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1936. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
Oxford University Press.
Design of Experiments

R. A. Fisher, Sc.D., F.R.S.

Formerly Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Honorary Member, American Statistical Ass()ciation
and American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Galton Professor, University of Londo!;}


Oliver and Boyd

Edinburgh: Tweeddale Court
London: 33 Paternoster Row, E.C.
IN I925 the author wrote a book (Statistical Methods
for Research Workers) with the object of supplying
practical experimenters and, incideI)tally, teachers of
mathematical statistics, with a connected account of
the applications in laboratory work of some of the
more recent advances in statistical theory. Some of
the new methods, such as the analysis of variance,
were found to be so intimately related with problems
of experimental design that a considerable part of
the eighth Chapter was devoted to the technique of
agricultural experimentation, and these Sections have
been progressively enlarged with subsequent editions,
in response to frequent requests for a fuller treatment
of the subject. The design of experiments is, however,
too large a subject, and of too great importance to
the general body of scientific workers, for any
incidental treatment to be adequate. A clear grasp
of simple and standardised statistical procedures
will, as the reader may satisfy himself, go far to
elucidate the principles of experimentation; but
these procedures are themselves only the means to
a more important end. Their part is to satisfy the
requirements of sound and intelligible experimental
design, and to supply the machinery for unambiguous
interpretation. To attain a clear grasp of these
requirements we need to study designs which have
been widely successful in many fields, and to examine
their structure in relation to the requirements of valid
The examples chos~n in this book are aimed at
illustrating the principles of successful experimenta-
tion; first, in their simplest possible applications,
and later, in regard to the more elaborate structures
by which the different advantages sought may be
combined. Statistical discussion has been reduced
to a minimum, and all the processes required will be
found more fully exemplified in the previous work.
The reade~is, however, advised that the detailed
working of numerical examples is essential to a
thorough grasp, not only of the technique, but of
the principles by which an experimental procedure
may be judged to be satisfactory and effective.

July 1935.


THE second edition differs little from the first,
published a year earlier. Apart from numerical
corrections the principal changes have been the
fuller treatment of completely orthogonalised squares
in Section 35, and the addition of examples in
Section 47 I, representing some of the newly
developed combinatorial arrangements, which are
attracting considerable interest. The numbering
of Sections has not been changed.
I. The Grounds on which Evidence is Disputed
2. The Mathematical Attitude towards Induction 3
3. The Rejection of Inverse Probability 6
4. The Logic of the Laboratory 8


5. Statement of Experiment . 13
6. Interpretation and its Reasoned Basis. 14
7. The Test of Signific~nce 15
8. The Null Hypothesis 18
9. Randomisation; the Physical Basis of the Validity of the Test 20
o. The Effectiveness of Randomisation 22
I. The Sensitiveness of an Experiment. Effects of Enlargement
and Repetition 24
12. Qualitative Methods of increasing Sensitiveness 26


13 30
14. Darwin's Discussion of the Data 31
15. Galton's Method of Interpretation 32
16. Pairing and Grouping 35
17. " Student's" t Test . 38
18. Fallacious Use of Statistics 43
19. Manipulation of the Data . 44
20. Validity and Randomisation 46
21. Test of a Wider Hypothesis 50


22. Description of the Experiment 55
23. Statistical Analysis of the Observations 57
24. Precision of the Comparisons 64
25. The Purposes of Replication 66
26. Validity of the Estimation of Error 68
27. Bias of Systematic Arrangements 7I
28. Partial Elimination of Error 72
29. Shape of Blocks and Plots . 73
30. Practical Example 75


31. Randomisation subject to Double Restriction 78
32. The Estimation of Error 8I
33. Faulty Treatment of Square Designs 83
34. Systematic Squares . 86
35. Greeco-Latin and Higher Squares 90
351. An Exceptional Design 95
36. Practical Exercises 97


37. The Single Factor 100

38. A Simple Factorial Scheme 102

39. The Basis of Inductive Inference I IO

40. Inclusion of Subsidiary Factors . III

41. Experiments without Replication 115

42. The Problem of Controlling Heterogeneity . II8
43. Example with 8 Treatments, Notation 121
44. Design suited to Confounding the Triple Interaction 12 3
45. Effect on Analysis of Variance 124
46. Example with 27 Treatments I27

47. Partial Confounding. 135

471. Practical Exercises 141
48. 143
49. Dummy Comparisons 143
50. Interaction of Quantity and Quality 145
51. Resolution of Three Comparisons among Four Materials 147
52. An Early Example I48
53. Interpretation of Results I59
54. An Experiment with 8I Plots 162


55. Occasions suitable for Concomitant Measurements
56. Arbitrary Corrections
57. Calculation of the Adjustment
58. The Test of Significance
58.1. Missing Values
59. Practical Example


60. Precision regarded as Amount of Information 195
61. Multiplicity of Tests of the same Hypothesis 19 8
62. EJ!:tension of the t Test 203
63. The x2 Test 206
64. Wider Tests based on the Analysis of Variance 209
65. Comparisons with Interactions 21 9


66. Estimation in General 224
67. Frequencies of Two Alternatives 226
68. Functional Relationships among Parameters 229
69. The Frequency Ratio in Biological Assay 235
70. Linkage Values inferred from Frequency Ratios 238
71. Linkage Values inferred from the Progeny of Self-fertilised or
Intercrossed Heterozygotes 242
72. Information as to Linkage derived from Human Families 248
73. The Information elicited by Different Methods of Estimation. 252
74. The Information lost in the Estimation of Error 255
I AM very sorry, Pyrophz'lus, that to the many (elsewhere
enumerated) difficulties which you may meet with, and must
therefore surmount, in the serious and effectual prosecution
of experimental philosophy I must add one discouragement
more, which will perhaps as much surprise as dishearten
you; and. it is, that besides that you will find (as we
elsewhere mention) many of the experiments published by
authors, or related to you by the persons you converse with,
false and unsuccessful (besides this, I say), you will meet
with several observations and experiments which, though
communicated for true by candid authors or un distrusted
eye-witnesses, or perhaps recommended by your own
experience may, upon further trial, disappoint your
expectation, either not at all succeeding constantly or at
least varying much from what you expected.
ROBERT BOYLE, 1673, Concerning the
Unsuccessfulness of Experiments.

LE seul moyen de pn~venir ces ecarts, consiste a supprimer,

ou au moins a simplifier, autant qu'il est possible, Ie
raisonnement qui est de nous, & qui peut seul nous egarer,
a Ie mettre continuellement a l'epreuve de l'experience; a
ne conserver que les faits qui sont des verites donnees par
la nature, & qui ne peuvent nous tromper; a ne chercher la
verite que dans l'enchainement des experiences & des
observations, sur-tout dans l' ordre dans lequel elles sont
presentees, de la meme maniere que les mathematiciens
parviennent a la solution d'un probleme par Ie simple
arrangement des donnees, & en reduisant Ie raisonnement
a des operations si simples, a des jugemens si courts, qu'ils
ne perdent jamais de vue l'evidence qui leur sert de guide.
Methode de Nomenclature chz'mique,
A. L. LAVOISIER, 1787.

1. The Grounds on which Evidence is Disputed
WHEN any scientific conclusion is supposed to be
proved on experimental evidence, critics who still
refuse to accept the conclusion are accustomed to
take one of two lines of attack. They may claim
that the interpretation of the experiment is faulty,
that the results reported are not in fact those which
shpuld have been expected had the conclusion drawn
been justified, or that they might equally well have
arisen had the conclusion drawn been false. Such
criticisms of interpretation are usually treated as
falling within the domain of statistics. They are
often made by professed statisticians against the
work of others whom they regard as ignorant of or
incompetent in statistical technique; and, since the
interpretation of any considerable body of data is
likely to involve computations, it is natural enough
that questions involving the logical implications of
the results of the arithmetical processes employed,
should be relegated to the statistician. At least I
make no complaint of this convention. The statistician
cannot evade the responsibility for understanding the
processes he applies or recommends. My immediate

,) point is that the qu'estions involved can be dis-

sociated from all that is strictly technical in the
statistician's craft, and, when so detached, are questions
only of the right use of human reasoning powers,
with which all intelligent people, who hope to be
intelligible, are equally concerned, and on which the
statistician, as such, speaks with no special authority.
The statistician cannot excuse himself from the duty
of getting his head clear on the principles of scientific
inference, but equally no other thinking man can
avoid a like obligation.
The other type of criticism to which experimental
results are exposed is that the experiment itself was
ill designed, or, of course, badly executed. If we
suppose that the experimenter did what he intended
to do, both of these points come down to the question
of the design, or the logical structure of the experiment.
This type of criticism is usually made by what I
might call a heavyweight authority. Prolonged
experience, or at least the long possession of a
scientific reputation, is almost a pre-requisite for
developing successfully this line of attack. Technical
details are seldom in evidence. The authoritative
assertion" His controls are totally inadequate" must
have temporarily discredited many a promising line
of work; and such an authoritarian method of
judgment must surely continue, human nature being
what it is, so long as theoretical notions of the
principles of experimental design are lacking-notions
just as clear and explicit as we are accustomed to
apply to technical details.
Now the essential point is'that the two sorts of
criticism I have mentioned come logically to the
same thing, although they are usually delivered by
different sorts of people and in very different language.
If the design of an experiment is faulty, any method
of interpretation which makes it out to be decisive
must be faulty too. It is true that there are a great
many experimental procedures which are well designed
in that they may lead to decisive conclusions, but on
other occasions may fail to do so; in such cases, if
decisive conclusions are in fact drawn when they are
unjustified, we may say that the fault is wholly in
the interpretation, not in the design. But the fault
of interpretation, even in these cases, lies in over-
looking the characteristic features of the design which
lead to the result being sometimes inconclusive, or
conclusive on some questions but not on all. To
understand correctly the one aspect of the problem
is to understand the other. Statistical procedure
and experimental design are only two different aspects
of the same whole, and that whole is the logical
requirements of the complete process of adding to
natural knowledge by experimentation.

2. The Mathematical Attitude towards Induction

In the foregoing paragraphs the subject-matter of
this book has been regarded from the point of view
of an experimenter, who wishes to carry out his work
competently, and having done so wishes to safeguard
his results, so far as they are validly established,
from ignorant criticism by different sorts of superior

persons. I have assumed, as the experimenter always

does assume, that it is possible to draw valid inferences
from the results of experimentation; that it is possible
to argue from consequences to causes, from observa-
tions to hypotheses; as a statistician would say,
from a sample to the population from which the
sample was drawn, or, as a logician might put it,
from the particular to the general. I t is, however,
certain that many mathematicians, if pressed on the
point, would say that it is not possible rigorously to
argue from the particular to the general; that all
such arguments must involve some sort of guesswork,
wh~ch they might admit to be plausible guesswork,
but the rationale of which, they would be unwilling,
as mathematicians, to discuss. We may at once
admit that. any inference from the particular to the
general must be attended with some degree of un-
certainty, but this is not the same as to admit that
such inference cannot be absolutely rigorous, for the
nature and degree of the uncertainty may itself be
capable of rigorous expression. In the theory of
probability, as developed in its application to games
of chance, we have the classic example proving this
possibility. If the gam?lers' apparatus are really
true or unbiased, the probabilities of the different
possible events, or combinations of events, can be
inferred by a rigorous deductive argument, although
the outcome of any particular game is recognised to
be uncertain. The mere fact that inductive inferences
are uncertain cannot, therefore, be accepted as pre-
cluding perfectly rigorous and unequivocal inference.
Naturally, writers on probability have made detL
mined efforts to include the problem of inductive
inference within the ambit of the theory of mathe-
matical probability, developed in discussing deductive
problems arising in games of chance. To illustrate
how much was at one time thought to have been
achieved in this way, I may quote a very lucid
statement by Augustus de Morgan, published in 1838,
in the preface to his essay on probabilities in The
Cabinet Cyclopt2dia. At this period confidence in the
theory of inverse probability, as it was called, had
reached, under the influence of Laplace, its highest
point. Boole's criticisms had not yet been made,
nor the more decided rejection of the theory by Venn,
Chrystal, and later writers. De Morgan is speaking
of the advances in the theory which were leading to
its wider application to practical problems.
"There was also another circumstance which
stood in the way of the first investigators, namely,
the not having considered, or, at least, not having
discovered the method of reasoning from the happen-
ing of an event to the probability of one or another
cause. The questions treated in the third chapter
of this work could not therefore be attempted by
them. Given an hypothesis presenting the necessity
of one or another out of a certain" and not very
large, number of consequences, they could deter-
mine the chance that any given one or other
of those consequences should arrive; but given an
event as having happened, and which might have
been the consequence of either of several different

"causes, or explicable by either of several different

hypotheses, they could not infer the probability with
which the happening of the event should cause the
different hypotheses to be viewed. But, just as in
natural philosophy the selection of an hypothesis by
means of observed facts is always preliminary to any
attempt at deductive discovery; so in the application
of the notion of probability to the actual affairs of
life, the process of reasoning from observed events
to their most probable antecedents must go before the
direct use of any such antecedent, cause, hypothesis,
or whatever it may be correctly termed. These
two obstacles, therefore, the mathematical difficulty,
and the want of an inverse method, prevented the
science from extending its views beyond problems
of that simple nature which games of chance
Referring to the inverse method he later adds:
"This was .first used by the Rev. T. Bayes, and
the author though now almost forgotten, deserves
the most honourable remembrance from all who treat
the history of this science."

3. The Rejection of Inverse Probability

Whatever may have been true in 1838, it IS
certainly not true to-day that Thomas Bayes IS
almost forgotten. That he seems to have been the
first man in Europe to have seen the importance
of developing an exact and quantitative theory of
inductive reasoning, of arguing from observational
facts to the theories which might explain them, is
surely a sufficient claim to a 'place in the history of 'I
SCIence. But he deserves honourable remembrance
for one fact, also, in addition to those mentioned by
de Morgan. Having perceived the problem and
devised an axiom which, if its truth were granted,
would bring inverse inferences within the scope of
the theory bf mathematical probability, he was
sufficiently critical of its validity to withhold his entire
treatise from publication, until his doubts should
have been satisfied. In the event, the work was
published after his death by his friend, Price, and we
cannot say what views he ultimately held on the
The discrepancy of opinion among historical
writers on probability is so great that to mention the
subject is unavoidable. It would, however, be out
of place here to argue the point in detail. I will only
state three considerations which will explain why,
in the practical applications of the subject, I shall not
assume the truth of Bayes' axiom. Two of these
reasons would, I think, be generally admitted, but
the first, I can well imagine, might be indignantly
repudiated in some quarters. The first is this: The
axiom leads to apparent mathematical contradictions.
In explaining these contradictions away, advocates
of inverse probability seem forced to regard mathe-
matical probability, not as an objective quantity
measured by observed frequencies, but as measuring
merely psychological tendencies, theorems respecting
which are useless for scientific purposes.
My second reason is that it is the nature of an

.axiom that its truth" should be apparent to any

rational mind which fully apprehends its meaning.
The axiom of Bayes has certainly been fully appre-
hended by a good many rational minds, including
that of its author, without carrying this conviction of
necessary truth. This, alone, shows that it cannot
be accepted as the axiomatic basis of a rigorous
My third reason is that inverse probability has
been only very rarely used in the justification of
conclusions from experimental facts, although the
theory has been widely taught, and is widespread in
the literature of probability. Whatever the reasons
are which give experimenters confidence that they
can draw valid conclusions from their results, they
seem to act just as powerfully whether the experimenter
has heard of the theory of inverse probability or not.

4. The Logic of the Laboratory

I n fact, in the course of this book, I propose to
consider a number of different types of experimenta-
tion, with especial reference to their logical structure,
and to show that when the appropriate precautions
are taken to make this stn;cture complete, entirely
valid inferences may be drawn from them, without
using the disputed axiom. If this can be done, we
shall, in the course of studies having directly practical
aims, have overcome the theoretical difficulty of
inductive inferences.
Inductive inference is the only process known to
us by which essentially new knowledge comes into

the world. To make clear the~authentic conditions of'"

its validity is the kind of contribution to the intellectual
deyelopment of mankind which we should expect
experimental science would ultimately supply. Men
have always been capable of some mental processes
of the kind we call" learning by experience." Doubt-
less this experience was often a very imperfect basis,
and the reasoning processes used in interpreting it
were very insecure; but there must have been in
these processes a sort of embryology of knowledge,
by which new knowledge was gradually produced.
Experimental observations are only experience care-
fully planned in advance, and designed to form a
secure basis of new knowledge; that is, they are
systematically related to the body of knowledge
already acquired, and the results are deliberately
observed, and put on record accurately. As the art
of experimentation advances the principles should
become clear by virtue of which this planning and
designing achieve their purpose.
I t is as well to remember in this connection that
the principles and methods of even deductve reason-
ing were probably unknown for several thousand
years after the establishment of prosperous and
cultured civilisations. We take a knowledge of these
principles for granted, only because geometry is
universally taught in schools. The method and
material taught is essentially that of Euclid's text-
book of the third century B.C., and no one can make
any progress in that subject without thoroughly
familiarising his mind with the requirements of a

I precise deductive argufnent. Assuming the axioms,

the body of their logical consequences is built up
systematically and without ambiguity. Yet it is
certainly something of an accident historically that
this particular discipline should have become fashion-
able in the Greek Universities, and later embodied
in the curricula of secondary education. It would be
difficult to overstate how much the liberty of human
thought has owed to this fortunate circumstance.
Since Euclid's time there have been very long periods
during which the right of unfettered individual
judgment has been successfully denied in legal, moral,
and historical questions, but in which it has, none the
less, survived, so far as purely deductive reasoning
is concerned, within the shelter of apparently harmless
mathematical studies.
The liberation of the human intellect must, how-
ever, .remain incomplete so long as it is free only to
work out the consequences of a prescribed body of
dogmatic data, and is denied the access to unsuspected
truths, which only direct observation can give. The
development of experimental science has therefore
done much more than to multiply the technical
competence of mankind; and if, in these introductory
lines, I have seemed to wander far from the immediate
purpose of this book, it is only because the two
topics with which we shall be concerned, the arts of
experimental design and of the valid interpreta-
tion of experimental results, in so far as they can
be technically perfected, must constitute the core of
this claim to the exercise of full intellectual liberty.

The chapters which follo~ are designed to illus-

trate the principles which are common to all
experimentation, by means of examples chosen for
the simplicity with which these principles are brought
out. N ext, to exhibit the principal designs which
have been found successful in that field of experi-
mentation, namely agriculture, in which questions of
design have been most thoroughly studied, and to
illustrate their applicability to other fields of work.
Many of the most useful designs are extremely
simple, and these deserve the greatest attention, as
showing in what ways, and on what occasions, greater
elaboration may be advantageous. The careful reader
should be able to satisfy himself not only, in detail,
why some experiments have a complex structure, but
also how a complex observational record may be
handled with intelligibility and precision.
The subject is a new one, and in many ways the
most that the author can hope is to suggest possible
lines of attack on the problems with which others
are confronted. Progress in recent years has been
rapid, and the few sections devoted to the subject in
the author's Statistz'cal Methods for Research Workers,
first published in I925, have, with each succeeding
edition, come to appear more and more inadequate.
On purely statistical questions the reader must be
referred to that book. The present volume is an
attempt to do more thorough justice to the problems
of planning and foresight with which the experimenter
is confronted.


T. BAYES (1763). An essay towards solving a problem in the
doctrine of chances. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., liii. 370.
A. DE MOReAN (1838). An essay on probabilities and on their
application to life contingencies and insurance offices. Preface,
vi. Longman & Co.
R. A. FISHER. (1930). Inverse probability. Proc. Cambridge Phil.
Soc., xxvi. 528-535.
R. A. FISHER. (1932). Inverse probability and the use of likelihood.
Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., xxviii. 257-261.
R. A. FISHER (1935). The logic of inductive inference. Journal
Royal Statistical Society, xcviii., 39-54.
R. A. FISHER (1936). Uncertain inference. Am. Acad. of Arts
and Sciences.
5. Statement of Experiment
A LADY declares that by tasting a cup of tea made
with milk she can discriminate whether the milk or
the tea infusion was first added to the cup. We will
consider the problem of designing an experiment by
means of which this assertion can be tested. For
this purpose let us first lay down a simple form of
experiment with a view to studying its limitations
and its characteristics, both those which appear to
be essential to the experimental method, when well
developed, and those which are not essential but
Our experiment consists in mixing eight cups of
tea, four in one way and four in the other, and
presenting them to the subject for judgment in a
random order. The subject has been told in advance
of what the test will consist, namely that she will
be asked to taste eight cups, that these shall be four
of each kind, and that they shall be presented to her
in a random order, that is in an order not determined
arbitrarily by human choice, but by the actual
manipulation of the physical apparatus used in games
of chance, cards, dice, roulettes, etc., or, more

expeditiously, from a published collection of random

sampling numbers purporting to give the actual
results of such manipulation. Her task is to divide
the 8 cups into two sets of 4, agreeing, if possible,
with the treatments received.

6. Interpretation and its Reasoned Basis

In considering the appropriateness of any proposed
experimental design, it is always needful to forecast
all possible results of the experiment, and to have
decided without ambiguity what interpretation shall
be placed upon each one of them. Further, we must
know by what argument this interpretation is to be
sustained. In the present instance we may argue
as follows. There are 70 ways of choosing a group
of 4 objects out of 8. This may be demonstrated by
an argument familiar to students of " permutations
and combinations," namely, that if we were to choose
the 4 objects in succession we should have succes-
sively 8, 7, 6, 5 objects to choose from, and could
make our succession of choices in 8 x 7 x 6 x 5, or 1680
ways. But in doing this we have not only chosen
every possible set of 4, but every possible set in every
possible order; and since 4 objects can be arranged
in order in 4 X 3 x 2 X I, or 24 ways, we may find the
number of possible choices by dividing 1680 by 24.
The result, 70, is essential to our interpretation of
the experiment. At best the subject can judge rightly
with every cup and, knowing that 4 are of each kind,
this amounts to choosing, out of the 70 sets of 4 which
might be chosen, that particular one which is correct.
A subject without any faculty of discrimination would
in fact divide the 8 cups correctly into two sets of
4 in one trial out of 70, or, more properly, with a
frequency which would approach I in 70 more and
more nearly the more often the test were repeated.
Evidently this frequency, with which unfailing success
would be achieved by a person lacking altogether
the faculty under test, is calculable from the number
of cups used. The odds could be made much higher
by enlarging the experiment, while, if the experiment
were much smaller even the greatest possible success
would give odds so low that the result might, with
considerable probability, be ascribed to chance.

7. The Test of Significance

I t is open to the experimenter to be more or less
exacting in respect of the smallness of the probability
he would require before he would be willing to admit
that his observations have demonstrated a positive
result. I t is obvious that an experiment would be
useless of which no possible result would satisfy him.
Thus, if he wishes to ignore results having probabilities
as high as I in 20-the probabilities being of course
reckoned from the hypothesis that the phenomenon
to be demonstrated is in fact absent-then it would
be useless for him to experiment with only 3 cups of
tea of each kind. For 3 objects can be chosen out
of 6 in only 20 ways, and therefore complete success
in the test would be achieved without sensory dis-
crimination, i.e. by " pure chance," in an average of
5 trials out of roo. It is usual and convenient for

experimenters to take- 5 per cent. as a standard level

of significance, in the sense that they are prepared to
ignore all results which fail to reach this standard,
and, by this means, to eliminate from further dis-
cussion the greater part of the fluctuations which
chance causes have introduced into their experimental
results. No such selection can eliminate the whole
of the possible effects of chance. coincidence, and if
we accept this convenient convention, and agree that
an event which would occur by chance only once in
70 trials is decidedly" significant," in the statistical
sense, we thereby admit that no isolated experiment,
however significant in itself, can suffice for the
experimental demonstration of any natural phe-
nomenon; for the "one chance in a million" will
undoubtedly occur, with no less and no more than its
appropriate frequency, however surprised we may be
that it should occur to us. In order to assert that a
natural phenomenon is experimentally demonstrable
we need, not an isolated record, but a reliable method
of procedure. In relation to the test of significance,
we may say that a phenomenon is experimentally
demonstrable when we know how to conduct an
experiment which will rarely fail to give us a statis-
tically significant result.
Returning to the possible results of the psycho-
physical experiment, having decided that if every cup
were rightly classified a significant positive result
would be recorded, or, in other words, that we should
admit that the lady had made good her claim, what
should be our conclusion if, for each kind of cup, her

judgments are 3 right and 1 wrong? We may take '

it, in the present discussion, that any error in one
set of judgments will be compensated by an error
in the other, since it is known to the subject that
there are 4 cups of each kind. In enumerating the
number of ways of choosing 4 things out of 8, such
that 3 are right and 1 wrong, we may note that the
3 right may be chosen out of the 4 available in 4
ways and, independently of this choice, that the 1
wrong may be chosen, out of the 4 available, also in
4 ways. So that in all we could make a selection of
the kind supposed in 16 different ways. A similar
argument shows that, in each kind of judgment, 2
may be right and 2 wrong in 36 ways, I right and
3 wrong in 16 ways and none right and 4 wrong in
1 way only. It should be noted that the frequencies
of these five possible results of the experiment make
up together, as it is obvious they should, the 70 cases
out of 70.
I t is obvious, too, that 3 successes to I failure,
although showing a bias, or deviation, in the
right direction, could not be judged as statistically
significant evidence of a real sensory discrimination.
Fo~ its frequency of chance occurrence is 16 in 70,
or more than 20 per cent. Moreover, it is not the
best possible result, and in judging of its significance
we must take account not only of its own frequency,
but also of the frequency of any better result. In
the present instance " 3 right and I wrong" occurs
16 times, and "4 right" occurs once in 70 trials,
making 1 7 cases out of 70 as good as or better than

, that observed. The r~ason for including cases better

than that observed becomes obvious on considering
what our conclusions would have been had the case
of 3 right and r wrong only r chance, and the case of
4 right r6 chances of occurrence out of 70. The rare
case of 3 right and r wrong could not be judged
significant merely because it was rare, seeing that a
higher degree of success would frequently have been
scored by mere chance.

8. The Null Hypothesis

Our examination of the possible results of the
experiment has therefore led us to a statistical test
of significance, by which these results are divided
into two classes with opposed interpretations. Tests
of significance are of many different kinds, which
need not be considered here. Here we are only
concerned with the fact that the easy calculation in
permutations which we encountered, and which gave
us our test of significance, stands for something
present in every possible experimental arrangement;
or, at least, for something required in its interpretation.
Tt.t' '.:wo classes of results which are distinguished by
our test of significance are, on the one hand, those
which show a significant discrepancy from a certain
hypothesis; namely, in this case, the hypothesis that
the judgments given are in no way influenced by the
order in which the ingredients have been added; and
on the other hand, results which show no significant
discrepancy from this hypothesis. This hypothesis,
which mayor may not be impugned by the result of

an experiment, is again characteristic of all experi-

mentation. Much confusion would often be avoided
if it were explicitly formulated when the experiment
is designed. In relation to any experiment we may
speak of this hypothesis as the "null hypothesis,"
and it should be noted that the null hypothesis is
never proved or established, but is possibly disproved,
in the course of experimentation. Every experiment
may be said to exist only in order to give the facts a
chance of disproving the null hypothesis.
I t might be argued that if an experiment can
disprove the hypothesis that the subject possesses no
sensory discrimination between two different sorts of
object, it must therefore be able to prove the opposite
hypothesis, that she can make some such discrimina-
tion. But this last hypothesis, however reasonable
or true it may be, is ineligible as a null hypothesis
to be tested by experiment, because it is inexact. If
it were asserted that the subject would never be
wrong in her judgments we should again have an
exact hypothesis, and it is easy to see that this
hypothesis could be disproved by a single failure,
but could never be proved by any finite amount of
experimentation. It is evident that the null hypothesis
must be exact, that is free from vagueness and
ambiguity, because it must supply the basis of the
"problem of distribution," of which the test of
significance is the solution. A null hypothesis may,
indeed, contain arbitrary elements, and in more
complicated cases often does so. As, for example,
if it should assert that the death-rates. of two groups

of animals are equal, without specifying what these

death-rates actually are. In such cases it is evidently
the equality rather than any particular values of the
death-rates that the experiment is designed to test,
and possibly to disprove. The" error," so called,
of accepting the null hypothesis "when it is false,"
is thus always ill-defined both in magnitude and
frequency. We may, however, choose any null
hypothesis we please, provided it is exact.

9. Randomisation; the Physical Basis of the Validity

of the Test
We have spoken _of the experiment as testing a
certain null hypothesis, namely, in this case, that
the subject possesses no sensory discrimination what-
ever of the kind claimed; we have, too, assigned as
appropriate to this hypothesis a certain frequency
distribution of occurrences, based on the equal
frequency of the 70 possible ways of assigning 8
objects to two classes of 4 each; in other words, the
frequency distribution appropriate to a classification
by pure chance. We have now to examine the
physical conditions of the experimental technique
needed to justify the assumption that, if discrimination
of the kind under test is absent, the result of the
experiment will be wholly governed by the laws of
chance. I t is easy to see that it might well be other-
wise. If all those cups made with the milk first had
sugar added, while those made with the tea first had
none, a very obvious difference in flavour would
have been introduced which might well ensure that

all those made with sugar should be classed alike.
These groups might either be classified all right or
all wrong, but in such a case the frequency of the
critical event in which all cups are classified correctly
would not be I in 70, but 35 in 70 trials, and the test
of significance would be wholly vitiated. Errors
equivalent in principle to this are very frequently
incorporated in otherwise well-designed experiments.
I t is no sufficient remedy to insist that "all the
cups must be exactly alike" in every respect except
that to be tested. For this is a totally impossible
requirement in our example, and equally in all other
forms of experimentation. In practice it is probable
that the cups will differ perceptibly in the thickness or
smoothness of their material, that the quantities of
milk added to the different cups will not be exactly
equal, that the strength of the infusion of tea may
change between pouring the first and the last cup,
and that the temperature at which the tea is tasted
will change during the course of the experiment.
These are only examples ?f the differences probably
present; it would be impossible to present an
exhaustive list of such possible differences appropriate
to anyone kind of experiment, because the un-
controlled causes which may influence the result are
always strictly innumeraqle. When any such cause
is named, it is usually perceived that, by increased
labour and expense, it could be largely eliminated.
Too frequently it is assumed that such refinements
constitute improvements to the experiment. Our
VIew, which will be much more fully exemplified III

a later section, is that it is an essential characteristic

of experimentation that it is carried out with limited
resources, and an essential part of the subject of
experimental design to ascertain how these should
be best applied; or, in particular, to which causes of
disturbance care should be given, and which ought
to be deliberately ignored. To ascertain, too, for
those which are not to be ignored, to what extent it
is worth while to take the trouble to diminish their
magnitude. F or our present purpose, however, it is
only necessary to recognise that, whatever degree of
care and experimental skill is expended in equalising
the conditions, other than the one under test, which
are liable to affect the result, this equalisation must
always be to a greater or less extent incomplete, and
in many important practical cases will certainly be
grossly defective. We are concerned, therefore, that
this inequality, whether it be great or small, shall
not impugn the exactitude of the frequency dis-
tribution, on the basis of which the result of the
experiment is to be appraised.

10. The Effectiveness of Randomisation

The element in the experimental procedure which
contains the essential safeguard, is that the two
modifications of the test beverage are to be prepared
" in random order." This, in fact, is the only point
in the experimental procedure in which the laws of
chance, which are to be in exclusive control of our
frequency distribution, have been explicitly intro-
duced. The phrase" random order" itself, however,

must be regarded as an incomplete instruction,

standing as a kind of shorthand symbol for the full
procedure of randomisation, by which the validity
of the test of significance may be guaranteed against
corruption by the causes of disturbance which have
not been eliminated. To demonstrate that, with
satisfactory randomisation, its validity is, indeed,
wholly unimpaired, let us imagine all causes of
disturbance-the strength of the infusion, the quantity
of milk, the temperature at which it is tasted, etc.-
to be predeterminedI
for each cup; then since these,
on the nuIl hypothesis, are the only causes influencing
classification, we may say that the probabilities of
each of the 70 possible choices or classifications which
the subject can make are also predetermined. If,
now, after the disturbing causes are fixed, we assign,
strictly at random, 4 out of the 8 cups to each of our
experimental treatments, then every set of 4, whatever
its probability of being so classified, will certainly have
a probability of exactly I in 70 of oez'ng the 4, for
example, to which the milk is added first. However
important the causes of disturbance may be, even if
they were to make it certain that one particular set
of 4 should receive this classification, the probability
that the 4 so classified and the 4 which ought to have
been so classified should be the same, must be
rigorously in accordance with our test of significance.
I t is apparent, therefore, that the random choice
of the objects to be treated in different ways would be
a complete guarantee of the validity of the test of
significance, if these treatments were the last in time

of the stages in the physical history of the objects

which might affect their experimental reaction. The
circumstance that the experimental treatments cannot
always be applied last, and may come relatively early
in their history, causes no practical inconvenience;
for subsequent caus'es of differentiation, if under the
experimenter's control, as, for example, the choice of
different pipettes to be used with different flasks,
can either be predetermined before the treatments
have been randomised, or, if this has not been done,
can be randomised on their own account; and other
causes of differentiation will be either (a) conse-
quences of differences already randomised, or (b)
natural consequences of the difference in treatment
to be tested, of which on the null hypothesis there
will be none, by definition, or (c) effects supervening
by chance independently from the treatments applied.
Apart, therefore, from the avoidable error of the
experimenter himself introducing with his test treat-
ments, or subsequently, other differences in treatment,
the effects of which the experiment is not intended to
study, it may be said that the simple precaution of
randomisation will suffice to guarantee the validity
of the test of significance, by which the result of the
experiment is to be judged.

11. The Sensitiveness of an Experiment. Effects of

. Enlargement and Repetition
A probable objec which the subject might
well make to the experim far described, is that
only if every cup is classifie correctly will she be

judged successful. A single mistake will reduce her

performance below the level of significance. Her
claim, however, might be, not that she could draw
the distinction with invariable certainty, but that,
though sometimes mistaken, she would be right more
often than not; and that the experiment should
be enlarged sufficiently, or repeated sufficiently
often, for her to be able to demonstrate the
predominance of correct classifications in spite of
occasional errors.
An extension of the calculation upon which the
test of significance was based shows that an experi-
ment with 12 cups, six of each kind, gives, on the
null hypothesis, I chance in 924 for complete success,
and 36 chances for 5 of each kind classified right and
I wrong. As 37 is less than a twentieth of 924, such
a test could be counted as significant, although a pair
of cups have been wrongly classified; and it is easy
to verify that, using larger numbers still, a significant
result could be obtained with a still higher proportion
of errors. By increasing the size of the experiment,
we can render it more sensitive, meaning by this
that it will allow of the detection of a lower degree
of sensory discrimination, or, in other words, of a
quantitatively smaller departure from the null hypo-
thesis. Since in every case the experiment is capable
of disproving, but never of proving this hypothesis,
we may say that the value of the experiment is
increased whenever it permits the null hypothesis to
be more readily disproved.
The same result could be achieved by repeating

the experiment, as' originally designed, upon a

number of different occasions, counting as a success
all those occasions on which 8 cups are correctly
classified. The chance of success on each occasion
being I in 70, a simple application of the theory of
probability shows that 2 or more successes in 10 trials
would occur, by chance, with a frequency below the
standard chosen for testing significance; so that
the sensory discrimination would be demonstrated,
although, in 8 attempts out of 10, the subject made
one or more mistakes. This procedure may be
regar~ed as merely a second way of enlarging the
experiment and, thereby, increasing its sensitiveness,
since in our final calculation we take account of the
aggregate of the entire series of results, whether
successful or unsuccessful. I t would clearly be
illegitimate, and would rob our calculation of its
basis, if the unsuccessful results were not all brought
into the account.

12. Qualitative Methods of increasing Sensitiveness

Instead of enlarging the experiment we may
attempt to increase its sensitiveness by qualitative
improvements; and these are, generally speaking, of
two kinds: (a) the reorganisation of its structure,
and (b) refinements of technique. To illustrate a
change of structure we might consider that, instead
of fixing in advance that 4 cups should be of each
kind, determining by a random process how the
subdivision should be effected, we might have allowed
the treatment of each cup to be determined independ-
ently by chance, as by the toss of a coin, so that each
treatment has an equal chance of being chosen. The
chance of classifying correctly 8. cups randomised in
this way, without the aid of sensory discrimination,
is I in 2 8 , or I in 256 chances, and there are only
8 chances of classifying 7 right and I wrong; conse-
quently the sensitivene~s of the experiment has been
increased, while still using only 8 cups, and it is
possible to score a significant success, even if one is
classified wrongly. In many types of experiment,
therefore, the suggested change in structure would be
evidently advantageous. For the special require-
ments of a psycho-physical experiment, however, we
should probably prefer to forego this advantage,
since it would occasionally occur that all the cups
would be treated alike, and this, besides bewildering
the subject by an unexpected occurrence, would deny
her the real advantage of judging by comparison.
Another possible alteration to the structure of the
e~periment, which would, however, decrease its
sensitiveness, would be to present determined, but
un~qual, numbers of the two treatments. Thus we
might arrange that 5 cups should be of the one kind
and 3 of the other, choosing them properly by chance,
and informing the subject how many of each to
expect. But since the number of ways of choosing
3 things out of 8 is only 56, there is now, on the null
hypothesis, a probability of a completely correct
classification of I in 56. It appears in fact that we
cannot by these means do better than by presenting
the two treatments in equal numbers, and the choice

of this equality is now seen to be justified by its

giving to the experiment its maximal sensitiveness.
With respect to the refinements of technique, we
have seen above that these contribute nothing to
the validity of the experiment, and of the test of
significance by which we determine its result. They
may, however, be important, and even essential, in
permitting the phenomenon under test to manifest
itself. Though the test of significance remains valid,
it may be that without special precautions even a
definite sensory discrimination would have little
chance of scoring a significant success. If some
cups were made with India and some with China
tea, even though the treatments were properly
randomised, the subject might not be able to dis-
criminate the relatively small difference in flavour
under investigation, when it was confused with the
greater differences between leaves of different origin.
Obviously, a similar difficulty could be introduced
by using in some cups raw milk and in others boiled,
or even condensed milk, or by adding sugar in unequal
quantIties. The subject has a right to claim, and it
is in the interests of the sensitiveness of the experi-
ment, that gross differences of these kinds should be
excluded, and that the cups should, not as far as
possible, but as far as is practically convenient, be
made alike in all respects except that under test.
How far such experimental refinements should be
carried is entirely a matter of judgment, based on
expenence. The validity of the experiment is not
affected by them. Their sole purpose is to increase

its sensltlveness, and this object can usually be
achieved in many other ways, and particularly by
increasing the size of the experiment. If, therefore,
it is decided that the sensitiveness of the experiment
should be increased, the experimenter has the choice
between different methods of obtaining equivalent
results; and will be wise to choose whichever method
is easiest to him, irrespective of the fact that previous
experimenters may have tried, and recommended as
very important, or even essential, various ingenious
and troublesome precautions.


R. A. FISHER (1925-1936). Statistical methods for research
workers. Chap. III., 15-19.
R. A. FISHER (1926). The arrangement of field experiments.
Journal of Ministry of Agriculture, xxxiii. 503-513.
13. WE have illustrated a psycho-physical experiment,
the result of which depends upon judgments, scored
II right" or "wrong," and may be appropriately
interpreted by the method of the classical theory of
probability. This method rests on the enumeration
of the frequencies with which different combinations
of right or wrong judgments will occur, on the
hypothesis to be tested. We may now illustrate an
experiment in which the results are expressed in
quantitative measures, and which is appropriately
interpreted by means of the theory of errors.
In the introductory remarks to his book on II The
effects of cross and self-fertilisation in the vegetable
kingdom," Charles Darwin gives an account of the
considerations which guided him in the design of his
experiments and in the presentation of his data, which
will serve well to illustrate the principles on which
biological experiments may be made conclusive. The
passage is of especial interest in illustrating the
extremely crude and unsatisfactory statistical methods
available at the time, and the manner in which
careful attention to commonsense considerations led
to the adoption of an experimental design, in itself
greatly superior to these methods of interpretation.
14. Darwin's Discussion of the Data
" I long doubted whether it was worth while to
give the measurements of each separate plant, but
have decided to do so, in order that it may be seen
that the superiority of the crossed plants over the
self-fertilised, does not commonly depend on the
presence of two or three extra fine plants on the one
side, or of a few very poor plants on the other side.
Although several observers have insisted in general
terms on the offspring from intercrossed varieties
being superior to either parent-form, no precise
measurements have been given; and I have met with
no observations on the effects of crossing and self-
fertilising the individuals of the same variety. More-
over, experiments of this kind require so much time
-mine having been continued during eleven years-
that they are not likely soon to be repeated.
"As only a moderate number of crossed and
self-fertilised plants were measured, it was of great
importance to me to learn how far the averages were
trustworthy. I therefore asked Mr Galton, who has
had much experience in statistical researches, to
examine some of my tables of measurements, seven
in number, namely those of Jpom(Ea, Digitals,
Reseda lutea, Viola, Limnanthes, Petunia, and Zea.
I may premise that if we took by chance a dozen or
score of men belonging to two nations and measured
them, it would I presume be very rash to form any
judgment from such small numbers on their average
heights. But the case is somewhat different with my
crossed and self-fertilised plants, as they were of

exactly the same age, were subjected from first to

last to the same conditions, and were descended from
the same parents. When only from two to six pairs
of plants were measured, the results are manifestly
of little or no value, except in so far as they confirm
and are confirmed by experiments made on a larger
scale with other species. I will now give the report
on the seven tables of measurements, which Mr Galton
has had the great kindness to draw up for me."

15. Galton's Method of Interpretation

"I have examined the measurements of the plants with
care, and by many statistical methods, to find out how far
the means of the several sets represent constant realities,
such as would come out the same so long as the general
conditions of growth remained unaltered. The principal
methods that were adopted are easily explained by selecting
one of the shorter series of plants, say of Zea mays, for an
"The observations as I received them are shown in
columns II. and IlL, where they certainly have no prima
fade appearance of regularity. But as soon as we arrange
them in the order of their magnitudes, as in columns IV.
and V., the case is materially altered. We now see, with
few exceptions, that the largest plant on the crossed side in
each pot exceeds the largest plant on the self-fertilised side,
that the second exceeds the second, the third the third, and
so on. Out of the fifteen cases in the table, there are only
two exceptions to this rule.* We may therefore confidently
affirm that a crossed series will always be found to exceed
a self-fertilised series, within the range of the conditions
under which the present experiment has been made.
"Next as regards the numerical estimate of this excess.
* Galton evidently did not notice that this is true also before

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Pot. Crossed. Selffert. Differenceo

I. 18~ 19~ +oi

II. 20~ 19 -1~

The mean values of the several groups are so discordant,

as is shown in the table just given, that a fairly precise
numerical estimate seems impossible. But the consideration
arises, whether the difference between pot and pot may not
be of much the same order of importance as that of the
other conditions upon which the growth of the plants has
been modified. If so, and only on that condition, it would
follow that when all the measurements, either of the crossed
or the self-fertilised plants, were combined into a single
series, that series would be statistically regular. The
experiment is tried in columns VII. and VIII., where the
regularity is abundantly clear, and justifies us in considering
its mean as perfectly reliable. I have protracted these
measurements, and revised them in the usual way, by drawing
a curve through them with a free hand, but the revision
barely modifies the means derived from the original observa-
tions. In the present, and in nearly all the other cases, the
difference between the original and revised means is under
2 per cent. of their value. I t is a very remarkable coincidence
that in the seven kinds of plants, whose measurements I
have examined, the ratilJ\between the heights of the crossed
and of the self-fertilised ranges in five cases within very
narrow limits. In Zea mays it is as 100 to 84, and in the
others it ranges between 100 to 76 and 100 to 86.
" The determination of the variability (measured by what
is technically called the' probable error ') is a problem of
more delicacy than that of determining the means, and I
doubt, after making many trials, whether it is possible to

derive useful conclusions from these few observations. We
ought to have measurements of at least fifty plants in each
case, in order to be in a position to deduce fair results . . . . "

" Mr Galton sent me at the same time graphical

representations which he had made of the measure-
ments, and they evidently form fairly regular curves.
He appends the words' very good' to those of Zea
and Lz'mnaJzthes. He also calculated the average
height of the crossed and self-fertilised plants in the
seven tables by a more correct method than that
followed by me, namely, by including the heights,
as estimated in accordance with statistical rules, of a
few plants which died before they were measured;
whereas I merely added up the heights of the sur-
vivors, and divided the sum by their number. The
difference in our results is in one way highly satis-
factory, for the average heights of the self-fertilised
plants, as deduced by Mr Galton, is less than mine in
all the cases excepting one, in which our averages are
the same; and this shows that I have by no means
exaggerated the superiority of the crossed over the
self-fertilised plants."

16. Pairing and Grouping

I t is seen that the method of comparison adopted
by Darwin is that of pitting each self-fertilised plant
against a cross-fertilised one, in conditions made as
equal as possible. The pairs so chosen for comparison
had germinated at the same time, and the soil con-
ditions in which they grew were largely equalised by
planting in the same pot. Necessarily they were not of

the same parentage, as it would be difficult in maize to

self-fertilise two plants, at the same time as raising a
cross-fertilised progeny from the pair. However, the
parents were presumably grown from the same batch
of seed. The evident object of these precautions is to
increase the sensitiveness of the experiment, by making
such differences in growth rate as were to be observed
as little as possible dependent from environmental
circumstances, and as much as possible, therefore,
from intrinsic differences due to their mode of origin.
The method of pairing, which is much used in
modern biological work, illustrates well the way in
which an appropriate experimental design is able to
reconcile two desiderata, which sometimes appear to
be in conflict. On the one hand we require the
utmost uniformity in the biological material, which
is the subject of experiment, in order to increase the
sensitiveness of each individual observation; and,
on the other, we require to multiply the observations
so as to demonstrate as far as possible the reliability
and consistency of the results. Thus an experimenter
with field crops may desire to replicate his experiments
upon a large number of plots, but be deterred by the
consideration that his facilities allow him to sow only
a limited area on the same day. An experimenter
with small mammals may have only a limited supply
of an inbred and highly uniform stock, which he
believes to be particularly desirable for experimental
purposes. Or, he may desire to carry out his experi-
ments on members of the same litter, and feel that
his experiment is limited by the size of the largest
litter he can obtain. I t has, i~deed, frequently been
argued that, beyond a certain moderate degree,
further replication can give no further increase in
precision, owing to the increasing heterogeneity with
which, it is thought, it must be accompanied. In all
these cases, however, and in the many analogous cases
which constantly arise, there is no real dilemma.
Uniformity is only requisite between the objects
whose response is to be contrasted (that is, objects
treated differently). It is not requisite that all the
parallel plots under the same treatment shall be
sown on the same day, but only that each such plot
shall be sown as far as possible simultaneously with
the differently treated plot or plots with which it is to
be compared. If, therefore, only two kinds of treat-
ments are under examination, pairs of plots may be
chosen, one plot for each treatment; and the precision
of the experiment will be given its highest value if
the members of each pair are treated closely alike,
but will gain nothing from similarity of treatment
applied to different pairs, nor lose anything if the
conditions in these are somewhat varied. In the
same way, if the numbers of animals available from
any inbred line are too few for adequate replication,
the experimental contrasts in treatments may be
applied to pairs of animals from different inbred
lines, so long as each pair belongs to the same line.
In these two cases it is evident that the principle of
combining similarity between controls to be com-
pared, with diversity between parallels, may be
extended to cases where three or more treatments

are under investigation. The requirement that

animals to be contrasted must come from the same
litter limits, not the amount of replication, but the
number of different treatments that can be so tested.
Thus we might test three, but not so easily four or
five treatments, if it were necessary that each set of
animals must be of the same sex and litter. Paucity
of homogeneous material limits the number of different
treatments in an experiment, not the number of
replications. It may cramp the scope and compre-
hensiveness of an experimental enquiry, but sets no
limit to its possible precision.

17. "Student's" t Test *

Owing to the historical accident that the theory
of errors, by which quantitative data are to be
interpreted, was developed without reference to experi-
mental methods, the vital principle has often been
overlooked that the actual and physical conduct of
an experiment must govern the statistical procedure
of its interpretation. In using the theory of errors
we rely for our conclusion upon one or more estimates
of error, derived from the data, and appropriate to
the one or more sets of comparisons which we wish
to make. Whether these estimates are valid, for the
purpose for which we intend them, depends on what
* A full account of this test in more varied applications, and the
tables for its use will be found in Statistical Methods for Research
Workers. Its originator, who published anonymously under the
pseudonym "Student," possesses the remarkable distinction that,
without being a professed mathematician, he made early in life this
revolutionary refinement of the classical theory of errors.

has been actually done. I t is possible, and indeed it

is all too frequent, for an experiment to be so con-
ducted that no valid estimate of error is available.
In such a case the experiment cannot be said, strictly,
to be capable of proving anything. Perhaps it should
not, in this case, be called an experiment at all, but
be added merely to the body of experience on which,
for lack of anything better, we may have to base our
opinions. All that we need to emphasise immediately
is that, if an experiment does allow us to calculate a
valid estimate of error, its structure must completely
determine the statistical procedure by which this
estimate is to be calculated. I f this were not so, no
interpretation of the data could ever be unambiguous;
for we could never be sure that some other equally
valid method of interpretation would not lead to a
different result.
The object of the experiment is to determine
whether the difference in origin between inbred and
cross-bred plants influences their growth rate, as
measured by height at a given date; in other words,
if the numbers of the two sorts of plants were to be
increased indefinitely, our object is to determine
whether the average heights, to which these two
aggregates of plants will tend, are equal or unequal.
The most general statement of our null hypothesis is
therefore that the limits to which these two averages
tend are equal. The theory of errors enables us to
test a somewhat more limited hypothesis, which, by
wide experience, has been found to be appropriate to
the metrical characters of experimental material in
biology. The disturbing causes which introduce dis-
crepancies in the means of measurements of similar
material are found to produce quantitative effects
which conform satisfactorily to a theoretical distribu-
tion known as the normal law of frequency of error.
I t is this circumstance that makes it appropriate to
choose, as the null hypothesis to be tested, one for
which an exact statistical criterion is available, namely
that the two groups of measurements are samples
drawn from the same normal population. On the
basis of this hypothesis we may proceed to compare
the average difference in height, between the cross-
fertilised and the self-fertilised plants, with such
differences as might be expected between these
averages, in view of the observed discrepancies
between the heights of plants of like origin.
We must now see how the adoption of the method
of pairing determines the details of the arithmetical
procedure, so as to lead to an unequivocal interpreta-
tion. The pairing procedure, as indeed was its
purpose, has equalised any differences in soil condi-
tions, illumination, air-currents, etc., in which the
several pairs of individuals may differ. Such
differences having been eliminated from the experi-
mental comparisons, and contributing nothing to the
real errors of our experiment, must, for this reason,
be eliminated likewise from our estimate of error,
upon which we are to judge what differences between
the means are compatible with the null hypothesis,
and what differences are so great as to be incompatible
with it. We are therefore not concerned with the

differences in height among plants of like origin, but
only with differences in height between members of
the same pair, and with the discrepancies among
these differences observed in different pairs. Our first
step, therefore, will be to subtract from the height of
each cross-fertilised plant the height of the self-
fertilised plant belonging to the same pair. The
differences are shown below in eighths of an inch.
With respect to these differences our null hypothesis
asserts that they are normally distributed about a
mean value at zero, and we have to test whether
our 15 observed .differences are compatible with the
supposition that they are a sample from such a
Differences in eighths of an inch between cross- and
self-fertilised plants of the same pair
49 23 56
-67 28 24
8 41 75
. 16 14 60
6 29 -48

The calculations needed to make a rigorous test

of the null hypothesis stated above, involve no more
than the sum, and the sum of the squares, of these
numbers. The sum is 314, and, since there are IS
plants, the mean difference is 20 14 in favour of the
cross-fertilised plants. The sum of the squares is
26,518, and from this is deducted the product of
the total and the mean, or 6573, leaving 19,945
for the sum of squares of deviations from the
mean, representing discrepancies among the differences

observed in the 15 pairs. The algebraic fact here

used is that
S(x-x)2 = S(x 2 )-xS(x)
where S stands for summation over the sample, and
x for the mean value of the observed differences, x.
We may make from this measure of the dis~
crepancies an estimate of a quantity known as the
variance of an individual difference, by dividing by
14, one less than the number of pairs observed.
Equally, and what is more immediately required, we
may make an estimate of the variance of the mean
of 15 such pairs, by dividing again by 15, a process
which yields 94' 976 as the estimate. The square root
of the variance is known as the standard error, and it
is by the ratio which our observed mean difference
bears to its standard error that we shall judge of its
significance. Dividing our difference, 20'933, by z'ts
standard error 9' 746, we find this ratio (which IS
usually denoted by t) to be 2' 148.
The object of these calculations has been to
obtain from the data a quantity measuring the
average difference in height between the cross~
fertilised and the self-fertilised plants, in terms of the
observed discrepancies among these differences; and
which, moreover, shall be distributed in a known
manner when the null hypothesis is true. The
mathematical distribution for our present problem
was discovered by " Student" in 1908, and depends
only upon the number of in~ependent comparisons
(or the number of degrees of freedom) available for
calculating the estimate of error. With 15 observed
differences we have among them 14 independent dis-
crepancies, and our degrees of freedom are 14. The
available tables of the distribution of t show that for
14 degrees of freedom the value 2' 145 is exceeded
by chance, either in the positive or negative direction,
in exactly 5 per cent. of random trials. The observed
value of t, 2' 148, thus just exceeds the 5 per cent.
point, and the experimental result may be judged
significant, though barely so.

18. Fallacious Use of Statistics

We may now see that Darwin's judgment was
perfectly sound, in judging that it was of importance
to learn how far the averages were trustworthy, and
that this could be done by a statistical examination
of the tables of measurements of individual plants,
though not of their averages. The example chosen,
in fact, falls just on the border-line between those
results which can suffice by themselves to establish
the point at issue, and those which are of little value
except in so far as they confirm or are confirmed by
other experiments of a like nature. In particular, it
is to be noted that Darwin recognised that the
reliability of the result must be judged by the con-
sistency of the superiority of the crossed plants over
the self-fertilised, and not only on the difference of
the averages, which might depend, as he says, on the
presence of two or three extra-fine plants on the one
side, or of a few very poor plants on the other side;
and that therefore the presentation of the experi-
mental evidence depended essentially on giving the

measurements of each independent plant, and could

not be assessed from the mere averages.
I t may be noted also that Galton's scepticism of
the value of the probable error, deduced from only
15 pairs of observations, though, as it turned out,
somewhat excessive, was undoubtedly right ill
principle. The standard error (of which the probable
error is only a conventional fraction) can only be
estimated with considerable uncertainty from so
small a sample, and, prior to " Student's" solution
of the problem, it was by no means clear to what
extent this uncertainty would invalidate the test of
significance. From" Student's" work it is now
known that the cause for anxiety was not so great
as it might have seemed. Had the standard error
been known with certainty, or derived from an
effectively infinite number of observations, the
5 per cent. value of t would have been 1.960. When
our estimate is based upon only 15 differences, the
5 per cent. value, as we have seen, is 2145, or less
than 10 per cent. greater. Even using the inexact
theory available at the time, a calculation of the
probable error would have provided a valuable guide
to the interpretation of the results.

19. Manipulation of the Data

A much more serious fallacy appears to be involved
in Galton's assumption that the value of the data,
for the purpose for which they were intended, could
be increased by re-arranging the comparisons.
Modern statisticians are familiar with the notions
that any finite body of data contains only a limited
amount of information, on any point under examina-
tion; that this limit is set by the nature of the data
themselves, and cannot be increased by any amount
of ingenuity expended in their statistical examina-
tion: that the statistician's task, in fact, is limited
to the extraction of the whole of the available
information on any particular issue. I f the results
of an experiment, as obtained, are in fact irregular,
this evidently detracts from their value; and the
statistician is not elucidating but falsifying the facts,
who re-arranges them so as to give an artificial
appearance of regularity.
In re-arranging the results of Darwin's experiment
it appears that Galton thought that Darwin's experi-
ment would be equivalent to one in which the heights
of pairs of contrasted plants had been those given in
his columns headed VI. and VII., and that the
reliability of Darwin's average difference of about
2i inches could be fairly judged from the constancy
of the 15 differences shown in column V I I I.
How great an effect this procedure, if legitimate,
would have had on the significance of the result,
rna y be s~en by treating these artificial differences as
we have treated the actual differences given by
Darwin. Applying the same arithmetical procedure
as before, we now find t equals 5 17 I, a value which
would be exceeded by chance only about once or twice
in 10,000 trials, and is far beyond the level of signifi-
cance ordinarily required. The falsification, inherent
in this mode of procedure, will be appreciated, if we

consider that the talrest plant, of either the crossed

or the self-fertilised series, will have become the
tallest by reason of a number of favourable circum-
stances, including among them those which produce
the discrepancies between those pairs of plants, which
were actually grown together. By taking the differ-
ence between these two favoured plants we have
largely eliminated real causes of error which have
affected the value of our observed mean. We have,
in doing this, grossly violated the principle that the
estimate of error must be based on the effects of the
very same causes of variation as have produced the
real errors in our experiment. Through this fallacy
Galton is led to speak of the mean as perfectly reliable,
when, from its standard error, it appears that a
repetition of the experiment would often give a mean
quite 50 per cent. greater or less than that observed in
this case.
20. Validity and Randomisation
Having decided that, when the structure of the
experiment consists in a number of independent
comparisons between pairs, our estimate of the error
of the average difference must be based upon the
discrepancies between the differences actually ob-
served, we must next enquire what precautions are
needed in the practical conduct of the experiment
to guarantee that such an estimate shall be a valid
one; that is to say that the very same causes that
produce our real error shall also contribute the
materials for computing an estimate of it. The logical
necessity of this requirement is readily apparent, for,
if causes of variation which do i;ot influence our real
error are allowed to affect our estimate of it, or equally,
if causes of variation affect the real error in such a
way as to make no contribution to our estimate, this
estimate will be vitiated, and will be incapable of
providing a correct statement as to the frequency
with which our real error will exceed any assigned
quantity; and such a statement of frequency is the
sole purpose for which the estimate is of any use.
Nevertheless, though its logical necessity is easily
apprehended, the question of the validity of the
estimates of error used in tests of significance was for
long ignored, and is still often overlooked in practice.
One reason for this is that standardised methods of
statistical analysis have been taken over ready-made
from a mathematical theory, into which questions
of experimental detail do not explicitly enter. In
consequence the assumptions which enter implicitly
into the bases of the theory have not been brought
prominently under the notice of practical experi-
menters. A second reason is that it has not until
recently been recognised that any simple precaution
would supply an absolute guarantee of the validity
of the calculations.
In the experiment under consideration, apart from
chance differences in the selection of seeds, the sole
source of the experimental error in the average of our
fifteen differences lies in the differences in soil fertility,
illumination, evaporation, etc., which make the site
of each crossed plant more or less favourable to
growth than the site assigned to the corresponding

self-fertilised plant. 'It is for this reason th~t every

precaution, such as mixing the soil, equalising the
watering and orienting the pot s~ as to give equal
illumination, may be expected to increase the precision
of the experiment. If, now, when the fifteen pairs of
sites have been chosen, and in so doing all the
differences in environmental circumstances, to which
the members of the different pairs will be exposed
during the course of the experiment, hCfive been
predetermined, we then assign at random, as by.
tossing a coin, which site shall be occupied by the
crossed and which by the self-fertilised plant, we
shall be assigning by the same act whether this
particular ingredient of error shall appear in our
average with a positive or a negative sign. Since
each particular error has thus an equal and
independent chance of being positive or negative,
the error of our average will necessarily be distributed
in a sampling distribution, centred at zero, which
will be symmetrical in the sense that to each possible
positive error there corresponds an equal negative
error, which, as our procedure guarantees, will in fact
occur with equal probability.
Our estimate of error is easily seen to depend
only on the same fifteen ingredients, and the arith-
metical processes of summation, subtraction and
division may be designed, and have in fact been
designed, so as to provide the estimate appropriate
to the system of chances which our method of choosing
sites had imposed on the data. This is to say much
more than merely that the, experiment is unbiased,

for we might still call the experiment unbiased if the
whole of the cross-fertilised plants had been assigned
to the west side of the pots, and the self-fertilised
plants to the east side, by a single toss of the coin.
That this would be insufficient to ensure the validity
of our estimate may be easily seen; for it might well
be that some unknown circumstance, such as the
incidence of different illumination at different times
of the day, or the desiccating action of the air-currents
prevalent in the greenhouse, might systematically
favour all the plants on one side over those on the
other. The effect of any such prevailing cause would
then be confounded with the advantage, real or
apparent, of cross-breeding over inbreeding, and
would be eliminated from our estimate of error,
which is based solely on the discrepancies between
the differences shown by different pairs of plants.
Randomisation properly carried out, in which each
pair of plants is assigned their positions independently
at random, ensures that the estimates of error will
take proper care of all such causes of different growth
rates, and relieves the experimenter from the anxiety
of considering and estimating the magnitude of the
innumerable causes by which his data may be
disturbed. The one flaw in Darwin's procedure was
the absence of randomisation.
Had the same measurements bt\en obtained from
pairs of plants properly randomised the experiment
would, as we have shown, have fallen on the verge
of significance. Galton was led greatly to over-
estimate its conclusiveness through the major error

of attempting to estimate the reliabflity of the
comparisons by re-arranging the two series in order
of magnitude. His discussion sho'fs, in other respects,
an over-confidence in the power of statistical methods
to remedy the irregularities of the actual data. In
particular the attempt mentioned by Darwin to
improve on the simple averages of the two series
"by a more correct method . . . by including the
heights, as estimated in accordance with statistical
rules, of a few plants which died before they were
measured," seems to go far beyond the limits of
justifiable inference, and is one of many indications
that the logic of statistical induction was in its
infancy, even at a time when the technique of
accurate experimentation had already been notably

21. Test of a Wider Hypothesis

It has been mentioned that" Student's" t test, in
conformity with the classical theory of errors, is
appropriate to the null hypothesis that the two
groups of measurements are samples drawn from the
same normally distributed population. This is the
type of null hypothesis which experimenters, rightly
in the author's opinion, usually consider it appropriate
to test, for reasons not only of practical convenience,
but because the unique properties of the normal
distribution make it alone suitable for general applica-
tion. There has, however, in recent years, been a
tendency for theoretical statisticians, not closely m
touch with the requirements of experimental data, to
stress the element of normality, in the hypothesis
tested, as though it were a serious limitation to the
test applied. I t is, indeed, demonstrable that, as a
test of this hypothesis, the exactitude of " Student's"
t test is absolute. It may, nevertheless, be legitimately
asked whether we should obtain a materially different
result were it possible to test the wider hypothesis
which merely asserts that the two series are drawn
from the same population, without specifying that
this is normally distributed.
In these discussions it seems to have escaped
recognition that the physical act of randomisation,
which, as has been shown, is necessary for the
validity of any test of significance, affords the means,
in respect of any particular body of data, of examining
the wider hypothesis in which no normality of
distribution is implied. The arithmetical procedure
of such an examination is tedious, and we shall only
give the results of its application in order to show
the possibility of an independent check on the more
expeditious methods in common use.
On the hypothesis that the two series of seeds are
random samples from identical populations, and that
their sites have been assigned to members of each
pair independently at random, the 15 differences
of Table 3 would each have occurred with equal
frequency with a positive or with a negative sign.
Their sum, taking account of the two negative signs
which have actually occurred, is 314, and we may ask
how many of the 2 15 numbers. which may be formed
by giving each component alternatively a positive and

a negative sign, exceed. this value. Since ex hypothes

each of these 2 15 combinations will occur by chance
with equal frequency, a knowlegge of how many of
them are equal to or greater than the value actually
observed affords a direct arithmetical test of the
significance of this value.
I t is easy to see that if there were no negative signs,
or only one, every possible combination would exceed
314, while if the negative signs are 7 or more, every
possible combination will fall short of this value. The
distribution of the cases, when there are from 2 to 6
negative values, is shown in the following table : -
Number of combinations of differences, positive or negative,
which exceed or fall short of the total observed

Number of negative
values. >3 1 4 = 314 <3 1 4 Total.

0 I ... ... I
I IS ... ... IS
2 94 I 10 !OS
3 26 3 3 189 455
4 302 II 1,05 2 1,3 6 5
5 138 12 2,853 3,003
6 22 1 4,982 5,005
7 or more ... . .. 22,81 9 22,8 19

Total. 835 28 3 1,9 0 5 3 2,7 68

I I \

In just 863 cases out of 32,768 the total deviation

will have a positive value as great as or greater than
that observed. In an equal number of cases it will
have as great a negative value. The two groups
together constitute 5' 267 per cent. of the possibilities
available, a result very nearly equivalent to that
obtained using the t test with" the hypothesis of a
normally distributed population. Slight as it is,
indeed, the difference between the tests of these two
hypotheses is partly due to the continuity of the
t distribution, which effectively counts only half of
the 28 cases which give a total of exactly 314, as being
as great as or greater than the observed value.
Both tests prove that, in about 5 per cent. of trials,
samples from the same batch of seed would show
differences just as great, and as regular, as those
observed; so that the experimental evidence is
scarcely sufficient to stand alone. In conjunction with
other experiments, however, showing a consistent
advantage of cross-fertilised seed, the experiment has
considerable weight; since only once in 40 trials
would a chance deviation have been observed both
so large, and in the right direction.
How entirely appropriate to the present problem
is the use of the distribution of t, based on the theory
of errors, when accurately carried out, may be seen
by inserting an adjustment, which effectively allows
for the discontinuity of the measurements. This
adjustment is not usually of practical importance,
with the t test, and is only given here to show the
close similarity of the results of testing the two hypo-
theses, in one of which the errors are distributed
according to the normal law, whereas in the other
they may be distributed in any conceivable manner.
The adjustment * consists in calculating the value of t
* This adjustment is an extension to the distribution of t of Yates'
adjustment for continuity, which is of greater importance in the
distribution of X2 , for which it was developed.

as though the total di'fference between the two sets of

measurements were less than that actually observed
by half a unit of grouping; .e. as if it were 3 I 3
instead of 314, since the possible values advance by
steps of 2. The value of t is then found to be 2' 139
instead of 2 '148. The following table shows the
effect of the adjustment on the test of significance,
and its relation to the test of the more general
Probability of a Positive
Difference exceeding that
t. observed.
. {unadjusted . 2'148 2' 48 5 per cent.
Normal hypothesIs a d'JUS t ed . 2'139 2'5 2 9
General hypothesis . 2634

The difference between the two hypotheses is thus

equivalent to little more than a probability of one in
a thousand.


C. DARWIN (1876). The effects of cross- and self-fertilisation in the
vegetable kingdom. John Murray, London.
" STUDENT" (1908). The probable error of a mean. Biometrika,
vi. 1-25.
R. A. FISHER (1925). Applications of " Student's" distribution.
Metron, v. 90-104.
R. A. FISHER (1925-1936). Statistical methods for research
workers. Chap. V., 23-24.
22. Description of the Experiment
IN pursuance of the principles indicated by the
discussions in the previous chapters we may now take
an example from agricultural experimentation, the
branch of the subject in which these principles have
so far been most explicitly developed, and in which
the advantages and disadvantages of the different
methods open to the experimenter may be most
clearly discussed.
We will suppose that our experiment is designed
to test the relative productivity, or yield, of five
different varieties of a farm crop; and that a decision
has already been arrived at as to what produce shall
be regarded as yield. In the case of cereal crops, for
example, we may decide to measure the yield as total
grain, or as grain sufficiently large not to pass a
specified sieve, or as grain and straw valued together
at predetermined prices, or in whatever method' may
be deemed appropriate for the purposes of the
experiment. Our object is to determine whether, on
the soil or in the climatic conditions experienced by
the test, any of the varieties tested yield more than
others, and, if so, to evaluate the differences with a
determinate degree of precision.
We shall suppose that the experimental area IS
divided into eight compact, or approximately square,
blocks, and that each of these is divided into five plots
running from end to end of the block, and lying side
by side, making forty plots in all. Apart from the
differences in variety to be used, the whole area is
to have uniform agricultural treatment. At harvest,
narrow edges about a foot in width for cereal crops,
or the width of a single row for larger plants, such as
roots and potatoes, are to be discarded from experi-
mental yields; the central portions, cut to be of equal
area, are to be harvested, and the produce weighed,
or, if preferred, measured in some other manner.
In each block the five plots are assigned one to
each of the five varieties under test, and this assign-
ment is made at random. This does not mean that
the experimenter writes down the names of the
varieties, or letters standing for them, in any order
that may occur to him, but that he carries out a
physical experimental process of randomisation, using
means which shall ensure that each variety has an
equal chance of being tested on any particular plot
of ground. A satisfactory method is to use a pack
of cards numbered from I to 100, and to arrange
them in random order by repeated shuffling. The
varieties are then numbered from I to 5, and any card
such as number 33, for example, is deemed to corre-
spond to variety number 3, because on dividing by
5 this number is found as the remainder. Numbers
divisible by 5 will correspond to variety number 5.
The order of varieties in each block may then be

quickly determined from the order of the cards In
the pack, after thoroughly shuffling. The remainder
corresponding to any variety is disregarded after its
first occurrence in the block.
Since 5 is a divisor of a hundred, each variety will
be represented by 20 cards, and the probabilities of
each appearing in any particular place will be equal.
I f we had been randomising six varieties we should
have used a number of cards divisible by 6, for
example 96, and could, for this purpose, use the same
pack as before, discarsiing the 4 cards numbers 97 to 100,
or indeed, any other four cards the numbers of which
leave the remainders I, 2, 3 and 4 on dividing by 6.
To save the labour of card shuffling use is often
made of printed tables of random sampling numbers,
in which, for example, all numbers of 4 figures are
arranged in random order. Starting at any point
in such a table and proceeding in any direction, such
as up or down the columns, or along the rows, we
may take each pair of digits to represent the number
of a card in the pack of 100, disregarding any which
may be superfluous for our purpose. Using such
means the process of randomisation is extremely rapid,
and a chart showing the arrangement of the experi-
ment may be prepared as quickly as if the varieties
had been set out in a systematic order.

23. Statistical Analysis of the Observations

The arithmetical discussion by which the experi-
ment is to be interpreted is known as the analysis of
variance. This is a simple arithmetical procedure, by
. .
means of whIch the results may be arranged and
presented in a single compact table, which shows
both the structure of the experiment and the relevant
results, in such a way as to facilitate the necessary
tests of their significance. The structure of the
experiment is determined when it is planned, and
before the content of its results, consisting of the
actual yields from the different plots, is known. It
depends on the number of varieties to be compared,
on the number of replications of each obtainable, and
on the system by which these are arranged; in our
present example in randomised blocks. In its arith-
metical aspect this structure is specified by the numbers
of degrees of freedom, or of independent comparisons,
which can be made between the plots, or relevant
groups of plots. Between 40 plots 39 independent
comparisons can be made, and so the total number
of degrees of freedom will be 39. This number will
be divided into 3 parts representing the numbers of
independent comparisons (a) between varieties, (b)
between blocks, and (c) representing the discrepancies
between the relative performances of different varieties
in different blocks, which discrepancies provide a basis
for the estimation of error. We may specify the structure
of our typical experiment by a partition of the total of
39 degrees of freedom into these three parts as under.
Structure of an Experiment in Randomised Blocks
Varieties 4
Blocks 7
Error 28
It is easy to see that the number of degrees of
freedom for any group of simple comparisons, such as
those between varieties or between blocks, must be
I less than the number of items to be compared. In
the present instance, in which the plots are assigned
within the blocks wholly at random the whole of the
remaining 28 degrees of freedom are due simply to
differences in fertility between different plots within
the same block, and are therefore available for
providing the estimate of error. As will be explained
more fully later, many more complicated modes of
subdivision of the total number of degrees of freedom
may be employed, and will be appropriate to more
complicated forms of experimental enquiry. The form
we have set out is appropriate to the question whether
the yields given by the different varieties show, as
a whole, greater differences than would ordinarily be
found, had only a single variety been sown on the
same land. It is appropriate to test the null hypo-
thesis that our 5 varieties give in fact equal yields.
The completion of the analysis of variance, when
the yields are known, must be strictly in accordance
with the structure imposed by the design of the
experiment, and consists in the partition of a quantity
known as the sum of squares (i.e., of deviations from
the mean) into the same three parts as those into
which we have already divided the degrees of freedom.
Our data consist of 40 yields (y), 5 from each block
and 8 from each variety which, for further calculation,
can be conveniently arranged in a table of 5 columns
and 8 lines.
Scheme for calculation of totals and means
Total Mean
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F j
G g
H h
Total P Q R S T M
Mean p q r s t m

The totals of the five columns will then represent the

totals of the yields obtained from the 5 varieties and
may be designated by the capital letters P, Q, R, S
and T. The mean yields from the five varieties,
found by dividing these by 8, will be designated by
small letters p, q, r, sand t. In like manner the
totals of the rows will represent the total yields
harvested from each of the blocks of land used; we
shall denote these by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and
the corresponding means by a, b, c, d, e, j, g, h.
Evidently, the totals of the rows and the totals of
the columns are sub-totals of the same grand total,
denoted by M, from which the general mean m is
derived by dividing by 40. The arrangement is
illustrated in Table 7, also Table 7A, p. 76, gives some
numerical observations in this form.
The sum of squares of deviations from the mean,
which, in the analysis of variance, is to be divided into
portions corresponding to varieties, blocks, and error,

is found by adding together the squares of the 40

recorded yields, and deducting the product Mm. The
difference, which corresponds to the total 39 degrees of
freedom is actually the sum of the squares of the 40
differences or deviations between the actual yields, y,
and their general mean, m; it therefore measures
the total amount of variation due to all causes,
observed between our different plots. The method
we have given, however, for obtaining this quantity
is convenient for our purpose, for the product Mm is
used also in our calculation of the other entries of
the table, which are indeed rapidly obtainable once
the total sum of squares is known. The portion,
for example, corresponding to the 4 degrees of
freedom between varieties is found simply by summing
the products Pp+ Qq+ . . . , and deducting Mm.
Similarly, the portion ascribable to the 7 degrees of
freedom between blocks is obtained by summing the
products Aa+ Bb+Cc ... , and deducting Mm.
Knowing the contributions to the sum of squares of .
these I I degrees of freedom, the amount corresponding
to the remaining 28 degrees of freedom, due to error,
may be found by subtraction from the total. In this
way the total sum of squares, representing the total
amount of variation due to all causes between the
40 yields of the experiment, is divided into the 3
portions relevant to its interpretation, measuring
respectively the amount of variation between varieties,
the amount of variation between blocks, and the
amount of discrepancy between the performances of
the different varieties in the different blocks. The

greater part of the arithmetical labour is accom-

plished with the calculation of the total sum of
Corresponding to the three sums of squares into
which the total has been partitioned, we may now
calculate the mean squares, by dividing each by the
corresponding number of degrees of freedom. On
the null hypothesis the mean squares for variety and
error have the particularly simple interpretation that
each may be regarded as an independent estimate of
the same single quantity, the variance due to error of
a single plot. I f the varieties had in fact the same
yield the mean square derived from the 4 degrees
of freedom of varieties would have, on the average,
the same value as that derived from the 28 degrees of
freedom for error. In anyone trial these values would
indeed differ, but only by errors of random sampling.
The relative precision of our estimates is determined
solely by the number of degrees of freedom upon
which each is based, so that, knowing these numbers,
the ratio of any two estimates affords a test of
significance. In other words, on the null hypothesis
the random sampling distribution of this ratio is
precisely known. Thus, in our example, it would
happen just once in 20 trials that the estimate based
on 4 degrees of freedom exceeded that based on
28 degrees of freedom in a ratio greater than 2' 714.
If, therefore, the observed ratio exceeds this level,
we have a measurable basis for confidence that the
differences observed between the yields of the different
varieties are not due wholly to the differences in

fertility of the plots on which they were grown.

Again, in only I per cent. of trials will the ratio
exceed 4'0/4, a value which thus m,lrks the level
of a more severe test of significance. Since tests of
the same kind will be required for all possible pairs
of numbers of degrees of freedom, it is convenient for
purposes of tabulation to use a criterion which varies
more regularly than the arithmetical ratio employed
in the illustrations above. It is usual therefore to
carry out the calculation by using the natural loga-
rithms of the mean squares, and since the difference
of the two logarithms specifies the ratios of the
corresponding numbers, the tables used in this test of
significance give the values of a quantity, z, defined
as half the difference between the natural logarithms
The z test may be regarded as an e)(tension of the
t test, appropriate to cases where more than two
variants are to be compared. Like it, it is derived
from the theory of errors, and is exact when the
normalla w of errors is realised. I t is even less affected
than the t test by such deviations from normality as
are met with in practice. As with the t test, its
appropriateness to any particular body of data may
be verified arithmetically. Such verification is not
ordinarily necessary and is always laborious. Often
the number of random arrangements a.vailable is far
toO great for them to be examined exhaustively, as
was done with Darwin's experiment in Chapter I I I.
Eden and Yates have, however, published a method
of obtaining rapidly the results of a large random

selection of these a~rangements, and have demon-

strated how closely the theoretical distribution was
verified in material that was far from normal.

24. Precision of the Comparisons

If the yields of the different varieties III the
experiment fail to satisfy the test of significance they
will not often need to be considered further, for the
results, as so far tested, are compatible with the view
that all differences observed in the experiment are due
to variations in the fertility of the experimental area,
and this is the simplest interpretation to put upon
the results. If, however, a significant value of z has
been obtained the null hypothesis has been falsified,
and may therefore be set .aside. We shall thereafter
proceed to interpret the differences between the
varietal yields as due at least in part to the inherent
qualities of the varieties, as manifested on the condi-
tions of the test, and shall be concerned to know with
what precision these different yields have been
evaluated. F or this purpose the mean square,
corresponding to the 28 degrees of freedom assigned
to error, is available as an estimate of the variance
of a single plot due to the uncontrolled causes which
constitute the errors of our determinations. From
this fundamental estimate we may derive a corre-
sponding estimate of the variance of the sum of the
yields from 8 plots by multiplying by 8, or, if we
prefer, we may derive the variance of the mean yield
of 8 plots by dividing by 8. In either case the square
root of the variance gives the standard deviation, and

provides therefore a means of j~dging which of the

differences among our varietal yield values are
sufficiently &reat to be regarded as well established,
and which are to be regarded as probably fortuitous.
If the experiment leaves any grounds for practical
doubt, values may be compared by the t test mentioned
in Chapter I I., remembering that our estimate of
error is based on 28 degrees of freedom.
It is an advantage of arrangement,s in randomised
blocks that, corresponding to any particular com-
parison contrast, the components of error appertaining
to this comparison may be isolated. This is done
simply by finding the difference in yield, or perform-
ance, between the treatments, or groups of treatments,
to be compared, in each replication of the experiment.
The discrepancies between these differences obtained
from different replications, taking account of their
signs, constitute the components of error appropriate
to this comparison, which may now be tested by a t
test, independently of the other comparisons which
the experiment affords. Although fewer degrees of
freedom are available for the estimation of error from
these components only, their isolation affords an
additional safeguard when, as may sometimes occur,
some comparisons are, in effect, less accurately
evaluated than others.
When the z test does not demonstrate significant
differentiation, much caution should be used before
claiming significance for special comparisons. Com-
parisons, which the experiment was designed to
make, may, of course, be made without hesitation.

It is comparisons suggested subsequently, by a

scrutiny of the results themselves, that are open to
SuspICIOn; for if the variants are numerous, a
comparison of the highest with the lowest observed
value, picked out from the results, will often appear
to be significant, even from undifferentiated material.
Properly, such unforeseen effects should be regarded
only as suggestions for future experimentation, in
which they can be deliberately tested. To form a
preliminary opinion as to the strength of the evidence,
it is sometimes useful to consider how many similar
comparisons would have been from the start equally
plausible. Thus, in comparing the best with the
worst of ten tested varieties, we have chosen the pair
with the largest apparent difference out of 45 pairs,
which might equally have been chosen. We might,
therefore, require the probability of the observed
difference to be as small as I in 900, instead of I in
20, before attaching statistical significance to the
25. The Purposes of Replication
An examination of the structure of the standard
type of agricultural experiment described above, and
of the use made of its structure in the statistical
process of interpretation, shows that the replication or
repetition of the varieties tested on different plots of
land serves two distinct purposes. I t serves first to
diminish the error, a purpose which has been widely
recognised, though the manner in which it does so has
not always been well understood. In our experiment
the sampling variance of a mean yield was found by

dividing the estimate of varianc~ for a single plot by

8. Since the variance of a single plot would not be
necessarily or systematically increased by increasing
the number of blocks, the variance of our mean
yields will generally fall off inversely to the number
of replications included. In increasing the number
of blocks, however, we should have increased the
area of the experiment, and it is probable that this
increase in area, even if we had used the same number
of larger plots, would itself have served to diminish
the experimental error. If the area of the experiment
were kept constant and the replication increased by
using smaller plots we should only gain in precision
if, as abundant agricultural experimentation shows
to be generally the case, the greater proximity of the
smaller areas led to a greater similarity in the fertility
of the soil. The practical limit to plot subdivision is
set, in agricultural experiments, by the necessity of
discarding a strip at the edge of each plot. The width
of the strip depends on the competition of neighbouring
plants for moisture, soil nutrients and light, and is
independent of the size of the plots. Consequently,
as smaller plots are used, a larger proportion of the
experimental area has to be discarded. The soil
heterogeneity of most experimental land is, however,
so pronounced that it is profitable to discard a
considerable proportion of the area, in order to bring
the experimental treatments or varieties to be con-
trasted more closely together than -would otherwise be
possible. With plants, such as potatoes and sugar-
beets, where it is sufficient to discard a single row,

one on each side or" the plot, it has been repeatedly

found that strips of 4 rows wide, of which only the
central two are included in the yield, make a more
economical use of a given experimental area than
either wider or narrower plots would do.
Replication, therefore, in the sense of the com-
minution of the experimental area, down to plots of
the most efficient size, has an important but limited
part to play in increasing the precision of an experi-
ment. It should not, in this connection, be overlooked
that many other factors contribute to the same result,
such as accuracy in harvesting and weighing the
produce; in measuring the areas of land harvested;
care in the choice of the experimental area; in insuring
the similarity of the treatment of its different parts;
in safeguarding the crop against damage, and its
produce against loss. All these factors contribute to
the precision of the experiment, and though, when
the conditions are otherwise favourable, there can
be no doubt that attention is rightly concentrated on
diminishing the important causes of error due to
variations in soil fertility, it is evident that, even in
experiments in which these causes were almost wholly
eliminated, neglect of common-sense precautions,
which, none the less, require care and superVISIOn,
may lead to entirely unreliable results.

26. Validity of the Estimation of Error

Whereas replication of the experimental varieties
or treatments on different plots, formed by the
subdivision of the experimental area, is of value as

one of the means of increasing the accuracy of the

experimental comparisons, its main purpose, which
there is no alternative method of achieving, is to
supply an estimate of error by which the significance
of these comparisons is to be judged. The need of
such an estimate may be perceived by considering the
doubts with which the interpretation of an experiment
would be involved if it consisted only of a single plot
for each treatment. The treatment giving the highest
yield would of course appear to be the best, but no
one could say whether the plot would not in fact
have yielded as well under some or all of the other
treatments. If, indeed, the difference in yield appeared
large to the experimenters they might argue that so
large a difference could not reasonably be ascribed to
a difference in soil fertility, since it was contrary to
their experience that neighbouring plots treated alike
should differ so greatly. To enforce this argument
they would in fact have to claim that their past
experience had already furnished a basis for the
estimation of error, which could be applied with
confidence to the circumstances of the experiment
under discussion. Even if this claim could be granted
the experiment would carry with it the serious dis-
advantage that it would no longer be self-contained,
but would depend for its interpretation from experience
previously gathered. It could no longer be expected
to carry conviction to others lacking this supple-
mentary experience. How weak the evidence of such
previous experience must always be will be seen by
considering that, even if the identical area of the

experiment, divided "into the same plots, had been

harvested under uniform treatment in previous years,
it would need twenty years' experience to form even
the roughest judgment as to how great a difference
between the yields of any two plots would occur by
chance as often as once in 20 trials. I t is on the
exactitude of our estimate of the magnitude of this
difference that the precision of our test of significance
must depend. Even such a tedious series of pre-
liminary trials, moreover, could only supply a direct
basis for the test of significance, if we could assume
the absence of progressive changes, both in the
weather and in the condition of the soil. This
consideration effectively demonstrates that the
accumulation of past experience, as a basis for testing
significance, is as insecure in theory as it would be
inconvenient in practice.
The impossibility of testing two or more treat-
ments, in the same year, and on identically the same
land, is not, however, an insuperable obstacle to exact
experimentation. I t is surmounted by testing the
treatments not on identical land, but on random
samples of the same experimental areas. From this
aspect the appropriateness of a random assignment
of the treatments to the different plots appears most
inevitably. We shall need to judge of the magnitude
of the differences introduced by testing our treatments
upon different plots by the discrepancies between the
performances of the same treatment in different
blocks. Our estimate of error must be obtained by
a comparison of plots treated alike, but it is to be
applied to interpret the differences observed between
sets of plots treated differently. The validity of our
estimate of error for this purpose is guaranteed by the
provision that any two plots, not in the same block,
shall have the same probability of being treated alike,
and the same probabilit~ of being treated differently
in each of the ways in which this is possible. The
purpose of randomisation in this, as in the previous
experiments exemplified, is to guarantee the validity
of the test of significance, this test being based on an
. estimate of error made possible by replication.

2:7. Bias of Systematic Arrangements

In any particular case it will probably be possible
to assign sets of plots within an area to the several
treatments so as to equalise their fertility more
completely than is done by a random arrangement,
and many systematic arrangements for doing this
have from time to time been proposed. The effect
of such a procedure on the test of significance may
be seen by imagining it carried out on an area under
uniform treatment, so that the actual yields are not
at all affected by the reallocation of the plots. In the
analysis of variance, therefore, the total sum of
squares is unchanged, as is also the portion ascribable
to blocks. If, therefore, the agronomist's ingenuity
has been successful in diminishing the differences in
fertility between treatments, the diminution of the
sum of squares in that line of the table will have been
exactly counterbalanced by an increase in the sum of
squares upon which the estimate of error is based.

The effect of the rearrangement will have been to

diminish the real errors of the experiment, but at the
expense of increasing the estimate of error; so that,
although the comparisons have really been improved
in precision they will appear to have been less accurate
than before, and less reliance will be placed on the
result. In the opposite case, likewise, if by bad luck
or bad judgment the systematic arrangement adopted
has increased rather than lessened the real errors
of the experiment, then the estimate of error will be
even diminished, and will be, for both reasons, an
underestimate of the errors actual1y incurred. The
results of using arrangements which differ from the
random arrangement in either direction are thus in
one way or the other undesirable. This is to be
expected, since in both cases the estimate of error is
vitiated, or rendered unreliable for the purpose for
which it was made.

28. Partial Elimination of Error

I t is to be noted that the restriction upon a purely
random arrangement which has been imposed, by
applying each treatment once only on each block of
land, introduces no such disturbance of the validity
of the estimate of error. F or the differences in
average fertility between the different blocks of land
used, which have been, by this restriction, eliminated
from our experimental comparisons, have been equally
eliminated from our estimate of error in the analysis of
vanance. Prior to the introduction of this method it
was, indeed, common for elements of error which had
been carefully and thoroughly eliminated in the field
to be reintroduced in the process of statistical estima-
tion; so that successful experimental arrangements
were made to appear to be unsuccessful and vce versa.
The essential fact governing our analysis is that the
errors due to soil heterogeneity will be divided, by a
good experiment, into two portions. The first, which
is to be made as large as possible, will be completely
eliminated, by the arrangement of the experiment,
from the experimental comparisons, and will be as
carefully eliminated in the statistical laboratory from
the estimate of error. As to the remainder, which
cannot be treated in this way, no attempt will be made
to eliminate it in the field, but, on the contrary, it will
be carefully randomised so as to provide a valid
estimate of the errors to which the experiment is in
fact liable.

29. Shape of Blocks and Plots

Having satisfied ourselves that replication, sup-
plemented by randomisation, will afford a valid test
of the significance of our comparisons, we may
consider what modifications of our practical procedure
will serve to increase the precision of these com-
pansons. If several areas of land are available for
experiment some care may usually be given to choose
one that appears to be uniform, as judged by the
surface and texture of the soil, or by the appearance
of a previous crop, though the value of such judgments
by inspection, with which alone we are here concerned,
appears to be very easily overrated. After choosing

the area we usually have no guidance beyond the

widely verified fact that patches in close proximity
are commonly more alike, as judged by the yield of
crops, than those which are further apart. Conse-
quently, the division of the land into compact or
approximately square blocks will usually result in
the blocks being as much unlike as possible, while
different areas within the same block will be more
closely similar than if the blocks had been long and
narrow. The effect of this upon the analysis of
variance is to place as large a fraction as possible of
the variance due to soil heterogeneity in the portion
ascribable to variation between blocks, this portion
being eliminated from our experimental error; and
to leave as little as possible in the variation
within blocks, which supplies both our experimental
errors, and our estimate of them. I t is, there-
fore, a safe rule to make the blocks as compact
as possible.
With respect to our subdivision of the blocks into
plots our object is exactly the opposite. The experi-
mental error arises solely from differences between
the areas chosen as plots within the same block. These
differences must be-made as small as possible, or, in
other words, each plot must, so far as may be, sample
fairly the whole area of the block in which it is placed.
It' is often desirable, therefore, when it does not
conflict with agricultural convenience in other ways,
to let the plots lie side by side as narrow strips, each
running the whole length of its block. I t is not,
however, in every type of experiment an advantage to
use such elongated plots. Som~ important causes of
soil heterogeneity, dependent from agricultural opera-
tions, affect the land in stripes. Elongated plots will
then only be advantageous if they can be laid trans-
versely to these stripes. When this would entail
inconvenience, or additional labour in cutting the
correct area, as in the case of strip plots with cereals,
running across the drill rows, the labour avilable for
the experiment may often be better applied by using
square plots, and improving the accuracy in other
ways. Plots of compact shape are, indeed, commonly
used in experiments in randomised blocks, not because
the theoretical advantage of using elongated strips,
in one direction or the other, is not appreciated, but
for the purely practical reason that to realise it by
laying strips in the required direction would be a more
costly method of increasing precision than other
methods at the experimenter's disposal.

30. Practical Example

The following data show a comparison of the
yields of five varieties of barley in an experiment
arranged in randomised blocks, carried out in the
State of Minnesota in the years I930 and I93I and
reported by F. R. Immer, H. K. Hayes and Le Roy
Powers in the Journal oj the American Society oj
Agronomy. The experiment really dealt with ten
varieties, of which five have been selected for this
example. The blocks in the example are twelve
separate experiments carried out at six locations in
the State in the two years.

~~~~~~~$~g~~ ~
N ~l ~~ :....
000 Q'\
00 '"C'l ~ 0 ~ 00 t-
Q\ Q\ r--.oo t-
LI') i"""I I-t
..... ..... i"""I .......... 1-1

~ 00 OJ) ' " ' " ('l 00 ('l "T ('l t-- r-- -;T
;. ;'.,0 ;,.,"" ;. 0 00 0 ~ 0 i--
.................. OOLl')O\tr)LI')V\LI')<o:::ta:>
OJ) "T t-- OJ) "T OJ) ' " "T "T (V) "T <') 0

rfjNr--. ..... \Q~OOt--. ..... r:t'\O""'" 1.r\

00 ;. ~oo 0, 0, ~ ~ ~ 6.,0 ~ 6
"'00 "T 0 00 ('l ('l t-- 0 00 '" '" (V)
""""..... J-oI JooooI.... t'I

t-- ('l OJ) r-- (V) '" eo OJ) (V) '" 00 co -;T
b-~~i:-..~o.o{r..o-'~~~ 00
_ ..... 1-1................
0 '"
..... ~

t--"Tt--('l"T ..... O('l~t--"'''T ('l

H 00
0 0 '" "".,0
r--.. ..... ;'.,0 Q-,.,o "" i--
N 0\'>0 Q\ f'-..\O
LI') .....
..... .......... """" ""'" t-r

"T(V)OV)(V) .... "T"'O"'~r-- '9
:-n N N ~;... ~ ~ ~ 0. ",,;""'--0 ~
o 00 "T .... t-- ..........
0 '" '" 00 "T t-- '" '"
1-4 ..........

o t-- '" ..,j' (V) ~ eo '" '" "T '" 1'- t:;-
;... 0.,0 0 (., ;.., 0,00 00 .,0.,0 i-- N
00 00 "T 0
..... 1-1
eo 0
~ '" '" '" 00 '"



'-,-' ' - , - ' ' - , - ' ' - , - ' ' - , - '
I-( N f1")-.::tlf)\O


T. EDEN and F. YATES (1933). On the validity of Fisher's z test
when applied to an actual example of non-normal data.
lournal of Agricultural Science, xxiii. 6- 17.
R. A. FISHER (1924). On a distribution yielding the error
functions of several well-known statistics. Proceedings of the
International Mathematical Congress, Toronto, pp. 85-813.
R. A. FISHER (1925-36). Statistical methods for research workers.
Chap. VIII. and the Table of z, Table VI.
F. R. IMMER, H. K. HAYES and LE Roy POWERS (1934). Statistical
determination of barley varietal adaptation. Joumal of the
American Society of Agronomy, May, xxvi. 403-19.
L. H. C. TIPPETT (1927). Random sampling numbers. Tracts
for computers, xv. Cambridge University Press.
31. Randomisation Subject to Double Restriction
THE subdivision of the area of an agricultural
experiment into compact blocks, in each of which
all the experimental treatments to be compared are
equally represented, has been found to add greatly
to the precision of the experimental comparisons
obtainable by the expenditure of a fixed amount of
labour, and supervisory care, to a limited area of land.
An equally great advantage is obtained, in other
fields of research, by a similar subdivision of the
material into relatively homogeneous series, to each
of which the different experimental treatments are
applied in equal proportion. The extent of this gain
is limited only by the degree of homogeneity which
can be obtained within each series. It is an essential
condition of experimentation that the experimental
material is known to be variable, but it is not known,
in respect of any individual, in what direction his
response to a given treatment will vary from the
average. No direct allowance for this variability can,
therefore, be made. The knowledge which guides us
in increasing the precision of an experiment is not
a knowledge of the individual peculiarities of particular
experimental units, such as plots of land, experimental
animals, coco-nut palms, or hospital patients, but a

knowledge that there is less va~iation within certain

aggregates of these than there is among different
individuals belonging to different aggregates. The
recogmtlOn of criteria by which the experimental
material may be fruitfully subdivided thus plays
an important part in all types of quantitative
I t was first shown in experimental agriculture,
though the principle has since been applied in other
fields, that the process of subdivision might profitably
be duplicated. This experimental principle is best
illustrated by the arrangement known as the Latin
square, a method which is singularly reliable in
giving precise comparisons when the number of
treatments (or varieties, etc.) to be compared is from
4 to 8. Suppose we wish to compare 6 treatments.
The experimental area (which need not be an exact
square in form, but should be a relatively compact
rectangle) is divided into 36 equal plots lying in 6
rows and 6 columns. It is then a combinatorial fact
that we can assign plots to the 6 treatments such that
for each treatment one plot lies in each row and one
in each column of the square. I t is possible generally
to do this in a large number of ways, for if we start
with one solution of the problem, and rearrange the
rows in it as wholes, in any of the ways in which these
may be arranged, a large number of new solutions will
be found. With a 6 X 6 square the rows may be
rearranged in 720 ways, including that from which
we start, so we have at once a set of 720 solutions.
Equally, or consecutively, we may arrange the

columns in 720 way;; and, finally, we may do the

same with the treatments, while still conserving the
property which the Latin square was designed to
possess. The process of transformation will generate
a number of different solutions which varies according
to the particular square from which we happen to
start. The smallest transformation set comprises
I,728,000 solutions, while the 5 largest each comprise
93,3I2,000. If a solution is chosen at random from
such a set each plot has an equal probability of
receiving any of the possible treatments, and each
pair of plots, not in the same row or column, has the
same probability, namely one-fifth, of being treated
alike. The process of randomisation, necessary to
ensure the validity of the test of significance applied
to the experiment, consists in choosing one at random
out of the set of squares which can be generated from
any chosen arrangement.
The object of arranging plots in a Latin square
is to eliminate from the experimental comparisons
possible differences in fertility which may exist between
whole rows of plots, and between whole columns
of plots, as they stand in the field. The need for
such a double elimination was particularly apparent
to agricultural experimenters owing to the fact that
in many fields there is found to occur either a
gradient of fertility across the whole area, or parallel
strips of land having a higher or lower fertility than
the average. But, for particular fields it is not known
whether such heterogeneity will be more pronounced
in the one or the other direction in which the field

is ordinarily cultivated. Such soil variations may be
due in part to the past history of the field, such as
the lands in which it has been laid up for drainage
producing variations in the depth and present
condition of the soil, or to portions of it having been
manured or cropped otherwise than the remainder;
but whatever the causes, the effects are sufficiently
widespread to make apparent the importance of
eliminating the major effects of soil heterogeneity,
not only in one direction across the field, but at the
same time in the direction at right angles to it. This
double elimination is effected by the Latin square
arrangement, which combines the combinatorial fact
stated above, with the possibility of basing estimates
of error upon an effective randomisation.

32. The Estimation of Error

As has been already illustrated in the experiment
in randomised blocks, the error will be properly
estimated only if the same components of heterogeneity
which have been successfully eliminated by the
arrangement in the field, are also eliminated in the
interpretation of the results in the laboratory. This
elimination is carried out by an analysis of variance
closely similar to that used in the last chapter. The
35 independent comparisons possible among 36 yields
give 35 degrees of freedom. Of these 5 are ascribable
to differences between rows, and 5 to differences
between columns. Thus 10 degrees of freedom serve
to represent the components of heterogeneity, which
have been eliminated in the field, and must be excluded

from our estimate of error. Of the remammg 25

degrees of freedom, 5 represent differences between
the treatments tested, and 20 represent components
of error which have not been eliminated, but which
have been carefully randomised so as to ensure
that they shall contribute no more and no less
than their share to the errors of our experimental
The table shows the subdivis'ion of the degrees of
freedom for a 6 x 6 square, and in general for an
s X s square used to test s treatments.

6x6 square. sxs square.
Rows 5 S-I
Columns 5 S-I
Treatments 5 S-I
Error 20 (S- I)(S-2)

Total 35 S2-1

Corresponding to each part of the degrees of

freedom the yield data of the experiment will provide
a like portion of the total of what we have called sum
of squares. The first 3 portions may be calculated
in exactly the same way as are those for blocks aqd
treatments in the randomised block arrangement.
Thus, if the total yields in the rows are A, B, C, D,
E, F, with a grand total M, while the corresponding
mean yields are a, b, c, d, e, j, and m, the portion of
the sum of squares ascribable to rows is


The portions ascribable to columns and to treatments

are calculated similarly, while that ascribable to error
is calculated by deducting the 3 other items from the
total. This total sum of squares, as in other cases, is
merely the sum of the squares of the deviations of the
yields of all individual plots from their general mean
and may be calculated by subtracting mM from the
sum of the squares of these yields.

33. Faulty Treatment of Square Designs

When the possibility of effecting a double

elimination of errors due to soil heterogeneity was
first realised, the mistake was sometimes made of
judging the precision of the results merely from the
observed discrepancies between plots treated alike.
This would be correct only if the whole 36 plots had
been assigned at random, and without restriction, to
the 6 treatments. Its effect is that the 10 degrees of
freedom, corresponding to Rows and Columns are
included in the estimate of error. Thus what experi-
mental design had gained in the field arrangement
was lost or thrown away in the statistical analysis.
Indeed, by this method the apparent precision of the
experiment, and the consequent reliance placed on
its results, is less than if the treatments had been
assigned wholely at random, disregarding rows and
columns, for the large components due to these have
been excluded from the 5 degrees of freedom ascribed
to treatments, and therefore contribute more than
proportionately to the 30 remaining .degrees of

freedom, which on this system is regarded as
A fault of purely statistical origin also appears in
some of the earlier work, namely, the use of the
total number of plots, in place of the number of
degrees of freedom, as a divisor in obtaining the
estimated variance of the mean square. This may
lead to the error being seriously underestimated.
Apart from its arithmetical simplicity, the great
advantage of arranging the statistical work in an
analysis of variance, lies in the safeguard it affords
against errors of these two kinds. Once the degrees
of freedom are subdivided it is apparent that the
residue after allowing for Rows, Columns, and Treat-
ments has only 20 degrees of freedom, and once the
contributions to the sum of squares due to Rows and
Columns are identified and set aside, no one would
think of reintroducing these in attempting to arrive
at an estimate of error. The mean square, obtained
by dividing the residual sum of squares by the degrees
of freedom available for the estimation of error, is a
valid estimate of the variance of the yield of a single
plot, due to the components of error which have been
randomised. The sampling variance of the total of
six plots having the same treatment is found by
multiplying the mean square by 6, and that of the
mean of such plots, by dividing it by 6. The
variance so obtained is itself liable to sampling errors,
dependent on the number of degrees of freedom on
which it is based. Since this number is often small,
we should use the exact z test for testing the signifi-

cance of the group of treatments as a whole. If it is

desired to compare any two particular treatments,
or to make any other simple contrast among the
treatments employed, whether based on the totals or
on the means, we obtain the sampling variance appro-
priate to the expression, find the standard error by
taking the square root, and the ratio of the differences
to be tested to its appropriate standard error will be
the value of t, appropriate to test its significance,
with the same number of degrees of freedom as that
on which the estimate of variance was originally based.
Readers unfamiliar with the statistical procedure of
these tests may be referred to Statistical Methods for
Research Workers.
In agricultural trials a single Latin square will
frequently give precision high enough to reduce the
standard error to less than 2 per cent. of the yield, and
sometimes to less than I per cent. If experimentation
were only concerned with the comparison of four to
eight treatments or varieties, it would therefore be not
merely the principal but almost the universal design
employed. I t is particularly fitted for the comparison
at a number of different places of a small selected
group of highly qualified varieties, the relation of
which to varying conditions of soil and weather needs
to be explored. Where it fails is to provide a means
of testing simultaneously a large number of different
treatments or varieties. The means used to obtain
precision in such experiments will be developed in later

34. Systematic Squares

When the idea of effecting an elimination of
errors due to soil heterogeneity in two directions at
right angles was first appreciated, the necessity for
randomisation in experimental trials was not realised.
In consequence, certain systematic arrangements were
adopted. One of these, which may be called a
diagonal square, is shown below:-


I t will be observed that the conditions that one plot

of each kind lies in each row and one in each column
are satisfied by this arrangement. The plots receiving
treatment A are, however, all in a line along the
diagonal of the square, and other lines parallel to this
diagonal also receive the same treatment throughout
their length. Consequently..,-there is ground to fear
that if ridges or strips of fertility run obliquely across
the rows and columns they may Igive to some of the
treatments a systematic advantage compared with
the others. In other word~, the components of soil
fertility in which the areas assigned to different
treatments may differ, may, not improbably, be
larger than the remaining components, representing
differences between plots treated alike, on which
the estimate of error is based. Consequently, if a

systematic arrangement of this kind is treated as
though it were a Latin square two distinct effects
may be anticipated. First, that the actual errors in
the comparisons of the treatments will be greater than
if a properly randomi.sed Latin square had been
used, and, second, that the estimate of error obtained
from the experiment will be less, by reason of the
exclusion of the more important components of soil
variability, which have been confounded with the
The first of these dangers was readily recognised,
though the second was ignored. Consequently, an
improved systematic arrangement due to Knut Vik
has been widely used. In this each row is moved
forward two places instead of one, so that the arrange-
ment is as follows : -


In this arrangement the areas bearing each treatment

are nicely distributed over the experimental area, so
as to exclude all probability that the more important
components of soil heterogeneity should influence the
comparison between treatments. This was clearly the
intention of the arrangement; but its fulfilment carries
with it an unforeseen and unfortunate consequence.

If, by the skill of the"experimenter, the components of

error, by which the comparisons between the treat-
ments are affected are, on the average, less than those
given by a random arrangement, it follows that those
available for the estimation of error must be greater.
This is easily seen by considering the subdivision of
the sum of squares in the analysis of variance. The
null hypothesis is that the treatments are without
effect, and therefore that all the differences observed
among the experimental results are due to experi-
mental error. They are therefore unaffected by the
arrangement adopted. The components ascribable to
rows and columns, and eliminated from the experi-
ment, are also the same however the plots may be
arranged. Consequently, the total of the two com-
ponents ascribed to treatments and to error, that is
to say, the true errors of our comparisons, and the
estimate of these errors supplied by the experiment,
have a total independent of the experimental arrange-
ment. The sole effect of adopting one system of
arrangement rather than another is on the manner in
which the fixed total is divided between these two
parts. The purpose of randomisation is to ensure
that each degree of freedom shall have, on the null
hypothesis, the same average content. Any method
of arrangement, therefore, which diminishes the real
errors must increase the apparent magnitude of these
errors, by which the validity of the comparison is to
be judged. The consequence is that not more, but
less, reliance is placed, and must be placed on the
results, as a consequence of the experimenter's success

In excluding the larger compon~nts of error from his

I t should be noted that this unfortunate conse-
quence only ensues when a method of diminishing
the real errors is adopted, unaccompanied by their
elimination in the statistical analysis. Thus, when the
treatments are equally distributed among the rows of
an experiment, the real error is usually diminished,
and the estimate of error may be diminished in the
same measure by eliminating the differences between
the different rows. The failure of systematic arrange-
ments came from not recognising that the function
of the experiment was not only to make an unbiased
comparison, but to supply at the same time a valid
test of its significance. This is vitiated equally
whether the components affecting the comparisons
are larger or smaller than those on which the estimate
of error is based. The consequences of accepting
, an insignificant effect as significant, or of rejecting
as insignificant one which, with sounder methods of
experimentation, would have shown itself to be
significant, are equally unfortunate. In fact, the
calculation of standard errors is idle and misleading,
if the method of arrangement adopted fails to
guarantee their validity, and the same applies. to
all other means of testing significance.
The consequences surmised as to the effects of
using the two systematic squares illustrated above
have in fact been verified in detail by O. Tedin, by
superimposing these arrangements, each 184 times,
on the yields obtained in uniformity trials, in which

the null hypothesis -is known to be true; and by

comparing the results with those obtained using
random arrangements. The discrepancies found are
just what might have been anticipated on theoretical
grounds. The diagonal square gives larger real
errors accompanied by greater apparent precision.
The Knut Vik square gives lower real errors accom-
panied by less apparent precision. It is a curious
fact that the bias of the Knut Vik square, which
was unsuspected, appears to be actually larger than
that of the diagonal square, which all experienced
experimenters would confidently recognise.

35. Grreco-Latin and Higher Squares

The number of arrangements in a Latin square
is known for squares up to 6 X 6. Since the com-
binatorial properties which these illustrate are useful
in experimental design apart from their application
to the double elimination of error, it is well to know
something of them. The 2 X 2 square

illustrates the fact that the three independent contrasts

among 4 objects may be resolved into contrasts
between pairs of them in the 3 ways in which such
pairs can be chosen, such as the rows, columns, and
letters of the square. Similarly, the 8 independent
contrasts among 9 objects can be resolved into 4
independent sets of 2 degrees of freedom each, found

by dividing the whole into 3 sets of 3 objects. This
comes from the fact that not only is a 3 X 3 Latin
square possible, but a 3 X 3 Greeco-Latin square. A
pair of letters, one Greek and one Latin, may be
assigned to each cell of the square, so that each Latin
letter appears once in each row and in each column,
and each Greek letter appears once in each row, once
in each column, and once with each Latin letter, as is
shown below : -
Aa Bf3 Cy
By ea Af3
Cf3 Ay Ba

By rearranging the rows among themselves and

also the columns, so that the letters in the first row
and in the first column are in order, any Latin square
can be reduced to a standard form. Since, after
rearranging the columns so that A is on the left of
the first row, only the remaining rows will be dis-
turbed, each square of the standard form is capable
of generating s !(s- I)! different squares, where s is
the number of letters in each row or column. When
s -is 2 or 3 there is only one solution in the standard
position, so that the total numbers of Latin squares
are 2 and 12 respectively. There is also essentially
only one 3 X 3 Greeco-Latin square, namely that
shown above; but apart from the rearrangement
of the Latin letters in the rows and columns in
12 ways, the Greek letters may be permuted among
themselves in 6 ways, making 72 arrangements
in all.

With 4 X 4 squares there are four arrangements

of the Latin letters in the standard position or
4 X 6 X 24 = 57 6 Latin squares. Only one of these
4, however, yields a Grceco-Latin square, and that in
two ways, so that there are 2x6x242 (=6912) 4 X 4
Grceco- Latin squares. The two arrangements of the
Greek letters are, moreover, themselves orthogonal,
so that the IS degrees of freedom among 16
objects may be divided into 5 independent sets
of 3 each, being the 3 independent comparisons
among 4 sets of 4 objects each, into which
the whole may be divided. An arrangement of
this kind IS shown below, in which numeral
suffices are used in place of one set of Greek
letters : -

There are in all 2 X 6 X 243 such arrangements.

The 5 x 5 Latin squares in the standard position
are 56 in number, and fall into two sets. One set of
50 yields no Grceco- Latin square, but the set of 6,
which are symmetrical about the diagonal, yield each
3 different squares which do not differ merely in a
permutation of the Greek letters. There are therefore
3 X 6 X 24 X 1202 5 X 5 Grceco- Latin squares. The three
different arrangements are all mutually orthogonal,
so that we may add a numeral suffix, as in the 4 X 4
square above, and obtain 6 X 6 X 24 X 1203 solutions.
And we may add a second suffix independent of the

first, and of the letters, in 6 X 6 X 24 X 1204 different
ways. An example using two suffices is shown
Alal B2f32 CaYa D 404 E5t S
B 30 s C 4t l Dsa z E l f3s A ZY4
C sf34 Dlys E Z01 Aatz B 4aa
Dzta E 3a 4 A4f3S B S Y1 ClO Z
E 4Y2 A D03 Blt4 Czar; D af3l

Consequently, the 24 degrees of freedom among 25

objects can be subdivided into 6 independent sets of
4 corresponding to the rows, columns, Latin letters,
first suffices, Greek letters and second suffices in the
square above. Such a square may be said to be
completely orthogonalised.
Although there are 9408 6 X 6 Latin squares in
the standard position, belonging to 12 distinct types,
yet none of these yields a Grceco-Latin square, a
conclusion arrived at by Euler after a considerable
investigation, but only recently established for certain
by the enumeration of the actual types which occur.
Grceco-Latin squares are easily formed with 7 units
in a side, or any other odd number, but beyond 6 the
larger squares have not been enumerated. It may
be shown that with any prime number (p) the p2 - I
degrees of freedom among pz objects may be separated
into p+ I independent sets of p- I degrees of freedom
each, each representing comparisons among p groups
of p objects. Yates has recently shown that this is
also true of 8Z objects, and the same can be done with
9z, as the examples below illustrate.

After the rows and columns, the categories of
subdivision are represented by the numbers in the
celIs of each square. The squares given may be
randomised by permuting, (a) the rows, columns, and
each set of numbers among themselves, (b) whole
sets of numbers with each other and with the rows
and columns.
Completely Orthogonalised 8 X 8 Square
I I 2 5 3 2 43 57 64 7 8 8 6
I I I 738 547 265 826 382 654 473
I I 4 6 6 8 87 34 75 2 3 5 2
2 2 I 8 7 I 67 83 46 3 5 5 4
222 375 86 3 14 8 5 1 475 1 486 637
2 2 6 4 4 5 53 7 6 3 8 I 7 8 I
3 3 7 4 I 7 51 42 85 2 6 6 8
333 2 I 6 45 2 784 678 167 845 5 21
3 3 5 8 8 6 62 IS 24 7 I 4 7
4 4 6 3 5 6 I 5 3 8 2 I 8 7 7 2
444 857 3 I 8 62 3 7 62 5 7 6 23 1 18 5
4 4 I 2 2 7 7 8 5 I 8 3 6 5 3 6
5 5 8 I 4 8 3 4 I 6 7 3 6 2 2 7
555 64 2 I 3 6 87 1 28 7 4 2 8 7 I 3 364
5 5 3 7 7 2 2 6 4 3 6 I 8 4 I 8

6 6 4 7 8 4 2 8 7 5 I 2 53 3 I
666 5 8 3 7 2 5 4 I 7 34 1 834 172 25 8
6 6 2 I I 3 3 5 8 2 5 7 4 8 7 4
7 7 3 6 2 3 8 2 6 I 5 8 I 4 4 5
777 124 681 35 6 435 243 5 6 8 8 I 2
7 7 8 5 5 4 4 I 2 8 I 6 3 2 6 3
8 8 5 2 6 5 7 6 2 4 3 7 4 I I 3
888 4 6 I 274 53 2 153 6 I 5 3 2 7 746
8 8 7 3 3 I I 4 6 7 4 2 5 6 2 5

The seven nu~bers represent seven different ways

of dividing 64 objects into 8 groups of 8 each, making
with the rows and columns 9 ways in all, so that no
two objects are classified alike m any two of the
nme ways.
Completely Orthogonalised 9 X 9 Square
1II 1 23 22 3233 9549 7457 8668 5975 6886 4794
1II 1 4546 7978 3834 63 69 949 2 26 27 5753 828 5
2246 3 154 13 65 7672 85 83 949 1 67 17 49 28 5839
83 22 2454 5889 7715 1247 4673 953 8 3961 61 96
3378 128 9 2197 84 14 962 5 753 6 4843 575 1 6962
62 33 966 5 3797 59 26 81 58 2581 44 19 784 2 1374
4435 5616 65 24 3861 1742 2953 8399 9 277 7 188
9744 3279 6612 85 67 2993 5135 735 1 1486 4828
55 67 644 8 46 59 1996 2874 37 85 9 132 73 13 8281
4955 7 18 7 1523 644 8 9871 3346 5262 8694 2739
6693 457 1 5482 273 8 39 19 1827 7264 8 145 9356
2866 539 8 843 1 16 59 4782 722 4 3 143 6575 99 17
77 29 8937 9818 62 55 4 166 5344 359 2 2681 1473
5477 881 3 2345 429 1 7636 177 8 9 12 9 6984 355 2
885 2 97 63 794 1 43 87 5298 6189 3426 1634 25 15
3688 67 21 9 256 21 72 55 14 8949 1895 4337 74 63
9984 7895 877 6 512 3 633 1 4212 155 8 2469 3647
7599 193 2 4 164 93 83 34 25 68 57 877 6 2218 564 1

351. An Exceptional Design

The principal use of Grceco- Latin and higher
squares consists in clarifying complex combinatorial
situations, and will be illustrated in later chapters.
Occasionally, however, they may be used directly in
experimental design. An example of this exceptional
use has been given by L. H. C. Tippett.
. In a cotton mill one of 5 spindles was found to
be winding defective weft. The cause of the defect
was unknown. I ts origin could, however, be traced
further by interchanging the component parts of the
spindle. F our portions could thus be interchanged,
designated by the symbols, w, x, y and z.
These parts were reassembled in twenty - five
ways, so that each of the five components w, was
used once in combination with each of the five

components x, and so with each pair of components.
The reconstructed spindles were tested five at a
time, over five periods, so that each component was
used equally during each period.
The combinations used and the distribution of
defects in the resulting weft are shown in Table 8 I.
Spindle Composition and Defects Observed

Period. Composition of Spindle.

W1%lY1Z1 W2%2Y2 Z 2 Wa%aYaza W4%4Y4 Z 4 W 5%5Y5 Z 5

++ +
2 W1%5Y4 Z a W 2%lY5Z 4 W a%2Y1 Z5 W 4%aY2Z 1 W 5%4Ya Z 2
3 W1%4Y2 Z 5 W 2 %5Ya z 1 W a%lY4z 2 W 4%2Y5 z a W 5 %aY1z4
+ ++
4 W1%aY5 z 2 W 2%4Y1za W a%SY2z 4 W 4%lYa z s WS%2Y 4Z 1
W 1%2Ya z 4 W2%SY4 Z S W a%4Y5z 1 W4%sY1Z2 W S%lY2z a
+ ++ +
In the table moderate defect is marked and +,
severe defect + +. It will be seen that severe defect
is confined to the five spindles made up using the
component w 2 , and is invariably present when this
component is used. The origin of the trouble was,
therefore, traced to this part, and this knowledge led
to the discovery of a cause of defect previously
Of the remaining 20 bobbins, 4 showed defect to
a moderate degree. There is no sufficient reason to
ascribe this partial failure to the parts used; the only
parts which show defect more than once are W t and Y3'
In general the danger of trying to test five
different factors (the four components and the period)

each susceptible of five variants, in only 25 trials,
lies in the fact that we are examining only 25, out
of 3125 possible combinations. In consequence any
interactions between the effects of one component
and those of another may appear in the results as
due to a third component. The value of the test for
its special purpose arises from the technologist's
assurance that such consistent interaction is, in the
special circumstances, very improbable. He has,
therefore, confidence in interpreting Table 8'1 as
condemning the component w 2 A theorist without
such practical knowledge would, however, have no
difficulty in accounting for the effect in terms of x, y
and $, and without taking account of w. For
example, if in the table we add the suffices of x and
yarid subtract that of $, severe defect is only found
when the resulting number is 2 or 7, and is then
invariably found. Such a result might be actually
misleading if the suffices represented quantitative
physical attributes of the components, and had not
been assigned arbitrarily by the experimenter.

36. Practical Exercises

F or experimental purposes it is, of course, the
properties of the smaller squares that are most useful.
The following data supply an example for readers
who wish to familiarise themselves with the analysis
of variance in its application to experiments designed
in a Latin square. They represent the results of such
an experiment carried out in potatoes at Ely in 1932.
The six treatments designated by ABC D E F

consist of different quantities of nitrogenous and
phosphatic fertilisers. The results in lbs. of potatoes
are quoted, with some simplification, from the 1932
Report of Rothamsted Experimental Station. The
analysis may be checked by comparison with Tables
31 and 32.
Arrangement and Yields of a Latin Square

633 527 65 2 390 504 4I6 3122
- - - --- - - -
489 4754I5 488 57 1 282 27 20
- - -- - - - - -- - - --- - - -
384 481 483 422 334 646 275 0
620 448 505 439 323 384 27 I 9
- - -- - -
452 43 2 4 II 6I7 594 466 2972
- - -- -
500 505 259 366 326 420

3078 2808 2725 2722 2652 26I4 16659

The following puzzle is of service in familiarising
the mind with the combinatorial relationships under-
lying the use of the Latin square, and the like, in
experimental design : -
Sixteen passengers on a liner discover that they
are an exceptionally representative body. Four are
Englishmen, four are Scots, four are Irish, and four
are Welsh. There are also four each of four different
ages, 35, 45, 55, and 65, and no two of the same age
are of the same nationality. By profession also four
are lawyers, four soldiers, four doctors, and four
clergymen, and no two of the same profession are of
the same age, or of the same nationality.
I t appears, also, that four are bachelors, four
married, four widowed, and four divorced, and that
no two of the same marital status are of the same
profession, or the same age, or the same nationality.
Finally, four are conservatives, four liberals, four
socialists, and four fascists, and no two of the same
political sympathies are of the same marital status,
or the same profession, or the same age, or the same
Three of the fascists are known to be an unmarried
English lawyer of 65, a married Scotch soldier of 55,
and a widowed Irish doctor of 45. It is then easy
to specify the remaining fascist.
I t is further given that the Irish socialist is 35,
the conservative of 45 is a Scotchman, and the
Englishman of 55 is a clergyman. What. do you
know of the Welsh lawyer?


Technique of field experiments (I93I). Rothamsted Experi-
mental Station.
Rothamsted Experimental Station Annual Report (I932).
R. A. FISHER (I925-36). Statistical methods for research workers.
Chap. VIII., 49.
R. A. FISHER and F. YATES (I934). The 6 X 6 Latin Squares.
Proceedings of the 'Cambridge Philosophical Society, xxx.
49 2 -5 0 7.
o. TEDIN (I93I). The influence of systematic plot arrangement
upon the estimate of error in field experiments. Journal of
Agricultural Science, xxi. I9I-208.
L. H. C. TIPPETT (I934). Applications of statistical methods to
the control of quality in industrial production. Manchester
Statistical Society.
37. The Single Factor
IN expositions of the scientific use of experimentation
it is frequent to find an excessive stress laid on the
importance of varying the essential conditions only
one at a time. The experimenter interested in the
causes which contribute to a certain effect is supposed,
by a process of abstraction, to isolate these causes
into a number of elementary ingredients, or factors,
and it is often supposed, at least for purposes of
exposition, that to establish controlled conditions in
which all of these factors except one can be held
constant, and then to study the effects of this single
factor, is the essentially scientific approach to an
experimental investigation. This ideal doctrine seems
to be more nearly related to expositions of elementary
physical theory than to laboratory practice in any
branch of research. In experiments merely designed
to illustrate or demonstrate simple laws, connecting
cause and effect, the relationships of which with the
laws relating to other causes are already known, it
provides a means by which the student may apprehend
the relationship, with which he is to familiarise himself,
in as simple a manner as possible. By Contrast, in the
state of knowledge or ignorance in which genuine

research, intended to advance knowledge, has to be

carried on, this simple formula is not very helpful.
We are usually ignorant which, out of innumerable
possible factors, may prove ultimately to be the most
important, though we may have strong presuppositions
that some few of them are particularly worthy of study.
We have usually no knowledge that anyone factor
will exert its effects independently of all others that
can be varied, or that its effects are particularly
simply related to variations in these other factors.
On the contrary, if single factors are chosen for
investigation, it is not because we anticipate that the
laws of nature can be expressed with any particular
simplicity in terms of these variables, but because
they are variables which can be controlled or measured
with comparative ease. If the investigator, in these
circumstances, confines his attention to any single
factor, we may infer either that he is the unfortunate
victim of a doctrinaire theory as to how experimenta-
tion should proceed, or that the time, material, or
equipment at his disposal is too limited to allow
him to give attention to more than one narrow aspect
of his problem.
The modifications possible to any complicated
apparatus, machine, or industrial process must always
be considered as potentially interacting with one
another, and must be judged by the probable effects of
such interactions. If they have to be tested one at a
time this is not because to do so is an ideal scientific
procedure, but because to test them simultaneously
would sometimes be too troublesome, or too costly.


In many instances, ~~ will be shown in this chapter,

the belief that this is so has little foundation .. Indeed, in
a wide class of cases an experimental investigation, at
the same time as it is made more comprehensive, may
also be made more efficient, if, by more efficient we
mean that more knowledge and a higher degree of
preCISIon are obtainable by the same number of

38. A Simple Factorial Scheme

As an example, let us consider the case in which
we require to study experimentally the effects of
variations in composition of a mixture containing four
active ingredients. It is indifferent for our illustra-
tion for what purpose the mixture may be required.
I t may be an industrial product, a medicinal prescrip-
tion, a food ration, or an artificial manure. I t is
sufficient that its efficacy in practical use cannot be
calculated a priori, but can be measured by its effect
in particular trials; and that the ideal quantitative
composition is unknown in respect to all four in-
gredients. In principle, it matters little whether our
doubts extend to wide variations in the quantities to
be employed, or whether the variations in question are
proportionately small; as they will be when wide
experience has already determined the ideal propor-
tions within narrow limits. N or will it affect the
question in principle, if, as in some cases, the cost of
the items is an important consideration to be debited
in assessing the net advantage of using more of
them; or whether, as in other cases, the direct

observations or measurements ~ade in the test are

alone to be considered.
So defined, the situation is clearly one of very
wide occurrence. Let us consider an experiment in
which 16 different mixtures are made up in the 16
combinations possible by combining either a larger
or a smaller quantity of each of the 4 ingredients to
be tested. The quantities may differ in some cases
by a factor as large as 2, in which case each mixture
will contain of each ingredient either a single or a
double quantity. The factor need not be the same
for all ingredients. F or some one or more of them
we may doubt whether its presence in any quantity
is desirable; or whether it had not better be omitted
altogether. We shall then test mixtures with or
without this component. But, in any case, the
general question as to whether, of each ingredient,
more or less can be added with advantage, can be
settled by making up all combinations, using either
more or less of each component.
We will suppose now that 6 tests are made with
each mixture, or 96 in all. The particular cases in
which the different mixtures are to be tried will be
assigned strictly at random; or, as in the agricultural
experiment illustrated in Chapter, IV. (randomised
blocks), the tests will be divided into 6 series, each
supposedly more homogeneous than the whole, and
the 16 members of each will be assigned at random
to different mixtures. Since no difference of principle
arises here we will at first suppose that the tests are
assigned entirely at random.

In respect of anyone particular ingredient the

first point to be noted is that we have for comparison
48 cases in which a larger, and 48 in which a smaller
quantity has been employed. These 48 are not all
alike in other respects. They are alike in sets of 6,
but the eight sets differ from each other in the other
ingredients used. Corresponding to each set of 6 in
which a larger quantity of the first ingredient has
been used, there will, however, be a set of 6 with a
smaller quantity, and exactly similar to it in respect
of the other ingredients. The difference, if any, in
the effects observed in these two sets must be ascribed,
apart from random fluctuations, to the particular
ingredient in which they differ. Moreover, there are
8 such pairs of sets to supply confirmatory evidence
of this effect if it exists. F or each single factor,
therefore, we have a direct comparison of the averages
or totals of two sets of 48 trials; and this comparison
will have the same precision as if the whole of the 96
trials had been devoted to testing the efficacy of one
single component. The first fact contributing to the
efficiency of experiments designed on the factorial
system, is that every trial supplies information upon
each of the main questions which the experiment is
designed to examine.
The advantage of the factorial arrangement over
a series of experiments, each designed to test a single
factor is, however, much greater than this. For with
separate experiments we should obtain no light what-
ever on the possible interactions of the different
ingredients, even if we had gone to the labour of
performing 96 experiments with each of them, and
so, for each singly, had attained the same precision
as that which the factorial experiment can give.
rf, for example, an increase in ingredient A were
advantageous in the presence of B, but were ineffective
or disadvantageous in its absence, we could only
hope to learn this fact by carrying out our test of A
both in the presence and in the absence of B ; and this,
in fact, is what the factorial experiment is designed
to do-but to do so thoroughly that the total system
of possible interactions is explored in its entirety. To
test if the effect of A in the presence of B is greater
than in its absence, we may compare the total
difference ascribable to A from one set of 24 pairs
of otherwise comparable trials, in all of which B
is present, with the corresponding effect derived
from the remaining pair of sets of 24, in all of
which B is absent. This is the same as comparing
the results of 48 trials in which A and B are both
employed in large, or both in small, quantity,
with the other 48 trials in which the larger quantity
of A and the smaller quantity of B, or vice versa,
have been combined. We have thus again a com-
parison between the results of two sets of 48 trials,
comparable in all other respects, save that in which we
are interested, namely, whether the effect of an increase
in A is, or is not, influenced by an increase in B.
This difference, if it exists, might equally be expressed
by saying that an increase in B is influenced in its
effect by an increase in A. The difference, in fact,
involves the two ingredients symmetrically, and is

technically spoken of as the interaction of A with B.

There are clearly 6 such interactions between pairs
of the 4 ingredients, and each of these is evaluated
by the experiment with the same precision.
The 4 contrasts for single ingredients, and the
6 interactions between pairs of them, still do not
exhaust the possible interactions which may be
present, and which the experiment is competent to
reveal. It might be, for example, that the inter-
action between A and B is itself influenced by the
quantity of the ingredient C. I f we were to calculate
the interaction of A and B for those mixtures which
had a larger quantity of C, and subtract from this
the corresponding interaction for mixtures having
the smaller quantity of C, we should, in fact, be
adding up all the results from mixtures having either
all three or anyone of the ingredients A, Band C
present in the larger quantity, and subtracting from
this total the effects of all the mixtures having either
none, or any two. The measure ot discrepancy is,
therefore, symmetrically related to the three in-
gredients A, Band C, and is known as the interaction
of these three ingredients. I f such an interaction
exists the fact may be stated, as above, by saying
that the interaction of A and B depends on the
quantity of C present. Equally, we might make the
equivalent statement that the interaction of Band C
depends on the quantity of A present, or that the
interaction of C and A depends on the quantity of B.
The three statements are logically equivalent; and
for any set of three ingredients there will be only one

numerical measure of the interaction to be ascertained

from the data. Since there are four sets of three
which we might choose, there are four triple inter-
actions which can be evaluated, each of which, like
the interactions between two ingredients, is found by
the comparison of a set of 48 chosen tests, with
another set of 48 in other respects comparable with it.
Finally, if we ask whether the interaction of A,
Band C is dependent on the quantity of D present,
it appears that the answer to our question must
be a comparison symmetrically related to all four
ingredients. This is made by comparing the effects
of those mixtures in which there is a larger quantity
of 4, 2 or none of the ingredients with the effects of
those mixtures in which there is a larger quantity of
3 or I of them. There is thus only one quadruple
interaction in the system, and this will be evaluated
with the same precision as all the others. We thus
find that the 15 independent comparisons among the
I6 different mixtures, which have been made up, may
be logically resolved into IS intelligible components,
as shown in the following table : -

Effects of single ingredients 4

Interactions of 2 6
,,3 " 4
" " 4
Total 15

The numbers are the coefficients of the binomial

expansion (I +X)4, omitting the first. Each particular
interaction may be clearly designated by the selection

of letters, such a~ ABC which represent the ingredients

contributing to it. With respect to sign it is a con-
venient convention to speak of an interaction as
positive when the measured effects of the set of
mixtures, which contain all the ingredients involved
in larger quantity, exceeds the measured effects of the
remaining set.
The second advantage, which we may note,
therefore, in a factorially arranged experiment, is
that, in addition to measuring the effects of the four
single ingredients with the same precision as though
the whole of the experiment had been devoted to each
of them, it measures also the I I possible interactions
between these ingredients with the same precision.
These interactions may, or may not, be considerable
in magnitude. I t is none the less of importance in
practical cases to know whether they are considerable
or not.
The precision with which the IS comparisons have
been made is, of course, estimated from the variation
between the results of the 6 trials of each mixture.
Each mixture will, therefore, provide 5 degrees of
freedom for making a pooled estimate of the precision
of the experiment, thus giving 80 degrees of freedom
in all. The analysis of variance of the 96 trials thus
takes the simple form :-
Degrees of
Treatments IS
Error 80

Total 95

The sum of squares corresponding to error is divided

by 80 to obtain the estimated variance of a single
experiment. This, multiplied by 96, gives the
estimated variance of the difference between the sum
of any chosen set of 48 results, and the sum of the
remainder. Thus we have only to add one-fifth of
its value to the sum of squares for error, and take the
square root, to find the standard deviation appropriate
to each of the 15 comparisons that have been made,
and in relation to which the significance of each may
be judged. Since 80 is a relatively ample number of
degrees of freedom for the estimation of error, those
differences may conveniently be judged significant,
which exceed twice their standard errors.
Had the experiment been arranged, for greater
precision, in 6 blocks of trials, we should in the
analysis eliminate the differences between these blocks
from the estimate of error. We should then have : -


Degrees of
Blocks 5
Treatments 15
Error 75
Total 95

lea ving 75 degrees of freedom for the estimation of

error; so that the sum of squares for error must be
multiplied by 96/75 or 1'28 to obtain the variance
of any comparison between 48 chosen tests, and the
remaining 48.

39. The Basis of Inductive Inference

We have seen that the factorial arrangement
possesses two advantages over experiments involving
only single factors: (i) Greater efficz"ency, in that these
factors are evaluated with the same precision by means
of only a quarter of the number of observations that
would otherwise be necessary; and, (ii) Greater
comprehensiveness in that, in addition to the 4 effects
of single factors, their I I possible interactions are
evaluated. There is a third advantage which, while
less obvious than the former two, has an important
bearing upon the utility of the experimental results
in their practical application. This is that any
conclusion, such as that it is advantageous to increase
the quantity of a given ingredient, has a wider
inductive basis when inferred from an experiment
in which the quantities of other ingredients have
been varied, than it would have from any amount
of experimentation, in which these had been kept
strictly constant. The exact standardisation of
experimental conditions, which is often thoughtlessly
advocated as a panacea, always carries with it the
real disadvantage that a highly standardised experi-
ment supplies direct information only in respect
of the narrow range of conditions achieved by
standardisation. Standardisation, therefore, weakens
rather than strengthens our ground for inferring a
like result, when, as is invariably the case in practice,
these conditions are somewhat varied. As the analysis
of variance clearly shows, such standardisation of

conditions is only of value in increasing the precision

of the experimental data when it is applied to the
tests to be compared experimentally, differences
between which affect the real errors, and the estimates
of error with which they are randomised. Such
standardisation is out of place when applied to
parallel tests designed, by multiplying the observa-
tions, to increase the precision of all comparisons.
In fact, as the factorial arrangement well illustrates,
we may, by deliberately varying in each case some
of the conditions of the experiment, achieve a wider
inductive basis for our conclusions, without in any
degree impairing their precision.

40. Inclusion of Subsidiary Factors

Factorial types of arrangement, by reconciling
the desiderata of a relatively wide exploration with
high precision, without sacrifice of either advantage,
are eminently suitable when alternative procedures of
any kind are apparently open to the experimenter.
Thus it may be doubtful whether the cultivation of
an orchard is most advantageously carried out in the
spring or the autumn of the year" More than one
method of cultivation, also, may be advocated with
apparently equal force. Numerous similar examples
will occur when the modification of any practical
procedure is under consideration. Schools of opinion
. are formed on points which, without systematic trial
we cannot know to have, or to lack, real importance,
as bee-keepers dispute whether the combs should lie
parallel from the front of the hive to the back, or

should lie transverseiy to this direction. These are all

qualitative differences, but, provided that there is a
quantitative method of measuring any real advantage
. which they may confer, they may be incorporated in
experiments designed primarily to test other points;
with the real advantages that, if either general effects
or interactions are detected, that will be so much
knowledge gained at no expense to the other objects
of the experiment; and that, in any case, there will
be no reason for rejecting the experimental results on
the ground that the test was made in conditions
differing in one or other of these respects from those
in which it is intended to apply the results.
There is another feature widespread in experi-
mental work where the factorial arrangement relieves
the investigator of a troublesome cause of anxiety;
namely, that the isolation of a single factor for
separate experimentation can often be achieved only
at the expense of a somewhat questionable arbitrariness
of definition. To consider a very simple case, the
experimenter may undertake to test the respective
yields of two or more varieties of a cereal crop. At
first sight it will readily be admitted that all other
factors likely to affect the yield shall be made the
same for the varieties to be compared. So the
quantity of seed sown must be equalised. But if the
seed-rates are measured in bushels per acre, the
bushels, measured as equal volumes of seed of the
different varieties, may differ in their weight; or,
again, they may differ even more conspicuously in the
numbers of seeds which they contain. If the test is

to be carried out at the same single seed-rate for each

variety, the equ~lity of seed-rate must be defined,
for the purpose of the test, with some degree of
arbitrariness. Unless we have assurance that varia-
tions in seed-rate will not affect the yield obtained,
this arbitrariness will infect the results of the
experiment. Clearly, on the question at issue, as
between the varieties, it would be desirable to make
a comparison using for each variety that seed-rate
which is most profitable for it. This may differ from
equality, as measured by volume, or by weight, or
by number of seeds to the acre, by reason of the
different capacities of the varieties to withstand causes
of death, or, by forming additional shoots, to fill
up vacant spaces. The experimenter who, in testing
the varieties, at the same time makes a sufficient
variation in seed-rates to embrace the optimal value,
is clearly in a better position to meet the criticisms
which !llay arise from these considerations, than is
one who adopts any arbitrary conventions as to what
the phrase "equality of conditions" is intended to
In the conditions of cereal cultivation, moreover,
variations in seed-rate inevitably raise with them
further questions. In particular, what space should
be left between the seed-rows or drills? At a heavier
seed-rate it is reasonable to suppose that the drills
could with advantage be placed nearer together than
they could if less corn were sown. Consequently,
the question as to what is the most advantageous
seed-rate can never be answered experimentally

without a simultaneous variation in the width of

the drills. Equally, no investigation of the question
of drill-width can be satisfactory unless the amount
of seed sown be also varied. The simple question,
therefore, of the comparison of the yields of different
varieties of the same crop carries with it the simul-
taneous investigation of the effects of variations in
other items of agricultural procedure. These do not,
however, if a logical and comprehensive plan of
experimentation be adopted, add to the cost or
labour of an effective experimental programme. For
extensive replication of the plots sown is in any case
a necessity, if accurate results are to be attained;
and this replication, at the same time as it increases
the precision of comparisons, may be used simul-
taneously to supply the desired variations in all
conditions likely to be bound up with that which is
the primary object of the investigation.
For a given number of trials the more experimental
variants are tried the fewer will be the absolute
replicates. Thus, with 96 trials, we may have 6
absolute replicates of 16 different experimental vari-
ants, and these, as we have seen, will still leave 80
degrees of freedom for the estimation of error. With
the same material we might test 48 different mixtures,
or treatments, and still have duplicate results for each.
There would then be 48 degrees of freedom left for
error. Although each test is only made in. duplicate,
yet all the primary questions, into which the differences
among them may be resolved, are answered with the
same precision as though the whole experiment had

been devoted to each of these questions alone; the
loss of absolute replication is made good by the
hidden replication inherent in the factorial arrange-
ment. The experimental error is no larger, although,
being based on only 48 independent comparisons, it
is known with a slightly lower precision, than if 80
had been available. With factorial experiments
designed to make a large number of comparisons
there will, in fact, usually be an ample number of
degrees of freedom for the estimation of error.

41. Experiments without Replication

It may occasionally be desirable to dispense with
absolute replication altogether. This occurs when it
is required to test a large number of combinations
simultaneously without enlarging the experiment so
greatly as to make repeated use of each combination;
and especially, when there is reason to believe that
most of the interactions involving 3 or more factors
will be unimportant experimentally, in the sense that
their real effects, if any, will be too small to be
statistically significant, in an experiment of the size
contemplated. In such cases the whole of the
independent comparisons which the experiment pro-
vides may be assigned to the factors tested and their
interactions. There will in fact be none ascribable to
pure error, but there will be numerous interactions
the apparent effects of which are principally due
to error, and these may be used to provide a
measure of the precision of the more important
For example, we may have 6 factors each
providing two alternatives to be tested; and though
we do not know a priori that these factors are
unrelated, we may have reason to think that their
action should be sufficiently nearly independent for
all but the simple interactions between pairs of them
to be experimentally negligible. If each of the
combinations be tried once, the 63 independent
comparisons which the experiment provides may
be analysed as in the table below : -

Degrees of
Single factors. . . 6
Interaction between :2 factors 15
" " 3
I~ Error 42
The 6 primary effects of the individual factors
will each be determined, as we have seen, by the
whole weight of the evidence o 64 trials. To test the
significance of the differences observed, we may use
the 42 degrees of freedom for interactions involving
more than 2 factors to supply an estimate of error;
that is, an estimate of the variance, due to error,
of a single trial. The same test may be applied to
any of the 15 interactions between pairs of factors
which may seem to be possibly significant. If none
of these are very important compared with the
average of the remainder we have an empirical
confirmation of the supposition upon which the
experiment was designed, that the 6 primary factors

are not strongly related. If, h'owever, contrary to

expectation, it appeared that there was a large inter-
action between two of these factors, it would be
advisable to examine separately the interactions
between 3 factors which involve these two. We
should thus pick out 4 particular suspects out of the
42 degrees of freedom provisionally ascribed to error,
leaving 38 in comparison with which their significance
could be tested.
Such a plan could, of course, fail; and would do
so if a large number of the high order interactions
were more important than the primary effects. It
would, however, not likely be tried in these circum-
stances. More frequently we should find that the
true error had been but slightly inflated, and the
effective precision of the experiment slightly reduced,
_ by the inclusion in the estimate of error of some small
components really due to interactions of the factors
R. A. FISHER (1926). The arrangement of field experiments.
Journal of Ministry of Agriculture, xxxiii. 503-513.
T. EDEN and R. A. FISHER (1927). The experimental determin-
ation of the value of top dressings with cereals. Journal of
Agricultural Science, xvii. 548-562.

42. The Problem of Controlling Heterogeneity
I T has been shown in the last chapter that great
advantages may be obtained by testing experimentally
an aggregate of variants, systematically arranged on
the factorial scheme. The illustrations have shown
that such aggregates may be very numerous. When,
in Chapters II 1. and IV., the advantages of pairing,
or of grouping, the material in relatively homogeneous
blocks was discussed, it was seen that the precision
attainable by a given amount of experimentation was
liable to be reduced, when the number of comparisons
to be made was large, by reason of the increased
heterogeneity, which must in practice then be per-
mitted, among the tests in the same group.
In agricultural experimentation this effect ex-
presses itself very simply in the increased size of the
blocks of land, each of which is to contain plots
representative of all the different combinations to be
tested. Thus if there are 48 different combinations,
each block will have to be nearly an acre in extent,
and it is common experience that within so large an
area considerably greater soil heterogeneity will be
found, than would be the case if the blocks could be
reduced in size to a quarter of an acre or less. The
same consideration applies to experimentation of all
. 119

kinds. If large quantities of material are needed, or
large numbers of laboratory animals, these will almost
invariably be more heterogeneous than smaller lots
could be made to be. In like manner, extensive
compilations of statistical material often show evidence
of such heterogeneity among the several parts which
have been assembled, and are seriously injured in
value, if this heterogeneity is overlooked in making
the compilation.
In many fields of experimentation quantitative
knowledge is lacking as to the degree of heterogeneity
to be anticipated in batches of material of different
size, or dra'wn from more or less diverse sources.
This is a drawback to precise planning, which
increased care in experimental design will doubtless
steadily remove. While, therefore, greater hetero-
geneity is always, on general principles, to be
anticipated, when the scope of an experimental
investigation is to be enlarged, this feature will often
do but little to annul the advantages discussed in the
last chapter. Nevertheless, the means by which such
heterogeneity can be controlled are widely applicable,
and will generally give a further increase in pre-
CISIon. In agricultural field trials, where the study
of heterogeneity has been itself the object of a
great deal of deliberate investigation, it is certain
that the further advantages to be gained are very
considera ble.
In the last chapter, we have seen that a factorially
arranged experiment supplies information on a large
number of experimental comparisons. Some of these,

such as the effects of single factors, will always be of
interest. I t is seldom, too, that we should be willing
to forego knowledge of any interactions which may
exist between pairs of these factors. But, in the case
of interactions involving 3 factors or more, the
position is often somewhat different. Such inter-
actions may with reason be deemed of little experi-
mental value, either because the experimenter is
confident that they are quantitatively unimportant,
or because, if they were known to exist, there would
be no immediate prospect of the fact being utilised.
In such cases we may usefully adopt the artifice
known as "confounding." This consists of increasing
the number of blocks, or groups of relatively homo-
geneous material, beyond the number of replications
in "the experiment, so that each replication occupies
two or more blocks; and, at the same time, arranging
that the experimental contrasts between the different
blocks within each replication shall be contrasts
between unimportant interactions, the study of which
the experimenter is willing to sacrifice, for the sake
of increasing the precision of the remaining contrasts,
in which he is specially interested. To do this it
must be possible to evaluate these remaining contrasts
solely by comparisons within the blocks. It is not
necessary, however, that comparisons within anyone
block should provide the required contrast, but only
that it should be possible to build this up by com-
parisons within all the blocks of a replication.

43. Example with 8 Treatments, Notation

A very simple example of confounding suggests
itself when we have 3 factors, of only 2 variants
each, and unite them in an experiment involving
the 8 combinations, which they provide. It was in
such an experiment that the principle of confounding
was first used. As a convenient notation for these
cases we may call the 3 factors A, Band C. Let us
choose to regard one of these 8 variants as a standard,
or " control," and denote it by the symbol (I). The
variant which differs from this only in the factor A
we will denote by (a), likewise (b) and (e) will stand
for the two other treatments which differ from the
control in respect of the factors Band C. The
remaining treatments will differ from the control in
either two, or in all three of the factors used, and may
therefore be denoted unequivocally by the symbols
(ab) , (ae) , (be) and (abe). The same symbols may be
used for the treatments, and for the quantitative
measures of the results of these treatments, which the
experiment is designed to ascertain. Thus (ab) will
stand either for a particular treatment applied to an
agricultural crop, or to the total yield of the plots
which have received this treatment. Equally, it might
be the average live weight, or the average longevity,
of experimental animals which have been treated in
this way, if the experiment is aimed at studying the
conditions which influence weight or longevity.
In contradistinction to the treatments, or experi-
mental variants, denoted by such symbols as (a) we

shall use A, B, ec., to denote the experimental

contrasts found for the factors, and for their inter-
actions. Thus A will stand for the factor A and for
its effect as measured by summing the treatments the
symbols of which contain a, and deducting those
which do not; -i.e.,
1\ == (abc)~(ab)~(ac)~(a)--(bc)--(b)--(c)--(I),

or, by analogy with the rules of multiplication of

algebraic quantities
A == (a-- I)(b~ I)(C~ I).
B == (b--I)(a~I)(c~I),
C == (c--I)(a~I)(b~I).

The corresponding expressions for the interactions

between pairs of factors are then easily seen to be
AB == (a--I)(b--I)(C~I),

Be == (b-- I)(C-- I)(a+ I),

CA == (c-- I)(a-- I)(b+ I).

Finally, the interaction of all 3 factors has the

symbolic expression
ABC == (a-- I)(b-- I)(C-- I).

The purpose of the symbolism is to make it easy to

denote any particular contrast, or interaction, and to
ascertain at once how the treatments should be com-
pounded in evaluating it.

44. Design suited to Confounding the Triple Interaction

Such a set of eight treatments might be not
inconveniently tested in groups of eight experimental
trials, on relatively homogeneous material, or on
blocks of land, each containing 8 plots. If, however,
we decide in advance that the whole value of the
experiment lies in the simple contrasts A, B, C, and
in the interactions between pairs of factors) AB,
BC, and CA, while the interaction between all 3
factors, ABC, is unimportant and may be neglected,
then it is possible to divide the land into blocks of
only four plots each, or, in general, to subdivide the
experimental material in groups of four, choosing thus
more homogeneous groups than could be obtained
if 8 had to be included in each group. To do this
we notice that the particular interaction ABC, which
we are willing to sacrifice, is a simple contrast between
one particular four of our eight treatments, namely,
(abc)+ (a) +(b)+ (c),
and the remaining four
as in Fig. I.

(e) (be)

(abc) (ab)

(a) ( 1)

(b) (ae)

FIG. I.-Diagram showing the arrangement of eight treatments in

two complementary blocks belonging to the same replication.

I f, therefore, these sets of four treatments are

grouped together in blocks, and two such blocks be
assigned to each replication, the contrast between the
blocks within each replication is merely the treatment
contrast which we are willing to sacrifice. This
contrast has, therefore, been confounded indistinguish-
ably with the differences between blocks, which are
intended to be eliminated from the experimental errors
of the comparisons we wish to make, and from the
estimate of these errors. The remaining contrasts,
-representing single factors, or interactions between
pairs of them, though none of them can be made by
comparisons within a single block, are all built up
by combining a contrast of one pair of treatments
and another in the same block, with a similar contrast
inside the other block of the replication. The reader
should satisfy himself that this is so by examining
each of these contrasts. I t is then apparent that the
errors to which these contrasts are subject arise solely
from heterogeneity within the sets of four trials
constituting the blocks, and that the differences
between different blocks contribute nothing to the
experimental error. By confounding the one unim-
portant contrast with the differences between blocks,
it is therefore possible to evaluate the six more
important contrasts with whatever added precision
1S attained by using more homogeneous material.

45. Effect on Analysis of Variance

As an example, let us suppose such a test were
carried out with 5 replications. There would then be


ten blocks, and 9 degrees of freedom belong to the

contrasts between these blocks, which have been
eliminated from the experimental error. Of these 9,
one may be identified with the treatment contrast
which has been confounded. The three independent
comparisons, within each of the ten blocks of 4,
must be assigned 30 degrees of freedom. Of these, 6
stand for the treatment contrasts evaluated, and the
remaining 24 for the experimental error available
for estimating the precision of the experiment, and
for testing the significance of any particular result.
The analysis of any such experiment is, therefore,
of the form given below : -
Degrees of
Blocks 9
Treatments 6
Error 24

Total 39

I t is often instructive, and affords a useful check in

more confusing examples, to see how the components
ascribable to error may be obtained independently,
rather than only by subtraction from the total. In
this case there are two sets of five blocks, each
containing identical treatments. The three differences
among these treatments have, therefore, each been
evaluated 5 times, and the 4 discrepancies between
these 5 values will give 12 differences due wholly to
error. Equally, the other set of five blocks contribute
the other 12 degrees of freedom or error, making 24 in
all, the total required.
Without confounding, the analysis of the experi-
ment would read : -
TABLE I5 Degrees of
Blocks 4
Treatments 7
Error 28
Total 39

so that the effect of the subdivision into blocks has

been to eliminate 5 additional degrees of freedom, one
from the treatments, and four from the error. If
greater homogeneity has in fact been obtained from
the subdivision, the components by which the error
has been diminished will have carried away a dis-
proportionate share of the residual variation.
The subdivision of each replication into two or
more blocks does not prevent, when this is desired,
the isolation, among the degrees of freedom assigned
to error, of the particular components of error which
affect any chosen comparison within the blocks.
Since, however, the comparisons in which we are
interested, such as A, are built up of comparisons
within blocks of different kinds, they are equally
affected by the components of error within each
kind of block. Thus, in our present example,
instead of 4 degrees of freedom only being available
for the estimation of error of the comparison A,
8 are available, and these 8 are the same as
affect the precision of the interaction Be. Thus
the 24 degrees of freedom for error are divisible
into three sets of 8 each, appt;rtaining to three
12 7

pairs of comparisons among the' degrees of freedom

ascribed to treatments.

46. Example with Zl Treatments

The principle of procedure illustrated in the last
example may be extended and generalised in a large
number of ways. Since only a few of these can be
exemplified, the reader will find great advantage in
investigating the possibilities of similar designs appro-
priate to the special problems in which he is interested.
The variety of the subject is, in fact, unlimited, and
probably many valuable possibilities remain to be
discovered. We will consider next an experiment
with 3 factors, in which each furnishes not two
but three variants, so that there are in all 27
combinations to be investigated. Thus a large scale
investigation of the manurial requirements of young
rubber plantations, in respect to the three primary
manurial elements, nitrogen, potassium, and phos-
phorus, combines, in addition to whatever basal
treatment may be thought desirable, single or double
applications of these three manures; making in all
three levels for each ingredient, such as nitrogen only,
nine combinations for any two ingredients, and 27
for all three together.
In order to reduce the size of the block below that
needed to contain 27 plots, we have to guide us in
choosing a smaller size, the fact that blocks of nine
will in any case be needed, if all the interactions
between pairs of factors are to be conserved. The
experiment will therefore have nine plots to a block,

and three blocks in each complete replication. Every-

thing now depends on the choice of the sets of nine
treatments which are to be assigned to the same
blocks, and, of course, within each block to strictly
randomised positions. I n order to conserve the main
effects and the interactions between pairs, a set of
nine treatments chosen to occupy the same block,
must fulfil the following requirements ; -

(i) the three levels of each ingredient must be

represented by three plots each,
(ii) the nine combinations of each pair of lil-
gredients must be represented by one plot

I f the set satisfies the second group of conditions it

satisfies also the first. I t is not, however, at first sight
obvious that the second condition can be fulfilled at
once for all three pairs of factors. The combinatorial
relationship exhibited in the Latin square may here
be applied most valuably.
Let us set out the nine combinations to be chosen
in a diagrammatic square with three rows and three
columns, and let us lay it down that treatments in the
first row shall receive nitrogen at the first level,
treatments in the second row at the second level,
and treatments in the third row at the third level.
Then the requirement that the three levels of nitrogen
shall be equally represented in our selection is
satisfied easily by having three plots in each row of
our diagram. Similarly, we may lay it down that
the columns of our square correspond to the levels of

abundance of the second ingredient, potash, in the

manurial mixture to be tested. I t is then clear that
we must have three plots in each column, and if the
interactions of nitrogen and potash are to be conserved,
that there must be one plot at the intersection of each
row with each column. With respect to the level at
which phosphate is applied to any plot, we cannot
now represent it by its position in our diagrammatic
square, but shall simply use the numbers I, 2, 3
inserted in any position in the diagram to represent
the level of the phosphatic ingredient.
I t now appears that a selection of nine treatments
will satisfy the conditions laid down above, if it can
be represented diagrammatically by a square contain-
ing nine numbers at the intersections of the three
rows with the three columns, of which every row
must contain I, 2 and 3 once each, in order that
the interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus should be
conserved; and every column equally must contain
a " I," a " 2 " and a " 3," to make sure of conserving
the interaction of potash and phosphorus. We have
in fact merely to arrange the numbers I, 2, 3 in a
Latin square in order to obtain a single selection of
the treatments, which might properly occupy a single

I 2 3
2 3
3 2

There are only 12 solutions of the 3 X 3 Latin square.

I f we choose one of these to represent the contents of

one block, we must next enquire whether any selec-

tion of treatments to occupy the other blocks in the
same replications can be made to satisfy the con-
ditions. We may convince ourselves on this point,
by considering the effect on our chosen selection
of making a cyclic substitution of the levels of
phosphate; that is by substituting 2 for I, 3 for 2,
and I for 3 throughout the diagram. Repeating such
a substitution three times will clearly bring us back
to the original selection; but the two new selections
first produced will (i) both be represented by Latin
squares, and (ii) will between them and the original
from which they were derived contain all 27 treat-
ments. This last essential fact becomes clear on
perceiving that the number in any particular cell of
the square must take the values I, 2, 3 on successive
applications of the substitution, whatever may be the
initial value, while the aggregate of the 27 treatments
used are represented simply by these three numbers,
placed at all the nine points of the diagram.
The 26 independent comparisons among 27 treat-
ments may be analysed according to the factors
involved, as in the table below : -
TABLE 16 Degrees of
N 2
K 2
P 2
NK 4
PK 4
NP 4

Total 26

If, therefore, we make up the contents of the block in

accordance with the solution provided by the Latin
square diagram, we shall have sacrificed a par-
ticular 2 out of the 8 degrees of freedom for triple
I t is, of course, always easy to recognise the
particular components of treatment in which blocks
in the same replication differ, and to obtain the
aggregate sum of squares for the six triple
interactions which have not been confounded, by
subtraction. This residue of unconfounded inter-
actions may then be tested for significance like other
treatment effects, and will usually be of service in
confirming experimentally the SUpposItIOn upon
which the experimental design was based, namely,
that the triple interactions as a whole had not been
quantitatively important.
There is, however, a certain advantage in being
able to recognise which particular contrasts these
unconfounded interactions represent. F or then we
can, if we wish, subdivide them to examine the
significance of more particular effects. In the case
of the design under discussion, based on a 3 X 3
Latin square, the combinatorial properties of such a
square are such as to make this recognition easy. It
has been mentioned above that there are only twelve
3 X 3 squares, and we have seen that each belongs to
a set of 3 which can be generated from it by a cyclic
substitution. There are, therefore, only 4 such sets,
and the 4 squares below are representatives chosen
one from each set.

1. II. III. IV.

2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2

2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3
3 I 2 2 I 3 23 1 3 21

It may be observed that the second representative

is formed from the first by interchanging the numbers
2 and 3; the third is formed from the first by inter-
changing the second and third rows, and the fourth
is formed from the first by interchanging the second
and third columns. If we consider, now, examples
Nos. 1. and II. it is to be observed that they agree
in the three plots having phosphate at level No. I,
but differ in the other six. If, however, we applied
the cyclic substitution to the first example, it would,
after one operation, agree with the second example in
the three plots at phosphate level NO.3, and differ in
the other six; while after a second operation it would
agree only in the three plots at phosphate level NO.2.
Consequently, the nine treatments in any selection of
set I I. appear three each in the three selections of set I.,
these sets of treatments being those having the same
quantity of phosphate. The treatment comparisons
represented by the subdivision of the 27 treatments
as in set I I. are therefore wholly independent of the
treatment comparisons of set 1. Both represent 2
degrees of freedom out of the 8 available for triple
interaction, and these 2 pairs of degrees of freedom
have nothing in common. Consequently, when the
pair of degrees of freedom of set I. are confounded,
the pair represented by set I L are wholly conserved.
The same relationship subsists between set I I I.
and set I. if we consider the treatments represented
in the same row, i.e., those of an equal level of
nitrogen, instead of those represented by the same
number, at an equal level of phosphate. The
examples shown above agree in the first row and
differ in the two other rows. If the cyclic sub-
stitution be applied to the first example it will agree
with the third successively in the second and third
rows, while always differing in the remaining two.
Consequently, the third set, like the second, represents
a treatment contrast wholly independent of that
represented by the first, and which is therefore entirely
conserved if the latter is confounded. In like manner,
the treatments in any selection of set IV. will be
distributed by threes in the selections of set I.,
these threes lying in the same column, and having
therefore equal quantities of potash. The 2 degrees
of freedom of set IV. are also therefore wholly con-
served. I t should be noticed further that the three
sets-II., III. and IV.-are not only independent of
set I., but are also independent of each other. Thus
in the examples shown, I I. and I I I. agree in a single
column, II. and IV. in a single row, and III. and
IV. in a single number; and, in view of what has
been said above these facts suffice to show that the
pairs of degrees of freedom represented by these sets
are wholly independent and have nothing in common.
Since all are included in the 6 degrees of freedom
conserved, they must therefore constitute the whole
of the 6 degrees of freedom, and constitute parts of it

which may be separated in the analysis, and examined

separately in the test of significance.
Supposing, then, that the experiment were carried
out with 12 replications, or, in all, 324 plots, we might
choose one of the 4 pairs of degrees of freedom into
which the 8 triple interactions have been divided, and
decide to sacrifice these particular components of the
triple interactions, in order to increase the precision
of the comparisons to be made in the 6 components
of single factor effects, the 12 components of inter-
actions between pairs of factors, and the 6 components
of triple interactions which have not been confounded.
The experiment then consists of 36 blocks of 9 plots
each, so that 35 degrees of freedom are eliminated as
representing block differences. The sets of treatments
in different blocks within the same replication are
assigned by using one of the cyclic sets of 3 x 3 Latin
squares; remembering, of course, that topographically
these treatments are not arranged in a Latin square,
but are assigned at random to the 9 plots in the
block. Each set of 9 treatments replicated 12 times
will provide 88 degrees of freedom for error, or 264
in all, so that the complete analysis of the experiment
may be shortly represented as below : -
TABLE 17 Degrees of
Blocks 35
Single factors . 6
Interactions between pairs 12
U nconfounded triple interactions 6
Error 264


47. Partial Confounding

In the example we have just considered with 27
treatments it has been shown that we can gain the
great advantage of smaller blocks, or increased
homogeneity of material, for all the primary com-
parisons, and their interactions by pairs, at the
expense of some sacrifice of information about
the triple interactions, which are presumed to be
comparatively unimportant. The advantage of such
a procedure would be great in many practical cases,
even if all knowledge of the interactions of a higher
order had to be foregone. Formally, however, the
typical experiment discussed has shown that the
sacrifice required is that of one only of four portions
into which the triple interactions may be divided,
and that we may sacrifice whichever one we please
of these four portions. If, now, it is thought that
knowledge of these interactions, though admittedly
comparatively unimportant, is not wholly worthless,
the fact that only one-quarter has to be sacrificed will
appear to be a real advantage. This advantage is
not, however, made fully accessible by the experiment
proposed; for the 6 degrees of freedom conserved,
while they afford satisfactory guidance as to the
significance or insignificance of such triple inter-
actions as may exist, represent manurial contrasts of
a somewhat complex kind, and are not in fact the
components we should choose for separate examina-
tion if the triple interactions had been conserved in
their entirety.

When the quantity of an ingredient of a mixture

has been tested at three different levels the two
independent comparisons which these provide may
often be usefully subdivided in a particular way.
We may regard the difference between the highest
level and the lowest as representing the principal
effect of the ingredient, that is, as giving us the
average effect brought about by a unit addition of
this ingredient, averaged over the range of dosage
studied. In conjunction with this principal degree of
freedom we may introduce a second, orthogonal to,
or statistically independent of, the first. This will be
found by subtracting the sum of the effects of the
first and third level from twice the effect of the second
level of concentration. Thus if (n 1) , (n 2 ) , (na) stand
for different levels of the amount of nitrogen in a
manurial mixture, or for the measured effects of such
treatments, the two components of the effect of
nitrogen which may conveniently be separated are
defined by
Nl = (n3)-(nl)
N2 = z(n2)-(nl)-(na)

These forms at least will be convenient when the

concentrations tested differ by equal steps, or by
steps which, on any hypothesis under consideration,
should produce equal effects. They may be modified
to other orthogonal linear forms when the relationship
between the quantities used experimentally is of a
more complicated character. Here we are concerned
only to illustrate the statement that when high order

interactions are regarded as having any experimental

importance, our interest will usually be centred on
particular components into which such interactions
may be analysed. The statistical independence of
the two forms proposed above may be conveniently
verified by multiplying together the coefficients of
(n l ) in the two expressions, and adding the product
so formed to the corresponding products for the
coefficients of (n 2) and (n3)' If these products
add up to zero the components designated are
statistically independent and represent mutually
exclusive degrees of freedom.
Considering the 4 degrees of freedom for the
interaction of two ingredients, such as nitrogen and
potash, it is now readily seen that these can be
denoted by the four symbols, NlK l , N 2 K l , N l K 2 ,
and N 2 K 2 , anyone of which may be interpreted
in terms of the treatment concerned by algebraic
expanSlOn. Thus:-
NlKl = (n 3 -nl )(k3 -k l )
= (n3 k 3)-(nlk3)-(n3k J+(nlkl)'

and so with other expressions. I t will be seen at once

that, if our interest in the interaction between nitro-
genous and potassic treatments arises principally from
a suspicion that, with a larger supply of nitrogen,
there may be a greater need for or opportunities
for the utilisation of potash, then the particular
component NlKl will have an interest which the
other components from which it has been separated
do not share. Similarly, with triple interactions it

might well be that t'he sole scientific interest of the

eight independent comparisons which, in our experi-
ment, these afford, lay in one particular component
such as N1K1P 1.
The inconvenience of the confounding process
used in the experiment consists, therefore, in the fact
that if the triple interaction, or any component of it,
is possibly of sufficient magnitude to be not wholly
negligible, the components of triple interaction
conserved by the experiment will not probably be
themselves of any special interest; and, in the
absence of the two components which have been
confounded, will not afford the means of isolating
the more interesting components for special study.
It would seem, therefore, that it would have been
preferable, if possible, to have spread such informa-
tion, as the experiment is designed to give respecting
the triple interactions, equally over the 8 degrees of
freedom of which they are composed, unless the
structure of the experiment is itself such as to isolate
for conservation just those components which are of
the greatest interest. The process of spreading the
available information equally over the whole group
of comparisons which are affected is known as partial
In our example there are 12 replications. If the
. number of replications, as in this case, is divisible by
4, then, instead of completely confounding a chosen
pair of degrees of freedom out of the four pairs avail-
able, we might partially confound all four, by using
each cyclic set three times instead of using the same set

twelve times. The treatment comparison represented

by any cyclic set will then have been conserved in
9 replications, while it has been sacrificed in 3.
All these comparisons will therefore be capable of
evaluation from the results of the experiment, though
with only three-quarters of the precision with which
interactions between pairs of factors, and the effects
of single factors have been evaluated. In such an
arrangement the general advantage conferred by the
principle of confounding may be most clearly seen,
for the reduction in the size of the block from 27 plots
to 9 will probably have increased the precision of the
unconfounded comparisons in a higher ratio than that
of 4: 3; and, as the triple interactions are only
confounded in I replication out of 4, they also will
be evaluated with increased, but more moderately
increased, precision, in spite of the quarter of the
information respecting them which has been sacrificed
in order that the blocks might be reduced to 9 plots
The information concerning the triple interactions
which has been supplied by the experiment, if partial
confounding has been practised, will be in the form
of contrasts between the three sets of 9 treatments,
each specified by one of the four cyclic sets of Latin
squares. These contrasts must be gathered separately
from those parts of the experiment from which they
are available, without using those parts in which they
are confounded. By this means the comparison
is kept unaffected by the larger elements of soil
heterogeneity, which distinguish the different blocks.

Thus the contrast between the three sets of treatments

( ~ ~ ~), (~ 3 ~), (~ ~ ~),

\3 I 2 I 2 3 2 3 I

may be obtained by adding up the aggregate response

to these sets of treatments, in the 9 replications in
which these contrasts of manurial treatment are not
those which characterise whole blocks. A different
set of 9 replications will provide the material for
evaluating the contrasts between the sets of treatments
of the second group, namely,

while different sets of nine replications will give the

contrasts between the cyclic derivatives obtained from
the squares
I 2 3 13 2
3 2 and 2 3
2 3 321

If, now, we are specially interested to evaluate a

particular component of the triple interaction, such
as that which has been denoted above by N1K1P 1,
we must obtain this by a combination of the contrasts
which the experiment provides directly. To do this
may require some ingenuity. The solution in this
case is found by using only those squares in which
one diagonal, or the other, contains plots with the
highest or lowest level of phosphate. Thus, if we
compound with the proper positive and negative signs
the yields given by the experiment for the 8 squares
set out below, it appears that

(~ 3 ~) _ (~ ~ ~) + (; 2 ;) ~ (; ; ;)
\ I 2 3, 3 2 1 3 2 3 2 I

+(; ~ ;)_(;
12 3
;)+(~ ~ ~)_(~ 3 ~)
I 23 321

is equal to 3 N1K1P 1
With the aid of this example the reader will do
well to consider how the data of the experiment
should be combined to obtain other types of inter-
action, such as those denoted by N 1K 1P 2' N 2 K 2 P 1, and
N 2 K2 P 2, and to satisfy himself that these can each be
derived by a similar choice of appropriate compounds
from the data provided by the partially confounded
471. Practical Exercises
I. Show that, if each factor is tested at two levels,
blocks of eight will suffice for testing 4, 5, 6 or
7 factors simultaneously, without confounding any
interaction involving only two factors.
2. In a linkage test with eight genetic factors,
show that a selection of 8 out of the 128 possible
types of multiple heterozygotes can be made so that
each of the 28 pairs of factors is in "coupling" in 4,
and in " repulsion" in 4.
3. Using a completely orthogonaIised 7 X 7 square,
show that with eight replications a set of 49 varieties
may be tested in blocks of 7, so that every possible
pair of varieties occurs once only in the same block.
4. Show that the same may be done, in eight
replications, with 57 varieties in blocks of 8, and
that it cannot be done, in seven replications, with
43 varieties in blocks of 7.

5. Twenty-one experimental plants have each

five leaves growing serially along the stem. Show
how to allocate 2 I treatments to the leaves, so that
each pair of treatments occurs once on the same
plant, and each treatment occurs once on a first
leaf, and once on a leaf in the other ordinal positions.
(Youden's Square.)
6. If 144 varieties be set out diagrammatically in
a 12X 12 square, and tested in blocks of 12, so that
in one replication varieties in the same row fall in
the same block, and in a second replication the blocks
contain varieties in the same column, show that the
sampling variances of comparisons between pairs of
varieties which (a) are, and (b) are not, tested in the
same block, are in the ratio 13: 14.
7. If 512 varieties be set OlIt in an 8 X 8 X 8 cube
and tested in three replications in orthogonally chosen
blocks of 8, compare the variances of the comparisons
of any on~ariety with others which (a) occur in the
same block ~s the first, (b) are connected with it at
one remove t rough other varieties, and (c) are only
connected at wo removes (73: 78 : 79)
F. YATES (1933). The principles of orthogonality and confounding
in replicated experiments. Journal of Agricultural Science,
xxiii. 108-145.
F. YATES (1935). Complex experiments. Supplement to Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society, vol. ii. 181-223.
F. YATES (1936). A new method of arranging variety trials
involving a large number of varieties. Journal of Agri-
cultural Science, xxvi. 424-455.
F. YATES (1936). Incomplete randomised blocks. Annals of
Eugenics, vii. 121-140.
48. TREATING of a subject such as experimental design
in general it is possible to give adequate space only to
general principles leading to the more advantageous
procedures which are available. These it is essential
to grasp. Their applications to particular details that
arise in practice are of endless variety and afford
scope for a great deal of ingenuity. These require to
be studied in detail by workers in different fields of
experimentation in order to reap the full advantages
which a clear grasp of general principles makes
possible. It may be of use in this chapter if we
consider some of the more special applications of the
principle of partial confounding which were found to
arise in their early application to field trials in
49. Dummy Comparisons
I t may happen that, in order that the different
variants of each factor may occur with proportional
frequency in combination with the variants of other
factors, certain of the combinations used are actually
indistinguishable. For example, in an experiment
with four different nitrogenous manures we may also
wish to vary the quantities used. We may wish to
compare plots receiving no nitrogenous manure with
others receiving a single or a double dressing. These
single and double dressings will be applied to different
plots, in each of the four nitrogenous materials to be

tested, and the precision of the comparison between

single and double applications will be enhanced by
the fact that each is represented on four kinds of
plots. In order that the comparison with the plots
receiving no nitrogenous manure may be of equal
precision, it is necessary that these shall be as numerous
as those receiving single or double dressings, and
therefore four times as numerous as anyone kind
of these. To compare the efficacy of the four kinds
or qualities of nitrogen simultaneously with the three
quantities (0, I, 2) with which they can be combined,
we might make blocks of 12 plots each, in which
the plots receiving single or double dressings will
be manured differently, while the 4 plots receiving
none will all be manured alike. The comparisons
among these within each block will be ascribable
solely to experimental error, including in that term,
as is usual, variations in the fertility of different plots
in the same block. Thus, if there were 5 replica-
tions, the analysis of the 59 independent comparisons
among the 60 plots would not be
TABLE 18 Degrees of
Blocks 4
Treatments II
Error 44
but TABLE 19 Degrees of
Blocks 4
Treatments 8
E {between blocks 32
rror within blocks . 15

Here we have divided the 47 degrees of freedom
available for the estimation of error into two parts,
to show that 15 degrees of freedom come from a
comparison of identical plots in the same block, 3
from each of the five blocks, while 32 come from the
comparison of the differences among the 9 different
treatments in the five blocks in which they are tried.
As between the two factors of quantity of nitrogen
N, and quality Q, the 8 degrees of freedom between
the 9 treatments will be allotted as follows. There
will be 2 for the comparison of the three levels
of the nitrogen, and 3 for the four qualitatively
different mixtures in which it is applied, leaving 3
more for interactions between Nand Q. In other
words we have, as we would have if the four manures
were applied only in single and double doses, 3 degrees
for quality and 3 for interaction. The addition of the
plots without the nitrogenous manure has left these
two classes unaffected, but has added I to the degrees
of freedom for quantity of nitrogen.

50. Interaction of Quantity and Quality

I n this connection a modification is to be indicated
in the manner in which the effects of quality and
interaction are to be reckoned. If we were to consider
Nand Q as two independent factors, the 3 degrees of
freedom for interaction would be obtained simply by
comparison of the four quantities by which the double
applications of each manure exceed the effects of
single applications of the same materials. Equally,
the simple qualitative effects would be represented by

the contrast between the four totals of single and

double dressings of these four materials. Such a
subdivision is seen to be not wholly satisfactory,
when we consider that the quantitative contrasts are
differences caused by quantitative variations in the
very substances which the qualitative comparisons
are intended to compare. Thus, if a quantity of
nitrogen applied as cyanamide differs in its effect on
the crop from an equal quantity of nitrogen applied as
urea, it is to be anticipated that with larger quantities
of the manurial applications the difference would be
enhanced. In fact, the hypothesis that the differences
are proportional to the quantities of nitrogen applied
is in many ways a simpler one, in the sense of being
more natural and acceptable, than that the difference
should be the same irrespective of the quantities of
material added to the soil.
If we take this view, results in which the double
dressings of two ingredients differ by twice as much
as the single dressings, but in the same direction would
be regarded as exhibiting pure effects of quality Q,
without interaction NQ. The interactions must,
therefore, be identified with the three independent
comparisons among the four quantities which would
be obtained by subtracting the yield of the double
dressing from twice the yield of the corresponding
single dressing. For these four quantities would all
be equal if interaction, in the sense in which we are
now using this term, were completely absent. Equally,
the primary effects of quality will now be reckoned
by comparing the four sums found by adding twice

the yield of the double application to the yield from
the single application of the same manure; as in
calculating the" regression" of the manurial response
upon the manurial difference to which it is for the
present purpose to be considered as proportional.
The statistical principles and methods in the treat-
ment of regression are developed in Statz'stz'cal Methods
for Research TVorkers.
That these two methods give different subdivisions
of the same total follows from the algebraic identity
HX+y)2+Hx-y)2 = }C2X+y)2.+Hx-2y)2
If x, y stand for the yields of the double and single
dressings of any manurial material, the two terms on
the left represent the squares assigned to Q and NQ,
using~' the convention that "interaction" means
variation in the values x-y, while the two terms on
the right represent the squares assigned to Q and NQ
on the convention that" interaction" means variation
among the values x- 2y. The same method of
subdivision with appropriate coefficients is evidently
applicable whatever may be the ratio between the
quantities used. Note that the divisor of each square
is the sum of the squares of the coefficients, while the
sum of the products of the coefficients III any two
squares of the same set is zero.

51. Resolution of Three Comparisons among

Four Materials
The 3 degrees of freedom in Q or in N Q are the
three independent comparisons among four different
materials, such as sulphate of ammonia (s), chloride
of ammonia (m), cyanamide (c), and urea (u). These
may be systematically subdivided, if it is thought
convenient to do so, as the three possible comparisons
between opposing pairs of materials. There are in
fact just three ways of dividing four objects into two
sets of two each; these are : -
and these are all mutually independent, as may be
verified by observi~ that the sum of the products of
the coefficients (+ I, or - I) of the symbols in any
two of these three expressions is zero.
Regarded combinatorially this is equivalent to the
statement that a 2 X 2 Latin square is possible, namely,
B A,
for in such a square the four objects are divided into
pairs in three ways, as rows, as columns, and as
letters, and the specification of a Latin square requires
that these shall all be mutually independent.

52. An Early Example

An experiment with sulphate of ammonia, chloride
of ammonia, cyanamide and urea, in quantities
0, I, 2, with and without superphosphate was
carried out in barley at Rothamsted, in 1927.
Two replications, or 48 plots, were used. These
were divided into four blocks of 12 plots each.
In two blocks phosphate (p) was applied with

chloride of ammonia and with ~rea, in both single
and double dressings, while in the other two blocks
it was applied with sulphate of ammonia and with
cyanamide. Each block contained two plots without
nitrogenous or phosphatic dressings, and two plots
with phosphatic only. The plots were assigned to
treatments at random within the blocks.
Among the 18 different treatments there will be
17 independent comparisons. One of these, however,

has been confounded with blocks. There are 16

degrees of freedom for treatments in the analysis,
and 3 for blocks, leaving 28 for error. It would,
however, be a mistake to assume from this that these
28 are all pure error, for it will appear that owing to
the occurrence of dummy treatments, or more properly
of plots treated alike in different blocks of the same
replication, the degree of freedom destined to be
sacrificed has in fact only been partially confounded.
I t is instructive in such cases to consider exactly
what comparisons will consist solely of error, un-
affected by any treatment differences. Within each
block there are two unmanured plots the difference
between which is pure error, and two phosphatic
plots of which the same is true. Here, therefore, we
have 8 degrees of freedom contributing only to our
estimate of error. To make sure that these are not
counted a second time, it is sufficient that all further
comparisons to be made, if they involve these plots,

shall involve only 'the pairs of plots treated alike

taken together. Next, observe that there are two
pairs of blocks with the same treatments, 10 in each.
The 10 differences between the performances of these
in the two blocks of a pair, will be distributed
about a mean representing the difference in fertility

(ud) (md) (c 2) (1 ) (1) (p) (S2P) (SlP)

480 542 373 186 268 297 53 6 471
(md) (c 1 ) (S2) (Sl) (u I ) (c 2p) (u 2) (m 2)
43 1 365 293 281 343 443 49 8 522
- ---
(p) (p) (u 1 P) (1 ) (m 1 ) (cd) (p) (1)
28 4 3 13 33 6 260 366 412 25 0 239
(u 2) (1) (1) (c 2P) (p) (c 2) (S2) (p)
475 275 242 395 244 39 6 400 228
(p) (p) (SlP) (m 1 ) (Sl) (u 2P) (1) (md)
344 277 359 368 413 5 12 259 453
(U1) (cd) (S2P) (m 2) (m2p) (c 1 ) (ud) (1)
40 1 429 464 54 2 504 409 389 267

c D
FIG. 2.-Arrangement of treatments and yields of grain in experiment
on quantity and quality of nitrogenous fertilisers in barley 1927.

between the two blocks; but the 9 degrees of freedom

of their variation about this mean will be pure error.
There are thus 9 degrees of freedom from each pair
of blocks, or 18 together, which, with the 8 from within
blocks, make 26 in all. In subsequent comparisons
we must, however, treat the two blocks of each pair
together. Finally, the two pairs of blocks have two
treatments in common, those unmanured and those
having phosphate only. The differences between these

two treatments in the two pairs of blocks will not be
necessarily the same, and the discrepancy between
them will be pure error; this last degree of freedom
makes up the total to 27.
The yields of grain from each plot in units of
2 oz. are shown in Fig. 2; the contributions to the
sum of squares ascribable to these 27 degrees of
freedom of pure error are shown in Table 20.
Squares involving two plots only are divided by
2, others such as the first two entries in the second
and third columns depend on 4 plots, and are divided
by 4, and the squares of differences between pairs of
blocks by 24. Finally, the discrepancy of 47 units
between (p) - (I) from the two pairs of blocks
depends on 16 plots, and has its square divided by
16. The several ingredients are thus brought to a
comparable basis.
I t was mentioned above that the single manurial

in which the blocks differ, had not been totally con-

founded, meaning by this that it could be indirectly
estimated by comparisons within blocks. The com-
parison within blocks, independent of all those used
in the estimation of error, which depends only on
this one manurial contrast, arises from the fact that
though the treatments concerned are not to be found
in the same block, yet the different blocks in which
they appear also contain some plots treated alike,
with which each group can be compared. In each


Analysis 17f C17mponents 17f Errt7r

Squares of Differences Squares of Differences between like Treatments

between like Plots in in like Blocks.
the same Block.

(p) . 841 (p) 7812 ' 5 (I) 5.0

(r) 547 6 ( r) 3200 (j) 273 8
(p) . 2209 (uIP) 28.09 (u I ) 33 64
(1) 84 1 (cI ) 1936 (cd) 28 9
(p) . 44 89 (Sl) 17424 (SIP) 12 544
(1) 1089 (mIP) 484 (m l ) 4
(p) , 25 6 (U2P) 1024 (u;) 52 9
(1) 64 (c 2) 529 (c 2 p) 23.04
-- (S2) 11449 (S2P) 518 4
15 26 5 (m2p) 1444 (m 2) 400
Total -9075 Total -456'3

393 6 '5 26949,6

Differences (p)-(l) in Pairs I Summary of Contributions to

of Blocks, Pure Error

Degrees of Sum of Squares.

A 15 1
D -54
763 2 '5
195 18 '25
A+D 97 9 13474'83
I 47 2 -:- 16 13 8'.062 5
B ",,0 -
C 104 27 4.07 63 ,645 83
--_ --
B+C 144
A+D 97
B+C-A-D 47

block in fact we may compare th~ plots having single
and double dressings of nitrogen with twice the sum
of the plots having none. Thus two blocks give
(pSI) +(p S2) +(m +(m 2) +(pC I) +(p C2)
+CUI)+CU2)-2(p)-2(p)-2(1)-2(1) = 1483, I 157;
while the other two give
(S;) +(S2) +(pm 1) +(pm 2) +(c1) +(C2) +(pUl)
+CPUz)-2(p)-2(p)-2(I)-2(1) = 1015, 1480 ;
whence we obtain by subtraction
(p-I)(sl+s2-ml-m2+cl+c2-Ul-u2) = 145

The value for each block is a combination of 8 plots

with coefficient + 1, and 4 plots with coefficient
- 2, so the sum of the squares is 24, or for the
four blocks, 96. The contribution to the sum of
squares of this partially confounded manurial com-
parison is therefore 145 2 -:- 96, or 219'0104. To the
divisor, 96, the plots having the treatments to be
compared contribute only 32, so that the comparison
is made with only one-third of the precision of the
16 un confounded comparisons.
The other elements in the analysis may now be
evaluated. The 3 degrees of freedom between blocks
are easily found to account for a contribution of
12,215'75 to the sum of squares. The total effect of
treatments could now be obtained by subtraction of
the three items already evaluated from the total; the
interest of the experiment, however, lies in evaluating
the separate factors of the treatment differences.
The total yields, contributed by 8 plots each, in the

six classes of treatment formed by combining two

levels of phosphate with three of nitrogen, are shown
in Table 21.

No Single Double
Nitrogen. Nitrogen. Nitrogen. Total.
With phosphate 2237 3280 387 6 9,393
Without phosphate 199 6 2946 3499 8,44 1
-- -- -- --
Sum 4233 6226 7375 17,834
Difference 241 334 377 95 2

Plots receIvmg phosphate have exceeded those

not receiving phosphate in all by 952 units, so that
the 1 degree of freedom, P, contributes 9522 --;- 48,
or 18,881' 3.
We may next take the 2 degrees of freedom for
quantity of nitrogen N, and 2 more for interaction
with phosphate NP.
The 2 degrees of freedom for N are evidently
found by comparing the sums 4 233, 6226, 7375;
clearly the principal effect, the contrast between
double nitrogen and none is the important part; the
difference 3142 from 32 plots contributes the large
item 31422..;- 32, or 308,505' 125 for N l . The remain-
ing degree of freedom, corresponding to diminishing
return for the second dose of nitrogen, is found by
subtracting the first and last totals from twice the
total for single nitrogen, squaring, and dividing by
96. This gives 844 2 ";- 96, or 7470' 16 for N 2, a much
smaller, but still a significant, value. We may treat
the differences in the same way. For N 1 P we have
1362 --;- 3 2, or 578, and for N 2 P 502 --;- 96, or 26'0416,
both quite insignificant contributions, though in both
cases of the expected sign. The items evaluated so
far are;-
Degrees of Surn of
Freedom. Squares.
" 3855' 12 5
N2 74 20 ' 167
P 18881'333
NP 2 604'4 2

We may now consider the qualitative differences

Q, and their interaction with quantity N Q. The
totals from 4 plots each for the single and double
application of the four nitrogenous nutrients are
shown in Table 23.

Material. Differences between Pairs.

Quantity. s+m m+u m+c
s. m. c. u. -(c+u) -(s+c) -(s+u)
- -- - ----
(I) 15 24 1618 161 5 1469 '"
... ...
(2) 1693 211O 1607 196 5 '"
... ...
2(2)+(1) 4910 583 8 4 82 9 5399 520 1498 35 8
2(1)-(2) 1355 II26 162 3 973 -115 -879 421

The 3 degrees of freedom for Q and for NQ can

now be found either by taking the sums of the squares
of the deviations from their means, of the last two
lines and dividing by 20, or by splitting the columns
in the three possible ways into two opposed pairs,
and dividing by 80. The latter process gives : -
Squares of Squares of
Differences. Differences.
s+m-c-u 270400 13 22 5
m+u-s-c 2244004 77 26 4 1
m+c-s-u 128164 177 241

Q 333 2'1
264 2568
NQ .
12038 '8375

being each for 3 degrees of freedom. The separate

evaluation of these three comparisons as above brings
to light the somewhat suspicious circumstance that
the largest contribution in each class is from the
particular contrast between nitrogenous materials
which has been used (in its interaction with phosphate)
for confounding. If it is a coincidence that the two
pairs of nutrients most contrasted in their effects on
yield, and in their interaction with quantity of nitrogen
ha ve been chosen for the purpose, then the choice has
been an unfortunate one. I f not then we may suspect
, that the conditions in the different blocks of land used
have, in some obscure way, influenced the apparent
reaction to these nutrients.
Had we adopted the subdivision between Q and
N Q by means of the sums (2) + (I) and differences
(2)-(1), we should have 21,739'094 for Q and
23,331 844 for NQ, making the same total, but giving
a larger contribution for interaction than for the
prime factors of quality. The subdivision employed
above is therefore pr~ferable, as based on a view
of qualitative differences more in keeping with the
The remaining interactions ot' phosphate with the
quality of the nitrogenous application QP, and of
phosphate with quality and quantity of nitrogen
NQP, may be evaluated in a manner similar to Q
and N Q, using the differences in place of the sums
of the plots which have and have not received phos-
phate. In this group" however, we must remember
that a particular component involving the contrast
has been confounded with blocks. The differences in
yield between plots receiving phosphate and those
receiving none are shown below ; -

Material. Differences between Pairs.

m+s m+u s+u
Quantity. s. I m. c. u. -c-u -s-c -c-m

(I) 13 6 15 0 67 -19 ... ... .. .

(2) 30 7 -IS 69 19 ... ... .. .
2 (2)+(1) 75 0 114 20 5 19 640 (S22) 45 0
2 (1)-(2) -35 3 IS 65 -57 275 (-23 1) -475

The two unconfounded comparisons in tile group QP

make therefore a contribution evaluated by summing
the squares of 640 and 450 and dividing by 80. This
gives 7651 '25 for these 2 degrees of freedom. The
two corresponding components of NQP is the sum of
the squares of 275 and 475 divided by 80, or 3765.625.
The manurial comparison which has been confounded,
(p- I )(S1 +s2- m 1- m 2+ c1+C2-U 1-U 2)
is not precisely a component either of QP or of NQP,

as we have defined these groups. It would be a

component of QP on the alternative definition dis-
cussed above, and the remaining unconfounded
portion is the component of NQP of that definition,
(p- I)(S2- s1- m 2+ m l +C2 -C1 - U 2 +U1 )
This gives 3032 -7- 32, or 286903I.
The complete analysis of the variations observed
among the yields of the 48 plots may therefore be set
out as in the table below.

Degrees of Sum of Mean

Freedom. Squares. Square. t Log.
Blocks 3 1221575 ... ...
Nl 1 3855. 12 5 3855. 12 5 2.8659
P 1 18881 333 I8881 333 I 469I
Q 3 330 32 IOO I IOIO700 II995
N2 I 74 2O I6 7 7420 I67 I 002I
NQ. 3 I2038838 40I2 94 6 0.6948
QP 2 76 5 I 250 382 5. 62 5 0679
NP 2 64.4 2 302 02I ...
NQP 2 37 6 5. 62 5 I88I 8I2 ...
NQP} unconfounded . I 2869 0 3 I 286903I ...
QP confounded . I 2I90IO 2I90IO ...
Error 27 47 6 3. 6 46 I509765 02060
47 4479 6 59 I 7

. The total sum of squares for the 47 degrees of

freedom, which have above been evaluated individu-
ally, must check with the sum of the squares of the
deviations of the yields from the 48 plots from their
mean without regard to the manurial treatments they
have received, or to their topographical arrangement.
This affords a check both on the arithmetic and on

the logic of our procedure, at Ie~st so far as to show

that it has consisted in a subdivision or partition of
the different components of variation actually present.
Next, it may be noticed that the confounding
employed has involved a component of treatment
recognisable as an interaction of P with one of the
quality comparisons Q, but not identifiable with
either of the particular aspects which we have
thought it proper to recognise respectively as Q P
and NQP. It thus resembles the components con-
founded in the experiment with 27 treatments,
discussed in Chapter VI I., and, as in that case, would
be a source of inconvenience, if the unconfounded
component observed were one of any importance.
The table shows, however, that in the present case
the component in question is of no practical interest.

53. Interpretation of Results

The treatment comparisons in the table have been
arranged to show first those which have had a
significant influence on the yield of grain, next those
in which there may perhaps be an indication of real
influence, but of a magnitude which could only be
demonstrated by more precise experimentation, and
finally those which in the present experiment appear
to have exerted no appreciable effect. By far the
largest contribution is made by what we have called
the principal effect of nitrogen, this I degree of
freedom containing indeed more than two-thirds of
the total. The mean square is over 200 times the
mean square for error, or, since vi 200 exceeds I4, we

may see at once th~lt the general effect of nitrogen

in this experiment is over 14 times its standard error,
and is therefore determined with comparatively high
precision. The single degree of freedom for phosphate
has a mean square over twelve times the average,
showing that this effect also is certainly significant,
though the quantitative value of this ingredient has
been evaluated only roughly.
The statistical significance of each contribution to
the total is most easily determined from the last
column, which shows the half values of the natural
logarithms of the mean squares. The table of z
(Statistz"cal Methods, Table VI.) shows that, with
27 degrees of freedom for error, the amount by which
this entry may exceed that for error, at a 5 per cent.
level of significance, is
'7187 for I degree of freedom
'605 I " 2 , , "
and '54 2 7 " 3
" "
The corresponding values for significance at the
1 per cent. level are 1 'oI9I, 0.8513 and 0'763 I. The
value for Q is therefore significant on the higher
standard (1 per cent.) and that for N 2 at the lower
standard (5 per cent.). We may therefore take the
values of Table 23 to indicate that chloride of
ammonia was really more successful than sulphate of
ammonia or cyanamide in stimulating grain produc-
tion, with urea in an intermediate position, and that
the second nitrogenous application was in general less
fruitful than the first.

The mean squares for NQ and for QP, though

considerably larger than that for error, do not reach
the 5 per cent. level of significance. I t therefore
appears that the suggestion of the figures of Table 23
that chloride of ammonia and urea are not only more
successful than sulphate of ammonia and cyanamide,
but are disproportionately so in the double application,
though supported by the data, is not demonstrated;
and that the suggestion of Table 25 that when
sulphate of ammonia is used superphosphate is more
effective than with the other nitrogenous fertilisers,
must also be regarded as doubtful. The remaining
6 degrees of freedom, ascribable to manuriahreatment,
are clearly insignificant to such an extent that it
would have made no appreciable difference if their
effects had been included with those of pure error.
This circumstance shows that the principle used in
the choice of a component for confounding was in
fact justified by the result. Their separate evaluation
serves to show how this can be done, and supplies the
safeguard that our positive conclusions are based on
an estimate of error uncontaminated by possible
interactions among the treatments.
This example illustrates the fact that when
quantitative and qualitative factors are combined in
the same experiment, the special meaning of their
interactions may well be taken into account in
experimental design. Especially, when the quantities
involved include zero, some of the treatment com-
parisons vanish, leading, on the one hand, to an
mcrease of the compansons available for error, and

sometimes also to the partial recovery of comparisons

which would otherwise have been totally confounded.
The reader should consider the effects of one simple
modification of the design used, by supposing that the
(p- r)(sl+s2-ml-m2+cl+c2-UI-U2)
were confounded with one pair of blocks, and the
(p- r)(sl-s2- m l +m 2+c1-c2-U 1+u 2)
with the other.

. 54. An Experiment with 81 Plots

In considering the experiment with 27 treatments
III Chapter VIr. it was shown that these could be

arranged in blocks of 9 at the expense of confounding

2 of the degrees of freedom representing triple inter-
actions. I t was also shown that when replication can
be carried out in multiples of 4, the confounding
could be spread equally over the whole of these
8 degrees of freedom, so that all triple interactions
could be recovered with some relative loss of precision,
though possibly an absolute increase. When quanti-
tative and qualitative factors are combined in the
same experiment there is little point in restricting
the effects of confounding to the triple interactions as
defined for the purpose of that example. Moreover,
it is often necessary to see what can be done in
experiments of ' less than !O8 plots. The following
design, which was carried out in potatoes at
Rothamsted in 193 I, shows a method of utilising

8I plots so as to gain the principal advantages which

the experiment was intended to secure.
The factors to be tested were three levels in the
ratio 0, I, 2 of nitrogenous manure in combination
with three similar levels of potassic manures. The
potassium was to be supplied in three qualitatively
different materials, namely, potassium sulphate (s),
potassium chloride (m), and a material known as
potash manure salts (P), consisting of potassium
chloride with a large admixture of common salt.
The plots were divided in 9 blocks of 9 plots each,
each block containing one plot with every possible
combination of the three levels of nitrogen with the
three levels of potash. The 3 plots without potash
therefore received respectively 0, I and 2 doses of
nitrogen. The same was true of the 3 plots receiving
a single potassic dressing, and of the 3 plots
receIVmg double potassic dressings; but in the
case of these we have to choose in which form the
potassium shall be supplied. In fact, at each level
of potash one plot received sulphate, one chloride,
and the third potash manure salts. The only ways in
which the blocks can differ consist in the manner in
which the three kinds of potash in each level are
assigned to plots receiving 0, I or 2 quantities of
Considering only plots receiving single potassic
dressings we may designate those which receive
sulphate of potash with 0, I and 2 quantities of
nitrogen by So, Sl and S2. Then the set of plots at this
level within any block will have some such formula

as sOmd2' or, if we make the convention that the

suffices are to be taken in their natural order, simply
by s m p. If, now, corresponding to the block or
blocks represented by the formula s m p, there are
equal numbers of blocks represented by the formulce
m p sand p s m, it is clear that the 9 kinds of plots
which receive single potassic dressings will occur in
the experiment in equal numbers; and, in fact, that
we may assign 3 of our blocks to each of these
formulce. We might equally have used the formulce
s pm, p m sand m s p, but our choice is limited
to these two cyclic sets. The same is true of the
specification of the blocks in respect of the plots within
them which receive a double dressing of potash. The
particular design we shall consider is that formed by
choosing one of these cyclic sets for single potash,
making a similar choice for the double potash, and
finally deciding that each of the 3 blocks which
have the same formula at one level of potash shall
have three different formulce at the other, so that
the 9 blocks are all assigned to different sets of
treatments. They are all alike, in sets of three, at one
level of potash, and in different sets of three at the
other level, like the rows and columns of a 3 x 3 square.
As in the previous example, let us now consider
which comparisons are available for estimation of
error, and which remain for estimations of the effects
of treatments. Since the three treatments without
potash are the same in every block, the comparisons
among this group will at once yield 16 degrees of
freedom. At the level of single potash the three

treatments are the same in sets ~f three blocks each,

so that each set yields 4 degrees of freedom for error,
or 12 in all. A second group of 12 is provided by
the level of double potash, bringing the total for
comparisons made between plots at the same level
of potash up to 40. We must now confine ourselves
to comparisons in which plots with the same potassic
dressing in the same block are treated together.
Comparing the plots receiving single potash with
those receiving none in the same block, we see that
this comparison is the same in three sets of three
blocks each, giving 6 degrees of freedom, while six
more are obtained by comparing the double potash
plots with those without potash in the same block. *
There are thus 52 degrees of freedom ascribable
solely to experimental error. Together with 8 for
comparisons between whole blocks, and 20 for
comparisons among the 2 I different treatments, we
have enumerated the whole of the 80 degrees of
freedom in the experiment. There could be no more
contributions to pure error, unless some one or more
of the treatment comparisons had been totally con-
founded with block differences.
vVe may now consider the manurial comparisons.
There are seven combinations of quantity and quality
of potash, the six comparisons among which may be
* The last two sets of six components each are not, however,
independent, since the plots without potash are used in both. The sum
of squares for all twelve is most simply obtained by deducting from the
26 degrees of freedom among the totals from each block for the 0, I,
and 2 levels of potash, the 2 degrees of freedom for K, the S for blocks
and the 4 partially confounded effects of treatment which will be
identified later.

resolved into 2 for quantity K, 2 for quality Q,

and the remaining 2 for interaction of quantity and
quality KQ. The distinction between Q and KQ
will be made by the same convention as in the last
example. Variation of the quantity of nitrogen
increases the number of manurial combinations to
2 I and therefore introduces 14 new comparisons. Of
these, 2 represent the effects of quantity of nitrogen
only N, 4 the interactions of quantitative variations
of nitrogen and potash N K, 4 the interactions of
quantity of nitrogen with quality of potash NQ, and
4 more the triple interaction NKQ. All these groups
of comparisons, except those denoted NQ and NKQ,
are obviously free from confounding, for they can be
made up directly by comparisons within blocks. It
is only the last 8 degrees of freedom which require
special consideration. As often happens, and as the
previous examples have already illustrated, we shall
best see what has happened to this group of
comparisons by resolving them into components in
a way specially appropriate to the structure of the
Since qualitative differences exist only in plots
receiving either single or double potassic dressings,
the eight comparisons, with which we are concerned,
are equivalent to the four representing interactions of
nitrogen with quality of potash on the plots receiving
single potassic dressings, together with the similar
four on the plots receiving double potassic dressings.
Let us consider these two parts separately. Just as
the three independent comparisons among the four

nitrogenous materials of the last example were sub-

divided in the same manner as the contrasts between
rows, columns and letters in a 2 X 2 Latin square, so
we shall now use the analogous property which a
3 X 3 square possesses. Let the rows of such a square
correspond to the quantities 0, I and 2 of nitrogen
and the columns to the three sorts, s, m and p of
potash. Then three of our blocks have, in respect
to the single potash dressings, the formula s p m.
These we may call blocks of type A and insert the
letter A in the three corresponding cells of the square.
There will also be blocks with the formula pm s,
which we may call type B, and with the formula
m s p which we may call type C. If these letters be
inserted we shall have a 3 X 3 Latin square as shown
Kind of Potash.
s. m. p.
Quantity of nitrogen 0 Aa CfJ By
Cy Ba AfJ
2 BfJ Ay Ca

To the Latin letters m the square, Greek letters

nave been added, in such a way that each appears
once in each column, once in each row and once with
each Latin letter. The whole thus constitutes what is
known as a Gr~co-Latin square. The fact that a
Gr~co-Latin square is possible shows that the eight
independent comparisons among nine objects can be
resolved into four independent sets of 2 degrees of
freedom each, each pair being the comparison between
three sets of three chosen objects each. These are the
two comparisons among rows, two among columns,

two among Latin lett'ers, and two among Greek letters.

I t will be observed that the comparisons among Latin
letters have been chosen to correspond with the
differences among the sets of blocks; consequently,
the comparisons among the Greek letters are inde-
pendent of these block differenc~s, and like the
comparisons between rows N and columns Q may
be made by comparing yields within the same
block. By adding up the yields of all plots having
treatments of the combinations ~ndicated by the
letters a, f3 and y, we may evaluate two treatment
comparisons which have not been confounded. Two
more are likewise obtained from the plots with double
potassic dressings. In this way tour of the eight
comparisons represented by NQ and NKQ are
isolated. The 4 remaining degrees have, however,
been partially confounded.
The confounding of these fom remaining com-
parisons with block differences is incomplete, owing
to the fact that the blocks, which differ in respect of
them, agree in containing other plots treated alike,
with which they may be compared. Thus, in the three
blocks of type A, the plots with single dressings of
potash having the chosen constitutions SO, PI and m 2
are situated in the same blocks witb an aggregate of
plots receiving no potash, and with an aggregate
receiving double potash, both of which are the same
as the aggregates which occur in the three blocks of
type B, and in the three blocks of type C. We may
therefore compare the total yield fn)m the treatments
So, hand m 2 with the totals from the other sets of
treatments Po, m 1 and S2, and m~, Sl and P2' by sub-
tracting in each block the sum of the yields from
plots without potash, and with double potash, from
twice the yield of the plots with single potash, and
adding together the results from blocks in which the
plots with single potash have been treated alike. The
manurial comparisons so made clearly represent two
of those which have been confounded with blocks,
but which can be made, in the manner explained
above, by means of comparisons wholly within blocks,
with a satisfactory precision. The sum of the squares
of the coefficients of the expression

is 6, and to this total the coefficient of k1 contributes 4.

Consequently, the comparison so made among the
different sets of plots receiving single potash has
two-thirds of the precision of the other com-
parisons of the experiment, apd so, perhaps, a
higher precision than they wou'ld have had, even
if unconfounded, in an experiment with 27 plots to
each block.
The student may familiarise himself with the
process of analysis described above by applying it to
the yields of tubers in quarter-Ibs. shown in the
following table of the arrangement of the treatments
in different plots.
The upper and lower figures represent yields with
and without phosphate, which was applied as an
additional manure to half, chosen at random, of each
plot. The sums of these yields may therefore be

analysed as explained above, but their differences,

representing the effects of the phosphatic manure,

Arrangement and Yields of a Complex Experiment
(s p m)1 (s m P)2

nIm 2 nOs 2 nOs l ni n 2PI n Is2 n 2s I n I P2 n2

75 1 733 686 85 1 890 874 1026 947 990
844 82 9 82 5 800 733 81 3 105 0 871 1006

no n2 nlPI no n 2m 2 n OP2 n 2s 2 nOm2 nOPI

796 910 909 855 1026 86 5 1118 853 795
70 5 866 77 8 779 81 5 816 997 953 843
ni n 2m I n 2P2 n2 nOml nISI no ni nim i
895 10 34 105 2 9 13 75 6 89 2 10 24 97 2 975
96 5 1046 830 75 2 83 0 93 0 979 1000 884

no nOml nOm2 nOs2 n 2s I nimi n Is2 no n 2m 2

1100 1014 975 95 6 1037 1035 128 4 1012 1001
99 6 968 902 898 975 1027 1176 966 977
nISI n I P2 n 2s 2 no nOPI n I m 2 n2 nOs l ni
102 9 1121 1252 105 8 1038 109 8 13 16 1136 1087
1022 961 lI 27 1006 904 1206 12 75 1049 1001

nI n 2PI n2 n2 n 2P2 ni n OP2 n 2m I nlPI

959 1178 13 17 12 70 12 34 1195 13 0 7 1224 1069
93 0 1102 1145 I I 18 1134 1132 1348 12 75 1128

n2 n 2m 2 nOPI ni nlPI n 2s2 n 2P2 nIm 2 no

1131 1140 1055 II 5I II47 115 6 1401 1214 100 5
1034 llS6 1026 1044 105 6 1228 139 1 13 21 1011

nimi n Is2 ni n 2mI n I P2 n2 noS 2 n2 nOml

980 12 43 1224 1192 122 5 1305 13 10 1421 1190
1027 106 5 1064 1199 1120 1276 1339 14 17 1208

no n OP2 n2sI nOm2 nOs I no nISI nI n 2PI

1020 653 935 629 947 1020 13 61 II67 1222
605 999 1142 105 6 1049 1102 1201 121 5 1108

and its interactions, are already freed from all block

effects, and will ha ve their own standard error
estimated directly from the d1screpancies between
these differences in plots treated alike.


T. EDENand R. A. FISHER (1929). Experiments on the response
of the potato to potash and nitrogen. Journal of Agricultural
Science, xix. 201-213.
R. A. FISHER and J. WISHART (1930). The arrangement of field
experiments and the statistical reduction of the results.
Imperial Bureau of Soil Science, Technical Communication,
No. 10.
55. Occasions suitable for Concomitant Measurements
IN the preceding chapters we have been principally
concerned with the means whereby experiment~J
precision may be increased through the knowledge
that groups of material may be selected, the parts of
which are more homogeneous than are the different
groups. We have been using such facts as that
animals more nearly related by blood are generally
more alike than animals less nearly related, that men
of the same race or .district are likely to be more
similar than men of different races, that plots of land
resemble one another more nearly in fertility the
closer together they lie, or that apparatus supplied by
the same manufacturer will generally be more nearly
comparable than the makes supplied by different firms.
I t has been shown that very great increases in precision
are possible by utilising these and analogous facts,
even when the amount of material which is closely
homogeneous with any chosen unit is extremely
limited, provided that within this limitation, we may
assign the treatments to be tested at will so as to build
up a comprehensive experiment.
There is a second. means by which precision may,

In appropriate cases, be mucl} increased by the

elimination of causes of variation which cannot be
controlled, which has the advantage of being appli-
cable when we cannot exercise a free choice in the
distribution of the treatments. F or example, in a
feeding experiment with animals, where we are
concerned to measure their response to a number of
different rations or diets, we may often be able to
ensure that the animals entering on the treatments to
be tested shall be of the same age, and often, also,
that they shall be closely related, or of the same
parentage; But such groups of closely related animals
as are available will not, at the same age, have attained
exactly to the same size, as measured by weight, or in
any other appropriate manner. If we decide that they
shall enter the experiment at the same age, it may well
be that the differences in initial weight constitute an
uncontrolled cause of variation among the responses
to treatment, which will sensibly diminish the precision
of the comparisons. If the animals are assigned at
random to the different treatments, either absolutely
or subject to restrictions of the kinds which have been
discussed, the differences in initial weight will not, of
course, vitiate the tests of significance, for, though
they may contribute to the error of our comparisons,
they will then also contribute in due measure to the
estimates of error by which the significance of these
comparisons are to be judged. They may, however,
constitute an element of error which it is desirable,
and possible, to eliminate. The possibility arises from
the fact that, without being equalised, these differences

of initial weight may none the less be measured.

Their effects upon our final results may approximately
be estimated, and the results adjusted in accordance
with the estimated effects, so as to afford a final
precision, in many cases, almost as great as though
complete equalisation had been possible.
Similar situations frequently arise in other fields
of work. In agricultural experiments involving the
yield following different kinds of treatments, it may
be apparent that the yields of the different plots have
been much disturbed by variations in the number of
plants which have established themselves. If we are
satisfied that this variation in plant number is not
itself an effect of the treatments being investigated,
or if we are willing to confine our investigation to the
effects on yield, excluding such as flow directly or
indirectly from effects brought about by variations in
plant number, then it will appear desirable to introduce
into our comparisons a correction which makes allow-
ance, at least approximately, for the variations in
yield directly due to variation in plant number itself.
In introducing such a correction it is important to
make sure that our procedure shall not in any way
invalidate the test of significance to be applied to the
comparisons, and thought will often be required to
assure ourselves that the effects eliminated shall really
be only those which are irrelevant to the aim of the
Again, let us suppose that a number of remedial
treatments are to be tested on an orchard or plantation,
the trees of which show in varying measure the effects
of disease. It might be possible to grade the individual
plants prior to the application of the treatments, and
to apply the treatments to equal numbers of plants
showing each grade of injury. But this would not
always be possible, especially if it is not to individual
plants but to small plots, each containing several
plants. that the remedial measures must be applied.
Such a procedure would also, in any case, necessarily
sacrifice the advantage of propinquity of the areas
which it is desired to compare. To meet this difficulty
it is open to us to apply the different treatments
to plots randomised and adequately replicated, but
chosen without regard to the initial grade of injury
of the plants they contain. The grades of injury of
these plants may, however, be recorded both initially
and finally, when the treatments may be supposed to
have exerted such effects as they are capable of, and
the comparison of the final condition of the plots
which have received different treatments may be
adjusted to take account of the degrees of injury
initially shown by these same plots.
With perennial plantations the same principle may
very advantageously be applied to studies of the
effects of manuring, pruning, and other variable
treatments, on the yield. Yield in such cases is
evidently much influenced, not only by variations in
soil fertility, but also by the individual capacities of
different plants, which, whether hereditary or not,
persist from year to year. Records of the yield of
individual rubber trees, or of small areas of tea-
plantation, thus show large and relatively permanent

differences. In SUCD cases records of yield for a

preliminary period under uniform treatment provide
a most valuable guide in interpreting the records after
the treatments have been varied. It would in these
cases be possible to choose areas for the different
treatments such that their previous record was
approximately equalised. But to do so is usually
troublesome, inexact, and unnecessary. Moreover,
as the plots so chosen cannot also be arranged in
compact blocks, or in other advantageous arrange-
ments, such as the Latin square, the loss of precision
due to sacrificing this advantage is often consider-
able. I t is now usual, therefore, to arrange the plots
in some way which is topographically advantageous,
irrespective of their previous records, and to utilise
the information supplied by these as an adjustment
or correction to the subsequent yields measured under
varying treatments. It may be noted, however, that
with annual agricultural crops, knowledge of the yields
of the experimental area in a previous year under
uniform treatment has not been found sufficiently
to increase the precision to warrant the adoption of
such uniformity trials as a preliminary to projected
experiments. Such a procedure necessarily nearly
doubles the experimental labour and, as it is not
found to double the amount of information supplied
by the experiment, but to increase it, perhaps by
50 per cent., it is clearly unprofitable. For, by the
application of twice the expenditure in time and money
in the experimental year, the amount of information
recovered may with confidence be expected to be

approximately doubled. Consequ~ntly, on grounds of

precision alone, such preliminary trials with annual
crops are not to be recommended. The fact that they
entail at least a year's delay in the experimental results
adds to the force of this conclusion.
In many cases it may be possible to take two
or more concomitant measurements, each of which
severally may be expected, when proper allowance is
made for it, to increase the precision of the comparisons
to be made, and which, if used jointly, may increase
them still further. Thus, if groups of school children
be supplied, in addition to their home diet, with a ration
of milk, either raw or pasteurised, children in the
same school may be assigned properly at random to
the groups receiving these different additions to their
diet. With large numbers of subjects the age distribu-
tions of the two groups may be very nearly equalised,
but with the smaller numbers attending a particular
school such equalisation of age will necessarily be
somewhat inexact, and, apart from age, it is certain
that the two groups of children will differ somewhat
in the initial height and weight. The variations in
these initial values, moreover, may all be suspected
of having, possibly, an appreciable influence on the
apparent response to the nutrients as measured by
"increments in height or weight. The most thorough
procedure for such a case would be to eliminate, or
make allowance for, all these three variables jointly;
and, though it might not in fact be necessary to take
account of more than two, or of even one of them,
we could only assure ourselves that such a simpler

procedure was in ~eality effective by examining the

effects of making allowance for all three jointly.

56. Arbitrary Corrections

In the examples outlined above, In which an
observable but uncontrolled concomitant might reason-
ably be expected, if proper account can be taken of it,
to add to the precision of the results, it is still a common
practice to introduce corrections based on a prz"orz"
grounds, without reference to what the data them-
selves have to tell of the amount of the corrections
to be applied. Thus in a feeding experiment with
animals it might be thought proper to take account
of the variation in their initial weights by calculating
the responses of different individuals, not by their
absolute increases in weight, but by their increase
relative to their initial weight, or as percentage
increases. Equally, in allowing for the effect of
variation in plant number upon an agricultural yield
it is possible, and has sometimes been thought
appropriate, to calculate the yield per plant in place
of the yield per unit area, as the measure of the
efficacy of the treatments to be compared. In judging
of the effects of treatments on the grade of visible
damage caused by disease it might be thought
sufficient to compare the differences between the
average grades of the different plants receiving
any treatment, before and after that treatment has
been applied, in order to allow for the fact that the
areas differently treated, though assigned properly
at random, were not initially in exactly the same

condition. When allowing for the differences between

different plots observed in a preliminary trial of a
plantation, either the proportional system, or that
dependent on simple differen<;:es might equally be
advocated, and would, perhaps, not give greatly
different results.
Such a priori methods of allowing for concomitant
variates, and attempting to utilise them to increase
the precision of experimental comparisons, should not
be rejected as invalid, even though we may know that
the suppositions on which they are based are experi-
mentally untrue. The experimenter, for example, has
a perfect right to measure the efficiency of different
feeding stuffs, either by the average percentage
increase of different animals, or by the average
absolute increase, as he pleases, and, with a properly
designed experiment, he will ascertain whether the
materials tested do or do not give significantly
different results as measured in these alternative ways.
He has this right, none the less, even if experiments
with a uniform feeding mixture, and animals of
varying initial weight, have shown that the increments
in weight during the experimental period neither are
independent of initial weight nor are proportional to
it. What such experiments would make clear is that,
for the purpose of detecting differences between the
feeding stuffs tested, with the greatest possible preci-
sion in relation to the size of the trial, neither method
of measuring weight increase is ideal, and that both
are capable of some improvement. If, for example,
in experiments in the course of which the average

weight of the animals had doubled, it was found that

an initial difference in weight of I lb. was followed
at the end of the experiment by a difference on the
average of It lbs., it is obvious that an allowance
on this scale would be preferable, for the purpose of
comparing different feeding stuffs, either to an allow-
ance of a pound for a pound, as is the effect of
taking simple weight increases without regard to the
initial weight, or to an allowance of 2 lbs. for I lb.
which would be approximately the effect of judging
the experimental results by the proportional increases
in weight.
Preliminary investigations of the correct allowance
to make for concomitant variates are usually wanting,
and are, fortunately, not a practical necessity, for the
results of a replicated experiment may themselves be
used to supply what is wanted. Let us suppose that
five feeding stuffs are to be tested, each on ten pigs,
the animals being assigned to the different rations
entirely at random. The average initial weights of
the groups assigned to the different feeding stuffs will
therefore vary somewhat by chance, though this
variation will not be so great as the variation between
the initial weights of the different animals receiving
the same feeding stuff. The assignment being at
random in fact gives an assurance that the average
differences between the different lots of ten shall be
smaller than the individual differences in the ratio
I : vi 10 or, in fact, should be rather less than one-
third as great. A direct comparison, within the
groups receiving the same mixture, of the extent to

which greater initial weight is 'followed by greater

final weight, will, therefore, generally supply an
estimate of the true allowance to be made of amply
sufficient accuracy for the small adjustments which
are to be based upon it. Moreover, such an allowance
based on the very same data to which it is to be
applied,_ is generally preferable to one based on other
experiments, even if these are much more extensive,
since it is certain that the conditions in which different
experiments are made vary greatly, and in many
unknown and uncontrolled ways. We have no assur-
ance that the allowance appropriate to one set of
conditions, or to one type of material shall still be
even approximately appropriate when the conditions
and the material are varied. Consequently, even if the
appropriate allowance for each concomitant variable
had been previously ascertained by sufficiently exten-
sive experimentation, it would still be advantageous
to rely, in each particular case, on the internal evidence
of the experiment in question. It may also be noted
that by doing so the experiment conserves its property
of being self-contained, and, therefore, adequate to
supply genuinely independent testimony on any point
in dispute, and that such complete independence is
attenuated, if not lost, if extraneous data are introduced
in the process of its interpretation.

57. Calculation of the Adjustment

The process of calculating the average apparent
effect on the experimental value of the increase of one
unit of the concomitant measurement is, in principle,

extremely simple. Statistically, such values fall into

the class of what are known as "regression co-
efficients," and the variety of methods, appropriate
to calculating such regressions, forms an extensive
subject, which is treated more funy in the author's
book, Statistical Methods jor Research Workers. To
illustrate the principle used, the detailed working for
a simple case will be given here, from which the
reader who is unfamiliar with regressions will be
able to see exactly what the calculation amounts to,
though a fuller study would be needed to recognise
how the operations should best be carried out in
particular cases. We will suppose that five feeding
mixtures are being tested in respect to the live weight
increase produced by them, between fixed limits of
age, on groups of ten pigs, assigned at random to
each of the five mixtures. I f no account whatever
were to be taken of the initial weight (x), we might
deal with the final weights (y) as fonows :-The ten
final weights for each treatment are added to give
totals corresponding to each treatment CA, B, C, D, E),
and divided by 10 to give the corresponding mean
values (a, b, c, d, e). To judge of the significance of
the differences between these totals, or between these
means, we must make an estimate of the magnitude
of the variations due to uncontrolled causes, including
initial weight, and this we may do by examining
the variation in final weight among pigs fed with
the same mixture. Each set of ten pigs treated
alike will supply 9 degrees of freedom for this
purpose, or 45 degrees of freedom in all, for the

estimation of error. The sum of squares, corre-

sponding to each 9 degrees of freedom, is found by
squaring the ten final weights, adding the squares
and deducting Aa, the product of the total and mean
weight for the treatment concerned. The sum of
squares corresponding to the 4 degrees of freedom for
variance among treatments is likewise obtained by
adding together the products of means and totals for
the several treatments, and deducting the product of
the grand total and the general mean, i.e., by
where M stands for the grand total, and m for the
general mean. The analysis of variance is thus of
the simple form : -
Degrees of
Treatments 4
Error. 45

Obviously, an exactly similar analysis can be

made of the initial weights (x), though this is of no
direct experimental interest. To do so is, however,
the first step to take in utilising the values x in order
to adjust the final weights (y) in making a closer
comparison of the responses to different feeding
mixtures. The next step is to make a third table of
the same kind, utilising now, at each stage, instead
of squares, the products of the numbers x and y.
Thus, for each set of 9 degrees of freedom recognised
as error, we take the product of the initial and final
weight of each individual pig, add the products for

the ten pigs treated alike, 'and deduct the product of

the initial total and the final mean, or, what comes to
the same thing, of the initial mean and the final total.
We thus have a sum of products for the 45 degrees
of freedom ascribed to error, comparable in every
respect' with the sum of squares belonging to the
same degrees of freedom for the initial weights, or
for the final weights. Equally, for the 4 degrees of
freedom ascribed to treatments we may find the
appropriate sum of products by multiplying the initial
total weight for any treatment by the final mean
weight, adding the five products so obtained and
deducting the initial total weight of all the pigs,
multiplied by their final mean weight.
The three corresponding tables derived from the
squares of the final weights, the squares of the initial
weights and the products of the two series, contain all
that is needed for the adjustment of the final weight,
and for the further study of the adjusted values. In
particular, the appropriate adjustment to be subtracted
from each final weight to allow for each additional
pound in initial weight, as judged from the internal
evidence of the experiment, by a comparison among
pigs treated alike, is found simply by dividing the
error term of the sum of products by the corresponding
term in the sum of squares of initial weights.
This procedure is of quite general application.
If, for example, the experiment had been of a more
intricate design we might have chosen sets of five
pigs each, from ten different litters, and assigned one
pig of each litter to each treatment, so that the

treatments should be tried 'on an~mals of more nearly

equal genetic constitution than if a lot of fifty had
been distributed wholly at random. The analysis
would then have taken the form
Degrees of
Litters 9
Treatments 4
Error. 36
Total 49

The differences between litters being thus eliminated

from the experiment, both in the effects of treatment
and in the estimation of error, we should in conse-
quence derive the adjustment by dividing the error
component of the sum of products by the correspond-
ing component in the sum of squares in initial weights,
because it is now only the relation between initial and
final weight among pigs of the same litter that is
wanted in adjusting the results. We may, therefore,
in all cases, obtain the empirical adjustment, indicated
by the particular results of the experiment, by dividing
the error component of the sum of products by that
of the sum of squares of the concomitant observation.
In cases in which it is desired to make allowance
simultaneously for two or more concomitant measure-
ments, separate analyses in the same form should be
made for each of these, and for the sum of products
of each with the dependent variate to be adjusted,
and with each other. The error terms of these tables
will then provide a system of two or more linear
equations in accordance with the general procedure

of partial regression; the se>lutions of which represent

the average effects of unit changes in the several
independent variates. The principle of the adjust-
ment is thus exactly the same whether we have to do
with one concomitant variate or with many, and the
use of two or more such concomitants involves no
unmanageable increase in the labour of computation.
The limiting factor in the utility of concomitant
observations lies rather in the labour of additional
measurements, which may not, even when the best
possible use is made of them, lead to so great an
increase in precision as could be obtained by increas-
ing the size of the experiment on a simpler plan, or,
in other ways, by the expenditure of an equivalent
amount of time and attention. In cases, however, as
with the initial weights of experimental animals, where
the measurement to be used as a concomitant is one
which would not in any case be omitted, the precision
which can be gained by a direct evaluation of their
actual effects is entirely profitable to the experiment.

58. The Test of Significance

We have now to evaluate this gain in precision so
that the significance of the responses to different
treatments may be tested after adjustment. Since the
adjustment has been obtained from the error term
we may regard I of the degrees of freedom ascribed
to error as having been utilised in evaluating it.
Supposing, that is, that only one concomitant variate
has been used and, therefore, only one coefficient has
been evaluated. In general the number of degrees of

freedom utilised is equal to-the number of concomitant

variates. After allowing, therefore, for the initial
weights of the animals in our experiment there will
remain only 44 degrees of freedom for the estimation
of error if the animals have been assigned wholly at
random, and only 35 degrees of freedom if they have
been assigned at random within the litters. The
deduction to be made from the sum of squares ascribed
to error, in the analysis of the final weights due to
the removal of this I degree of freedom, is easily
calculated. It consists of the square of the error
component in the analysis of covariance, divided by
the error component of the analysis of variance of
the initial weights. After deducting this portion the
sum of squares ascribed to error may be divided by
the degrees of freedom, to obtain the mean square
appropriate to testing the significance of differences
among the adjusted final weights. This use is entirely
appropriate only if, as should be the case in a properly
randomised experiment, the differences among the
mean initial weights of the different groups of animals
are small compared with the differences amongst
animals of the same group from which the adjustment
has been evaluated. If this were not so, the adjusted
values would in some measure be also affected by the
errors of estimation of the value of the adjustment
applied. It is, therefore, a useful resource to apply a
test of significance to the adjusted values, or any
component of them of special interest, which shall
take full account of the inexactitude of our estimate.
We may illustrate the procedure for the case in which

sets of five pigs frofu ten "different litters have been

assigned at random to the five feeding mixtures.
In this case 9 degrees of freedom representing
differences between litters have been eliminated from
the experimental comparisons, and from the estimate
of error. With these we are no longer concerned.
The sum of squares corresponding to the 35 degrees
of freedom for the estimation of error, after adjust-
ment, has been evaluated by means of deducting the
square of a term from the analyses of covariance,
divided by the corresponding term in the analysis of
variance of the initial yields. The same process is
now applied using the sum of the components for
treatment and error from the same tables. This gives
us the sum of squares corresponding to 39 degrees
of freedom, for I has been deducted from the 40
originally available. Subtracting now the portion
obtained for error, the difference represents the
4 degrees of freedom ascribable to treatments, after
exact allowance has been made for the sampling error
of the coefficient used in their adjustment. The sum
of squares for these 4 degrees of freedom may, there-
fore, be compared with that for the 35 degrees of
freedom due to error, as in an ordinary analysis of
variance, in which no concomitant variate has been
eliminated. The sum of squares ascribed to treatment
by this method 'will be found to be somewhat less than
the corresponding value derived from the adjusted
means and totals, although these adjusted values are
the best available from the experiment, only because
a calculable portion of the variance among them is

ascribable to the samplirlg error of the estimated

rate of allowance, which portion it is proper to remove
in making an exact test of the significance of the
variation observed. In cases where the concomitant
variation has not been properly randomised, the
omission of this precaution may lead to serious errors,
but in such cases the possibility of testing significance
accurately is always questionable.

581. Missing Values

It sometimes happens, in an experiment in which
some cause of disturbance has been carefully equalised,
as are the rows and columns in a Latin Square, that,
by some unforeseen accident, one of the experimental
values is missing. This may happen through the
death of an individual, injury to a portion of a
growing crop, a gross error in recording, or to any
such cause. Without the missing value equalisation
is no longer complete, and it is sometimes thought
that the whole experiment has been wasted. Indeed,
the possibility of such mishaps has been held to be a
reason for avoiding all experiments having intricate
or complex: structures. The technique applicable to
concomitant observations does not, however, rest
upon any assumption of equalisation, and may be
used to recover the information available in the
values that remain. The experiment so repaired will
not, of course, be so good as if it had not been injured;
but there is no reason to suppose that the loss of
information suffered will be disproportionate to the
value of the experiment as a whole.

Instead of estimating cLn adjustment based on a

regression coefficient, it is convenient to estimate
the missing value itself. The principle employed is
simply to insert an algebraic symbol (x) for the
missing value. The ordinary process of analysis of
variance will then yield not wholly numerical expres-
sions for the sums of squares, but algebraic expressions
quadratic in x. If, for example, the sum of squares
for error is

this will be minimised for the value,

which is the required estimate of the missing observa-
tion. For this value of x, the sum of squares ascribable
to error is

which corresponds to a number of degrees of freedom

one less than would have been available had no
value been missing.
I t will be noticed that the coefficients of x 2 in the
different lines of the analysis are all positive, and
correspond with the analysis of variance of the
concomitant observation, while the coefficients of
- 2X correspond with the analysis of covariance. As
in the case of concomitant measurements, where
allowance must be made for the sampling error of
the regression, the results of inserting the estimated
value are not so accurate as if that value had actually

been observed; neverthc:less, an unbiased test of

significance may be made by minimising the sum
of squares for the total of errors and treatments, and
from this minimised value subtracting the minimised
value for error only.
The reader is advised to practise this procedure,
using such an example as that shown in Table 9,
omitting anyone of the 36 values there given. If
more than one value is omitted, there will be two or
more unknowns, and the process of minimising the
sum of squares will yield as many equations, analogous
00 the simultaneous equations in partial regression.
I t is instructive also to follow through algebraically
the process given above, e.g. to show that when a
single value is missing from a 6 X 6 Latin Square,
(a) the reconstructed value is
_!_ (6R'+6C'+6T'-2M)

when R', C' and T' are the incomplete totals for
row, column and treatment from which the observa-
tion was missing, and M is the incomplete total of
all observations.
(b) The sum of squares ascribable to treatments
in testing significance is

~ S(T-T)2 + _1_ (ST'+R'+C'-M)2

6 100

where T stands for the total of any of the completely

observed treatments, and T for the mean of these
totals. Evidently, the value lost has not affected
the precision of comparisons among these treatments,

representing 4 degrees of f7eedom. The second term

gives the comparison of the incompletely recorded
treatment with the mean of the other five.

59. Practical Example

Table 30 shows the arrangement of an experiment,
carried out in sugar-beet, at Good Easter, Chelmsford,
in 1932, by the National Institute of Agricultural
Botany. Three varieties, a, band c, are tested in com-
bination with eight manurial mixtures, respectively
containing and lacking sulphate of ammonia, at the
rate of 06 cwt. of nitrogen per acre, superphosphate
at the rate of 05 cwt. P 20 5 per acre, and chloride of
potash at the rate of 075 cwt. K 2 0 per acre. The
twenty-four combinations of the three varieties with
the eight manurings are arranged in four randomised
blocks in the order shown. In each plot the first
number is the number of plants lifted, while the
second is the weight in pounds of washed roots.
In carrying out the analysis it should be observed
that the varieties show significant differences in plant
number, so that the yields in root weight adjusted for
plant number will not necessarily represent varietal
differences in yield under any uniform system of field
treatment, but should represent yield differences for
equal plant establishment.
When variation in plant number is not large a
proportional allowance, based on a simple regression
coefficient, is often entirely adequate. Theoretically,
however, we should not expect the relationship
between yield and plant number to be represented
Arrangement, Plant Number and Yield, of Combined Manurial
and Varietal Experiment with Sugar-beet
(Rothamsted Experiment'el Statirln Report, 1932)


enp 103, 112 bnp 14 2 ,150 anpk 107,139 I at 109,162

en 121,118 anpk 147,155 a 114, 127 bpk 143,139

ank 134,112 e 138,132 e 119, 12 3 ek 12 9,15 1

bk 156,117 en 141,15 2 ep I27,120 anpk 148,19 2

ak 13 1,15 2 epk 126,1 IS bnp 133,118 bn 159,174

epk 12 9,14 0 ap 134,175 en 12 7,149 bp 120,143

ep 123,II8 bnk 14 2 ,144 an 127,168 ak 145,188

bnpk 146,144 bn 13 8 ,159 anp 119,157 bnp 13 8 ,157

b 145,133 bpk 145,13 2 bn 140,166 a 12 7,15 8

an 13 6 , 18 4 enp 144,175 bnpk 13 8 ,155 epk 142,152

bnp 140,168 apk 133,15 8 b 139,13 8 enp 143,173

enk 126,148 ank 15 6 ,193 epk 12 9,13 0 anp 13 2 ,193

bp 15 2,140 b 147,13 0 enpk 12 9,173 bk 147,147

bnk 13 6 ,143 ep 139,14 2 enk 107,147 ep 12 4,13 8

bn 12 4, 163 bp 138,101 bnk 133,14 2 en 12 7, 16 5

a 124,162 enpk 125,160 ak 13 0 ,14 1 ank 138,19 1

e II3,122 ak 161,164 ek 118,142 bnpk 140 ,153

CltjJk I20,r62 an 134,17 8 ap 134,14 2 b 127,128

anpk 120,175 a 133,162 bp 12 5, 12 4 an 139,199

apk 126,140 bnpk 135,160 bpk 12 5,13 2 enpk 137, 18 5

anp 13 2,190 enk 128,152 enp 102,15 2 apk 132,160

ap 115,173 bk 15 2 ,137 bk 107,121 e 12 7,146

ek 9 1, 107 ek 149,17 1 apk 106,148 bnk 148 ,159

bpk 137, 12 7 anp 104,166 ank 101,17 1 enk 110,136


by a straight line over a' wide range, but rather by

a curve, having a maximum within or outside the
range of the observations. To deal with curved
regression, when it seems to be advantageous, it is
only necessary to introduce not only the plant number
but its square also as a second concomitant observa-
tion, and to treat these exactly as though they were
two independent variables. The fact that one of
these may be calculated from the other does not in
any respect interfere with their use in this way, and,
of course, in special cases, the same principle may be
used to introduce more complicated curves. Sound
judgment as to the probable value of such elaborations,
in comparison with the work required, can only be
gained by trying them on bodies of actual observations,
such as those shown in the table.


R. A. FISHER (1925-1936). Statistical methods for research
workers. Chap. V., 25-29; Chap. VIIL, 49'1.
T. EDEN (1931). The experimental errors of field experiments
with tea. Journal of Agricultural Science, xxi. 547-573.
Rothamsted Experimental Station Annual Report (1932).
H. G. SANDERS (1930). A note on the value of uniformity trials
for subsequent experiments. Journal of Agricultural Science,
xx. 63-73.
60. Precision regarded as Amount of Information
THE foregoing Chapters, II 1. to IX., have been
devoted to cases to which the theory of errors is
appropriate. That is to say,' to cases in which the
experimental result sought, is found by testing the
significance of the deviations shown by the observa-
tions, from a null hypothesis of a particular kind. In
this kind of hypothesis all discrepancies classified as
error, and not eliminated from our comparisons by
equalisation or regression, are due to variation, in the
material examined, following the normal law of errors
with a definite and constant, but unknown, variance.
Granting the appropriateness of null hypotheses
of this kind, our purpose has been to diminish the
magnitude of the error components in the comparisons,
and a number of devices have been illustrated by
which this can be done, while at the same time the
requirement can be satisfied that the experiment shall
supply a valid estimate of the magnitude of the
residual errors, by which the comparisons are still
affected. In general, it has been seen that, with
repeated experimentation on like material, the variance
ascribable to error falls off inversely to the number of
replications, so that in measuring the effectiveness of

methods of reducing the ~rror, an appropriate scale

is provided by the inverse of the variance, or the
z"nvarz"ance, as it is sometimes called, of the averages
determined by the experiment.
If, therefore, any such average is determined with
a sampling variance V, we may define a quantity I
such that I = IjV, and I will measure the quantity
of information supplied by the experiment in respect
of the particular value to which the variance refers.
Information, of course, like other quantities, may be
measured in units of different sizes, according to the
subject under discussion. Thus, with agricultural
yields, it is convenient to consider an experiment
giving a standard error of 10 per cent. as supplying
one unit of information. One giving a standard error
of only 5 per cent. will, therefore, supply four units.
An experiment with a standard error of 2 per cent.
will yield twenty-five, and one with a standard error
of I per cent. will yield a hundred of such units.
The amount of information is thus measurable on a
scale inverse to the variance, or inverse to the square
of the standard error.
One immediate consequence of this method of
evaluation is that when an experimental programme
is enlarged by simple repetition on like material, the
amount of information gained is proportional to the
labour and expense incurred. Consequently, we may
ascertain the cost, per unit of information gained,
of any type of experimentation of which we have
adequate experience; or, if we wish, using the data
from any single large experiment. The cost of

attaining any desired level.of pn!cision, or of gaining

any desired amount of information by the same method
is thus easily calculable. What is more important,
the relative costliness of different methods of experi-
mentation may be directly compared, and the saving
effected by improved methods of design, or by the
use of concomitant observations, may be given an
entirely objective and tangible value.
In such calculations it is important that the items
of labour and skilled supervision chargeable to a
particular method of experimentation shall be fairly
and carefully recorded and calculated. F or any time
and labour devoted to experimental work must be
regarded as having been diverted from other work
of scientific value, to which they might otherwise
have been given. Even rough costings of this kind
will usually show that the efficiency with which
limited resources can be applied, is capable of relatively
enormous increases by careful planning of the experi-
mental programme, and there is nothing in the nature
of scientific work which requires that the allocation
of the resources to the ends aimed at should be in any
degree rougher, or less scrupulous, than in the case
of a commercial business. The waste of scientific
resources in futile experimentation has, in the past,
been immense in many fields. One important cause
at least of this waste has been a failure to utilise past
experience in evaluating the precision attainable by
an experiment of given magnitude, and in planning to
work on a scale sufficient to give a practically useful

A serious consequenc.~ of the neglect to make

systematically estimates of the efficiency of different
methods of experimentation is the danger that satis-
factory methods, or methods which with further
improvement are capable of becoming satisfactory,
may be overlooked, or discarded, in favour of others
enjoying a temporary popularity. Fashions In
scientific research are subject to rapid changes. Any
brilliant achievement, on which attention is tem-
porarily focused, may give a prestige to the method
employed, or to some part of it, even in applications
to which it has no special appropriateness. The
teaching given in universities to. future research
workers is often particularly unbalanced in this
respect, possibly because the university teacher cannot
give his whole time to the study of the practical
aspects of research problems, possibly because he un-
wittingly emphasises the importance of the particular
procedures with which he is best acquainted.

61. Multiplicity of Tests of the same Hypothesis

The concept of quantity of information is appli-
cable to types of experimentation and of observational
programmes other than those for which the theory of
errors supplies the appropriate null hypotheses. Before
considering these, as will be done in the following
chapter, it is advisable to consider a somewhat more
elaborate logical situation than that introduced in
Chapter I I. I t was there pointed out that, in order
to be used as a null hypothesis, a hypothesis must
specify the frequencies with which the different results

of our experiment shall occur, and that the interpreta-

tion of the experiment consisted in dividing these
results into two classes, one of which is to be judged
as opposed to, and the other as conformable with the
null hypothesis. If these classes of results are chosen,
such that the first will occur when the null hypothesis
is true with a known degree of rarity in, for example,
5 per cent. or I per cent. of trials, then we have a
test by which to judge, at a known level of significance,
whether or not the data contradict the hypothesis to
be tested.
We may now observe that the same data may
contradict the hypothesis in anyone of a number of
different ways. For example, in the psycho-physical
experiment (Chapter 11.) it is not only possible for
the subject to designate the cups correctly more often
than would be expected by chance, but it is also
possible that she may do so less often. Instead of
using a test of significance which separates from the
remainder a group of possible occurrences, known to
have a certain small probability when the null hypo-
thesis is true, and characterised by showing an excess
of correct classifications, we might have chosen a test
separating an equally infrequent group of occurrences
of the opposite kind. The reason for not using this
latter test is obvious, since the object of the experiment
was to demonstrate, if it existed, the sensory dis-
crimination of a subject claiming to be able to
distinguish correctly two classes of objects. For this
purpose the new test proposed would be entirely
inappropriate, and no experimenter would be tempted

to employ it. Mathematice.IIy, however, it is as valid

as any other, in that with proper randomisation it is
demonstrable that it would give a significant result
with known probability, if the null hypothesis were
Again, in Darwin's experiment on growth rate
discussed in Chapter II 1., it has been shown that the
test of significance using" Student's" t is appropriate
to the question with a view to which the experiment
was carried out. Many other tests, however, less
appropriate in this regard, or quite inappropriate,
might have been applied to the data. Such tests may
be made mathematically valid by ensuring that they
each separate, for purposes of interpretation, a group
of possible results of the experiment having a known
and small probability, when the null hypothesis is true.
F or this purpose any quantity might have been
calculated from the data, provided that its sampling
distribution is completely determined by the null
hypothesis, and any portion of the range of distribution
of this quantity could be chosen as significant, provided
that the frequency with which it falls in this portion of
its range is '05 or '01, or whatever may be the level
of significance chosen for the test.
Some such tests would be of no interest in any
circumstances with which experimenters are familiar.
Others, though not appropriate to the object Darwin
had in view, might be appropriate to an experimenter
studying a different subject. Thus, if the aim of the
experiment had been, not to ascertain whether the
average height of the cross-fertilised plants was, or

was not, greater than th&-l!: of the self-fertilised, but

whether the difference in height between the cross-
and self-fertilised plants of any pair was distributed
normally, or in an unsymmetrical distribution, a valid
test appropriate to this point could be devised. In
addition to calculating, as in Chapter II 1., the sum
of the squares of the deviations of these differences
from their mean, we might calculate the sum of the
cubes of these differences, having regard to their signs,
and the ratio of the latter sum to the former raised
to the power of 3/2, may be shown, on the null
hypothesis, to have a determinate distribution for a
given number of pairs of plants. The exact form of
this distribution is at present unknown, since the
distributional problem here considered is not one of
those that have been solved. Nothing, however, but
lack of mathematical knowledge prevents us from
stating exactly outside what limits the ratio must lie,
to have a given level of significance. This test would
pick out as statistically significant quite different sets
of experimental results from those selected by the t
test. It is in no sense a substitute for that test, or
suited to perform the same functions. It is designed
to answer a different question, although in both cases
the question is answered by selecting a group of
possible experimental results deemed to contradict
the same null hypothesis. They may properly be
thought of as testing different features of this hypo-
thesis. The hypothesis tested in both cases states
that the distribution of differences in height is centred
. at zero and is normal in form. The one test is

appropriate when w~ are interested especially in the

possibility that it is not centred at zero. In this case
the question of normality is, as has been shown, of
quite trivial importance. The other is appropriate
when we are interested in the possibility that the
distribution is skew, or unsymmetrical about its mean,
and in this case, the value of the mean is entirely
The notion that different tests of significance are
appropriate to test different features of the same null
hypothesis presents no difficulty to workers engaged
in practical experimentation, but has been the occasion
of much theoretical discussion among statisticians.
The reason for this diversity of view-point is perhaps
that the experimenter is thinking in terms of observa-
tional values, and is aware of what observational
discrepancy it is which interests him, and which he
thinks may be statistically significant, before he
enquires what test of significance, if any, is available
appropriate to his needs. He is, therefore, not
usually concerned with the question: To what
observational feature should a test of significance be
applied? This question, when the answer to it is not
already known, can be fruitfully discussed only when
the experimenter has in view, not a single null
hypothesis, but a class of such hypotheses, in the
significance of deviations from each of which he is
equally interested. We shall, later, discuss in more
detail, the logical situation created when this is the
case. I t should not, however, be thought that such
an elaborate theoretical background is a normal

condition of experimentat~n, or'that it is needed for

the competent and effective use of tests of significance.

62. Extension of the t Test

In hypotheses, based on the theory of errors, there
is, however, one extension which is normally held in
view, and which, for the great simplicity of its conse-
quences, is well fitted to introduce the more complex
situations in which methods of statistical estimation
require to be discussed. I n Chapter II I. we illustrated
" Student's" t test of significance with Darwin's data
on the growth of young maize plants. The hypothesis
to be tested was that the difference in height, between
the cross-fertilised and the self-fertilised plant of the
same pair, was distributed in some normal distribution
about zero as its mean. We might, however, have
considered a similar hypothesis, giving to the mean
difference any other number, positive, negative, or
fractional, of inches. If, instead of testing whether
or not the mean could have been zero we had chosen
to test, whether or not it had any unspecified value,
/1-, measured in eighths of an inch, then the deviation
of our observed mean, 20'93, from the hypothetical
value, /1-, is

and this quantity, on the hypothesis to be tested, will

be distributed normally about zero with a standard
deviation, of which we have an estimate based
on 14 degrees of freedom, the value of which is
9'74 6 .

Consequently, if
t = 2093-fL

then t will be distributed in the distribution given by

" Student" for 14 degrees of freedom, a distribution
which is known with exactitude independently of
the observations. We have the important logical
situation, in which a quantity, t, having a sampling
distribution known with precision, is expressible in
terms of an unknown and hypothetical quantity, fL,
together with other quantities known exactly by
observation. We say known exactly, because the
mathematical relations stated are true of the actual
values derived from the observations, and not of the
hypothetical values of which they might be regarded
as estimates. Such actual values derived from the
observation are distinguished by the term statistics,
from the parameters, or hypothetical quantities intro-
duced to specify the population sampled.
An important application, due to Maskell, is to
choose the values of t appropriate to any chosen level
of significance, and insert them in the equation. Thus
t has a 5 per cent. chance of lying outside the limits
2145. Multiplying this value by the estimated
standard deviation, 9.746, we have 20.90 and may
fL = 2093 20.90
= 003, or 41 83

as the corresponding limits for the value of fL.

One familiar way of viewing this result is, that the
experiment has provided an estimate, 2093 eighths

of an inch, of the average. difference, ft, between the

heights of two sorts of plants. That this estimate
has a standard error 9'746, and that II Student's"
distribution shows that, for I4 degrees of freedom,
the 5 per cent. level of significance is reached when we
pass outside the limits 2' I45 times the standard
error. An alternative view of the matter is to consider
that variation of the unknown parameter, ft, generates
a continuum of hypotheses, each of which might be
regarded as a null hypothesis, which the experiment
is capable of testing. In this case the data of the
experiment, and the test of significance based upon
them, have divided this continuum into two portions.
One, a region in which ft lies between the limits
0'03 and 4I ,83, is accepted by the test of significance,
in the sense that values of ft within this region are not
contradicted by the data, at the level of significance
chosen. The remainder of the continuum, including
all values of ft outside these limits, is rejected by the
test of significance.
I t can now be seen, that the t test is not only
valid for the original null hypothesis that the mean
difference is zero, but is particularly appropriate to an
experimenter, who has in view the whole set of
hypotheses obtained by giving ft different values.
The reason is that the two quantities, the sum and the
sum of squares, calculated from the data, together
contain all the information supplied by the data,
concerning the mean and variance of the hypothetical
normal curve. Statistics possessing this remarkable
property are said to be sujJicz'ent, because no others

can, in these cases, ~dd an~thing to our information.

The peculiarities presented by t, which give it its
unique value for this type of problem, are : -
(i) Its distribution is known with exactitude,
without any supplementary assumptions
or approximations.
(ii) It is expressible in terms of the single
unknown parameter, fL, together with
known statistics only.
(iii) The statistics involved In this expression
are sufficient.

63. The X2 Test

What is meant by choosing a test of significance
appropriate to a special purpose, may now be illus-
trated by considering what should be done if the
experimenter were interested, not in whether the mean
of the distribution could exceed a given value, or
could lie in a given range, but in the value of the
variance of the same distribution. What is now
needed is a test of significance provided by a quantity
(i) having a precisely known distribution, and (ii)
expressible in terms of the unknown variance, 1>, of
the distribution sampled, together with sufficient
statistics only.
Now, if x2 jn is the ratio of the variance, as
estimated from the sample for n degrees of freedom,
to the true variance, 1>, it is known that x2 is
distributed, independently of the mean and variance
of the population sampled, in a distribution which is
known when n is known. .If we ~ish to set a probable
upper limit to the value of 1>, we note that for n = 14,
X2 is less than 6 57 I * in only 5 per cent. of trials.
Putting this value for x2 in the equation,
2 = 19945
1> '
we have

In other words, variances exceeding 3035, or

standard deviations exceeding 55' 09, are rejected at
the 5 per cent. level of significance.
Equally, had we wished to set a probable lower
limit to the value of 1> we should have noted that X2
exceeds the value 23.685 in only 5 per cent. of trials.
Consequently, the rejection of the 5 per cent. of values
of x2 which are highest will exclude values of less
than 19945/23 '685, or 844. We may thus reject values
of the variance below 844, or of the standard deviation
below 29'06, at the 5 per cent. level of significance. If,
however, we rejected values for the standard deviation
both below 29'06, and above 55'09, we should be
rejecting both of two sets of contingencies each having
a probability of 5 per cent., and so should be working,
not at the 5 per cent., but at the 10 per cent. level
of significance. I f he wishes to work at the 5 per cent.
level, the experimenter has the choice, according to
the purpose of his researches,
(i) of ascertaining an upper limit for the
unknown variance without rejecting any
lower values,
* For Table of x2 see Statistical Methods for Research Workers, Table III.

(ii) of ascertainihg a l<.ewer limit without rejecting

any higher value, or
(iii) of ascertaining a pair of limits beyond
which values are rejected, representing
two frequencies totalling 5 per cent.

The tests appropriate for discriminating among

a group of hypothetical populations having different
variances are thus quite distinct from those appro-
priate to discriminating among distributions having
different means. Within the limits of the theory
of errors, the mean and the variance are the only
two quantities needed to specify the hypothetical
population. I t is the circumstance that statistics
sufficient for the estimation of these two quantities
are obtained merely from the sum and the sum of
squares of the observations, that gives a peculiar
simplicity to problems for which the theory of errors
is appropriate. This simplicity appears in an alter-
native form of statement, which is legitimate in these
cases, namely, statements of the probability that the
unknown parameters, such as f:l- and rP should lie
within specified limits. Such statements are termed
statements of fiducial probability, to distinguish them
from the statements of z"nverse probability, by which
mathematicians formerly attempted to express the
results of inductive inference. Statements of inverse
probability have a different logical content from
statements of fiducial probability, in spite of their
similarity of form, and require for their truth the

postulation of knowledge. beyodd that obtained by

direct observation.
In the discussion above of the results of Darwin's
experiment, instead of saying that at the 5 per cent.
level of significance, we should reject hypothetical
variances exceeding 3035, it would be equivalent to
say that the fiducial probability is 5 per cent. that
the variance should exceed 3035. Equally, the fiducial
probability is 5 per cent. that it should be less than
844; consequently, it is 10 per cent. that it should
lie outside the range between these two numbers.
With respect to the mean, it may in the same way be
said that it has a fiducial probability of 2t per cent.
of being less than 0'03, or of being greater than
49.83, and, in the same sense, a probability of
95 per cent. of lying within these fiducial limits.

64. Wider Tests based on the Analysis of Variance

In the more general type of problem, to which the
z test is applicable, and in which we may have an
analysis of the variance into a considerable number
of subdivisions, we have a wide choice of tests of
significance, each appropriate to answering a different
question. Logically, these questions refer to the
acceptance or rejection of different hypotheses or sets
of hypotheses, and it will be useful to discuss them
explicitly from this point of view. The practically
useful variations are those which concern the hypo-
thetical means of the different classes of observations
which have been made.
As an example let us consider the 6 x 6 Latin

square, of which mimericc::1 observations were given

in Chapter V. The arithmetical analysis obtained
by the method there described is set out below.

Degrees of Sum of Mean

Freedom. Squares. Square. ! Loge
Rows .5 54,199 '" ...
Columns 5 24,467 '" ...
Treatments 5 248,180 49,63 6 1 '9524
Error 20 30,54 1 1,5 27 0' 211 7
- --- --
Total 35 357,3 8 7 '" 1'7407

I t will be seen that the value obtained for z was

I ' 7407. The I per cent. level for 5 degrees of freedom
against 20 is '7058. Consequently, the data very
significantly contradict the hypothesis that all treat-
ments were giving the same yield. We might, if it
seemed appropriate, go further and say that if {
stands for the true value of which z is an estimate,
then all hypotheses which make { less than 1'0349
are contradicted by the data at the I per cent. level
of significance. The hypothesis that the treatments
do not affect the yield makes t = o. The wider
hypothesis that the yields produced by the different
treatments are a random sample from a normal
distribution, will provide an indeterminate positive
value for t. If t were I '0349 the mean square
ascribed to treatments would be 7 '923 times that
ascribed to error. Since the mean square ascribed
to treatments includes also the variability due to
sampling error, the portion due to the effects of

treatments themselves carmot be less than 6'923 times

as great as the variance due to error in our estimates
of the mean yields from the several treatments.
The mean square due to error has been found to
be 1527, and this is the variance ascribable to error
of a single plot. Dividing by 6 we find that the
variance of the mean of six plots is 254' 5. Multiplying
this by 6'923 we have 1761'9 as the least admissible
value for the variance due to treatments. The
standard deviation corresponding to this variance
is 41 '97, or just over 9 per cent. of the mean yield,
462'75, observed in the experimental plots. It may
be noticed that, apart from the inappropriateness, in
the present instance, of the hypothesis that the
treatment effects constitute a sample from a normal
distribution, the calculation above departs from strict
rigour in accepting the estimate of error based on
20 degrees of freedom, without making special
allowance for the fact that this estimate is itself
liable to sampling errors.
We have treated the experiment above as though
nothing were known of the treatments applied, or as
though these were regarded merely as causes disturb-
ing the yields with an unknown variance. Actually,
it is known that the treatments D, E, F differ from
A, B, C in including an additional nitrogenous
dressing, while A, B, C and, in like manner, D, E, F
differ among themselves in receiving respectively
0, I, 2 units of a phosphatic dressing. The 5 degrees
of freedom ascribed to treatments are, therefore, not
plausibly to be considered as homogeneous among

themselves, but may prop~rly be subdivided, as we

have seen in previous chapters, into unitary elements
of very different agricultural importance.
The total yields of the six treatments are set out
below in relation to the manurial treatment received.


Nitrogen. IN'ltrogen. Total. Difference.

No phosphate . 2070 243 1 45 01 361

Single phosphate 2559 312 1 5680 562
Double phosphate 2867 36 II 647 8 744
- - --- -
Total 7496 9 16 3 16,659 1667

The eighteen plots receiving the nitrogenous dressing

exceed the remaining eighteen plots in yield by 1667,
so that this degree of freedom, N, contributes 16672/36
or 77,191, to the total of 248,180 ascribed to treat-
ments. The second degree of freedom of primary
importance, P v is found by subtracting the yield of
the twelve plots without phosphate from that of the
twelve plots with double phosphate. The difference
is 1977, so that the contribution of this degree of
freedom is 19772/24, or 162,855. This is the primary
effect of phosphate. The second degree of freedom of
this ingredient, P 2, may be found by observing that
the increment in the yield of twelve plots, due to
a single application, is 1179, while the additional
increment due to the second application is 798. The
difference is 381, and represents the excess of twice
the yields for a single application over those for 0,
or 2 units. The contribution' of this degree of
freedom is therefore 3812/72, or 20r6. Similarly,
using the differences between the yields with and
without nitrogen, instead of the sums, we find for
NPl> 3832/24 = 6II2 and for NP 2 , 192/7 2 = 5.
We are now at liberty to discuss the significance
of each degree of freedom severally and, because
the experiment is a well-designed one, we shall find
that to each corresponds a system of appropriate
hypotheses relevant to the aims of the experiment.
Thus, the 1 degree of freedom due to nitrogen has
a mean square 50.56 times as great as that due to
error. The value of " Student's" t is therefore about
7.110. The 5 per cent. value of t for 20 degrees of
freedom is 2086, so that at this level of significance
we may exclude all hypotheses ascribing to the
nitrogenous dressing less than 5.024/7. I I 0, or more
than 9 196/7. IIO of the apparent benefit observed.
This conclusion refers directly to the manurial
comparison on which it is based, and is entirely
independent of the other conclusions to be drawn
from the experiment as to the effects of phosphate or
of its interactions with nitrogen. Naturally, also, if
there were no such interactions, the conclusion would
be applicable at levels of phosphatic manuring other
than those used in the experiment. The data here
indicate that the return from nitrogen would be
definitely higher with higher phosphatic dressings
than those used. The inference as to the return
with the actual phosphatic dressings used is, however,
direct and independent of the interaction.

Each of the other elements into which the effects

of treatments have been analysed may be treated
independently, as we have treated N. A glance at
the items of the expanded analysis of variance will
show on which of these decisive evidence has been
Component of Degrees of Mean
Treatment. Freedom. Square.
N 1 77,19 1
PI 162,855
P2 2,016
NPl 6,112
NP2 5
Total. 5
Error. 20

Thus the pnmary effect of phosphate, like that of

nitrogen, is demonstrated with unquestioned signifi-
cance, and the magnitude of the return evaluated with
fair accuracy. On the other hand, the contribution
of the component NP 2 is much less than might have
appeared as the result of random errors. The results
are entirely compatible with the theoretical possibility
that the response to nitrogen at different levels of
phosphatic application changes in strict proportion to
the amount of phosphate applied. The two remaining
items, for P 2 and NP 1 , are intermediate in magni-
tude, indicating that the evidence of the experiment
on two corresponding modes of varying the null
hypothesis is of an intermediate character. For P 2
the contribution, 20r6, is statistically insignificant.
The experiment does not prove that the additional
response to the second dose of phosphatic manure is
certainly less than that tOt the first. It is in fact less,
,in accordance with common agricultural experience,
but the experiment could not suffice by itself to
demonstrate the reality of this decrease. I f we
consider a series of hypotheses wiili different values
for the diminishing return, and determine which of
these values are compatible, at any given level of
significance, with the observed yields, some of the
values which would appear to be acceptable would
be negative, i.e. would represent increasing returns,
though in the greater part of the acceptable range
positive values would prevail. Even if the test of
significance were chosen, so as to determine not both
limits, but the lower level only, this lower limit would
be found to be negative. For t about I IS, the
fiducial probability of " increasing return" is about
I3 per cent.
In the case of NPl> which measures the extent to
which the response to nitrogen is increased by an
increased phosphatic dressing, the state of the evidence
is somewhat different. The value of " Student's" t
is 2 0004, while the value which is exceeded either
positively or negatively in 5 per cent. of trials is
2 068. If, therefore, the experimenter had no more
reason to expect an increasing than a decreasing
response the observed value would have fallen just
short of 5 per cent. significance. Since, however,
normal agricultural experience would lead us to
anticipate an increase, while a decrease would be
somewhat anomalous, this test tells us not only that
the observed magnitude of the effect is nearly

significant, but also 'that it!> is in the right direction.

These two independent pieces of evidence are com-
bined by choosing a test, which determines a lower
fiducial limit only, i.e. by taking for comparison the
value of t, I '725, tabulated as corresponding to the
probability 10 per cent. This test shows that, at the
5 per cent. level of significance, any hypothesis which
gives to the increase, in response to nitrogen, a
negative value, is contradicted by the experimental
results, or, in other words, that a positive effect is
demonstrated, at this level of significance, by the
experiment. As in other cases, where an effect is
little more than barely significant, the precision with
which its value is estimated is, of course, extremely
I t would have been legitimate to choose other
comparisons among the treatments employed, and to
make with them other tests of significance. We
might, for example, have compared the plots receiving
double, directly with those receiving single phos-
phate, and have discussed the significance of this
difference, in isolation from the other experimental
results. The only inconvenience of such a course is
that if, as is usually the case, the result is to be used
in the examination of scientific theory, in the framing
of practical advice, or in the designing of future
experiments, in conjunction with facts of the same
kind as the remainder of the experiment provides, it
is clearly preferable that the whole of these should be
recognised by means of a series of independent tests,
each having some agricultural relevance. Although
a series of tests can alwa,ys be 'chosen, independent
of the one with which we may start, the supplementary
information provided by them will often be of too
complicated a kind for its bearing on our effective
conclusions to be readily appreciated. Consequently,
it will usually be preferable, as in the example chosen,
to design the experiment so as to lead uniquely to a
single series of tests chosen in advance.
Where a number of independent tests of signifi-
cance have been made, on data from the same
experiment, each test allowing of the rejection of
the true hypotheses in 5 per cent. of trials, it follows
that a hypothesis specifying all the differences in
yield between the treatments tested will, although
true, be rejected with a higher frequency. If, there-
fore, it were desired to examine the possible variations
of any hypothesis which specified all these differences
simultaneously while maintaining the 5 per cent. level
of significance, a different procedure should be
adopted. Actually, in biology or in agriculture, it
is seldom that the hypothetical background is so
fully elaborated that this is necessary. It is, therefore,
usually preferable to consider the experiment, as we
have done above, as throwing light upon a number
of theoretically independent questions. There is,
however, no difficulty, when required, in making a
comprehensive test on all questions simultaneously,
as in the z test first employed, or in extending this
test so as to specify the aggregate of compound
hypotheses which are contradicted by the experiment
at any assigned level of significance.

In analysing the' 5 dewees of freedom ascribable

to treatments in the 6 X 6 Latin square, certain
differences were obtained from the experimental
yields, such as the 1667 units of yield by which the
plots receiving nitrogen exceeded the remainder.
Any hypothesis respecting the difference in yield of
the six treatments used, may be specified by the
hypothetical values which it gives corresponding to
these observed differences. Thus if al were the
hypothetical value corresponding to 1667, a2 corre-
sponding to 1977, and so on, the sum of squares
for the 5 degrees of freedom representing the devia-
tions of the observed responses to treatments from
those predicted by hypothesis would be
(I667-al)2 + (I977-a2)2 + (3 8I - a 3)2
36 24 72
+ (383-a4)2 + (I9- a 5)2
24 72
We may now find how large this expression must
be in order that z should be equal to its I per cent.
value. This value as given by the table is 0.7058.
Adding to this i loge for error, 2II7, we have .9175
corresponding to a mean square 6265, or to a sum of
squares 31,325. The I per cent. test of significance
for a hypothesis specifying all the values aI' a z , . . . ,
a 5 will, therefore, reject any hypothesis for which
the quadratic expression set out above exceeds 31,325
and will accept all hypotheses for which it has a
lower value.

65. Comparisons "with Intenictions
The last class of variation to be considered In
the tests of significance derivable from the analysis
of variance, consists of cases in which we compare
primary effects with interactions, or interactions with
interactions of a higher order. If, for example, a
test were carried out of five varieties of an agricultural
plant, using a Latin square laid down at each of ten
representative farms, in a region to which the five
varieties tested have all some claim to be thought
appropriate, the experiment at each farm will provide
an analysis of the form:

Degrees of
Rows. 4
Columns 4
Varieties 4
Error. 12

Total 24

If we have corresponding data for each of ten places

the whole series will yield together 40 d~grees of
freedom for rows and 40 degrees for columns, all of
which represent components of heterogeneity which
have been eliminated. There will also be I20 degrees
of freedom in all for error. But the remaining 40,
composed of the components ascribed to variety at
each of the ten places, is divisible into 4 degrees of
freedom for variety V, and 36 for interaction between
variety and place VP. There would, of course, also
be 9 degrees of freedom, representing the contrast

between places, but with taese we are not concerned.

The complete analysis of such a record of 250 yields
would, therefore, be as follows : -

Degrees of
Rows. 40
Columns 40
Places 9
Varieties 4
VxP 36
Error. 120

Total 249

I t would be proper, of course, to exam me the

record from each farm for significant differences
between the varieties, for even if these were not
concordant they might indicate a greater aptitude
of some varieties compared with others to the soil
conditions of a particular site. Even in the absence
of significant differences on individual farms, the
results of the different experiments might be sufficiently
concordant to give a significant comparison in the
analysis of the entire experiment between varieties
and error. This might not, however, be the most
appropriate comparison to make, for since the varieties
might react differently to different types of soil, it is
not improbable that the mean square corresponding
to the 36 degrees of freedom VP, is greater than the
mean square due to error. If the precision of the
individual experiments were high, the difference
between the aggregate yields of two varieties might
be significant compared with error, although one was

the better at only six phces, while the other was

better at the remaining four. In fact, if our concern
is to ascertain not merely the best variety on the
aggregate of the ten fields actually used, but to
ascertain which is the best over the whole area
deemed suitable for this type of crop, within the
region from which the sites of the experiment have
been selected, the comparison between varieties V
and interaction of varieties and places VP will be
the more appropriate. For, if the ten sites have
been chosen at random from this area, a significant
difference in this comparison would indicate, at the
level of significance used, varietal differences appli-
cable to the whole area. The precision of this
comparison may not be greatly increased by higher
precision in the individual experiments, especially if
the mean square corresponding to VP is consider-
ably greater than that ascribable to experimental
error. To increase its precision we may rather
require an increase in the number of sites used, or
in other words, if the area sampled is considerably
heterogeneous with respect to varietal response, it
may be necessary to sample it more thoroughly. The
hypothetical population with which we are principally
concerned, will then be the population of possible
sites available for growing the I~rop under considera-
tion, rather than the population of possible yields of
plots within a given site. The test employed is, in
fact, equivalent to considering, from each farm, only
the aggregate yield of each variety, and the estimation
of error within each individual Latin square is of

value, apart from the loca:\.information supplied, only

in providing assurance that the experimentation has
been carried out with an exactitude sufficient to
guarantee the adequacy of the comparisons between
different places.
Cases in which it is one of the higher order
interactions, rather than error proper, that should
appropriately be used as a basis for tests of
significance, are relatively numerous. The data of
Table 7A (p. 76) are of this kind. Agricultural
experiments, whether with manures, implements of
cultivation or varieties of crop plants, are much
affected by the weather. I f a treatment effect is
significant, compared with error in anyone year, the
experiment will have indicated what treatments have
in that year proved most advantageous. But, if
independent experiments over a series of years show
a significant difference between treatments on the one
hand, and the interaction between treatments and
years on the other, the experiment has shown what
treatments are the most successful in an aggregate
of seasons, of which those experienced may be taken
as a random sample. There seems, in fact, in no
part of the world to be any such similarity between
successive seasons as would make the experience of
a sequence of trials unreliable for future application
in the absence of genuine secular changes of the
The same principle is of wide application in
economic and sociological enquiries where, in com-
parisons of rates of death, morbidity, births, prices

and so on, the effective 'Unit is far more often a

district, or a town, than an individual. The supposi-
tion that rates, based on the registration of individuals,
possess the precision which would be appropriate if
all the individuals concerned could be regarded as
independent in their sociological reactions, is clearly
i.nappropriate when we are interested in the effects on
these reactions of economic or legislative causes, or
other agencies derived from social organisation, liable
to affect large numbers of individuals in a similar
manner. The effective samples available for ad-
ministrative decisions, even though based ultimately
on millions of individual persons, are often much
smaller than those available in biological experimenta-
tion and, for this reason, require even more than the
latter the accurate methods of analysis by which small
samples may be interpreted.


R. A. FISHER (1933). The concepts of inverse and fiducial
probability referring to unknown parameters. Proceedings of
the Royal Society, A, cxxxix., 343-348.
'R. A. FISHER (1933). Two new properties of mathematical
likelihood. Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, cxliv.,
28 5-3 0 7.
R. A. FISHER (1933). The contributions of Rothamsted to the
development of statistics. Rothamsted Experimental Station
R. A. FISHER (1934), Probability, likelihood and quantity of
information in the logic of uncertain inference. Proceedings
of the Royal Society, A, cxlvi., 1-8.
E. J. MASKELL (1930). Field experiments. Journal of Tropical
Agriculture, vii., 101-104, 125-131.
66. Estimation in General
THE situations we shall now examine are of a more
general character than those considered in the classical
theory of errors, which have been dealt with in
previous chapters. I t has been seen in the last chapter
that we may be -interested to interpret the data as
arising, subject to errors of unknown magnitude, but
distributed normally, from one or more unknown
quantities, parameters, of which we are interested
to form estimates, of known precision, and to make
this precision as great as possible. In the most
general situation of this kind, all the different kinds
of individual events which it is possible to observe
are regarded as occurring with frequencies function-
ally dependent in any way on one or more of such
unknown parameters. This is the general situation
considered in the Theory of Estimation. From the
purely statistical standpoint, they present the problem
of how best the observations can be combined, in
order to afford the most precise estimates possible of
the unknowns. The mathematical principles of this
process of combination are now satisfactorily under-
stood, and have been illustrated in detail in the ninth
chapter of the author's book, Statistical Methods jar

Research Workers. Fr0111 the l'oint of view of the

practical design of experiments, or of observational
programmes, we shall here be concerned only
indirectly with. the technique of the calculation of
efficient estimates, and can turn attention at once to
the problem of assessing, in any particular case which
arises, the quantity of information which the data
supply, and which we may assume will be efficiently
The reason for this standpoint, so contrary to that
traditional among statisticians, deserves some explana-
tion. During the period in which highly inefficient
methods of estimation were commonly employed, and,
indeed, strongly advocated by the most influential
authorities, it was natural that a great deal of ingenuity
should be devoted, in each type of problem as it arose,
to the invention of methods of estimation, with the
idea always latent, though seldom clearly expressed,
of making these as accurate as possible. The attain-
ment of a result of high accuracy was, in fact, evidence
not only of the intrinsic value of the data examined,
but also to some extent of the skill with which it had
been treated. The extent to which this was so was
the greater the more inefficient were the methods
ordinarily recommended; but, clearly, in any subject
in which the statistical methods ordinarily employed
leave little to be desired, the precision of the result
obtained will depend almost entirely on the value of
the data on which it is based, and it is useless to
commend the statistician, if this is great, or to reproach
him if it is small. At the present time any novice in

the theory of estimation should be able to set out the

calculations necessary for making estimates, almost,
if not quite, as good as they can possibly be. Any
improvement which can be made by further refine-
ments of computational technique are, in ordinary
cases, and setting gross incompetence aside, exceed-
ingly small compared to the improvements which may
be effected in the observational data.
The amount of information to be expected in
respect of any unknown parameters, from a given
number of observations of independent objects or
events, the frequencies of which depend on that
parameter, may be obtained by a simple application
of the differential calculus. It may be worth while
to consider a few easy examples in detail, in order to
obtain a clear grasp of the process generally involved.

67. Frequencies of Two Alternatives

Let us suppose that only two kinds of objects or
events are to be distinguished, and that we are con-
cerned to estimate the frequency, p, with which one
of them occurs as a fraction of all occurrences; or,
what comes to the same thing, the complementary
frequency, q (= 1 -p) with which the alternative
event occurs. We might, for example, be estimating
the proportion of males in the aggregate of live births,
or the proportion of sterile samples drawn from a bulk
in which an unknown number of organisms are
distributed, or the proportion of experimental animals
which die under well-defined experimental conditions.
The experimental or observational record will then

gIve us the numbers of ~e twb kinds of observa-

tions made, a of one kind and b of another, out of
a total number of n cases examined. We wish to
know how much information the examination of n
cases may be expected to provide, concerning the
values of p and q, which are to be estimated from
the data.
A general procedure, which may be easily applied
to many cases, is to set down the frequencies to be
expected in each of the di.stinguishable classes in terms
of the unknown parameter. F or each class we then
find the differential coefficient, with respect to p,
of this expectation. The squares of these, divided
by the corresponding expectations, and added
together, supply the amount of information to be
anticipated from the observational record. That
such a calculation will give a quantity of the kind
we want, may be perceived at once by considering
that the differential coefficients of the expectations,
with respect to p, measure the rates at which these
expectations will commence to be altered if p is
gradually varied; and the greater these rates are,
whether the expectations are increased or diminished
as p is increased, or in other words, whether the
differential coefficients are positive or negative, the
more sensitively will the expectations respond to
variations of p. Consequently, it might have been
anticipated that the value of the observational record
for our purpose would be simply related to the squares
of these differential coefficients.
We may now set out the process of calculation for

the simple case of the estir:lation of the frequency of

one of two classes.

I Observed Expected Differential

2 (dm) 2
Frequency. Frequency. Coefficient.
(x) (m) dm/dp m dp

a jm n n/p
b qn -n n/q
- - - -
n n 0 n/pq

The frequencies expected are found by multiplying

the number of observations, n, by the theoretical
frequency, p, which is the object of estimation, and
by its complementary frequency, q. The differential
coefficients of these expectations with respect to pare
simply nand -no The sum of these is zero, as must
be the case whenever, as is usual, the number of
observations made is independent of the parameter
to be estimated. It is obviously, therefore, not the
total of the differential coefficients which measures
the value of the data, but effectively the extent to
which these differ in the different distinguishable
classes, as measured by their squares appropriately
weighted, as shown in the last column.
The total amount of information is found to be

I = ~ -
and we may now note the well-known fact that, if
our sample of observations were indefinitely increased,
the estimate of p, obtained from the data, tends in the

limit to be distributed no.mallyabout the true value

with variance pq. The general method here given of
measuring quantity of information thus agrees with
the concept, which has been formed of this quantity
in previous chapters, where we were concerned only
with normally distributed errors.

68. Functional Relationships among Parameters

I t is often true that the frequency of a particular
event among different events of a like kind is itself
an object of enquiry, as is the case, for example, with
the sex-ratio of births. More often the frequency
is itself only of value because it is believed to be
functionally related to some other quantity of more
direct importance. The frequency, p, of sterile
samples from a vessel containing an unknown density
of organisms is related to the average number, m, of
organisms in the sampling unit, by the relation,
p = e- m ,
m = -logp,
where the logarithm is taken from a table prepared on
the natural or Napierian system.
If now the object of making a count discriminating
only the two types of sample, viz., sterile samples
which contain no organism, and fertile samples which
contain at least one, is to make an estimate of the
density in the material sampled, or in the material
from which the dilution sampled was prepared, we
shall be interested, not directly in the amount of
information about p, but rather in the amount of
l~ce about .
obta }1z and P ar }1zf' wh~ch the sample provides.
Ined b e Un . .
alQou Y Using th cbonally related, thIs can be
nt of . e rel . .
If . Informat" attonship dIrectly, from the
In th IOn ab
tiOn f e table s OUt p.
o th et OUt
by n b e amOunt of . above, showing the calcula-
to}Jz. o Ser Vatio ns Info r respectmg
matIOn . p supp 1Ie d
, lUSt ' We h d
led t ead of in r a differentiated with respect
o the eSPeCt
The amOunt f. top, the process would have
COlQp 0 Inf
have . onent ter ormation with respect to m.
dift rns of h .
CO~t . . ered fro t IS calculatIOn would each
aInI~ rn th
diffe . g, as an add .. OSe we obtained only in
rential Itlo 1
gene 1 . coefficie na factor, the square of the
ra If I nt of
with r ' '" stands t P with respect to m. In
tio~ e.sPeq to }1z dor the amount of information
WIth ,an I t
forlQula respect to 1> Or the amount of informa-

p, We have the transformation

I ~ the
I", :::::: P)2
d;n Ip.
wh case '

it foIl / , \
OWs that

I", :::::: ?!P_ n

1\s in th q :::::: em - I
examined . e CaSe of
frOlQ a . IS increased P, if the number of samples
giVen nUrnb ' OUr estimates of m derived
er of
sarnples, tend to be normally

distributed about the true.. value: and the variance of

this limiting distribution is given by the reciprocal
of the amount of information,
q em - I
V(m) = - =-
pn n

The errors of estimation are least when m is near to

zero, and increase rapidly if m is made large. This,
however, does not mean that the determination will
be most accurately carried out with very high dilu-
tions, or with very small sampling units, by which
means m may be made as small as we please; for it
must be remembered that if we reduce the sampling
errors of m by making m smaller, we will not
necessarily diminish the relative magnitude of these
errors when compared with m. To minimise the
relative magnitude of the sampling errors, we need
to consider the variance of m divided by m 2 ; or
I I em - I
-V(m) = ---
m2 n m2

This quantity tends to infinite values when m is made

either very small or very large. Since the logarithm
of m possesses the 'property that djdm log m = Ijm,
it appears equally that the amount of information
supplied by the experiment relative to log m is given
by the expression 2 m
em - I

This quantity vanishes as m tends to zero or infinity,

but is finite at all intermediate values; and the relative
precision of our estimate of the number of organisms

will be greatest if th'e dilu~ion or the sampling unit

were adjusted, so as to maximise this quantity.
Fig. 3 shows the quantity of information, for all
values of m, for which this quantity is not very small.
The horizontal scale is logarithmic, so that values of
m indicated at equal intervals are in geometric


i?~ ...
.l- 4 8 16
FIG. 3.-Quantity of information as to the density of organisms in a medium
according to the average number m of organisms per sample.

progresslOn. It is evident from the figure that the

most useful values are between about I I and 22.
The absolute maximum of information is given when
m is about I 6, or, more precisely, a number 1h with
rather remarkable properties, such that


it follows that the ratio of p to tJ IS the same as

, 233

the ratio of (2 -m) to n;. N vmerically, it appears

that m = 1'593,624,26
I-e- m = '796,812,13 = im = q
2-7h = '406,375,74
e- fh = '203,r87,87 = r-im = P
The ideal proportion of sterile samples for estimat-
ing by this method the density of the organisms
is, therefore, just over 20 per cent. Any proportion
between 10 per cent. and 33 per cent. sterile will, how-
ever, supply nearly as much information, and the aim
in adjusting the sampling process should be to obtain
a percentage of sterile samples between these limits.
The maximal amount of information per sample is
i = '647,610,24 = m(2-7h) = 4 prj
To find the minimal number of samples needed to
estimate m with any given precision, we may now
equate nt to the invariance of log m required. Thus
if we required to reduce the standard error of m to
10 per cent. of its value, we might put the standard
error of log m equal to o' I; the variance of log m
would then be 0'01 and its invariance would be 100.
We should then have
nz = 100,
or n = 154'4.
Even in the most favourable circumstances, therefore,
it would need 155 samples to reduce the standard
error below 10 per cent. of the estimated density.
Since, owing to our ignorance of the true density, the
dilution cannot be adjusted exactly so as to give the
ideal proportion of sterile samples, it would usually be

WIse to divide the amount,., of information required

by a smaller divisor than the maximal value '6477,
e.g. by '6, which would raise our estimated require-
ment to 167 samples. The whole calculation shows
that the method of estimating the density of organisms
by discriminating only their presence, or absence, in
samples is of low precision, compared with methods
in which individuals or colonies may be counted.
In many types of research a series of dilutions is
employed, giving densities falling off in geometric
progression, with a constant factor most commonly
of 2 or 10. The amounts of information supplied by
each of these is represented in the diagram (Fig. 3)
by the heights of a series of equally spaced ordinates.
If the series is extended so as to cover all densities
which supply an appreciable amount of information,
the sum of the ordinates for two-fold dilution is nearly
constant in value and has an average value
- - = 2'373,13 8 .
6 1oge 2
This is, therefore, the amount of information supplied
by a single sample at each dilution, and this may be
used to calculate the precision to be expected, using
any number of samples at each dilution, or to calculate
the number of samples required to attain any
stipulated level of precision. For four-fold dilutions
the average amount of information supplied is, of
course, a half, and for eight-fold dilutions one-third
of the number found above. For ten-fold dilutions
it is about three-tenths, but for the higher dilution
ratios the sum of the ordinates shows a rapidly

increasing variation, wit~ the tonsequence that the

amount of information actually obtained becomes
less reliable, the larger the dilution-ratio employed.

69. The Frequency Ratio in Biological Assay

Use is often made of a frequency ratio between
two distinguishable classes, to supply a measure of
an underlying variate, as when the toxic content of
a drug is inferred from the mortality of experimental




-I o x M 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
FIG. 4.-Normal distribution curve to illustrate the interpretation of
percentage mortality as a pro bit value.

animals receiving a known dosage, or from the

dosage required to cause a given mortality. The
underlying theory is illustrated in Fig. 4. The curve
represents a normal distribution with unit standard

deviation, divided by the ordinate P M into two
portions. The area to the left of the ordinate
represents the proportion, p, which die under the
treatment, the area to the right the proportion, q,
which survive. The height of the ordinate is
represented by z, and its distance from the central
axis of the curve by x, taken positive to the right

of the axis. As x h1crea~s from - CO to co, the

proportion dying increases from 0 to I. Knowing
any of the three quantities x, p or z, the other two
can be obtained from available tables. An experi-
mental determination of the fraction, p, will therefore
supply a corresponding determination of the deviation,
x, and this is found, in a large number of cases, to
increase or decrease proportionally with the logarithm
of the toxic content of the dose. I f, therefore, the
relationship between dosage and mortality has been
established for a standard preparation, the toxicity of
any material under test may be gauged by observing
the mortality which supervenes on a known dosage
of the material to be tested. Moreover, so long as
a linear relation holds between the toxic content
measured logarithmically and the deviation, x, the
precision of the assay will be proportional to the
precision with which x is estimated.
As is seen from the figure, if x is increased by a
small quantity dx, the initial increase of p is zdx.
dp =z
dx .

But we know that the amount of information with

respect to x is given by the equation
dP) 2
Ix = Ip ( dx
nz 2
where n is the number of animals employed. Although
~ is least when p equals q, or at 50 per cent. mortality,

t h e quantIty 0
f.(' .
mlormaUtm, - , IS greatest at t hIS
point. Hence for a single test, the highest precision
is obtained for a given number of animals by adjusting
the dosage approximately to the 50 per cent. death
point. The quantity nz2
IS used further as the weight to be assigned to the



o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
FIG. s.-The amount of information as to the probit in terms
of the percentage mortality.

estimated value of x when a number of tests at

different dosages are to be combined. The quantity
5+x, known as the" probit value," is used as a
practical measure of mortality, and Dr C. I. Bliss
has given tables of the weighting factor, and other
relationships needed for the more complex problems
which arise in toxicological research. Fig. 5 shows

the amount of inforrrtation .especting the probit value

supplied by each animal observed, for different
percentage mortalities. It will be seen that when
the mortality is between one-third and two-thirds,
the information gained falls little short of the highest

70. Linkage Values inferred from Frequency Ratios

When an organism receives from its two parents
corresponding genes of different kinds, it generally
hands on one kind to half its offspring and the other
kind to the remainder. The numbers of the two kinds
of offspring observed may, however, differ, either by
chance or owing to the unequal viability of these
two kinds. The parent is said to be heterozygous for
the Mendelian factor in question. If the parent is
heterozygous for two different factors, which are not
linked in inheritance, he may make contributions of
four different kinds to the germinal constitution of
the offspring, and these will occur in equal numbers.
If, however, the factors are linked, or carried in the
germ-plasm by the same chromosome, the two gene-
combinations received by the heterozygote from his
parents will be handed on to the offspring more
frequently than the remaining two combinations
formed by interchanging the pairs of genes. The
intensity of the linkage is measured, in an inverse
sense, by the frequency among all the offspring, of
those receiving recombinations. When the recom-
bination frequency is small, the linkage is close;
when it is large, approaching 50 per cent., the linkage

IS loose. The type of ~ating which best tests the

intensity of linkage is one with an organism distin-
guishable from the heterozygote in respect of both
factors, i.e. when there is dominance, with a double
If there is no difference in mortality among the
four distinguishable types of offspring, up to the time
at which they can be recorded, any such mating will
determine the linkage value, with precision limited
only by the number of offspring. Thus, if a fraction,
p, of recombinations is estimated from a count of n
offspring, the amount of information available as to
the value of p is n
If, however, the two types counted as recombinations
have an average viability different from that of the
two types of parental combinations, the linkage value
so estimated will be distorted by the differential
mortality. I t is possible to overcome this difficulty
by making up heterozygotes of the two kinds possible,
so that the recombinations from one set of matings
are genetically similar to the parental combinations
from the other. Thus, if in one set the apparent
recombination value has been raised by differential
viability, it will have been lowered in the other set.
If, therefore, we have a record of two such sets of
matings as shown in the following table
Recorn- Parental
binations. Combinations. Total.
1st set al b1 nl
2nd set a2 b2 n2

we may argue, that" the r.tio alibI has been raised

(or lowered) in the first set, in the same proportion as
the ratio a 2 /b 2 has been lowered (or raised) in the
second. Hence, if we take the geometric mean of
these two ratios, and use, as our equation of estimation,
t = la1a2,
q 'V b1b2
we shall obtain an estimate unbiased by differential
mortality, in so far as it is caused by the factors studied.
To determine the precision of such an estimate,
we may consider first the precision with which the
logE = logp-Iog q

is derived from a simple frequency ratio a : b; SIllce

d p I I I
dp log q = p+ q= pq'
it follows that
I log P/q = p2q 21P = p2q 2pq
!!_ = n"'q

and since, as our estimate, we shall put,

a b
p =1i' q = n'
the amount of information may be written,
1= ab.
n '
or, III large samples, the sampling vanance of
log 1!... IS

N ow, in estimating loge.e from the geometric mean

of two observed ratios, we are taking half the sum of
two estimates of log E, and the sampling variance will
therefore be one-quarter of the Sum of the four

1= 4 =h
_!_+!_+_!_+~ ,
al bl a2 b2
where h is the harmonic mean of the four frequencies
The information respecting the recombination
fraction, p, estimated in this way may be calculated,
as before, from that respecting log e,q and is evidently
Ip = hfp 2q 2.
We may now ask in what proportions the two
types of mating should be used, in order to secure the
greatest precision for a given number of organisms
bred and examined.
If PI> ql stand for the proportions observed from
matings of the first kind, and P2' q2' from matings of
the second kind, the amount of information has been
shown to be inversely proportional to
1 1 1 1
nlPI nIql n 2P2 n 2q2
'or to
_1_ + _1_
nlPtql n 2P2q2'
We wish to make this quantity as small as possible,

consistently with a fi'xed tot:al of organisms observed,

n i +n 2 If the numbers are such as to make this
quantity a minimum, it will be unaltered by a small
decrement in the number n I , accompanied by a
corresponding small increment in the number n 2
But if n i is diminished and n 2 increased by a small
change dn, the quantity above is increased by
dn dn
nI 2PIQl - n2 2hQ2

Hence for the most satisfactory proportion,

2 2
nI PIQI = n 2 p2Q2

We should then endeavour to adjust our observational

numbers so that

in other words, the product of the observed frequencies

from one set of matings should be approximately equal
to the product from the other set.
By reversing the manner in which the frequencies
are combined, the data may be used to estimate
differential viability, in the same way as they are
used to estimate the recombination frequency. The
consequence is that the same proportionate numbers
from the two types of mating, which are ideal for the
estimation of linkage, are also ideal for the estimation
of differential viability.

71. Linkage Values inferred from the Progeny of

Self-fertilised or Intercrossed Heterozygotes
With many plants it is easier to ensure self,
fertilisation than to execute controlled crossings,
consequently, much of the information available as to

linkage in plants is deriv~d from. the families of self-
fertilised heterozygotes. With animals also such data
are obtained in the course of combining two recessives
not yet available in combination. Methods of estimat-
ing the intensity of linkage have been examined
in Chapter IX. of the author's Statistical Methods,
and analogous, but more complex cases have been
discussed by J. B. Hutchinson and F. R. Immer.
We are here only concerned with the evaluation in
such problems, of the quantity of information as to
the linkage value postulated, which the data make
available. If there is reason to suspect differential
viability, there is no satisfactory substitute for back-
crossing, so we shall discuss only the case in which
this complication is absent.
The frequencies of the four distinguishable types
to be expected may best be inferred from that of the
double recessives, for this is only produced when both
of the uniting gametes lack both dominant genes.
When the two dominant genes have been received by
the parents from different grandparents (repulsion),
the proportion of such doubly recessive gametes will
be t p, where p is the recombination fraction. The
probability that both the uniting gametes are of this
kind is therefore t p, or t p pf if the recombination
fractions should be different in male and female
gametogenesis, and are represented by p and pf. We
may, therefore, represent this fraction by t e noting
that, for repulsion vie will be the recombination
fraction, or at least the geometric mean of the two
recombination fractions, if there are two different

values. The frequencies, in, any case, are expressible

in terms of O. Consequently, it is only of this quantity
that the data provide information. The data provide
no means of detecting any difference that may exist
between p and p', and we shall from this point use
the symbol X merely as an equivalent to vB. In the
case of coupling, on the other hand, the doubly
recessive gametes will be of the parental combination,
and the recombination fraction will be I-X.
From the expected proportion of double recessives
the proportions of the other classes may be easily
inferred from the fact that each recessive separately
must appear In one - quarter of the offpsring,
irrespective of linkage. The two singly recessive
genotypes have, therefore, each a proportional
expectation of ! (1 -0), leaving! (2+0) for the last,
or doubly dominant type.
Having evaluated the expectations we may now,
as before, calculate directly the amount of information
which a record of n offspring will supply as to the
value of O. The table below shows this calculation.

Offspring expected. I dm/d8. ~ (dm) 2

m dO . Total.
(m). __ ~I

n n
- IJ - n!41J
4 4
': (I-e) - - n!4(1 -0)
1 2n(I+20)
': (I -0)
- -
n/4(1-0) f
40(' ~O)('+BJ
~ (2+0) - 1I(4(2+1J)
4 4

from which it appears th~t

I _ n(l+zO)
8 - ZO(I -0) (z+O)

for all values of O. I t will be noted that the second

and third classes of offspring, the expectations of
which are the same functions of 0, might have been
treated together without altering the result. In fact
we are only concerned with the total number in these
two classes, and not with the parts of which this total
is composed, in estimating the value of O. The fact
that these two classes are usuaUy distinguishable
adds nothing to our information. The same applies
wherever distinguishable classes have proportional
Knowing the information available respecting 0,
we can now obtain the quantity of information
respecting x. For, since
0= x2 ,
dO/dx = zx,


This quantity rises steadily from the value unity

when 0 = 0, the closest possible linkage in repulsion,
through 16/9 when 0 = -1, linkage being absent, to
an infinite value when 0 = I, the limit 6f close linkage
in coupling. When linkage is at aU close, there-
fore, interbreeding of heterozygotes in coupling is

immensely more infclrmativ.e, for the same number of

offspring, than the interbreeding of heterozygotes in
repulsion. Roughly speaking, with 10 per cent.
recombination, coupling matings are worth about ten
times as much as repulsion matings; and if the
recombination fraction is as small as 5 per cent., they
are worth about twenty times as much.
Lack of recognition of this great contrast between
the amounts of information supplied by these two
types of progenies has led, on several occasions in
the genetical literature, to curious misinterpretations
of the genetical results. Indeed, it greatly delayed
the discovery of the phenomenon of linkage itself, for
English geneticists, discussing undoubted cases of
linkage in plants, while observing the occurrence of
recombination among the coupling progenies, failed
to recognise its occurrence in the progenies from
heterozygotes in repulsion, and were led to believe
that these two different aspects of the same problem
followed different laws. The discovery of linkage was
thus delayed until animal geneticists, working with
a biparental organism, Drosophila, in which back-
crossing is as convenient as the interbreeding of
heterozygotes, demonstrated that the recombination
fraction was the same, irrespective of whether the two
dominant genes entered the cross from the same or
from different parents. Had the plant geneticists
been aware that a progeny of 200 offspring in repulsion
might be equivalent, in evidential value, to some
25 offspring in coupling, they would, perhaps, have
grown sufficiently numerous repulsion progenies to

have demonstrated the identity Q[ the two phenomena,
which had attracted their-attention.
A number of further inferences of practical interest
follow frorn the evaluation of the amount of informa-
tion to be derived from progenies by self-fertilisation,
which the reader may usefully verify for himself.
(r) With close linkage, progenies obtained by self-
fertilising heterozygotes in coupling are of nearly
equivalent value with back-cross progenies. Thus
the advantage of back-crossing when it is possible,
lies, in cases of close linkage, principally in the
opportunity it affords of eliminating, and of
evaluating, differential viability, and of detecting
any difference there may be in the recombination
fraction in male and female gametogenesis.
(2) When no double recessives are available, the
only double heterozygotes that can be formed are
in repulsion. Self-fertilising or interbreeding these
supplies very little information when the linkage is
close. When, however, on growing such a progeny,
this situation is found to have occurred, the plant
geneticist has usually the choice of two alternative
methods of adding to his information in the next
generation. (a) He may repeat his previous procedure
on a large scale, and (b) he may grow selfed progenies
from the last generation, and so ascertain which are
homozygous and which heterozygous, and among the
double heterozygotes, which are in coupling and which
in repulsion. Supposing the land and labour required
to grow each such family to be equivalent to that of
growing 25 self-fertilised plants of the kind first

obtained, procedure ~(b) wiD be the more profitable
when linkage is very close, and less profitable when
it is looser. It is an instructive problem to ascertain
at what linkage value the two methods are equally
advantageous. In considering this problem it should
be noted that in procedure (b) the geneticist may
choose to form families from the singly recessive
plants, or from the double dominants, or from both,
but has clearly nothing to learn from the doubly
recessive plants. The value of the second season's
work will lie, not in the total information gained by
a complete classification, but only in information
additional to what has been gained by the first season's
work. In the second season, however, there will be
some further information, from the progenies of
25 plants each from those self-fertilised plants which
happen to be double heterozygotes, and of these a
certain proportion must be expected to be in coupling.

72. Information as to Linkage derived from

Human Families
The greatest obstacle to the study of linkage in
man is that it is seldom possible to test or examine
for known factors so many as three generations of a
family showing any hereditary peculiarity. Conse-
quently, when double heterozygotes are found among
parents, it is not known, supposing there is linkage,
whether they are in coupling or repulsion. Apart
from recent race mixture, however, and other causes
of disturbance, these two phases may be expected to
occur in equal numbers and, indeed, this fact, when

true, can be verified frojp the ~mily records of only
two generations. The possibility of obtaining from
such records indications of linkage, was first proposed
by Bernstein by the use of methods, however, which
do not in general utilise the whole of the information
in the record. The problem has since been more fully
discussed by Haldane and others. We shall here only
illustrate the general method of assessing the amount
of information obtainable by a classification of the
different kinds of families in the record.
Many rare anomalies are transmitted from
generation to generation by persons heterozygous
for the mutants responsible. If these and their
spouses and children are examined for some known
factor, such as the capacity for tasting phenyl-
thiocarbamide, a certain number will be heterozygous
tasters. Since homozygous tasters cannot be dis-
criminated from heterozygotes, this will only be
known if the affected parent is a taster, and if at least
one of the children is a non-taster. Only such
families can, therefore, be included in the record.
Apart from the classification of the children, such
families are of two kinds, (a) in which the normal
parent is a non-taster, for which Bernstein's method
is satisfactory; and (b) in which the normal parent is a
heterozygous taster, for which it is less successful,
and which we may take as an example.
The families of two in such a record are of seven
possible kinds, which are shown in Table 38 below,
where distinguishable individuals are denoted as
follows: the affected A, normals a, tasters T, non-

tasters t. The first six kinds of family are arranged

in the table in pairs, each member of which has the
same frequency for heterozygotes in coupling as the
other has for repulsion. The combined frequency of
these two kiI?-ds of family is thus independent of the
relative frequency of these two kinds of heterozygotes.
while the equality of frequency of members of the
same pair will serve to confirm the view that the
two types of heterozygote are equally frequent, or,
if this were not so, to estimate their relative frequency.
We shall here be concerned only with the combined
frequency of these pairs. This combined frequency,
being a symmetrical function of the recombination
fraction, x, and its complement I - X, may be simply
expressed in terms of the product,
g= XCI-X),

The expected frequencies are shown in the table

for a total of seven suitable families observed.
In order to assess the 'efficacy of the classification
in detecting linkage, we need to know the amount of
information which it provides in the limit for loose
linkage, when X = i, and g .. 1. After calculating,
therefore, the values of dmJd g for the four types of
family to be distinguished, the frequencies are
rewritten for the particular value ~ = 1, and the
amount of information calculated for this value in
the last column. I t is easily seen that the total
amount of information is 80/3 for seven families,
or the information per family is
i = 80/21.

TAliI.LE 38 ~

Types of
Family. Frequency expected. 11l. dl1l!d~. m. I~m (dn:r
ATAtaTat Coupling Repulsion E=t E= t

2 (r _X)2
0 0 0 X
0 2 0 (r _X)2 X2 } 1-2f -2 i 8

r 0 0 r 2X(r +X) 2(I-X)(2-X) I 4(1-1;) -4 3 16/3

0 r I 0 2(r-X)(2-X) 2X(I+X) f
} 2(1 +2~)
0 0 I I 2X(2-X) 2(r-X2)
1 I 0 0 2(r-X2) 2X(2-X) +4 3 r 613

0 r 0 r 2x(r-x) 2X(I-X) 2~ +2 i 8
7 0
I 7
I 80!3

The loss of information in Bernstein's method

arises from the fact that he draws no distinction
between the types of family in the first and second
pairs, or between the third pair and the last type of
family. If we were to throw these together, so
distinguishing only two groups of families, and relying
on the relative frequencies of these two groups only
for the detection of linkage, we should have the table
set out below.

m. I dmld~. I m.
m (~:) 2.
~=l ~=!-
First group 5~6E -6 3! 7 2 /7

Second group . 2+6~ +6 3~ 7 2 /7

Totals. 7 0 7 144/7

The amount of ittformation available from seven
families, using Bernstein's classification, is therefore
only 144/7, in place of 80/3 available when the
families are fully classified. The fraction of the
information utilised by Bernstein's method is the ratio
of these two quantities, or 27/35. This ratio is termed
the efficiency of the method. F or larger families its
value is found to be somewhat, but not much, lower,
the limiting value for large families being 9/r6.
There is, however, no difficulty in utilising the whole
of the information available in the record, for families
of any size, once the loss of information, and its cause,
are recognised. The reader may find it instructive to
examine in like manner the classification of families
of three children.

73. The Information elicited by Different

Methods of Estimation
The foregoing example illustrates the fact of very
general importance, that methods of estimation,
which proceed without reference to the possibility
of evaluating the quantity of information actually
contained in the data, are liable to be defective in
the quantity that they utilise. When, as is usual,
many methods of estimation are available, it becomes
important to be able to distinguish which use less,
which more, and which, if any, use all. Since the
method of. measuring information, which has been
illustrated, is applicable to data of all kinds, it is
only necessary, in orde" to ascertain how much
information is utilised by any proposed method to
determine the sampling 9istribution of the estimates
obtained by that method from quantities of data
of the same value as those observed. I t is often
possible, though sometimes a matter of great mathe-
matical difficulty, to obtain the exact sampling
distribution of the estimate arrived at by any
particular method, and in such cases the amount
of information elicited by the estimate is that of a
single observation drawn from this distribution,
calculated exactly as in the cases illustrated above.
In many cases in which the exact distribution of
an estimate derived from a finite body of data is
unknown, it is easy to show that as the sample is
increased in magnitude, the sampling distribution
tends to the normal form with a calculable variance,
V, inversely proportional to the size of the sample,
so that

where v is calculable for any chosen method of

We shall now show, by a direct application of the
general method of calculating the information, to such
a distribution of a proposed statistic, that the amount
of information elicited by the statistic is ~.
Since, in the limiting case considered, the dis-
tribution of the statistic becomes continuous and all
observable values of it are distinguishable, instead of
a summation over a number of classes, we shall be
concerned with an integration over all the elementary

ranges, dT, in which .. the statistic T may be found to

lie. T, then, is known to be distributed about the
true value B of the parameter, whatever it may be, of
which T is an estimate, in a normal distribution with
known variance, V. The probability that it will be
found to lie in the infinitesimal range, dT, is therefore,
I _--
df= ~e 2V dT.

Differentiating this with respect to 0, in order to

ascertain how much information about f) the value of
T, regarded now as a single observation, provides,
we have
T V () df.

The square of this divided by dj is now seen to be

(T - ())2 dl'
V2 :/,

and the integration of this over all values of T gives

V2 - V'

since, as is well known, the average value of (T _f)2

is equal to V, V being, in fact, the mean square
deviation, or variance, of the normal distribution.
Consequently, we have found that the amount of
information provided by an estimate, normally dis-
tributed with variance V, is equal to ltV, the z'nvar-
iance of that normal distribution. It is thus easy to

test whether in the limit fOf large samples any proposed

method of estimation tends to elicit the whole of the
information supplied by the data, or a lesser amount.
We have only to compare the quantity r/V with I,
the amount known to be available; or, dividing
both of these quantities by n, to compare r/v with
the amount of information, , provided by each
individual observation. The ratio of the amount
elicited to the amount available is called the
" efficiency" of the method of estimation under
discussion, and it has been demonstrated, as the
common sense of the method requires, that the
efficiency can in no circumstances exceed unity.

74. The Information lost in the Estimation

of Error
In the limit for large samples it is always possible
to obtain estimates of 100 per cent. efficiency, but
with small samples, when treated exactly, this is not
found to be generally possible. In some simple cases,
however, estimates may be made, which in them-
selves contain the whole of the information available
for finite samples. These especially valuable and.
comprehensive estimates are called sufficient statistics,
and the great simplicity of the problems, which fall
under the head of the theory of errors, is due to the
fact that with the normal distribution both of the
quantities requiring estimation, the mean, and the
variance, possess sufficient estimates. It is for this
reason that in so much experimental work we need
only be concerned with the precision of the total, or

mean, of the values (jbserve~, and with the estimation
of this precision from the sum of the squares of the
residual deviations.
There is, however, one point in connection with
experiments involving measurements, to which the
theory of errors is applicable, which may be cleared
up by the methods of this chapter.
When, as the result of an experiment, a value x
has been assigned a sampling variance, S2, validly
and correctly estimated from n degrees of freedom,
the position is not the same as if the variance were
known with exactitude. Our estimate of the variance
is itself subject to sampling error, and exact allowance
for such error is made by using the true distribution
of t, instead of. the normal distribution, when testing
the significance of the deviation of our observed value
from any proposed hypothetical value. In view of this
procedure, it must be considered to be inexact to state
the amount of information supplied by the experiment
respecting the true value of which x is an estimate,
merely as I/S2, as though our estimate were known to
be normally distributed with this variance. We need,
,in fact, in considering the absolute precision of an
experimental result, to take into account, not only
the estimate S2 derived from the data, but also the
number of degrees of freedom upon which our
estimate, S2, was based.
Now the probability that the quantity t, defined
by the relationship
X-fL = st,

where x is the observed value, and fL the hypothetical


value of which it is an estimate, saalllie in any assigned

range, dt, is given by the formula
df= 2
n-2 - t 2)!(n+I) ,
Y7Tn ( r+-n

or in terms of x and fL, by

df= 2
n-2 -
--! SY7Tn

From this we can evaluate the amount of information

supplied by an observed value, x, relative to the
unknown parameter', fL, as we have done with the
normal curve above, by differentiating with respect
to fL. This gives
n+ I ex - fL)df .
n S2 r + ex - fL)2'
n S2

squaring this, and dividing by dj, we find

ex - fL)2df
. f
ex - fL)2}2.
l ns

When integrated over all possible values of the

observable quantity, x, this amounts to

I t appears that the true precision of our estimate

is somewhat lower than it would have been, had the
variance been knowlil with exactitude to be S2. In

the extreme case, when n = I, and the estimate is
based on only I degree of freedom, the precision is
halved. And in general, the true precision is less
than it might be thought, if the uncertainty of our
estimate of the variance were ignored, by the fraction
2!(n+ 3). It may thus be worth while to sacrifice, to
some small extent, the aim of diminishing the value
of S2, if this diminution carries with it any undue
reduction in the number of degrees of freedom, avail-
able for the estimation of error.


C. 1. BLISS (1935). The calculation of the dosage mortality
curve. Annals of Applied Biology, xxii. 134-167.
C. 1. BLISS (1935). The comparison of dosage mortality data.
Annals of Applied Biology, xxii. 307-333.
R. A. FISHER (1922). On the mathematical foundations of
theoretical statistics. The Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society, A, ccxxii. 309-68.
R. A. FISHER (1925-36). Statistical Methods for Research
Workers. Chapter IX.
R. A. FISHER and BHAI BALMUKAND (1928). The estimation of
linkage from the offspring of selfed heterozygotes. Journal of
Genetics, xx. 79-92.
,R. A. FISHER (1934), The amount of information supplied by
records of families as a function of the linkage in the population
sampled. Annals of Eugenics, vi. 66-70.
J. B. HUTCHINSON (1929). The application of the" Method of
Maximum Likelihood" to the estimation of linkage. Genetics,
xiv. 514-537.
F. R. IMMER (1934). Calculating linkage intensities from F3 data.
Genetics, xix. 1I9-136.
Amount of information, 195-198, Dilution method, 229-235
224- 258 Drosophila, 246
Analysis of covariance, 181-186 Dummy comparisons, 143-145
Analysis of- variance, 57-64, 81-83,
ro8, 109, 124-127, 134, 144, Eden, 77,117,171,194
158,183,185,209-220 Efficiency, 255
Annual crops, 176 Ely, 97
Arbitrary corrections, 178 Estimation, 224

Factorial design, 100-117

Balmukand, 258 Fiducial probability, 195,208
Barley, 75, 76, 148
Basis of inference, I ro Galton, 31, 32, 35, 44-46, 49
Bayes, 6-8, 12 General hypothesis, 50- 54
Bernstein, 249-252 Good Easter, 192
Bias, 71, 72, 83 Grreco-Latin Square, 90-95, 167
Biological assay, 235-238
Bliss, 237, 258 Haldane, 249
Boole, 5 Hayes, 75, 77
Boyle, xi Hutchinson, 243, 258

Immer, 75, 77, 243,25 8

Cabinet Cyclopcedia, 5
Induction, 3, 110
X2 test, 206
Interaction,105-109, 116, 122-141,
21 9- 22 3
Complete orthogonalisation, 141
Interpretation, I, 14, 159-162
Components of error, 152
Inverse probability, 6
Concomitant measurements, 172-
IpomtEa, 3 1
Confounding, II8-142 Laplace, 5
Costing, 197 Latin Square, 78-99, 129, 131,
Cotton spinning, 95 148, 18 9
Cyclic sets, 164 Lavoisier, xi
Cyclic substitution, 130 Limnanthes, 3 1, 35
Linkage, 238-252
Darwin, 30, 3 1, 35, 43, 45, 49,
50, 54, 200 Maskell, 204, 223
De Morgan, 5, 7, 12 Minnesota, 75
Digitalis, 3 I Missing values, 189
Null hypotheses, 18, 195-22~ J?eseda lutea, 31
Numerical data, 33, 76, 150, 170, Rothamsted, 98, 148, 162, 193, 194
Sanders, 194
Orthogonal sets, 131-134 Sex ratio, 226-229
Orthogonalised squares, 90-95 Shape of blocks and plots, 73-75
Significance, 15, 168- 195
Pairing, 35 Skewness, 201
Parameters, 224-229 Spindles, 95
Partial confounding, 135-171 Statistical control, 172- I 94
Perennial crops, 175 " Student," 38, 44, 54, 20 3- 20 5
Petunia, 31 Subsidiary factors, I I I
Pigs, 180 Sugar-beet, 192
Potatoes, 97,162 Systematic designs, 71, 72, 86-90
Powers, 75, 77
Precision, 25-29, 64-66, 195, 23 1- t test, 38-43, 50-54, 200
255 Tea, 13, 175
Price, 7 Tedin, 89, 99
Probit, 235-238 Theory of errors, 30
Problem of distribution, 19 Theory of estimation, 224
Psycho-physical experiment, 13 Tippett, 77, 95

Quantity and quality, 145-147 Venn, 5

Randomisation, 20-24, 46-49, 56- Viola, 31
57, 68-72, 78-81
Randomised blocks, 55-77 Wishart, 171
References, 12, 29, 54, 77, 99, Yates, 53,77,93,99, 142
117,14 2,17 1,194,223,25 8
Regression, 147, 183 z test, 63, 65, 84, 210, 218
Replication, 66-68, 98, 120 Zea, 31-35


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