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Tut 01

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Problems 31

Note: Unless specific values of required fluid properties are where h is the energy loss per unit weight, D the hose diameter, d
given in the statement of the problem, use the values found in the nozzle tip diameter, V the fluid velocity in the hose, and g the
the tables on the inside of the front cover. Problems designated acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid in any
with an * are intended to be solved with the aid of a program- system of units? Explain.
mable calculator or a computer. Problems designated with a †
1.11 The pressure difference, p, across a partial blockage in an
are “open-ended” problems and require critical thinking in
artery called a stenosis is approximated by the equation
that to work them one must make various assumptions and
provide the necessary data. There is not a unique answer to V A0 2
these problems. p K Ku 1 V2
D A1
Answers to the even-numbered problems are listed at the
end of the book. Access to the videos that accompany problems where V is the blood velocity, the blood viscosity FL 2T ,
can be obtained through the book’s web site, www.wiley.com/ the blood density ML 3 , D the artery diameter, A0 the area of the
college/munson. The lab-type problems can also be accessed on unobstructed artery, and A1 the area of the stenosis. Determine the di-
this web site. mensions of the constants K and Ku. Would this equation be valid in
any system of units?
Section 1.2 Dimensions, Dimensional Homogeneity, 1.12 Assume that the speed of sound, c, in a fluid depends on an elas-
and Units tic modulus, E , with dimensions FL 2, and the fluid density, , in the
1.1 The force, F, of the wind blowing against a building is given by form c E a b. If this is to be a dimensionally homogeneous
F CD V 2 A 2, where V is the wind speed, the density of the air, equation, what are the values for a and b? Is your result consistent
A the cross-sectional area of the building, and CD is a constant termed with the standard formula for the speed of sound? See Eq. 1.19.
the drag coefficient. Determine the dimensions of the drag coefficient. 1.13 A formula to estimate the volume rate of flow, Q, flowing
1.2 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT and MLT systems, of over a dam of length, B, is given by the equation
the following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) volume, Q 3.09 BH 3 2
(b) acceleration, (c) mass, (d) moment of inertia (area), and (e) work.
where H is the depth of the water above the top of the dam called
1.3 Determine the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the the head . This formula gives Q in ft3/s when B and H are in feet.
MLT system, for (a) the product of force times acceleration, (b) the Is the constant, 3.09, dimensionless? Would this equation be valid
product of force times velocity divided by area, and (c) momentum if units other than feet and seconds were used?
divided by volume.
†1.14 Cite an example of a restricted homogeneous equation con-
1.4 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT tained in a technical article found in an engineering journal in your
system, of the following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) field of interest. Define all terms in the equation, explain why it is
frequency, (b) stress, (c) strain, (d) torque, and (e) work. a restricted equation, and provide a complete journal citation ti-
tle, date, etc. .
1.5 If u is a velocity, x a length, and t a time, what are the di-
mensions in the MLT system of (a) u t, (b) 2u x t, and (c) 1.15 Make use of Table 1.3 to express the following quantities in
u t dx? SI units: (a) 10.2 in. min, (b) 4.81 slugs, (c) 3.02 lb, (d) 73.1 ft s2,
(e) 0.0234 lb s ft2.
1.6 If p is a pressure, V a velocity, and a fluid density, what are
the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) p/ , (b) pV , and 1.16 Make use of Table 1.4 to express the following quantities in
(c) p V 2? BG units: (a) 14.2 km, (b) 8.14 N m3, (c) 1.61 kg m3,
(d) 0.0320 N m s, (e) 5.67 mm hr.
1.7 If V is a velocity, a length, and a fluid property (the kine-
matic viscosity) having dimensions of L2T 1, which of the fol- 1.17 Express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 160 acres,
lowing combinations are dimensionless: (a) V , (b) V , (c) V 2 , (b) 15 gallons (U.S.), (c) 240 miles, (d) 79.1 hp, (e) 60.3 °F.
(d) V ? 1.18 For Table 1.3 verify the conversion relationships for: (a) area,
1.8 If V is a velocity, determine the dimensions of Z, , and G, (b) density, (c) velocity, and (d) specific weight. Use the basic
which appear in the dimensionally homogeneous equation conversion relationships: 1 ft 0.3048 m; 1 lb 4.4482 N; and
1 slug 14.594 kg.
V Z 1 G
1.19 For Table 1.4 verify the conversion relationships for: (a) ac-
1.9 The volume rate of flow, Q, through a pipe containing a slowly celeration, (b) density, (c) pressure, and (d) volume flowrate. Use
moving liquid is given by the equation the basic conversion relationships: 1 m 3.2808 ft; 1N 0.22481
lb; and 1 kg 0.068521 slug.
R4 p
Q 1.20 Water flows from a large drainage pipe at a rate of
1200 gal min. What is this volume rate of flow in (a) m3 s,
where R is the pipe radius, p the pressure drop along the pipe, a (b) liters min, and (c) ft3 s?
fluid property called viscosity FL 2T , and the length of pipe.
What are the dimensions of the constant 8? Would you classify 1.21 An important dimensionless parameter in certain types of
this equation as a general homogeneous equation? Explain. fluid flow problems is the Froude number defined as V g , where
V is a velocity, g the acceleration of gravity, and a length. Deter-
1.10 According to information found in an old hydraulics book, mine the value of the Froude number for V 10 ft s,
the energy loss per unit weight of fluid flowing through a nozzle g 32.2 ft s2, and 2 ft. Recalculate the Froude number using
connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula SI units for V, g, and . Explain the significance of the results of
h 0.04 to 0.09 D d 4V 2 2g these calculations.
32 Chapter 1 Introduction

Section 1.4 Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight †1.35 The presence of raindrops in the air during a heavy rain-
storm increases the average density of the air–water mixture. Esti-
1.22 Obtain a photograph/image of a situation in which the den-
mate by what percent the average air–water density is greater than
sity or specific weight of a fluid is important. Print this photo and
that of just still air. State all assumptions and show calculations.
write a brief paragraph that describes the situation involved.
1.23 A tank contains 500 kg of a liquid whose specific gravity is Section 1.5 Ideal Gas Law
2. Determine the volume of the liquid in the tank.
1.36 Determine the mass of air in a 2 m3 tank if the air is at room
1.24 Clouds can weigh thousands of pounds due to their liquid temperature, 20 °C, and the absolute pressure within the tank is
water content. Often this content is measured in grams per cubic 200 kPa (abs).
meter (g/m3). Assume that a cumulus cloud occupies a volume of
one cubic kilometer, and its liquid water content is 0.2 g/m3. (a) 1.37 Nitrogen is compressed to a density of 4 kg/m3 under an ab-
What is the volume of this cloud in cubic miles? (b) How much solute pressure of 400 kPa. Determine the temperature in degrees
does the water in the cloud weigh in pounds? Celsius.

1.25 A tank of oil has a mass of 25 slugs. (a) Determine its weight 1.38 The temperature and pressure at the surface of Mars during
in pounds and in newtons at the earth’s surface. (b) What would a Martian spring day were determined to be 50 °C and 900 Pa,
be its mass in slugs and its weight in pounds if located on the respectively. (a) Determine the density of the Martian atmosphere
moon’s surface where the gravitational attraction is approximately for these conditions if the gas constant for the Martian atmosphere
one-sixth that at the earth’s surface? is assumed to be equivalent to that of carbon dioxide. (b) Compare
the answer from part (a) with the density of the earth’s atmosphere
1.26 A certain object weighs 300 N at the earth’s surface. Deter- during a spring day when the temperature is 18 °C and the pres-
mine the mass of the object in kilograms and its weight in new- sure 101.6 kPa (abs).
tons when located on a planet with an acceleration of gravity equal
to 4.0 ft s2. 1.39 A closed tank having a volume of 2 ft3 is filled with
0.30 lb of a gas. A pressure gage attached to the tank reads 12 psi
1.27 The density of a certain type of jet fuel is 775 kg/m3. De- when the gas temperature is 80 °F. There is some question as to
termine its specific gravity and specific weight. whether the gas in the tank is oxygen or helium. Which do you
think it is? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
1.28 A hydrometer is used to measure the specific gravity of liq-
uids. (See Video V2.8.) For a certain liquid, a hydrometer read- 1.40 A compressed air tank contains 5 kg of air at a temperature
ing indicates a specific gravity of 1.15. What is the liquid’s den- of 80 °C. A gage on the tank reads 300 kPa. Determine the vol-
sity and specific weight? Express your answer in SI units. ume of the tank.
1.29 An open, rigid-walled, cylindrical tank contains 4 ft3 of wa- 1.41 A rigid tank contains air at a pressure of 90 psia and a tem-
ter at 40 °F. Over a 24-hour period of time the water temperature perature of 60 F. By how much will the pressure increase as the
varies from 40 to 90 °F. Make use of the data in Appendix B to temperature is increased to 110 F?
determine how much the volume of water will change. For a tank
diameter of 2 ft, would the corresponding change in water depth 1.42 The helium-filled blimp shown in Fig. P1.42 is used at var-
be very noticeable? Explain. ious athletic events. Determine the number of pounds of helium
within it if its volume is 68,000 ft3 and the temperature and pres-
†1.30 Estimate the number of pounds of mercury it would take to sure are 80 °F and 14.2 psia, respectively.
fill your bathtub. List all assumptions and show all calculations.
1.31 A mountain climber’s oxygen tank contains 1 lb of oxygen
when he begins his trip at sea level where the acceleration of grav-
ity is 32.174 ft/s2. What is the weight of the oxygen in the tank
when he reaches the top of Mt. Everest where the acceleration of
gravity is 32.082 ft/s2? Assume that no oxygen has been removed
from the tank; it will be used on the descent portion of the climb.
1.32 The information on a can of pop indicates that the can con-
tains 355 mL. The mass of a full can of pop is 0.369 kg while an
empty can weighs 0.153 N. Determine the specific weight, den-
sity, and specific gravity of the pop and compare your results with
the corresponding values for water at 20 °C. Express your results *1.43 Develop a computer program for calculating the density
in SI units. of an ideal gas when the gas pressure in pascals abs , the tem-
perature in degrees Celsius, and the gas constant in J kg K are
*1.33 The variation in the density of water, , with temperature, specified. Plot the density of helium as a function of temperature
T, in the range 20 °C T 50 °C, is given in the following table. from 0 °C to 200 °C and pressures of 50, 100, 150, and 200 kPa
Density kg m3 998.2 997.1 995.7 994.1 992.2 990.2 988.1 (abs).
Temperature °C 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Section 1.6 Viscosity (Also see Lab Problems 1.104
Use these data to determine an empirical equation of the form
and 1.105.)
c1 c2T c3T 2 which can be used to predict the density over
the range indicated. Compare the predicted values with the data 1.44 Obtain a photograph/image of a situation in which the vis-
given. What is the density of water at 42.1 °C? cosity of a fluid is important. Print this photo and write a brief
paragraph that describes the situation involved.
1.34 If 1 cup of cream having a density of 1005 kg/m3 is turned
into 3 cups of whipped cream, determine the specific gravity and 1.45 For flowing water, what is the magnitude of the velocity gra-
specific weight of the whipped cream. dient needed to produce a shear stress of 1.0 N/m2?
Problems 33
1.46 Make use of the data in Appendix B to determine the dy- (lb/ft2) 0 2.11 7.82 18.5 31.7
namic viscosity of glycerin at 85 °F. Express your answer in both 1
SI and BG units. (s ) 0 50 100 150 200

1.47 One type of capillary-tube viscometer is shown in Video Plot these data and fit a second-order polynomial to the data using
V1.5 and in Fig. P1.47. For this device the liquid to be tested is a suitable graphing program. What is the apparent viscosity of this
drawn into the tube to a level above the top etched line. The time fluid when the rate of shearing strain is 70 s 1? Is this apparent vis-
is then obtained for the liquid to drain to the bottom etched line. cosity larger or smaller than that for water at the same tempera-
The kinematic viscosity, , in m2/s is then obtained from the equa- ture?
tion KR 4t where K is a constant, R is the radius of the capil- 1.53 Water flows near a flat surface and some measurements of the
lary tube in mm, and t is the drain time in seconds. When glyc- water velocity, u, parallel to the surface, at different heights, y, above
erin at 20 C is used as a calibration fluid in a particular viscometer, the surface are obtained. At the surface y 0. After an analysis of
the drain time is 1430 s. When a liquid having a density of 970 the data, the lab technician reports that the velocity distribution in
kg/m3 is tested in the same viscometer the drain time is 900 s. the range 0 y 0.1 ft is given by the equation
What is the dynamic viscosity of this liquid?
u 0.81 9.2y 4.1 103y 3
with u in ft/s when y is in ft. (a) Do you think that this equation
would be valid in any system of units? Explain. (b) Do you think
this equation is correct? Explain. You may want to look at Video
1.4 to help you arrive at your answer.
1.54 Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water and
for air through a 4-mm-diameter tube, if the mean velocity is 3 m s
and the temperature is 30 °C in both cases see Example 1.4 . As-
sume the air is at standard atmospheric pressure.
1.55 For air at standard atmospheric pressure the values of the
constants that appear in the Sutherland equation Eq. 1.10 are
C 1.458 10 6 kg m s K1 2 and S 110.4 K. Use these
values to predict the viscosity of air at 10 °C and 90 °C and com-
pare with values given in Table B.4 in Appendix B.
*1.56 Use the values of viscosity of air given in Table B.4 at tem-
peratures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C to determine the con-
stants C and S which appear in the Sutherland equation Eq. 1.10 .
Compare your results with the values given in Problem 1.55. Hint:
Rewrite the equation in the form
1.48 The viscosity of a soft drink was determined by using a cap- T3 2 1 S
illary tube viscometer similar to that shown in Fig. P1.47 and Video T
V1.5. For this device the kinematic viscosity, , is directly propor-
tional to the time, t, that it takes for a given amount of liquid to and plot T 3 2 versus T. From the slope and intercept of this curve,
flow through a small capillary tube. That is, Kt. The following C and S can be obtained.
data were obtained from regular pop and diet pop. The corre-
sponding measured specific gravities are also given. Based on these 1.57 The viscosity of a fluid plays a very important role in deter-
data, by what percent is the absolute viscosity, , of regular pop mining how a fluid flows. (See Video V1.3.) The value of the vis-
greater than that of diet pop? cosity depends not only on the specific fluid but also on the fluid
temperature. Some experiments show that when a liquid, under the
Regular pop Diet pop action of a constant driving pressure, is forced with a low veloc-
ity, V, through a small horizontal tube, the velocity is given by the
t(s) 377.8 300.3 equation V K . In this equation K is a constant for a given tube
SG 1.044 1.003 and pressure, and is the dynamic viscosity. For a particular liq-
uid of interest, the viscosity is given by Andrade’s equation (Eq.
1.49 Determine the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of water to air at 1.11) with D 5 10 7 lb s ft2 and B 4000 °R. By what per-
a temperature of 60 °C. Compare this value with the corresponding centage will the velocity increase as the liquid temperature is in-
ratio of kinematic viscosities. Assume the air is at standard atmos- creased from 40 F to 100 F? Assume all other factors remain con-
pheric pressure. stant.
1.50 The viscosity of a certain fluid is 5 10 poise. Determine *1.58 Use the value of the viscosity of water given in Table B.2
its viscosity in both SI and BG units. at temperatures of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C to determine the
1.51 The kinematic viscosity of oxygen at 20 °C and a pressure constants D and B which appear in Andrade’s equation Eq. 1.11 .
of 150 kPa abs is 0.104 stokes. Determine the dynamic viscosity Calculate the value of the viscosity at 50 °C and compare with
of oxygen at this temperature and pressure. the value given in Table B.2. Hint: Rewrite the equation in the
*1.52 Fluids for which the shearing stress, , is not linearly form
related to the rate of shearing strain, , are designated as non- 1
Newtonian fluids. Such fluids are commonplace and can exhibit ln B ln D
unusual behavior, as shown in Video V1.6. Some experimental data
obtained for a particular non-Newtonian fluid at 80 F are shown and plot ln versus 1 T. From the slope and intercept of this curve,
below. B and D can be obtained. If a nonlinear curve-fitting program is
34 Chapter 1 Introduction

available the constants can be obtained directly from Eq. 1.11 with-
out rewriting the equation.
1.59 For a parallel plate arrangement of the type shown in Fig.
1.5 it is found that when the distance between plates is 2 mm, a P
shearing stress of 150 Pa develops at the upper plate when it is
pulled at a velocity of 1 m/s. Determine the viscosity of the fluid
between the plates. Express your answer in SI units.
1.60 Two flat plates are oriented parallel above a fixed lower plate
as shown in Fig. P1.60. The top plate, located a distance b above
the fixed plate, is pulled along with speed V. The other thin plate
is located a distance cb, where 0 c 1, above the fixed plate.
This plate moves with speed V1, which is determined by the vis-
cous shear forces imposed on it by the fluids on its top and bot- 1.64 A 10-kg block slides down a smooth inclined surface as
tom. The fluid on the top is twice as viscous as that on the bot- shown in Fig. P1.64. Determine the terminal velocity of the
tom. Plot the ratio V1/V as a function of c for 0 c 1. block if the 0.1-mm gap between the block and the surface con-
tains SAE 30 oil at 60 °F. Assume the velocity distribution in
the gap is linear, and the area of the block in contact with the
oil is 0.1 m2.


1.61 There are many fluids that exhibit non-Newtonian behavior

(see, for example, Video V1.6). For a given fluid the distinction
between Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior is usually based
on measurements of shear stress and rate of shearing strain. As-
sume that the viscosity of blood is to be determined by measure-
ments of shear stress, , and rate of shearing strain, du/dy, ob- 1.65 A layer of water flows down an inclined fixed surface with
tained from a small blood sample tested in a suitable viscometer. the velocity profile shown in Fig. P1.65. Determine the magnitude
Based on the data given below determine if the blood is a New- and direction of the shearing stress that the water exerts on the fixed
tonian or non-Newtonian fluid. Explain how you arrived at your surface for U 2 m s and h 0.1 m.
(N/m2) 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.30 0.52 1.12 2.10
1 h
du/dy (s ) 2.25 4.50 11.25 22.5 45.0 90.0 225 450 U

1.62 The sled shown in Fig. P1.62 slides along on a thin horizontal y u
layer of water between the ice and the runners. The horizontal force u y y
that the water puts on the runners is equal to 1.2 lb when the sled’s U h h
speed is 50 ft/s. The total area of both runners in contact with the wa-
ter is 0.08 ft2, and the viscosity of the water is 3.5 10 5 lb s ft2.
Determine the thickness of the water layer under the runners. Assume
a linear velocity distribution in the water layer.
*1.66 Standard air flows past a flat surface and velocity measure-
ments near the surface indicate the following distribution:
y ft 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
u ft s 0.74 1.51 3.03 6.37 10.21 14.43
The coordinate y is measured normal to the surface and u is the
velocity parallel to the surface. (a) Assume the velocity distribu-
tion is of the form
u C1y C2 y 3
and use a standard curve-fitting technique to determine the constants
C1 and C2. (b) Make use of the results of part a to determine the
1.63 A 25-mm-diameter shaft is pulled through a cylindrical bear- magnitude of the shearing stress at the wall y 0 and at y 0.05 ft.
ing as shown in Fig. P1.63. The lubricant that fills the 1.67 A new computer drive is proposed to have a disc, as shown
0.3-mm gap between the shaft and bearing is an oil having a kine- in Fig. P1.67. The disc is to rotate at 10,000 rpm, and the reader
matic viscosity of 8.0 10 4 m2 s and a specific gravity of 0.91. head is to be positioned 0.0005 in. above the surface of the disc.
Determine the force P required to pull the shaft at a velocity of 3 Estimate the shearing force on the reader head as result of the air
m/s. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. between the disc and the head.
Problems 35
For this viscometer Ro 2.50 in., Ri 2.45 in., and 5.00 in.
Make use of these data and a standard curve-fitting program to de-
termine the viscosity of the liquid contained in the viscometer.


1.68 The space between two 6-in.-long concentric cylinders is

filled with glycerin viscosity 8.5 10 3 lb s ft2 . The inner
cylinder has a radius of 3 in. and the gap width between cylinders
is 0.1 in. Determine the torque and the power required to rotate
the inner cylinder at 180 rev min. The outer cylinder is fixed. As- 1.71 A 12-in.-diameter circular plate is placed over a fixed bot-
sume the velocity distribution in the gap to be linear. tom plate with a 0.1-in. gap between the two plates filled with glyc-
1.69 A pivot bearing used on the shaft of an electrical instrument erin as shown in Fig. P1.71. Determine the torque required to ro-
is shown in Fig. P1.69. An oil with a viscosity of 0.010 lb . s/ft2 tate the circular plate slowly at 2 rpm. Assume that the velocity
fills the 0.001-in. gap between the rotating shaft and the station- distribution in the gap is linear and that the shear stress on the edge
ary base. Determine the frictional torque on the shaft when it ro- of the rotating plate is negligible.
tates at 5,000 rpm.

†1.72 Vehicle shock absorbers damp out oscillations caused by

road roughness. Describe how a temperature change may affect the
operation of a shock absorber.
1.73 Some measurements on a blood sample at 37 °C 98.6 °F
indicate a shearing stress of 0.52 N m2 for a corresponding rate
of shearing strain of 200 s 1. Determine the apparent viscosity
of the blood and compare it with the viscosity of water at the
same temperature.

Section 1.7 Compressibility of Fluids

1.74 Obtain a photograph/image of a situation in which the com-
pressibility of a fluid is important. Print this photo and write a brief
paragraph that describes the situation involved.
1.75 A sound wave is observed to travel through a liquid with a
speed of 1500 m/s. The specific gravity of the liquid is 1.5. De-
termine the bulk modulus for this fluid.
1.70 The viscosity of liquids can be measured through the use of a
rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P1.70. In 1.76 Estimate the increase in pressure (in psi) required to decrease
this device the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder is rotated a unit volume of mercury by 0.1%.
with an angular velocity, . The torque required to develop is 1.77 A 1-m3 volume of water is contained in a rigid container. Es-
measured and the viscosity is calculated from these two measurements. timate the change in the volume of the water when a piston applies
(a) Develop an equation relating , , , , Ro, and Ri. Neglect a pressure of 35 MPa.
end effects and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is lin-
ear. (b) The following torque-angular velocity data were obtained 1.78 Determine the speed of sound at 20 °C in (a) air, (b) helium,
with a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type discussed in part (a). and (c) natural gas (methane). Express your answer in m/s.
1.79 Air is enclosed by a rigid cylinder containing a piston. A
Torque ft lb 13.1 26.0 39.5 52.7 64.9 78.6
pressure gage attached to the cylinder indicates an initial reading
Angular of 25 psi. Determine the reading on the gage when the piston has
velocity rad s 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 compressed the air to one-third its original volume. Assume the
36 Chapter 1 Introduction

compression process to be isothermal and the local atmospheric is zero, and the specific weight of the liquid is 1.2 104 N/m3.
pressure to be 14.7 psi. Determine the value of the surface tension for this liquid.
1.80 Repeat Problem 1.79 if the compression process takes place 1.95 Small droplets of carbon tetrachloride at 68 °F are formed
without friction and without heat transfer (isentropic process). with a spray nozzle. If the average diameter of the droplets is
200 m, what is the difference in pressure between the inside and
1.81 Carbon dioxide at 30 °C and 300 kPa absolute pressure ex- outside of the droplets?
pands isothermally to an absolute pressure of 165 kPa. Determine
the final density of the gas. 1.96 A 12-mm-diameter jet of water discharges vertically into the
atmosphere. Due to surface tension the pressure inside the jet will
1.82 Natural gas at 70 °F and standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 be slightly higher than the surrounding atmospheric pressure. De-
psi (abs) is compressed isentropically to a new absolute pressure of termine this difference in pressure.
70 psi. Determine the final density and temperature of the gas.
1.83 Compare the isentropic bulk modulus of air at 101 kPa abs 1.97 As shown in Video V1.9, surface tension forces can be strong
with that of water at the same pressure. enough to allow a double-edge steel razor blade to “float” on wa-
ter, but a single-edge blade will sink. Assume that the surface ten-
*1.84 Develop a computer program for calculating the final gage sion forces act at an angle relative to the water surface as shown
pressure of gas when the initial gage pressure, initial and final vol- in Fig. P1.97. (a) The mass of the double-edge blade is
umes, atmospheric pressure, and the type of process isothermal or 0.64 10 3 kg, and the total length of its sides is 206 mm. De-
isentropic are specified. Use BG units. Check your program termine the value of required to maintain equilibrium between
against the results obtained for Problem 1.79. the blade weight and the resultant surface tension force. (b) The
1.85 An important dimensionless parameter concerned with very mass of the single-edge blade is 2.61 10 3 kg, and the total
high-speed flow is the Mach number, defined as V/c, where V is the length of its sides is 154 mm. Explain why this blade sinks. Sup-
speed of the object such as an airplane or projectile, and c is the port your answer with the necessary calculations.
speed of sound in the fluid surrounding the object. For a projectile
traveling at 800 mph through air at 50 F and standard atmospheric
pressure, what is the value of the Mach number?
1.86 Jet airliners typically fly at altitudes between approximately 0
to 40,000 ft. Make use of the data in Appendix C to show on a graph
how the speed of sound varies over this range.
1.87 (See Fluids in the News article titled “This water jet is a
blast,” Section 1.7.1) By what percent is the volume of water de- 1.98 To measure the water depth in a large open tank with opaque
creased if its pressure is increased to an equivalent to 3000 at- walls, an open vertical glass tube is attached to the side of the
mospheres (44,100 psi)? tank. The height of the water column in the tube is then used as
a measure of the depth of water in the tank. (a) For a true water
Section 1.8 Vapor Pressure depth in the tank of 3 ft, make use of Eq. 1.22 (with 0°) to
determine the percent error due to capillarity as the diameter of
1.88 During a mountain climbing trip it is observed that the wa- the glass tube is changed. Assume a water temperature of 80 F.
ter used to cook a meal boils at 90 °C rather than the standard 100 Show your results on a graph of percent error versus tube diam-
°C at sea level. At what altitude are the climbers preparing their eter, D, in the range 0.1 in. D 1.0 in. (b) If you want the
meal? (See Tables B.2 and C.2 for data needed to solve this prob- error to be less than 1%, what is the smallest tube diameter al-
lem.) lowed?
1.89 When a fluid flows through a sharp bend, low pressures may
develop in localized regions of the bend. Estimate the minimum 1.99 Under the right conditions, it is possible, due to surface ten-
absolute pressure in psi that can develop without causing cavita- sion, to have metal objects float on water. (See Video V1.9.) Con-
tion if the fluid is water at 160 °F. sider placing a short length of a small diameter steel (sp. wt. 490
lb/ft3) rod on a surface of water. What is the maximum diameter
1.90 Estimate the minimum absolute pressure in pascals that can that the rod can have before it will sink? Assume that the surface
be developed at the inlet of a pump to avoid cavitation if the fluid tension forces act vertically upward. Note: A standard paper clip
is carbon tetrachloride at 20 °C. has a diameter of 0.036 in. Partially unfold a paper clip and see
1.91 When water at 70 °C flows through a converging section of if you can get it to float on water. Do the results of this experi-
pipe, the pressure decreases in the direction of flow. Estimate the ment support your analysis?
minimum absolute pressure that can develop without causing cav-
1.100 An open, clean glass tube, having a diameter of 3 mm, is
itation. Express your answer in both BG and SI units.
inserted vertically into a dish of mercury at 20 °C. How far will
1.92 At what atmospheric pressure will water boil at 35 °C? Ex- the column of mercury in the tube be depressed?
press your answer in both SI and BG units.
1.101 An open, clean glass tube 0° is inserted vertically into
a pan of water. What tube diameter is needed if the water level in
Section 1.9 Surface Tension the tube is to rise one tube diameter (due to surface tension)?
1.93 Obtain a photograph/image of a situation in which the sur-
face tension of a fluid is important. Print this photo and write a 1.102 Determine the height that water at 60 °F will rise due to
brief paragraph that describes the situation involved. capillary action in a clean, 14 -in.-diameter tube. What will be the
height if the diameter is reduced to 0.01 in.?
1.94 When a 2-mm-diameter tube is inserted into a liquid in an
open tank, the liquid is observed to rise 10 mm above the free sur- 1.103 (See Fluids in the News article titled “Walking on water,”
face of the liquid. The contact angle between the liquid and the tube Section 1.9.) (a) The water strider bug shown in Fig. P1.103 is
Problems 37
supported on the surface of a pond by surface tension acting along Life Long Learning Problems
the interface between the water and the bug’s legs. Determine the
minimum length of this interface needed to support the bug. As- 1.106 Although there are numerous non-Newtonian fluids that oc-
sume the bug weighs 10 4 N and the surface tension force acts cur naturally (quick sand and blood among them), with the advent
vertically upwards. (b) Repeat part (a) if surface tension were to of modern chemistry and chemical processing, many new, man-
support a person weighing 750 N. made non-Newtonian fluids are now available for a variety of novel
application. Obtain information about the discovery and use of
newly developed non-Newtonian fluids. Summarize your findings
in a brief report.
1.107 For years, lubricating oils and greases obtained by refining
crude oil have been used to lubricate moving parts in a wide vari-
ety of machines, motors, and engines. With the increasing cost of
crude oil and the potential for the reduced availability of it, the
need for nonpetroleum based lubricants has increased considerably.
Obtain information about non-petroleum based lubricants. Sum-
marize your findings in a brief report.
1.108 It is predicted that nano-technology and the use of nano-sized
objects will allow many processes, procedures, and products that, as
of now, are difficult for us to comprehend. Among new nano-
Lab Problems technology areas is that of nano-scale fluid mechanics. Fluid behav-
1.104 This problem involves the use of a Stormer viscometer ior at the nano-scale can be entirely different than that for the usual
to determine whether a fluid is a Newtonian or a non-Newton- everyday flows with which we are familiar. Obtain information about
ian fluid. To proceed with this problem, go to Appendix H, various aspects of nano-fluid mechanics. Summarize your findings in
which is located on the book’s web site, www.wiley.com/col- a brief report.
FE Exam Problems
1.105 This problem involves the use of a capillary tube viscometer to
determine the kinematic viscosity of water as a function of tempera- Sample FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam question for fluid
ture. To proceed with this problem, go to Appendix H, which is located mechanics are provided on the book’s web site, www.wiley.com/
on the book’s web site, www.wiley.com/college/munson. college/munson.

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