(iv) All financial powers not specifically delegated to any other authority is
vested with Ministry of Finance. These powers are called residuary
(ii) After 1995, the Primary Units of appropriation has been modified.
Earlier these were, 3 heads – Major Had, Minor Head and Sub-head. At
present there are 6 tier of classification namely – Major Head, Sub-major
Head, Minor Head, Sub Head, Detailed Head and Object Head. Now, the
expenditure appears in the Object Head, instead of Sub-Head.
After 1995, the entire set has been classified under seven groups:
(d) Grants;
(x) To meet an expenditure on public work not provided in the budget but
costing 50 lacks and above;
(xi) Any order for re-appropriation which has the effect of increasing the
budget provision under a sub-head by more than 25% of budget
estimate are 5 crore, whichever is more, should be reported to
However, the Department has powers for augmenting the provisions of
the heads relating to medical expenses, pension charges, wages and
(iii) From any provision made for new service or new instrument of service;
(vii) To augment the Salaries, Wages, Office Expenses and other charges
taken together. However, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting is
competent to appropriate “Allowance to Artists” within the group;
(viii) To increase the provision under Travel Expenses exceeding 10% of the
existing provision;
(iii) Increase in travel expenditure upto 10% of the total provision by re-
appropriation from other heads;
(iv) An expenditure on public work less than Rupees10 lacks, even if it is
not included in the budget.
Creation of Posts:
General Condition:
(iv) No temporary post can be created unless funds are made3 available by
valid appropriation;
(vi) The powers can be used to create the post of Officer on Special Duty
(vii) The powers to create a post cannot be used to upgrade a post because
upgradaton is technically abolition of a post and creation of another
(viii) The powers cannot be exercised to add such post to any service or
Cadre unless such service or Cadre is under such authority
(Exceptions: Central Secretariat Clerical Service and CSSS);
(i) The Department may incur expenditure on the insurance of any material
or equipment which has taken as loan or aid from foreign Government or
international bodies or other organisations abroad, if the insurance is a
condition within the terms of contract;
(ii) Where the booking of goods by rail or road, and enhanced risk rate in
the nature of insurance has been provided;
In all these cases, the Department will effect insurance only with the
National Insurance company.
(ii) The recovery would be impossible or the recovery would cost undue
Notwithstanding the above, the authority has no powers in the following
(b) Where the amount to be recovered does not exceed two months pay;
(c) Where the overdrawal was disallowed after one year from the date of
(d) The overpayment was in the nature of pay and overdrawal was caused
by the delay in notifying the promotion or reversion.
(i) The Department can sanction a plan project, the outlay of which is less
than 25 crore, provided the scheme has been approved by Ministry of
Finance. The scheme is appraised by the Ministry and approved by Minister
in charge.
(ii) Any plan project involving 25 crore and above but less than 100 crore,
appraised by Standing Finance Committee and approved by Minister in
(iii) Any project involving an investment of 100 crore and above but less
than 300 crore, should be appraised by Expenditure Finance Committee to be
chaired by Secretary of the Administrative Ministry and to be approved by
Minister-in-charge of the Administrative Ministry, if the investment is less than
150 crore and Minister-in-charge of the Administrative Ministry and Finance
Minister, if the investment is 150 crore and above but less than 300 crore;
(iv) Any plan project involving an investment of Rs.300 crore and above,
should be appraised by Expenditure Finance Committee to be chaired by
Secretary Expenditure, if financial returns are not quantifiable and by Public
Investment Board, otherwise. After appraisal by the respective agencies
these schemes should be approved by Cabinet or Cabinet Committee on
Economic Affairs.
Following are the composition of Committees:
(iv) 75 crores and above but less than 150 crores appraisal by Committee
on Non-plan expenditure and the approval by Minister-in-charge;
(v) 150 crores and above but less than 300 crores – appraised by
Committee on non-plan expenditure and approved by Minister-in-charge of
the Administrative Ministry and Finance Minister.
(vi) Rs.300 crores and above – to be appraised by Committee on non-plan
expenditure and approved by Cabinet Committee on Economic
(ii) The structure is too dangerous and the repairs are too uneconomical;
(iii) The sale or dismantlement should be done only through public auction
through CPWD, if any and if not through PWD of the state.