Duan 2009
Duan 2009
Duan 2009
obtained from the algorithm is about 0.0001 with all these (c) phase to ground fault (d) unload and phase to ground fault
conditions considered. Fig.5 Differential current waveform of transformer
B.Simulation test for the algorithm to identify inrush current
For the Method to identify inrush current based on the
For the conditions transformer switch on with unload,
improved half-cycle Fourier analysis, lots of simulation is
light-load, full-load, internal fault, operate with internal fault,
proceeded using the electromagnetic transient simulation
etc, the performance of the algorithm is further studied on
software EMTDC. System simulation model is shown in
concrete conditions such as different switch angle, different
Fig.4, the transformer adopt Y/y0 rejoining method, 250MVA
residual magnetism, different fault condition and so on,
for capability, the voltage grade is 400/132kV, three DC
simulation result is shown in Table II-V. Limit to the length of
current supply is used to simulate residual magnetism.
the article, only discriminant parameter D values in phase A
Simulation conditions contain transformer switch on with
are given.
unload, light-load, full load, operate with internal fault, switch
on with external fault, internal fault, etc. Differential current of TABLE 2 D VALUES FOR TRANSFORMER UNLOAD SWITCH ON
transformers high voltage side and low voltage side id is what Switch Residual magnetism
the Inrush current identification algorithm analyzes. angle r = 0 S r = 0.7 S r = 0.8 S
0o 0.1608 0.1521 0.1502
30o 0.2640 0.1433 0.1901
60o 0.3646 0.1764 0.0931
90o 0.0039* 0.1477 0.2983