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Yearly Scheme of Work (Y5) 2017 2

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Week/Unit Listening & Speaking Reading Writing Grammar Language Arts

Week: 1.1.3 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.1 4.3.1

1-2 Able to speak on related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use nouns Able to plan, produce
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and and display creative
03.01.2016 sentences from: spelling: appropriately: works based on literary
1.1.4 (b) non-linear texts (a) sentences (a) common nouns texts using a variety of
13.01.2016 Able to talk about related (b) paragraphs media with guidance
topics with guidance. 2.2.3
Theme: Able to read and 3.1.2
World of Self 1.2.4 demonstrate Able to write in neat
Able to participate in understanding of texts cursive writing with
Topic: conversations with peers. by: correct spelling:
Unit 1: (b) sequencing (b) paragraphs
Family Day
2.3.1 3.2.3
Grammar: Able to read for Able to use punctuation
Common information and correctly.
Nouns enjoyment with guidance:
(b) non-fiction 3.3.1
Language Arts Able to create texts using
Poems: a variety of media with
1. This Tooth guidance:
2. Cats (a) non-linear

Week: 1.1.1 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.1 4.1.2

3-4 Able to speak with Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use nouns Able to listen to, sing
correct pronunciation, understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and songs, recite jazz chants
16.01.2016 stress, rhythm and sentences from: spelling: appropriately: and poems with correct
intonation. (a) linear texts (a) sentences (b) collective nouns stress, pronunciation,
31.01.2016 (b) non-linear texts rhythm and intonation

Theme: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.2.1 4.3.2

World of Self Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to transfer Able to plan, prepare and
topics with guidance. understand phrases and information with participate in a
Topic: sentences from: guidance to complete: performance with
Saving, 1.2.4 (b) non-linear texts (b) non-linear texts guidance based on
Spending, and Able to participate in literary works
Sharing conversations with peers. 3.2.4
Able to spell words by
applying spelling rules

Language Arts
3. Serenade
4. Watching a
Bumble Bee

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.2 4.1.1

5-7 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use pronouns Able to enjoy jazz chants,
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and poems and songs
01.02.2016 1.2.4 sentences from: spelling: appropriately: through non-verbal
- Able to participate in (a) linear texts (a) sentences (a) reflexive response
19.02.2016 conversations with peers.
2.2.4 3.1.2 4.1.2
Theme: 1.2.5 Able to apply dictionary Able to write in neat Able to listen to, sing
World of Self Able to talk on topics of skills cursive writing with songs, recite jazz chants
interest in formal
situations with guidance. (b) understand meaning correct spelling: and poems with correct
Topic: of words in Context (b) paragraphs stress, pronunciation,
Superheroes rhythm and intonation
2.3.1 3.2.1
Grammar: Able to read for Able to transfer 4.3.1
Reflexive information and information with Able to plan, produce
Pronouns enjoyment with guidance: guidance to complete: and display creative
(a) fiction (b) non-linear texts works based on literary
1.3.1 texts using a variety of
Able to listen to and media with guidance
understanding of oral
Language Arts texts by: 3.2.2
Poems: (a) asking and answering Able to write with
5. Miss questions guidance:
Antrobus (a) stories
6. The Meal
Able to create texts using
a variety of media with
(a) non-linear
(b) linear


06.02.2016 14.02.2016

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.2 4.1.1

8-10 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use pronouns Able to enjoy jazz chants,
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and poems and songs
22.02.2016 sentences from: spelling: appropriately: through non-verbal
(a) sentences
- 1.2.4 (a) linear texts (b) interrogative response
(b) paragraphs
11.03.2016 Able to participate in 2.2.3
conversations with peers. Able to read and 3.1.2 4.1.2
Theme: demonstrate Able to write in neat Able to listen to, sing
World of understanding of texts cursive writing with songs, recite jazz chants
Knowledge by: correct spelling: and poems with correct
(a) giving main ideas and (a) sentences stress, pronunciation,
(b) paragraphs
Topic: supporting details rhythm and intonation
Malaysian 2.2.4 3.3.1
Legends Able to apply dictionary Able to create texts using
skills a variety of media with
(b) understand meaning guidance:
Language Arts of words in Context (a) non-linear
7. Seaside
8. The Dark

Sumatif Test 1 Able to read for
(1.3.2016- information and
3.3.2016) enjoyment with guidance:
(a) fiction



Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.3 4.1.1

11-12 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use verbs Able to enjoy jazz chants,
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and poems and songs
21.03.2016 sentences from: spelling: appropriately: through non-verbal
- 1.2.5 (a) linear texts (a) sentences (a) simple future tense response
01.04.2016 Able to talk on topics of (b) non-linear texts
interest in formal 4.1.2
Theme: situations with guidance. 2.2.3 Able to listen to, sing
World of Story Able to read and songs, recite jazz chants
1.3.1 demonstrate and poems with correct
Topic: Able to listen to and understanding of texts stress, pronunciation,
Moving Forward demonstrate by: rhythm and intonation
understanding of oral (a) giving main ideas and
texts by: supporting details 4.3.2
Language Arts (a) asking and answering Able to plan, prepare and
Short Story: questions 2.3.1 participate in a
An Something Able to read for performance with
Weird information and guidance based on
Happened enjoyment with guidance: literary works
(b) non- fiction

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.3 4.2.1

13 -14 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use verbs Able to respond to
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and literary texts:
sentences from: spelling: appropriately: (a) characters
(a) linear texts (a) sentences (b) future continuous tense
04.04.2016 Able to talk on topics of 2.2.3 3.2.1 4.3.1
- interest in formal Able to read and Able to transfer Able to plan, produce
15.04.2016 situations with guidance. demonstrate information with and display creative
understanding of texts guidance to complete: works based on literary
Theme: Able to listen to and by: (a) linear texts texts using a variety of
World of demonstrate (c) predicting media with guidance
Knowledge understanding of oral 3.2.3
texts by: Able to use punctuation
(a) asking and answering 2.3.1 correctly.
Topic: questions Able to read for
Self-Protection information and 3.3.1
Able to participate in enjoyment with guidance: Able to create texts using
conversations with peers. (a) fiction a variety of media with
Language Arts guidance:
Short Story 1.2.5 (a) non-linear
An Something Able to talk on topics of
Weird interest in formal
situations with guidance.

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.1 3.1.1 5.1.4 4.3.1

15-16 Able to talk about related Able to apply word attack Able to write in neat Able to use conjunctions Able to plan, produce
topics with guidance. legible print with correct
skills by: correctly and and display creative
18.04.2016 (b) identifying idioms spelling: appropriately: works based on literary
1.2.2 (b) paragraphs
- Able to listen, follow, and (a) although texts using a variety of
29.04.2015 give instructions. 2.2.2 (b) since media with guidance
Able to read and 3.2.2
Theme: 1.2.3 understand phrases and Able to write with 4.3.2
World of Able to listen to, follow, sentences from: Able to plan, prepare and
and give directions to
Knowledge (a) linear texts (a) stories participate in a
places around their
(c) informal letters performance with
town and state.
Topic: guidance based on
The Kings literary works
Able to participate in
conversations with peers.
Language Arts 2.3.1
Short Story Able to read for
An Something information and
Weird enjoyment with guidance:
Happened (a) fiction

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.5 4.2.1

17-18 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use prepositions Able to respond to
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly literary texts:
02.05.2016 sentences from: spelling: and appropriately: (a) characters
- (a) linear texts (a) sentences (a) over (c) values
13.05.2016 Able to participate in (b) non-linear texts (b) among
conversations with peers. 3.2.1 4.3.2
Theme: 2.2.4 Able to transfer Able to plan, prepare and
World of 1.2.5 Able to apply dictionary information with participate in a
Knowledge Able to talk on topics of skills guidance to complete: performance with
interest in formal (b) understand meaning (b) non-linear texts guidance based on
Topic: situations with guidance. of words in Context literary works
Fascinating 3.2.4
Sabah dan Able to spell words by
Sarawak applying spelling rules

Language Arts
Short Story 3.3.1
An Something Able to create texts using
Weird Had a variety of media with
Happened guidance:
(a) non-linear
*Labour Day

Week: PKSR 1
19 (16.05.2016- 20.05.2016)

Week: 1.1.3 2.2.2 3.2.2 5.1.5 4.2.1

20-22 Able to speak on related Able to read and Able to write with Able to use prepositions Able to respond to
topics with guidance. understand phrases and guidance: correctly literary texts:
sentences from: (c) informal letters and appropriately: (b) place and time
(a) linear texts (c) through
(d) across
23.05.2016 1.1.4 2.2.4 3.3.1
- Able to talk about related Able to apply dictionary Able to create texts using
24.06.2016 topics with guidance. skills a variety of media with
(b) understand meaning guidance:
Theme: 1.2.4 of words in Context (b) linear
World of Able to participate in
Knowledge conversations with peers. 2.3.1
Able to read for
Topic: information and
Space enjoyment with guidance:
Exploration (b) non- fiction

Language Arts
Short Story
An Something
Weird Had



Week: 1.1.4 2.2.1 3.3.1 5.1.5 4.2.1

23-25 Able to talk about related Able to apply word attack Able to create texts using Able to use prepositions Able to respond to
topics with guidance. skills by: a variety of media with correctly literary texts:
27.06.2016 guidance: and appropriately: (a) characters
- 1.2.4 (b) linear (e) along (c) values
08.07.2016 Able to participate in (f ) against
conversations with peers.

Theme: 1.2.5 (a) using contextual

World of Able to talk on topics of clues to get
Knowledge interest in formal meaning of words:
situations with guidance. (i) before the word
Topic: (anaphoric)
The Peach Boy (ii) after the word
Able to read and
Grammar: understand phrases and
Prepositions sentences from:
(a) linear texts
Language Arts
Graphic Novel 2.2.3
Gullivers Travel Able to read and
understanding of texts
(b) sequencing
(c) predicting

Able to read for
information and
enjoyment with guidance:
(a) fiction



Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.2.1 5.1.6 4.2.1

26-28 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to transfer Able to use adjectives Able to respond to
topics with guidance. understand phrases and information with correctly and literary texts:
18.07.2016 sentences from: guidance to complete: appropriately. (a) characters
- (a) linear texts (a) linear texts
05.08.2016 (b) non-linear texts

Theme: 1.2.1 2.3.1 3.3.1

World of Self Able to participate in Able to read for Able to create texts using
daily conversations: information and a variety of media with
Topic: (a) make suggestions enjoyment with guidance: guidance:
Natural (b) respond to (b) non- fiction (a) non-linear
Disasters suggestions (b) linear
Adjectives 1.2.5
Able to talk on topics of
Language Arts interest in formal
Graphic Novel situations with guidance.
Gullivers Travel

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.7 4.3.1

29-30 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use articles Able to plan, produce
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and and display creative
08.08.2016 sentences from: spelling: appropriately. works based on literary
- 1.2.4 (a) linear texts (b) paragraphs texts using a variety of
19.08.2016 Able to participate in media with guidance
conversations with peers. 2.2.4 3.1.2
Theme: Able to apply dictionary Able to write in neat
World of Story 1.2.5 skills cursive writing with
Able to talk on topics of (b) understand meaning correct spelling:
Topic: interest in formal of words in Context (a) sentences
Unique situations with guidance.
Buildings 2.3.1 3.2.2
Able to read for Able to write with
Grammar: information and guidance:
Articles enjoyment with guidance: (b) poems
(b) non- fiction
Language Arts 3.3.1
Graphic Novel Able to create texts using
Gullivers Travel a variety of media with
(b) linear

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.8 4.2.1

31-32 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use adverbs Able to respond to
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and literary texts:
22.08.2016 sentences from: spelling: appropriately: (a) characters
- 1.2.2 (b) non-linear texts (b) paragraphs (a) frequency (c) values
02.09.2016 Able to listen, follow, and
give instructions 2.2.3 3.2.3
Theme: Able to read and Able to use punctuation
World of 1.3.1 demonstrate correctly.
Knowledge Able to listen to and understanding of texts
demonstrate by: 3.3.1
Topic: understanding of oral (b) sequencing Able to create texts using
Lost and Found texts by: (c) predicting a variety of media with
(a) asking and answering guidance:
Grammar: questions (b) linear
Language Arts Able to read for
Graphic Novel information and
Gullivers Travel enjoyment with guidance:
(a) fiction
Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.1.8 4.2.1
33-35 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to use adverbs Able to respond to
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct correctly and literary texts:
05.09.2016 sentences from: spelling: appropriately: (a) characters
- 1.2.5 (a) linear texts (b) paragraphs (b) degree (c) values
30.09.2016 Able to talk on topics of (b) non-linear texts
interest in formal 3.2.1
Theme: situations with guidance. 2.3.1 Able to transfer
World of Able to read for information with
Knowledge information and guidance to complete:
enjoyment with guidance: (a) linear texts
(b) non- fiction

Topic: 3.2.2
Adventure Able to write with
Sports guidance:
(a) stories
Grammar: (c) informal letters

Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel


(10.09.2016- 18.09.2016)

Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 3.1.1 5.2.1 4.1.2

36-37 Able to talk about related Able to read and Able to write in neat Able to construct Able to listen to, sing
topics with guidance. understand phrases and legible print with correct imperative sentences songs, recite jazz chants
03.10.2016 sentences from: spelling: correctly and poems with correct
- 1.2.1 (a) linear texts (b) paragraphs stress, pronunciation,
14.10.2016 Able to participate in rhythm and intonation
daily conversations: 2.2.3 3.2.4
Theme: (a) make suggestions Able to read and Able to spell words by 4.3.1
World of Story (b) respond to demonstrate applying spelling rules Able to plan, produce
suggestions understanding of texts and display creative
Topic: (c) volunteer to complete by: works based on literary
Real Life a task (a) giving main ideas and 3.3.1 texts using a variety of
Heroes (d) show appreciation supporting details Able to create texts using media with guidance
a variety of media with
Grammar: 1.2.4 2.3.1 guidance:
Imperative Able to participate in Able to read for (b) linear
conversations with peers. information and
Language Arts enjoyment with guidance:
Graphic Novel (b) non- fiction
Gullivers Travel

Week PKSR 2
38 (17.10.2015-21.10.2015)

Week: 1.1.2 2.2.1 3.2.2 5.2.1 4.1.2

39 Able to listen and Able to apply word attack Able to write with Able to construct Able to listen to, sing
respond to a given skills by: guidance imperative sentences songs, recite jazz chants
24.10.2016 stimulus by using (b) identifying idioms. (c) informal letters correctly. and poems with correct
- appropriate words, stress, pronunciation,
28.10.2016 phrases and expressions 2.3.1 rhythm and intonation.
with the correct, stress Able to read for
Theme: and intonation. information and
World of Self enjoyment with
1.1.3 guidance.
Topic: Able to speak on related (b) non-fiction
Personal Safety topics with guidance.

Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel


Week: 1.1.4 2.2.2 Able to read and 3.2.1 5.1.1 Able to use nouns 4.2.1
40-41 Able to speak on related understand phrases and Able to transfer appropriately and Able to respond to
topics with guidance. sentences from: information with correctly literary texts:
01.11.2016 (a) linear texts guidance to complete (b) collective nouns (a) characters
- (b) non-linear texts
Theme: Able to create texts using
World of Self a variety of media with
Topic: (a) non-linear texts
Yummy Cakes
*Guiding Pupils for their English Scrapbook as one of the method for the assessment
Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel

*Sultan of

42-43 1.1.4 2.2.3 3.2.1 5.1.3 4.2.1
Able to speak confidently Able to read and Able to transfer Able to use verbs Able to respond to
14.11.2016 on related topics. demonstrate information with correctly and literary texts:
- understanding of texts guidance to complete: appropriately: (c) values
25.11.2016 1.3.1 Able to listen to and by: (b) linear texts (a) simple future tense
demonstrate (a) giving main ideas and
Theme: understanding of oral supporting details 3.1.1
World of texts by: Able to write in neat
Knowledge (a) asking and answering legible print with correct
questions. spelling:
Topic: (a) sentences

Say NO' to 2.2.4

Bullying Able to apply dictionary
Grammar: (b) understanding
Simple Future meaning of words in
Tense context.

Language Arts
Graphic Novel
Gullivers Travel



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