Edu 542 Lessonmodel 2
Edu 542 Lessonmodel 2
Edu 542 Lessonmodel 2
Literature Lesson
Vocabulary Acquisition Model 220-225
Materials -
Screen, whiteboard, markers, graphic organizer, Vocabulary notebooks, pencils
Vocabulary -
hero, heroine, archetype
Inkheart series
by: Cornelia Funke -
(Scholastic Paperbacks, 2005)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
by: Rick Riordan - (Disney-Hyperion, 2006) 416 pages.
2. OBJECTIVE: Students will Determine the meaning of hero as they are used in a text to allude to
significant characters found in mythology such as percy jackson.
Craft and Structure:
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant
characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).
Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g.,
verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when
writing or speaking about a text.
Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference
between first- and third-person narrations.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying
where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.
6. LESSON BODY: Provide text page #__235-237___ for your lesson. Follow the exact steps
provided in the text for the lesson you are teaching. Clarity is the key.
Step 1 pretest knowledge of critical to context:
Step 7 CLosure
Students will identify a different type of archetype they have seen in a book or movie and write
about how this falls under the archetype umbrella.
Students will discover the volume term archetype and hero and as the lesson progresses they
will continue to fill in graphic organizer. This supports brain learning because it helps the
student organize information in their brain and retain that information in long term memory.
Reflection is a very important part of each lesson. Please take the time to thoughtfully prepare your
reflections. Follow the format provided below and provide a professional quality reflective analysis of your
Relevance: Explain how this lesson demonstrates your competence with one of the Graduate SLOs
SLO 2: Evaluate and conduct research to improve instructional practices and institutional cultures.
Through this lesson I demonstrated my competence to be able to evaluate and research to improve instructional
practices and institutional cultures as I have researched all about the Vocabulary acquisition model through the
course text, Kilbane, C.R., Milman, N., Teaching Models: Designing Instruction for 21st Century. (2014). In this text I
examined this vocabulary acquisition model which is best used to guide students to the discovery of new
vocabulary by exploring all its meanings, synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, and suffixes. A teacher may also apply
differentiated instruction through this model if they have ELL in their classroom for example, they may allow
students to discuss the vocabulary term in their first language. Additionally a teacher may want to show examples
of the word used in different cultural contexts or examples. This information will help me improve my instructional
practices and better serve all my students in my classroom.
Significance/competence: Using careful analysis and evaluative thought, address the points listed below.
Add other pertinent information that supports our competence by using this lesson model.
Explain how this lesson supports helping students reach levels of deeper learning.
This lesson supports helping students reach levels of deeper learning by guiding them to the discovery of new
vocabulary that will help build their comprehension of grade level texts. Understanding vocabulary helps students
reach deeper meaning because it allows them to fully understand a text without the frustration of not understanding
what a word means.
How does this model make learning stick in long term memory?
This model makes learning stick because students go through a set of steps in order to discover a vocabulary word
in all its meanings and contexts using a variety of strategie staht are already imbedded in the lesson. Additionally
teachers are able to use differentiated instruction to help the learning stick in long term memory. The lesson also
requires to students to relate to the word and look at the word in different ways which allows the learning to stick in
long term memory according the information processing theory.
Provide examples and rationale for appropriate use of this teaching model and where it is suitable
throughout your curriculum. Indicate/discuss strengths/weaknesses based on theology/theory.
This teaching model is best suitable at the beginning of new units in my curriculum. I would best use this before
grade level texts to allow students to build prior knowledge before reading complex texts which according to the
constructivist theory building prior knowledge helps students build better comprehension of grade level texts. One
strength that this model has it that it helps students build prior knowledge.
How will you support advanced/ELD/Special needs learners through using this model?
This model allows me to integrate differentiated instruction in order to support advanced learners, ELD, special
needs, and other learners. I am able to use graphic organizers or make the necessary adaptations that my learners
might need such as having ELD students discuss the meaning of a word in their own language.
Provide links to the Common Core State Standards and explain how this lesson could support the CCSS
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant
characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).
This lesson supports the common core state standards by supporting the acquisition of vocabulary through
determining the meanings of words.
Link to Theory:
Explain the links between this lesson model and the supporting theory (i.e., behaviorism, info
processing, social learning or constructivist).
The vocabulary acquisition model can be linked to the constructivist theory and information processing theory. This
model supports the constructivist theory because it helps students build background knowledge. It also supports
information processing because it helps students retain information such as vocabulary by having students
discover the information in meaningful ways.
Link this lesson to one or more of the Big Ideas and provide a rationale.
BIG IDEA: 1. Learners do not passively absorb information from the environment; rather, they
actively work to make sense of their environment and construct their own, unique
understandings of the world.
This perspective pervades much of cognitive theory; for instance, we see it in constructivists notion of
knowledge construction and in information processing theorists concept of elaboration. But it is also
shared by the active information seeking that some behaviorist describe.
This lesson supports this big idea because it helps learners actively seek information by having them discover new
Link this lesson to the New Learning Sciences and provide rationale for your selection and descriptive
Describe technological resources you have found useful.
Growth Mindset
How does this lesson help a student develop a stronger positive growth mindset? Provide specific examples.
Include ideas on how you might reward learning according to the Growth Mindset research.
This lesson will teach students how to explore a vocabulary word that they are not familiar with that might be
challenging at first. They will discover and learn all about the vocabulary word in different methods so that they are
all able to learn the word and use these techniques in the future with other challenging vocabulary.
Professional Actions/Areas for growth: What are your next professional steps in this area to keep moving
forward as a professional?
Discuss what went well and what changes you have made for improving learning.
What have you learned about how learning happens?
What more do you need to read or learn?
How does this add to your credibility to supervise student teachers?