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Seismic Assessment of Deficient Steel Braced Frames With Built-Up Back-To-Back Double Angle Brace Sections Using Opensees Modelling

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Seismic assessment of deficient steel braced frames

with built-up back-to-back double angle brace sections

using OpenSees modelling

Y. Jiang & R. Tremblay

Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada

L. Tirca
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Steel braced frames constructed with built-up back-to-back double angle bracing members have been used
extensively in past decades, prior to the implementation of design provisions for ductile seismic response. Braced
frames of this type may lack ductility in their bracing members or brace connections. In this paper, a numerical
model is proposed and validated to simulate the inelastic seismic response of double angle braces including brace
connection failure. The model is developed in the OpenSees platform with the force base nonlinear beam-column
element and the fiber representation of the cross-section. Initial out-of-straightness and residual stress conditions
are accounted for. Contact elements are used at stitch connections and zero-length elements with pinching4
material are selected to model axial and flexural inelastic deformation responses in the bolted connections. The
buckling strength of single angle members is verified against code design equations for compression members.
The model of built-up back-to-back double angle bracing members is validated against results obtained from
full-scale quasi-static cyclic physical tests performed on double angle brace specimens in an 12 MN load frame
and in a single-bay braced frame. The calibrated model is found to reliable predict the inelastic cyclic response of
double angle bracing members. A sensitivity analysis is performed to define modelling parameters for future
studies. The influence of the number of stitch connectors on the brace buckling strength is compared to that
obtained when using code design equations.

Keywords: Bracing member, Built-up double angle section, OpenSees, Model validation, Sensitivity analysis.


Built-up double angle sections have been used extensively as brace sections to construct steel braced
frames in the past decades. Several steel braced frames using double angle sections were constructed
prior to the implementation of seismic design provisions. Accordingly, the common problem of these
structures is the lack of ductility in their bracing members and connections. In particular, failure modes
such as shear failure of bolts as well as net section or block-shear failure of the braces at the connections
are characterized by limited inelastic deformation capacity and sudden degradation of the brace
resistance (Hartley et al. 2011). These behavioural characteristics may lead to nearly complete loss of
lateral resistance and collapse of the entire structure in case of a strong seismic event. Accurate
prediction of the collapse point is a key step in the seismic assessment of existing buildings.

In this study, a detailed numerical model is proposed to reproduce the seismic cyclic inelastic response
of built-up back-to-back angle bracing members using the OpenSees platform. The model accounts for
several factors including flexural buckling of the individual angles, angles acting in pairs, physical
contact between the two angles, the influence of the stitch connections on the buckling and
post-buckling responses of the angles, and the nonlinear flexural and longitudinal responses of the brace
end connections. A first model is developed with the aim of studying the flexural buckling response of a
single-angle member. Then, the model is extended to reproduce the cyclic inelastic response of a
double-angle bracing member, including inelastic end connection behaviour. Further, the model is
validated against the results from full-scale quasi-static cyclic testing performed on double angle
bracing members with stitch connections. Sensitivity analyses are carried out to examine the influence
of the number of fibres, number of elements, and number of integration points on the brace response

2.1 Single Angle Brace Model

The single angle section L 127x76x9.5 is selected to illustrate the numerical model as this shape has
been used for the specimens of the test program that is described later for validation purposes. As shown
in Fig. 1a, the brace is modelled using 16 nonlinear forced-based beam-column elements. Each element
includes 4 integration points and the cross-section of each element is discretized with rectangular fibres.
In Fig. 1b, a total of 160 fibres are used, which includes 20 segments along the width of each of the two
legs and 4 layers of fibres across the angle thickness. Nonlinear material response is reproduced with the
uniaxial Giuffr-Menegotto-Pinto (Steel02) steel material object exhibiting both kinematic and isotropic
strain hardening properties. This modelling technique has already been successfully used in past studies
on HSS bracing members (Aguero et al. 2006; Uriz et al. 2008). In addition, residual stresses linearly
varying across the width of the legs are assigned to the cross-section fibers, based on the measurement
data collected by Adluri and Madugula (1995). Figure 1c shows the adopted residual stress distribution
for the L-127x76x9.5 section. Corotational geometric coordinate transformation is used to predict the
buckling response. Initial out-of-straightness is included by means of half-sine initial deformation
configuration with maximum deformation equal to L/500 specified at the brace mid-length.


b) c)

Figure 1. Single angle model: a) Beam-column elements; b) Brace cross-section with fibers and residual stress
patterns; c) Residual stress distribution used for L-127x76x9.5

To check the buckling shape of a single angle brace, a fictitious 6 m wide by 4 m high braced bay was
selected, which resulted in a brace length of 6095 mm. Both brace ends are assigned as fixed. The brace
was analyzed under static incremental (push-over) analysis in which a 20 mm negative deformation
inducing compression was applied at one end of the brace in 1000 steps. Buckling of the brace occurred
about the minor principle axis of angle cross section, as expected. Figure 2 shows the buckled shape of
the brace in Y and Z directions at the end of the analysis for three different initial imperfections (0)
conditions, which includes imperfection in both Y and Z directions, only in Y direction, and only in Z
direction. Buckling deformations in the Z direction are approximately 4 times larger than the
deformations in the Y direction. These observations are consistent with the direction of principal axes of
the angle cross section. In addition, different imperfection conditions led to approximately 8% and 3%
differences in lateral deformations along Y and Z directions, respectively. These differences are small
and may be ignored. Thus, initial imperfection is only applied in the Z direction in the subsequent
Figure 2. Lateral deformation in Y and Z directions resulting from different initial imperfection conditions

The buckling strength obtained from the analyses is validated by comparing with the nominal
(unfactored) compressive resistance, Cn, as specified in CSA S16-09 (CSA 2009) Canadian design
standard for flexural buckling:
1 : (2.1)

where A is the gross cross-sectional area of the member, Fy is the steel yield strength, taken equal to 345
MPa for this comparison, is the non-dimensional brace slenderness, n = 1.34 for angles, KL is the
member effective length, r is the radius of gyration about minor principal axis, and E is the Young's
modulus (E = 200000 MPa). The calculation is performed for 8 different member lengths in order to
obtain different KL/r ratios varying from 20 to 200. A factor K = 0.5 was used in Eqn. 2.1 to represent
the fixed end conditions of the model. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the model predictions are very close to the
analytical values obtained with the code equation.

Figure 3. Buckling load comparison between the CSA equation and modelling analysis

2.2 Double Angle Brace Model

Figure 4a shows the model used to simulate the behaviour of a double angle bracing member built with
L 127x76x9.5 angles with long legs back-to-back. This built-up double angle brace model is an
extension of the single angle brace model. The two single angle brace models are connected back to
back using elastic beam column elements linking together the centres of gravity of each angle. A very
high stiffness was assigned to the elastic beam column elements, by using large cross section area,
Youngs modulus, and moment of inertia. the brace-to-gusset connections are modelled using
zeroLength elements. At each brace end, the zeroLength elements are connected to a node located at
mid-length of the elastic beam column elements. Three different material properties are assigned to
these zeroLength elements: 1) pinching4 material for nonlinear axial load- deformation response due to
local yielding of the brace member and gusset plate in the connection region, bearing of the bolts against
the connected elements, shear deformations of the bolts, and slippage of the bolts, 2) uniaxial
Giuffr-Menegotto-Pinto (Steel02) steel material for nonlinear flexural response due to bending of the
gusset plates upon buckling of the brace, and 3) elastic properties for torsional response. The
components of the brace end connections shown in Fig. 4c are included in the connection model. The
same stiff elastic beam column elements are used in axial direction to connect the brace-to-gusset
connections to the fix end supports. In a structural model, these elastic beam column elements are
connected to the beams or columns of the frame.


b) c)

d) e)

Figure 4. Brace model: a) Brace configuration and overall model; b) Brace cross-section with fibers and residual
stress patterns; c) Brace end connection; d) Contact elements and brace end connection modelling; and e) Stitch
connection at the brace mid-length

In Figs. 4b and 4d, stiff elastic beam column elements and zeroLength elements with elastic-perfectly
plastic gap material are used at each pair of nodes of the brace member to reproduce the contact
behaviour between the two angles when they buckle. Zero stiffness and strength properties were
specified for the gap elements in tension. In compression, these elements were assigned 12.7 mm initial
clear distance, corresponding to the thickness of the gusset plates, as well as high stiffness and strength
properties. In this brace example, only one stitch welded connection located at the brace mid-length is
used to connect the two angles. As shown in Fig. 4e, one simple 3D stiff elastic beam column element is
used to simulate the stitch connector.
2.3 Experimental Validation

Two quasi-static cyclic tests were performed to validate the proposed numerical model: one in a single
bay, single-storey braced frame setup and another one in a 12MN load frame. Experimental setups are
shown in Fig. 5. The displacement loading protocol with stepwise incremented displacement amplitudes
illustrated in Fig. 6 was applied to the specimen. The displacement amplitudes were based on storey drift
displacements anticipated in buildings. The model material strength properties were based on the results
of standard coupon tensile tests performed on the angle legs: Fy = 338 MPa, Fu = 490 MPa. The strain
hardening parameters were adjusted to obtain good match with the cyclic test data.


Figure 5. Test setup: a) 12MN load frame test; b) Single Brace braced frame test

As illustrated in Fig. 7, in both tests, the brace specimens buckled about the axis of symmetry of the
brace cross-section, as expected. The predicted and measured brace hysteretic responses are compared
in Fig. 8. The compressive resistance of the brace is very small, which is anticipated for a brace designed
as a tension-only member with high slenderness (KL/r of the brace specimen is 173). The predicted and
measured brace lateral deformation vs axial displacement responses are compared in Fig. 9. Both the
brace axial strength and brace lateral deformation could be correctly reproduced with the proposed brace
numerical model. The axial load versus axial deformation response of the brace connections are
illustrated in Fig. 10 for both test configurations. The portion of the numerical model predicting the axial
inelastic response of the brace end connections was calibrated against the braced frame test data. Then,
the calibrated model was used to predict the connection response. Very good correlation is obtained by
comparing the OpenSees model with the experimental results obtained in the 12 MN load frame test.

Figure 6. Imposed loading protocol

a) b)

Figure 7. Buckling response of the brace specimens in: a) Braced frame test; b) 12MN load frame test

a) b)

Figure 8. Brace hysteretic behaviour from numerical model and test measurements in quasi-static cyclic testing: a)
Braced frame test; b) 12MN load frame test
a) b)

Figure 9. Brace lateral deformation from numerical model and test measurements in quasi-static cyclic testing: a)
Braced frame test; b) 12MN load frame test
a) b)

Figure 10. Brace connection response from numerical model and test measurements in quasi-static cyclic testing:
a) Braced frame test; b) 12MN load frame test

2.4 Sensitivity Analysis

Model sensitivity analysis can provide useful data to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the
numerical model for future numerical simulations. The number of elements along each angle member,
the number of fibre layers across the angle thickness, and the number of integration points were varied to
examine the influence of these parameters on the brace response. In this sensitivity analysis, a stiff
elastic material was used for the axial response of the zeroLength element simulating the brace end
connections, instead of the pinching4 nonlinear material. This simplification aimed at focusing on the
brace inelastic response rather than on the combined brace and connection nonlinear responses. The
loading protocol used in the test program was also employed in the sensitivity analysis. Buckling load
Pu, hysteretic energy dissipated over the entire loading protocol, EH, and maximum lateral displacement
at brace mid span, lat are the response parameters selected for comparison.

The effects of varying the number of elements and number of fibre layers across the angle thickness are
examined first. For this study, the elements were modelled with 3 integration points. The analysis results,
Pui, EHi and lat.i, are given in Fig. 11. The results are normalized with respect to the values obtained
when 32 elements and 16 fibre layers are considered (Pu0, EH0 and lat.0). Accurate prediction is generally
obtained when only 8 elements are used along the brace length. This finding is consistent with the results
obtained by Aguerro et al. (2006). However, buckling load prediction can be improved slightly when
using 16 elements instead of 8. The number of fibre layers seems to have relatively smaller influence on
the brace response. Using 4 layers in combination with 8 elements appears to be sufficient for achieving
good predictions.

The influence of the number of integration points was examined for a model with 8 elements and 4
layers of fibres, based on previous analysis results. In this investigation, one stitch connector between
the two angles was considered and other model parameters were assigned the same values as employed
in the model used to replicate the brace specimen in the 12 MN load frame test. In Fig. 12, it is shown
that 3 integration points are sufficient to properly predict the buckling load and energy dissipation
capacity of the brace. No definite trend is observed for the lateral displacements but the results indicate
that accurate prediction can be obtained with 2 to 5 integration points. Thus, using 3 integration points,
as considered in the above case study, is acceptable.

The buckling resistance and energy dissipation capacity of double angle bracing members are both
expected to increase as the number of stitch connectors is increased. This influence is examined in Fig.
13. The numerical model used to perform this study is the same model that was used in the sensitivity
analysis with 16 elements, 3 integration points per element and 4 fibre layers across the flange thickness.
Both the buckling load and energy dissipation capacity exhibit the anticipated trend as the number of
stitches is increased. Lateral displacements at the brace mid-span tend to increase when using more
closely spaced stitch connectors. The apparent discrepancy observed for the brace with 3 stitches is due
to the position of the stitches relative to the buckled shape: as illustrated in Fig. 14, the deformed shape
of the brace with 3 stitch connectors is flatter between the first and the third stitch connectors.
In Fig. 13a, the positive effect of increasing the number of stitch connectors on the brace compressive
strength, as predicted when using the AISC 360-10 Specification (AISC 2010) requirements for built-up
sections, is compared to that obtained with the numerical simulation results. For the calculations of the
AISC member strength values, a K factor of 0.92 was used for brace overall buckling about the axis of
symmetry, as determined by comparing the AISC prediction with the buckling load measured in the 12
MN load frame test with one stitch connector. An effective length factor of 0.5 was used for local
buckling of the individual brace angles between the stitches, as recommended in the Specification for
welded stitches. As shown, the influence of the number of stitch connectors on the brace compressive
strength from the numerical simulations is comparable to that resulted from using the AISC 360-10

Figure 11. Influence of the number of elements and fibre layers across the thickness on: a) Buckling load;
b) Energy dissipation; and c) Lateral displacement at brace mid-span.

Figure 12. Influence of the number of integration points on: a) Buckling load; b) Energy dissipation; and
c) Lateral displacement at brace mid-span.

Figure 13. Influence of the number of stitch connectors between the two angles on: a) Buckling load;
b) Energy dissipation; and c) Lateral displacement at brace mid-span.

Figure 14. Double angle brace buckling shape.


A numerical model is proposed to study the buckling behaviour of a single angle and double angles steel
bracing members using the OpenSees computer framework. In the numerical models, the brace was
modelled using forced-based beam-column elements with fibre discretization of the cross-section. The
Giuffr-Menegotto-Pinto (Steel02) material was used with isotropic and kinematic strain hardening
properties. Initial out-of-straightness and residual stresses were considered in both models. The single
brace model was used to predict the flexural buckling response of a fictitious brace with fixed end
conditions. The accuracy of the proposed model was verified against the predictions resulted from using
the code design equations. For the double angle brace model, contact elements were used to simulate the
stitch connections along the length of the bracing member and zeroLength elements with nonlinear axial
and flexural responses were used in the double angle member model to simulate the responses of the end
connections. The accuracy of the double angle model was verified through comparisons with
quasi-static cyclic tests performed on a single bay braced frame test and a 12MN load frame test on an
individual bracing member. The study showed that the model was able to accurately predict the
measured brace inelastic cyclic response, including the nonlinear behaviour of the end connections. A
sensitivity analysis permitted to determine the required number of elements, integration points and fibre
layers across the angle flange thickness. The model was also found to adequately predict the benefits of
adding stitch connectors on the brace buckling loads. Energy dissipation and lateral displacements were
found to increase when the number of stitch connectors was increased.

Future work will include the development of numerical models capable of predicting and reproducing
all failure modes anticipated in steel concentrically braced frames designed prior to the implementation
of current seismic design and detailing provisions. In particular, the work will focus on the development
of accurate models for the prediction of the nonlinear behaviour and non ductile failures anticipated in
brace connections.

Funding from the Canadian Seismic Research Network (CSRN) of the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and the Strategic Network Program of the Fonds
Qubcois pour la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) is acknowledged. The authors
thank Prof. Ali Davaran, Invited Researcher at Ecole Polytechnique of Montral, for his assistance in the
development of the numerical model of the bracing member. Partial funding was provided by the Canam
Group for the fabrication of the test specimens.


Adluri, S.M.R. and Madugula, M.K.S. (1995). Residual Stresses and Initial Out-of-Straightness of Hot-Rolled
Steel Angles. Proc. 1995 SSRC Annual Technical Meeting, 115-126.
Aguero, A., Izvernari, C. and Tremblay, R. (2006). Modelling of the Seismic Response of Concentrically Braced
Steel Frames using the OpenSees Analysis Environment. Int. J. of Advanced Steel Construction, 2:3,
AISC. (2010). ANSI/AISC 360-10, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC), Chicago, IL.
CSA. (2009). CSA-S16-09, Design of Steel Structures, Canadian Standards Association, Toronto, ON.
Hartley, J., Rogers, C.A., Castonguay, P.X. and Tremblay, R. (2011). Inelastic seismic performance of brace
connections in steel tension-only concentrically braced frames. Proc. Seventh International Conference
STESSA 2012, 289-295.
Uriz, P., F.C. Filippou and Mahin, S.A. (2008). Model for Cyclic Inelastic Buckling of Steel Braces. J. Struct.
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