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New World of Darkness: Fantasy

A Player Made Supplement for nWoD

Found on wiki.rpg.net


Compiled & Edited by Thomas Cashman

Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 unless otherwise noted.

NWoD Fantasy:Introduction
nWoD Fantasy follows most of the same basic rules set in place by the core World of
Darkness rulebook. What is covered below are the fundamental differences of this rule-set
and the core World of Darkness rulebook.
Character Creation
Creating a character in nWoD Fantasy is similar to creating a normal mortal with some minor
Races in nWoD play an important factor on your characters final outcome. Anyone creating a
nWoD fantasy character must choose a Race Template and apply it at creation.
Merits have been expanded. In addition to the standard merits from the core rulebook, a
number of general 'feat' merits have been added.
The names and functions of certain skills have been changed to suit the fantasy setting, the
changes are as follows:
Firearms skill is now "Ranged weaponry". Ranged weaponry exclusively applies to crafted
weapons fired or thrown at long range. Improvised objects and such still use a base Dexterity
+ Athletics check when thrown. Default range values have also been added to all ranged
Weaponry has been renamed to "Melee weaponry" to reflect the skills associated with close
range weapons.
Computer skill has been renamed to "Augury". Augury deals with matters of a magical or
arcane nature. Augury can be used to read magical scripts, activate arcane devices, or
identify a spell being cast.
Drive has been renamed to "Ride". Ride deals with racing or performing tasks on a mount
such as a horse.
Equipment and Resources
Major changes have been made to the equipment and resource system.
Equipment has been completely overhauled and expanded. A comprehensive list of
weapons, armor, and other items has been made specifically for the setting with costs and
functions listed.
Resources merit has been changed to reflect the new currency system. Resources now
gives your character an income of 100 gold pieces per month. Starting characters must still
take this merit to buy starting gear.
Shields have been implemented into the WoD system. Shields are used to deflect attacks
rather than simply adding to your armor score. To see a list of shields and how to use them in-
game, go to the Weapons, Armor, and Shields section of the wiki.
The Order System
A new method of power advancement has been added to nWoD fantasy. Players can choose
to belong to one of the major Orders: The Arcane, Dark, Divine, and Martial orders. Each
order offers different benefits and effects to it's membership. To gain access to any of the
order powers the appropriate training merit must be purchased. A character may specialize in
two orders but the benefits of the second order cost twice the amount of experience.

NWoD Fantasy:Races
In nwod fantasy, being a member of a race other than human has separate benefits and
drawbacks. At creation all players must choose their race. All races know the base language
of common, some also know a automatic racial bonus language. Additionally, Smaller races
have the benefit of being harder to hit than the larger races giving them a +1 defense bonus.
Racial attribute bonuses can be used to boost a character's dot rating from 4 to 5 at character
creation without paying extra, but you still pay extra if when buying attributes/skills normally.
All attributes/skills are still capped at 5.
Size = 5
3 extra merit points at creation
3 extra skill points in any category at creation (still costs extra for 5 dots in any skill)
Bonus languages: Any
Size = 5
+1 stamina
Automatic language: Dwarven
Bonus languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon
Size = 5
+1 dexterity
Automatic language: Elven
Bonus languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan
Size = 4
small traits (+1 defense)
+1 intelligence
Automatic language: Gnomish
Bonus languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc
Size = 5
+1 manipulation
Automatic language: Elven
Bonus languages: Any
Size = 5
+1 strength
Automatic language: Orcish
Bonus languages: Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Abyssal
Size = 4
+1 dexterity or wits
Automatic language: Halfing
Bonus languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc

NWoD Fantasy:Languages

Learning languages
A character may have a free bonus language for each point of intelligence beyond the first
dot. Languages can also be purchased through the language merit in the core WoD rulebook.
Bonus languages from intelligence must be selected from a list based on your race. Any other
languages must be achieved through merits. The available languages are as follows:
Language Typical Speakers Alphabet

Abyssal Demons, chaotic evil Infernal


Aquan Water-based creatures Elven

Auran Air-based creatures Draconic

Celestial Good outsiders Celestial

Common Humans, halflings, half-elves, Common


Draconic Kobolds, troglodytes, Draconic

lizardfolk, dragons

Druidic Druids (only) Druidic

Dwarven Dwarves Dwarven

Elven Elves Elven

Giant Ogres, giants Dwarven

Gnome Gnomes Dwarven

Goblin Goblins, hobgoblins, Dwarven


Gnoll Gnolls Common

Halfling Halflings Common

Ignan Fire-based creatures Draconic

Infernal Devils, lawful evil outsiders Infernal

Orc Orcs Dwarven

Sylvan Dryads, brownies, Elven


Terran Xorns and other earth-based Dwarven


Undercommon Drow Elven

NWoD Fantasy:merits
General Merits
General merits expand the existing list of merits available in the core rulebook. The merits are
listed and described below:
Name Effect Cost

Arcane Training Allows the use of Arcane order merits and powers

Armor Lower armor speed penalty by 3 and defense penalty by 1


Block Recovery Don't forfeit attack action after blocking

Clever Disarm Disarm with brawl instead of weaponry

Endurance You do not tire easily

Die Hard +2 to stamina rolls for going unconscious

Exotic Allows the use of an exotic weapon or shield


Fast Reload Reduces reload action one step. Full>Instant>Move>Free

Hafting No penalty for using reach weapons at close range

Scorpion Strike Free attack on those entering your reach range

Improved Shield Retain blocking ability when initiating a shield attack


Martial Training Allows the use of Martial order merits and powers

Mounted Combat Enables additional actions while mounted

Charge Automatic 2 damage on a successful charge

Ride-by-Attack Move before and after an attack action

Offhanded block Use block with offhanded weapon instead of a shield

Power attack +1 dice on all-out attacks

Improved +2 on all grappling checks


Sunder +2 dice on weapon and armor attacks

Improved Sunder 9 again on weapon and armor attacks

Point blank shot +1 ranged damage when firing at short range

Longshot Range on bows, crossbows, or throwing increased by 1.5x

Precise Shot Lower target's cover by 1 step

Shot on the Run Split your move over a ranged attack action

Run Move at x2 speed as a single action

Two Weapon +1 defense when fighting with two weapons


Weapon Chosen weapon type gains +1 bonus damage


Arcane Training ()
Effect: This merit allows the use of Arcane order specific merits and spells. This merit must
be gained before any of said merits and spells are gained.

Armor Proficiency ()
Effect: Taking this merit lowers the speed and defense penalty's for all armor, but not shields.
The speed penalty of armor is lowered by 3 while the defense penalty is lowered by 1. This
merit can lower penalty's to 0 but doesn't give a bonus to speed nor defense.
Block Recovery ()
Effect: When initiating a blocking maneuver, you no longer lose your next attack action.

Clever Disarm ()
Effect: The clever disarm merit functions the same as disarm merit (pg. 110) in the nwod core
rulebook but brawl is used instead of weaponry for disarming. Additionally, on a successful
disarm the attacker can choose to take the weapon into her own hands.

Endurance ()
Effect: This merit enables your character to withstand tiring feats of stamina. A character with
this merit doesn't tire when running or walking extended distances and can outlast most
mortals who don't have a similar resolve. Exact use and benefit of this merit falls under the
ST's discretion.

Die Hard ()
Prerequisite: Endurance
Effect: This merit grants a +2 die bonus for saving against unconsciousness.

Exotic Proficiency ()
Effect: This merit provides the necessary training needed to wield an exotic weapon or shield.
This merit may be taken multiple times, each time providing proficiency for a different weapon
or shield.

Fast Reload ()
Effect: This merit allows a faster reload time with crossbows or otherwise. The merit lowers
the action time of reloading by one step. The steps are from Full>Instant>Move>Free. For
instance, a crossbow requires a move action to reload, and the merit would then lower the
action to a free action.

Hafting ()
Effect: This merit allows the use of a reach weapon at close range without penalty. However,
the defense bonus loss from reach weapons still applies at close range.

Scorpion Strike ()
Prerequisite: Hafting
Effect: With this merit, whenever a enemy enters the range of your reach weapon you can
score a free attack on them. This attack must be immediately used and cannot perform as an
all-out-attack nor as any other combat action (like trip) other than a melee attack.
Improved Shield Bash ()
Effect: When making an attack with a shield, you retain your ability to block an incoming
attack for that round. Additionally, add 1 to your die pool while using a shield to make a melee

Martial Training ()
Effect: This merit allows the use of Martial order specific Merits or 'Techniques'. This merit
must be gained before any of said Merits are gained.

Mounted Combat ()
Effect: Your character can ride a mount and perform an unrelated action (e.g., use a weapon,
punch another passenger) in the same turn. Ride rolls may still be necessary for dangerous
maneuvers or situations.

Charge ()
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat
Effect: When using a mount to charge an enemy, add 2 lethal damage to a successful attack
while doing so. This damage is added in addition to the normal attack pool.

Ride-by-Attack ()
Prerequisite: Mounted Combat
Effect: This merit allows you to move both before and after a mounted melee attack. Total
movement for the round can't exceed double your mounted movement.

Offhanded Block ()
Prerequisite: Fighting style: Two-weapons
Effect: This merit enables the use of block (as if with a shield) with a offhanded weapon. The
effective block rating is equal to the offhanded weapon's damage rating.

Power Attack ()
Effect: When performing an all out attack, add 3 dice to the attack pool instead of 2.

Improved Grapple ()
Prerequisite: Power attack
Effect: This merit adds 2 to the die pool of brawl checks made when initiating, maintaining or
trying to perform maneuvers in a grapple.
Sunder ()
Prerequisite: Power attack
Effect: This merit awards 2 bonus dice to attack rolls made on weapons and armor.

Improved Sunder ()
Prerequisite: Power attack, Sunder
Effect: Weapon attacks on weapons and armor gain the 9 again trait. Sundering weapons
(such as the sword breaker) gain the 8 again trait instead.

Point Blank Shot ()

Effect: When using a ranged weapon at short range, gain 1 additional bonus dice to damage.

Long Shot ()
Prerequisite: Point blank shot
Effect: Range on bows, crossbows and thrown weapons is increased by 1.5x original

Precise Shot ()
Prerequisite: Point blank shot
Effect: When firing at a target with cover, lower the cover level by 1 step. Complete>
Substantial> Partial> Bare. (See cover pg. 162)

Shot on the Run ()

Prerequisite: Point blank shot
Effect: This merit allows you to move both before and after a ranged attack. Total movement
cannot exceed your speed.

Run ()
Effect: This merit allows you to travel up to twice your speed as a single action or three-times
your speed as a full action.

Two-weapon Defense ()
Prerequisite: Fighting style: Two-weapons
Effect: This merit grants a +1 to defense when holding a weapon in each hand.
Weapon Specialty ()
Effect: This merit grants +1 bonus damage with a specific weapon selected when this merit is

NWoD Fantasy: Weapons and Armor

Melee Weapons
Type Damage Size Property Cost

Staff 3(B) 2 1gp

Sap 1(B) 1 Stun (stamina) 3gp

Club 2(B) 2 1gp

Dagger 1(L) 1 Light, Throwing 2gp

Sword, short 2(L) 1 Light 10gp

Longsword 3(L) 2 15gp

Rapier 2(L) 1 Armor piercing 1 20gp

Bastard sword 4(L) 3 Heavy 35gp

Greatsword* 4(L) 3 50gp

Two-bladed, Sword/Axe 3(L) 4 Double weapon 100gp

Morning star 2(B/L) 1 Variable damage, Light 8gp

Mace or Hammer 3(B/L) 2 Variable damage 10gp

Flail* 5(B/L) 3 Variable damage, Heavy 15gp

Warhammer 4(B/L) 3 Variable damage, Heavy 12gp

Hand Axe 2(L) 1 Light, Throwing 6gp

Great Axe* 5(L) 4 9 again, Heavy 20gp

Battleaxe 3(L) 2 10gp

Halberd* 4(L) 4 Reach, Trip attack 10gp

Spear* 3(L) 2 Throwing +10 2gp

Spear, short 2(L) 2 Throwing +10 1gp

Longspear* 3(L) 3 Reach, Throwing 5gp

Lance* 3(L) 3 Reach, Lance 10gp

Exotic Weapons

Katana 4(L) 2 Sharp 200gp

Grimm's Scythe* 5(L) 4 9 again 80gp

Sickle 1(L) 2 8 again 50gp

Sword Breaker* 2(L) 3 ** 30gp

Katar 2(L) 1 ***, light 15gp

Whip 1(B) 1 Whip 3gp

*- This weapon requires two hands. If used one-handed, the Strength requirement increases
by one.
**- This weapon bypasses durability on weapons and deals 5(L) with 9 again on sunder
***- When two of these weapons are dual wielded they each gain +2(L) damage.
Size- Weapons over size 3 cannot be hidden, size also represents the strength required to
wield the weapon. A wielder with lower strength suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls.

Melee Weapon Properties

Double weapon- When this weapon is used with the dual wielding merit, it imposes no
Heavy- Wielding this weapon imposes a -1 defense and speed penalty
Lance- When used on the back of a charging horse, a lance gains the 8 again trait.
Additionally, a lance may be used 1 handed whilst on a mount allowing the use of a shield or
even another weapon.
Light- Can be dual wielded at no penalty and has a +2 for concealment rolls.
Masterwork- Masterwork weapons cost +150gp and decrease the size/strength requirement
by 1.
Reach- This weapon has a range of 3 yards giving +1 defense, but at close quarters (1 yard)
it suffers a -2 damage penalty and gives no defense.
Sharp- When used as part of an all-out-attack, this weapon deals +4 damage instead of +2.
Stun- if the damage caused by the attack meets or exceeds the targets Stamina (not Size),
the target loses her next action.
Throwing- This weapon has a minimum throwing range of 10/20/30 (+10 increases range by
ten yards each step) Otherwise, normal throwing range rules can be used if resulted range is
Trip attack- The target makes a contested Dex+Athletics roll VS the attackers normal attack
minus the victim's defense. If the opponent fails, she falls and takes a single point of bashing
Variable Damage- When the weapon is crafted it can be made to do bashing or lethal
damage. Additionally, the weapons damage type may be substituted on the fly to its non-
crafted means, but at a -1 damage penalty.
Whip- Whips have a reach of 3 yards and can disarm an opponent. Targeting the weapon is a
Dex-based attack roll at a -3, if successful the opponent makes a Strength + Stamina (minus
the attackers Dexterity) to keep her grip. If the target fails, the weapon lands a number of
yard away equal to the successes gained by the attacker.

Ranged Weapons
Type Damage Size Range Property Cost

Shortbow, 1(L) 1 30/50/90 30gp


Shortbow, 1(L) 1 40/80/160 75gp


Longbow 2(L) 2 35/70/140 75gp

Longbow, 3(L) 2 50/100/200 100gp


Arrows (20) - - - - 1gp

Hand crossbow 2(L) 1 30/60/120 Slow 100gp

Light crossbow 3(L) 2 40/80/160 Slow 35gp

Heavy crossbow 4(L) 3 50/100/200 Slow 50gp

Repeating 2(L) 3 35/70/140 250gp


Wrist crossbow 1(L) 1 20/40/60 Slow, Concealable 80gp

Bolts (5) - - - - 1gp

Bolas 1(B) 1 10/20/30 Trip, Exotic 5gp

Shuriken (5) 1(L) 1 10/20/30 Concealable 1gp

Ranged Weapon Properties

Slow- Requires a move action to reload
Concealable- +4 to concealment
Trip- Opponent makes a Dex+Athletics VS attack roll to escape, otherwise prone.
Exotic- Must have the appropriate exotic weapons feat in order to use.

Class Rating Strength Defense Speed Spell failure Cost

Padded 1/0 1 - - 5% 5gp

Leather 2/0 1 - - 10% 10gp

Leather, Studded 2/1 2 - - 15% 25gp

Chain Shirt 2/2 2 - -1 20% 100gp

Scale-mail 3/2 3 -2 -2 25% 50gp

Splint-mail 3/3 3 -2 -2 30% 200gp

Breastplate 4/3 3 -3 -3 35% 200gp

Half-plate 4/4 4 -3 -3 40% 600gp

Full-plate 5/5 4 -4 -4 35% 1,500gp

Armor spikes - - - - - 50gp

Armor Properties
Rating: Armor provides two kinds of protection: against general attacks and against piercing
ranged attacks. The number before the slash is armor
rating for most kinds of attacks (close combat, thrown attacks, etc). The second number is for
bows, crossbows and sometimes spells.
Strength: If your character's Strength is lower than that required for armor worn, her Brawl
and Weaponry attacks suffer a -1 penalty.
Defense: The penalty imposed on your character's Defense trait for the armor worn.
Speed: The penalty imposed on your character's Speed trait for the armor worn.
Armor spikes: Deal 1 lethal damage every round while in a grapple. Increases defense
penalty by 1.
Masterwork: Masterwork shields and armor cost +150 gp and reduce strength requirement
by 1.

Class Block Strength Defense Speed Spell Failure Cost

Buckler* +1 1 - - 5% 15gp

Shield, light wooden +2 1 - - 5% 3gp

Shield, light steel +3 1 - - 5% 9gp

Shield, heavy +4 2 -1 - 15% 7gp


Shield, heavy steel +5 2 -1 - 15% 20gp

Shield, tower** +5 3 -2 -1 40% 30gp

Shield Spikes - - - - - 10gp

*- A buckler can be used with a two-handed weapon but lowers weapon damage by -1
**- Using a tower shield enables the wearer to gain complete or partial cover as a move
action. Additionally, after a failed block,
the defender can choose to enter full cover as a reflexive action until the beginning of her
next turn. Tower shields are considered exotic.
Shield Properties
Shielded defense: When a player is using a shield they can choose to deflect or block an
incoming attack. Doing so requires a Dex + Stamina + shield rating roll VS the incoming
attack. If the defender beats the opposed attack roll then she successfully negates it, if the
block fails, the attack still deals damage normally. Attempting to deflect an attack forfeits the
defender's next attack action. A block can only be performed once per round. If the player
chooses to take the block merit she does not have to forfeit her attack after blocking. You may
also shield bash and deal damage with a held shield; shields have a damage rating equal to
its basic block rating in bashing. When shield bashing you cannot use the shield to block that
Shield spikes: Causes shield bash attacks to deal lethal damage but lowers the shield's
block rating by 1 point.

NWoD Fantasy: Goods, Tools and Services

Adventuring Gear
Goods Size Goods Size Goods Size

Backpack (empty) 2 2 Rope, silk (50 ft.) 10 gp 1 Inkpen 1 sp -


Barrel (empty) 2 gp 2 Signal whistle 8 - Jug, clay 3 cp . 1

Basket (empty) 4 s 1 Sledge 1 gp 2 Ladder, 10-foot 5 cp 3

Bedroll 1 sp 1 Spade or shovel 2 gp 1 Lamp, common 1 sp 1

Bell 1 gp - Sewing needle 5 sp - Whetstone 2 cp -

Blanket, winter 5 sp 1 Signet ring 5 gp - Lantern, bullseye 12 gp 1

Block and tackle 5 1 Soap (per lb.) 5 sp - Lantern, hooded 7 gp 1


Bottle, wine, glass 2 1 Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 Lock (very simple) 20 gp -


Bucket (empty) 5 sp 1 Flint and steel 1 gp - Lock (average) 40 gp -

Caltrops 1 gp - Grappling hook 1 gp 1 Lock (good) 80 gp -

Candle 1 cp - Hammer 5 sp 1 Lock (amazing) 150 gp -

Canvas (sq. yd.) 1 - Ink (1 oz. vial) 8 gp - Manacles 15 gp 1

Case, map or scroll 1 Rations, trail (per day) 5 1 Manacles, masterwork 1

1 gp sp 50 gp

Chain (10 ft.) 30 gp 1 Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 1 1 Mirror, small steel 10 gp 1

Chalk, 1 piece 1 cp - Pole, 10-foot 2 sp 2 Mug/Tankard, clay 2 cp 1

Chest (empty) 2 gp 2 Pot, iron 5 sp 1 Oil (1-pint flask) 1 sp 1

Crowbar 2 gp 1 Pouch, belt (empty) 1 gp 1 Paper (sheet) 4 sp -

Firewood (per day) 1 1 Ram, portable 10 gp 4 Parchment (sheet) 2 sp -


Fishhook 1 sp - Sack (empty) 1 sp 1 Pick, miners 3 gp 2

Fishing net, 25 sq. 1 Sealing wax 1 gp - Pitcher, clay 2 cp 1

ft. 4 gp

Flask (empty) 3 cp 1 Tent 10 gp 2 Piton 1 sp -

Vial, ink or potion 1 - Torch 1 cp 1 Waterskin 1 gp 1


Candle: A candle dimly illuminates a 5-foot radius and burns for 1 hour.
Crowbar: A crowbar grants a +3 bonus on checks made for such purposes. If used in
combat, treat a crowbar as a improvised club.
Flint and Steel: Lighting a torch with flint and steel is a full action, and lighting any other fire
with them takes at least that long.
Grappling Hook: Throwing a grappling hook successfully is an Athletics+Dex roll and +3 for
the hook itself, minimum range is 10/20/30, use rules for throwing range if higher. Ink: This is
black ink. You can buy ink in other colors, but it costs twice as much.
Jug, Clay: This basic ceramic jug is fitted with a stopper and holds 1 gallon of liquid.
Lamp, Common: A lamp clearly illuminates a 5-yard radius, provides shadowy illumination
out to a 10 yard radius, and burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil. You can carry a lamp in one
Lantern, Bullseye: A bullseye lantern provides clear illumination in a 20-yard cone and
shadowy illumination in a 40-yard cone. It burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil. You can carry a
bullseye lantern in one hand.
Lantern, Hooded: A hooded lantern clearly illuminates a 10-yard radius and provides
shadowy illumination in a 20-yard radius. It burns for 6 hours on a pint of oil. You can carry a
hooded lantern in one hand.
Lock: The successes required to open a lock with the larceny skill depends on the locks
quality: simple (2), average (4), good (8), or superior (12). (See lock picking in nwod core
book pg. 74)
Manacles and Manacles, Masterwork: Manacles can bind Size 5 creature. Breaking
manacles is nearly impossible, it is a extended action using a dice pool of strength + athletics.
The subject can only try for 1 minute for each point of stamina with a target success number
of 22. Most manacles have locks; add the cost of the lock you want to the cost of the
manacles. For the same cost, you can buy manacles for a Smaller creature. For a size 5-8
creature, manacles cost ten times the indicated amount, and for a size 9-12 creature, one
hundred times this amount, though they are rare finds. Other sizes can be held only by
specially made manacles.
Oil: A pint of oil burns for 6 hours in a lantern. You can use a flask of oil as a splash weapon.
Use the rules for alchemists fire, except that it takes a full round action to prepare a flask with
a fuse. Once it is thrown, there is a 50% chance of the flask igniting successfully. You can
pour a pint of oil on the ground to cover an area of 2 square yards, provided that the surface
is smooth. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 1 point of lethal fire damage to each
creature in the area.
Ram, Portable: This iron-shod wooden beam gives you a +2 bonus on checks made to break
open a door and it allows a second person to help you without having to roll, increasing your
bonus by 2.
Rope, Hempen: This rope has 2 structure and can be burst at a -4 penalty.
Rope, Silk: This rope has 4 structure points and can be burst at a -5 penalty. It is so supple
that it provides a +2 when used to fasten, restrain or hold something.
Spyglass: Provides a +3 bonus to wits + composure checks when spying on things 20 or
more yards away.
Torch: A torch burns for 1 hour, clearly illuminating a 10-yard radius and providing shadowy
illumination out to a 20-yard radius. If a torch is used in combat, treat it as a club that deals
adds 1 dice to the damage pool in fire damage.
Vial: A vial holds 1 ounce of liquid. The stoppered container usually is no more than 1 inch
wide and 3 inches high.
Special Substances and Items
Goods Size Goods Size

Acid (flask) 10 gp 1 Smokestick 20 gp 1

Alchemists fire (flask) 20 gp 1 Sunrod 2 gp 1

Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp - Tindertwig 1 gp -

Everburning torch 110 gp 1 Holy water (flask) 25 gp 1


Acid: You can throw a flask of acid as a splash weapon. This is a Athletics+Dex roll with a
minumum range increment of 10/20/30 yards. A direct hit deals 1 lethal point of acid damage.
Every creature within 2 yards of the point where the acid hits take another point of acid
damage from the splash.
Alchemists Fire: You can throw a flask of alchemists fire as a splash weapon. This is a
Athletics+Dex roll with a minumum range increment of 10/20/30 yards. A direct hit deals 1
lethal point of fire damage. Every creature within 2 yards of the point where the flask hits
takes another point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the
target takes an additional 1 lethal point of damage. If desired, the target can use a full-action
to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the
flames requires a successful Dex+Athletics roll. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2
bonus on the die pool. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically
smothers the fire.
Antitoxin: If you drink antitoxin, you get a +5 alchemical bonus on your die pool against
resisting poison for 1 hour.
Everburning Torch: This otherwise normal torch has a permanent flame spell cast upon it.
An everburning torch clearly illuminates a 10-yard radius and provides shadowy illumination
out to a 20-yard radius.
Holy Water: Holy water damages undead creatures and evil outsiders almost as if it were
acid. A flask of holy water can be thrown as a splash weapon. This is a athletics + Dex roll
with a minimum range increment of 10/20/30 yards. A flask breaks if thrown against the body
of a corporeal creature, but to use it against an incorporeal creature, you must open the flask
and pour the holy water out onto the target. Thus, you can douse an incorporeal creature with
holy water only if you are adjacent to it. Doing so is a Athletics+Dex roll. A direct hit by a flask
of holy water deals 2 points of damage to an undead creature or an evil outsider. Each such
creature within 2 yards of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the
splash. Temples to good deities sell holy water at cost (making no profit).
Smokestick: This alchemically treated wooden stick instantly creates thick, opaque smoke
when ignited. The smoke fills a 5-yard cube (It provides partial cover, except that a moderate
or stronger wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round). The stick is consumed after 1 round, and
the smoke dissipates naturally.
Sunrod: This gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck. It clearly illuminates a 10-yard
radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 20-yard radius. It glows for 6 hours, after which
the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
Tindertwig: The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when
struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating
a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig
is a instant action (rather than a full-action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a
instant action.

Tools and Skill Kits

Goods Size Goods Size

Alchemists lab 500 gp 2 Magnifying glass 100 gp -

Artisans tools 5 gp 2 Musical instrument, common 5 gp varies

Artisans tools, masterwork 55 gp 2 Musical instrument, masterwork varies

100 gp

Climbers kit 80 gp 2 Scale, merchants 2 gp -

Disguise kit 50 gp 1 Water clock 1,000 gp 5

Healers kit 50 gp 1 Hourglass 25 gp 1

Holly and mistletoe - Thieves tools 30 gp 1

Holy symbol, wooden 1 gp - Thieves tools, masterwork 100 gp 1

Holy symbol, silver 25 gp - Tool, masterwork 50 gp 1

Improving kits: Adding a +1 to a kit costs 100gp per +1 added, maximum of a +5 bonus.
Alchemists Lab: An alchemists lab always has the perfect tool for making alchemical items,
so it provides a +3 to Crafts of an alchemical nature.
Artisans Tools: These special tools include the items needed to pursue any craft and give a
+2 bonus. Without them, you have to use improvised tools, if you can do the job at all.
Artisans Tools, Masterwork: These tools serve the same purpose as artisans tools
(above), these artisans tools are the perfect tools for the job, so you get a +3 on Crafts
checks made with them.
Climbers Kit: The perfect tools for climbing, they give a +2 on athletics checks for climbing.
Disguise Kit: The kit is the perfect tool for disguise and provides a +3 bonus on subterfuge
rolls for disguising. A disguise kit is exhausted after ten uses.
Healers Kit: It is the perfect tool for healing and provides a +3 bonus on medicine checks. A
healers kit is exhausted after ten uses. +4 kit costs 100 additional gold, +5 is 300 additional
Holy Symbol, Silver or Wooden: A holy symbol focuses positive energy. Sometimes it Is
used in channeling spells and as a tool for turning undead. Each religion has its own holy
Unholy Symbols: An unholy symbol is like a holy symbol except that it focuses negative
energy and is used by evil casters.
Magnifying Glass: This simple lens allows a closer look at small objects. It is also useful as a
substitute for flint and steel when starting fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires
light as bright as sunlight to focus, tinder to ignite, and at least a full-action. A magnifying
glass grants a +2 bonus on wits+composure checks involving any item that is small or highly
Musical Instrument, Common or Masterwork: A masterwork instrument grants a +2 or 3
bonus on expression checks involving its use. Scale, Merchants: A scale reveals the exact
weight of small objects. Especially useful for items that are valued by weight, including
anything made of precious metals.
Thieves Tools: This kit contains the tools you need to use the Larceny skill, and provide a +2
to opening locks.
Thieves Tools, Masterwork: This kit contains extra and more superior tools, which grant a
+3 bonus.
Tool, Masterwork: This well-made item is the perfect tool for the job. It grants a +2 bonus on
a related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items used toward the
same skill check do not stack.
Water Clock: This large, bulky contrivance gives the time accurate to within half an hour per
day since it was last set. It requires a source of water, and it must be kept still because it
marks time by the regulated flow of droplets of water.

Goods Size Goods Size

Artisans outfit 1 gp Courtiers outfit 30 gp Monks outfit 5 gp Royal outfit 200


Clerics vestments Entertainers outfit 3 gp Nobles outfit 75 gp Scholars outfit 5

5 gp

Cold weather Explorers outfit 10 gp Peasants outfit 1 sp Travelers outfit

outfit* 8 gp 1 gp

*- Helps prevent adverse effects from cold environments

Food, Drink, and Lodging

Goods Size Goods Size

Ale - Meals (per day) -

Gallon 2 sp 2 Good 5 sp 1

Mug 4 cp 1 Common 3 sp 1

Banquet (per person) 10 gp - Poor 1 sp 1

Inn stay (per day) - Meat, chunk of 3 sp 1

Good 2 gp - Meat, large slab 1gp 2

Common 5 sp - Fine (bottle) 10 gp 1

Poor 2 sp - Cheese, hunk of 1 sp 1

Bread, per loaf 2 cp 1 Wine Common (pitcher) 2 sp 1

Mounts and Related Gear

Goods Size Goods Size

Barding - Saddle -

Size 5 creature 2 cost x1 Military 20 gp 2

Size 5-10 creature 4 cost x2 Pack 5 gp 2

Donkey or mule 8 gp 6 Riding 10 gp 2

Feed (per day) 5 cp 2 Saddle, Exotic -

Horse - Military 60 gp 2

Horse, heavy 200 gp 7 Pack 15 gp 2

Horse, light 75 gp 7 Riding 30 gp 2

Pony 30 gp 6 Saddlebags 4 gp 1

Warhorse, heavy 400 gp 7 Stabling (per day) 5 sp -

Warhorse, light 150 gp 7 Bit and bridle 2 gp 5

Warpony 100 gp 7 Dog, guard 25 gp 4

Spurs* - Dog, riding 150 gp 4

*- Wearing metal spurs on your boots offers a +1 to ride skill

Barding, Medium Creature and Large Creature Barding is a type of armor that covers the
head, neck, chest, body, and possibly legs of a horse or other mount. Barding can be made of
any of the armor types found on the Armor and Shields table. Armor for a horse costs four
times as much as armor for a human and also twice the size as the armor found on the Armor
and Shields table. If the barding is for a pony or other size 5 or lower mounts, the cost is only
double, and the size is the same as armor worn by a humanoid. Barding slows a mount that
wears it just as shown on the armor table. Flying mounts cant fly in size 5 (size 2 for smaller
mounts) or greater barding. A barded animal cannot be used to carry any load other than the
rider and normal saddlebags.
Dog, Riding This dog is specially trained to carry a humanoid rider smaller than size 5. It is
brave in combat like a warhorse. You take no damage when you fall from a riding dog.
Donkey or Mule Donkeys and mules are stolid in the face of danger, hardy, surefooted, and
capable of carrying heavy loads over vast distances. Unlike a horse, a donkey or a mule is
willing (though not eager) to enter dungeons and other strange or threatening places.
Feed Horses, donkeys, mules, and ponies can graze to sustain themselves, but providing
feed for them is much better. If you have a riding dog, you have to feed it at least some meat.
Horse A horse (other than a pony) is suitable as a mount for a human, dwarf, elf, half-elf, or
half-orc. A pony is smaller than a horse and is a suitable mount for a gnome or halfling. Heavy
warhorses, light warhorses and warponies can be ridden easily into combat. Light horses,
ponies, and heavy horses are hard to control in combat.
Saddle, Exotic An exotic saddle is like a normal saddle of the same sort except that it is
designed for an unusual mount. Exotic saddles come in military, pack, and riding styles.
Saddle, Military A military saddle braces the rider, providing a +2 bonus on Ride checks
related to staying in the saddle. If youre knocked unconscious while in a military saddle, you
have a 75% chance to stay in the saddle (compared to 50% for a riding saddle).
Saddle, Pack A pack saddle holds gear and supplies, but not a rider. It holds as much gear
as the mount can carry.
Saddle, Riding The standard riding saddle supports a rider.

Spellcasting and Services

Services Services

Coach cab 3 cp per mile Road or gate toll 1 cp

Hireling, trained 3 sp per day Ships passage 1 sp per mile

Hireling, untrained 1 sp per day Spell Casting:

Messenger 2 cp per mile caster's arcane dots + spell dots x 100gp

NWoD Fantasy: The Order System


In nwod fantasy an order may be chosen to grant a character access to a set of higher
powers or abilities. This represents either a character being made champion of her small town
or perhaps a young student entering the tutelage of a guild wizard. Whatever the case, each
order has a different function and grants different abilities. To join a order, a character must
take the appropriate order merit. Multiple orders may be pursued, but taking on another
doubles the experience costs of powers, merits and spells within that new order. The different
orders to choose from are as follows:

The Arcane Order

The arcane order consists of a community of nobles, scholars, and historians. Their order
pertains to the study and pursuit of Arcane magic. Arcane magic is a fickle channel of power
that can be maintained through rigorous study, or by sheer talent and determination. Though
most of the spells have been pioneered by the Elders of the order, people of all kinds have
joined the order to and changed it to their will.
The Martial Order

The martial order is a group forged in combat. They deal with anything from the brutal pursuit
of power on the battlefield to the path of stealth and cunning behind enemy lines. Usually the
Generals of large stately-armies find seats of power on the martial councils, and often teach
their armies the skills needed to find victory in battle. Almost any who wish to find success
through the tip of a blade or arrow are avid members of this order.
The Divine Order
(not implemented)

The divine order follow the path of their holy deities, and find power through prayer and
reverence in their teachings. Whether a student wishes to channel her faith to heal and bless,
or burn the wicked, this order enables both paths. Often the high-priests of city temples find
themselves in positions of power for the divine order; dispensing teaching and judgment when
needed. Those who wish to aid their fellows or purge their enemies will find sanction within
the divine.
The Dark Order
(not implemented)

Power can often go astray or turn sour in the hands of those less righteous; the best example
of this are in the Templar's of the Dark order, perhaps better known as the antithesis to the
order of the divine. The followers of this vile cult live in secrecy and hold no public union, its
teachings and powers given those where no prying eye will see. This order desires above all
else, power, and by any means necessary. Often communing with demons or dark gods,
patrons here follow a lower path that can warp a followers very soul, and use it to summon a
great terror to serve their mortal vice.

NWoD Fantasy: The Arcane Order

The Arcane Order
Every dot in the arcane order grants access to special powers called spells. To gain access to
Arcane order spells you must have the Arcane training merit. Buying dots in the Arcane Order
costs new dots x 6. A magician can know and freely cast a certain number of spells
depending on the her dots in the arcane order. You cannot cast or know spells that exceed
your Arcane Order dots. A Magician can, however, change 1 spell she already knows for a
different spell whenever she buys a new dot in Arcane Order. For example, upon gaining 2
dots in arcane order, you could choose to unlearn the 'Detect Magic' spell for 'Knock' or any
other appropriate spell as long as the spell level doesn't exceed your Arcane dots. Spells
known and total XP costs are shown below:
Arcane Order Dots Spells known Total XP costs

All () spells 6

+3 spells 18

+3 spells 36

+4 spells 60

+4 spells 90

A magician may spontaneously cast a spell she doesn't know by making an activation roll.
This roll is Intelligence + Composure + Arcane Dots spell dots x 2. Casting spells in this
fashion can only be done once per scene. Activation rolls are also used for other reasons
such as spell damage or determining effects.

Arcane Implement: Most mages use what is called an 'implement' when casting their spells.
It is different for many and could be anything from an old book, a wand, or even a spoken
word. The range of implements are nearly endless and limited only by the players imagination
(within reason of course).

Defense VS Spells: Like ranged weapon attacks, most ranged spells bypass defense (except
at close range). However, armor that protects from bows and crossbows also protects from
spells. (unless otherwise noted) Other spells have individually listed resistance pools that are
usually rolled against a mage's activation roll.

Each spell has a few descriptors describing cost, casting time, duration, range, cooldown, and
effect. These attributes describe different aspects of the spells, their meaning is described

Arcane Dots: Represents the number of dots the magician has in arcane order.
Cantrip: Cantrips are single dot spells that all members of the Arcane order know innately
and can cast at will. All single dot spells are considered cantrips.
Casting time: This describes what type of action is required to successfully cast a spell.
Cooldown: This designates how often a spell can be used. At will means the spell can be
used freely and frequently. (P) means that each target has their own cooldown. Encounter
means the spell can be used once per encounter, same for scene, day and etc. Some spells
can be used multiple times per scene or encounter depending on the casters arcane dots.
Cost: Cost describes what resource (if any) must be expended before a spell can be cast.
Duration: This describes how long a spell effect will last until fading. Concentration means
that the spell can be maintained indefinitely through sheer force of will. Any attacks or
interruptions suffered by the mage requires her to make a activation roll VS damage dealt to
maintain the spell.
Range: This is the distance or range of effect for a given spell. Personal means that the spells
range is only self-targetable. Touch means the caster must touch the target for it to be

NWoD Fantasy: Spells of The Arcane Order

Arcane Order Spell-List
Level Spell Effect

Dart Minor magical dart bypasses defenses to damage target

Daze Stuns a target for a limited duration

Detect Magic Allows a caster to detect any magical aura

Endure Elements Wards against hash weather conditions

Ghost Hand Magical force can move small objects around

Light Creates a small magical light that shines like a torch

Magic Mark Place a permanent magical marking upon any surface

Meditate Enter a dreamless trance-like state

Message Send a telepathic message to a distant ally

Prestidigitation Performs minor tricks and feats of magic

Bolt Shoots a bolt of fire, ice, acid, or electricity

Charm Enchants a subjects mind into believing you as a close


Fan of Fire Shoots a arc of flame from the caster's fingertips

Knock Magically opens most mundane and magical locks

Lesser Illusion Creates a silent and inanimate illusion

Levitate Allows the mage to float at a low speed

Magic Shield Magical shield protects the caster

Mend Magically repairs damaged objects

Counterspell Allows the caster to block or diffuse an enemies spell

Fireball Creates a small ball of fire that explodes upon impact

Flight Allows the caster to fly overland at speed

Force Wall Creates a near-impenetrable wall of force

Greater Illusion Creates a moving illusion with sound

Invisibility Allows the caster to completely disappear from view

Jump The caster jumps a short distance via teleport

Lightning Bolt Shoots a bolt of lightning from the caster's hand

Stone Skin The caster's skin turns to stone absorbing damage

Arcane Fortress Creates a magical dwelling that provides food, shelter, and

Chain Lightning Creates a bolt of lightning that arcs from target to target

Control Element Allows control over an amount of water, fire, wind, or earth.

Disintegrate Ray of green energy ignores armor and durability

Force Cage Creates a cage of force that traps any inside

Seeing Grants the mage a greater sight that has various benefits

Stunning Magically stuns the target preventing them from taking any

Telekinesis Lift and hurl object with tremendous force

Teleport Easily travel great distances provided you know the


Transform The caster changes into a more physical avatar of magic

Trap Suspends a spell in time to be unleashed as a trap

Walking Guardian Summons a fighting automaton ready for battle

Control Weather Gives the caster complete control over weather in an area

Meteor Storm Fiery boulders hail down from the heavens exploding on

Precognition Lets the caster see a short period of time into the future

Spell Armor Gives the caster a protective shield from enemy spells

Teleport, Greater As teleport, but all those in spell radius are brought along

Time Stop Allows the caster limited control over time itself

Wish The caster channels her power to perform an impossible


Dart ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x 30yds
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At will
Effect: You shoot a small, lethal magical dart that has a damage pool equal to the mage's
Intelligence + Athletics skill. This dart bypasses armor, defense, as well as durability.
Daze ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Free
Range: Arcane dots x 30yds
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: Encounter
Effect: You speak a single word which stuns the target. The mage makes an activation roll VS
the targets resolve. If the mage meets or beats the target's roll, it becomes stunned until the
end of its next turn. At the end of its turn, the affected may make another Save. If it gains 1
success it snaps out of the spell. If it fails then it remains stunned for another round and must
roll again.

Detect Magic ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x 20yds
Duration: Concentration
Cooldown: At will
Effect: You detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long
you study a particular area or subject. In 3 seconds (1 round) you can detect the presence or
absence of magical auras. In 6 seconds (2 rounds) You can detect the number of different
magical auras. In 9 seconds (3 rounds) you can determine the location and strength of each
aura. You can also make a Magica skill check to identify the effect or source. The spell can
penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet
of wood or dirt blocks it.

Endure Elements ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Personal/Touch
Duration: Arcane dots x 6 hrs
Cooldown: Scene (P)
Effect: Someone protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold
environment. You can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees
Fahrenheit. Any equipment carried is likewise protected.

Ghost Hand ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x2 +20yds
Duration: Concentration
Cooldown: At will
Effect: A invisible force allows the caster to move small size 1 objects (a book or dagger for
example) around at a speed equal to her arcane dots x 3.
Light ()
Cost: None
Casting time: instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Arcane dots x 5hrs
Cooldown: At will
Effect: Touched object shines like a torch, emanating light for 20 yards and providing
shadowy illumination for up to 40 yards.

Magic Mark ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Full-action
Range: Touch
Duration: Arcane dots +1 days
Cooldown: At will
Effect: creates a small personalized arcane mark upon the target. This mark is only visible to
those the mage chooses and will remain for 1 full day. A successful composure roll VS the
mage's activation pool will reveal the mark if it is concealed. For the expense of 1 willpower
the mark will become permanent.

Meditate ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Personal
Duration: 4 hours; Concentration
Cooldown: At will
Effect: Meditation is one of the most elementary of the Arcane Order spells. Meditation
causes the mage enter a dreamless slumber, allowing her to spend half the time of normal to
regain her strength and stamina from sleeping (4 hours). If the mage is disturbed during her
meditation, she must make an activation check to stay in the meditative state or awake
instantly and lose all her progress on that meditation, forcing her to start all over again.

Message ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Free
Range: Arcane dots x 60yds
Duration: Concentration
Cooldown: At will
Effect: Allows the mage to telepathically communicate with anyone in sight. A successful
resolve VS activation roll will reveal the sender of the message. For the expense of 1
willpower the message can be sent to anyone the mage has seen and the distance is
Prestidigitation ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x3 +15yds
Duration: Arcane dots in hrs
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage can perform minor parlor tricks, such as creating small sparks, turning ale
sour, or changing the color of a small size 1 object. The extent of the trick may be limited by
the ST as seen fit. As such magic is minor and easily overcome, a successful composure
check VS the caster's activation pool will reveal the illusion for what it truly is. For the expense
of 1 willpower the illusion can be made permanent.

Bolt ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x 25yds
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage throws a bolt of fire, ice, or electricity; chosen when the spell is learned.
The damage is lethal with a pool equal to the mages activation check + athletics skill. At the
expense of 1 willpower, the bolt bypasses armor.

Charm ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x5 +10yds
Duration: Scene
Cooldown: Scene (P)
Effect: The mage can use their talents of the arcane to turn a potential enemy into a close
friend. The target rolls a resolve check VS the mage's Activation roll. If the target fails then
this charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally. If asked to do
something outside their normal character, the subject may be allowed another roll. Otherwise,
after the scenes conclusion the subject snaps out of the charm and rationalizes the incident.

Fan of Fire ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 10x10 yard cone +5 per Arcane dot
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage fans an arc of of fire before her that burns everything in its path. The flame
deals lethal fire damage equal to the mages activation roll +1. Defense and armor apply.
Knock ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At will
Effect: With a wrap of her hand the mage can open almost any mundane lock. An activation
roll is required and usually 1 success is all that is needed to open any normal lock. More
intricate or magical lock systems may require additional successes as determined by the ST.

Lesser Illusion ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x3 +15yds
Duration: Arcane dots x 2hrs
Cooldown: At will
Effect: Allows the mage to create a illusion up to her size. This may be a fake
person/creature, false wall, weapon... etc. The illusion cannot make any sound or perform any
physical task. Additionally, this spell can be similar used to alter to appearance of a size 5 or
lower creature. You make the targetincluding clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment
look different. You can make them seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. You
cannot change their body type. Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you.
You could add or obscure a minor feature or make them look like an entirely different person.
At the expense of 1 willpower the mage can make the illusion permanent. A successful
composure VS activation roll will expose the illusion.

Levitate ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration*
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage lifts from the ground and is able to move herself around in space with the
power of her mind. The mage may float at a speed of 2 + 1 per Arcane dot. Any attack made
against the mage may break her concentration on the spell requiring an activation check VS
the damage dealt to stay aloft. (* any attack made on another target affected by levitate
causes the spell to fail automatically)

Magic Shield ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Cooldown: Scene (P)
Effect: A mystical magical energy surrounds and protects the mage. When cast, the shield
grants the mage 1/1 armor per Arcane dot for a maximum of 3/3. This magical armor does not
stack with armor already worn by the target and incurs no defense or speed penalty. At the
cost of a willpower, the spell lasts 1 day instead of 1 hour.

Mend ()
Cost: None
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Duration: Extended
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage uses her arcane energy to mend a damaged object. The mage may make
an activation roll for every minute spent repairing the object for up to 10 minutes. Consult the
craft skill for suggested successes on repairing an object. (Note, one minute of work during
the spell represents 1 hour of work in reference to the crafting skill)

Counterspell ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Reflexive
Range: Arcane dots x 40yds
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage forfeits her next instant action to immediately stop her opponents spell. The
target rolls an opposed activation check, if the mage meets or beats her target, the spell being
cast fizzles. If the mage has a dramatic success on her counterspell roll, the thwarted spell is
turned and used on the enemy mage instead. If the opposite happens, the mage is prevented
from counterspelling for the rest of the scene. Additionally, counterspell can be used to stop a
spell currently in effect (such as illusion, charm, or force wall). To dispel a magical effect the
mage needs to know the spell or make an activation roll to see if they can spontaneously cast
it. Dispelling requires an activation roll VS the spells dot rating + the caster's arcane dots. If
the mage meets or beats this number then the magical effect is successfully dispelled.

Fireball ()
Cost: 1 Willpower
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x 30yds
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage hurls a ball of fire which explodes in a 15 yard radius spread. Those caught
in the blast take 3 + Intelligence + Athletics + Arcane dots in lethal fire damage. This damage
bypasses armor but not defense.
Flight ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Arcane dots x 10 minutes
Cooldown: Scene (P)
Effect: The mage soars like a bird. She moves at her own speed +3 per arcane dot. While
flying the mage takes a -2 penalty to her defense. Should the spell end in mid-flight, the mage
floats softly to the ground at 5 yards per round. At the expense of 1 willpower the mage
retains her defense and fly's for a number of hours equal to her arcane dots x 2.

Force Wall ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x5 +10yds
Duration: 1 min / Arcane dot
Cooldown: Encounter
Effect: Creates a invisible, impenetrable wall whose area is up to one 5x5 yard square per
arcane dot. This wall cannot move, it is immune to damage of all kinds, and it is unaffected by
most spells, including counterspell. However, disintegrate immediately destroys it. Spells
cannot pass through the wall in either direction, although Jump, Teleport, and similar effects
can bypass the barrier. It blocks ethereal (ghost) creatures as well as material ones (though
ethereal creatures can usually get around the wall by floating under or over it through material
floors and ceilings). The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is
broken by any object or creature when cast, the spell fails.

Greater Illusion ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Arcane dots x3 +20yds
Duration: Arcane dots x 4 hrs
Cooldown: At will
Effect: The mage can create an illusion up to her size + her arcane dots. The illusion can
make sounds, move and be interacted with to a limited extent. Any substantial force (like an
attack) will pass through the illusion. A successful composure VS Activation will reveal the
illusion. The complexity of intelligent illusions are simple, they can be ordered to do a
sequence of tasks or perform on a trigger. However, the limit to such actions is decided by the
ST. At the expense of 1 willpower, the illusion is made permanent.
Invisibility ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Arcane dots x5 mins
Cooldown: Scene (P)
Effect: The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight. If the recipient
is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes, too. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither
you nor your allies can see the subject, unless you can normally see invisible things or you
employ magic to do so. Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible;
items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Any
characters not actively searching for the invisible creature are completely unaware of their
presence. If the creature is actively being searched for, the invisible creature can make a
activation roll or stealth + dexterity roll VS the searcher's wits + composure roll. If the Invisible
creatures location is determined, it can be attack, albeit at a -2 penalty. Attacking an invisible
creature also effectively functions as fighting blind.

Jump ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Move
Range: Speed x 2yds
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 3 rounds
Effect: The mage magically teleports a short distance in only a moment. The mage may
appear anywhere in range which is twice her speed in yards. You may also bring one
additional willing size 5 or smaller creature per Arcane dot. Alternatively, if the mage spends
an instant action instead of a move action for the jump she may travel a distance equal to her
Arcane dots x 50 + 150 yards, but may take no other action till her next turn. Jumping in this
fashion has no cooldown (At will). If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid
body, you and each creature traveling with you take 1 point of lethal damage and are shunted
to a random open space on a suitable surface within 40 yards of the intended location. If there
is no free space within 40 yards, you and each creature traveling with you take an additional 1
point of lethal damage and are shunted to a free space within 400 yards. If there is no free
space within 400 yards, you and each creature traveling with you take an additional 2 points
of lethal damage and the spell simply fails.

Lightning Bolt ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 40yd line
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: An arc of lightning blasts from the mages hand striking any target in it's path. The
attack has a lethal damage pool equal to the mages activation roll + athletics + 1 in electricity
damage. Any targets who are in the 40 yard line are subject to the attack.
Stone Skin ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Arcane dots x2 rnds
Cooldown: Encounter (P)
Effect: The mage's skin turns to stone, absorbing 1 lethal damage per round. Alternatively,
stone skin will also negate up to 2 bashing per round. Aggravated damage is not absorbed or
negated by this Spell. Stone skin will absorb an amount of lethal damage equal to the mages
Arcane dots x 2.

Arcane Fortress ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: 5 minutes
Range: 10 yards
Duration: varies
Cooldown: 1 Day
Effect: A magic door materializes in front of the caster which leads into a grand fortress of the
mages design hidden inside of an alternate pocket dimension. The size and accommodations
of the shelter depends on the mage's activation roll. The door itself is only visible and usable
by those the mage chooses. The roll is extended, each roll representing 1 minute of 5 minutes
possible casting time(or 5 rolls). The size of the space inside is equal to the activation roll x 5
square yards. There is enough prepared food and water inside the shelter to feed 1 person
per success for the duration of the spell, the shelter also contains the same amount of
sleeping quarters. The spell lasts 5 hours per success. The mage has complete control over
the internal architecture of the fortress. In addition, the mage can control temperature inside
the shelter to allow shifts in climate from 40-110 degrees Fahrenheit. At the expense of 1
willpower dot the fortress becomes permanent with a success rating of 15 for determining it's
size and accommodations. A permanent fortress can be called forth or dismissed as an
instant action.

Chain Lightning ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 40 yards
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: Chain lightning does the same damage as lightning bolt, but jumps from the first target
to the closest other target within 20 yards. The lightning jumps up to five times, dealing 2 less
dice in damage per jump.
Control Element ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 100 yards
Duration: Concentration
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: Gives the mage limited control over an amount of fire, water, or earth. The mage can
control an amount of material equal to her activation check x 2 square yards. The mage may
control the element in a variety of ways, they are as follows.
Reduce: The mage may freely cut the amount of the element in half.
Move: The mage may shift, control or move the element at a speed of 5 yards + 2 per Arcane
Enlarge: The mage can increase the element's overall volume by up to twice the original size.

Disintegrate ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: Instant
Range: 180 yards
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: A thin green ray shoots from the mage's finger disintegrating anything in it's path. If
targeting an object, the mage makes an activation roll, rolling 9-again, any object with a size
equal to or less than the result of the activation roll is reduced to a fine amount of dust. If the
object is larger than the activation roll, damage is dealt directly to the objects structure
bypassing durability. If targeting a creature, the attack has a damage pool equal to the mages
activation roll, and deals aggravated damage.

Force Cage ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 1 day
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: Creates four solid walls of force which trap creatures inside. The mage rolls an
opposed Activation roll VS the targets dexterity. If the mage beats the target's roll then the
four walls of force trap the target inside. The affected has enough air permeation inside the
chamber to last the duration of the spell. However, no spells or attacks can reach the target in
or out, as per the force wall spell.
Seeing ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: 20 minutes
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: This spell grants the mage superior sight. While active, the mage can see perfectly in
all low light condition, gains a bonus on wits + composure checks, investigation checks and
rolls to perceive illusions equal to her activation roll. Additionally, while active, the mage can
see through the effects of invisibility, and can see through walls and material up to 10ft thick
from 40 yards away.

Stunning ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Touch
Duration: Activation in rounds
Cooldown: Encounter
Effect: The mage touches the subject, magically stunning it for a short time. The target makes
a Resolve check VS the caster's Activation check, if the mage beats the roll then the target is
stunned for a number of rounds equal to successes gained. For 1 willpower this attack has a
40 yard range.

Telekinesis ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 100 yards
Duration: Concentration
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: The mage uses telekinesis to magically lift, move, or throw objects through the air.
Objects up to the mage's size are easily lifted or 'controlled'. Larger objects require an
activation roll, every success allowing the mage to lift an object 1 size larger. A controlled
object can be moved around within the range of the spell at a speed of 10 yards +1 per
arcane dot. A controlled object can also be hurled at great speed at a target within range. The
range for hurling objects is equal to 100 yards - the object's size x 2, double range for
aerodynamic objects. The damage pool for a thrown object is equal to the mages Intelligence
+ Athletics + Arcane dots + the objects size in lethal crushing damage, the target's defense
applies to such an attack. This spell can also be used to lift a creature of appropriate size,
doing so is a contested activation roll VS the target's dexterity. If controlled, the mage may
move the target using the same methods mentioned above. A controlled creature may also be
hurled, if hurled into the air, falling damage is taken as if the creature fell that distance
normally. If the creature is hurled into a solid object, the creature is dealt damage as if a
object of equal size was hurled into it, however, defense nor armor apply to this sort of attack.
The range for hurling a creature is the same as hurling an object of equal size. Telekinesis
can also be used to directly deal damage or even grapple an opponent. Direct attacks deal
bashing damage equal to the mages activation + athletics roll. Grappling using telekinesis is
the same as grappling directly except the mage uses her activation roll in place of strength +
brawl checks. The mage may also choose to break off the grapple at any time she wishes by
simply canceling the spell. This spell cannot be used to fly, but the mage can stand and move
around on a controlled object, doing so emulates the spell 'levitate'. This spell can also be
used to perform minor feats like pushing a carriage or boat at low speeds.

Teleport ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: Instant
Range: Personal; Touch
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: The mage channels her arcane will to appear at any location she envisions in her
mind. The mage may only teleport to a place within 2000 miles of the casting point, inter
planar travel is not possible. You may bring objects up to your size, you may also bring up to
six willing size 6 or less creatures. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one
another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with the mage. To teleport, the
mage must make an activation roll. However, if the mage has already set foot on or seen the
location she wants to go to, the teleport is automatically a success. If the mage is completely
unfamiliar with the location but has a detailed description, she takes a -4 on the activation roll.
the mage is unfamiliar and has no prior description of the location, then she takes a -8 on her
activation roll. If the mage fails her activation roll, the teleport fails and all subjects involved
suffer 1 lethal damage for every 100 miles of attempted travel.

Transform ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Full-round
Range: Personal
Duration: 5 minutes
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: This spell turns the mage into a force of the arcane, a physical avatar of magic. While
transformed, the mage cannot use any magic until returning to her original form. When cast,
the mage chooses her avatar: The Knight, The Archer, or, The Barbarian. The benefits are as
The Knight: The mage's melee weaponry and strength dots are set at 5. A magic sword,
shield, and suit of armor appear on the mage, the gear replaces her own if any. The sword
has a +5 damage bonus and the armor is rated at 4/4, the shield at +5. The mage also suffers
a -4 defense penalty.
The Archer: The mage's ranged weaponry and dexterity dots are set at 5. A magic bow,
armor, and set of boots appear on the mage, the gear replaces her own, if any. The bow has
a +5 damage bonus and range of 100/200/300 yards. The armor is rated 2/2. The boots
provide a +5 bonus to the mage's speed.
The barbarian: The mage's melee weaponry and strength dots are set at 5. A magic axe and
armor appear on the mage, the gear replaces her own if any. The axe has a +5 damage
bonus and the 9 again trait. The armor has a 2/2 rating. The mage also gains 1 damage
absorption in this form.
At the end of the spell the mage returns to her original form, stats return to normal and the
gear fades away.

Trap ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: 50 yards
Duration: 1 day
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: The mage suspends a spell to be activated when the subject comes within 10 yards of
her arcane mark. The spell is activated as if the mage cast it herself. The mage may only trap
a number of spells equal to her arcane dots. The trap trigger lasts for 1 day then fades away.

Walking Guardian ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: Instant
Range: 15 yards
Duration: 1 day
Cooldown: Day
Effect: Creates an animate warrior of the mages design to fight by her side. The automaton
shares the mages stats and skills with the exception of it's melee weaponry, strength and
stamina which are all set at 5. The guardian has an enchanted weapon which has a lethal
damage bonus of 3. The automaton is controlled completely by the mages thoughts and
commands are issued instantaneously and followed immediately. The mage can only have
one active guardian at any time. Guardian's cannot share or cast spells.

Control Weather ()
Cost: None
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 2 miles
Area: 2 mile radius centered on caster
Duration: 10d10 hours
Cooldown: Same as duration
Effect: The mage uses her arcane ability to change the conditions of the weather around her.
You can call forth weather appropriate to the climate and season of the area you are in. It
takes 10 minutes to cast the spell and then a further 10 minutes for the changes to manifest
(gradually, not instantly). You cannot control specific applications of the weatherwhere
lightning strikes, for example, or the exact path of a tornado. The weather continues as you
left it for the duration, or until you use a instant action to designate a new kind of weather
(which fully manifests itself 10 minutes later). Contradictory conditions are not possible
simultaneously. Control weather can do away with atmospheric phenomena (naturally
occurring or otherwise) as well as create them. The possible conditions for each season are
as follows:

Season Possible weather

Spring Tornado, thunderstorm, sleet storm, or hot weather

Summer Torrential rain, heat wave, or hailstorm

Autumn Hot or cold weather, fog, or sleet

Winter Frigid cold, blizzard, or thaw

Late Winter Hurricane-force winds or early spring

At the expense of 1 willpower, the mage can call forth any condition regardless of the current

Meteor Storm ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: Extended
Range: 200 yards
Duration: Concentration
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: The mage calls down fiery boulders from the sky. Each round the mage deals lethal
fire damage to all targets within a 30 yard diameter circle equal to the mage's activation roll +
1. While the mage maintains the spell, any damage dealt to her may end the spell,
additionally, she loses all defense bonuses while casting. The mage may maintain the storm
for a number of rounds equal to her intelligence dots.

Precognition ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: Precognition allows your mind to glimpse fragments of potential future eventswhat
you see will probably happen if no one takes action to change it. The mage can only see a
limited time into the future, depending on her activation roll. However, the actual content of
the visions or information gleaned may be unreliable, and are entirely dependent on the ST.
Mundane information like the result of a tournament may be easy to see, while more
significant prophecies, like a cataclysmic disaster or the result of a war, are much more
difficult to decipher.

Successes Time

0-1 hours

2-3 days

4-6 months

7-8+ years

Spell Armor ()
Cost: None
Casting time: Instant
Range: Personal
Duration: 10 rounds
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: While the armor is active, hostile casters must roll opposed activation checks in order
to cast their spells upon the mage.

Teleport, Greater ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 50 yards
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: This spell functions like teleport, except that there is no range limit and there is no
chance you arrive off target. In addition, you need not have seen the destination, but in that
case you must have at least a reliable description of the place to which you are teleporting. If
you attempt to teleport with insufficient information (or with misleading information), you
disappear and simply reappear in your original location. Interplanar travel is not possible.

Time Stop ()
Cost: 1 willpower
Casting time: Instant
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d10 + 1 rounds
Cooldown: Scene
Effect: This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed
up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their
normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d10 + 1 rounds of apparent time. Normal and magical
fire, cold, gas, and the like can still harm you. While the time stop is in effect, other creatures
are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack
or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining duration of
the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop ends. Most spell
casters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat.
You cannot move or harm items held, carried, or worn by a creature stuck in normal time, but
you can affect any item that is not in another creatures possession. You are undetectable
while time stop lasts. You cannot enter an area protected by an anti magic field while under
the effect of time stop.

Wish ()
Cost: 1 willpower dot
Casting time: Instant
Range: -
Duration: -
Cooldown: At-will
Effect: Wish is the mightiest spell a mage can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter
reality to better suit you. The spell itself is very powerful and any outcome should be regulated
by the ST alone. However, some standard effects a wish may elicit are as follows:
Create a non magical item of up to 25,000 gp in value.
Create a magic item, or add to the powers of an existing magic item.
Remove injuries and afflictions
Revive the dead
Undo misfortune
Duplicate most spells or effects
You may try to use a wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous.
(The wish may pervert your intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial

NWoD Fantasy: Merits of The Arcane Order

Arcane Order Merits
Members of the arcane order have access to special merits that hone and shape their
magical abilities. These merits cost the same as normal merits but apply only to spells of the
Arcane order exclusively.
Name Effect Cost

Arcane Touch Deliver touch spells at a distance

Empower Spell Increases a spells damage

Enlarge Spell Increases the range or area of a spell

Extend Spell Increases the duration of a spell

Fast Learner Adds an extra spell to your repertoire to

Meditative Mind Grants the mage an extra willpower after meditation

Shape Spell Morphs a spells area to exclude specific targets

Spontaneous Cast spells one dot higher once per day or use meta magic
Spell for free

Arcane Touch ()
Effect: For 1 willpower, you can increase the range of a touch spell. For the affected spell, the
range temporarily becomes 100 yards. If the spell is an attack, armor applies unless the spell
notes otherwise.

Empower Spell ()
Effect: For 1 willpower, you can increase the damage of a spell. When rolling damage on the
affected spell, the damage gains the 8 again trait.

Enlarge Spell ()
Effect: For 1 willpower, you can increase the area-of-effect of a spell. For the affected spell,
double the area.

Extend Spell ()
Effect: For 1 willpower, you can up the duration of a spell. Rounds become minutes, minutes
become hours, hours become days, days become weeks, and so on.
Fast Learner ( to )
Effect: For each dot in this merit, you learn another spell of a different tier. At the 1st dot you
gain an extra 2nd dot arcane order spell, the 2nd dot gives you an extra 3rd dot arcane order
spell, and so on to a max of 4 dots or 4 spells.

Meditative Mind ()
Effect: After using the meditate cantrip to rest for four hours, the mage recovers an extra

Shape Spell ()
Effect: For 1 willpower, you can alter the area of a spell so it excludes your allies.

Spontaneous Spell ()
Effect: Upon taking this merit a mage may use their spontaneous casting to channel a spell
with a dot rating one higher than their current Arcane order dots. Casting a spell in such a way
still requires a activation check.
When the mage reaches 5 arcane order dots she may use this merit to instead utilize the
Arcane touch, Empower spell, Enlarge spell, Extend spell, or shape spell merits once a day
without expending a willpower for doing so.

NWoD Fantasy: The Martial Order

The Martial Order
Unlike the other orders, the martial order has no spells to speak of. Instead, training in the
martial order grants you access to special merits called 'techniques'. These special merits
function fundamentally the same as any other merit, however, they cost slightly more at new
dots x 3. The list of techniques are as follows.

Name Effect Cost

Arced Strike Ranged attacks can arc around corners or walls

Armored Hulk Gain 1 damage absorption while wearing heavy armor

Call Weapon Call a dropped or lost weapon into your hand instantly

Cleave Grants an extra attack after felling an opponent

Great Cleave Extra attack deals aggravated damage

Deadly Strikes Makes your brawl attacks deal lethal damage

Precise Blow Grants damage bonus to unarmed attacks to

Stunning Fist Initiates an attack which may stun the target

Deflect Arrows Negate one arrow or bolt attack

Dodge Gain +1 defense against a chosen opponent

Double Edge Take stamina score in lethal and deal the same as

Energy Weapon Manifests a weapon of pure energy into your hands

Flying Kick Deliver a deadly flying kick as part of a charge

Improvised Additional benefits when using improvised weapons

Weapons Master

Longshot Increases chosen weapon's range by 1.5x

Master Grappler Perform two maneuvers in a grapple at once

Mighty Blow Trades successes on an attack roll to push the enemy


Phasic Weapon Initiates an attack that bypasses armor

Rage Fly into a deadly rage gaining various combat bonuses

Mighty Rage Improves the rage ability

Second wind Heal lethal damage equal to stamina score once per day

Sunder Attacks on weapons/armor bypass durability

Sweeping Blow Initiates an attack that may knock opponent prone

Opportune Strike Gain free attack when knocking an opponent prone

Thief Gain a +1 on Larceny and Stealth skill

Secret Blade Attacking with concealed weapon deals extra damage

Surprise Attack Attacks from behind or on unaware subjects gain 3


Throw Weapon Gives chosen weapon an aerodynamic range

Tuned Weapon Weapon glows when a certain enemy is close-by

Favored Enemy Deal +1 damage when attacking a specific enemy

Weapon Focus Gives damage bonus with a specific weapon to

Slay Allows a single attack to deal aggravated damage

Whirlwind Attack Deadly attack hits all opponents within range

Arced Strike ()
Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a class of ranged weapon (bow, spear, or
otherwise) to use it with. When using the chosen weapon, you can cause ranged attacks to
arc up to 90 in mid-air. At the expense of 1 willpower, your attacks can change angle up to
360 in mid-flight.

Armored Hulk ()
Effect: While wearing size 3 or higher armor, gain 1 lethal damage absorption from physical
attacks. 2 bashing damage equals 1 lethal for this purpose. This ability is ineffective against
aggravated damage and ceases to function if you are unaware of the attack

Call Weapon ()
Effect: When taking this merit you can mark one chosen weapon. With that weapon, you can
call it back into your hands from any location as an instant action. You can only mark one
weapon at a time, and you can change the marked weapon once per day.
Cleave ()
Effect: After successfully slaying or rending an opponent unconscious in combat, you gain a
free instant action which may be dedicated to making an immediate melee attack against the
nearest available target.

Great Cleave ()
Prerequisite: Cleave
Effect: When gaining an extra attack from cleave, convert all damage rolled during the attack
to aggravated damage.

Deadly Strikes ()
Effect: When fighting unarmed, you may treat your brawl attacks as lethal instead of bashing.

Double Edge ()
Effect: While making a melee or ranged attack, you can choose to take an amount of lethal
damage equal to your stamina score, and deal the same amount of aggravated damage to
the your opponent. You may only perform this technique a number of times per day equal to
your stamina.

Energy Weapon ()
Effect: When choosing this technique you gain the ability to summon a single elemental
weapon. The weapon itself mimics any other standard weapon, selected when this technique
is taken. However, the weapon can also be summoned as a free action on your turn. When
the weapon is 'dormant' it is considered fully concealed and impossible to see. When
summoned, the weapon glows brightly casting dim illumination around in a 10 yard radius.
Bows and crossbows form their own ammo, and thrown weapons appear back in the owners
hands at the beginning of their next turn. This technique can be taken multiple times, each
time applying itself to a new form of energy weapon.

Flying Kick ()
Effect: When charging and making a brawl attack in the same round, treat the attack as
having the 8 again trait. This technique can only deal bashing damage.

Improvised Weapons Master ()

Effect: When using improvised objects as a weapon, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls.
Improvised weapons come in a variety of forms, for a final rule on what designates an
improvised weapon, defer to the storyteller. Note: Most improvised weapons have a damage
bonus equal to their size.
Longshot ()
Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a class of ranged weapon (bow, spear, or
otherwise) to use it with. When using the chosen weapon, increase its range by 1.5x the
original amount.

Sunder ()
Effect: When striking an opponent's weapon or armor, your attacks can bypass up to 5 points
of durability per hit.

Sweeping Blow ()
Effect: On your turn, you may attempt to trip your opponent instead of damaging them
directly. Your target must succeed on a dexterity + athletics check VS your melee attack pool
the target's defense. If you meet or beat your opponent's roll, they fall to the ground prone.

Opportune Strike ()
Prerequisite: Sweeping Blow
Effect: When you force your opponent to fall prone via sweeping blow, you gain an immediate
free melee attack against them.

Thief ()
Effect: When selecting this technique, you gain a permanent +1 to your stealth and larceny

Secret Blade ()
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, Thief
Effect: When drawing and attacking with a concealed weapon in the same round, that attack
bypasses all defense and receives the 8 again trait.

Surprise Attack ()
Prerequisite: Thief
Effect: Whenever you initiate a melee or ranged attack from behind, on a surprised opponent,
or on an unaware opponent, you automatically deal 3 lethal damage in addition to your
normal attack, you must gain at least 1 success on your normal attack to gain this damage
Throw Weapon ()
Effect: With this technique you can throw any melee weapon at no penalty, in addition, when
calculating the range of the weapon, treat it as an aerodynamic object.

Precise Blow ( to )
Prerequisite: Deadly Strikes
Effect: Each dot invested in this technique increases your brawl damage by 1 lethal or 1
bashing. This damage bonus doesn't stack with any weapons used as part of a brawl attack.

Stunning Fist ()
Prerequisite: Deadly Strikes
Effect: Once per encounter, you may attempt to stun your target with a unarmed strike in
addition to dealing damage. To perform this technique, you must first make a standard brawl
attack against the intended target, defense and armor apply normally. If you deal damage, the
target must make a stamina + composure check VS the amount of damage dealt. If the target
fails to beat the amount of damage dealt with their roll, they are stunned for 1 round.

Deflect Arrows ()
Prerequisite: Dexterity
Effect: As a reflexive instant action you may attempt to avoid a single ranged arrow or bolt
attack per round. You must make a brawl + dexterity + athletics roll VS the incoming ranged
attack pool. If you meet or beat the attacker's roll, you completely deflect the oncoming attack.
Performing this maneuver denies you your defense until the end of your next turn.

Dodge ()
Effect: During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 defense against
attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action. You can only apply
your dodge bonus to a target you are aware of.

Master Grappler ()
Effect: When preforming a grappling maneuver, you can perform an extra maneuver
immediately after the first. You cannot, however, perform two of the same maneuver (such as
damage an opponent twice).

Mighty Blow ()
Effect: When making an attack, you can trade successes gained to push your opponent back.
For each success gained on your attack, you push your opponent back 1 yard. When
knocking your opponent beyond 3 yards they must succeed on a dexterity + athletics check or
be knocked prone.
Phasic Weapon ()
Effect: At the expense of 1 willpower, your weapon gains the ability to bypass all armor for 3
consecutive rounds.

Rage ()
Effect: Once per scene, you can fly into a rage for a number of rounds equal to your stamina
+ composure. While raging you suffer a -2 penalty to defense and gain a +2 bonus to your
strength and stamina. After the rage ends, you are physically exhausted and move at half
your speed and suffer a -1 to strength for the remaining duration of the encounter.

Mighty Rage ()
Prerequisite: Rage
Effect: When you fly into a rage, you now gain a +4 to your strength and stamina instead of a
+2. You still suffer the same defense penalty and become fatigued after the rage ends.

Second Wind ()
Effect: Once per day, you can channel your own strength into healing any injuries you may
have suffered. You may heal a number of lethal points of damage equal to your unmodified
stamina score. You may also heal 2 bashing in place of 1 lethal, or heal 1 aggravated wound
per 2 lethal.

Tuned Weapon ()
Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a type of enemy (Ghosts, vampires,
werewolves, ...etc) When that enemy comes within 500 yards of your location, your weapon
glows a chosen color. This merit can be taken multiple times, each time it applies to a new
type of enemy.

Favored Enemy ()
Prerequisite: Tuned Weapon
Effect: When attacking an enemy type chosen as the focus of your tuned weapon technique,
you gain a +1 damage pool bonus when fighting them. This technique applies against all
chosen enemies associated with the tuned weapon technique.

Weapon Focus ( to )
Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a type of weapon to use it with. When using
the chosen weapon, you gain bonus damage equal to the amount of dots invested in this
technique. The type of damage added to the attack is native to the weapon chosen, be it
lethal or bashing.
Slay ()
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus
Effect: At the expense of 1 willpower, you can cause one attack to deal aggravated damage
once per scene. The attack must be initiated with a weapon affected by the weapon focus

Whirlwind Attack ()
Effect: Once per encounter, you can initiate this technique to quickly strike all opponents
within melee range. Each attack is rolled separately, dealing 2 dice less damage on each
attack after the first. Armor and defense apply normally. Executing this technique leaves you
vulnerable, causing you to lose your defense bonus until the beginning of your next turn.

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