CPWA CODE 51-100 (Guide Part 3) PDF
CPWA CODE 51-100 (Guide Part 3) PDF
CPWA CODE 51-100 (Guide Part 3) PDF
GUIDE 2013
52. Central Public Works Department can never be entrusted with the execution of the
following works :-
Ans : (d) Para 3.1.1 of CPWA Code. (All of these works may also be entrusted to
the CPWD, either occasionally or as a standing arrangement)
53. As a general rule the classification of transaction in Government accounts, shall have
closer reference to :-
(a) (i)
(b) (i) & (ii)
(c) (i), (ii) & (iii)
(d) All the above.
54. The classification of government transactions will have the closest reference to :-
(a) Function.
(b) Programme.
(c) Activity.
(d) None of the above.
55. Expenditure on the maintenance and repairs of the non-residential buildings under
the administrative control of the P.W.D are shown under the Major Head :
57. Transactions relating to the charges and receipts connected with the services of the
following will not be adjusted finally in the accounts Public Works Department :-
58. When a Division undertakes a service on behalf of another Division, the accounts
settlement is resorted through :-
59. The transactions of Public works Department may be grouped under the heads
other than the one indicated below :-
60. Receipts of cash received from other departments or Governments is carried out
through :-
(a) 8652
(b) 8658
(c) 8782
(d) 8675
63. The detailed classification of any Public Works Major Heads that may be introduced
for the booking of special expenditure, shall be prescribed by :-
64. The Administration of some Union Territories is vested with the powers of opening
of certain heads of account within their respective territories. Which are they :-
65. When the Public Works Department undertakes works of other departments as a
standing arrangement and the cost is debitable to those departments, the classification of
the transactions is intimated by :-
66. The classification and the Heads of Accounts under which Government transactions
are adjustable have been indicated in the list of Major and Minor Heads of Account as
mentioned in :-
67. The order in which the Major and Minor Heads shall appear in all account records
shall be prescribed by
68. The incidence of expenditure between voted and charged is determined by the :-
69. Find the incorrect statement in respect of Revenue and Expenditure of the
Government ?
(a) Revenue is realised and placed to credit of Government as it falls due under the rules
governing it.
(b) Expenditure can be incurred only against a grant voted by the Parliament.
(c) Expenditure can be incurred against the appropriations provided for to meet charged
(d) Revenue is realised and placed to credit of Government only when it is received.
70. Expenditure incurred on account of payments made after an award has been
made a Rule of the Court but prior to the issue of decree is debitable to :-
72. The award made by a private arbitrator is filed in a court of law and a decree is
obtained in terms of the award, the expenditure required to satisfy the decree of the court
will be :
Ans : (d) Divisional Officer is the Primary disbursing Officer of a division. Para 3.2.1
of CPWA Code
73. The Chief controller of accounts permits the Divisional Officer to draw the funds
that required for all disbursements in connection with the execution of works through :-
74. Drawal of funds by way of cheque against letter of credit can be used for all kinds of
payments except :-
(i) Pay and Allowances of Govt. Servant covered by New Pension Scheme 2004.
(ii) GPF withdrawal of all staff other than Group D employees.
(iii) All long term advances.
(iv) All short term loans and advances to Government servants recoverable in less than
eighty instalments.
76. Name the bank where the Divisional offices are assigned a Cash Assignment
Account by the Chief Controller of Accounts for drawal of cheques for payment of bills ?
78. The record of a transaction of receipt, if the exact head cannot be ascertained at once,
should be classified temporarily under :-
79. The record of a transaction of an expenditure/charge, but the exact head cannot be
ascertained at once, should be classified temporarily under:-
(a) PW Deposits
(b) Miscellaneous Public Works Advances
(c) Debt, deposit or remittance head to which it pertains.
(d) None of the above.
(a) GAR 30
(b) GAR 31
(c) GAR 32
(d) GAR 33
Ans : (a) Sub para (v) of Annexure B of Para 3.2.2 of CPWA Code
81. Who is responsible for the maintenance of accounts of the transactions correctly and
in accordance with the rules in force?
(a) Advise the Divisional Officer in all matters relating to the accounts and budget
estimates or to the operation of financial rules generally.
(b) Applying certain preliminary checks to the initial accounts, vouchers etc.
(c) Compile the accounts of the division in accordance with the prescribed rules and
from the data furnished to him.
(d) Assist the Divisional Officer for the scrutiny of the accounts of the receipts and
disbursements of subordinate officers falling within the Divisional Officers own powers
of sanction.
84. Which of the following does not comprise of the three fold functions of a Divisional
Accountant ?
85. To enable him to discharge his duties efficiently, the Divisional Accountant is treated
as the senior member of the office establishment of the division though his position is
analogous to that of a Sub-Divisional Officer. How can a Divisional Accountant be
defined in terms of Analogous ?
86. Find the feature that unsuitable to Divisional Accountants Objection form.
(a) An objection entered in this register should not be considered as finally disposed of
until it has been reviewed by the Pay and Accounts Officer.
(b) It will be the duty of Divisional Accountant to comply with the orders of the
Divisional Officer with respect to removal of objections recorded in the Objection form.
(c) It is being maintained in Form 60.
(d) Divisional Officer has an opportunity of accepting the Divisional Accountants
advice on reconsideration and ordering action accordingly, or of recording for the
information of the Pay and Accounts Officer, his reasons for disregarding that advice.
87. Which of the following would be more appropriate in respect of functions executed
by the Divisional Accountant with respect to tendering process?
(a) He should conduct personally a test check of the computed and checked tenders.
(b) He should see that the comparative statement correctly incorporates the totals as
checked on the individual tenders.
(c) He is responsible for the arrangements for checking the computed tenders and
responsible for safe custody of tender documents.
(d) He is in charge of overall supervision of the tendering process.
(i) The Divisional Officer is authorised to entrust the receipt and disbursement of cash
to the Divisional Accountant at his discretion.
(ii) As a rule the Divisional Accountant is required to receive or pay out cash of the
monetary transactions at the headquarters of the Divisional Office.
(iii) The Divisional Accountant should not be normally authorised to issue final receipts
over his own signature.
(iv) The volume of the monetary transactions at the headquarters of the Divisional Office
have an impact on entrusting the receipt and disbursement of cash to the Divisional
89. In token of check, the Divisional Accountant should affix his dated initials in the
divisional cash book :
90. On periodical inspection, the Divisional Accountant noticed some defects in the
accounts records of a Sub-Divisional Office. In such an event, who is responsible for
imparting necessary instructions thereon to the Sub-Divisional Officer ?
91. Serious financial irregularities were noticed during the periodical inspection of
accounts records by the Divisional Accountant. What would be the correct pair of
subsequent actions ?
92. Find the correct one which represents Register of Interest bearing securities &
Annual account of interest bearing securities respectively.
(a) CPWA 55 & 56. (b) CPWA 65 & 66. (c) CPWA 75 & 76. (d) CPWA 85 & 86.
93. Check of sanctions accorded by the Divisional Officer is conducted in the Pay &
Accounts Office only in respect of :-
95. Part I of the Audit Note and the Inspection Report should be returned to the Audit
Officer through the :-
96. What are the common practices adopted by the Divisional Offices for removal of an
audit objection :-
97. An audit officer placed a transaction under objection. The Divisional Officer made a
protest against the objection as being incorrect. Which of the following is most suitable
to the context ?
(a) The objection should not be held in force unless a formal intimation of its
withdrawal is received from the Audit Officer.
(b) The objection should be held in force unless a formal intimation of its withdrawal is
received from the Audit Officer.
(c) The objection once raised is final and it cannot be revoked by way of a protest of the
Auditee institution as it being incorrect.
(d) The objection should be held in force unless it is rectified through obtaining the
requisite sanction or by making the necessary recovery.
98. The allotment of a particular sum of money to meet expenditure on a specified job as
enunciated in the Detailed Demands for Grants is called :-
(a) Appropriation.
(b) Re-appropriation.
(c) Either of these.
(d) None of these.
99. For which of the following a Divisional Officer does not necessarily require any
specific provision of funds within the appropriations for his own division:-
Ans : (c) A grant or supplementary grant is made for an expenditure head. Option (ii) is
a receipt head. Para 5.2.1 of CPWA Code.