Optimization of A Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna For Two Frequency Bands
Optimization of A Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna For Two Frequency Bands
Optimization of A Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna For Two Frequency Bands
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ARL-TR-7462 SEP 2015
The objective of this project is to gain a better understanding of the various techniques that can be used to improve the
performance of a circularly polarized microstrip patch antenna. These adjustments include tuning the feed point along
different positions on the surface of the patch, analyzing assorted dielectric materials with differing dielectric constants, and
optimizing the axial ratio based on the geometry of a circularly polarized patch. Testing the feed point in various locations on
the patch allows the designer to improve the S11 and radiation patterna peak broadside polar radiation plot is anticipated for
optimum performance. Using a high permittivity dielectric lowers the resonant frequency of the patch, allowing the designer
to shrink the size of the patch. Altering the patch geometry and optimizing the axial ratio by using a notching technique
allows the designer to choose from multiple polarization types. With empirical simulations via the High Frequency Structural
Simulator (HFSS), expanding this idea for future research will result in producing a scalable multiband microstrip antenna.
Patch Antenna, Circular Polarization
Gregory A Mitchell
a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UU 36 301-394-2322
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
Acknowledgments vii
Student Bio ix
1. Introduction/Background 1
1.1 Frequency Ranges 1
1.2 Basic Patch Antenna Design 1
1.3 Dielectric Materials 2
1.4 Circular Polarization 2
4. Future Work 20
5. References 23
Distribution List 26
List of Figures
Fig. 1 Linear polarization vs. CP......................................................................3
Fig. 2 SF = 0 .....................................................................................................3
Fig. 3 SF = 0.25 ................................................................................................4
Fig. 4 SF = 0.75 ................................................................................................4
Fig. 5 SF = 1.25 ................................................................................................5
Fig. 6 Transverse plane (XY plane) of patch ...................................................6
Fig. 7 Normal (YZ) plane of patch antenna .....................................................7
Fig. 8 HFSS patch antenna model, 3-dimensional view ..................................7
Fig. 9 Return loss for varying feed points in Rogers 5870. Best S11 curve
corresponds to Cy = 2 mm. ....................................................................9
Fig. 10 Probe 2 mm away from center position, which corresponds to a 9.26-
GHz frequency .....................................................................................10
Fig. 11 Return loss for varying SF in Rogers 5870 ..........................................11
Fig. 12 SF = 0.46 on Rogers 5870 substrate with feed point 2 mm from center
Fig. 13 Axial ratio for the best SFcorresponds to 9.35 GHz with an optimal
axial ratio of 1.11 dB ...........................................................................13
Fig. 14 Radiation plot at 9.35 GHz for optimal axial ratio. Boresight pattern
with a 6.19-dB gain. ............................................................................14
Fig. 15 Return loss for varying feed points in Rogers 6010. Best S11 curve
corresponds to Cy=2.4 mm. .................................................................15
Fig. 16 Probe 2.4 mm away from center position, which corresponds to a 2.83-
GHz frequency .....................................................................................16
Fig. 17 Return loss for varying SF in Rogers 6010 ..........................................17
Fig. 18 SF = 0.21 on Rogers 6010 substrate with feed point 2.4 mm from
center position ......................................................................................18
Fig. 19 Rogers 6010 axial ratio for the best SFcorresponds to 2.83 GHz with
an optimal axial ratio of 1.61 dB .........................................................19
Fig. 20 Rogers 6010 radiation plot at 2.83 GHz for optimal axial ratio.
Boresight pattern with a 4.62-dB gain. ................................................20
Fig. 21 Transverse (XY) plane of the proposed dual-band antenna design .....21
Fig. 22 HFSS model of the dual-band antenna, 3-dimensional view ...............22
List of Tables
Table 1 Variable list for Rogers 5870 .................................................................8
Table 2 Variable list for Rogers 6010 .................................................................8
I would like to thank my mentor, Gregory Mitchell, for his continuous support,
motivation, and knowledge for my project this summer. I would also like to thank
Theodore Anthony and Dr Amir Zaghloul for their countless hours of teaching
and advice.
Student Bio
1. Introduction/Background
When comparing X- and S-band ranges, many differences can be noted as the 2
operate at special frequencies and have variations in their respective parameters.
While the X-band operates at 812 GHz, the S-band operates at 24 GHz in radar
engineering. Due to the shorter wavelengths, which, in turn, allow for high
resolution imagery, the antennas operating at X-band are small and very portable.
On the other hand, antennas operating at the S-band are larger in size. The
motivation behind creating a dual-band antenna came from the idea of eliminating
the restriction of picking just 1 frequency band, and instead, combining the 2 to
form a single element.
The patch antenna, also known as the microstrip antenna, is commonly used at
frequencies greater than 1 GHz (microwave frequencies). The most common
configurations of patch antennas are found in square, rectangular, or circular
shapes made out of conductive material. They are approximately /2 in size and
placed a small fraction above the ground plane with dielectric material in
between. The electrical half-wavelength length of the patch also includes the
shortening effect of the materials dielectric constant (r), as follows
L= (1)
These low volume and lightweight devices are highly advantageous as the flat
structure permits a large aperture with a corresponding high gain value. Their
2-dimensional structure allows for manipulation to fit different applications.3
Once it is tuned to the operating frequency, the patch will achieve maximum
radiation efficiency, which is normal to the plane of the patch. A coaxial probe
will be used in this study to feed the microstrip antenna; the inner conductor of
the coaxial cable is shorted to the patch while the outer conductor is attached to
the ground plane.
As r increases, the frequency at which the patch resonates at will decrease, and
vice versa. Thinner substrates demonstrate benefits as they minimize excessive
radiation and coupling due to the tightly bound fields.2 In this study of the CP
patch antenna, the X-band element will include a patch and ground plane
separated by Rogers 5870 dielectric with r=2.33. The S-band will include a patch
and ground plane separated by Rogers 6010 dielectric with r=10.2.
Antennas that are linearly polarized can transmit and receive linearly polarized
signals. Consider a telephone pole that sends out and receives messages. In order
for the receiving pole to obtain a vertically polarized signal, the transmitting pole
must send out a signal that is vertically polarized. If the receiving pole is
horizontally polarized and the transmitting pole is vertically polarized, the
message will not convey. CP enables the use of both horizontal and vertical
antennas for receiving, as the polarization continuously rotates during
transmission. The CP wave does not experience any changes other than a change
in direction in a rotational manner. In Fig. 1, we see that the electric-field vector
produces a circle in the XY plane.
Fig. 1 Linear polarization vs. CP
The square and circular shaped patch antennas discussed thus far radiate linearly
polarized waves. Modifications can be made on these elements to obtain CP. One
of the methods include trimming the opposite corners of the patch, also known as
the notching technique, to create diagonal resonances, which then leads to
degeneration. As a result, this allows the antenna to radiate a CP wave. In this
study, we used the following formula to solve for the notching value by applying
a scaling factor (SF) to the patch.
Notching Value = (1 SF) (2)
In Figs. 2 through 5, it can be seen that as SF increases, the size of the notch at
each corner increases as well.
Fig. 2 SF = 0
Fig. 3 SF = 0.25
Fig. 4 SF = 0.75
Fig. 5 SF = 1.25
For simulation purposes, the 2 patches with varying dielectric materials were
tested separately for initial comparison. Figures 6 through 8 exhibit the variables
used in this study to calculate the various antenna parameters. The coaxial probe,
which acts as a feed point, is designed to have a 50- impedance. The variable
list is shown in Tables 1 and 2 for the S-band patch and the X-band patch,
Fig. 6 Transverse plane (XY plane) of patch
Fig. 7 Normal (YZ) plane of patch antenna
Table 1 Variable list for Rogers 5870
We wanted the X-band element to radiate at 9.35 GHz on the Rogers 5870
material. As a result, the patch length was calculated as follows
= = .
2 2
Table 1 displays the variables used to design the antenna to verify the HFSS
simulation setup.
The feed point was swept from the center of the patch (0,0,0) to the outer edge
(0,3.2,0) to locate the position at which the patch resonated best. As shown in
Fig. 9, the S11 plot shows that the best curve corresponds to a 9.26-GHz
frequency with a 25.71-dB null. This occurs when the probe is 2 mm away from
the center position of the patch, as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 9 Return loss for varying feed points in Rogers 5870. Best S11 curve corresponds to
Cy = 2 mm.
Fig. 10 Probe 2 mm away from center position, which corresponds to a 9.26-GHz
Fig. 11 Return loss for varying SF in Rogers 5870
Fig. 12 SF = 0.46 on Rogers 5870 substrate with feed point 2 mm from center position
After finding the best SF to notch the patch, an axial ratio calculation was
performed, as shown in Fig. 13. With the coax probe 2 mm away from the center
of the patch, the best SF value of 0.46 corresponds to 9.35 GHz with an optimal
axial ratio at 1.11 dB.
Fig. 13 Axial ratio for the best SFcorresponds to 9.35 GHz with an optimal axial ratio of
1.11 dB
Lastly, the realized gain was calculated to confirm the S11 curves and axial ratio
results as shown in Fig. 14. The patch experienced a 6.19 dB peak realized gain to
boresight at 9.35 GHz for optimal axial ratio.
Fig. 14 Radiation plot at 9.35 GHz for optimal axial ratio. Boresight pattern with a
6.19-dB gain.
We wanted the S-band element to radiate at 2.83 GHz. The calculations below
show the length of the patch if the S-band patch was placed on the Rogers 5870:
= = .
2 2
We can see that the S-band patch shrinks by approximately 18.2 mm or 52.4% by
placing it on the Rogers 6010 substrate instead per the calculations below:
= = .
2 2
The feed point was swept from the center of the patch (0,0,0) to the outer edge
(0,7.2,0) to locate the position at which the patch resonated best. As shown in
Fig. 15, the S11 plot shows that the best curve corresponds to a 2.83-GHz
frequency with a 12.76-dB null. This occurs when the probe is 2.4 mm away
from the center position of the patch, as shown in Fig. 16.
Fig. 15 Return loss for varying feed points in Rogers 6010. Best S11 curve corresponds to
Cy=2.4 mm.
Fig. 16 Probe 2.4 mm away from center position, which corresponds to a 2.83-GHz
Fig. 17 Return loss for varying SF in Rogers 6010
Fig. 18 SF = 0.21 on Rogers 6010 substrate with feed point 2.4 mm from center position
After executing the axial ratio test as shown in Fig. 19, it was found that the
SF=0.21 corresponds to 2.83 GHz with an optimal axial ratio of 1.61 dB.
Fig. 19 Rogers 6010 axial ratio for the best SFcorresponds to 2.83 GHz with an optimal
axial ratio of 1.61 dB
Figure 20 exhibits that the patch containing the Rogers 6010 substrate experiences
a 4.62-dB peak realized gain to boresight at 2.83 GHz for optimal axial ratio.
Fig. 20 Rogers 6010 radiation plot at 2.83 GHz for optimal axial ratio. Boresight pattern
with a 4.62-dB gain.
We were able to effectively obtain an optimal impedance match, axial ratio, and
realized gain for 2 antennas designed at 2 frequency bands on 2 different
substrates. Testing the feed point in various locations on the patch allows the
designer to improve the S11 and radiation pattern. The best return loss does not
necessarily correspond to the best axial ratio, therefore, the engineer must account
for the tradeoffs in S11, axial ratio, and the radiation pattern.
A dielectric with high permittivity lowers the resonant frequency of the patch,
allowing the designer to shrink the size of the patch. We were able to shrink the
size of the S-band patch by 52.4% due to placing it on a Rogers 6010 substrate
instead of a Rogers 5870 substrate. Optimizing the axial ratio by using a
notching technique allows the antenna to achieve CP with a single feed point.
4. Future Work
We wish to demonstrate that we can combine a high frequency and low frequency
elements in the same antenna for dual-band performance. We believe that
combining a high frequency and low frequency element in the same antenna for
dual-band performance will be an agile, adaptable, and cost-effective solution for
future US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) projects. Figures 21 and 22 show the
envisioned geometry of such an antenna. This antenna would achieve both right-
hand CP (RHCP) and left-hand CP (LHCP) at 2 frequency bands.
Fig. 22 HFSS model of the dual-band antenna, 3-dimensional view
5. References