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ApHusys Payroll Process

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India’s First HR Company Listed on NSE - Emerge

ApHusys Payroll Process Flow

September, 2017
Vision & Mission

•Our Vision
"Synergizing Human Potential for Development of Business & Society“

•Our Mission
"To be the leader in deploying & delivering high quality, innovative, cost
effective and time sensitive HR Services, leveraging human potential for the
advancement of both business and society”


• Purpose
• Assumptions
• Configuration Steps
• Payroll Generation


The purpose of this document is to detail steps related to ApHusys

Payroll process. This comprises activities related to configuration and
payroll generation. These are
• Configuration
• Payroll Generation and
• Payroll Reports

Intended audience for this presentation are

• Accounts/HR function resources who manage payroll activities
• ApHusys Implementation/training teams


It is assumed that users of this presentation are

• Familiar with usage of PC, Laptop, Smart Phone, etc.
• Exposed to web and ecommerce applications
• Aware of cloud and cloud applications
• Undergone demo/training on ApHusys

Abbreviations List

Abbreviation Explanation
PT Professional Tax
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
IT Income Tax
ESI Employees' State Insurance

Configuration Steps

• Define Company Information
• Configure
• Payroll Settings • Define Salary • Provide Working
• Display of Pay slip Information Components Schedule
• Define Salary • Assign Salary
Structures Structure
• Assign Salary • Set state for PT
Structure • Calculate TDS
Company Settings

Company Settings
Step 1

1. Provide General Company Information:

Path: Settings (Last module) -> Company -> General
Information, Configuration
The basic company details, company bank account
information is to be given here.

Apart from the Login page and Company logo, the logo
to be reflected on all the Reports such as Pay Slips,
Paysheet, Bank Advice etc. can be provided at ‘Reports

Next step is to Configure the payroll settings

Company Settings (contd..)
Step 2

2. Configure Payroll Settings:

Path: Settings (Last module) -> Company -> Configuration
a) Payroll Settings: All the company level payroll settings which includes Pay Start day, Pay End Day,
Include weekends in payroll, Attendance Paid Days must be given here. Default salary structure for all
the employees can also be set.

Company Settings (contd..)
b) Display pay slip Information:

Company Settings (contd..)
The following Pay slip settings can be given here:

• Payslip Information - The display of information on pay slip like personal details, Earnings, Leaves,
Deductions, Annual Tax information can be selected here.

• Position of Company Logo & Address - You can choose the alignment (Left, Middle, Right) of the
Company Logo and Address on the Pay Slip

• Include Entitles Values in - Display of Entitled (Actual) values in Payslip / PaySheet / Both can be

• Display Payslip amount in words as - The format of the Net amount displayed in words can be chosen

• Personal Information Details on Payslip - Facility to choose the required Employee Master fields to be
displayed on Payslip is provided here.

Payroll Configuration
Step 1

Define Salary Components:

Path: Master configuration (second last
module) -> Payroll Configuration -> Salary
Pay components such as BASIC, HRA etc. are
defined here. Click on ‘Create’ to get the
respective page.
In this, the salary component name and the
category, the code (eg: Basic - BASIC),
sequence, ‘Appears in pay slip’ and ‘Appear on
Pay sheet’ option are the details to be given

‘General’ tab: Give the Conditions such as

Salary range to be considered, Computation
Payroll Configuration (contd..)
• ‘Inputs’ tab: The inputs (Variable
or fixed every pay period) by
clicking on this.

• ‘Salary Types’ tab: Additional details such as considering

the component for Professional Tax, one time
component, Ignore for Tax etc. can be given here by
checking against the respective condition

Payroll Configuration (contd..)
Step 2

Create Salary Structures:

Path: Master configuration (second last
module) -> Payroll Configuration ->
Salary Structures
Different salary structure can be create
based on the organization policy. Click
on ‘Create’ to get the page:

Give the structure name in ‘Name field’, reference name and click on add an item in ‘Salary Rules ‘ to get
the salary components and select the required components in this Structure. Click on ‘Save’.

Payroll Configuration (contd..)
Step 3

Assign Structure ranges:

Path: Master configuration (second last module) -> Payroll Configuration -> Salary Structure Allocation
Salary Structures created is assigned to the employees here with the specific period. Click on ‘Create’ in
the salary ranges to get the following page:

Employee Configuration
Employee Configuration:

Structure assignment can also be done through Employee configuration, along with the other details
such as State for PT, Calculate TDS (for Auto TDS) and Working Schedule.

Payroll Operation

Steps to be followed for payroll processing:

• New Joinees / Exit's

• Salary Revisions
• Updation / Verification of fixed salary components (CTC, Gross,..)
• Updation of monthly variable inputs (Incentive, Bonus,..)
• Clear all pending leave applications
• Updation of attendance (Loss of Pay, Leave, Half days) if any
• Final payroll processing

New Joinees / Exit’s
Step 1
(If there are no new joinees/exits in that month then skip to next step)
Update New Joinees:

 How can HR create a new User?

To create a new User, follow the below path:
Settings (last module from left) -> Groups -> User -> Create -> Update -> Save

 How can HR create a new Employee data?

To create a new employee, follow the below path:
HRIS (third module from left) -> Employee Data Management -> Employee Data -> Create (update all
required details) -> Save

 How can HR allocate operational information to an employee?

To assign the Leave Structure, Salary Structure, Work Schedule, Professional Tax location, follow the
path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Employee Data Management -> Employee Configuration ->
Click on the respective record -> Edit -> Provide the required details -> Save
New Joinees / Exit’s (Contd..)
 How can HR update/modify/change existing employee details?
To update existing employee details by following the below steps:
HRIS -> Employee Data Management -> Employee Data -> Click on the required Employee record ->
Edit (update the details) -> Save

Exit Employee:

 How can HR mark an exit of the employee (Relieving)?

HR needs to provide exit date of the employee by following the below path:
HRIS (third module from left) -> Employee Data Management -> Employee Data, Open the
respective employee record -> (scroll down) Status -> Active -> Exit Date ( you can give the exit
date of that employee)

New Joinees / Exit’s (Contd..)
 How can HR make an exited employee record inactive?
To make an employee record inactive, It might be used after completion of all exit activities, follow
the below path:
HRIS (third module from left) -> Employee Data Management -> Employee Data, Open the
respective employee record -> (scroll down) Status -> Active, uncheck the box.

 Can HR process the payroll for the inactive employees?

No. Payroll can be processed for only the active employees.

New Joinees / Exit’s (Contd..)
 How can the HR access the inactive employee
To get access to the inactive employee data,
follow the below path:
HRIS (third module from left) -> Employee Data
Management -> Employee Data -> Search tab (top
right) -> Advance Search (downward arrow) ->
Advance Search -> Select Active from the
dropdown -> Is False -> Apply, you’ll get the list
of all the inactive employees.

Follow the same steps used to make the

employee inactive incase you want to make them
Active again.

Salary Revision
Step 2

Salary Revision:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Payroll Management -> Salary Revision
In case of any revision in any of the employees’ salary, the revised amounts can be updated here

In this page ‘Effective date’ indicates the

date from which the salary revision should
be applied. Selecting the employee from
the ‘Employee’ drop down would display
the current salary inputs. Click on ‘Apply
Revision’ to update the new amounts to
be applied to the mentioned employee

Fixed salary components
Step 3

Salary Updation:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Payroll Management-> Salary Updation
Give the input amounts for the fixed components (For ex: Gross, Basic, etc) here. Click on ‘Create’ to get
the following page. This will help for both verification & updation of all the fixed components

Give the details employee details in ‘Contract’ along with the ‘Start date’. The salary component details
have to be given in the ‘Salary Rule’ and ‘Salary Rule Input’.
To modify / update an existing amount, click open the record -> Edit -> Save
Variable inputs
Step 4

Payroll Inputs:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Payroll Management-> Payroll Inputs
The input amounts for the variable components (For ex: Incentives, Adjustments etc) is given here. Click
on ‘Create’ to get the following page.

Give the description in ‘Name’, the employee name in ‘Employee’, the ‘Date’ of the respective payroll
month and the ‘Amount’. The variable component type has to be given in the ‘Rule Input’.
Pending Leave Applications
Step 5

Leave Approvals:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Leave Management -> Leaves Approval

Before generating the Payroll, any pending approvals have to be actioned (Approve/Refuse)

Pending Leave Applications (Contd..)
Leave Application
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Leave Management -> Leave Request -> Select the date on the
Leave calendar -> Select the Employee in ‘Apply leave for’ field , give the details -> Submit to Manager
As an HR, the leave can be applied on behalf of an employee which has to be approved by the Reporting
manager or the HR himself.

NOTE: ‘Save’ option will save the request as a draft

Updating Attendance
Step 6

Attendance Import:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Attendance -> Attendance Regularization
As an HR, attendance (Leave/Absence) can be marked on behalf of the employee through the below
The employee attendance such as LOP,
First half leave, First half absent, leave,
etc. can be marked here to consider the
details in the required month payroll
process. (Please note that it maybe
needed to do only if you are not using
the leave module)

NOTE: ‘Considered in pay slip’ has to be kept unchecked. On completion of payroll process & freezing, it would automatically be checked.
Payroll Generation
Step 7

Generate Payroll:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Payroll Management -> Generate Payroll
The payroll can be processed for all the employees here. Click on ‘Create’ to get the following page

Enter the description in ‘Name’ field and the period of payroll.

Payroll Generation (Contd..)
Click on Add employee to get the following page. Then click on ‘Add an item’ to get the list of
Selection of Employees can also be done Category (Designation, Location, Department, Vertical) wise.
After selecting the employees, click on ‘Process Payroll’ to generate payroll & pay slips.
‘Save’ the record.

Payroll Reports

Pay Slips

Other Reports (YTD

Salary Component, Pay Sheet
Reconciliation, ETDS..)

Statutory Reports Bank Payment Advice

Pay Slip
1. Payslip:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Payroll Management -> Payslip

After completion of payroll generation, individual pay slips can be accessed from here

Pay Slip (Contd..)
By clicking on ‘Print’, the respective pay slip can be downloaded (Pay slip) or viewed (Pay slip Preview) in
a pdf format.

Pay Slip (Contd..)
Below are the details that can
be verified in each of the pay

- Worked days, Leave days

- Break up of each component
- Tax details
- Tax Statement (PDF)

Pay Slip (Contd..)
Click on the ‘Tax Statement’ to get the below. To download the statement, click on ‘Print’ option on top.

Pay Sheet
2. Pay Sheet:
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> Pay sheet
The pay sheet for the respective month can be downloaded by clicking on ‘Print’ from the page.
It can also be downloaded category wise (Department, Location, Designation, Vertical, Level).

Also, the Employee information required to be displayed in the Pay sheet can be selected from the
dropdown in Personal Information Details
Pay Sheet (Contd..)
After clicking on ‘Print’, a pop up of the pay sheet would be displayed and you would be having ‘export
to excel’ option on the top right corner.

Bank Payment Advice
3. Payment Advice:
Path: HRIS (third module from left) -> Payroll Management -> Generate Payroll

Click open the processed payroll record in ‘Generate Payroll’, where you’ll have an option to ‘Freeze’ the
payroll for that month.
Freeze meant for to lock you payroll (So that no more changes will be entertained in the payroll)

NOTE: No changes can be made in the pay sheet or pay slips once the payroll is frozen.
Bank Payment Advice (Contd..)
On Freezing, the following are the options that will be displayed:

1. Create Advice
2. Email Pay slips

NOTE: Employees will be able to view their pay slips of that month only after HR freezes the payroll.
Bank Payment Advice (Contd..)
1. Create Advice: Click on this option to create Bank
Payment Advice.

‘Made Payment Advice’ checkbox would be ticked upon

creation of advice.
The advice would be created at: Reports (first module) ->
Payroll -> Bank Advice

Bank Payment Advice (Contd..)
Click open the advice -> Edit

There are multiple options to extract the payment advice. The same can be selected in ‘Payment Advice
Print Setup’

Bank Payment Advice (Contd..)
Below are the setup types that can be chosen:

Advice Type Location Payment Mode Payment Type

Any combination of the above types can be chosen and saved

After choosing the advice type (if any), in the ‘Print’ option on top, the advice can be downloaded in a pdf
format by clicking on ‘Print Advice’ or can be exported in a Excel format by clicking on ‘View Advice
Email Pay Slip
2. Email Pay slips:

Click on ‘Email Payslips’ option to share the pay slips with the employees. Email would be sent to their
work emails provided in their employee data.

Status of the same can also be checked in ‘Email Status’

Statutory Reports
4. Statutory Reports:
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> Statutory Reports

All the statutory reports such monthly ESI, PF etc for a specific period can be generated and exported

PF / ESI Report
1. PF / ESI Report
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> Statutory Reports -> Create

Choose the Report Type as ‘PF Monthly Report or ESI Monthly Report’ from the dropdown. Select the
period of the report -> Save.
After saving, click on the ‘Print’ option to download the Report.

PF / ESI Report (Contd..)
Below are the three options in Print:
• Payroll Report: Click on this to download the report in a PDF format
• Payroll Report Preview: Click on this to get the popup view the report and to export it in an Excel

Payroll Report Preview

PF / ESI Report (Contd..)
EPF or ESI Return file:

To download PF return file, click on ‘Generate EPF Return File’ -> .txt file would be created at Download
Return File.
In case of ESI return file, .xls file be created.
You can either click on the file created and you can find the same in the ‘Attachments’ on top.

IT Statement
2. Income Tax statement
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> Statutory Reports -> Create

Choose the Report Type as ‘Income Tax Monthly Statement’ from the dropdown. Select the period of the
report -> Save.
After saving, click on the ‘Print’ option to download the Report.

Below are the three options in Print:

• Payroll Report: Click on this to download the report in a PDF format
• Payroll Report Preview: Click on this to get the popup view the report and to export it in an Excel
PF 12A Report
3. PF 12A Report
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> Statutory Reports -> Create

Choose the Report Type as ‘PF 12A Report’ from the dropdown. Select the period of the report -> Save.
After saving, click on the ‘Print’ option to download the Report.

• Payroll Report: Click on this to download the report in a PDF format

• Payroll Report Preview: Click on this to get the popup view the report and to export it in an Excel
PT Statement
4. Professional Tax Statement
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> Statutory Reports -> Create

Choose the Report Type as ‘P Tax Monthly Report’ from the dropdown -> State for PT purposes, select
the State -> Choose the period of the required report -> Save
After saving, click on the ‘Print’ option to download the Report.

• Payroll Report: Click on this to download the report in a PDF format

• Payroll Report Preview: Click on this to get the popup view the report and to export it in an Excel
Other reports / Analysis
 YTD Salary Component
Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> YTD Salary Component
A report for breakup of specific component in a particular period can be taken.
Select the Dates -> Category of the component -> Component Type -> Employees (table below),
Add an item, to select the employees -> Print

A preview of the report will popup which

can be saved as PDF or you’ll have an
option on the top right corner to export it
in an Excel format

Salary Reconciliation Report
 Salary Reconciliation Report - A report for salary values comparison between two months.

Path: Reports (first module from left) -> Payroll -> YTD Salary Component
To take an employees’ salary reconciliation report -> Choose the Months and the respective Years ->
Report can be taken in the combination of Department, Location, Designation or Level specific ->

A preview of the report will popup which can be saved as PDF or you’ll have an option on the top right
corner to export it in an Excel format
Consulting, Operations, Technology



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