Effect On Naphtha and Residue Yield Through Different Operating and Design Variables in Atmospheric Distillation Column
Effect On Naphtha and Residue Yield Through Different Operating and Design Variables in Atmospheric Distillation Column
Effect On Naphtha and Residue Yield Through Different Operating and Design Variables in Atmospheric Distillation Column
HYSYS process modeling software was used to analyze the effect of number of trays, feed tray position,
and reflux ratio on naphtha and also on atmospheric residue yield. Analysis of data showed that liquid
volume percentage yield of naphtha decreased with number of trays and reflux ratio increased.
Whereas, in atmospheric residue, the yield increased with the number of trays and the reflux ratio
decreased. In addition, the results demonstrated that the production of naphtha increased with feed
stage move upper in the distillation column and the atmospheric residue decreased. The study
recommends the development of flexible Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) design by which the number of
trays and feed position can be changed. The current design does allow for such changes. Flexible
design however, calls for flexible pipe work and heat exchanger network as well.
Keywords: HYSYS modeling, crude distillation unit, naphtha production, atmospheric residue production.
Oil refining is one of the most complex chemical Crude distillation units are the major processing units in
industries. The objective in refinery operations is to refineries, which are used to separate the crude oil by
generate as much profit as possible by converting crude fractionating the feed according to the boiling point
oils into valuable products such as gasoline, jet fuel, temperature so that each of the following processing
diesel, and so on (Zhang and Zhu, 2000; Gary and units will have feed stocks that meet their particular
Handwerk, 2001). In recent years the requirements for specifications(Gary and Handwerk, 2001; Sons and Firm,
large quantities of liquid hydrocarbons, particularly 2007; Arjmand et al., 2011). The properties of crude oil
gasoline and diesel fuels have increased and will vary during the years, this may affect the products
continue to escalate, which will necessarily cause steady specifications, which will make it difficult to achieve the
rise in production volume of the refining industry. The quality performance specified for the distillation column.
International Energy Agency in its World Energy Outlook Proper original design is by far the best way to guarantee
2008 is predicting the increase in yearly oil use to be satisfactory operation and control (Buckley et al., 1985).
1.3% until 2020 and 1.0% from 2020 to 2030 (Muzic et Simulation is presently a mature well tested technology
al., 2011). and it is widely used for a variety of purposes, including
design, control, test, optimization, and integration of with a partial condenser, three side strippers and three
process plants (Casavant and Cote, 2004; Denn, 2004). pumparounds. The heated crude is sent in the tray 4.
Simulations can save a lot of time and money. More-over, Side strippers comprising 3 stages have been utilized for
they are a lot cheaper and much faster than running diesel and atmospheric gas oil (AGO) (Table 2).
series of experiments. ASPEN HYSYS is a strong and Fractionation is increased by reducing the partial
versatile tool for the simulation studies, modeling and pressures with the aid of steam and a reboiler for
performance monitoring for oil and gas production, gas kerosene (Table 2). The pressure drop at top of the CDU
processing, petroleum refining, and air separation is 60 kPa with a top and bottom stage pressure of 15 and
industries. It helps to check the feasibility of a process, to 160 kPa, respectively. Internal reflux has been ensured
study and investigate the effect of various operating by the installation of three pumparounds as in Table 1.
parameters on various reactions (Agrawal, 2012). The The bottom steam entering at tray 1 is exchanging heat
Aspen Hysys (V8.0 ( simulation program was twice, that is, absorbing heat from the liquid flowing down
used for the simulation studies and the investigation of the trays and then exchanging heat with the upward
the effect of various operating parameters, because it flowing vapors, entered at a rate of 3300 kg/h at400C
offers a high degree of flexibility to accomplish a specific and 400 kPa.
task. This flexibility combined with a consistent and
logical approach to show these capabilities are delivered,
makes HYSYS an extremely adaptable process Effect of tray numbers
simulation tool (Technology, 2005). There is no
documented scientific literature on studying the influence The Aspen Hysys simulation program was used to study
of crude variation on product, hence in this study the effect of tray numbers on naphtha and atmospheric
simulation using ASPEN HYSYS program will be used to residue volume percentage product. The number of trays
study the effect of number of trays, feed tray position, and has been changed from 59 to 29 with a decrement of four
reflux ratio on naphtha and also on atmospheric residue stages. The other specifications were held as constant for
yield production. the simulation to observe the variation in the products
volume percentage. The results were analyzed using the
Microsoft Excel Program, as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
The results show that the liquid volume percent
Aspen-HYSYS software is a general process simulation software. decreases with number of trays increases for naphtha,
This software package is the one used around the world to design where as the percentage increased for atmospheric
plants and to rate their performance. HYSYS was also used to residue. This is because each additional tray acts as an
conduct the analysis on atmospheric distillation column. extra equilibrium contactor which will decrease the
First a crude distillation unit was built using design data from
Khartoum Refinery Company as a case study. In HYSYS,
volume production of naphtha. The trays have been
components and the thermodynamic fluid package (Peng- added from the top after the condenser stage. As the
Robinson) are defined to create the simulation basis. The crude hotter vapor passes through the liquid on the tray above,
assay is defined with the TBP assay type to generate an internal it transfers heat to the liquid. In doing so, some of the
TBP curve at atmospheric conditions for the characterization vapor condenses adding to the liquid on the tray. The
method. The assay definition is based on the crude oil API gravity condensate, however, is richer in the less volatile
(32.47), viscosity, and distillation data. Hypothetical components
with their respective physical and critical properties are generated
components than is in the vapor. Additionally, because of
in HYSYS Oil manager environment. Then various values for reflux the heat input from the vapor, the liquid on the tray boils,
ratio and number of trays and feed tray position were set in order to generating more vapors. This vapor, which moves up to
determine how naphtha and atmospheric residue yield varied the next tray in the column, is richer in the more volatile
depending on them. Results were gathered and inputted into components. This continuous contacting between vapor
Microsoft Excel to observe trends in data. and liquid occurs on each tray in the column and brings
about the separation between low boiling point
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION components and those with higher boiling points
(RWTUV, 2005).
As mentioned above the main purpose of the present
work is to study the effects of variation of process
conditions on the production of naphtha and residue yield Effect of feed tray position
in the atmospheric distillation column. For the present
study, a refinery process was simulated in order to assist Simulation runs were performed at several different feed
in the simulation. The details are discussed following. points from 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 19, 26 and 36, keeping the
material balance and total number of stages constant.
For these case, predetermined specifications from the
Crude distillation unit case study process description was held as constants for
the simulation to observe the effects in volume products
As shown in Figure 1 the column consists of 52 stages percentage yield. The results were analyzed using
Beshir et al. 33
Figure 1. Hysys flow diagram: Distillation column- sub-flow sheet or column environment.
Microsoft excel program. Figures 4 and 5 represent the The results show that the liquid volume percent of
influence of varying feed tray position on the products naphtha increases with the feed tray position increases,
percentage yield. whereas the yield decreases for atmospheric residue.
34 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels
Volume (%)
1 11 21 31 41
Feed tray position
Figure 4. Effect of varying feed tray position on naphtha.
Volume (%)
ATM Residue
1 11 21 31 41
Feed tray position
Figure 5. Effect of varying feed tray position on atmospheric residue.
effect of reflux ratio on petroleum products. The reflux will lead to more liquid that is rich in the more volatile
ratio has been set to be 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1. The components which are being recycled back into the
other specifications from the case study process column. Ultimately this turn of events will increase the
description were held as constants for the simulation to separation efficiency, but will decrease the volume
observe the effects in volume products percentage yield. production of naphtha and vise versa for residue
The results were analyzed using Microsoft excel (RWTUV 2005).
program. Figures 6 and 7 represent the influence of
varying reflux ratio on the volume percentage yield.
The results clearly show that for naphtha with Conclusion
increasing the reflux ratio the volume percentage
decreased. However, for the atmospheric residue the An analysis was carried out on HYSYS process
volume percentage increased with increasing the reflux development software in order to study the effect of
ratio. This is due to the fact that increasing the reflux ratio number of trays, varying feed tray position, and reflux
36 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels
Volume (%) 0.605
ATM Residue
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
Reflux ratio
Figure 6. Effect of varying reflux ratio on the ATM residue.
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Reflux ratio
Figure 7. Effect of Varying reflux ratio on the naphtha.
ratio on naphtha production. Results showed that liquid work and heat exchanger network as well.
volume percentage decreased with the number of trays.
Analysis also showed that the feed tray position had a
significant impact on naphtha production. It has been Conflict of Interest
found that the production of naphtha increased with feed
stage move upper in the distillation column. In addition, The author(s) have not declared any conflict of interest.
the results demonstrated that the volume percentage
decreased when the reflux ratio was increased. The
study recommends the development of flexible CDU REFERENCES
design by which allows for ease of changing the number
Agrawal AK (2012). Effect on naphtha yield, overall conversion and
of trays and feed position according to the needs of the
coke yield through different operating variables in fcc unit using
industry. The current design does allow for such aspen-hysys simulator. National Institute of Technology, Rourkela.
changes. Flexible design however, calls for flexible pipe http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201000277
Beshir et al. 37