Psychrometrics History. ASHRAE Journal Oct-2004
Psychrometrics History. ASHRAE Journal Oct-2004
Psychrometrics History. ASHRAE Journal Oct-2004
Chart Celebrates
100 Anniversary
Hygrodeik wet and dry-bulb hygrometer.
Vanderbilt University Garland Collection.
hat is psychrometrics? One Web site calls it the dreaded P- At first glance a psychrometric
chart appears ominous with its
word! Psychrometrics is a subscience of physics dealing with myriad of tiny lines crisscrossing in
the properties and processes of moist air. Moist air is dened as a every direction. Actually, once un-
derstood, this apparent complexity
mixture of two gases: dry air and water vapor (the gas phase of H2O).1 is readily dismissed and the psych
Some broaden the denition of psychrometrics to cover mixtures of chart can become a relatively simple
and invaluable design tool. (Circa
the gas of one substance (any dry gas component) and the condens- 1950) Julian R. Fellows, emeritus
professor of mechanical engineering,
able vapor of a second substance. Psychrometrics is not conned to University of Illinois.
the world of air conditioning. It is used in the elds of agricultural and
aeronautical engineering, food engineering, drying of crops, grains, air-conditioning designers may have dif-
and pharmaceuticals, dehydration, dehumidication, humidication, culty visualizing the tasks of the designer
in pre-1960 when handheld calculators and
moisture control, meteorology, and weather reporting. PCs did not exist. Most calculations were
performed manually or with a slide rule,
This article looks at the state-of-the izing the changes of properties in a se- or perish the thought, with a table of loga-
art of psychrometrics prior to 1904 when quence of psychrometric processes; e.g., rithms. Some engineers were lucky when
Willis H. Carrier produced the rst chart (a) as the outside and return air mixes, a group of 10 shared a noisy Frieden
and then traces the developments from (b) proceeds through heating and cooling calculator. Designing systems and solving
1904 to 2004. coils, (c) the supply fan, (d) supply duct, problems using the psych chart was a
and on to (e) the conditioned space. time-saving blessingnot a chore.
The Psychrometric Chart Prior to the advent of personal computer By 1990 approximately 75% of prac-
So what is a psychrometric chart and psychrometric software, the psychro- titioners used the psychrometric chart
why would anyone want to use it? The metric chart also was used extensively About the Author
psychrometric chart is a convenient and as an extremely useful graphical tool for Donald P. Gatley, P.E., is a consulting engineer and
useful tool for (1) determining moist air solving and diagnosing and then visual- moisture consultant. He is the author of ASHRAEs
psychrometric properties, and (2) visual- izing psychrometric processes. Younger Understanding Psychrometrics.
Description Symbol SI Unit I-P Unit Description Symbol SI Unit I-P Unit
as a tool in solving psychrometric problems and the rest used pressure; barometric pressure; stationary wet-bulb, dry-bulb, and
computer software. In the rst decade of the 21st century most dew-point temperature; relative humidity, water-vapor density (in
practitioners rely on psychrometric software based on ideal-gas grains and pounds per cubic foot), and the additional quantity
algorithms (with 99% or greater accuracy). As a secondary of H2O required for complete saturation. Part of Glaishers data
function most software programs generate a psychrometric chart was empirical and based on two years of observations of these
showing the state points and the psychrometric process lines properties at Greenwich, England. Glaisher may not have been
connecting the state points. The displayed state point properties aware that stationary wet-bulb temperature varied widely because
either will be original data entries or the results of accurate it was dependent not only on two other properties but also the
calculations, not the result of graphical plotting. velocity of natural (and quite variable) air currents across the
The demise of printed psychrometric charts will probably be (stationary) wet-wick-covered-thermometer bulb.
similar to the demise of the slide rule (replaced by the handheld In 1886 the American meteorologist William Ferrel devel-
calculator), and the log-log and other special plotting papers oped an improved empirical formula for computing water
(replaced by plotting capabilities of spreadsheet software). vapor pressure from dry-bulb and sling-psychrometer-wet-bulb
It is only a matter of time before the once-familiar pads of temperature and barometric pressure. Starting in 1886 the U.S.
psychrometric charts from ASHRAE and air-conditioning and Weather Bureau used Ferrels formula, his tables, and the sling
dehumidication manufacturers will no longer be available. Put (whirled) psychrometer to achieve greater accuracy compared
a collection away for your grandchildren (someday they may with Glaishers tables and stationary wet-bulb temperature.
have the value of baseball cards of the 40s and 50s). Improved tables were prepared for the bureau in 1900 by Pro-
fessor Marvin. Willis Carrier probably had a copy of Marvins
What Preceded Carriers 1904 Psychrometric Chart? Psychrometric Tables for Obtaining the Vapor Pressure, Relative
Table 1 lists nine of the most used psychrometric properties. Humidity, and Temperature of the Dew Point (from readings of
Thanks mainly to the eld of meteorology, these properties the Wet- and Dry-Bulb Thermometers), U.S. Department of
were already in use in the 1850 to 1900 era because of a host Commerce Weather Bureau Publication No. 236.
of individuals listed in Table 2. The only psychrometric-like charts prior to Carriers 1904
Prior to 1900, tables of empirical psychrometric property chart were cross plots of the Glaisher or Ferrel empirical tabular
values were used by meteorologists. In 1847 Glaishers Hygro- data. A picture of a stationary wet-bulbdry-bulb instrument
metrical Tables were the rst reliable tables listing water-vapor called a Hygrodeik (patented in 1865) appears on the title page.
1. Gatley, Donald P. 2002. Understanding
Psychrometrics. 292 p. Atlanta: ASHRAE.
2. Wile, D.D. 1960. Psychrometric
charts. ASHRAE Journal p. 61. March.
3. The use of a skewed plotting coordinate
or grid was conceived by Richard Mollier in
1923 in Ein neues Diagramm fr Damp-
uftgemische, in which he introduced the
h x moist air chart (h is Molliers symbol
for enthalpy; x his symbol for humidity
ratio). Some engineers, scientists and me-
teorologists of Northern and Eastern Euro-
pean Countries use the Mollier h x Enthalpy
Humidity Ratio chart. This Mollier moist
air chart differs from the ASHRAE chart as
follows: humidity ratio is the abscissa (verti-
cal grid with horizontal scale) and enthalpy
is the skewed grid with vertical scale. The
accuracy of the two charts is identical. An
ASHRAE chart can be seen as a Mollier
h x chart by rotating it 90 counterclockwise,
and observing the image in a mirror.
4. Palmatier, E.P. 1963. Construction of the
normal temperature ASHRAE psychrometric
chart. ASHRAE Transactions 69:712. or circle 21
20 ASHRAE Journal November 2004