Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
ENG 101
To what extent does the Black Lives Matter Movement affect society
The Black Lives Matter Movement is chapter based national organization working for the
validity of a black life1. It is working to live in a world where black lives are no longer
intentionally targeted solely due to the color of skin. This movement was created in the year of
2012 after the wrongful death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. As it is continuing to expand
throughout the nation, many different opinions in regards to the movement are being brought
about. These opinions and views lead to the discussion of, to what extent is the BLM movement
affecting society.
Some could say that the movement is helping to bring the African American community together
to demand equal rights. A young African American female named Khadijah White wrote a
journal about how black lives matter on college campuses. She clearly gave her opinion on the
current issues within the African American communities and also how the black lives matter tag
was a great way to bring people together. She argues how black students feel as if they are
treated differently than others especially if they publicly associate themselves with the
about targeting and harassment at the hands of university employed police and public safety
officers2. Incidents as such are what the black lives matter movement are working to prevent.
Others could say that the movement is only causing African Americans to join together to cause
riots and chaos. An African American county sheriff David Clarke Jr. criticizes the Black Lives
1 Cullors, Patrisse, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza. "Who Are We?" Black Lives Matter. Black Lives
Matter Organization, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.
2 White, Khadijah. "Black Lives on Campuses Matter: Reflecting on the Rise of the New Black
Student Movement." Soundings 63.63 (2016): 86-97. Web.
TeLisa Moye
ENG 101
Matter movement on fox news. He states that Its time to stand up to Black Lives Matter; it
needs to be marginalized3. David Clarke then argues how he believes that the Black Lives
Matter movement uses the black population to sacrifice their own hidden agenda. That agenda is
to revolt against White America and destroy society. He simply wants people to stop backing
For the primary source of this Literature Review, a paper survey for a select few males
and females at Hampton University in regards to the topic To what extent does the Black Lives
Matter Movement affect society. Each survey consisted of three questions; On a scale of 1-10,
how effective is the BLM movement? Are you for or against the movement? And Do you think
the BLM movement is going to change America for the greater good?. The average answer for
question one was 8. Each of the answers for these questions were pretty similar and along the
same responses.
3 Clarke, David. "Sheriff David Clarke: It's Time to Stand up to Black Lives Matter." Fox News. FOX
News Network, 11 July 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.
TeLisa Moye
ENG 101
Figure 1. 4
The image above (figure 1) is from a cartoon by Matt bors titled All lives Matter (Some
exclusions apply). The cartoon illustrates how white Americans claim that all lives matter when
someone states that Black Lives Matter but when it comes to Muslims they are excluded.
Many claim that this cartoon is very accurate and is depicts exactly how America is today. The
Black Lives Matter movement is constantly working to affect our society in many different ways.
The goal is equal rights and the validity of a black life. Though many people have several
Works Cited
Cullors, Patrisse, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza. "Who Are We?" Black Lives Matter. Black Lives
Matter Organization, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2017.
Clarke, David. "Sheriff David Clarke: It's Time to Stand up to Black Lives Matter." Fox News. FOX
News Network, 11 July 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2017
White, Khadijah. "Black Lives on Campuses Matter: Reflecting on the Rise of the New Black Student
Movement." Soundings 63.63 (2016): 86-97. Web.