’s equation
derive the following equations for the variation of velocity - v(x) - and pressure – p(x) -
along the pipe.
dv 2kv q dp 2kv 2 qv
  ;   2
dx r r 2 dx r r
b) State and explain the assumptions you have made in deriving the equations given in
A horizontal pipe of a constant radius has a section where a row of
small, uniformly spaced holes drilled through the pipe wall as shown in D
Figure 1. Water is discharged through these holes into the atmosphere.

c) If the discharge in the pipe at the beginning of the section, pipe radius Figure - 1
and the diameter of the holes are given, obtain, but do not solve, differential
equations for the variation of pressure and velocity in this pipe section.
d) Explain how you would solve these equations.
e) How would you vary the pipe diameter in the section with the holes so that the discharge
from each hole is the same?
f) Describe one practical application of such a perforated pipe.

2) Water is discharged from a tank through a long horizontal pipe, ABC

as shown in Figure 2. A valve, P, at C is suddenly closed at time t = 0. A B C
After the valve is closed the water in the pipe near the valve will be
compressed (density will increase) due to the momentum of the water in δx
v1ρ (v+δv1)ρ
the rest of the pipe. This compression will result in what is known as
“water hammer” in the pipe. You will learn more about water hammer P P+δP
in Block 4. Here we are only going to look at deriving the differential
equations for the problem. Figure - 2

a) State the most general form of the equation of conservation of mass for a fluid control
b) State the most general form of the equation of conservation of momentum for a fluid
control volume.

The variation of velocity and pressure in the pipe after the sudden closure is to be studied by
applying the principles of conservation of mass and conservation of momentum to an
elemental control volume of the pipe of length δx. The pipe is assumed to be rigid and

CEX 5231 – Mechanics of Fluids – 2015/16 – Assignment # 2 1

c) Apply the principle of conservation of mass to the elemental control volume and show
p v v 
   0 , where p(x,t) is the pressure in the pipe, v(x,t) the velocity in the
t x  x
1 1 
pipe and K is the bulk modulus of water defined by  . ρ(x,t) is the density of
  p
the water.
d) Apply the principle of conservation of momentum to the elemental control volume and
show that
p v v
  v 0 .
x t x
e) Explain how you would include the effects of pipe friction in deriving these equations.
3) An elemental control volume (of length δx and height δy) in a
two-dimensional incompressible flow is shown in Figure 3.
The velocity field and axes are also shown in the figure.
Y V(x,y)
a) By applying the principle of conservation of mass to the control
volume obtain a differential equation for the flow. U(x,y)

b) By applying the principle of conservation of momentum to the

control volume obtain two more differential equations for the flow.
You should consider a two-dimensional version of Figure 16.4. X
Figure - 3
c) Use the relationships 16.7a and 16.7b to replace the normal and shear stress terms in the
equations from section b) by derivatives of the velocity field. Simplify these equations using
the equation from section a) if possible.
Note : The second term on the RHS of the second equation of 16.7a should be 2  and not
d) Show that the final three equations (1 from section a) and 2 from section c) ) can also be
obtained by simplifying Equations 16.2 and 16.9 in the course material.

4) The Navier-Stokes equations can be written in the form

q 1  2
 
 q. q  

 
 p* 

 q (1) and .q  0 (2)

where q  ui  v j  wk is the velocity vector and p *  p  gz is the piezometric pressure

with z measured in the negative k direction.

a) List the assumptions that have been made in the derivation of equations (1) and (2) .

b) Explain the physical significance of the terms in the left hand side of equation (1).

CEX 5231 – Mechanics of Fluids – 2015/16 – Assignment # 2 2

A fluid (of density ρ and dynamic viscosity μ) flows between two parallel plates as shown in
Figure 4. The distance between the plates is h. The upper plate moves with respect to the
lower plate at a steady velocity V.

c) Consider an elemental control volume as shown in the figure and derive the differential
d 2 u dp *
equation for the velocity between these two plates as   .
dy 2 dx v
State all your assumptions. δx
d) Show that this equation can also be obtained from Equations (1) and (2). Y δy

e) Obtain expressions for the shear stress on the upper and lower plates x
Figure - 4
f) Calculate the discharge of fluid per unit width between the plates.

5) a) What is meant by a “fully developed flow” when considering flows in pipes, conduits
and open channels? Explain your answer with neat figures.

A cylindrical piston moves downward with a steady velocity, V in a cylinder filled with an
incompressible fluid (of density ρ and dynamic viscosity μ) under the action of a force F , as
shown in Figure 5. The diameter of the cylinder is D , while the gap between the cylinder
and the piston is d . The length of the piston is L while the cylinder is filled with the fluid
to a height H as shown in the figure. The piston is made of a material of density ρs .

b) Use the principle of conservation of mass to obtain a relationship between the velocity of
the piston and the discharge through the gap between the piston and the cylinder.

Hint – what is the control volume – moving boundary!!

c) Indicate all the forces on the piston on a neat diagram.

d) Use your answers to b) and c) above and Question 4 e) and f) and obtain a relationship
between the force on the piston and the steady velocity of the piston. List all the
assumptions that have to be made.

Hint – can we assume steady flow – can we assume force balance? – Intermediate results -

d d
ρs L


Figure - 5

CEX 5231 – Mechanics of Fluids – 2015/16 – Assignment # 2 3

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