Frequency of Simulation Results File Writing
Frequency of Simulation Results File Writing
Frequency of Simulation Results File Writing
special variables in simulation results output file, sectors, lease lines,and the maximum faults, and the solver
Moreover when the solver dimensioning is enabled then the maximum orthogonalization, inter block
connections, off diagonal entries, block entries in LU factors, size solver vector, solver diagonal entries and
the maximum non zero L or U entries options are available.
In order to save time especially in cases where the simulation keeps hours and it is needed to stop, make
changes and continue the sim it is preferable to keep a record of the simulation up to a date. By this way it is
not needed to perform the simulation run from the beginning but
In cases where the simulation keeps hours it is preferable to keep a record up to a date. This record is useful
when it is needed to
In this tab the option of restarting the simulation by importing a file from a previous run is apparent.+
Finally in this tab the simulator precision regarding the decimal points of the values that will be stored to the
files has to be defined. Two options are available the single and the double precision. By using the single
option the simulator precision is up to the 4 th decimal number while by using the double option the precision
is up to the 8th decimal number(Computer Modelling Group Ltd, 2010). In general single precision is mainly
used for 32 bits machines while double precision is used in 64bits machines(Dubois, Calvin, & Petiton,
Text Output
This sub section defines the information that will be printed in the output(.out) file which contains
analytically all the desired simulation information. This tab is constituted by three parts the frequency of
simulation output file, the items in the simulation output file and the diary file information.
Extra printout
By this keyword which information will be printed in the geomechanics output(.geo) file is controlled. In this
field the available options are numbers from zero to twelve which represent different information as it is
shown in the following table:
None 0
Principle stresses 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11
Stress components 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10
Displacements 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 12
Table 1: Table of available options and corresponding information that are printed in the geomechanics
output (.geo) file(Computer Modelling Group Ltd, 2009b)