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Eliciting Requirements Specifying Requirements

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Eliciting Requirements

Specifying Requirements

Nicolas Sannier
* EDF R&D STEP, 6 Quai Watier BP49
78401 Chatou, France
** Inria, Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu,
35042, Rennes Cedex, France
Where does this lecture come from?

Make of work, experiences, slides, stuff borrowed from / inspired by /

Scott Adams
Daniel Amyot
Benoit Baudry
Steve Easterbrook
Daniel Lucas-Hirtz
Martin Mahaux
Alistair Mavin
Gunter Mussbacher

And so many others

Summary from Last Session

Key terms about RE

Is problem oriented and NOT solution oriented
Is about building the right product and not building it right (Software
Is about both the system and its environment
Is hard
Is crucial
Needs social engineering and domain knowledge alignment
Requirements are of different nature, abstractions, concerns
Functional, non-functional, users, business, application domain, goals, etc.
Is everywhere in a lifecycle!
You shall not escape!
Is a set of Activities (Elicitation, Specification, Analysis, Validation, Management)
And concerns: elicitating, writing, modeling, tracing, managing variability and
changes, etc.

What is the program for today?

Requirements Elicitation
You said Requirements Elicitation ?
Goals and Challenges
Elicitation tasks and techniques
Requirements Specifications - Writing Better Requirements
Cant write a better requirement because
Natural Language Requirements
Standards, Tips and Pitfalls toward better Requirements Writing
Writing Requirements using EARS Templates
Requirements Specifications - Writing Requirements Documents
IEEE 830 Standard for Software Requirements Specifications
Some Training Exercises


Elicitating things
I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said,
but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Robert McCloskey, State Department spokesman (attributed)

Writing clear stuff

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you
half as well as you deserve.
Bilbo Baggins, The fellowship of the Ring


You said Requirements Elicitation?

Requirements elicitation is the process of discovering the requirements for a system

by communicating with customers, system users and others who have a stake in the
system development

Elicitation means to bring out, to evoke, to call forth

Elicitation might even require one to provoke!
Elicitation is not a spontaneous phenomenon

Human activity involving interaction between a diverse array of human beings

It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know
what they want until you show it to them
Steve Jobs - 1998

Requirements Elicitation
Goals and Challenges

Determine sources of information & appropriate techniques

Get information on domain, problem, constraints
Produce a first document
Mainly user requirements and elicitation notes
Potentially incomplete, disorganized, inconsistent
But we must start somewhere!

You need to extraction information from:

Available documentation (may increase with your own problem understanding)
The brain of your customer without damaging the customer, much less his brain!
Good technology and good tools
can help
cannot substitute for
adequate social interaction!

Requirements Elicitation

Typical issues
Experts seldom available
Finding an adequate level of precision/detail
Common vocabulary often missing

Requirements do not fall from the sky!

Sometimes hidden
Sometimes too obvious, implicit, ordinary
Assume == ass of u and me

Participants often lack motivation and resist to change

We need much effort and discussion to come up with a common agreement and

Sources of Requirements

Various stakeholders
Clients, customers, users (past and future), buyers, managers, domain experts,
developers, marketing and QA people, lawyers, people involved in related
systems, anyone who can bring added value!
Often restricted number of persons (and not the best ones)
Pre-existing systems
Not necessarily software systems
Pre-existing documentation
Competing systems
Documentation about interfacing systems
Standards, policies, collective agreements, legislation

About stakeholders

Client: Person who pays for the software development

Ultimately, has the final word on what will be the product
For an internal product, the client is probably a product manager
For the consumer market, the customer may be the marketing department
User of the current system or future system
Experts of the current system: indicate which functions to maintain or improve
Experts of competitors products: suggestions on designing a superior product
May have special needs or requirements
Usability, training, online help ...
Do not neglect interest groups
Expert users, or with disabilities or handicaps
Select users with care
Different seniority
Must speak with authority and be responsible and motivated

About stakeholders

About stakeholders

Domain Expert
Expert who knows the work involved
Familiar with the problem that the software must solve. For example:
Financial expert for finance management software
Aeronautical engineers for air navigation systems
Meteorologist for weather forecasting system, etc
Also knows the environment in which the product will be used
An expert in governmental rules and safety relevant to the project
Examples: safety inspectors, auditors, technical inspectors
Familiar with laws, legal aspects, and/or standards relevant to the project
Expert of systems that interact with the system to be built
Knows the interfaces of the interacting systems
May be interested in product features

About stakeholders

Stakeholders are generally busy!

Have priorities other than you
Are rarely entirely disconnected from their daily routine and tasks
See their participation in the elicitation process as a supplementary task
Hence, you must have the support and commitment of managers (especially theirs!)
You must also avoid being perceived as a threat:
Loss of jobs caused by the improved system
Loss of autonomy, powers, or privileges
To the recognition and visibility of their work

Knowledge is power, guard it well.

Warhammer 40k Blood Ravens battle cry

Requirements Elicitation Tasks

Planning for the elicitation

Why? Who? When? How? Risks?
During the elicitation
Confirm the viability of the project (is it worth it?)
Understand the problem from the perspective of each stakeholder
Extract the essence of stakeholders requirements
Invent better ways to do the work of the user
Being innovative!
Following the elicitation
Analyse results to understand obtained information
Negotiate a coherent set of requirements acceptable by all stakeholders and
establish priorities
Record results in the requirements specification

Requirements Elicitation tasks

Elicitation is incremental
Repeat as much as necessary
Driven by information obtained
You always do a bit of elicitation analysis specification verification at the
same time (even in a V-Cycle)

Requirements Elicitation
Being Innovative & Attractive

The Kano satisfaction mode[Kano et al. 1984]

Excitement: Unexpected/unknown
feature, which produces the whow
effect .

Performance : expected
feature, explicit requirement
Basic features: implicit or
assumed features.
No impact if present,
unsatisfaction if missing

Requirements Elicitation Techniques

Traditional techniques Cognitive techniques

Introspection Task analysis
Reading existing documents Protocol analysis
Analyzing hard data Knowledge Acquisition Techniques
Interviews Card Sorting
Open-ended Laddering
Structured Repertory Grids
Surveys / Questionnaires Contextual approaches
Meetings Ethnographic techniques
Collaborative techniques Participant Observation
Group techniques Enthnography
Focus Groups Discourse Analysis
Brainstorming Conversation Analysis
JAD/RAD workshops Speech Act Analysis
Prototyping Sociotechnical Methods
Participatory Design Soft Systems Analysis
Requirements Elicitation
What Approach for what goal?

Objectives: Why this elicitation?

Validate market data
Explore usage scenarios
Develop a set of requirements, etc..
Set elicitation strategies and processes
Approaches used
Often a combination of approaches depending on the types and number of

Elicitation plans
Usually set of rough requirements
Written, audio, video notes
Deliverables depend on objective and technique
Generally: un-organized, redundant, incomplete

Requirements Elicitation
Comparison of Some Elicitation Techniques

Technique Good for Kind of data Plus Minus

Questionnaires Answering specific Quantitative Can reach many The design is crucial.
questions and qualitative people with low Response rate may be
data resource low. Responses may not
be what you want
Interviews Exploring issues Some Interviewer can guide Time consuming.
quantitative but interviewee. Artificiaenvironment may
mostly Encourages contact intimidate interviewee
qualitative data between developers
and users
Focus groups and Collecting multiple Some Highlights areas of Possibility of dominant
workshops viewpoints quantitative but consensus and characters
mostly conflict. Encourages
qualitative data contact between
developers and users
Naturalistic Understanding Qualitative Observing actuawork Very time consuming.
observation context of user gives insight that Huge amounts of data
activity other techniques
cannot give
Studying Learning about Quantitative No time commitment Day-to-day work wildiffer
documentation procedures, from users required from documented
regulations, and procedures

Source: Preece, Rogers, and Sharp Interaction Design: Beyond human-computer interaction, p214 20
Requirements Elicitation
Analysis of Existing System

Useful when building a new improved version of an existing system

Important to know:
What is used, not used, or missing, What works well, what does not work
How the system is used (with frequency and importance) and it was supposed to
be used, and how we would like to use it
Why analyze an existing system?
Users may become disillusioned with new system or do not like the new system
if it is too different or does not do what they want (risk of nostalgia for old system)
To appropriately take into account real usage patterns, human issues, common
activities, relative importance of tasks/features
To catch obvious possible improvements (features that are missing or do not
currently work well)
To find out which "legacy" features can/cannot be left out

Requirements Elicitation
Observation and Ethnography

Get into the trenches and observe specialists in the wild
Shadow important potential users as they do their work
Initially observe silently (otherwise you may get biased information)
Ask user to explain everything he or she is doing
Session videotaping
Ethnography also attempts to discover social, human, and political factors, which may
also impact requirements
Can be supplemented later with questionnaires
To answer questions that need comparison or corroboration (confirmation)
To obtain some statistics from a large number of users (statistical significance)
Can be supplemented later with interviews
Some questions may require more detailed answers
You will not be wasting other people's time or your own
This is very labour intensive!

Observations & Etnography

Experiment in the context of an air traffic control system

Surprising observations
Controllers often put aircrafts on potentially conflicting headings with the intention
of fixing them later
System generates an audible alarm when there is a possible conflict
The controllers close the alarms because they are annoyed by the constant
Incorrect conclusion
The controllers do not like audible alarms because they close them

More accurate observation

The controllers do not like being treated like idiots


Comes from anthropology, literally means "writing the culture"

Essentially seeks to explore the human factors and social organization of activities
understand work
Studies have shown that work is often richer and more complex than is
suggested by simple models derived from interviews
Social scientists are trained in observation and work analysis
Discoveries are made by observation and analysis, workers are not asked to explain
what they do
Collect what is ordinary/what is it that people do (make explicit what is implicit)
Study the context of work and watch work being done
Useful to discover for example
What does a nuclear technician do during the day?
What does his workspace look like?
Less useful to explore political factors
Workers are aware of the presence of an outside observer

Observations & Etnography
Example Bridge of the French Navy Ship Mistral

Observations & Etnography
Example Bridge of the French Navy Ship Forbin


Requires preparation and good communication management

Achieve interview objectives without preventing the exploration of promising
Interview as many stakeholders as possible
Not just clients and users
Ask problem-oriented questions

Three main objectives:

Record information to be used as input to requirements analysis and modeling
Discover information from interviewee accurately and efficiently
Reassure interviewee that his/her understanding of the topic has been explored,
listened to, and valued


Process consists of four important steps:

Planning and preparation (failing to plan is planning to fail)
Set goals and objectives for the interview
Acquire background knowledge of the subject matter to conduct an effective
About the domain (vocabulary, problems...) but also about interviewees
Prepare questions in advance, by topic
Organize the environment for conducting an effective interview
Determine how the notes will be taken (manually, audio, by whom)
Interview session
Make the interviewee comfortable and confident (be polite ...)
Adjust to the interviewee (You have your goals be persistent but flexible)
Interview several people at once to create synergy
Try to detect aspects as they may influence the said and the unsaid
Consolidation of information and follow-up

Elicitation Notes

Revise and complete the elicitation notes after the interview

Needs to be done soon after because one forgets the details (and everything
Identify inconsistencies and address them in a follow-up interview or by email
Keep all diagrams, charts, models created during the discussions
You are learning, so be precise
Pay attention to terminology
Use the interviewees terminology
Identify synonyms
Create a glossary if necessary
Thank the participants (e.g., by email), and keep the door open

Common mistakes

Not interviewing all of the right people

Different points of view of stakeholders
Asking direct questions too early
Keep being problem-oriented
Interviewing one-at-a-time instead of in small groups
More people might help get juices flowing as in brainstorming
Users cannot think of everything they need
Reduces spotlight on individuals
Creates Synergy (the whole is better than the sum of each individuals)
Assuming that stated needs are exactly correct
Often users do not know exactly what they want
Need to narrow what is asked for down to what is needed
Trying to convince stakeholders that YOU are smart
This is not about you! This is about your stakeholders needs!

Starting questions - Context-free questions to narrow the scope a bit

Identify customers, goals, and benefits

Who is (really) behind the request for the system?
Who will use the system? Willingly?
Are there several types of users?
What is the potential economic benefit from a successful solution?
Is a (pre-existing) solution available from another source?
When do you need it by?
Can you prioritize your needs?
What are your constraints? Time - Budget - Resources (human or otherwise)
Expected milestones (deliverables and dates)?
Try to characterize the problem and its solution
What problems is the system trying to address? Good solution?
In what environment? Performance issues? Special constraints?
What is (un)likely to change? Future evolution?

Starting questions - Context-free questions to narrow the scope a bit

Calibration and tracking questions

Are you the right person to answer these questions?
Are your answers "official"? If not, whose are?
Are these questions relevant to the problem as you see it?
Are there too many questions? Is this the correct level of detail?
Is there anyone else I should talk to?
Is there anything else I should be asking you? Have you told me everything you
know about the problem?
Do YOU have any questions?
Questions that cannot be asked directly (ask indirectly)
Are you opposed to the system?
Are you trying to obstruct/delay the system?
Are you trying to create a more important role for yourself?
Do you feel threatened by the proposed system?
Are you trying to protect your job? Is your job threatened by the new system?
Is anyone else's?

Specific questions

Functional requirements
What will the system do? When wilt he system do it?
Are there several modes of operations?
What kinds of computations or data transformations must be performed?
What are the appropriate reactions to possible stimuli?
For both input and output, what should be the format of the data?
Must any data be retained for any period of time?
Design Constraints
Physical environment
Where is the equipment to be located? Is there one location or several?
Are there any environmental restrictions, such as temperature, humidity, or
magnetic interference?
Are there any constraints on the size of the system?
Are there any constraints on power, heating, or air conditioning?
Are there constraints on the programming language because of existing
software components?

Specific questions

Design Constraints
Is input coming from one or more other systems?
Is output going to one or more other systems?
Is there a prescribed way in which input/output need to be formatted?
Is there a prescribed way for storing data?
Is there a prescribed medium that the data must use?
Are there any standards relevant to the system?
Laws, policies, and regulations
Are there any laws, policies, or regulations applicable here?
Are there constraints on execution speed, response time, or throughput?
What efficiency measure will apply to resource usage and response time?
How much data will flow through the system?

Specific questions

Usability and Human Factors

What kind of training will be required for each type of user?
How easy should it be for a user to understand and use the system?
How difficult should it be for a user to misuse the system?
Must access to the system or information be controlled?
Should each user's data be isolated from data of other users?
Should user programs be isolated from other programs and from the operating
Should precautions be taken against theft or vandalism?

Specific questions

Reliability and Availability

Must the system detect and isolate faults?
What is the prescribed mean time between failures?
Is there a maximum time allowed for restarting the system after failure?
How often will the system be backed up?
Should precautions be taken against fire or water damage?
Will maintenance merely correct errors, or will it also include improving the
When and in what ways might the system be changed in the future?
How to add features to the system?
How easy should it be to port the system from one platform to another?
Precision and Accuracy
How accurate must data calculations be?
To what degree of precision must calculations be made?


Ignorance is Bliss
Mr Reagan Cypher The Matrix (1999)
Ignorance is Bliss
At least for a short time
Ignorance (not stupidity!) allows one to expose hypotheses and some implicit


To invent new way of doing things or when much is unknown

When there are few or too many ideas
Early on in a project particularly when:
Terrain is uncertain
There is little expertise for the type of applications
Innovation is important (e.g., novel system)
Two main activities:
The Storm: Generating as many ideas as possible (quantity, not quality) wild is
The Calm: Filtering out of ideas (combine, clarify, prioritize, improve) to keep
the best one(s) may require some voting strategy
Roles: scribe, moderator (may also provoke), participants


Hear ideas from everyone, especially unconventional ideas

Keep the tone informal and non-judgemental
Keep the number of participants reasonable
if too many, consider a playoff-type filtering and invite back the most
creative to multiple sessions
Encourage creativity
Choose good, provocative project name / good, provocative problem statement
Get a room without distractions, but with good acoustics, whiteboards, coloured
pens, provide coffee/donuts/pizza/beer
Provide appropriate props/mock-ups

Roles and Participants

Write down all ideas (may also contribute)
May ask clarifying questions during first phase but without criticizing
Cannot be the scribe
Two schools of thought: traffic cop or agent provocateur
Traffic cop enforces "rules of order", but does not throw his/her weight around
Agent provocateur traffic cop plus more of a leadership role, comes prepared
with wild ideas and throws them out as discussion wanes
May also explicitly look for variations and combinations of other suggestions
Virtually any stakeholder, e.g.
Developers, Domain experts, End-users, Clients, ...
Ideas-people a company may have a special team of people
Chair or participate in brainstorming sessions
Not necessarily further involved with the project

Storm and Calm

The Storm
Goal is to generate as many ideas as possible
Look to combine or vary ideas already suggested
No criticism or debate is permitted
Wild is good!
Participants should NOT censor themselves let yourself go!
The Calm
Go over the list of ideas and explain them clearly
Review, consolidate, combine, clarify
Categorize into yes maybe and no
Rank the list by priority somehow
Informal consensus, 50% + 1 vote, veto?
Be careful about time and people
Long meetings tend to lose focus
after 90 to 120 minutes
Be careful not to offend participants
Eliminating ideas

Blending ideas
Unify similar ideas but be aware not to force fit everything into one idea
Give each participant fake money to spend on the ideas
Apply acceptance criteria prepared prior to meeting
Eliminate the ideas that do not meet the criteria
Various ranking or scoring methods
Assign points for criteria met, possibly use a weighted formula
Vote with threshold or campaign speeches
Possibly select top k for voting treatment


A software requirements prototype is a mock-up or partial implementation of a

software system
Helps developers, users, and customers better understand system requirements
Helps clarify and complete requirements
Provides early response to I'll know it when Ill see (or wont see) it attitude
Effective in addressing the Yes, But syndrome
Helps find new functionalities, discuss usability, and establish priorities
Prototyping is effective in resolving uncertainties early in the development process
Focus prototype development on these uncertain parts
Encourages user participation and mutual understanding
Prototypes can take many forms:
Paper prototypes (see http://www.paperprototyping.com/)
Prototype on index card, Storyboard
Screen mock-ups
Models (executables)

Use cases

Use case models

Description of a sequence of interactions between a system and external actors
Actors any agent that interact with the system to achieve a useful goal
Use case describes a typical sequence of actions that an actor performs in order to
complete a given task
The objective of use case analysis is to model the system
from the point of view of how actors interact with this system
when trying to achieve their objectives
A use case model consists of
A use case should describe the users interaction with the system ...
Not the computations the system performs
In general, a use case should cover the full sequence of steps from the beginning of
a task until the end
A use case should only include actions in which the actor interacts with the computer
Some views differ on this one!!!
A use case should be written so as to be as independent as possible from any
particular implementation / user interface design
Where are the use cases?

use case

Reserve Facility Register Member
Handle Waiting List

Hotel Counter Staff
Customer Reserve Room
Check In Customer
Check Room
Details <<include>>

actor extension
<<extend>> point
Member Earn and Redeem Credits
Check Out Customer

Use Case Diagrams

To define system boundary (subject), actors, and use cases

Subject could be: a physical system, a component, a subsystem, a class
To structure and relate use cases
Associate actors with use cases
Include relation
Extend relation
Generalization (of actors and use cases)
Inclusions allow one to express commonality between several different use cases
Inclusions are included in other use cases
Even very different use cases can share a sequence of actions (reuse)
Enable you to avoid repeating details in many use cases (consistency)
An inclusion represents the execution of a lower-level task with a lower-level goal
Extensions used to make optional interactions explicit or to handle exceptional cases
by creating separate use case extensions, the description of the basic use case
remains simple
Use sparingly: there is disagreement over the semantics


A scenario (according to the UML/UC community) is an instance of a use case

It expresses a specific occurrence of the use case (a specific path through the
use case)
A specific actor, at a specific time, with specific data
Many scenarios may be generated from a single use case description
Each scenario may require many test cases
A use case includes primary and secondary scenarios
1 primary scenario for the normal course of events
0 or more secondary scenarios
Alternative/exceptional course of events, variations of primary scenario
An alternative scenario meets the intent of the use case but with a different
sequence of steps
An exceptional scenario addresses the conditions of main case and alternative
cases that differ from the norm and cases already covered

Types of Scenarios

As-is scenario
Used in describing a current situation, usually used in re-engineering projects,
the user describes the system
Visionary scenario
Used to describe a future system, usually used in greenfield engineering and
reengineering projects
Can often not be done by the user or developer alone
Evaluation scenario
User tasks against which the system is to be evaluated
Training scenario
Step by step instructions that guide a novice user through a system

Scenarios Representations

Different representations may be useful in specific situations

For example, storyboards, often used in the film industry, can describe situations,
roles, and sequences of tasks in a fast, compact, and polyglot way1

Scenarios with URN & Use Case Maps

UCM Example: Commute - Bus (Plug-in)

take bus take 95 take 182
take 97
X bus taken

AND Fork OR Fork OR Join AND Join



Writing clear stuff

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you
half as well as you deserve.
Bilbo Baggins, The fellowship of the Ring

Alice and Bob cannot write Requirements

She/He doesnt know what to do!

She/He was not taught at school
She/He doesnt know how to write
She/He doesnt understand the process
She/He doesnt have the necessary data
She/He doesnt understand why!
She/He doesnt understand the impact / changes
She/He thinks this is just a document
She/Hed rather do something else!
She/Hed rather design she sees no reward
She/He doesnt have enough time
She/He thinks the review process will catch the errors

Natural Language Requirements

Universal : independent from any domain

Flexible : abstractions and refinements without constraints
Understandable : without training or tools
The sole prerequisite is to know how to read in the written language
Ambiguous by nature
Depending of the cultural context of the reader
Ambiguity is very hard to detect

5 kinds of ambiguity [Pohl]:

Lexical ambiguity (meaning of a word)
Syntactical ambiguity (structure of a sentence)
Semantic ambiguity (meaning of a sentence)
Referential ambiguity (target or domain)
Use of unclear or vague terms

Natural Language ambiguity

Lexical ambiguity
The fisherman went to the bank
Bank is a as well a financial institution and the ground along the edge of a river
Syntactical ambiguity
Alice saw a man with a telescope.
Alice, using a telescope, saw a man.
Alice saw a man holding a telescope in his hands.
Semantic ambiguity
"There was not a single man at the party."
No men at all at the party
No men who were single at the party
Referential ambiguity

Why is it ambiguous?

Requirements may be ambiguous both intentionally or not [Breaux]

Standards are voluntary ambiguous to fit maximum concerns over time
Requirements are ambiguous because:
xxx does not know what he/she wants
xxx has his/her own perspective on it
A 1:1 map is still not the reality (writing on something is abstracting this thing)

Anatomies of Good and Bad Requirements

Defines the system under discussion Verb with correct identifier (shall or may)

The Online Banking System shall allow the Internet user

to access her current account balance in less than 5 seconds.

Defines a positive end result Quality criteria

Cannot write a requirement on the user No identifier for the verb

The Internet User quickly sees her current X

account balance on the laptop screen.

Vague quality criteria What versus how 57

Standards for Writing

Each requirement must first form a complete sentence

Not a bullet list of buzzwords, list of acronyms, or sound bites on a slide

Each requirement contains a subject and predicate

Subject: a user type (watch out!) or the system under discussion
Predicate: a condition, action, or intended result
Verb in predicate: shall / will / must to show mandatory nature; may /
should to show optionality
MUST, REQUIRED or SHALL: mean that the definition is an absolute
requirement of the spec.
MUST NOT or SHALL NOT: absolute prohibition
SHOULD or RECOMMENDED: think twice about not doing it!
SHOULD NOT or NOT RECOMMENDED: think twice about doing it!
MAY or OPTIONAL: truly optional
The whole requirement provides the specifics of a desired end goal or result
Contains a success criterion or other measurable indication of the quality

Standards for Writing

Look for the following characteristics in each requirement (Amyot)

Feasible (not wishful thinking)
Needed (provides the specifics of a desired end goal or result)
Testable (contains a success criterion/other measurable indication of quality)
Clear, unambiguous, precise, one thought
Another set of criteria (Pohl, Lucas-Hirz)
Complete: No missing information
Atomic: Express one and only one requirement
Traceable: Source, evolution, impact, effective use
Correct: needed
Unambiguous: exactly one meaning
Consistent: consistent with respect to the terminology
Verifiable: testable
Up to date: reflect the actual status
Tips for Writing

Tips from Karl Wiegers Writing Quality Requirements

Write short sentences. Use the active voice.
To know whether your requirement is explicit enough, read it from the developer
and the tester points of view.
granularity: Write requirements that can be unitary tested. Avoid and/or
statements that compose multiple requirements.
Keep a consistent and homogeneous level of details.
Avoid redundancy. May ease the reading but not maintenance. May lead to

Writing Pitfalls to Avoid

Never describe how the system is going to achieve something (over-specification),

always describe what the system is supposed to do
Refrain from designing the system
Danger signs: using names of components, materials, software objects,
fields & records in the user or system requirements
Designing the system too early may possibly increase system costs
Do no mix different kinds of requirements (e.g., requirements for users, system,
and how the system should be designed, tested, or installed)
Do not mix different requirements levels (e.g., the system and subsystems)
Danger signs: high level requirements mixed in with database design,
software terms, or very technical terms

The system shall use Microsoft Outlook to send an

emaito the customer with the purchase confirmation.
The system shall inform the customer
that the purchase is confirmed.
Writing Pitfalls to Avoid

Never build in let-out or escape clauses

Requirements with let-outs or escapes are dangerous because of problems that
arise in testing
Danger signs: if, but, when, except, unless, although
These terms may however be useful when the description of a general case
with exceptions is much clearer and complete that an enumeration of
specific cases
Avoid ambiguity
Write as clearly and explicitly as possible
Ambiguities can be caused by:
The word or to create a compound requirement
Poor definitions (giving only examples or special cases)
The words etc., and so on (imprecise definition)
Do not use vague indefinable terms
Many words used informally to indicate quality are too vague to be verified
Danger signs: user-friendly, flexible, approximately, easy, as much as possible

Writing Pitfalls to Avoid

Do not make multiple requirements

Keep each requirement as a single sentence
Conjunctions are danger signs: and, or, with, also
Do not ramble
Long sentences with arcane language
References to unreachable documents (traceability issues)
Do not speculate
There is no room for wish lists Things that somebody probably wants
Danger signs: vague subject type and generalization words such as usually,
generally, often, normally, typically
Do not express suggestions or possibilities
Suggestions that are not explicitly stated as requirements are invariably ignored
Danger signs: may, might, should, could, perhaps, probably
Avoid wishful thinking
Wishful thinking means asking for the impossible (e.g., 100% reliable, safe,
handle all failures, fully upgradeable)

Writing Requirements Using EARS Templates
A. Mavin et al., Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax, RE2009

You said EARS? Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax

Alistair Mavin et al., Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax, RE2009
Two classes of requirement
Normal operation
Define the required system behavior during sunny day operation
All users and all interacting systems behave as expected to meet the goals
of the user
Unwanted behavior
A general term used to cover all deviations from sunny day operation
Define the required response of the system to
Failures and disturbances
Deviations from desired user behavior
Unexpected behavior of interacting systems

Writing with EARS

Generic syntax is
<optional preconditions> <optional trigger> the <system name> shall
<system response>
Simple structure adds rigor & clarity
System response describes what the system must actually do that is visible at
the boundary of the system

Ubiquitous: Requirement is always active

Event-driven (keyword When): Required response to a triggering event
State-driven (keyword While): Required response in a specified state
Option (keyword Where): Applicable only if feature is included

(can use combinations of When, While and Where for requirements with complex
conditional clauses)

EARS Normal Operation Templates

Ubiquitous Requirement
The <system name> shall<system response>
Used to define system behavior that must be active at all times continuous
No preconditions or trigger unconditional
Event-driven Requirement
When <trigger> the <system name> shall <system response>
Initiated only when a triggering event is detected at the system boundary
The trigger must be something that the system itself can detect
State-driven Requirement
While <in a specific state> the <system name> shall <system response>
Requirement is active while the system is in a defined state
Requirement is continuous, but only while the system is in the specified state
Where <feature is included> the <system name> shall <system response>
Applicable only in systems that include a particular feature
The requirement will often be ubiquitous, but only for systems that include the
specified feature
EARS Unwanted Behavior Template

A variation of event-driven requirement.

If <optional preconditions> <trigger>, then the <system name> shall
<system response>
This format forces the separation of Circumstances in which the requirement can
be invoked (preconditions)
The initiating event (trigger)
The expected system behavior (response)

Examples of EARS Requirements

The laptop shall have a minimum battery life of XXX hours

When the laptop is running and the laptop is closed, the laptop shall enter
"powersave" mode

While the laptop is running on the battery and the battery is below XXX % charge, the
laptop shall display "low battery

Where the laptop is a "lightweight model, the laptop shall have a mass of no more
than XXX grams

If the incorrect password is entered, then the laptop shall display XXX warning

Complex Requirements Syntax

Requirements with complex conditional clauses are defined using combinations

of When, While, Where and If-Then
The keywords can be built into more complex expressions to specify richer system
For instance, the same event may trigger different system behavior depending on the
state of the system when the event is detected

While the laptop is running on mains electrical power, if the power cable is disconnected,
then the laptop shall display a warning message.

EARS Strengths and weaknesses

Provides rigor and consistency
Easy to learn and apply
No tools needed
Common form of requirements
Limited inter-requirement coupling
Unsuitable for very complex requirements
(consider using truth tables or other non-textual notation)

Specifying Requirements using Dwyers Patterns
M. B. Dwyer et al., Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification, ICSE99

Requirement: A prose description of the requirement

Pattern: the pattern of which we determined this requirements is an instance (if any)
Scope: the scope of the pattern
Parameters: notes on the parameters provided to the template (formulae, arrays of
Mappings: mappings of the property to formal specirfication languages (LTL, CTL,
Source: the source of the example
Domain: the application domain the example is from
Note: any additional information

Volere Requirement Shells
Suzanne and James Robertson, Mastering the Requirements Process , Addison-Wesley, London, 1999.

Toward Good Requirements Specifications

Valid (or correct)

Expresses actual requirements
Specifies all the things the system must do (including contingencies)
...and all the things it must not do!
Conceptual Completeness
(e.g., responses to all classes of input)
Structural Completeness
(e.g., no TBDs!!!)
Doesnt contradict itself (satisfiable)
Uses all terms consistently
Formal modeling can help
Has benefits that outweigh the costs of development

Toward Good Requirements Specification

Doesnt contain anything that isnt required
Every statement can be read in exactly one way
Clearly defines confusing terms
(e.g., in a glossary)
Uniquely identifiable
For traceability and version control
A process exists to test satisfaction of each requirement
every requirement is specified behaviorally
Understandable (clear)
E.g., by non-computer specialists
Must be kept up to date!

Typical Mistakes

Noise = the presence of text that carries no relevant information to any feature
Silence = a feature that is not covered by any text
Over-specification = describing a feature of the solution, rather than the problem
Contradiction = text that defines a single feature in a number of incompatible ways
Ambiguity = text that can be interpreted in 2 or more different ways
Forward reference = text that refers to a feature yet to be defined
Wishful thinking = text that defines a feature that cannot possibly be validated
Jigsaw puzzles = distributing requirements across a spec and then cross-referencing
Inconsistent terminology = inventing and then changing terminology
Delegating = i.e. making the reader work hard to decipher the intent
Writing for the hostile reader (fewer of these exist than friendly ones)

Some Training
Rate these requirements

The Order Entry system provides for quick, user-

friendly and efficient entry and processing of all orders.

Invoices, acknowledgments, and shipping notices shall

be automatically faxed during the night, so customers
can get them first thing in the morning.

Changing report layouts, invoices, labels, and form

letters shall be accomplished.

The system shall be upgraded in one whack.

The system has a goal that as much of the IS data as

possible be pulled directly from the T&M estimate.

You said Requirements Document?

Clearly and accurately describes each of the essential requirements (functions,

performance, design constraints, and quality attributes) of the system / software and
its external interfaces
Defines the scope and boundaries of the system / software
Each requirement must be described in such a way that it is feasible and objectively
verifiable by a prescribed method (e.g., by inspection, demonstration, analysis, or
Basis for contractual agreements between contractors or suppliers and customers
Elaborated from elicitation notes
Specifications are intended to a diverse audience
Customers and users for validation, contract, ...
Systems (requirements) analysts
Developers, programmers to implement the system
Testers to check that the requirements have been met
Project Managers to measure and control the project
Different levels of detail and formality is needed for each audience

Templates for Requirements Specification Documents?

Different templates for requirements specifications

e.g. IEEE 830-1998 Standard for Software Requirements Specifications
e.g. IEEE 1233-1998 Standard for Systems Requirements Specifications
Describes the content and qualities of a good software requirements specification
An SRS should be:
a) Correct;
b) Unambiguous;
c) Complete;
d) Consistent;
e) Ranked for importance and/or stability;
f) Verifiable;
g) Modifiable;
h) Traceable.
Presents several sample SRS outlines

IEEE830 Objectives and Benefits

Help software customers to accurately describe what they wish to obtain

Help software suppliers to understand exactly what the customer wants
Help participants to:
Develop a template (format and content) for the software requirements
specification (SRS) in their own organizations
Develop additional documents such as SRS quality checklists or an SRS writers

Establish the basis for agreement between the customers and the suppliers on what
the software product is to do
Reduce the development effort
Forced to consider requirements early reduces later redesign, recoding,
Provide a basis for realistic estimates of costs and schedules
Provide a basis for validation and verification
Facilitate transfer of the software product to new users or new machines
Serve as a basis for enhancement requests
How to produce a good SRS?

Section 4 of IEEE 830

Nature (goals) of SRS
Functionality, interfaces, performance, qualities, design constraints
Environment of the SRS
Where does it fit in the overall project hierarchy
Characteristics of a good SRS
Generalization of the characteristics of good requirements to the document
Evolution of the SRS
Implies a change management process
Helps elicit software requirements and reach closure on the SRS
Including design and project requirements in the SRS
Focus on external behavior and the product, not the design and the
production process (describe in a separate document)

How to structure a SRS?

Section 5 of IEEE 830

Contents of SRS
General description of the software product
Specific requirements (detailed)
Additional information such as appendixes and index, if necessary

SRS Section 1

Describe purpose of this SRS

Title Describe intended audience
Table of Contents
1. Introduction Identify the software product
Enumerate what the system will and will not do
1.1 Purpose Describe user classes and benefits for each
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions. Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References Define the vocabulary of the SRS
(may reference appendix)
1.5 Overview
2. Overall Description
3. Specific Requirements List all referenced documents including sources
(e.g., Use Case Model and Problem Statement;
Appendices Experts in the field)
Describe the content of the rest of the SRS
Describe how the SRS is organized

SRS Section 2
Present the business case and operational concept of the system
Describe how the proposed system fits into the business context
Describe external interfaces: system, user, hardware, software, communication
Title Describe constraints: memory, operational, site adaptation
Table of Contents
Summarize the major functional capabilities
1. Introduction Include the Use Case Diagram and supporting narrative
2. Overall Description (identify actors and use cases)
Include Data Flow Diagram if appropriate
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Functions Describe and justify technical skills
2.3 User Characteristics and capabilities of each user class

2.4 Constraints
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
3. Specific Requirements
4. Appendices Describe other constraints that will limit developers
5. Index options; e.g., regulatory policies; target platform,
database, network software and protocols, development
standards requirements

SRS Section 3

1. Introduction
Specify software requirements in sufficient
2. Overall Description detail to enable designers to design a system to satisfy
those requirements and testers to verify
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interfaces
State requirements that are externally perceivable by
3.2 Functions users, operators, or externally connected systems
3.3 Performance Requirements
Requirements should include, at a minimum, a
3.4 Logical Database Requirements description of every input (stimulus) into the system,
3.5 Design Constraints every output (response) from the system, and all
functions performed by the system in response to an
3.6 Software System Quality Attributes input or in support of an output
3.7 Object Oriented Models
(a) Requirements should have characteristics of
4. Appendices high quality requirements
5. Index (b) Requirements should be cross-referenced to
their source.
(c) Requirements should be uniquely identifiable
(d) Requirements should be organized to
maximize readability

SRS Section 3
Detail all inputs and outputs
(complement, not duplicate, information presented in section 2)

Examples: GUI screens, file formats
1. Introduction
2. Overall Description
Include detailed specifications of each
3. Specific Requirements use case, including collaboration and
3.1 External Interfaces other diagrams useful for this purpose

3.2 Functions Include:

3.3 Performance Requirements a) Types of information used
b) Data entities and their relationships
3.4 Logical Database Requirements
3.5 Design Constraints Should include:
3.6 Software System Quality Attributes a) Standards compliance
b) Accounting & Auditing procedures
3.7 Object Oriented Models
The main body of requirements organized in a variety of
4. Appendices possible ways:
5. Index a) Architecture Specification
b) Class Diagram
c) State and Collaboration Diagrams
d) Activity Diagram (concurrent/distributed)

SRS Section 3 - alternatives

Section 3 (Specific Requirements) may be organized in many different ways based

User classes
Concepts (object/class)


What Next?

What next?
RE activities in details
(3) Modeling Requirements
(3) Requirements Verification and Validation
(4) Requirements Management
(4) Requirements Traceability
(4) Requirements Variability and Software Product Lines
(5) Test
(5) Requirements Management in Practice with Polarion

Some Training
Rate these requirements

The Order Entry system provides for quick, user-

friendly and efficient entry and processing of all orders.

Invoices, acknowledgments, and shipping notices shall

be automatically faxed during the night, so customers
can get them first thing in the morning.

Changing report layouts, invoices, labels, and form

letters shall be accomplished.
The system shall be upgraded in one whack. X
The system has a goal that as much of the IS data as X
possible be pulled directly from the T&M estimate.

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