Vol168 No.15
Vol168 No.15
Vol168 No.15
168 Years
A CATHOLIC NEWSWEEKLY - Est 1850 MUMBAI Vol. 168 No. 15 APR 15 - 21, 2017 Rs. 10/-
Fr Anthony Charanghat
email: editor@examiner.in 7 EASTER EMPOWERMENT
Fr Nigel Barrett
Eucharistic Congress Bldg. III, 15 CAN WE CELEBRATE 'OUR HEALTH'?
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editor@examiner.in ENGAGEMENTS 5
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LOCAL NEWS 20 COVER - composed by Rosetta Martins
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Happy Easter!
Easter is the Feast of the triumph of good over evil, of light over darkness, of jus ce over injus ce: of God over Satan. In the
world of today we see so much of senseless hatred and violence: with some acts of incomprehensible cruelty. We proclaim
your Death, O Lord,and profess your Resurrec on,un l you come again, is what we all acclaim a er the Consecra on at Mass.
The Resurrec on is the core event of our faith. We are an Easter people. We can never lose hope. Our faith is in the Risen Lord.
I send each one of you very warm and aec onate gree ngs for Easter Sunday. These gree ngs go out par cularly to the aged,
those sick, the lonely, those in distress and those in any way aicted. The Lord is truly Risen!
en! Alleluia! The Lord loves you,
Alleluia! A Happy Easter!
Fr Herman Almeida : to be Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Mazagaon
Fr Jude V. Botelho : to be Parish Priest, Our Lady of Glory Church, Byculla
Fr Peter DCunha : to be Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Sea Church, U an
Fr Henry DSouza : to be Parish Priest, Sacred Heart Church, Vashi
Fr Ryan A. Fernandes : to be Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Immaculate Concep on Church, Borivli (W)
Fr Gerald J. Fernandes : to be Parish Priest, St. John the Bap st Church, Thane
Fr Adrian M. Ferreira : to be Parish Priest, St Blaise Church, Andheri (W)
Fr Anselm Gonsalves : to be Parish Priest, Holy Cross Church, Kurla (W)
Fr Barthol D. Machado : to be Parish Priest, Our Lady of Nazareth Church, Bhayandar (W)
Fr Franklyn Mathias : to be Parish Priest, Sacred Heart Church, Santa Cruz
Easter Empowerment
e are called this year, to celebrate the light of Christ's Resurrec on filled with the
hope of Easter empowerment and carry it into a world of darkness and uncertainty.
However, this invoca on of hope may seem premature and dangerously nave. The
ominous shadows cast by the massacres in the bomb blasts of Churches in Egypt, chemical
a acks in Syria, retaliatory missile strikes, tensions escala ng between nuclear powers, violence
and death by cow vigilantes and an - Romeo squads,hal ng of religious services and polarisa on
of poli cs seem to be working at cross-purposes with the Easter message.
More personally, the spirits of some may be dampened this Easter by illness, bereavement,
family breakdown, addic on, and unemployment. When life has let us down or when old
struggles are succeeded by new ones, we may find it challenging to trust in the victory of
God. When hope begins to slip away, fear takes its place and we are robbed of Easter Peace,
Joy and Love.
The message by the angels is clear, succinct and compelling: "Do not be afraid; I know that you
are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised." The angels
describe the key moments of tension and drama in the Easter story. Fear and joy, despair and
hope, doubt and faith. This message 'Do not be afraid'is in many ways the hallmark of good
news and heralds the restora ve and empowering word of courage that is the very essence of
the Resurrec on life.
There is a mountain of evidence in the life of the disciples and of the church that Jesus indeed
rose. We see the disciples changed, walking in newness of life as a new crea on, filled with the
Holy Spirit. The evidence that they were changed by the Risen Christ is huge and convincing.
The fear that casts its shadow over Easter is actually the doubt that you and I can really walk in
the newness of life, that we can become a new crea on that we can change and be filled with
the Holy Spirit.
Can the God of Genesis, Who separated the darkness from light, Who brought the en re
world into being from nothing, make a new crea on and give new life? Can the God of Exodus
Who delivered the Hebrew people from slavery bondage deliver me from the bondage of sin?
Because of the Resurrec on of Jesus, we can experience the power of the Genesis in our life.
We can experience an Exodus from the bondage of sin in our life. The stone in our life can be
rolled away.
For all of us standing at the empty tomb whatever the circumstances there is unfathomable
hope. There is hope for those on the peripheries of society; hope for governments and leaders;
hope for the Church in this me of purifica on and renewal, hope for you and for me striving
to lead a holy life.
Easter is meant to leave us with a very dierent sense of the present and the future. It oers a
reality that is full of joy. Easter proclaims that fear and terror and death are not the end of the
story. If we keep joyful faith in the memorial of the Lord's paschal solemnity and live it in this
way, listening to His word and celebra ng His mysteries, then we shall have the sure and real
hope of sharing His triumph over death and living with Him in God.
The Easter Alleluia proclaims the unending Love of God and empowers us with this
unquenchable fire of God's love, summoning us to entrust ourselves to Christ's care as we hope
in the divine power of Christ's Resurrec on. Anchoring ourselves in the sure promise that God
who has the last word, will ensure us the light and life and grace and mercy and Joy and Peace
of Easter.
lleluia! If there's one word with God it promises. Indeed, that
that characterises our is what we do, for, as Chris ans, it
Easter celebra ons, it's is our belief in the Resurrec on of
this. We've been holding Jesus that lies at the founda on of
o from using it for the whole of all that we believe. As St Paul tells
Lent, just so that we can apply it with the Romans (10:9), 'If you confess
renewed intensity to our celebra on with your lips that Jesus is Lord
of Christ's Resurrec on. It gets sung and believe in your heart that God
back and forth three mes by the raised Him from the dead, you
priest and congrega on at the Easter will be saved.' And of course, the
Vigil, as we take it up again, and it's deeper our understanding, the
stuck on the end of various parts of more we will be able to appreciate
the Mass of the Day, from the Introit the significance of the victory
on the way in, to the dismissal at the we celebrate. Today, though, we
end. This 'Alleluia' permeates the don't get that far. In fact, in our
whole of our Easter celebra on; it Gospel reading, we don't even get
gives it its character, its mood. as far as encountering the Risen
But just what does it mean - Jesus: the empty tomb and the
this 'alleluia' that expresses our folded grave-clothes are enough to
celebra on of Jesus' resurrec on prompt this outburst of joy.
from the dead? The word does have Joy, though, is not the only
a meaning it comes from a Hebrew emo on the sight of the empty
word that means 'praise the Lord' tomb could prompt. For Mary
but Chris an tradi on hasn't translated it, leaving instead Magdalene, in today's Gospel, it was a source of distress.
the sound that obviously lies behind the Hebrew word for What she saw was simply an absence: 'They have taken the
'praise': the sound of cheering, or, to use a technical term Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have
which reproduces the same kind of noise, 'ulula on'. This laid him.' The dierence in the case of the nameless 'other
great cry of 'alleluia' is like the roar of a crowd at a football disciple' whom we understand to be the evangelist John
match when a goal is scored; it says something more basic himself is that he didn't just see the empty tomb, but 'he saw
and more immediate than the explana on of its significance and he believed.'
that comes in the post-match analysis which puts into words The joy which our Easter alleluias express is the joy of
what happened in the match. A supporter of Manchester believing, that joy in the Gospel of which Pope Francis has
City can explain all the significance for Liverpool of this or wri en so powerfully in his recent Apostolic Exhorta on
that goal, but only a Liverpool supporter could have cheered Evangelii Gaudium. And in that text, the Pope has reminded
when the goal was scored. us that our joy in believing is a powerful force, impelling us
And today, when we celebrate the fact that Jesus, whose to want to go out and share the good news with others, and
death on the Cross we commemorated on Friday, has risen also a way of a rac ng them to share in that belief and that
again, we cry 'alleluia' because we are cheering the fact that joy: to come back to the football match, the cheering of the
He's won. He has proved stronger than death, that final, crowd is something it is enjoyable to join in with.
common enemy of the whole human race, and so, in Christ, So as we celebrate Christ's Resurrec on, His victory on
our "team" the whole human race has won. We can behalf of all humanity over death itself, we renew that joy
spend the rest of the year thinking about all the implica ons which lies at the heart of the Chris an message with a cry
of that victory for us of how exactly we relate to Jesus and that sums up the whole of that message: Alleluia!
His victory, of the love and power of God it reveals, of the life
esus was dead and buried, with that I may take it up again. No one "by the power of an indestruc ble life."
a big stone rolled against the takes it from me, but I lay it down of (Hebrews 7:16) For twenty centuries,
tomb, and the Pharisees came my own accord. I have authority to lay the world has given it their best shot
to Pilate to ask for permission it down, and I have authority to take it in vain. They can't bury Him. They can't
to seal the stone and guard the tomb. up again." (John 10:17-18). No one can hold Him in. They can't silence Him or
Pilate responded, "You have a guard of keep Him down because no one ever limit Him. Jesus is alive and u erly free
soldiers. Go, make it as secure as you knocked Him down. He lay down when to go and come wherever He pleases.
can." (Mt 27:65) So they did. They gave He was ready. "All authority in heaven and on earth
it their best shotin vain. China may have been "closed" for has been given to me." (Mt 24:18) All
forty years to Western missionaries, things were made through Him and
and it's not because Jesus slipped and for Him, and He is absolutely supreme
fell into the tomb. He stepped in. And over all other powers (Colossians 1:16-
when it was sealed over, He saved 17). So trust Him and go with Him.
fi y million Chinese from inside No ma er what. You cannot lose in
without Western missionaries. And the end.
when it was me, He pushed the These ten gi s we owe to the
stone away, so we could see what resurrec on of Jesus: (1) A Saviour
He had done. When it looks like He who can never die again. We know
is buried for good, Jesus is doing that Christ, being raised from the
something awesome in the dark. dead, will never die again. (Romans
"The kingdom of God is as if a man 6:9) (2) Repentance. "The God of our
should sca er seed on the ground. fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed
He sleeps and rises night and day, by hanging him on a tree. God exalted
It was hopeless then, it is hopeless and the seed sprouts and grows; he him at his right hand as Leader and
today, and it will always be hopeless. knows not how." (Mark 4:26-27) The Saviour, to give repentance to Israel
Try as they may, people can't keep world thinks Jesus is done for; out of and forgiveness of sins." (Acts 5:30-
Jesus down. They can't keep Him the way. They think His word is buried 31). (3) New birth. According to His
buried. They may use physical force for good in the dust of irrelevant great mercy, [God the Father] has
or academic scorn or media blackout an quity. But Jesus is at work in the caused us to be born again to a living
or poli cal harassment or religious dark places: "Unless a grain of wheat hope through the resurrec on of Jesus
caricature. For a season, they will falls into the earth and dies, it remains Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3-4)
think the tomb is finally sealed. But it alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (4)Forgiveness of sin. If Christ has not
never works. He breaks out. It's not (John 12:24) He let himself be buried been raised, your faith is fu le and
hard to figure out: He can break out, "no one takes my life from me" and you are s ll in your sins. (1 Corinthians
because He wasn't forced in. He lets He will come out in power when and 15:17) (5) The Holy Spirit: "This Jesus
himself be libelled and harassed and where He pleases "I have authority God raised up, and of that we all are
black-balled and scorned and shoved to take it up again." And His hands will witnesses. Being therefore exalted
around and killed. "I lay down my life be full of fruit made in the dark. at the right hand of God, and having
"God raised him up, loosing the received from the Father the promise
Eddy DSa is a Marine and Offshore pangs of death, because "it was not of the Holy Spirit, He has poured out
Engineer who works with the lesser possible for him to be held by it." (Acts
privileged at YMCA Boys Home, Andheri. 2:24) Jesus has His priesthood today (Contd on Pg 11)
eath and destruc on seem to be part of the staple
diet of so many.
They leave behind a trail of brokenness,
hopelessness and devasta on so sha ering
that strangely, death itself seems to be the preferred op on
which many hope will put an end to their suering.
Death is o en our neighbour.
It is o en the choice of those
who have lost hope in themselves and in others.
It is the perceived certainty that the inevitable will occur
which triggers a death-wish response.
Lurking in the subconscious is a world which is threatened
with collapse,
a world that can no longer sustain itself.
There is nothing more to live for.
Death is seen as a relief from present suering. A mother grieving beside the bruised and ba ered body
It is perceived as an end to life as we know it. of her son as He hangs on the Cross in His dying moments
From this perspec ve, it is not uncommon u ers not a word quite an unusual occurrence.
that not only do we some mes see death The Roman centurion, witnessing the cataclysmic events
as a libera on and escape from suering, as Jesus breathes His last, recognises Him as the Son of God,
but o en go a step further. remembering the power of His Word to heal.
We wish the death of those who inflict suering on us, He makes a profession of faith, even as He proclaims
as another alterna ve to ending our suering. His death.
We wish and call for "divine retribu on" Mary's profound silence, on the other hand, knows
so that a sense of jus ce and closure may be accomplished. that even as she has treasured that same Word made flesh in
It is not long before the vic m in turn becomes her womb
the persecutor. and now sees it taken away from her,
As for those struggling with emo onal, psychological and she is entering the "cloud of unknowing"
physical illness, as she s ll treasures Him in her heart.
whose suering can at best be alleviated by medica on, The celebra on of Easter brings us face to face
death seems the most humane response we could wish for with the ul mate ques on we must ask ourselves:
them. Are we unable to resist being broken from without
We seem caught in a karmic cycle of death and destruc on by our programmed responses to adversity, suering
and a life devoid of meaning, even if it is only self-sa sfying. and death?
Or are we willing to allow ourselves
The egg which harbours within itself life in its embryonic to be broken from within,
form and thus step outside what seems a vicious circle of life?
is unable to bring it to frui on if it is broken from the outside.
But if it allows itself to be broken from within, The Risen Lord invites us to change our perspec ve.
it brings forth new life. We are being asked to profess our faith in LIFE
even as we encounter death in its varied forms.
Christopher Mendonca is a feature columnist on themes of Faced with our own brokenness, hopelessness and inner
special liturgical seasons of the year. devasta on,
we are not to seek physical death as a preferred op on that
this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing." (Acts 2:32- no longer is fading to black, but night is awakening to the
33) (6) No condemna on for the elect: Who is to condemn? brightness. Darkness is not suoca ng the sun, but light is
Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that, who chasing away the shadows. Sin is not winning, but death is
was raised who is at the right hand of God, who indeed swallowed up in victory.
is interceding for us. ( Romans 8:34) (7) The Lord's personal Indeed, even agony will turn to glory, but Easter doesn't
fellowship and protec on: "Behold, I am with you always, suppress our pain. It doesn't minimise our loss. It bids
to the end of the age." (Mt 28:20) (8) Proof of coming our burdens stand as they are, in all their weight, with all
judgment: "[God] has fixed a day on which He will judge the their threats. And this risen Christ, with the brilliance of
world in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed; indestruc ble life in His eyes, says: "These too I will claim in
and of this, He has given assurance to all by raising Him the victory. These too will serve your joy. These too, even
from the dead." (Acts 17:31) (9) Salva on from the future these, I can make an occasion for rejoicing. I have overcome,
wrath of God: [We] wait for His Son from heaven, whom He and you will more than conquer."
raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath Easter is not an occasion to repress whatever ails you
to come. (1 Thessalonians 1:10; Romans 5:10) (10) Our own and put on a happy face. Rather, the joy of Easter speaks
resurrec on from the dead: [We know] that He who raised tenderly to the pains that plague you. Whatever loss you
the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus, and bring us with lament, whatever burden weighs you down, Easter says: "It
you into His presence. (2 Corinthians 4:14; Romans 6:4, 8:11; will not always be this way for you. The new age has begun.
1 Cor 6:4,15:20) The Lord is risen indeed! The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
But what now of His passion? What of His excrucia ng Jesus has risen, and the kingdom of the Messiah is here. He
agony at Golgotha? Yes, as C.S. Lewis says, the dawning has conquered death and sin and hell. He is alive and on
of this resurrec on age "will turn even that agony into a His throne. And He is pu ng our enemies, all our enemies,
glory." Now Joy has triumphed over Sorrow. Day finally under His feet. Not only will He remedy what's wrong in
has dominion over Night. Light has thrashed against the our life and bring glorious order to the mess and vanquish
darkness. Christ, through death, has destroyed the one who our foe, but He will make our pain, our grief, our loss, our
had the power of death (Hebrews 2:14). Death is swallowed burden, through the deep magic of Resurrec on, to be a real
up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54). Easter now has become ingredient in our everlas ng joy. You will not only conquer
our annual dress rehearsal for that great coming Day, when this one day soon, but you will be more than a conqueror.
our perishable bodies will put on the imperishable. When (Romans 8:37) When He wipes away every tear, our faces
the mortal finally puts on immortality. When we join in the glisten more brilliantly than if we never would have cried.
triumph song with the prophets and the apostles, "O death, Such power is too great to simply return us to the Garden.
where is your victory? O death, where is your s ng?" (Hosea He ushers us into a garden-city, the New Jerusalem. Easter
13:14; 1 Corinthians 15:55) announces, in the voice of the risen Christ, "Your sorrow will
Just as rehearsing the details of Jesus' final days leading up turn into joy" (John 16:20) and "no one will take your joy
to the Cross prepares us for the fiery trial coming on us, so from you." (John 16:22) Easter says that the one who has
also Easter readies us for the triumph that will follow. Easter conquered death has now made it the servant of our joy!
is our foretaste of glory divine. Christ has been raised. Day
He is not There
tell us that 'Mary Magdalene and the
other Mary went to see the tomb',
but the other two Gospels add the
detail that the women went to anoint
the body of Jesus, taking the first
opportunity to do so once the Sabbath
was ended. Mary Magdalene was the first witness
So of course, this was no act of mere
curiosity, but an act of love. Mary's love
of Jesus' Resurrection
for Jesus did not die when He died on
the Cross, and like all true love, Mary's
love drives her to serve the one she has been stolen makes the
loves in the only way she now can, by best sense of what she sees,
an act of tender reverence towards the and so her love seems to be
body of Jesus. frustrated; it has reached
This is the same ins nct that impels a dead end. But we know
us Chris ans not only to pray for those what will happen next; she
we have loved who have died, but also will encounter the Risen
to give them a respec ul funeral, to Christ in the garden, and He
tend their graves, and to long for the will call her by her name,
day when we shall be re-united with and she will understand.
them, and hold them once again in our When this happens, she
arms. We do not pretend that death is will know that her love for
nothing at allit is a profound tragedy, Christ is not blocked, but
and every day to go and find Christ's
brothers and sisters and tell them of
It is not that Jesuss body no longer matters. On the our encounter with the Risen Christ.
We must indeed tell them of the
contrary, it matters all the more, for now it is not only empty tomb. It ma ers that God so
loved the world that He sent His only
a living but a life-giving body, a glorified body that Son, it ma ers that He died on the
Cross and was buried in that tomb two
must be served in new ways. thousand years ago. And it ma ers that
the same tomb which could not hold
but our love is stronger and deeper. re-directed. Him was empty on the morning of the
Mary comes, then, to perform that It is not that Jesus' body no longer third day.
act of love for one who is dead. But she ma ers. On the contrary, it ma ers all But if these historical truths are to
discovers the strange, hard to grasp the more, for now it is not only a living, prove to us what we so desperately
truth that stands at the centre of our but a life-giving body, a glorified body long to believe, that love is indeed
faithHe is not here, He has risen. The that must be served in new ways. The stronger than death, then it ma ers too
tomb is empty. This empty tomb that oils and spices can be le behind, for that we have encountered the Risen
once held the corpse of our Saviour the loving service that Mary Magdalene Christ. It ma ers that we who find
and our God is the place that roots must oer to the body of Christ is one that encounter with the Risen body of
our religion in the world of history, that will impel her far from this garden our slain Lord in the life of the Church
the created world that God so loved. of the dead, to serve Christ in the new should go out to the whole world and
Jesus was buried there, the slaughtered garden of Eden which is the Church. proclaim the Good News: He is not
vic m of all the world's hatred and fear. "Go and find my brothers and tell there; He is risen, alleluia!
But He is not there now. The Lamb once them," Christ will say to Mary. He calls
slain now lives for ever. her by name to a new act of loving
As yet, Mary does not understand service, one that has given her the tle
what the empty tomb means. How Apostola Apostolorum - the Apostle of
could she? Her conclusion that His body the Apostles. We too are called today
guards is the daily bread
irst of all in the Korean regime, racist and The dictator is presented of these prisoners, who
hospitals: the eugenicist, is obsessed as a veritable 'god', an work 16 hours a day, suer
situa on is cri cal with the no on of racial idea unfailingly promoted atrocious torture, to say
no an bio cs, no purity in which those in every speech, in all the nothing of the public
dressings, not even any designated "abnormal" teaching, all the informa on. execu ons of those deemed
soap. To give you just have no part. Consequently, The Kim dynasty is the object to have been recalcitrant.
one example, instead of they are expelled from the
bo les of serum for the major ci es.
transfusions, they use beer North Korea is a country so
bo les filled with boiled closed that no one can enter
sugar water! or move around without
I was able to visit some a visa "including God,"
schools. They illustrate as the refugees add with
the chronic malnutri on a touch of black humour.
of the en re popula on The two principal pillars
with the excep on of the of the repression are, on
apparatchiks of the regime, the one hand, total control
of course! One needs to over all the movements
know that a North Korean of the popula on, and
child, aged seven, measures on the other, enforcing
on average eight inches less complete ignorance
and weighs 22 pounds less about the outside world. of a frene c propaganda Among these "poli cal
than a child in South Korea. North Korean refugees eort, with its 30,000 giant prisoners", those who suer
Refugees (whom I have who have succeeded in statues and portraits in the worst treatment are
met in South Korea) were escaping discover to their every town and village, and the Chris ans, since they
unanimous in telling me that astonishment a reality that its slogans inscribed on vast are regarded as spies, as
in North Korea, "you have to is totally dierent from what billboards on every street "an -revolu onaries of
bribe some member of the they have been told ever and road. the first class." According
party or of the army in order since birth. North Koreans are taught to the regime, there are
to obtain basic necessi es." They describe all to spy on their neighbours around 13,000 of them, but
Hence corrup on is the the unbridled Marxist and colleagues, and according to humanitarian
order of the day. propaganda inflicted on the denounce one another organisa ons, there are
I was surprised not to see people in order to turn them for any failing in their 20,000 to 40,000. They are
any handicapped people. into zombies, submissive duty towards the 'Great singled out for the cruellest
The truth is that the North to the Communist Party. Leader'. A er the arrest treatments of allthey
of the transgressor, the are crucified, hanged from
Fr Philippe Blot, who belongs to the congregation of Paris whole neighbourhood and bridges or trees, drowned or
priests committed to serve in foreign missions, has visited the family are rounded burnt alive. Some forms of
North Korea on several occasions, taking considerable risks. up, in order to cri cise (Contd on Pg 16)
My Easter Story
t all began with the death of my father in 1978. For the with my life to make it really worthy?
first me, I witnessed the death of someone who was so That is how my Easter story unfolded itself. I became more
close to me. It was strange how it aected me. It is not op mis c, more posi ve, and more open to change. I grew
that I had not witnessed many deaths before that. But for into a really caring person, feeling others' travails were also
the first me, its finality hit me. my own. I lived among and interacted closely with all kinds
Without knowing it, it was my early prepara on for the of peoplenovices, orphans, the disabled, the lonely, the
final moment of death. No, I did not think about it all the underprivileged, and my life became mul -dimensional.
while. I only felt that it Did I have the same experience of Jesus rising from the
had introduced me to a dead as His disciples? I did not, but I began to seek Him in
dimension of living that the lives of those around me. I could now see Him in the
was beyond me. And what smiles of a wrinkled face, in the warmth and aec on of
now, I thought. Will life go rela ves and friends.
on as usual? Will there be a My life now had a quiet undertone to it. I felt like a flowing
dierence in the way I live? river - with grace flowing through me, and in me. This li ed
Without knowing it, I had my sadness away. Circumstances may not have been there
unconsciously accepted my for the choosing, but I s ll experienced the quiet acceptance
mortality. It was no longer of reality which is Easter.
a distant reality. It was To move from the Cross to the Resurrec on in our own
for real. lives is what makes us an Easter people. For some, the
The intervening years solemn moment arrives unheralded, as it did in my case.
were years of struggle, For some, it comes in a drama c way and brings a drama c
pain, silent acceptance and change in their lives.
renewed commitment to When I see the white lilies in bloom already in the garden
values I had been brought of the Home I live in, I am reminded of the enduring quali es
up with since my birth in a of Easterpeace and quiet joy. I had so dwelt on the mystery
Chris an family. I became of the Cross that I did not o en see its comple on in the
a more responsible person, Easter experience.
more empathe c and more compassionate. Crosses come and go, but Easter remains. That is the final
My quick to react nature began to mature into serenity reality of our own lives. So now, I live each moment as if it
and calm. I was no longer the first to retort. I became more is pregnant with hope. O en, we cannot see beyond the
deliberate and conscious of the consequences of what I said horizon of our limited vision, but one day, we will. When our
and did. earthly sojourn is over, we will experience the reality of our
Years slipped away, and they seemed uneven ul. I lives fully. To live in eternal hope - that is the joy of Easter.
mastered many dierent types of jobs, and entered into My Easter story began with, and will end with, death. Till
many rela onships - both ocial and personal. I learned to then, we live with the promise of the ages - a reality to come,
socialise, but also to remain in the background. I no longer when all tears will be wiped away, and when we will fully
had the compulsive need to prove myself. I had worked experience the glory of God.
and endured. I had sweated it out and had remained. I had
moved from casualness to seriousness and commitment.
Then I encountered the second death of someone closest Quick Wit
to me; it was my mother this me. She went so peacefully She: What do you do?
with that not to be forgo en last smile she gave me, when He: PhD!
I told her she had been a beau ful mother. That was like a She: Wow! Doctorate?
second wake-up call to me. And now what was I going to do He: No, Madam, Pizza Hut Deliverer!
Can we celebrate
'Depression', which as standard of living adequate
the WHO statement says, for the health and well-being
"aects people of all ages, of himself and of his family,
'Our Health'?
from all walks of life, in all including food, clothing,
countries. It causes mental housing and medical
anguish and impacts on care and necessary social
people's ability to carry out services." The Universal
even the simplest everyday Declara on makes addi onal
tasks, with some mes accommoda ons for
devasta ng consequences security in case of physical
for rela onships with family making them 'prodigies'. too ill debilita on or disability, and
and friends and the ability to The result is stress on all to go to makes special men on
earn a living." fronts, and unnecessarily the clinic. of care given to those
Depression is the leading so. Children are literally Of course, in motherhood or
cause of ill health and robbed of their childhood. there were childhood.
disability worldwide. The workplace, more o en always the All this
According to the latest than not, becomes a source big hospitals seems
es mates from WHO, more of tension. Family life is for major good
than 300 million people are marred, because everyone illnesses, on
now living with depression, is so 'busy', that quality me surgeries etc.
an increase of more than for the other has become a Times paper. The reality is
18 per cent between 2005 rarity. Con nuous conflicts have tragically dierent for
and 2015. Lack of support and wars certainly add to changed! millions of Indians,
for people with mental the depressive state of The especially for the poor
disorders, coupled with aairs everywhere! 'family doctor' in and marginalised sec ons
a fear of s gma, prevent A few years ago, 'our most places has of society. In September
many from accessing the doctor' was our family become as 2016, the first global
treatment they need to physician. We went to the prehistoric analysis that assesses
live healthy, produc ve doctor for minor and major as a dinosaur. Every countries on sustainable
lives. "Let's Talk" is the ailments. We were listened illness necessitates that a development goal (SDG) -
response part of the theme; to and given some good 'specialist' and a 'super- health performance - was
emphasising the fact that counsel. Our family doctor specialist' see us. Then there launched at a special event
those who suer from was privy to husband-wife are the innumerable tests at the UN General Assembly.
depression must seek help, problems; the concerns to be done, and reports to This new index developed
must talk about it; but the parents had with their be got. At the end, there is to assess each country's
real challenge today is are children and vice versa; and a huge bill to pay. Several of achievement on a range of
there people who have me of course, those with the 'in- the 'posh' hospitals generate health indicators ranked
"to listen"? laws'. Some hard to swallow astronomical billings no India a pi able 143 out of
Today, many of us live in powders and bi er medicine pa ent, and not even a 188 countries, six places
great stress. Compe on were given. One o en felt corpse can be taken out of ahead of Pakistan and way
and consumerism, power be er, not depressed, a er that hospital, un l every behind countries like Sri
and possessions tend to visi ng one's doctor. Most rupee has been se led. Lanka (79), China (92), even
rule our lives and our world. o en, we were cured before However, these expensive war-torn Syria (117) and
What ma ers most is being the medicine dosage was medical services in the Iraq (128). Dr Vikram Patel,
"up there." Several parents completely finished. The country cater to a par cular Professor of Interna onal
today goad and prod their doctor found me to visit us clientele who can aord Mental Health at the Centre
children in an obsession to in our homes, when we were it; for the teeming millions for Global Mental Health,
in India, it is just beyond London School of Hygiene
Fr Cedric Prakash sj is a human rights activist. He their means. and Tropical Medicine,
is currently based in Lebanon, engaged with the Jesuit Healthcare, which is and co-author of the study
Refugee Service (JRS) in the Middle East on advocacy and accessible and aordable, says, "The reason why India
communications. equitable and qualita ve, con nues to be one of the
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Sweden occurred two days earlier when a truck ran through a
crowd outside a busy department store in central Stockholm,
killing four persons and injuring 15 others.
The Pope also prayed for all people aected by war, which he
ROME called a "disgrace of humanity."
Pope to wash feet at mafia Tens of thousands of people carrying palms and olive
branches joined the Pope during a solemn procession in St
turncoat prison Peter's Square under a bright, warm sun for the beginning
According to reports published, Pope Francis is scheduled of Holy Week. The Pope, cardinals and bishops were
to wash the feet of inmates at a prison known for housing dressed in red vestments (the colour of the Passion), and
mafia turncoats in an Easter week ritual meant to show his carried large palmurelli (bleached and intricately woven
willingness to serve. and braided palm branches). Hundreds of young people
led the procession into St Peter's Square, and later, youth
The Paliano prison, located in a huge fortress outside from Poland handed the World Youth Day Cross to young
Rome, houses many of Italy's "collaborators of jus ce," who representa ves from Panama, where the next interna onal
can shave me o their sentences by coopera ng with an - gathering will be held in January 2019.
mafia inves gators.
Jesus "does not ask us to contemplate Him only in pictures
Given the security concerns involved, the Va can had said and photographs, or in the videos that circulate on the
that the April 13 Mass at the maximum-security facility would internet," but to recognise that he is present in those who
be "strictly private." suffer today, including "women and men who are cheated,
Pope Francis has spoken out frequently to denounce the violated in their dignity, discarded. Jesus is in them, in each of
mafia, declaring mobsters "excommunicated" and urging them them, and with marred features and broken voice, He asks to
to change their ways. Many mafia turncoats have done just be looked in the eye, to be acknowledged, to be loved," the
that, risking their own lives and those of their families to help Pope said.
authori es fight 'the mob', The Times of India reported. Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem as the true Messiah,
........................................................................ MATTERSINDIA who is a servant of God and humanity, the Pope said. He is
not a dreamer peddling illusions, a "new age" prophet or
con man; He takes on the sins and suerings of humanity
Pope calls for solidarity while with His passion.
condemning Egypt bombing "Let us ask for the grace to follow Jesus faithfully, not in
words, but in deeds. Let us also ask for the pa ence to carry
Jesus does not ask that people only contemplate His image, but
our own cross, not to refuse it or set it aside, but rather, in
that they also recognise and love Him concretely in all people
who suer like He did, Pope Francis said. looking to Him, to take it up and to carry it daily," he said.
Jesus is "present in our many brothers and sisters who today
endure suerings like His own; they suer from slave labour,
from family tragedies, from diseases. They suer from wars SYRIA
and terrorism, from interests that are armed and ready to
strike," the Pope said April 9 as he celebrated the Palm Sunday Call for long-term aid
Mass of the Lord's Passion. to fleeing millions
In his noon Angelus address, the Pope also decried recent The chemical a ack came at the start of a two-day conference
terrorist a acks in Sweden and Egypt, calling on "those who on Syria's future hosted in Brussels, by the EU and the UN.
sow terror, violence and death," including arms manufacturers Catholic aid agencies called for a long-term aid strategy for the
and dealers, to change their ways. millions con nuing to flee Syria.
In his prayers for those aected by the a acks, the Pope
Catholic aid agencies have warned that the interna onal
also expressed his deepest condolences to "my dear brother,
community must prioritise funds for longer-term
His Holiness Pope Tawadros, the Cop c Church and the en re
development for Syrians forced to flee the country, as the
beloved Egyp an na on," which the Pope was scheduled to
bi er, six-year conflict in Syria shows no signs of ceasing.
visit April 28-29.
In a joint report, presented at a conference hosted by the
At least 15 people were killed and dozens more injured United Na ons, six aid agencies - including Cafod - argue
on April 9, in an Orthodox church north of Cairo, as Cop c that aid must be provided to the countries surrounding
pre-war popula on - flee into neighbouring countries.
Coinciding with the start of the conference, a suspected
chemical attack in northern Syria saw 59 persons killed,
and hundreds injured. Planes are reported to have dropped
weaponry laced with unidentified chemicals on the rebel- Despite the threat of Daesh, he decided not to go to the
held town of Khan Sheikhoun in the Idlib province on April 4. USA where his family has se led, and instead stayed in St
Vic ms are said to be exhibi ng symptoms resembling those Peter's Seminary in Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan, northern
caused by exposure to sarin gas. If confirmed, it would be one Iraq, where he completed his studies for the priesthood. He
of the deadliest chemical a acks in Syria, since the civil war admi ed that he found leaving Karamlesh distressing.
began six years ago. .............................................................................................ICN
The Syrian government has repeatedly denied using
chemical weapons. Calling for an end to "this terrible conflict,"
Alan Thomlinson, Cafod's Syria Programme Manager said:
"Deadly a acks, such as the alleged chemical a ack in Idlib, Teen pleads guilty over plot
result in even more deaths and people being forced to leave.
Those who decide to stay, as well as the more than five million to kill Pope during US visit
Syrian refugees seeking safety outside the country, all urgently 17-year-old Santos Colon of Lindenwold, New Jersey pleaded
need our support." guilty to charges related to a plot to kill the Pope. The teen
The EU estimates that about 13.5 million Syrians need had reportedly devised a plot to kill Pope Francis and detonate
humanitarian assistance inside the country, while another five explosives during the Holy Father's visit to Philadelphia for the
million have fled, mostly to Turkey and other neighbouring World Mee ng of Families in 2015.
countries. The UN says 3.4 billion euros is needed for internal The event was the last stop on Pope Francis' six-day trip to
humanitarian aid this year, and 4.7 billion euros is required for the United States, during which he also visited New York City
the refugees. and Washington, D.C.
Hundreds of thousands of people were gathered at the
Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the final papal Mass on Sunday,
IRAQ September 27, 2015.
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Edited, Printed & Published by Fr. Anthony Charanghat for and on behalf of The Examiner Trust (Regn.No.E 10398 Bom.)
Printed at Ace Printers, 212, Pragati Industrial Estate, Delisle Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013. Tel.: 22630397 / 98.