MJ2429 Part I PDF
MJ2429 Part I PDF
MJ2429 Part I PDF
Damian M. Vogt
KTH Heat and Power Technology
Damian Vogt, 2012
All rights reserved
recorded lecture units, calculation exercises and access to
urbomachines are exciting machines. They propel remote laboratory exercises to name a few. In other words,
aircrafts, drive machines, move fluids, supercharge, this learning material adds new dimensions to your learning
compress, expand and are essentially found in most experience and by this supercharges your learning. It is my
applications that involve the conversion of energy. Their area intention to have you understanding the basic concepts of
of application is vast ranging from miniature sized cooling turbomachinery in a truly genuine way and to have you
fans in computers over modern large bypass ratio turbofans employing them in your future career with confidence.
to gigantic steam turbines providing more than one million
shaft horse powers for use in power generation. I have organized this learning material such that I first take
Turbomachines all work on the same principle, which is by you through turbomachines for incompressible applications
changing swirl momentum. This is also where they get their (pumps and hydro turbines) and thereafter to turbomachines
name from: turbo in latin means swirl. A turbomachines for compressible applications (compressors and gas/steam
is in other words nothing else than a machine that changes turbines).
swirl momentum, be it on a small or on a large scale. Has this
Looking forward to ignite your fascination for these types of
teased your curiosity? If so, then you have come to the right
place to learn more about these fascinating machines.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
he present learning material that you hold in your In addition, a number of self-study problems are posed
hands is a new type of material that non only contains throughout the learning material such as to give the learners
text but also recorded lecture units and links to online the possibility to apply their newly gained knowledge. These
self-assessment tests. The scope of this material is to provide problems are of similar types of the ones made available in the
new dimensions in learning, going beyond traditional lecture classroom problem solving that are provided if the present
notes and add a dimension in which virtually are brought into learning material is part of a taught course.
the classroom anywhere and at any time. The written
Animations and tools are included to give the learner a
sections in this document are kept brief on purpose such as to
different means of understanding and to provide the
allow for additional activities. It is therefore not primarily to
possibility for own experience.
be understood as a replacement for a textbook and instead
presents a structured and enhanced presentation of lecture Where available, remote laboratory exercises give the
notes. learners the possibility to acquire test data on real hardware
and by this apply their knowledge on real cases.
The novelty of this learning material is that it goes beyond Last, class-attending learners will have access to a discussion
traditional static books and in addition includes animated forum in which several of the aspect can be discussed with
sections. These animated sections are recorded lecture units other learners as well as the instructor and course assistants.
that give the learner the possibility to learn by following
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Most items are linked to animated and/or interactive content Remote laboratory exercises are included where available
via the item symbol. and are highlighted as follows:
Recorded lecture units are included throughout the learning Remote Laboratory Exercise
material and are highlighted as follows:
This remote laboratory exercise gives you the
Lecture Unit
possibility to acquire real test data interactively
on a test facility on a specific subject.
This lecture unit covers the theory or practical
application of a specific subject.
material and are highlighted as follows: Link or Reference
Animations or Tools
This link or reference gives you further reading
in open literature on a specific subject
This animation or tool gives you of a different
material and are highlighted as follows: Checkpoint
Self-Study Problem
This indicates a checkpoint of the learning of the
subject, which must be understood for ensuring
This self-study problem allows you to get hands- the successful mastering of this subject.
on experience.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
into the basics of the subject that you study, as for example
ustainability is an often-used word these days and you turbomachinery in our case. How do I need to design a
probably (and hopefully) have come across it in your component such that it operates at maximum efficiency? How
previous education. Sustainability is something that we does it affect the way I need to manufacture the pump?
want you to work towards once you enter the phase as a
productive engineer after your education. As it gets apparent from these examples, sustainability is
much related to environmental impact in the sense of eco-
But what do we actually mean by sustainability? There are friendliness. This is surely an important aspect but it is not all.
plenty of definitions out there and what I give you here is my Sustainability equally applies to the resources used to provide
personal view of me seeing you as an engineer working a service in terms of material, energy and economic resources
towards sustainability. used. In other words, you might very well be able to design a
super-efficient pump, but will it be sustainable from an overall
I define sustainability as a state in which you perform
perspective. Just assume that you foresee the use of an exotic
something that impacts on the environment in a way that it
material for your super-efficient pump, which is hugely
allows you to continue for a given period. The duration of this
expensive to produce and which leaves a massive
period might vary from short durations to longer extending
environmental footprint. Will your super-efficient pump still
over several generations. This something that I talk about
be the most sustainable solution from an overall perspective?
above might for example be the operation of a turbomachine.
When we bring in sustainability aspects, we can include them What I want you to adopt is a general attitude of
on several levels. One possible level is the system perspective, responsibility. You as a future engineer are responsible to
in which you question the reason for a given service to be propose solutions that are sustainable from an overall point of
performed. Do we need to pump up water to a given height? view. By mastering the basics in a subject such as
Can it be solved differently? Another level, still on the system turbomachinery, you will have the tools to recognize
perspective, would be to question the way a specific service is dependencies and propose such solutions. Be proud to have
performed. Do we use a rotodynamic pump? Shall we throttle chosen this career path and get ready to make a difference!
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Conservation of Energy 5
Contents Conservation of Momentum 6
Preface I Eulers Turbine Equation 8
About This Learning Material II Leonhard Euler 9
What is New with This Learning Material? II Pumps 11
A Note on Sustainability IV Pumping Systems 12
Nomenclature VII Classification of Pumps 16
List of Figures IX Pump Elements 17
List of Complementary Material X Pump Types 19
Lecture Units X Pump Velocity Triangles 21
Tools XI Design Parameters 27
Animations XI Constructional Aspects of Pumps 28
Self-Study Problems XI Pump Characteristics 30
Remote Laboratory Exercises XI Pump Operating Point 32
Links and References XII Pump Power 34
Checkpoints XII Pump Efficiency 35
Coordinate System and Views 1 Affinity Laws 36
Turbomachines for Incompressible Fluids 4 Serial and Parallel Operation of Pumps 40
Review of Basic Laws 4 Harmful Effects 41
Conservation of Mass 4 Preliminary Design of Pumps 44
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Hydro Turbines 47
Turbine Systems 48
Application of Euler Turbine Equation to Turbines 49
Turbine Elements 50
Turbine Types 54
Summary of Equations 55
Index 58
References 60
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
h Enthalpy J/kg
H Head m
0 Total
m Mass flow rate Kg/s
0 Inlet stator (turbine)
M Moment Nm
1 Inlet impeller
p Pressure Pa
2 Outlet impeller
Q Heat energy J
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
f friction
n Normal
p Pressure
r Radial component
s Static
v Velocity
tot Total
x Axial component
Tangential component
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
nderstanding the coordinate system and views is of
paramount importance when dealing with
turbomachines. Turbomachines are rotating
Axial direction
machines, hence we use a cylindrical coordinate system that is
aligned with the machine axis.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Hub Casing
Axial direction
Figure 2. Axial view of a schematic turbomachine
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Streamlines Streamlines
Unwrapped circumferential
direction (
direction (
Figure 4. Unwrapped view of the stream surface in a Figure 5. Unwrapped view of the stream surface in a
turbomachine (no change in swirl) turbomachine (change in swirl)
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
urbomachines for incompressible fluids are machines
that use a working fluid, which features constant
density. Water is an example of such a fluid but there Mass flow rate through boundary
are other examples such as oil, liquid fuels or other types of
liquids. Depending on the type of machine, these m = c n A Eq. 3
turbomachines are classified into pups or turbines. In brief, a
pump is a turbomachine that adds energy to a system, whereas
Conservation of mass for control volume featuring one in-
a turbine extracts energy from a system. Before we analyze
and one outflow and assuming incompressibility 1 = 2
these two types of machines more closely, we first review
some basic laws. c n,1 A1 = c n,2 A2 Eq. 4
The velocity is in the above case inversely
m =
Eq. 1 proportional to the cross section
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
A smaller cross section means that the velocity will be For a steady flow process the conservation of energy per unit
greater time is regarded, i.e. conservation of power
A larger cross section means that the velocity will be
dE = m (dh0 + gdz ) = Q W Eq. 7
Where dh0 denotes the change in total enthalpy and the term
dh = Eq. 8
Conservation of Energy
(dQ dW ) = 0 Eq. 5
de =
dv 2
+ gdz Eq. 9
de = H tot g Eq. 10
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
, where
H tot =
p 3 p1 v 3 2 v1 2
+ z 3 z1 Eq. 11
Lecture Unit 2: Conservation of Energy
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
circumferential direction
From the perspective of the turbomachine the
pressure forces on the fluid are yielding a resultant flow
reaction force (actio=reactio).
blade row is used to deviate the flow or in other words change Total circumferential force on all blades
the swirl of the flow. The axial flow velocity is not changed. Circumferential force on one blade
Total torque on blade row
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Answer the following questions: Substituting r by the tangential speed u and eliminating
m yields
Has the total energy in the flow changed?
Has the static pressure in the fluid changed from inlet 1
H= (u 2 c 2 u1c 1 ) Eq. 17
to outlet of the blade row? If so, why? g
Eulers Turbine Equation
A change in total head is equivalent to a change in
At this point the conservation of energy and the conservation tangential flow speed and/or tangential engine speed
of moment of momentum shall be combined. The mechanical For engines with little change in mean radius u1 u 2
work per unit time ( power) equals the product of moment (e.g. axial pumps, axial turbines) the change in total
and rotational speed head is entirely due to change in tangential flow speed
H tot u c g blades are bowed
W = M z Eq. 15 For engines with large change in mean radius (e.g.
radial engines) the change in total head is to a large
degree due to the change in radius H tot u c g
Thus the conservation of energy can be related to the
centrifugal effect, possibility for larger change in
conservation of momentum as follows
m H tot g = m (r1c 1 r2 c 2 ) Eq. 16
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Leonhard Euler
Lecture Unit 5: Analysis of Eulers
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) Turbine Equation (1/2)
was arguably the greatest This lecture unit gives the first part of an
mathematician of the analysis of Eulers turbine equation.
eighteenth century and one of
the most prolific of all time;
his publication list of 886
papers and books fill about 90
volumes. Remarkably, much
of this output dates from the
the last two decades of his life,
when he was totally blind.
Lecture Unit 6: Analysis of Eulers
Turbine Equation (2/2)
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
pump for a given installation all the above heads need to be
umps are used to increase the total energy in a fluid. accounted for as follows
Whereas compressors are working with gaseous fluids
pumps are working with liquid fluids. The increase in
energy in a pump is commonly referred to as total dynamic
H tot = H p + H s + H v + H f Eq. 22
head H tot measured in meters. The total dynamic head, or
short head, can be used to increase pressure (pressure
head), overcome a height difference (static head), accelerate
the flow (velocity head) or overcome a friction head in a
system (i.e. friction losses), which can be expressed by the Self-Study Problem 3: Different Forms
of Energy
following expressions
Think about how energy can be experienced in
p p1
Pressure head Hp = 2 Eq. 18 various ways in a pumping system. How does
pressure energy translate into kinetic energy for example? Can
H s = h2 h1 you have the equal amount of energy in a system in which the
Static head Eq. 19
fluid is not moving as in a moving system?
v 2 2 v1 2
Hv =
Velocity head Eq. 20
H f = hf
Friction head Eq. 21
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Pumping Systems Each system has its characteristics. The system characteristics
tells us how the head changes with flow rate. Both the parts
A pumping system denotes a system, in which a pump is used of the system on the suction side and the discharge side
to add energy to the system. The system consists of pipes on contribute to the overall system characteristics.
the suction and the discharge side of the pump as well as
eventually valves, reservoirs and other devices. An example of
a pumping system is depicted in Figure 6. Lecture Unit 7: Pumping System
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Figure 1 depicts an example of a typical system characteristics, other hand would have roughly equally large contributions
i.e. head versus flow rate. from all aforementioned heads.
H [m]
Lecture Unit 8: Analysis of Pumping
system Systems
Q [m3/s]
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
static pressure p1 100.0 kPa
volume flow rate Q 5.0 l/s
pipe inner diameter d1 49.0 mm
height unit H 6.0 m
ratio of pipe inner diameters d2/d1 0.83
Consider the part of a tubing system upstream of a pump as
equal pipe inner diameters at positions 1 and 3
the one depicted below.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Classification of Pumps
Checkpoint 2: Classification of Pumps
Depending on the method at which energy is transferred to
the fluid pumps can be classified into rotodynamic, positive Give a classification of main types of pumps.
displacement (or short displacement only) and special What is the key difference between rotodynamic
effects pumps. An overview of this classification is included in and displacement pumps?
figure 2. In the current document rotodynamic pumps only
are treated.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Pump Elements
1 rotor 2 stator 3
1 rotor inlet
Figure 10. Pump stage denotations (axial) 2 rotor outlet, stator inlet (also called interface)
3 stator outlet
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Rotor and stator are so-called blade rows. A blade row is a Absolute streamline Relative streamline
row of blades and is used to guide the flow in a specific way.
As it has been shown above by means of the Euler equation,
it is the deviation of the flow in the absolute frame of
reference that matters in a turbomachine. Hence, the blade
rows are designed such that they yield a certain deviation of
the flow at a given operating point. Examples of schematic
blade rows for pump and turbine rotors are included below.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Checkpoint 3: Absolute and Relative Table 1. Comparison of units in specific speeds for SI
Flow Paths and Imperial definition
Sketch and explain the absolute and relative flow
paths in turbomachinery blade rows (turbines
and pumps). The figure below depicts an organization of pumps depending
on their specific speed. Note that high flow rates lead to high
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
It is the velocity of the frame of reference (here the tangential Absolute and relative flow velocities are related as follows:
speed of the rotor u at the respective position) that relates
wx = c x Eq. 24
absolute and relative velocities. Absolute velocities are
wx = c x Eq. 25
commonly denoted by c whereas relative velocities are
w = c u Eq. 26
denoted by w. The general concept is illustrated in figure 5.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
2 c2
Note the following: 1
Absolute and relative axial components are identical
Circumferential components that point in the same
direction as the tangential speed are positive
Circumferential component that point against the
tangential speed must be treated as negative
Centrifugal pump c1
Flow angles behave in the same way; in the above w1
figure would consequently be positive whereas
would be negative
Axial direction
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
The velocities in a blade row are heavily affected by the shape As the blade rows are three-dimensional objects, the flow
of the flow channel as well as the shape of the blades in a velocities do not only change along the blade in a blade row
blade row. It is the task of turbomachinery design engineers but also from hub to casing (i.e. along blade span). In the
not only to match a design point but also to choose these present course, we exclusively focus on 1D considerations,
shapes such that the turbomachine is operating at maximum which means that we work with one representative velocity
efficiency. per control stations and disregard changes in spanwise
This lecture unit illustrates how the velocities in
Lecture Unit 16: Flow at Various
a blade row are affected by the shape of the flow Spanwise Positions
This lecture unit introduces you to the variability
of the flow along blade span.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Note that the directions at impeller inlet and outlet feature onto the relative main flow direction. This relative eddy
different orientation for centrifugal machines; whereas at the establishes in a blade passage due to the rotation of the
inlet the components are axial-circumferential, at impeller impeller as sketched in figure 7. For a given rotation a
outlet the directions are radial-circumferential. Furthermore it counter-rotating eddy will establish in a blade passage (figure
is important to stress that the inflow to the impeller will be 16a). This eddy affects the outflow from the blade passage
axial unless there are inlet guide vanes. This means that the such that the relative outflow is deflected against the direction
circumferential component at impeller inlet equals zero of rotation (figure 16b).
leading to the following simplified Euler equation
u c
H = 2 2 Eq. 26
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
circumferential component is reduced as well, which leads to Ideal outflow is thus represented by =1 whereas real outflow
a reduction in pump head. The effect of slip on the velocity features slip factors of <1.
triangle is graphically expressed in figure 8.
By employing the slip factor the Euler equation simplifies
considerably for radial bladed impellers with axial inflow.
c' (ideal) Note that for such impellers the theoretical relative
c (real) circumferential speed equals to zero. Consequently the
theoretical absolute circumferential speed equals the tangential
speed, which would give H = u 2 2 g . Taking into account the
w2 c2 slip the Euler equation is then expressed by
w2 c2
H= Eq. 28
Checkpoint 5: Slip
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Design Parameters
Checkpoint 6: Design parameters
H g
= Eq. 29 Understand the significance of the pump design
u22 parameters and explain what they express.
Q c
= = r2 Eq. 30
A2 u 2 u2
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Reference 1: Pump Manufacturer (ITT
This reference links you to the ITT Flygt web For the sake of simplicity let us consider a pump with
site where you can find brochures of pumps. absolute axial inflow. Applying the Euler equation the head
ITT Flygt is a leading manufacturer of submersible pumps. coefficient is then given by
H g u c g c
= = 2 2 = 2 Eq. 31
u2 g u22 u2
Reference 2: Pump Manufacturer
The absolute circumferential velocity component shall be
expressed by the relative flow angle 2 and the radial outflow
This reference links you to the SULZER web velocity as follows
site where you can find brochures of pumps.
SULZER is a leading pump manufacturer c 2 = w 2 + u 2 w 2 = c r 2 tan 2 Eq. 32
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
various simplified pump characteristics are included in figure
9. Lecture Unit 26: Pump Operating
2= 0 radial blades
Checkpoint 7: Pump Operating
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Operating point of the pump when connected to the
Efficiency of the pump at this operating point
Lecture Unit 28: Pump Power
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Checkpoint 9: Pump Power Similar to the pump head characteristic the efficiency peaks
around a certain flow rate, i.e. the so called best point. To
Determine the power that a pumps need when
running at a specific operating point. either side the efficiency decreases as illustrated in figure 11.
H [m]
Pump Efficiency
A number of efficiencies can be defined for pumps as follows: Pump efficiency
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Checkpoint 10: Pump Efficiency Better solutions are achieved by regulating the pump, which
can be done by either regulating the speed or as a one-time
Determine the efficiency of a pumps need when
running at a specific operating point based on an measure by reducing the impeller diameter (also called
efficiency-volume flow diagram. trimming). The laws that describe how the pump
characteristics change upon either type of these regulations
are called affinity laws.
Affinity Laws
Lecture Unit 30: Pump Operation at Off-
u22 d 2 2 2
H= = Eq. 38
This lecture unit introduces to pump operation g 4g
at off-design.
, as
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
d 2 2 b2
Q = A2 u 2 = Eq. 40 Practically this means that similar points on pump curves at
various rotational speeds lie on parabolic lines emerging from
the origin ( H Q 2 ) in case of speed regulation, see figure 12.
, as
In case of change in impeller outlet diameter the similar
A2 = d 2 b2 Eq. 41 points of different curves will lie on straight lines emerging
from the origin ( H Q ) as depicted in figure 13. Similar in
this context means that the operation of the pump is
Fractional changes of head and flow rate yield from
comparable, i.e. that the pump runs at the same efficiency.
H A d A2 A2
= Eq. 42
H B d B 2 B 2
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Note: In all equations Q is indicated in m3/s. Serial and Parallel Operation of Pumps
Determine the following: Pumps can be operated in arrangements, i.e. several pumps
can be integrated into a system and be operated
Operating point of the system when connected to the
simultaneously. The motivation for operating pumps in
pump (Q, H)
arrangements is to be able to achieve other operating points
Power requirement at operating point
that otherwise would not have been possible to achieve with
Value of pump peak efficiency and flow rate at which just one single pump (of the same type).
it occurs (current pump curve)
Pump speed if we would like to run the pump at peak Assume that two identical pumps (pump A and pump B) are
efficiency while still maintaining the same flow rate as operated in a certain arrangement. The following identities
the original operating point apply:
Pump operating point (Q, H) when running pump at
peak efficiency as described above as well as power
required Parallel operation:
Serial operation:
Qtot = Q A =Q B Eq. 46
H tot = H A + H B Eq. 47
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Remote Laboratory Exercise 2: Serial
and Parallel Operation of Pumps
T [C] 0 30 50 100
p 0.6 4.2 12.3 101.3 Lecture Unit 36: Analysis of Cavitation
[kPa] Phenomenon
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
1 2
Lecture Unit 37: Implosion of Vapor
Bubbles during Cavitation
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
operating parameters and how it can be changed. An For direct assessment of the risk of cavitation, the NPSH
overview is included below: curves are often included in operating diagrams as done in
Figure 25.
High suction height of pump
Leads to: Low NPSHa
Avoid by: Reducing suction height of pump (e.g. low Upper flow rate to
placement of pump) H [m]
avoid cavitation
High inflow losses
Leads to: Low NPSHa
Pump curve
Avoid by: Increasing inflow pipe
High liquid temperature
Leads to: High NPSHr
Avoid by: Reduce liquid temperature
High pump speed
Leads to: High NPSHr
Avoid by: Reduce pump speed Q [m3/s]
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
the fluid downstream of the rotor but it can change in Reference 3: Pump Design in Industry
which form the energy is available (pressure head,
Get an impression of how pump design is
velocity head). For example, if you design an axial
performed in industry.
pump and the flow shall leave the pump without swirl
(i.e. axial flow direction), then you need to include a
stator. Determine the velocity triangle at stator outlet.
The preliminary design of the pump is now finished as you
have the velocity triangles at rotor inlet, rotor outlet and stator Self-Study Problem 11: Preliminary
Design of a Pump
outlet. These give you the pump operating point as well as
give you indications of the off-design behavior of the pump. This self-study exercise is concerned with the
preliminary design of a pump. It presents a
representative task in that you are given a required design
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
v 2 2 v1 2
ydro turbines are so-to-say the counterpart of Hv =
Velocity head Eq. 51
pumps; whereas pumps are used to increase the
total energy in a fluid, hydro turbines are used to H f = hf
extract energy from a fluid and by this decrease the total Friction head Eq. 52
energy. We could almost go so far and take a pump and run it
the opposite way, i.e. apply high-pressure fluid on the pumps The friction head reflects the losses in a system and is
discharge side and extract mechanical energy from the pump commonly expressed in meters.
shaft. The pump would run as a turbine, maybe not very
efficient and at a low power density, but basically it would A turbine decreases the total head in a system. This implies
work. The sections below give you the necessary background that there is high-energy fluid available at the inlet of a turbine
to understand the basics of hydro turbines. and that the fluid leaves the turbine with reduced energy
content. Depending on the application, the primary
The different forms of energy that were listed initially in the contribution of the high-energy source might be different:
pump section apply equally to turbines. The total energy in
the fluid is measured by a total head that composes of various Hydro turbine driven by high-velocity fluid which
forms of energy as follows: results from a great difference in elevation: the
primary high energy source is static head that is
H tot = H p + H s + H v + H f Eq. 48 transformed into velocity head by flow acceleration.
Hydro turbine that is driven by the flow in a river: the
primary high energy source is velocity head.
p 2 p1
Pressure head Hp = Eq. 49
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbine Systems
devices. An example of a turbine system is included in Figure Consider a turbine system as the one depicted below. The
26. turbine is connected to an upper reservoir on the pressure
side and discharges to a lower reservoir.
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Difference in total head over turbine Lecture Unit 41: Eulers Equation for
Maximum possible power produced Hydro Turbines
Application of Euler Turbine Equation
Self-Study Problem 13: Flow Deviation
to Turbines in a Turbine
By applying the Eulers turbine equation on a turbine, the This self-study exercise is concerned with the
change in total head is related to change in swirl inside the deviation of flow in a hydro turbine.
turbine. The application is identical to the pump keeping in
Assume that you were to design a hydro turbine extracting a
mind that the Eulers turbine equation is always applied over
certain amount of total head from a flow. First consider the
the rotating part of the machine. The Eulers turbine equation
case where you do not have a stator upstream of the rotor.
is given by
Consequently, the flow will enter the rotor axially. At what
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
direction will the flow exit the rotor? Will the direction be machines in the axial-radial plane. Note that these machines
affected by the amount of energy that you extract? are axisymmetric.
Now, assume that you include a stator upstream of the rotor. In case of axial machines (Kaplan turbines), the rotational axis
What deviation of flow would you propose to achieve in this is oriented either horizontally or vertically. In case of
stator such as to maximize the energy extraction in this centripetal machines (Francis turbines), the rotational axis is
turbine? in most cases oriented vertically. There are however also cases
in which these machines are aligned horizontally, especially if
two turbines are arranged in parallel on the same shaft (back-
0 stator 1 rotor 2
Turbine Elements
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
0 stator inlet
1 stator outlet, rotor inlet
2 rotor outlet
Figure 29. Example of schematic turbine rotor blade
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Relative streamline
Self-Study Problem 14: Deviation of
Flow in a Turbine Blade Row
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbine Types
Checkpoint 13: Types of Hydro Turbines
Reference 4: Hydro Turbine
Manufacturer (VOITH)
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Summary of Equations
p v2
Bernoulli equation + + gh = const
Conservation of energy H tot = H p + H v + H s + H f = const 2
p 2 p1
Pressure head Hp =
Mass balance m = A c n
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Affinity Laws
2 2
H 1 N1 H 1 d1
Affinity law (speed regulation) = Affinity law (trimming of radial pump) =
H 2 N 2 H 2 d 2
Q1 N Q1 d 1
= 1 =
Q2 N 2 Q 2 d 2
3 4
P1 N 1 P1 d1
= =
P2 N 2 P2 d 2
, where H head, Q Volume flow rate, N pump speed, P pump , where H head, Q Volume flow rate, d pump impeller outlet
power diameter, P pump power
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
tan =
cos =
c c
sin =
Quadratic equation H = a Q2 + b Q + c
b b2 4a c
General solution (H=0) Q1, 2 =
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
absolute frame of reference, 21 inlet guide vane, 28
affinity laws, 36 Kaplan, 50
axial view, 1 leakage flow, 29
blade metal angle, 31 Leonhard Euler, 9
casing, 28 meridional direction, 2
cavitation, 41 micro jet, 41
classification of pumps, 16 NPSHa, 42
clearance, 28 NPSHr., 42
conservation of energy, 5 off-design performance, 30
conservation of mass, 4 outlet flange, 28
conservation of momentum, 6 parallel operation, 40
cross section, 17 Pressure head, 11
cylindrical coordinate system, 1 pump characteristics, 30
design parameters, 27 pump operating point, 33
deviation of flow, 19 pump power, 35
efficiency, 35 pumping system, 12
Eulers turbine equation, 8 relative eddy, 25
flow coefficient, 27 relative frame of reference, 21
frame of reference, 22 reservoir, 12
Francis, 50 rotor, 17
Friction head, 11 serial operation, 40
head coefficient, 27 side view, 2
hydro turbines, 47 slip, 26
impeller, 28 spanwise direction, 24
implosion, 41 specific speed, 19
inlet flange, 28 Static head, 11
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
Turbomachinery Lecture Notes
[1] Dixon, S.L., 1998, "Fluid Mechanics and
Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery", Fourth edition,
Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, USA, 1998,
ISBN 0-7506-7059-2