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Fu&Cebon 2002

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Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol. 9, No.

4, 2002 281

Analysis of a truck suspension database

T.-T. Fu+ and D. Cebon

+Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, ROC
Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, UK

E-mail: dc@eng.cam.ac.uk

Abstract: Experimental data from 61 heavy vehicle suspensions are analysed

in this paper to investigate the trends in performance of contemporary
suspension designs. Two suspension databases and a mathematical vehicle
model are used to calculate the ride and roll performance of heavy vehicles,
based on the measured suspension parameters. The suspensions are divided
into eight categories according to their spring and axle types. The contribution
of suspension springs to rollover stability is evaluated, and the conflict between
vehicle ride and roll stability is analysed. Methods for resolving this conflict
are discussed from the viewpoint of systematic design principles. A
comparison of measured total roll stiffness and roll centre height with rollover
threshold is conducted to search for the possible patterns of performance.

Keywords: dynamic tyre forces, ride comfort, rollover stability, suspension


Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Fu, T.-T. and Cebon, D.
(2002) Analysis of a truck suspension database, Heavy Vehicle Systems, A
Series of the Int. J. of Vehicle Design, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 281297.

1 Introduction

In the UK, 80% of goods are transported by road (Dept. of Transport, 1992), mainly by
heavy vehicles. In terms of freight distance travelled (tonne-km), road transport accounts
for 66% of all transportation modes, including air, sea, rail, etc. Heavy vehicles are an
important component of the national economy, but are also responsible for a significant
part of the damage to roads and bridges (Cebon, 1999). Suspension design is a key factor
in the dynamic tyre forces which are thought to contribute to this damage (Cebon, 1999;
Mitchell, 1991; Cole and Cebon, 1996; Woodroofe, 1996), as well as ride comfort
Woodroofe, 1996), roll stability (Winkler et al., 2000), handling (Anon., 1989), and
braking (Hardy and Cebon, 1993).
There is a fundamental trade-off between the ride vibration and roll performance of
heavy vehicle suspensions. In general, in order to increase roll stability it is necessary to
increase vertical stiffness (Cole and Cebon, 1996). The use of anti-roll bars alleviates this
trade-off to some extent, since they can allow the suspension to be soft in the vertical
direction, but stiff in roll (Cole and Cebon, 1996).
Key factors that influence roll stability are the height of the centre of gravity (CG)
and track width; the compliance (and any back-lash) of the suspensions and tyres;

Copyright 2002 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

282 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

movement of the payload (e.g. sloshing of fluid in a tanker); and the torsional flexibility
of the vehicle frame (see review by Winkler (2000)).
Ride and dynamic tyre forces (road damage) are strongly influenced by the stiffness
and damping of the suspension (Cole et al., 1996). Softer suspensions generally have
lower natural frequencies and generate lower dynamic tyre forces than stiffer
suspensions (Cebon, 1999; Gyenes et al., 1992).
In this paper, measured suspension data from the Transportation Research Institute of
the University of Michigan (UMTRI) are analysed (Fancher et al., 1980; Fancher et al.,
1986; Winkler et al., 1992). Analytical models and assumptions are employed to fill the
gaps in the data. Analyses presented here aim to elucidate trends in the stiffness
characteristics, natural frequencies and roll performance achieved by current

2 The vehicle model

Rollover is a specific problem in heavy vehicle operations due to their large payload and
high centre of gravity (CG). The problem can occur while the vehicle is in steady turning
or a transient handling manoeuvre, such as a lane change. The main parameters involved
are the CG height, payload shifting (e.g. liquid sloshing in tanks), suspension and tyre
compliance. The propensity to rollover during steady turning can be characterised by the
static rollover threshold. This is the steady lateral acceleration which causes rollover of
the vehicle (Fancher, 1985).
A simple static roll plane model was used to predict the rollover threshold of vehicles
from measured suspension parameters. As illustrated in Figure 1, the model has two
degrees of freedom: sprung mass and unsprung mass roll angles ( r and t ). The effect
of spring stiffness on roll motion is combined with auxiliary roll stiffness ( K raux ) into
the total roll stiffness ( K rtot ) of the suspension according to the following relation:

K rtot = K raux + 2 * k s * p 2 (1)

In this equation, 2 * k s * p 2 is the part of roll stiffness which is contributed by

vertical stiffness of suspension springs (ks is the vertical suspension spring stiffness, and
2p is the spring centre separation). K raux is the component of the total roll stiffness
which is derived from suspension components other than the springs, for instance, the
trailing arm systems in air suspensions or anti-roll bars in steel steering axle suspensions,
etc. Symbols used in Figure 1 are defined as follows:
m s sprung mass
hs sprung mass CG height
mu unsprung mass
hu unsprung mass CG height
hrc roll centre height
K rt roll stiffness due to the vertical stiffness of tyres
Analysis of a truck suspension database 283

m s Ay

ms g

h rc

m u Ay
m ug
Krt Degrees of freedom

Figure 1 The static roll plane model.

Taking moments about each roll centre in Figure 1, and assuming small angles
throughout, two equations of motion can be derived:

m s A y h s + m u A y hu + m s g (h s hrc ) r = (K rt m s ghrc m u ghu ) t (2)

m s (h s hrc )A y + (m s g (h s hrc ) + K rtot ) r = K rtot t (3)

where r and t are the roll angles of the sprung and unsprung masses. Arranging these
into a matrix form and using rollover threshold Ay and sprung mass roll angle r as the
state variables gives:

mshs + muhu msg(hs hrc ) Ay (Krt msghrc mu ghu ) t

ms (hs hrc ) msg(hs hrc ) K rtot r = Krtot t
Inverting the left-hand side to eliminate the sprung mass roll angle r , from
Equation (4) gives:
284 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

Ay msg(hs hrc )(K rt ms ghrc mughu ) + Krtot (ms ghs + mughu Krt )
= t
g ms g(hs hrc )(ms ghrc + mughu ) Krtot (ms ghs + mughu ) (5)
The rollover threshold is defined as the lateral acceleration when one wheel lifts off
the ground. In this condition, the unsprung mass roll angle is:
(ms + mu )g
t =
2 Kt t (6)

where 2t is the track width, and Kt is the tyre stiffness. (Note that Krt = 2Kt t .)
Substituting Equation (6) into Equation (5) gives the rollover threshold.
Note that this simplified model was chosen specifically for comparing the measured
suspension data. It is not dynamically similar to any particular heavy goods vehicle,
because: (i) it only has one axle, and therefore does not account the effects of multiple
axles, including roll/torsion and bounce/pitch coupling; (ii) its inertia is all concentrated
above the suspension. Nevertheless the model is representative of the broad class of
heavy vehicles to which the measured suspensions are normally attached.

3 Sources of suspension data

3.1 UMTRI test rig and experiments

Winkler et al. at UMTRI built a test rig in 1979 to measure parameters of heavy-vehicle
suspension systems (Winkler et al., 1980). Over the years, they have collected
experimental data for many commercially-available suspensions. The test rig is capable
of testing both single-axle and tandem-axle suspensions while they are mounted on the
vehicle frame. The measurements are made in the steady state or quasi-steady state.
The rig can be used to measure nine physical parameters for single-axle suspensions,
and various other specific parameters for tandem and steering axle suspensions. In this
project, only those parameters which are related to the ride and roll performance of heavy
vehicles are analysed. The parameters investigated here are:
(i) roll stiffness: (total roll stiffness and auxiliary roll stiffness);
(ii) roll centre height;
(iii) vertical spring stiffness.
Two databases of parameters measured on the UMTRI test rig were analysed. The
first is from (Winkler et al., 1992). It comprises 94 suspensions including air, steel,
walking-beam, torsion-bar and coil springs. The suspensions are from steering, drive and
trailer axle groups. Suspension parameters available in (Winkler et al., 1992) are total
roll stiffness, auxiliary roll stiffness and roll centre height. The second database was
obtained directly from UMTRI (Winkler, 1997). It consists of 111 suspensions, for
which the vertical force-deflection characteristics are documented. Although based on
the same test facility, these two databases only have 54 suspensions in common.
Analysis of a truck suspension database 285

3.2 The baseline vehicle

In order to use the static roll plane model to simulate vehicle performance, values of
parameters which are not provided in the suspension databases were estimated. A typical
articulated heavy vehicle was chosen as the common basis for comparing suspensions.
This vehicle was a tractor/semi-trailer with four axles. Dual radial ply tyres were
assumed to be installed on the drive axle and trailer axles. For the steering axle, single
radial ply tyres were assumed.
Details of the dimensions of the baseline vehicle are provided in (Lin, 1994; Fu,
1998). Table 1 provides some physical properties of the baseline vehicle. The sprung
mass CG height of trailer axle group was taken to be the same as the overall CG height
of the trailer. For steering and drive axles, the CG heights were derived from the CG
height of tractor and trailer sprung masses, using weighting factors that depended on the
static load carried by each axle. The unsprung mass CG height and half wheel track were
set to 0.53m and 0.93m, respectively, for all three axle groups.
Table 1 Properties of the baseline vehicle.

Item Steering axle Drive axle Trailer axles

Sprung mass ( kg ) (axle loading) 6062 9179 8750
Sprung mass CG height (m) 1.17 1.68 1.79
Unsprung mass per axle (kg) 706 1107 792
Vertical stiffness of tyre (N/m) 8.76 10 5
1.75 10 6
1.75 10 6

3.3 Selection of the working database

A selection procedure was employed to construct a complete suspension database for
analysis in this project. It was necessary to use various assumptions, mainly based on the
static roll plane model and physical parameters of the baseline vehicle, to estimate
missing items in the original databases. The aim of this procedure was to make the
derived working database as complete as possible. It was also necessary to account for
the fact that the static loads used in the suspension tests do not always match the axle
loads of the baseline vehicle. The selection procedure included:
(i) Removal of suspensions which lacked information on total roll stiffness or roll
centre height;
(ii) Elimination of suspensions with more than 25% difference between their test loads
and standard axle loads;
(iii) For the suspensions without known spring vertical stiffness, the distance between
spring centres was assumed to be equal to 980 mm. The vertical stiffness was then
calculated from the roll stiffnesses and the spring centre distance using Equation (1).
The results of the selection procedure are presented in Figure 2. It contains 61
suspensions in eight categories. They constitute the working database used for further
286 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

No. of suspensions

25 23


15 12
2 2
drive- drive- drive- drive- steer- steer- Trailer- Trailer-
air steel torsion walking steel walking air steel

Types of axles & suspensions

Figure 2 Population of the working database.

In the working database, 75% of the suspensions have steel leaf springs. These
include three different axle types (steer, drive and trailer groups). 16% of the suspensions
in the database have air springs. These exist in drive and trailer axle groups. There are
also a few tandem drive axle walking-beam and torsion-bar suspensions.
The origins of the suspensions and markets in which they are used are shown in
Figure 3. The majority (77%) of suspensions analysed in this paper are used in the North
American commercial market.
No. of suspensions

50 47



2 2
Europe- Europe- North North
commercial military America- America-
commercial military

Market origin

Figure 3 Market origin of the working database.

Typical contents of the working database are depicted in Tables 2 and 3, for 19 of the
61 suspensions in the working database. Table 2 shows the original experimental data
Axle Type of Rated L. Tot. R. Stiff. Aux. R. Stiff. Vert. Stiff. R C H
Type Axle no. Susp. Type Spring Type Leaf/Clamp origin kN kN-m/deg kN-m/deg N/m mm

Table 2
drive single steel flat (9) NA 71.2 10.73 1.16 8.06E+05 780
drive single steel flat (14) NA 93.4 9.69 2.26 1.15E+06 719
drive tandem 4-spring steel flat (7) NA 80.05 6.17 1.13 8.18E+05 677
drive tandem 2-spring steel flat (9) Eur 77.85 9.19 1.24 9.57E+05 657
drive tandem 2-spring steel taper (2) NA 75 10.8 0.8 1.19E+06 863
drive tandem 2-spring steel taper (3) Eur 77.85 7.22 1.36 6.82E+05 334
drive tandem walking-beam flat NA, M 71.15 5.12 2.03 3.69E+05 930
drive tandem torsion-bar torsion-bar NA 71.15 8.11 0.79 8.73E+05 638
steer single steel flat (6) Eur 62.3 2.52 1.24 2.13E+05 515
steer single steel flat (9) NA 53.4 2.77 1.47 2.45E+05 473
Ver. Stiff. : Vertical stiffness of the spring ( k s ).

steer single steel flat (10) NA 64.9 2.88 1.07 3.04E+05 473
R C H : Roll centre height of the suspension ( hrc ).

steer tandem walking-beam flat NA, M 62.3 4.87 1.69 3.79E+05 927
trailer single trailing-arm air overslung NA 80.1 12.32 10.73 4.06E+05 557
Tot. R. Stiff. : Total roll stiffness of the suspension ( K rtot ).
Analysis of a truck suspension database

trailer single trailing-arm air (iso) overslung NA 89 17.74 13.56 3.62E+05 571
Aux. R. Stiff. : Auxiliary roll stiffness of the suspension ( K raux ).

trailer single trailing-arm air ind Eur 89 14.24 10.17 4.86E+05 100
trailer tandem trailing-arm air underslung NA 71.15 8.93 6.08 3.40E+05 615
vertical spring stiffness and suspension roll centre height.

trailer tandem 4-spring steel flat NA 71.15 13.56 1.13 1.41E+06 795
trailer tandem 4-spring steel flat Eur 84.5 16.16 2.26 1.47E+06 736
Suspension experimental data from Winkler (1992; 1997).

trailer tandem 4-spring steel taper (3) NA 71.15 11.72 2.95 1.05E+06 592
Rated L. : Rated load of the suspension. It is also the testing load applied in the measurements.
axle and spring for the suspensions, their origins and applications, etc. It also includes
from the UMTRI databases. It includes descriptive information which gives the types of

quantitative information: the rated load, total and auxiliary suspension roll stiffness,
288 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

Table 3 Samples of calculated data for the suspensions listed in Table 2. See Figure 1 for
definition of the variables. Additional parameters are: k t - tyre stiffness, and t - half wheel track.
Analysis of a truck suspension database 289

Table 3 shows measured and calculated data corresponding to the suspensions in

Table 2. In this table, the rollover thresholds (Ay/g) were calculated using Equations (5)
and (6), with parameters for the baseline vehicle.
The natural frequency (fn in the unit of Hz) shown in Table 3 was calculated from

1 ke
fn =
2 mtesting (7)

where, k e is the effective vertical stiffness for the combination of spring and tyres (N/m)
and mtesting is the equivalent mass (kg) derived from the suspension test load.

4 Analysis of the suspension database

Various analyses were performed on the database. Parametric analyses were performed
to explore relationships between various suspension stiffnesses, in order to elucidate their
contributions to the total roll stiffness. The conflict between vehicle ride and roll
performance was also investigated from the suspension design perspective. This conflict
is demonstrated by the interrelationship between natural frequency and rollover
threshold. The third type of analysis examined the joint effect of total roll stiffness and
roll centre height on rollover threshold, in order to understand trends in suspension

4.1 Parametric analysis of total roll stiffness

There are two basic elements that constitute the total roll stiffness of a suspension
system: the springs and the auxiliary roll stiffening effect from the other suspension
components, including the anti-roll bars. Their relation is defined as Equation (1).
Steel suspensions obtain their auxiliary roll stiffening effect mainly from the twist of
spring leaves about a longitudinal axis and the anti-roll bar, if there is one. On the other
hand, the auxiliary roll stiffness of trailing arm air suspensions comes from the rigid axle
and trailing arm assemblies which act together like an anti-roll bar. This means that
trailing-arm air suspensions, as used in semi-trailers, are normally quite stiff in roll (see
Anon. (1989) for details).
Figure 4 shows that there is a clear dependence of total roll stiffness on auxiliary roll
stiffness for all suspensions, with an overall coefficient of determination about 0.66.
(This coefficient is a better measure of dependence than the regression slope or
correlation coefficient, because it takes account of both effects (Gujarati, 1978).) Much
stronger positive dependence can be seen in air suspensions. Their coefficient of
determination reaches a level as high as 0.91. On the other hand, the dependence of steel
suspensions is much lower and the coefficient is equal to 0.33. This is probably due to
wide variations in the number of steel leaves and the geometry of leaf spring components
in steel suspensions. By contrast, the component designs of air suspensions are more
uniform, which makes them more correlated in roll stiffness. (The exception is an
independent air suspension, which has a particularly low roll stiffness: the lowest point in
the trailer air suspensions in Figure 4.)
290 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

Total roll stiffness, N-m/rad

1.2E+6 Drive-air

1.0E+6 Drive-steel

8.0E+5 Drive-torsion

6.0E+5 Drive-walking

4.0E+5 Steer-steel
Line of Equity
2.0E+5 Steer-walking

0.0E+0 Trailer-air
0.0E+0 2.0E+5 4.0E+5 6.0E+5 8.0E+5 1.0E+6
Aux. roll stiffness (N-m/rad)

Figure 4 Relationship between total and auxiliary roll stiffness.

Steel trailer suspensions have similar levels of total roll stiffness. This is because
trailer suspensions are normally required to support heavy payloads with high centres of
gravity. In order to have satisfactory roll safety on the road, trailer suspensions are
designed to be very stiff in roll. On the other hand, the load and CG height of steering
axle suspensions and the CG height for drive-axle suspensions are relatively low when
compared with trailer suspensions. The demand for their total roll stiffness is
correspondingly less. There is one exceptional drive air suspension, which has a very
high total roll stiffness. It is a European tandem axle design with a similar layout to
typical trailer suspensions.
A solid line of equal total roll stiffness and auxiliary roll stiffness is drawn in
Figure 4. As expected, for all suspensions, the total roll stiffness is greater than the
auxiliary stiffness alone. Trailer air suspensions and steel steering axle suspensions are
all closely distributed and near to the line. Trailer and drive axle steel suspensions are
scattered away from the line of equality. This demonstrates that auxiliary roll stiffness
contributes most to total roll stiffness in trailer air and steel steering axle suspensions, but
does not make much contribution to the total roll stiffness of trailer and drive axle steel
suspensions. This point can be emphasised by calculating the percentage contribution of
auxiliary roll stiffness in the total roll stiffness, as shown in Figure 5.
In Figure 5, air suspensions have the highest percentage of auxiliary roll stiffness
among all axle groups (mostly above 70%). This is expected, since air suspensions are
designed to be soft in the vertical direction, but the trailing arm suspensions have very
high auxiliary roll stiffness and hence high total roll stiffness. For drive axle air
suspensions, it is not desirable to twist the axle and differential too much, so the auxiliary
roll stiffness is often provided by an anti-roll bar. This generally keeps the auxiliary roll
stiffness lower than that of trailer air suspensions. By contrast, auxiliary roll stiffness has
a wide range of importance in the total roll stiffness of steel suspensions, from as low as
10% in drive axles up to 70% in steering axles. This is again due to wide variations in
steel spring designs and different design considerations for the different axle types.
Analysis of a truck suspension database 291

Percentage of Kraux in Krtot (%) 100



Drive Drive Drive Drive Steer Steer Trailer Trailer
-air -steel -torsion -walking -steel -walking -air -steel
Type of suspensions

Figure 5 The percentage of auxiliary roll stiffness in total roll stiffness.

Less correlation is found between total roll stiffness and vertical stiffness, as shown
in Figure 6. Except for steering axle suspensions, steel suspensions tend to have higher
vertical spring stiffness than air suspensions. Again, if all suspensions are separated into
steel and air groups, positive dependence can be found in steel suspensions with a
coefficient of determination being equal to 0.87 and negative dependence in air
suspensions with a coefficient of 0.20. This trend, together with the trend in Figure 4,
confirms that vertical stiffness plays an important role in total roll stiffness of steel
suspensions, whereas auxiliary roll stiffness plays the most important role in that of air
Total roll stiffness, N-m/rad

1.2E+6 Drive-air

1.0E+6 Drive-steel

8.0E+5 Drive-torsion

6.0E+5 Drive-walking

4.0E+5 Steer-steel

2.0E+5 Steer-walking

0.0E+0 Trailer-air
0.0E+0 5.0E+5 1.0E+6 1.5E+6
Vertical stiffness (N/m)

Figure 6 Relationship between total roll stiffness and vertical stiffness.

292 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

Steel steering axle suspensions obtain their auxiliary roll stiffness by mounting the
axle off the centre of the steel leaf span, and by twisting the leaf springs about the
longitudinal axis. Since they have lower static load and more design emphasis on ride
comfort, their vertical spring stiffness tends to be significantly lower than that of drive
suspensions. For these reasons the percentage of auxiliary roll stiffness in the total roll
stiffness of steering axle suspensions is higher than that for other axle types of steel
suspensions. Therefore, as can be seen in Figures 4 and 6, the stiffness characteristics of
steel steering axle suspensions are more like those of air suspensions than the other steel
According to Anon. (1989), steel suspensions normally do not have additional roll
stiffening mechanisms deliberately incorporated in their designs. This is why they
generally have a low proportion of auxiliary roll stiffness. However, the anti-roll bar
effect of rigid axle and trailing arm assemblies provides very stiff roll resistance for air
suspensions. Their auxiliary roll stiffness is not only high in proportion to total roll
stiffness (because their vertical stiffness is normally low), but also high in absolute terms.

4.2 Combined analysis of vehicle ride and roll performance

In the following analysis, rollover threshold and natural frequency are used as indices to
represent vehicle roll and ride performance. High values of rollover threshold and low
values of natural frequency generally mean better performance. Both indices were
calculated from the measured data in the working database.
The relationship between rollover threshold and natural frequency is depicted in
Figure 7. The best performance is towards the top left of the chart, where rollover
threshold is high and natural frequency is low. Trailer and drive axle suspensions are
divided into two distinct groups by their suspension types. The air suspensions have low
natural frequencies and the steel suspensions have high natural frequencies. This is due
to the significant difference in vertical stiffness of these two types of suspension as
described in the previous section. The rollover thresholds of the trailer axle suspensions
are nearly constant, independent of natural frequency. Conversely, the rollover threshold
of steel-suspended drive axle suspension increases with natural frequency. This is
expected since a large proportion of their roll stiffness comes from the springs and little
from auxiliary effects (Figure 5).
Steering axle suspensions also show insensitivity of rollover threshold to natural
frequency, but they are more scattered than for the other axle types. The design of
steering axle suspensions is governed by the need to provide appropriate steering
geometry through a wide range of deflections, as well as good ride comfort for the
driver; rather than providing roll stability for the vehicle. The high rollover thresholds of
the steering axle suspensions are essentially the result of their low payload and low
effective CG height. Essentially the steering axle suspensions do not pull their weight -
they are generally capable of providing significantly more stabilising moment than they
are called upon to provide in normal operation.
Calculated natural frequencies of steering axle suspensions are between 1.0 and 1.5
Hz. For drive and trailer steel suspensions, the natural frequencies are 1.5 to 2.5 Hz, with
the frequencies of trailer suspensions being higher than those of the drive suspensions.
For drive axle and trailer air suspensions, they are around 1.2 to 1.5 Hz. The calculated
rollover thresholds of the drive axle and trailer suspensions generally vary from 0.4g to
Analysis of a truck suspension database 293

0.5g. This would appear to indicate that suspension designers aim for a specific level of
rollover performance.

0.80 Drive-air




0.30 Trailer-air
1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
Natural Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7 The relationship between rollover threshold and natural frequency.

Steel suspensions, which derive most of their roll stiffness from the vertical stiffness
of the spring elements (Figure 5), generally have a high dependence of rollover threshold
on natural frequency. If the vertical stiffness of a steel suspension is reduced in order to
improve its ride performance, there will be an adverse effect on roll stability. This makes
it difficult for steel suspensions to achieve both good ride comfort and high roll stability
at the same time.
Conversely, air suspensions, whose rollover thresholds have little dependence on the
vertical ride natural frequency, possess more flexibility for improving both roll and ride
performance simultaneously. This is because the function of providing roll stiffness is
mostly taken away from the air springs by other auxiliary mechanisms (i.e. the assembly
of the axle and trailing arms, etc.). The function of the air spring is mainly provision of
vibration isolation, and designers are able to improve ride and roll performance
simultaneously. Adding anti-roll bars to leaf spring suspensions has a similar effect of
relieving the need of the springs to provide roll stiffness. This separation of functions
(ride isolation and roll stiffness) is considered to be good design practice (Pahl and Beitz,
In addition to suspension parameters, rollover threshold is also significantly affected
by effective payload CG height. It is calculated that a 10% change in effective load
height will give a 12% to 14% change in the rollover threshold of trailer suspensions (Fu,

4.3 Combined analysis of suspension parameters and rollover threshold

Roll centre height and total roll stiffness are the most important suspension parameters
affecting rollover threshold (Winkler et al., 2000). They are both available as measured
294 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

quantities in the working database. In this section, the relationship between these two
parameters and the calculated rollover threshold of the suspensions is investigated.
Figures 8 and 9 show the roll-centre height plotted against total roll stiffness for the
suspensions in the database, together with contours of constant rollover threshold Ay/g,
plotted using Equations (5) and (6). Figure 8 shows drive and trailer suspensions, while
Figure 9 shows steering axle suspensions. The values of rollover threshold are indicated
by numbers plotted on the contours. The contours span the range of from zero to an
upper limit Ay/g max , which was calculated from Equations (5) and (6), assuming
infinite suspension roll stiffness Krtot . This gives:

Ay Krt (m + mu )g
= 1 s
g max ms ghs + mu ghu 2Kt t
This limit is the highest rollover threshold that suspensions of a specific axle type can
achieve. For the drive axles and trailer axles in Figure 8, using the parameters of the
baseline vehicle, the maximum rollover threshold is Ay/g max = 0.5574. For the steering
axle suspensions shown in Figure 9, the limit is Ay/g max = 0.8009.


Upper limit, Ay/g = 0.5574




900 Drive-steel


500 Trailer-air

Stability limit,
Ay/g = 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.55
1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08

Total Roll Stiffness (N-m/rad)

Figure 8 Combined analysis for drive and trailer axle suspensions.

Analysis of a truck suspension database 295

Upper limit, Ay/g = 0.8009




Stability limit, Ay/g = 0.0


200 Steer-steel


1.00E+4 1.00E+5 1.00E+6

Total roll stiffness (N-m/rad)

Figure 9 Combined analysis for steering axle suspensions.

Note that Equation (8) does not contain the roll stiffness K rtot or roll centre height
hrc . So the limits can be determined simply from the relevant geometry, masses and tyre
In order to make a comparison between drive and trailer suspensions, the same
baseline axle loads and CG heights were assumed in the calculations of the rollover
threshold for all suspensions.
There is no strong relationship between roll-centre height and total roll stiffness for
the various suspensions in Figure 8. Some correlation exists between these parameters
for steel suspensions, because the roll centre heights are determined by the geometry of
leaf springs. Stiffer multi-leaf steel suspensions normally require more spring leaves,
which pushes the roll-centre to a higher location. On the other hand, because the roll
centres of air suspensions are determined by the geometric configurations of components
which are not normally influenced by the stiffness of the air bags, the location of roll
centre height and the suspension roll stiffness are independent. One particular trailer air
suspension has the lowest roll centre height, at about 100 mm. It is an independent air
suspension for which the roll mechanism is different from the other trailer air
suspensions of the rigid axle type.
The results for steering axle suspensions are plotted separately in Figure 9 because
their loading conditions are quite different from those of the other two axle types. Their
roll centre heights are essentially constant, and independent of roll stiffness. This is
because their values of vertical spring stiffness are very similar to one another, as
demonstrated in Figure 6. All of these suspensions have similar leaf spring
configurations, which keep their roll centre locations at approximately the same level.
296 T.-T. Fu and D. Cebon

The constant roll-centre height is also a consequence of the requirement to minimise roll-
steer effects generated by the steering linkage. As shown in this figure, the roll centre
heights are all about 450 mm. Data points for the tandem walking-beam suspensions lie
outside the range of data for steel suspensions. The walking-beam steering axle
suspensions have an entirely different duty from other suspensions (particularly for
military usage), with a different steering mechanism, and a different mechanism defining
the position of the roll centre. This leads to their significantly different performance, as
shown in Figure 9.

5 Conclusions
1 Analyses in this paper have explored the characteristics of various existing
suspensions. Both experimental data and analytical methods were applied to generate a
complete suspension database. Levels of theoretical performance were investigated for
different suspension designs.
2 The vertical stiffness of an air spring does not contribute much to its total roll
stiffness in a typical air suspension system. Therefore, it has little effect on the rollover
threshold. Steel leaf spring suspensions have more influence on the rollover performance.
3 One of the design trends of a suspension system is to separate the functions of
ride and roll performance into different components. In particular, the duty of spring
elements in providing roll stiffness can be released and the conflict in achieving both
good ride comfort and rollover performance can be partially resolved. Typical examples
are the introduction of anti-roll bars in steel suspensions and the auxiliary roll stiffening
mechanisms in air suspensions.
4 The design of suspensions for steering axles is governed by factors other than
rollover performance, so the rollover performance normally exceeds practical operation
5 Designers of drive axle and trailer axle suspensions appear to aim for a rollover
threshold of 0.4 to 0.5g, and achieve this with a wide range of design parameter variants.


The authors are very grateful to Mr Chris Winkler of UMTRI for providing valuable
suspension data. Thanks also to the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, ROC for the
financial support to Dr Fu during this project. This work was also supported by the
members of the Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortium. At the time of writing, the
Consortium consists of the Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield together with
industrial partners from the European vehicle industry: Tinsley Bridge Ltd,
ArvinMeritor, Koni BV, Qinetiq, Pirelli, Shell, Volvo Global Trucks, General Trailers,
Mektronika Systems and Fluid Power Design.


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