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UBD Template: (Big Ideas)

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UBD Template

Title: The Prom

Established Goal(s): Include content standards, CCSS, course or program objectives, learning outcomes, etc.

Colorado State Standards:

Standard 1.1.a.iii: Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others
questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.

Standard 1.1.b.: Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse media and formats (e.g.,
visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the motives (e.g., social, commercial, political) behind its

Standard 2.3.a.iii: Explain how word choice and sentence structure are used to achieve specific
effects (such as tone, voice, and mood)

Understanding(s): Students will understand that Essential Question(s):

(big ideas)
What makes Dantes story effective?
Personal memoirs can be a form of reflecting upon a
certain situation Would Dantes story have the same effect if it were written,
rather than spoken?
Personal memoirs are a way to convey important or
meaningful memories in a way that hopes to impact How does Dantes voice enhance his story?
the reader.

Students will know:

Students will be able to:

1. Personal memoirs can be told throughout

various mediums 1. Actively listen to Dante Jacksons story
2. The effects of a personal memoir can change 2. Participate in a fish bowl discussion analyze the
throughout mediums. effective techniques used in Dantes story
3. Having voice in a story is extremely
Performance Task 1. Students will be asked to listen to Dante
-Through what authentic performance task(s) will Jacksons story The Prom. Students will then
students demonstrate the desired understandings? be asked to partake in a fishbowl class
- By what criteria will performances of discussion where they will be assessed on
understanding be judged? their understanding of an effective personal

Desired Understandings:
Other Evidence Data Collected
Concepts and Skills
Personal memoirs
can be told in various
Personal memoirs
Grade collection on discussion
effects can range participation
through mediums
Students understand
what makes a
successful story

Key Vocabulary Oral storytelling, theme, plot, voice

I analyze the differences between storytelling and oral storytelling.

Learning Target(s):
I can partake in a class discussion in which I analyze Dante Jacksons
W- where is lesson
use of effective story techniques.

Standard 1.1.a.iii: Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers
and respond to others questions and comments with relevant evidence,
observations, and ideas.

Standard 1.1.b.: Analyze the purpose of information presented in diverse

media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and evaluate the
Standard(s) motives (e.g., social, commercial, political) behind its presentation

Standard 2.3.a.iii: Explain how word choice and sentence structure are used
to achieve specific effects (such as tone, voice, and mood)

Writers Notebook Prompt: Think about a story that involved you and
Do Now
one other person. Tell this story through the other persons point of
H- hook students
view really trying to use that persons voice.

Learning Activities What I am doing? What the What data am I

students are
Responding to
Attendance/Announcements (5
questions, Attendance
listening to
Giving students a brief reminder of Writing in their
voice in a story (written on board) writers notebook,
E- equip Providing students with the writers sharing their writing, Engagement and
R- rethink and revise notebook prompt, writing with the listening to their participation
E- evaluate students, calling on students to read peers share their
T- tailor instruction their prompt to the class (15 minutes) writing
O- be organized Putting on Dante Jacksons story The Listening to Dante
Prom, listening to the story with Jacksons story, The Engagement
students (10 minutes) Prom.
Getting students into a fishbowl
discussion setting, providing questions Participating in
for discussion, being the time keeper for the fishbowl Participation
switching the inner and outer circles (18 discussion
Helping students put away chairs (2 Helping put back
minutes) chairs
Inner and outer circles will be chosen based upon data- more advanced students answer
more difficult questions in regards to the fishbowl discussion.
Since class time is so limited, there will not be a ticket out the door for this lesson plan.
Ticket out the door However, for the next class, there will be a do now in which students reflect on todays

Notes to self: I am not sure how students will react sitting and listening to a story for
ten minutesThis might be something to changeperhaps find a live video of

Questions to ask in discussion:

o Was it relatable? If so, did that engage you in the story more?
o What was the theme of this story?
o Why do you think Jackson chose to tell this story?
o How was this story organized?
o Was this story organized effectively? Was it easy to follow? How did he transition

the different parts of the story?

o How was Jacksons voice portrayed in this story? Was the voice he used

o Is it important to use authentic voice in your personal memoirs?

For the writing on the board, I could draw something like this:



Students could use this drawing when discussing voice in their writers notebook prompts and

while discussing Jacksons story.

Dante Jacksons story found on: https://themoth.org/podcast/dante-jackson-brie-mann-hernandez

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